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Introduction to Buffer Analysis Suffer Analysis is @ basic GIS spatal operation. it automatically bulls zones with 2 certain width aroune point, lng oregon geometric objets accoreing to 2 specfied outfer distance. Fer example, In an environmental protection projec, a zone can be drawn to include areas within 9 certain ‘istance ofa polluted river to represent the contamination area; @zore with a certain size can Be drawn around an apart te define a ren-reslcental area for public heals cancers. “The user can use the "Buffer" button or the *Multhbuffer” button inthe application progrem :o build butfer(s) with @ specific buffer distance for one cor mare geometsic objects Buffer Analysis can be applied toa point dataset, a line cataset, ora region dataset, to buld buffers forall onjects or selected objects In the dataset 4 Sioolesputer 2.Mule-butter Single-butfer UpdowntType_tlustration Description Bulls buffer for pont objects. For example, buffers can be bulk fr twa vadio broaccasting stations to alysis the signal transmitted from each ofthe wo statons f 235 well as the area covered by sigrals fem bath Bulls buffers for Ine objects. For exemple, suppose Line Butter ‘wo adjacent streets are to Be expandes by 20 sage meters. A buffe: analysis combined wity 3 general ‘query analysis can entity tre buildings that need to Be pllee down before expanding the streets Bulls butters for region ebjects. For exam, Dtfrs can oe bult for rivers and lakes ta centty Region Buffer ‘Analysis areas vulnerable to floods. Mul-btfer uk Bulks muli-utfers fo ont oles. For exams poi Mun tones with ferent canoe seated around Analysis of the pollutant. soe ue Bulls mulicuters fo line obs or example,» on tnovsided multe car be cened fore ete Bovae ine country to potuce 9 hocng Updowntype Illustration Description Bulls mult-pufers for replon objects. For ‘examle, a buffer analysis can 2 apalied toa ‘desert I our county to create a matt-butfer with Region Mut butter distances of 20 km and 50 km, te provide basi Basiysis information for analyzing the distribution f desert ‘Expansion and to assist with desertiation ‘contaling, [Related Topics ‘coGenerating 2 Single Buffer «eoGenerating Multiple Buffers ‘Copyright® 2007-2017 SuperMap Softwre Co, Ltd, All Rights Reserved.

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