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Issue 79 / September 2018

Cab security is our priority

new proposal could provide a solution
RMT Train's Safety Reps terms that was just not
today met with senior LU good enough.
management and LU en- We are happy to report that
gineers in the latest of a we now seem to have posi-
series of meetings to find tive movement to address
a solution to the cab se- our concerns!
curity problems we have
been raising for the past What is the new pro-
couple of years. posed solution?
You will recall that the is- Train's Safety Reps met
sue has been raised with with Engineers and LU
management several times Safety Advisers about a
over the years month ago to
but took on add- explain to them
ed urgency after what it was we
the plethora of were looking for: J door access key (figure 1)
terrorist attacks Essentially we
in London and wanted a cab
Manchester last door that we
year. We point- were able to lock
ed out that a when driving and
safe cab envi- that passengers
ronment is the were unable to
very least we deserve access uninvited.
when carrying out our job. The stumbling block was
LU have committed to ad- finding a way that the door
dressing the problem be- could be released should
fore, only to pull the plug at the driver become incapac-
the last minute citing fund- itated. Today's meeting
ing issues. More recent has seen the issue take a
talks have seen LU pro- positive step forward.
pose a 5 year plan to ad- The engineers presented
dress our concerns only to us with a prototype which
be told in no uncertain J door access button (figure 2)
is essentially a box over

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How will the security system work?
the current type of access it be required.
handle we currently have The timescales now being
on the saloon side of the discussed are, the first
door. This box would be ac- stock fitted within 12
cessed using a security key months with a combine
that lifted a flap to the door wide completion
handle. (see fig- by the end of
ure one) 2020. Given the
In the event of task at hand our
the driver be- initial thoughts are
coming incapac- that this is rea-
itated there will sonable.
be a override There are many
button on the problems and pro-
box (figure 2, cedural issues still
front page), with to overcome but
a time delay on it (timings the Safety Council feel posi-
still to be agreed). This will tive that we have taken a
enable staff to enter to as- step in the right direction. Door access override (figure 3)
sist the driver should it be We will be consulting with
needed. It will also allow the our members over the com-
passengers to evacuate the ing months and a series of How will the proposed
train in an emergency. ongoing workshops will be new system work?
On the inside of the door set up with Safety Council
(driver's cab side) there will members and engineers • The cab is accessed from
the saloon via the J door by
be a button that will allow moving the issue on. a key which only the driver
the driver to cancel the LU have assured us that a has.
override in instances of budget of £9.4 million • There will also be an emer-
erroneous and mali- has been ring-fenced gency access button which
cious use. (see fig- for this modification. can be pushed to open the
ure 2) The driver All the proposals
cab door, but with a delay.
will be alerted to • If the access button is used,
given to us today will an alarm sounds in the driv-
this via an audible be put and writing
warning. ers cab and the driver can
and sent to our Head then override it to stop the
Office next week. Of door opening if necessary.
A good proposal course we have
been here before What do you think of this
It is very early technical solution? The Trains
and we have good Health & Safety Council
days but the proto- reasons to have our wants your feedback. Please
type offers us what optimism tinged with come along to the Trains
we have asked for: a safe cynicism. But it does at last Grades meeting, or your local
cab environment with ac- feel that progress has been branch meeting to find out
cess in emergencies should made. more.

Functional reps H&S reps Upgrades rep

Frank Curtis - 07931 130849 Gary Doyle - 07830 221 543
Dave Rayfield -
Paul Shannon - 07800808297 Jim McDaid - 07917131692
07719 132161
Will Reid - 07983 958429 Nigel Eivers - 07961 141924

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