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No Dumping - Drains to Ocean Create a layer for the storm drain To find the area that contributes to the storm water system, you need to start by identifying the location of the storm drain. in this lesson, you'll create a layer on your map that will mark the location of the storm drain Create a map You'll create your map by signing in and navigating to an area of interest. 1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account, Note: If you don't have an organizational account, you can sign up for an ArcGIS free trial. 2. On the ribbon, click Map. Home Galley (Mes) Scene Groups A new map opens. Note: The default basemap is Topographic, but your map may have a different basemap depending on your organization's settings. Find the school You'll find the school by typing its name in the search box. 1. On the ribbon, in the search box, type Blackman Elementary, which was randomly chosen for this analysis. In the list of suggested locations, click Blackman Elementary School, 586 Fortress Blvd, Murfreesboro, TN, 37128, USA. DY Bookmarks Blackman Elementary xQ _| Blackman Elementary School, 586 Fortress Blu = + [Mucfeesboro, TN. 37128, USA | Elementary Education, University Campus, New | Delhi, North, Delhi, 110007, IND Elementary Balance, 370 Nierinna Rd, Nierinna, a Tasmania, 7054, AUS iperor Elementary Edge, 130 E Michigan Ave, Paw Paw, Ml, le " USA ities 2 Elementary Embun Pagi, Jalan Kelimalang, Duren 2 Sawit, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, 13440, DN t Lous Elementary English School, Katihar Road, Korha, ees show lolfrniban Pa ® f Note: Some ArcGIS organizations have custom address locators. You may encounter different search results than those in the example image. The map zooms to the school. A Search result pop-up confirms the location.

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