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New model of footing foundation with bamboo pile and effects of compacted mixed soil and

coarse aggregate as a backfill to counter seismic forces

Barsabal, Elmari
Coballes, Nestor
Eclarin, Karl Dave
Forto, Jeorge

One of the most common problems regarding footing is its durability to withstand
seismic forces, footings are the most crucial part of a building since it carries the loads it holds.
One of its problems is the soil where it is laid.Soil will easily collapse if not treated or
compacted properly, soil act as an important role for footing for it is the one who holds it,and
since soil is an absorbent of water we can’t just easily rely on it
For the the foundation to refrain from moving when experiencing seismic forces, the
soil that surrounds it must be compacted very well(RS. Kesharwani, AK. Sahu, NU. Khan). Soil is
the most important to look for when new structure rises. soil should be at its best since it is
going to hold the whole structure especially the footings. When soil is not at its best it might be
the cause of a building failure.For the structure to reach at its best, it must have a strong
foundation(K.Terzaghi, RB.Peck, G.Mesri).
Well mixed compacted soil and coarse aggregate as a backfill can reduce footing from
moving when seismic forces occur on it, since coarse aggregate is not an absorbent of water it
will even compact the soil when there is too much water.Puting bamboo pile at the bottom
most part of the footing as a suport to footings will reduce the loads it carries
Research Objectives

 To test the bearing strength reinforce with bamboo pile

 To determine the maximum force it can withstand from seismic forces
 To test the strength of conventionak footing design
Significance of the Study
Usually workers use soil as a backfill for footings.As we know soil is a very good
absorbent for water.When soil absorbs too much water, there is as tendency that it will
collapse that will lead high rise and low rise buildings to failure. In the study we will mix soil
with coarse aggregates.The significance of our study is that compacted soil and coarse
aggregate is strong enough to hold footings, It can reduce footings from too much movement
when it is experiencing seismic forces,also it will not collapse when heavy rain comes, instead
too much water will just help to even more compacted soil since coarse aggregate is non
absorbent for water

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