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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Andrea Gerrits Date 11/2- 40 min

Subject/ Topic/ Theme World History/ Revolutions/Absolutism Grade___9_______

I. Objectives

How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?

Many of the revolutions studied later in this class grew out of the controlling Absolute monarchs oppression. To understand the
French Revolution, students need to understand what led people to rebelling: an oppressive King
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E development emotiona
C* l

• Remember the 3 characteristics of an absolute monarch Remember

• Analyze government system examples and apply 3 characteristics of absolute governments Apply and

• Apply Social Problems of Absolutism to Revolutions Apply X

• Create a story about an absolute government


Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed
• 5.3.5  Europe through the 18th Century – Analyze the major political, religious, cultural and economic
transformations in Europe

• 4.3.5 Western Europe to 1500 – Explain the workings of feudalism, manorialism, and the growth of centralized
monarchies and city-states in Europe including

• K1.7 Understand social problems, social structures, institutions, class, groups, and interaction.

4.3.5- Understand
K1.7- Understand

II. Before you start

Students will need to understand what a monarchy is and how general government systems work.
Identify prerequisite Students must understand injustice and be able to conceptualize a government with problems and
knowledge and skills. people who suffer from them. It will help if students know about oppressive governments.
Pre-assessment (for learning): Scatagories
Ask students to talk about governments they know of that have complete control over citizens, and
see if they understand how oppressive governments affect people today; the scattergories game is a
form of pre assessment
Formative (for learning):
Discussion time about what people do when they are taken advantage of. Teacher walks around during
discussion and asks each table what their main ideas are. Ask the students to talk in table groups about the 3
Outline assessment characteristics.
(applicable to this lesson) Formative (as learning):
Students read examples and evaluate texts; fill out work sheet and will check in with teacher if they
completed it correctly. Errors will be corrected one- on -one
Summative (of learning):
Students have a similar homework to the in class assignment and will turn it in next class, as well as
a, creative writing assignment where they will make up a theoretical government with the
characteristics of an absolute government
Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of
Engagement Representation Action and Expression

Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive functions-
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight coordinate short & long-term goals,
strategies, self-assessment & reflection Students will be asked to apply the monitor progress, and modify strategies
Students will participate in a mini- concept of government to Short term, I will ask questions
group project. They will have the revolutions. Oppressive during the lecture, more long term I
opportunity to push themselves as governments make people upset will look at the activity and
much or as little as they would like. and revolt, which we learn about homework. If they do not do well
later in the unit. on the activity, I will need to
review the material with them and
What barriers might this reexplain it in a new form.
lesson present?
Provide options for sustaining effort and Provide options for language, mathematical Provide options for expression and
persistence- optimize challenge, expressions, and symbols- clarify & connect communication- increase medium of
collaboration, mastery-oriented feedback language expression
What will it take – Students will not be able to start the Instead of only explaining Students are able to express all
neurodevelopmentally, homework activity until they go absolutism in a monarch form, I ideas in the opening activity. They
experientially, over the in class assignment with a also explain it in modern day can come up with any idea they
emotionally, etc., for your teacher. If they do not complete the governments. If they do not would like if they give an
students to do this lesson? activity right, they will also understand how a monarch works, explanation.
complete the homework they may understand how
incorrectly. dictatorship works.

Provide options for recruiting interest- Provide options for perception- making Provide options for physical action-
choice, relevance, value, authenticity, information perceptible increase options for interaction
minimize threats Explain information verbally and Students will have to get up from
The students can gain interest in on powerpoint. Show definition desks to show teacher their activity
this topic by looking at modern day and point out important parts for worksheet. I can pick one student
examples. This pulls the them to remember. They will also to write on the board instead of
information from the past to the receive an example in full text myself during the game if they are
present, making it more relevant. fidgety.

- Powerpoint
- Pencil
Materials-what materials - Paper
(books, handouts, etc) do - White bored and markers (Or Google Doc projection if no white boards)
you need for this lesson - Timer
and are they ready to - Note sheet
use? - Document papers, in class worksheet, and homework sheet
- Laptops for homework (wifi needed)

How will your classroom Regular tables

be set up for this lesson? 8 tables of 3-4 desks and 3-4 students at each table.

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities

Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
3 -Leave note sheets on the back table and direct -Students think about the word and will say what
students to pick them up before they sit down they think the word means

“Today we are going to look at absolutism. What

do we think that word means? I will give you guys
about 30 seconds to think about this” if students
struggle, point out the root word “Absolute”.

“Absolutism is a form of government where there

is one person in central control and the people -Students will take out a piece of paper, pencil and
often do not have power” assign a person at the table to write

“To start off today, we are going to play a game, -If a student is familiar with the game, have them
and each member of the winning table will receive explain it to the class
a Jolly Rancher. There are three rounds. This game
is called Scattagories. Each round will be 30
Motivation seconds or 45 seconds, and once the 30 or 45
(opening/ seconds are up, you have to stop writing, so write
introduction/ as much as you can in the time you have. Please
engagement) designate a speaker and also remember to speak
quietly so other groups do not hear your ideas and
write them down because you only get points for -Students will hear the question read to them and
things other people did not come up with" will write down options.

-Put “list as many countries with oppressive

governments (past or present)” On screen and set a -Students will hear and read the question will write
timer for 30 seconds down ideas
-Go around to each table and allow them to give
out their responses, write the countries on the

—put “List problems these places have in -Students will hear and read the questions and will
common” on screen and set a timer for 45 seconds write down connections: this gets the students in
- Go around to each table and allow them to give the idea of oppressive governments and how
out their responses, write on board absolutism still affect people today

2 put “List important figures during the Scientific

Revolution and the Enlightenment and English Students will hear and read the question and write
Civil War” down figures of the Scientific Revolution and the
English Civil War
4 Lecture “Today we are going to learn about
another form of oppressive government: absolute -Take notes on lecture
monarchies. Absolute monarchies are dedicated to
centralizing power to have fewer people in charge,
giving more strength to a select group of people.
Kings and Lords were established by the Feudal
system. These were large areas with decentralized
authority. The kings have lords who he appointed
to different areas, but overall, the king was not part
of the day to day life of people in the Middle Ages.
Then there was a shift in the 15th and 16th
centuries to centralized power. There was a
consolidation of power, and kings were given more
authority and sovereignty over their lands.
“Can we remember what sovereignty is and what it -Give students a moment to recall
relates to?”

As this strength grew, the kings took this power -Think about what people do when they are
and started to misuse it. Now, this ruler is in charge oppressed. When students come up with ideas,
of people and is taking advantage of people. This they can share them with the class.
left people hungry, uneducated, and impoverished.
What do people do when they are being taken
advantage of, being marginalized, or oppressed?
Talk in table groups for 60 seconds.”

4 Allow time for discussion about oppression -Students listen to each other's ideas and contribute
Development to the discussion
(the largest -Lead into the next topic about revolutions. “When
2 component or things are not going well, or there is an injustice in
main body of society, people get pretty angry. Most people, as -Students take notes about problems with absolute
the lesson) far as I know, do not like being hungry, dirty, and monarchs
poor as the king of their nation sits in an oversized
palace drinking wine and wasting money.”

- Although these injustices happened, there were

reasons for giving people these positions.” pull up
4 next slide about the definition of an Absolute
monarchy. “The main points are: there are given
sovereignty, people put them in that position and -Students write down definition on notes and
the public accept them as a leader, citizens and highlight parts that are important
leaders believe the king has earned this position
from God, and lastly, there is a lack of checks and

“So we are going to shift gears and move to an

activity. On one paper there are different
governments and a description of each. On the
8 back of your notes, there is a chart with the
corresponding governments with a place to explain -Students will work on assignment in class and
why or why not you believe this is an example of show the teacher, if problems explain why a
an absolute government.” response was put homework assignment
-Hand out paper
Different Governments


-After completing the in class work, students will -Students can work on homework if they have
Closure be told of an assignment on Google Classroom and extra time but can finish in class work and get help
(conclusion, work on a similar homework assignment as in from teacher
culmination, class activity and a creative writing assignment
wrap-up) where they write a story about a fictional absolute

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for
improvement for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson,
focus on the process of preparing the lesson.)

I allowed myself a 5 minute buffer, but it was a bit too much information. I cut down the background
information about different monarchs in Europe to allow more time for in class activity and game
I did not give clear enough directions for students- some students were confused about game instructions and
in class work sheet. I changed the worksheet and activity to give more explanation.


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