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6) Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with could or couldn't. © What could Amy do when she was nine? a i 2 1 She ...cauld... swim. ™ i 2 She climb. | 3 She sing, DL 4 She read. 2a (ftom 5 She ride a horse 6 She play the piano. @ ®) @ What happened yesterday? Match and write sentences. 1 Kelly /be tired a she//not go to schoo! 2 Han iteee kobe — he / not come to the birthday party 3. The supermarket / not be open she / not water the plants 4 Isabel / be ill d_ we /not go out and play 5 Tom /be away @ he// not eat his food 6 There / be a lot of rain Jim / not go shopping Kelly. was. tired, s0.9he couldn't. water. the planta. 1 2 3 4 5 BF: cosa se-mtersep rer ererenner tend arenarsr reveiibenbend tnnmentiiedin in ena arnhene @ What could/couldn’t you do when you were five? Put a tick (/) or a cross (X). Tell the class. swim [| *playcomputergames [| espeakEngisn [| enn | | # count to 20 * sing read and write * climb * ride a bike © dance When | was five | couldn't swim but | could play computer games.

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