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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.

10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

Experimental Investigation on the Effect of

Froth Floated Silica as a Replacement of Fine
Aggregate in Concrete
M. Indira, Assistant Professor (Sr. G), Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
Abir Datta, Post Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India.
Abstract--- This research paper deals with the possibility of replacing the fine aggregate of concrete by sustainable
materials. In this work M20 grade of concrete is taken for study and the fine aggregate is replaced by froth floated
silica, a by-product of cement manufacturing plant by 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% weight of fine aggregate.
The specimens are casted for testing compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and rapid chloride
permeability test. The workability results shows that the replacement of fines by froth floated silica increases but in
the presence of super plasticizer. The results indicate that when the fine aggregate is replaced by froth floated silica
by 80% the compressive strength increased by 19.86%, split tensile strength by 16.29% and flexural strength
increases by 28.14% than conventional concrete. From Rapid Chloride Permeability Test which was done for the
specimens at 90 days curing, the results indicates that with 80% replacement of fine aggregate by froth floated silica
the chlorine ion penetrability is very low as compared to other percentages. The X-Ray Diffraction results shows
that Di-Calcium Silicate (C 2 S) formation attained peak value due to which strength enhancement can be achieved.
Keywords--- Froth Floated Silica, Split Tensile Strength, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Rapid Chloride
Permeability Test.

I. Introduction
Concrete is the most versatile material which is widely used in the construction industry due to its capability to
withstand severe environment with sufficient strength and durability. Concrete can be simply termed as the synthesis
of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate along with the adhesive material known as cement when mixed with water.
In recent days there is a boom in the construction industry due to the infrastructural development going all around.
As a result concrete is being utilized at large scale , ultimately making it third consumable material after food and
water. With the increase in the construction process there is also an increase in the demand of concrete which
ultimately results in the increasing demand of its ingredients such as coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement, etc.
Aggregate comprises of almost three-fourth of the mass of concrete out of which the bulk material is the fine
aggregate. Fine aggregate gives mass and is used as a structural filler in concrete.
Due its role as a filler material, fine aggregate is one of the most utilized material in concrete. As a result of
which fine aggregate is needed in a large scale for the concreting works. Demand for fine aggregate has made
human being to over utilize it and thus extraction of fine sand is occurring at an intense rate. With continuous
extraction of river sand and over utilization of this resource, the river bed is depleting. As a result of which the
environmental problems are increasing. Moreover due to vast need of river sand the cost of the fine aggregate has
increased which directly affects the cost of construction. So there is an immediate need for an alternative which can
replace the river sand without affecting the quality and strength of concrete. One such alternative can be froth
floated silica which is the bi-product of the cement manufacturing industry obtained from the froth floatation
Froth floated silica is a sustainable material which is finely powdered crystalline silica obtained as a bi-product
from cement manufacturing industry by the froth floatation process. Froth floatation is the procedure of specifically
isolating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic. In the cement manufacturing context, froth floatation process
separates the lime rich part of the limestone from the siliceous part. The lime rich part is used as a cement
manufacture and the siliceous part in the form of fine powder is discarded as a waste product and is known as froth
floated silica. Froth floated silica is rich in silica which is crystalline white in colour. Its silica rich part property
empowers smaller scale filling impact which lessens pores in concrete and give better dampness resistivity and
consequently strength. Moreover it has more consistent and steady grading than any other extracted aggregates.

ISSN 1943-023X 1247

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

II. Materials and Methodology

Materials Used
The physical properties of concrete ingredients such as fine sand, coarse aggregates, cement are being tested.
Besides these conventional materials froth floated silica which is being used as replaced product for fine aggregate is
also being tested for its physical properties. The cement utilized as a part of this experimental study is 53 grade of
Ordinary Portland Cement affirming to IS 12269 - 1987 of brand Chettinad Cement. Sand passing through the
middle of 4.75mm and 0.15mm in measure is utilized as a part of this experimental investigation. Irregular size
coarse aggregate which is taken from broken stone and normally happening adjusted rock of size 20mm is used.
Froth floated silica which is the bi-product of cement manufacturing industry is utilized as a replacement of fine
aggregate. The physical properties of different ingredients of concrete is mentioned in the Table 1.
Table 1: Physical Properties of Different Ingredients of Concrete
Materials Properties
Specific gravity Fineness modulus
Cement 3.075 7.740
Fine sand 2.501 2.480
Coarse aggregate 2.816 7.982
Froth floated silica 2.436 0.930

Mix Proportion
The concrete mix was designed for M20 grade of concrete for conventional concrete as well as replaced concrete
by 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% replacement of fine aggregate with froth floated silica having water cement ratio
of 0.50 as constant. For conventional concrete the mix proportion was 1 : 2.82 : 3.67 and for concrete with 20%,
40%, 60%, 80% and 100% replacement of fine aggregate with froth floated silica, the mix proportion for all the
different percentages is mentioned in the Table 2.
Table 2: Mix Proportion for M20 Conventional and Replaced Concrete
Percentage of froth Water Cement Fine sand Froth floated silica Coarse aggregate Mix
floated silica kg/m³ kg/m³ kg/m³ kg/m³ kg/m³ proportion
0 158 316 893 0 1160 1:2.82:0:3.67
20 158 316 648 158 1160 1:2.05:0.5:3.67
40 158 316 486 316 1160 1:1.53:1:3.67
60 158 316 324 473 1160 1:1.02:1.49:3.67
80 158 316 162 630 1160 1:0.51:1.99:3.67
100 158 316 0 788 1160 1:0:2.49:3.67
The workability of concrete is characterized as the simplicity and homogeneity with which freshly mixed
concrete can be blended, put, solidified and wrapped up. The workability of the different concrete mixes was
obtained by performing slump cone test and the slump values are given in the Table 3
Table 3: Slump Value of Different Percentages of Replaced Concrete Mixes
Percentages of froth floated silica Slump value (mm)
0 76
20 72
40 58
60 52
80 36
100 24

In this project the process of doing the experimental investigation starts right from selecting the title of the
project topic to the very end of publishing the paper. The methodology of doing this project work has been divided
into different segments. At first title of the project topic was selected considering the necessity of doing innovative
findings which will be helpful as environmental friendly techniques in the construction industry. The title of the
project was chosen with the idea of doing sustainable construction techniques by the use of waste products which
can be re-utilized in making green concrete. After the title was finalized literature review of different journals
similar to this project work was studied and survey of all the literatures were done. The literature survey was
followed by the collection of materials that constitute the basis of the project materials.

ISSN 1943-023X 1248

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

The materials that were collected are cement of OPC 53 grade, froth floated silica, coarse aggregate of nominal
size 20 mm, fine sand. As the materials were collected, the mix design was prepared and optimized based on the best
fit concrete mix. Then concrete cubes, cylinders and beams were casted with the desired concrete mix and tested for
the compressive strength, split tensile strength test and flexural strength test to check the strength giving property of
the altered concrete mix. Besides checking the strength of the concrete, the concrete mix was also tested for
durability by Rapid Chloride Permeability test. Lastly after getting the test results, paper on this project will be
published. The flow diagram of the project methodology was given in the Figure 1

Selection of Title

Froth Floated Silica

Literature Review

Fine Aggregate

Collection of Materials

Specific Gravity

Material Properties Coarse Aggregate

Sieve Analysis

Mix Design
Compression test

Mechanical Properties
Tensile Test

Rapid Chloride Durability Properties Flexural Test

Permeability Test

Results & Report

Publication of Paper

Figure 1: Flow Diagram of Project Methodology

III. Result and Discussion

The standard and froth floated silica concrete were tested for compressive strength, split tensile strength and
flexural strength test at a curing period of 7, 14 and 28 days to know the robustness of concrete. The durability
characteristics of replaced concrete was tested by Rapid Chloride Permeability test for specimen that were casted
and cured for 90 days.

ISSN 1943-023X 1249

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

Compressive Strength
The strength of the concrete fundamentally relies upon the quality of mix and the strength of the particles of
aggregate. In this experimental study fine aggregate has been replaced with froth floated silica and tested for
compressive strength. The comparison of compressive strength of the concrete at a period of 7, 14 and 28 curing
days for various mixes is given in the Figure 2. The figure clearly indicates that the compressive strength is optimum
at 80% replacement by froth floated silica.

40 36.12 37.41
Compressive strength in

33.36 34.28 33.74

35 31.21
30.74 30.16
30 28.42 27.14
24.66 25.44 24.28
23.6 23.88
25 22.3

7 day
14 day
28 day
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of froth floated silica

Figure 2: Comparison of 7, 14 and 28 day Compressive Strength in N/mm²

Split tensile Strength
The split tensile strength test was done on cylinders of size 150mm diameter and 300mm height with different
percentages of froth floated silica as a fine aggregate replacement as well as for conventional concrete. The
comparison of split tensile strength of the concrete at a period of 7, 14 and 28 curing days for different blends under
the steady water cement proportion and water curing is given in the Figure 3. Results shows that split tensile
strength is maximum at 80% replacement of fine aggregate by froth floated silica.

Split tensile strength in N/mm²

2.4 2.48 2.48

2.5 2.27 2.32 2.24 2.32 2.34 2.26
2.1 2.12 2.2 2.16
2.02 2.08
1.84 1.9

7 day
1 14 day

0.5 28 day

0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of froth floated silica

Figure 3: Comparison of 7, 14 and 28 Day Split Tensile Strength in N/mm²

ISSN 1943-023X 1250

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

Flexural Strength
Beams were casted of size 100mm X 100mm X 500mm and tested for flexural strength for conventional
concrete as well as replaced concrete. The flexural strength test for conventional as well as replaced concrete was
tested and the comparison of flexural strength of the concrete for curing period of 7, 14 and 28 days for various
mixes is given in the Figure 4. The results which were found out from the flexural strength test indicates that 80%
replacement of fine aggregate by froth floated silica shows optimum results.

Flexural strength in N/mm²

6.16 6.33
5.66 5.83 5.66
5.16 5.33 5.16
5 4.66 4.66 4.66
7 day
3 14 day
2 28 day

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of froth floated silica

Figure 4: Comparison of 7, 14 and 28 Day Flexural Strength in N/mm²

Rapid Chloride Permeability Test
Specimen of size 100mm diameter and 50mm height of different mixes of replaced concrete were casted and
cured for a period of 90 days and were tested for durability by Rapid Chloride Permeability test. The test results
were shown in the Table 4 which shows the nature of chlorine ion penetrability for conventional as well as different
mixes of replaced concrete. From the RCPT it is found out that with the use of 80% of froth floated silica as a
replacement of fine aggregate in concrete, the chlorine ion penetrability is very low as compared to other mixes and
hence durable.
Table 4: Nature of Chlorine Ion Penetrability of Conventional and Replaced Concrete
Percentage of froth floated silica Current penetrability in Coulombs Chlorine Ion Penetrability
0 1159.83 Low
20 1188.90 Low
40 1350.54 Low
60 918.54 Very Low
80 883.44 Very Low
100 902.90 Very Low

Microstructure Study by FESEM Analysis

Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) is more capable of checking the micro structure of the
materials by magnifying lens. The FESEM utilizes a light emission shot towards a sample to get data about it,
including what the surface looks like and the compounds made up in the sample. The field emission scanning
electron microscopes are powerful enough to give clear pictures of a sample as little as 1½ nanometres. By checking
the samples and gathering the samples at various perspectives in the FESEM, a photo is made which demonstrates
the reasonable view. Since 80% replacement of froth floated silica concrete gave optimum results so the FESEM
image of 80% replaced concrete by froth floated silica is shown in the Figure 5.

ISSN 1943-023X 1251

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

Figure 5: FESEM Image of 80% Replacement

X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) relies upon the twofold wave/particle nature of X-beams to secure information about
the structure of crystalline materials. A basic usage of the technique is the distinguishing proof and depiction of
blends in perspective of their diffraction outline. The X-Ray Diffraction graph for 80% replacement is given in the
Figure 6 and it clearly shows that Di-Calcium Silicate (C 2 S) has the peak value rather than other bogues compounds.

Figure 6: X-Ray Diffraction Graph of 80% Replacement

IV. Conclusion
Different test methods were led to know the usefulness of froth floated silica as a substitution of fine total in
concrete. The main aim of this experimental study was to enhance the characteristic strength and durability of
concrete by utilizing froth floated silica as a fine aggregate replacement at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% and to
find out the optimum percentage replacement. The following are the conclusions which were obtained from this
experimental study:
1. By using 80% froth floated silica as a fine aggregate replacement, the compressive strength increased by
19.86% than conventional concrete.
2. The split tensile strength also increased by 16.29% than standard concrete with the addition of 80% froth
floated silica as fine aggregate replacement.
3. The increment of flexural strength was 28.14% more than conventional concrete for fine aggregate
replacement by 80% froth floated silica which is higher than compressive and split tensile strength.
4. From the Rapid Chloride Permeability Test, concrete made with 80% replacement showed very low
chlorine ion penetrability and hence is most durable than other concrete mixes and even conventional
5. X-Ray Diffraction results indicates that the amount of Di-Calcium (C 2 S) attained peak value due to which
strength enhancement is achieved early and as a result hydration process is at a faster rate.

ISSN 1943-023X 1252

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, 2018

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ISSN 1943-023X 1253

Received: 5 Apr 2018/Accepted: 15 May 2018

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