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ECE-1 : C and C++ Internal question paper

1. a) Write a program to perform arithmetic operations using switch.

b) Write a program to demonstrate class template.

2. a) Write a program to find factorial from 1 to n where n is the given no.

b) Write a program to demonstrate multi level inheritance

3. a) Write a program to print the prime nos between 1 to n where n is the given no.

b) Implementation of Matrix Class to perform operations on Matrix.

4. a) Write a program to print Fibonacci series till the accepted number.

b) Write a program to illustrate the use of simple arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division using member functions, these are defined out of the scope of the class

5. a) Write a program to find GCD of 2 given nos.

b)Write a program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance

6. a) Write a program to accept a no. and check the no. is Palindrome or not.

b) Write a program to demonstrate constructor overloading.

7. a) Write a program to accept a no. and check the no. is Armstrong or not.

b) Complex Class performing binary operator overloading (should include binary +,-)

8. a) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.

b) Program to implement Bank Account Class.

9. a) Write a program to find matrix addition and subtraction using Functions.

b) Program to implement Class for Student Information.

10. a) Write a program to search a no. in an array using Linear search

b) Class performing unary operator overloading (Unary ++ and --).

11. a) Write a program to sort an array using Bubble sort.

b) Write a program to access the private data of a class by non-member function through friend.

12. a) Write a program to sum & trace of matrix.

b) Write a program to demonstrate single inheritance

13. a) Write a program to find matrix multiplication using pointers.

b) Write a program to demonstrate function overloading (area of triangle, rectangle circle and square).

14. a) Write a program to demonstrate 5 User Defined string handling functions.

b) Program to implement Template function to find min and max of given two of numbers

15. a) Write a program to find whether the given string is palindrome or not using functions (user defined).

b) Write a program to count the number of objects of a class.

16 a) Write a C program to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 1000 .

b) Write a C++ program to demonstrate copy constructors .

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