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We see objects because light reflects off them and enters our eyes. ‘The parts of the eye work together to take in light and send i signals to the brain. W. sée an object when light from the object enters our eyes. The light that enters our eyes can be from a luminous object or from an illuminated object. We see most things because light is reflected from them to our eyes. Our eyes receive the light and send a message to our brain. Light enters the front of the eye through a clear layer called the cornea. ‘The cornea covers the pupil and the iris. ‘The pupil looks like a black circle in the center of the iris. The iris is the colored part of the eye. The pupil is the opening through which light enters the eye. The iris is made of tiny, ring-shaped muscles. The iris expands and contracts to control the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil. In dim light, the pupil becomes larger to allow more low Do We See Objects? light into the eye. In bright light, the pupil becomes smaller. This protects the eye by keeping too thuch light from entering it. A convex lens lies just behind the iris and pupil. This lens focuses light just as a glass lens does. The lens‘can change its shape slightly to become thicker or thinner. The lens becomes © thicker when we look at a close object. ‘The lens becomes thinner when we look at something far away. ‘The lens turns the image of what : we see upside down. The upside-down © image forms on the retina at the back ) of the eye. Special cells in the retina send signals about the image along the optic nerve to the brain. The brain turns the image right side up so we see things the right way. Lenses and Refraction hrough one material and into another material, the light rays can bend. The bending of light as it ] into another is called refraction When light moves t moves from one material (rih FRAK shun). piece of clear glass or plastic that bends croscopes to make objects scopes to make distant ‘Alens is a curved light rays. Lenses are used in mi look larger. They are used in tele objects look closer. Lenses in eyeglasses help people see objects more clearly. There are two kinds of lenses used in eyeglasses. They are convex lenses and concave lenses. A convex lens is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges. This shape bends light rays inward. Convex lenses are used in eyeglasses for people who are farsighted. Someone who is farsighted can see distant objects clearly, but close objects look blurry. ‘A concave lens is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges. This shape bends light outward. Concave lenses are used in eyeglasses for people who are nearsighted, Someone who is nearsighted can see close objects clearly, but distant objects look blurry. eS * Farsightedness (eyeball too short) Nearsightedness (eyeball too long) [ae Arles Correction Correction seus on the back of your eye. your eyeball is 09 For you to see an object clearly, light rays must f od light rays so they Thom or too long, the ight rays dont focus in the right place. Eyegass le focus correctly ahi lesavio coy eyes The Eye Directions: Print out and label the parts of the eye. 5. tina WORD BANK lens iris opticnerve © ssn eae aren Mig ee Jor rly ck eye Cais Ses Ph ry Ses aun ck gate Tho mostvisid ito devoted fo children's health and development —

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