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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

69:1608-1612, 2011

Dexmedetomidine Sedation for Awake

Fiberoptic Intubation of Patients With
Difficult Airways Due To Severe
Odontogenic Cervicofacial Infections
Barry C. Boyd, DMD, MD,* and Steven J. Sutter, DDS†

Purpose: Odontogenic infections present challenging airway scenarios to surgeons and anesthesiologists.
Among specialists, there is controversy over airway management for those patients with airways made
difficult by trismus and swelling with anatomic impingement and derangement. Awake fiberoptic intubation
has achieved favor in the oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesiology communities for management of
such difficult airways, but patient comfort and anxiety management with traditional agents may prove
hazardous because of potential suppression of protective mechanisms and respiratory depression.
Patients and Methods: Three cases are presented showing the utility and safety of the use of
dexmedetomidine sedation for presurgical airway instrumentation and insertion in patients with chal-
lenging airways because of severe cervicofacial odontogenic infections.
Results: Dexmedetomidine administration provided safe and effective sedation and anxiolysis for
awake fiberoptic airway instrumentation and airway insertion in patients presenting with severe cervi-
cofacial infections with difficult airways because of anatomic obstruction.
Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine sedation is advocated for use in awake fiberoptic intubation of patients
with cervicofacial infections and difficult airways because of its ability to provide sedation, analgesia,
reversible anterograde amnesia, and anxiolysis without impairment of protective reflexes, respiratory depres-
sion, or hemodynamic compromise. One of the most significant challenges facing oral and maxillofacial
surgeons is the difficult airway. Anatomically compromised airways present unique clinically daunting
situations to both surgeon and anesthesiologist, who are both charged with the provision of safe, effective
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative airway management. Among these conditions, odontogenic
infections and patients with head and neck trauma, temporomandibular disorders, orofacial tumors, and
severe craniofacial anomalies present for surgical treatment by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
© 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:1608-1612, 2011

Patients with odontogenic infections involving the which may create hazards for standard anesthetic
potential fascial spaces may often present with sig- induction and intubation techniques. Coupled with
nificant trismus as well as effacement and/or de- potential pre-existing anatomic airway abnormali-
rangement of normal anatomic airway features, ties and other medical and surgical comorbidities,
these severe odontogenic infections with cervico-
Received from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
facial extension present unique and often high-risk
State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, airway management scenarios to surgeon and anes-
Buffalo, NY. thesiologist.
*Clinical Associate Professor. Anxiety management for the patient with a difficult
†Formerly Chief Resident, Currently Private Practice, Oral and airway can be both challenging and hazardous. Ben-
Maxillofacial Surgery, New York, NY. zodiazepines, short-acting opioids, and ketamine have
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Boyd: De- traditionally been used for conscious sedation during
partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, State University of New airway instrumentation but possess the liabilities of cen-
York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, 3435 Main St, Ste 112 tral nervous system (CNS) depression and, in the case of
Squire Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214; e-mail: bezodiazepines, opioids, and propofol, respiratory de-
© 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons pression. Intravenous lidocaine may be considered for
0278-2391/11/6906-0020$36.00/0 suppression of upper airway reactivity without sedating
doi:10.1016/j.joms.2010.11.004 effects.


Several case reports have appeared in the anesthe- edema, and right pterygomandibular edema. The
siology literature pertaining to the use of dexmedeto- uvula was deviated to the left side, and the tongue and
midine for sedation of patients requiring awake fiber- floor of the mouth were elevated. A computed tomog-
optic intubation. The majority of the cases involved raphy (CT) scan of the soft tissue of the neck and face
difficult airways resulting from previous treatment of was performed with contrast, with evidence of right-
head and neck cancer, acute cervical spine fractures, sided submental, submandibular, sublingual, and
degenerative disease of the cervical spine, and new pterygomandibular collections of fluid.
neck masses.1-4 Abdelmalak et al1 published a case The patient was admitted for administration of in-
series including 2 patients in whom they documented travenous antibiotics and was taken to the operating
airways made difficult by obese body habitus and room for incision and drainage. Given the findings of
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). One of the OSA pa- her Mallampati Class IV airway, the anesthetic plan
tients had recently been diagnosed with nasopharyn- included awake fiberoptic intubation with the use of
geal squamous cell carcinoma and presented for tra- Precedex (dexmedetomidine; Hospira, Inc, Lake For-
cheostomy for worsening airway obstruction. The est, IL) as one of the agents. The dexmedetomidine
second OSA patient presented for irrigation and de- was infused at 18 mL (4 ␮g/mL) over a period of 15
bridement of a submandibular abscess.1 Scher and minutes along with 2 mg of midazolam. The patient
Gitlin5 document a difficult airway with a history of was intubated without complication, with her oxygen
failed intubations given the patient’s Mallampati Class saturation never falling below 97%.
IV airway, relatively short thyromental distance, and The operation proceeded without incident. The
retruded mandible. In their case the authors adminis- condition of the patient improved with resolving fe-
tered dexmedetomidine with low-dose ketamine be- ver and a normal white blood cell count, and she was
cause of its potential to offset bradycardia and hypo- discharged home 3 days later with oral antibiotics and
tension associated with the former agent.5 was followed closely as an outpatient. She had no
We present 3 cases with airways made difficult complaints regarding the awake fiberoptic intubation
because of odontogenic cervicofacial infections with using dexmedetomidine.
intercurrent swelling, trismus, and pain. Awake fiber-
optic airway management was selected by the sur- CASE 2
geon in consultation with the attending anesthesiolo- A 54-year-old woman presented to the emergency
gists. In all 3 cases laryngeal and vocal cord department with chief complaints of “pain and swell-
visualization was possible with well-sedated patients ing” on the right side of her face. She had a dental
without respiratory depression or desaturation. In 2 crown started on the mandibular right second molar
of the cases fiberoptic intubation proceeded unevent- by a general dentist 1 week before presenting to us.
fully. In the third the anesthesiologist was unable to Her physical examination findings were significant for
pass the endotracheal tube through the glottis be- right-sided facial asymmetry and a maximum interin-
cause of significant edema. This patient was venti- cisal opening of 25 mm. No obvious intraoral edema
lated and oxygenated with a laryngeal mask airway was present, and the tongue and floor of the mouth
and general anesthesia induced, followed by trache- were not elevated. She was admitted for administra-
ostomy. Postoperatively, none of the patients ex- tion of intravenous antibiotics and clinical observa-
pressed either recall of or discomfort during airway tion. A CT scan was performed with contrast of the
instrumentation. face and neck, and no clear evidence of a fluid col-
lection was seen.
Approximately 48 hours later, the patient’s clinical
Patients and Methods condition worsened with increased trismus and
odynophagia. A repeat CT scan was performed with
CASE 1 evidence of an abscess in the right masticator space.
A 24-year-old woman presented to the oral and The patient was taken to the operating room for
maxillofacial surgery clinic 3 days after uncompli- incision, drainage, and extraction of unrestorable
cated extractions of the maxillary right and left third teeth. Awake fiberoptic intubation was selected be-
molars and mandibular right third molar with chief cause of the severity of the patient’s trismus and her
complaints of “pain on swallowing and difficulty airway status of Mallampati Class IV. Dexmedetomi-
opening the mouth.” The patient presented with a dine was infused at a rate of 18 mL (4 ␮g/mL) over a
fever accompanied by chills and nausea but denied period of 10 minutes along with 2 mg of midazolam.
vomiting and dyspnea. Extraoral examination findings Awake fiberoptic intubation was completed without
were positive for right submandibular edema and complications.
lymphadenopathy with tenderness to palpation. In- The extraoral incision, drainage, and extraction of
traorally, there was trismus, right buccal vestibular the mandibular right second and third molars were

performed without complication. The patient re- in the ascending reticular activating system and the
mained intubated in the intensive care unit (ICU) for cerebral cortices produces sedation. Benzodiazepine
24 hours until extubation criteria were met. She was binding to sites in the limbic system is responsible for
discharged in 6 days taking oral antibiotics and was anxiolysis. Amnesic and anticonvulsant effects are as-
followed closely in the outpatient clinic until com- sociated with benzodiazepine activity in the temporal
plete resolution of her trismus. She also had no com- lobe sites. The use of midazolam for preinduction
plaints regarding the awake fiberoptic intubation us- sedation and anxiolysis for airway instrumentation in
ing dexmedetomidine. awake intubation has time-proven benefits for the
surgical patient. Liabilities associated with benzodiaz-
CASE 3 epines include the potential for paradoxical reactions
A 45-year-old woman presented to the outpatient including disinhibition, hallucination, and hypoma-
clinic with complaints of pain, swelling, and fever nia. There are also a number of pharmacodynamic
after initiation of endodontic treatment for the man- drug interactions including additive interactions and
dibular left second molar. She opted for extraction of accentuation of clinical effects of other CNS depres-
that tooth, which was completed with initiation of sants and antihypertensive agents. Pharmacokinetic
oral clindamycin. The patient presented to the emer- drug interactions with benzodiazepines are protean.
gency department 24 hours later with complaints of The clinical threshold for respiratory depression is
odynophagia, dysphagia, and dysphonia. reduced with the use of benzodiazepines alone or in
The patient was afebrile on presentation to the combination with other sedatives, which could prove
emergency department but had leukocytosis, severe hazardous in the patient with anatomic airway ob-
trismus, an elevated tongue, elevation of the left floor struction due to cervicofacial infection. Flumazenil is
of the mouth, and a Mallampati Class IV airway. A CT a benzodiazepine reversal agent that produces clinical
scan with contrast showed left submandibular, sub- effects by competitive binding at benzodiazepine
mental, sublingual, and peripharyngeal space abscess binding sites. Reversal of sedation, respiratory depres-
with constriction of the airway at the supraglottic sion, and other clinical effects of benzodiazepines are
level. possible with flumazenil. Elderly patients and those
The patient was taken to the operating room for with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should
extraoral and intraoral incision and drainage. Awake receive benzodiazepines with extreme precaution.
fiberoptic intubation was selected, and 25 mL (4 ␮g/ The opioids provide sedation, analgesia, and sup-
mL) of dexmedetomidine was infused over a period of pression of cough and other upper airway reflexes.
1 hour along with 100 ␮g of fentanyl. After numerous These agents are used for preinduction sedation, but
unsuccessful attempts at intubation, because of air- the practice of using opioids for this purpose in pa-
way stricture at the supraglottic level, she was in- tients with upper airway obstruction or for awake
duced and a laryngeal mask airway was inserted. A fiberoptic airway instrumentation must be ap-
surgical airway was obtained before incision and proached with caution, given the potential for respi-
drainage. After 72 hours in the ICU, the patient was ratory depression. The opioids produce their major
successfully decannulated and transferred to a regular clinical effects via interaction with the opioid recep-
nursing floor. She was discharged home 1 week after tors ␮, ␬, and ␴. Analgesia, respiratory depression,
admission with oral antibiotics with outpatient fol- and euphoria result from opioid interaction with ␮
low-up. She has no recollection of the attempted receptors. Sedation results from opioid interaction
fiberoptic intubation. with ␬ receptors in the reticular activating system and
cerebral cortices. Interaction with these receptors in
the Edinger-Westphal nucleus produces miosis. The
utility of these agents is supplanted by multiple liabil-
The ␣2 agonists have arisen, which— by virtue of ities in patients with upper airway obstruction. Opi-
their very specific CNS activity— have the unique oid administration may result in histamine release
property of producing sedation without the liability leading to bronchoconstriction and upper airway ob-
of central respiratory depression. One study suggests struction in patients with reactive airway disease and
that the ␣2 agonist dexmedetomidine not only pos- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These potent
sesses sedative properties but has amnesic and anal- agents are associated with central respiratory depres-
gesic properties as well.6 sion, which may be accentuated by other CNS depres-
Desirable properties of the benzodiazepines in- sant agents. Potent, short-acting opioids such as
clude sedative-hypnotic, anxiolytic, and anterograde alfentanil and remifentanil are used for airway instru-
amnesic capabilities. These agents produce clinical mentation in awake intubation of difficult airways.
effects via binding to benzodiazepine binding sites. Naloxone is the sole opioid antagonist that exerts its
Specifically, benzodiazepine binding to sites located effects by competitive inhibition of opioid interaction

with opioid receptors. In this manner naloxone may in hypotension. Several mechanisms are responsible
be used to reverse the respiratory depression and for this action, one of which is inhibition of neuronal
sedation that are associated with these agents. Liabil- discharge from the locus ceruleus in the brainstem,
ities associated with naloxone use may include dys- with resulting inhibition of norepinephrine from pre-
rhythmia and pulmonary edema. synaptic sites. The sympatholytic effect may also be
Ketamine is a novel agent that exerts clinical effects seen in the heart, with inhibition of response to the
by way of interaction with N-methyl-D-aspartate recep- cardioaccelerator nerve and inhibition of tachycardia
tors in the CNS. Ketamine has been used alone or in and bradycardia may occur via a vagomimetic effect.
combination with dexmedetomidine for sedation dur- At higher doses, dexmedetomidine may cause in-
ing awake intubation. It has the unique property of creased blood pressure via increased peripheral resis-
producing sedation and dissociation of thalamocorti- tance by acting at these ␣2B vascular sites. The ␣2A
cal function of perception from the limbic system receptor subtype apparently couples in an inhibitory
functions of emotion and reaction. It is also capable of fashion to the L-type calcium channel in the locus
producing analgesia and has often been referred to as ceruleus. In the peripheral vasculature the ␣2B recep-
neuroleptanalgesic because of it dissociative and an- tor subtype appears to couple in an excitatory man-
algesic properties. Ketamine, unlike benzodiazepines ner to the same effector mechanism.8 The ␣2 agonists
and opioids, does not have potent CNS or respiratory appear to derive anxiolytic effects via interaction with
depressant properties. Among the liabilities of ket- CNS-located ␣2C receptors.9 The administration of
amine use is an increase in airway and oral secretions, high doses (10 ␮g/kg per hour) to patients undergo-
which would increase risk in the setting of cervicofa- ing surgery in the vicinity of the airways has been
cial infections with airway compromise. Patients with shown to maintain ventilatory drive but may cause
reactive airway disease may also be at increased risk obstructive apnea and increased blood pressure via
for airway compromise because of increased airway increased peripheral vascular resistance. It may also
secretions. In addition, the dissociative agents are increase pulmonary vascular resistance and bradycar-
associated with emergence delirium characterized by dia and reduce cardiac output.7,8,10 In a randomized,
intense visual and auditory hallucination and un- placebo-controlled study of postsurgical ICU patients,
wanted movement. Ketamine does not have a specific Venn et al11 reported a postextubation 50% reduction
reversal agent. in morphine requirements in patients who received
Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) received Food and dexmedetomidine compared and placebo. They
Drug Administration approval for ICU sedation of found no statistically significant differences in oxygen
ventilator-dependent patients in 1999.7 This anes- saturation, respiratory rate, or arterial pH between
thetic drug shares physiologic similarities with cloni- those receiving dexmedetomidine compared with
dine. Dexmedetomidine has the unique property of placebo. In addition, several authors have reported
“cooperative sedation,” which allows patients to bet- attenuation of hemodynamic responses to airway in-
ter work with medical staff to facilitate intubation strumentation during intubation with increasing dex-
after topical anesthesia has been applied to the airway medetomidine doses.12-14 Dexmedetomidine will po-
and the bronchoscope is passed. This agent is a lipo- tentiate the effects of intravenous and inhaled
philic imidazole derivative that is a highly selective ␣2 anesthetic agents by between 20% and 80%.14
adrenergic receptor agonist, which has sedative and Coadministration of benzodiazepines and short-
analgesic effects with minimal effects on ventilation. acting opioids with dexmedetomidine during air-
The ␣2 agonists act at presynaptic ␣2 receptors includ- way administration should be approached with cau-
ing the locus ceruleus in the brainstem and various tion because of this pharmacodynamic interaction
spinal cord sites and, when bound to these sites, with the potential for respiratory depression and
cause reduction in release of norepinephrine. In their hypotensive responses. The dosages of any supple-
prospective, randomized study using healthy adult mental agents should be reduced accordingly.
volunteers, Hall et al6 showed impaired recall by the Administration of dexmedetomidine consists of a
subjects after infusion of dexmedetomidine. There loading dose of 0.5 to 1 ␮g/kg over a period of 10 to
have been 3 ␣2 receptor subtypes identified: ␣2A, ␣2B, 20 minutes, followed by continuous infusion at a rate of
and ␣2C. The subtypes produce cellular actions via 0.2 to 0.7 ␮g/kg per hour. Rapid administration must be
signaling through a G protein–mediated intracellular avoided to prevent reflex bradycardia and hypertension
effector mechanism.8 At low to moderate doses, ac- associated with an initial catecholamine release.3,6
tivity at the CNS located ␣2A receptors produces an- Conscious sedation of intubated, ventilated patients
esthesia and analgesia, but activity at the peripheral with the ␣2 agonists in the ICU setting has been
vascular ␣2B receptors is limited.7 The dominant car- practiced for over a decade. Its use in patients with
diovascular effect is one of sympatholysis mediated by difficult airways because of severe cervicofacial infec-
the centrally located ␣2B receptors, which may result tions has heretofore received little attention in the

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