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A fan-written narrative campaign for Android: Netrunner for 2 players

Version 1.0
September 16, 2018


A single Android: Netrunner game between 2 players forms a story. There is a protagonist and an
antagonist. The ID cards on each side provide character names, back stories, and motivations.
There is conflict, there is a climax, and (unless the game goes to time) there is resolution.
Depending on the ebb and flow of the game, the story could be straightforward or there could be
unexpected plot twists.

However when the 2 players have a series of games, it is harder to find a story that connects
those games all together. Even if they continue to use the same IDs, the story either becomes
formulaic or repetitive. There needs to be some kind of framework to guide and merge each
"episode" of a game into a single serialized story.

Inspired by Holly Chandler (@BreakOneBarrier) and her release of Watchdog, this is my attempt
to fill in the details and provide a bridge between a series of games of Android: Netrunner and
hopefully, guide the two players along an interesting storyline.

Call it my first attempt, call it lazy writing, call it an homage; but please, don't call it plagiarism. I've
transcribed the screenplay Scorn by Derek Kolstad for this narrative campaign. Suffice to say, that
means this campaign may heavily favor one side. I apologize in advance.


Custom cards are created with the Netrunner Card Creator ( written by
@yonbergman and @avihut.

All source material, including the Android Universe, characters, and settings are (c) Fantasy Flight
Games. All images are (c) Fantasy Flight Games.

Plot points and dialog are taken directly from Scorn by Derek Kolstad.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International


Q: What cards are needed for this narrative campaign?

A: As long as both players agree, the card pool may be as restricted or unrestricted as desired for
the purposes of deck building. Cards that are specifically mentioned in the narrative campaign are
listed in the Appendix and may be proxied as necessary.

Q: What happens if a game ends in a stalemate in which neither player can meet their win
A: Replay the game.


Vincent Wick, grey-haired and perfectly coifed, stood looking out a window on the highest floor of
the Gila Hands Arcology. The interior light, dimmed though they were, created enough of a mirror
effect to reflect back a face scarred by a hard life. Vincent ignored that familiar visage and gazed
beyond to see all the twinkling lights below him. The hard life had yielded vast rewards and they
were all laid out before him -- his empire of corporations and holdings.
His private musings were interrupted as a trusted aide silently entered the office and whispered in
his ear, "Sir, sysops have detected a cyber instrusion at Titan Transnational."

Vincent's eyes narrowed. He did not say a word.

The aide swallowed audibly, "As per your standing instructions, we were to notify you immediately
if such an event occurred. The sysops and cyber security are still gathering details as I speak."

Vincent nodded and forced himself to maintain calm. He held no illusions; he was a hard and
capable man but he had not built his empire alone but with the help, and sometimes, the lives, of
competent underlings. "Very well. Keep me informed."

The aide bobbed his head and exited. Vincent grimaced as he walked over to his desk and pulled
out an old pack of cigarettes. They were archaic but sometimes, old ways were the best. His hand
trembled slightly as he lit one up.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a corp deck using the Weyland identity Titan Transnational (Order and Chaos #3)
as per Android: Netrunner rules. You are not allowed to inflict brain, meat or net damage on the

You win if you score 7 agenda points.

Side B: Build a runner deck using the Anarch identity C4NDL3 Wick (see Appendix) as per
Android: Netrunner rules.

You win if you steal 1 agenda point.

Continue to Chapter 1.


Vincent Wick threw his personal PAD against an office wall; he instantly
regretted losing control. He took a deep breath and smoothed back his
hair, though nary a strand was out of place. He sat back in his chair and
punched in a code. Instantly, the face of Simone Diego appeared on the
wall-screen facing him.

"Yes, sir?"

"My son says you spoke harshly with him."

"Yes, sir, I did."

"Might I ask why?"

"Because he was the one who hacked into Titan Transnational."

Silence ...


If Side A lost, go to Chapter 1-A.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 1-B.


"And Mr. Wick?"


"Your son managed to penetrate Box 101."

A long pause ...

"Thank you." Vincent closed the connection. And waited for his son to inevitably arrive.

Continue to Chapter 2.


Instantly, Vincent knew his son Joseph had entered his office. Where his aides were quiet and
unobtrusive, Joseph belligerently displayed his entitlement with every action.

"Father, I want that b-tch fired! She should be thanking me! I managed to hack into the network of
Titan Transnational and show how flawed the system is."

"Yes, I've been informed."

"Then, you know! How brilliant I was!"

Continue to Chapter 2.


Vincent walked over to the wet bar. From the collection of bottles, he selected the most expensive
one and broke the seal. He hesitated, poured a double shot, and slammed it back.

"Pour me one, too," came the cocky voice of his son from over his shoulder.

In a surprising blur of motion, Vincent spun around and punched Joseph in the stomach. His son
fell to his knees, opened his mouth, gagged, and vomited. Vincent tossed him a towel from the wet
"Clean that up."

Vincent poured a fresh drink and walked to the window he had been looking out of not long ago.

"You should know by now that I live by one simple rule ... 'should a whelp snap at your fingers, you
crush its f-cking skull.'"

Joseph finished wiping the floor before stumbling to his feet. "What'd I do?"

"You f-cked up."

"I don't know what you mean."

Vincent turned his head away to stare out the window. "Yes. You do."

Joseph hesitated, "So I hacked into Titan Transnational! So f-cking what?

It's our bank! I just wanted to test my skills. Your warning to stay away
was for when I was a little kid who didn't know how to handle himself in

Vincent smiled -- amused -- and finished his drink. Then, he walked over
to his son, only to drive his fist into Joseph's stomach again, dropping him
once more to his knees.

"Use that tone with me again ... Am I understood?"

"Yes ... father. But, father ..." Confusion reigned in his son's voice.

"First off, your skills as a runner aren't that good. My security knew it was you -- my son -- and held
back their claws. Unfortunately, they couldn't deter you from withdrawing.

"Titan Transnational was entrusted with something very valuable in Box 101 and it was my
responsibility to keep it safe. Just an intrusion into the bank's network, much less a successful
theft, is enough to anger the person who placed their trust in me. So it wasn't just 'what you did'
which draws my ire but 'who you did it to.' That's why I warned you. Foolish of me to think you'd

"What? Who?"

"A runner known as Baba Yaga."

"What? The boogeyman?"

"Yes, the boogeyman. Baba Yaga lived up to that handle. Baba Yaga is a person of focus,
commitment, sheer will ... something you know very little about. You gave 'em a net address, the
target, and come hell or high water, it would get done, guaranteed. Those damn Jinteki clones with
their psi powers, black ICE, none of it mattered."

"Yeah, I've heard of Baba Yaga, father. That was ages ago and those are just tall tales
exaggerated by console cowboys past their prime."
Side A: Select any Criminal identity to use for the campaign. You are Baba Yaga, the boogeyman
of cyberspace. In games that you play a runner deck, you always start with one copy of Ghost
Runner (The Spaces Between #40) and one copy of Titanium Ribs (Chrome City #45) installed.
These cards are not considered part of your deck.

Continue to Chapter 3.


Vincent smiled thinly, "And yet to this day, no one knows Baba Yaga's true identity. Because it's the
boogeyman, a ghost that appears and disappears ... like whoosh." He made a "blow away" gesture
with his fingers.

"And the stories are true. Who do you think helped me build my empire? The empire that you
benefit from, my son.

"Once upon a time, we were ... associates -- Baba Yaga desired challenges and I paid
handsomely. I once saw Baba Yaga jack in for 72 hours straight until Baba Yaga tore that network
to pieces around the corporation's ears. And then, it was so easy for me to walk right in and take it

"One day, Baba Yaga decided that was it. Baba Yaga was ready to quit. So, I asked for one last
job, an impossible job. A job no one could have pulled off.

"Baba Yaga did it. I don't know how but Baba Yaga did it. The companies of those defeated
enemies ... laid the foundation of what we are now. I was able to obtain a seat on the Board of
Weyland Consortium. And in return, Baba Yaga asked for one thing -- that I hold and protect the
data in Box 101."

"Father, I can make this right."

"Oh, how will you do that? You can do nothing. I want all of your cyberspace gear -- the programs
you obtained, your console, all the other hardware, the names of anyone you contacted for help.
We're getting rid of all of it. No leaks, no evidence."

At that moment, there was a quiet knock at the door and after a polite pause, the trusted aide
came in. Ashen-faced, he scurried to Vincent Wick and though he tried to be discreet, he could not
contain the distress in his voice and his whisper carried to Joseph's ear, "Sir, another attempt on
Titan Transnational has been detected."

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you steal 1 agenda point.

Side B: Build a corp deck using the Weyland identity Titan Transnational (Order and Chaos #3)
as per Android: Netrunner rules.

You win if you score 7 agenda points or if the runner is flatlined.

Continue to Chapter 4.


Vincent Wick ordered, "Tell the IT Department I want an update from Simone Diego as soon as

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 4-B. If it was by flatline, go to Chapter 4-A.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 4-C.


Baba Yaga groaned as consciousness returned. Baba Yaga muttered, "Rusty, I guess," but had the
prescience of mind to pull out the jacks and stumble away on unsteady feet. The equipment was
not important at this particular moment. As Baba Yaga exited the room, the self-destruct kicked in
and all traces were eliminated.

Side A: In the next game that you play a runner deck, reduce your starting hand by 1 card.

Continue to Chapter 4-B.


Thursday afternoon, Donut Taganes sat in his usual spot at Freedom Park on the plaza level. He
amused himself by triggering the random number generator on his backgammon board. A figure
sat down across from him, plunking down a cup of coffee and a donut. Though Donut had never
seen this face, there was an immediate familiarity -- something in the carriage or demeanor -- that
made him break into a smile and greet, "Baba Yaga. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Donut." That was the end of pleasantries.

"Who did it?"

"Joseph Wick hacked in."

"Vincent's son?"

Donut nodded slightly, "Yeah."

Donut observed the face across from him -- it hardened and the already stern visage became even
more grim.

"And where is he?"

"You're going to have to head to Guayaquil District. So what are you going to do?"

Baba Yaga stood up, "I need to make a reservation."

Side A: In games that you play a runner deck, you always start with two copies of Ghost Runner
(The Spaces Between #40) and one copy of Titanium Ribs (Chrome City #45) installed. These
cards are not considered part of your deck.

Continue to Chapter 5 and Chapter 5-A.


The office door had remained open and the trusted aide simply hurried in. "Sir, Simone Diego says
she recognized the hack. It had all the hallmarks of Baba Yaga. Furthermore, the intruder didn't
steal anything of value from Titan Transnational. The runner only went after the security logs and
got them. Sir, Baba Yaga ... knows every thing!"

"You see, my son. Until I say otherwise, you are under house arrest. Am I understood? Now, get

His cowering son and the aide both left the office, closing the door behind them.

Vincent Wick walked over to a blank space on the wall. He carefully stared at a certain spot and
waited for the retinal scan to complete. Then, he placed his index finger on another spot and felt a
tiny prick as blood was drawn for a DNA sample. Finally, he spoke a pass phrase. Security
procedures finished, a wall safe opened. From inside, he pulled out a PAD, a cheap disposable
one that was more than a few years old.

He turned it on and it instantly made a connection. Vincent looked at the virtual keyboard and
sighed. Trying to recall a long-unused skill, he painstakingly began typing out a monolog ...

"Hello, Baba Yaga. I'm sorry. It seems to be fate, or happenstance, or just bad luck that caused our
paths to cross once again."

He waited for a response. There was none. He continued to type, "Let us

not resort to our baser instincts and handle this like civilized people, to
move on --"

His connection was cut off from the other end. Vincent's face did not
show surprise or anger, just resignation. He carefully placed the PAD
back in the safe and closed it up. He pushed a button on his desk. An
aide immediately entered the room.
"Task a prisec team."

"How many?"

"How many do we have? Alert the Cleaners. Inform the sysops. Everyone is to be ready and
available indefinitely."

Side B: In games that you play a corp deck, whenever you do meat damage, do 1 additional meat

Continue to Chapter 4-D.


Thursday afternoon, Donut Taganes sat in his usual spot at Freedom

Park on the plaza level. He amused himself by triggering the random
number generator on his backgammon board. A figure sat down across
from him, plunking down a cup of coffee and a donut. Though Donut had
never seen this face, there was an immediate familiarity -- something in
the carriage or demeanor -- that made him break into a smile and greet,
"Good to see you, Baba Yaga."


"You look good." They traded ironic smiles. That was the end of pleasantries. "You working again?"

"Just sorting some stuff out. Do you know where Joseph Wick is?"

"I don't. Vincent has him in protective custody. His son's gone underground, probably on the

"Give me something."

"Nihongai District. There's a small research hospital, private branch of Harmony Medtech."

"What about it?"

"Vincent owns it. It's a front, pretty much a shell corporation. It's where he keeps his private stash
of illicit funds. Every credit, every secret ... it's cached on that network."

Continue to Chapter 5 and Chapter 5-B.


From the outside, it appeared to be just another Starlight Crusade mission.

Baba Yaga walked in and approached the front desk. The Concierge
looked up from the console he was jacked into. The Concierge did not
even glance at the face Baba Yaga was wearing -- here, many of the
clients wore a disguise to maintain anonymity. Instead, his eyes noted the
token carried in Baba Yaga's right hand before politely looking up to make
eye contact.

"Ah, Mr. Reeves, welcome to the Citadel, a sanctuary from all business. I have you for two nights?"

"Depending on circumstances, it may be more."

"Of course, sir." The Concierge paused momentarily to make an adjustment in the Citadel's
cyberspace. "Room 101. And, as alway, it is a pleasure having you with us again, Mr. Reeves."

After getting settled, Baba Yaga gathered up resources and strode out the front door. There was
business to attend to and time waited for no one.


Joseph Wick was enjoying himself and hitting the bottle to forget how he
had gotten himself into his current situation. As the prisec team walked
into the room, he cried out, "Come in and have a drink with me!"

The leader of the team sneered, "My job is to keep a boy safe. Not
babysit a drunkard."

Joseph sneered right back, "Are you scared of the f-ckin' boogeyman?
I'm not."

"No? But you should be." The leader grabbed the bottle away and stalked out of the room, followed
by his team.

Joseph glared sullenly at their retreating backs. When the room was empty, he walked over to a
drawer and pulled out a HDX7 console and a Ramujan-Reliant 550 BMI. He'd show them.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you trash a copy of Joseph Wick or access a copy of Joseph Wick from Archives.

Side B: Build a corp deck using the Weyland identity of your choice as per Android: Netrunner
rules. You must include 3 copies of the upgrade Joseph Wick (see Appendix) in a 40 or 45 card
minimum deck. For larger decks, include 1 additional copy each time the number of cards in the
deck reaches a multiple of 5.

You win if you score 4 agenda points or if the runner is flatlined.

Continue to Chapter 6.


It was still an actual hospital and in a city as large as New Angeles, traffic of all sorts clogged its
entry points day and night but from that vantage point, Baba Yaga had a clear line to Harmony
Medtech. Careful scouting had revealed that security was not in a heightened state.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you trash a copy of Shell Corporation or access a copy of Shell Corporation from

Side B: Build a corp deck using the Jinteki identity Harmony Medtech (Honor and Profit #1) as
per Android: Netrunner rules. You have a 44 card maximum. You must include 3 copies of the
upgrade Shell Corporation (All That Remains #92). You are not allowed to inflict brain, meat or
net damage on the runner.

You win if you score 6 agenda points.

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 5-C.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 7.


Baba Yaga strode back into the Citadel. While Baba Yaga was no worse for wear, the point had not
been made to Vincent Wick yet. And now, Harmony Medtech would be on alert and expecting
trouble. Nevertheless, Baba Yaga was going to jack back in but first ...

The Concierge looked up from his task at the front desk. "Ah, Mr. Reeves, how may I be of

"Is the Sommelier in?"

"I have never known him not to be. In fact, all of our services are currently open."

Time was of the essence -- Baba Yaga could only visit one.

Side A: To visit the Sommelier for weaponry, go to Chapter 6-C.

To visit the Cartographer for a safe house, go to Chapter 6-D.

To visit the Seamstress to be outfitted in body armor, go to Chapter 6-E.

To visit the Chauffeur for a getaway vehicle, go to Chapter 6-F.

Continue to Chapter 5-D.


Baba Yaga did a quick makeshift hack into NBN's cameras to check the physical surroundings
about Harmony Medtech. As expected, the hospital suddenly seemed to have a glut of patients
that looked to be concealing weapons. In cyberspace, the locale was completely lit up. This would
not be easy.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you trash a copy of Shell Corporation or access a copy of Shell Corporation from

Side B: Use the previously built corp deck of the Jinteki identity Harmony Medtech (Honor and
Profit #1). You may modify the corp deck with the following limitations: you have a 44 card
maximum, you must include 3 copies of the upgrade Shell Corporation (All That Remains #92),
and you are not allowed to increase, decrease, or change the Ice.

You win if you score 6 agenda points.

Continue to Chapter 7.


Vincent Wick was in a rage. How could his son be so stupid? A runner of impossible ability was
hunting him and he entered cyberspace to gallivant around. Any experienced runner would be a
flickering beacon for Baba Yaga to find, but his son was a bonfire.

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 6-B. If it was by flatline, go to Chapter 6-A.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 6-G.


The Concierge glanced up from his console as Baba Yaga stumbled in. "Good evening, sir. How
may I be of service?"
"Is the doctor in?"

"Yes, sir. Twenty-four/seven."

"Send him up, please."

"Yes, sir." The Concierge's eyes glossed over for a second as he switched from the real world to
the virtual landscape of cyberspace to put out the call.

Baba Yaga was met at the door of Room 101 by the doctor and helped into a chair. The doctor
started his examination.

"It's a miracle you aren't dead, sir."

"Good to hear. So, what sort of mobility am I looking at?"

"If you're looking to heal, then keep it marginal and don't jack in. However, if you still have business
to attend to, take this beforehand. You'll pay for it but you will have full function."

Side A: In the next game that you play a runner deck, reduce your starting hand by 1 card. You
may include up to three copies of Stimhack (Revised Core Set #5) in your deck; this card costs 0

Continue to Chapter 6-B.


In Room 101, Baba Yaga contemplated the next move. Ideas were carefully considered and
discarded until one stood out as the best option. But first, a little extra help would not be remiss.

The Concierge answered the call promptly, "Mr. Reeves, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, I would like to avail myself of the in-house services. Unfortunately, I'm in a rush. Are any of
them available right now?"

"Currently, they are all in. Who should I let know that you are coming?"

Side A: To visit the Sommelier for weaponry, go to Chapter 6-C.

To visit the Cartographer for a safe house, go to Chapter 6-D.

To visit the Seamstress to be outfitted in body armor, go to Chapter 6-E.

To visit the Chauffeur for a getaway vehicle, go to Chapter 6-F.

Continue to Chapter 6-H.


Baba Yaga walked into the richly adorned room that was filled with tasteful displays of various
hand weaponry. A man dressed formally was inspecting a fletcher by one of the shelves; he turned
around to greet his customer, "Good day, Mr. Reeves. It's been a long time."

"I'd like a tasting. I need something reliable and untraceable. Enough for a single drink."

The Sommelier echoed, "Reliable, untraceable.

"Might I recommend something very old? Most people are unfamiliar with
the ancient vintages and think them tasteless but I assure you, they can
be quite delicious."

Baba Yaga nodded.

The Sommelier pulled out a long flat drawer and withdrew an immaculate hand gun, "This is a
S&W '35. It is a classic with a simple robust design. There is no serial number or any identifying
marks. Shall I have it sent to your room?"

"Yes. Thank you."


Baba Yaga turned to leave.

Side A: In games that you play a runner deck, you may start the game with one copy of
Unregistered S&W '35 (Honor and Profit #39) installed. This card is not considered part of your

Return to the previous chapter.


Baba Yaga walked into a two-story library filled with actual books of wood pulp pages, along with
data terminals, PADs, and other research materials.

A man who was dressed from a time past -- optical glass lenses for corrective vision, a tweed
jacket made with animal fibers, a necktie in a retro style and cut -- looked up from a map he was

When he saw Baba Yaga, he immediately reached into a drawer and pulled out a disposable PAD
and keychip.

"Ah, Mr. Reeves, I just came back from a scouting expedition into the city. I have here a fresh
secure location -- multiple exits, a dedicated hardline, abandoned and unused for over a year. A
map and access."
Baba Yaga smiled and accepted the two items. "Well done. Thank you."

Baba Yaga turned to leave.

Side A: In games that you play a runner deck, you may start the game with one copy of Crash
Space (Revised Core Set #34) installed. This card is not considered part of your deck.

Return to the previous chapter.


The room Baba Yaga entered was utilitarian in its design. On one side were shelves filled with
bolts of fabric. On another side ran a long table for cutting that was littered with chalk, tape
measures, shears, and PADs for projecting patterns. An Italian tailor in the midst of hand-stitching
some buttonholes looked up, "Buongiorno, Signore Reeves. Would you be in need of a new suit?"

Baba Yaga waved him off, "I'm in a rush today so nothing bespoke. Actually, I'm here to see the

"But of course, Signore Reeves."

Off to the side, a door was opened and Baba Yaga ushered in. The Seamstress pointed to the
various offerings available on display on the mannequins dotting the small room while an assistant
took measurements.

"Mr. Reeves, if you need something discreet, might I recommend the Muresh bodysuit? Light and
form-fitting, it's like bulletproof skin. On the other hand, if you are not worried about subtlety, being
encased in a plascrete carapace ..."

Side A: Choose between Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead #9) and Muresh Bodysuit
(Cyber Exodus #44). In games that you play a runner deck, you may start the game with one copy
of that gear installed. This card is not considered part of your deck.

Return to the previous chapter.


Baba Yaga walked down an empty corridor to an unmarked elevator.

Inside, Baba Yaga thumbed a button for the lowest floor and the car
began to descend. Exiting into an underground parking structure, Baba
Yaga was greeted by the Chauffeur. The Chauffeur tipped his cap, "Mr.
Reeves, I didn't realize you were visiting the Citadel."

Baba Yaga smiled apologetically, "This time, I didn't drive. I find myself in need of a vehicle now."
The Chauffeur replied, "Of course. As always, we have some unmarked vehicles on hand for our
guests' use. Would you prefer the Qianju PT or a sports hopper?"

Side A: Choose between Qianju PT (Order and Chaos #54) and Sports Hopper (Salsette Island
#64). In games that you play a runner deck, you may start the game with one copy of that vehicle
installed. This card is not considered part of your deck.

Return to the previous chapter.


Baba Yaga packed up the scant belongings scattered about the room. A call was made
downstairs, "Please tell management I'll be checking out."

Baba Yaga glanced down at the prepaid VoicePAD as it trilled and answered it, "Donut."

"I appreciate you granting my son a swift death."

It was Vincent Wick.

"I wouldn't know how to reply to that either. Donut Taganes crossed the wrong person. So, Baba
Yaga, I had no choice. If not you, I had to make an example out of someone. It fell on him. Funny
how one would both die and kill for something they do not respect."

Finally, Baba Yaga spoke, "Imagine what one would do if they did."

Side A: In games that you play a runner deck, you always start with three copies of Ghost
Runner (The Spaces Between #40) and one copy of Titanium Ribs (Chrome City #45) installed.
These cards are not considered part of your deck.

Continue to Chapter 8.


Donut Taganes finished his swallow of coffee and promptly answered

when his VoicePAD rang, "Baba Yaga."


"I heard that you stirred up a hornet's nest."

"Just sorting some stuff out. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the pest."

"Yes, I heard that, too."

"Do you know where he is now?"

"I don't. Vincent has him in protective custody. His son's gone underground, probably on the

"Give me something."

Donut took a bite of his apple fritter. "Nihongai District. There's a small research hospital, private
branch of Harmony Medtech."

"What about it?"

"Vincent owns it. It's a front, pretty much a shell corporation. It's where he keeps his private stash
of illicit funds. Every credit, every secret ... it's cached on that network."

Continue to Chapter 5-B.


The hospital administrator was grateful that Vincent Wick's personal holdings were all digital.
Matters could be verified in cyberspace and did not require a visit from said man; the said man
who could be seen trembling in rage on the video call.

"Do not go anywhere," Vincent intoned in a steely voice. The hospital administrator immediately
ended the video call, grabbed some personal items from his office, and left at a dead run.

Back in his office, Vincent Wick waited impatiently for the automated functions on his wall safe to
verify his identity. When the heavy door clicked open, he reached in and grabbed the carefully-
wrapped archaic PAD. Sitting at his desk, he began to laboriously type.

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 7-B. If it was by flatline, go to Chapter 7-A.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 7-C.


Baba Yaga collapsed onto the bed in Room 101. There was a knock on the door. "It's open."

The house doctor walked in and started his examination.

"It's a miracle you aren't dead, sir."

"Good to hear. So, what sort of mobility am I looking at?"

"If you're looking to heal, then keep it marginal and don't jack in. However, if you still have business
to attend to, take this beforehand. You'll pay for it but you will have full function."

Side A: In the next game that you play a runner deck, reduce your starting hand by 1 card. You
may include up to three copies of Stimhack (Revised Core Set #5) in your deck; this card costs 0

Continue to Chapter 7-B.


Baba Yaga held a PAD up to read.

"You always had a certain audacity about you. Do you know what is on that network? Aside from
the laundered credits which is no small sum, I also have leverage on people all over this city --
recordings, blackmail -- it is f-ckin' priceless! Priceless!

"And sadly, Joseph, my son, is worth less than this treasure."

"You know what you have to do," Baba Yaga coldly replied.

"Sh-t! I have your word then, if I tell you where he is, that you'll leave me alone?"


"Alright, he's being kept at one of my holdings -- this is the net address. They know you're coming."

"Of course. But it won't matter."

Go to Chapter 7-D.


Baba Yaga held a PAD up to read.

"You always had a certain audacity about you. Do you know what was on that network? Aside from
the laundered credits, the leverage I had on this city -- recordings, blackmail -- it was f-ckin'
priceless! Priceless!"

"Yes, I kind of enjoyed that."

"Yeah, I know you did."

"If you don't want more ruin upon your head, step aside. Give me your son. Where is he?"

"Sh-t! I have your word then, if I tell you where he is, that you'll leave me alone?"


"Alright, he's being kept at one of my holdings -- this is the net address. They know you're coming."
"Of course. But it won't matter."

Go to Chapter 7-D.


"Position 3, check in."


"All positions stay ready."

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you trash a copy of Joseph Wick or access a copy of Joseph Wick from Archives.

Side B: Build a corp deck using the Weyland identity of your choice as per Android: Netrunner
rules. You must include 6 copies of the upgrade Joseph Wick (see Appendix) in a 40 or 45 card
minimum deck. For larger decks, include 1 additional copy each time the number of cards in the
deck reaches a multiple of 5.

You start the game with a copy of Prisec (Blood Money #40) installed in each central server.
These cards are not considered part of your deck.

You win if you score 7 agenda points or if the runner is flatlined.

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 7-F. If it was by flatline, go to Chapter 7-E.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 6-G.


The prisec teams converged on the spot that the trace had indicated. As
they cautiously entered the seedy location, the leader spotted a body
slumped over a still flickering console.

"Sh-t, is that Baba Yaga?"

"Sure looks like one dead runner," another mercenary chimed in.

At the moment the prisec teams relaxed, the body sat up, a glimpse of metal shining through the
open wounds at the temples. There was also a glimpse of metal in the gloved hands as the dual
fletchers began spitting out its tiny darts.
Side A: In the next game that you play a runner deck, reduce your starting hand by 1 card.

Continue to Chapter 7-F.


"Where did my protection go?" demanded Joseph Wick.

A friend who had gone into hiding with him looked up from where he was playing on the
GameNET. "I think they initiated a trace and are following it back to the hidey-hole."


A loud explosion rattled the windows. Both boys looked out and saw a cloud of dark smoke from
not too far away.

"I think maybe we better get out of here," one of them said.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you trash a copy of Joseph Wick or access a copy of Joseph Wick from Archives.

Side B: Use the previously built corp deck of the Weyland identity.

You win if you score 7 agenda points or if the runner is flatlined.

If Side A lost, go to Chapter 7-G.

If Side B lost, go to Chapter 6-G.


Baba Yaga's jaw was clenched tightly. Joseph Wick had scurried away.

Well, there was more than one way to break him.

Side A: In games that you play a runner deck, you always start with three copies of Ghost
Runner (The Spaces Between #40) and one copy of Titanium Ribs (Chrome City #45) installed.
These cards are not considered part of your deck.

Continue to Chapter 8.

Vincent Wick sat alone in his office. He swirled a tumbler full of amber liquid. Baba Yaga had made
a mess of things but he was ready to put that whole affair behind him. Vincent drank the alcohol in
one swift gulp and tried to relax.

Play a game of Android: Netrunner.

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

The game ends when you steal 3 copies of the agenda Paper Trail.

Side B: Build a corp deck using the NBN identity New Angeles Sol (Data and Destiny #2) as per
Android: Netrunner rules. You have a 49 card maximum. You must include 3 copies of the agenda
Paper Trail (Terminal Directive #53). You are not allowed to score the agenda Paper Trail. You
are not allowed to inflict brain, meat or net damage on the runner.

The game ends when you score 7 agenda points or must draw a card from your empty draw deck.

Continue to Chapter 8-A.


Vincent Wick sat up as his desk PAD chimed louder and louder. He swore
to himself. When was the last time he had fallen asleep at work?

He pushed a button and instantly, the face of Bryan Stinson appeared on

the wall-screen facing him.


"Sir, as part of my duties to provide legal exculpation, I monitor other entities which may possess
sensitive data that if manipulated in particular combinations could possibly indicate a pattern that
may lead back to us."

"I am in no mood for this. Get to the point!"

"Ah, yes, sir. It appears someone hacked into the archives of our esteemed city news bureau
specifically to look into your business matters. They were attempting to discover which holdings
are yours. Considering the rumors I had heard about recent events, I felt this could be related and
should be relayed to you immediately."

"What did they find out?"

If Side A stole 0 copies of the agenda Paper Trail, go to Chapter 8-B.

If Side A stole 1 - 3 copies of the agenda Paper Trail, go to Chapter 8-C.

Bryan Stinson replied, "Fortunately for us, the runner was repelled before any connections could
be made from you to any companies. You are safe for now."

"Thank you."

Vincent Wick sat back in his chair. Despite the failure of the hack, he was sure this was Baba Yaga
out to finish what had been started. And that meant the hacks would continue until one or the other
was dead.

He punched in another number. "I want to put out an open contract for two million credits. It's a
timely matter. It has to be handled quickly. The person? Baba Yaga, the netrunner.

"Go ahead and post the bounty. If some two-cred newsy picks it up, even better. The scum could
be in the alleys of Guayaquil or the slums of BosWash. Not to mention off-planet."



"Whoever it was, was able to ascertain that you own these holdings." A graphic flashed on the

Vincent Wick let out a curse, "F-ck! Alert their sysops!"

Each copy of the agenda Paper Trail that Side A stole leads back to a company owned by Side

For each stolen copy of the agenda Paper Trail, play a game of Android: Netrunner:

Side B: Choose a Weyland identity and reveal it.

Side A: Choose a win condition that has not already been chosen from the following list and
reveal it:

You win if you steal 7 agenda points. You start the game with one copy of
Surveillance Network Key (Terminal Directive #R2.3) installed. This card is not
considered part of your deck.

You win if Side B has no credits in its credit pool at any point in the game. You may
include up to three copies of Account Siphon (Core Set #18) in your deck. You start
the game with one copy of Security Leak (Terminal Directive #C4.4) installed. This
card is not considered part of your deck.

You win if you play the event Apocalypse (Data and Destiny #30).

Side A: Build a runner deck using the Criminal identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you accomplish the selected win condition.

Side B: Build a corp deck using the Weyland identity you chose as per Android: Netrunner

You win if you score 7 agenda points or if the runner is flatlined.

Continue to Chapter 9.


Vincent Wick felt like he hadn't left his office in days; but his empire was under attack ... all
because of his stupid son. He wouldn't rest easy until the final tally of damage came in. He
continued to wait for his sysops to report.

If Side A won 0 times, go to Chapter 9-A.

If Side A won 1 - 2 times, go to Chapter 9-B.
If Side A won 3 times, go to Chapter 9-C.


When Vincent Wick learned that none of his holdings' networks had been penetrated successfully,
he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, his intercom buzzed. What now? He answered.

"Sir, I have a request for you to meet with the Board immediately."

Vincent Wick reached into a desk drawer and hooked into a special full-immersion rig. When he
activated it, he found himself sitting at a table of glowing white light. In the middle of the air hung
the shiny "W" logo of the Weyland Consortium. Seated around the table were shadowy figures and
faceless holo-projections.

One of the figures spoke, "Mr. Wick, we have been monitoring your situation closely. You
understand that the Weyland Consortium must always remain strong in the face of all crises. As a
member of the Board, you must always remain strong in the face of all crises. No member is
allowed to show weakness. And if you show weakness ... then, you would no longer be a member
of the Board. Do we understand each other?"


"Then, remedy the situation."

Vincent Wick sat back in his chair. Despite the failure, he was sure this was Baba Yaga out to
finish what had been started. And that meant the hacks would continue until one or the other was

He punched in another number. "I want to put out an open contract for two million credits. It's a
timely matter. It has to be handled quickly. The person? Baba Yaga, the netrunner.

"Go ahead and post the bounty. If some two-cred newsy picks it up, even better. The scum could
be in the alleys of Guayaquil or the slums of BosWash. Not to mention off-planet."



Vincent Wick sagged back into his office chair. The news was not good. His empire was in pieces.
He struggled with his next course of action.

Then, his intercom buzzed. What now? He answered.

"Sir, I have a request for you to meet with the Board immediately."


Vincent Wick reached into a desk drawer and hooked into a special full-immersion rig. When he
activated it, he found himself sitting at a table of glowing white light. In the middle of the air hung
the shiny "W" logo of the Weyland Consortium. Seated around the table were shadowy figures and
faceless holo-projections.

One of the figures spoke, "Mr. Wick, we have been monitoring your situation closely. You
understand that the Weyland Consortium must always remain strong in the face of all crises. As a
member of the Board, you must always remain strong in the face of all crises. No member is
allowed to show weakness. And if you show weakness ... then, you would no longer be a member
of the Board. Do you understand?"


"Then, I must inform you that this is your official termination notice from the Board."


A shadowy figure in an office high atop an arcology typed slowly on a late model PAD. "When you
approached me with this offer, I thought it would be an impossible task. But, I've been informed --
you did it! You truly are the Baba Yaga!"

"All of Vincent Wick's holdings are in ruins. But if you wish to ascend to a seat on the Board, there
has to be an opening on the Board. You know what you must do?"

"Yes, yes. I will take over Wick's corporations. And I will eliminate the Wick family. I have already
sent a team. The Board will see that I am worthy."

The PAD's connection was cut off.


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