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com Premium Level: Advanced

A Warm-up

With a partner, fill in the spider map by brainstorming terms and concepts
related to immigration.


Melting pot

B Vocabulary

Can you match the vocabulary in the column on the left with the definitions on
the right?

1 Melting Pot ● a person who travels illegally in a vessel, i.e. ship,

airplane, or boat
2 Migrant ● an imaginary political line dividing countries
3 Asylum ● protection against extradition offered to a political
4 Refugee ● status pertaining to a country, including rights and
5 Citizenship ● granting citizenship to a person in a place other than
that of his/her birth
6 Stowaway ● a place or culture where many ideas, races, and ethnic
groups come together
7 Diversity ● foreigner
8 Alien ● variety, heterogeneity
9 Naturalization ● the act of physically removing a person from a country
10 Border ● a person who leaves his/her country for safety
11 Deportation ● a person who leaves his/her country to live in another

C Introduction

The Republic of Tono has been enjoying economic prosperity since the end of
the Second World War. It was one of the few developed countries to not have
its infrastructure destroyed, and hence, was able to easily enter the new
technology market.

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The Republic of Tono’s economy is split between agriculture (both import and
export), industry (mostly information technology) and a very large service

Unfortunately, the Republic of Tono’s neighbours did not have the economic
base to enter into the technological revolution with such force. One neighbour,
The United Provinces of Slobo has had a growing economy for the last 20
years, but is still suffering from enormous problems with unemployment and
currency problems. Colandia, on the other hand, has never been able to step
ahead, partially due to its status as a landlocked country.

The aforementioned factors have caused for instability in the region,

characterized by limited acts of violence, and an influx of immigration to the
Republic of Tono. Due to this instability, an emergency meeting of the
Organization of South-western States (OSS) has been called.

D Map


Republic of
The South-
western Sea

The United
The United Provinces of
Provinces of Slobo

E Options

The Advisory Council of the OSS has outlined the following plan as
fundamental in dealing with the instability in the region.

1. Creating a mechanism that funnels funds from the private sector of the
richer states to the poorer states, especially to foster technological
2. Re-evaluating public spending in the poorer nations.
3. Enforcing the borders between countries more stringently.
4. Reducing trade barriers such as taxes and tariffs between countries.

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F The Meeting

At the meeting of the Organization of South-western States, delegates from

each country will be present, along with their advisors. In addition,
representatives from two Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the
Foundation for a Free Colandia (FFC) and the Free Trade Organisation of Tono
(FTOT) will be present.

Each of the delegates will be allowed to vote, but

the ultimate decision is of the OSS Security Council,
who has the power to veto.

A Chairperson will be selected to oversee the

proceedings and to maintain order.

Each delegate, representative and the advisors

should try to consider the positive aspects of other
people’s opinions too. Argue your case, but consider
what others are saying.

Read the instructions on the piece of paper your teacher will give you very
carefully and plan your arguments with other students in the group.

G The Roles

Delegate for the Republic of Tono

You are in the position of having to listen to the points of view of advisors
from various sectors of your country and try to consolidate and represent
their needs. You are a diplomat – you need to negotiate first with the
advisors to come up with a compromise, before representing them to the

Technology Industry Advisor – Republic of Tono

Your greatest interests are those of the technology industry in Tono. The
standard of living in Tono is higher than in the neighbouring countries, so, in
your opinion, Tono needs to have tariffs and taxes on imports. If not, then
products produced cheap from the neighbouring countries will destroy Tono’s
economy. You are also against any additional taxing to the companies of
Tono for the development of the technology industries of the neighbouring
countries. It’s just not good business. Who would pay to strengthen
competitors? The other countries should re-evaluate public spending instead
of asking for handouts.

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G The Roles

Education Advisor – Republic of Tono

Your greatest interests are academic. Tono is an technology industry giant,
but, that is not maintained by Tono brain power alone. The universities in
Tono, and hence, the technological innovations and research in Tono rely on
foreign students. You are against enforcing the borders and limiting

Agricultural Industry Advisor – Republic of Tono

Your greatest interests are those of the agriculture industry in Tono. The
standard of living in Tono is higher than in the neighbouring countries, so, in
your opinion, Tono needs to have tariffs and taxes on imports. If not, then
products produced cheap from the neighbouring countries will destroy Tono’s
economy. You are also against any additional taxing to the companies of
Tono for the development of the technology industries of the neighbouring
countries. It’s just not good business. Who would pay to strengthen
competitors? You are, however, against strengthening the borders. The
agricultural industry of Tono thrives off of cheap labour coming from the
neighbouring countries. If the borders are strengthened, then the prices will
go up, thereby hurting industry.

Technology Industry Advisor – United Provinces of Slobo

Your greatest interests are those of the technology industry in Slobo. The
standard of living in Slobo has been increasing over the last 20 years, and
you are quite happy with this. You agree with tariffs and taxes on imports
and even want to implement them in Slobo, but, on the other hand you are
leery of tax and tariff increases on imports to Tono. You like the idea of
receiving support in the technology industry, but do not want for your
businesses to have to pay – only businesses from Tono should pay. You
agree with reevaluating public spending. The market, and not the
government, will take care of education.

Agriculture Industry Advisor – United Provinces of Slobo

Your greatest interests are those of the agricultural industry in Slobo. The
standard of living in Slobo has been increasing over the last 20 years, and
you are quite happy with this. You disagree with tariffs and taxes on imports
to Tono. Much of the produce produced in Slobo goes to Tono and is not
competitive due to the large tariffs that the farmers have to pay. You are
against border controls, these will only complicate exports and will do
nothing to avoid illegal immigration.

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G The Roles

Delegate for the United Provinces of Slobo

You are in the position of having to listen to the points of view of advisors
from various sectors of your country and try to consolidate and represent
their needs. You are a diplomat – you need to negotiate first with the
advisors to come up with a compromise, before representing them to the

Education Advisor – United Provinces of Slobo

Your greatest interests are academic. Many of Slobo’s best students flee the
country to study in Tono. Once they go, many do not come back. You want
the richer companies to invest in educational programs and research at the
university level so that Sloboans can study and stay in their country. This is
the only way to improve the technology industry in Slobo. You disagree with
re-evaluating public spending, since it is from this sector that you receive the
most support.

Delegate for Colandia

You are in the position of having to listen to the points of view of advisors
from various sectors of your country and try to consolidate and represent
their needs. You are a diplomat – you need to negotiate first with the
advisors to come up with a compromise, before representing them to the

Technology Industry Advisor – Colandia

Your greatest interests are those of the nearly inexistent technology industry
in Colandia. Colandia has yet to enter the technological revolution and you
hope that by receiving support for research and development of the
technology industry and eliminating trade barriers, Colandia can open up a
desperately needed sector.

Educational Advisor – Colandia

Your greatest interests are academic. Many of Colandia’s best students flee
the country to study in Tono or Slobo. Once they go, many do not come
back. You want the richer companies to have to invest in educational
programs and research at the university level so that Colandians can study
and stay in their country. This is the only way to improve the technology
industry in Slobo. You disagree with re-evaluating public spending, since – up
to now - it is from this sector that you receive your only support.

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G The Roles

Agriculture Industry Advisor – United Provinces of Colandia

Your greatest interests are those of the agricultural industry in Colandia.
While Colandia does not have a strong technology industry, it does have a
strong agricultural sector. Most of the country is employed in this industry
and you find it offensive that it is not referred to in the points mentioned by
the OSS. You disagree with any tariffs and taxes on imports and exports to
Slobo and Tono, and even believe that if anyone should be putting on tariffs
and taxes, it should be Colandia. You are against strengthening the borders,
since many Colandians clandestinely work in Slobo and Tono and send
money home, which helps the economy. You are also against re-evaluating
the public sector. Your government, it seems, is the only one concerned with
the people of Colandia and you don’t think that any other government or
individual has a right to advise it.

Representative of Foundation for a Free Colandia (FFC)

Your organization has been fighting for years to try to help the oppressed in
Colandia. In your opinion, all of the offers placed on the table do not even
scratch the surface of the problem. Slobo and Tono do whatever they can to
maintain Colandia and its people in a state of poverty. You want immediate
recognition of this fact and for these countries to do whatever they can to
right the wrongs, including raising issues of health care, education and basic
living standards.

Representative of Free Trade Organization of Tono (FTOT)

Your organization is aghast at the idea of implementing tariffs and taxes in
other nations. The borders between countries need to be open, tariffs and
taxes should be forbidden, and the government should get out of industries
way. Everything can be cured and fixed by a free market.

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Teacher Notes
Role play: persuading, negotiating,
Target Language:
conceding, agreeing, disagreeing, etc.
Duration: 80 minutes

1 Structure and Timing (all times approximate)

A. Warm-up (5 minutes)
B. Vocabulary (10 minutes)
C. Introduction (10 minutes)
D. Map (5 minutes)
E. Options (10 minutes)
F. The Meeting (30 minutes)
G. The Roles (10 minutes)

Total: 80 minutes.

2 Procedure

A. Warm-up

This is a warm up exercise, intended to get the students to start thinking about issues
related to immigration. The students, in pairs, can add in different themes to the
spider map.

B. Vocabulary

While this role-play is not limited to the theme of immigration, this might be a good
opportunity to introduce or review vocabulary related to immigration. The students
should match the vocabulary with the definitions.

1 Melting Pot ● a place or culture where many ideas, races, and ethnic
groups come together
2 Migrant ● a person who leaves his/her country to live in another
3 Asylum ● protection against extradition offered to a political
4 Refugee ● a person who leaves his/her country for safety
5 Citizenship ● status pertaining to a country, including rights and
6 Stowaway ● a person who travels illegally in a vessel, i.e. ship,
airplane, or boat
7 Diversity ● variety, heterogeneity
8 Alien ● foreigner
9 Naturalization ● granting citizenship to a person in a place other than
that of his/her birth
10 Border ● an imaginary political line dividing countries
11 Deportation ● the act of physically removing a person from a country

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C. Introduction

This section introduces the students to the geo-political situation between three
fictitious countries. The plan is not based upon any particular situation, and we hope
that that shows through the choice of name, situations and map.

At this point, make sure that the students read and understand the situation.

D. Map

The students should read the map of the region and try to understand it. You might
want to ask some questions to lead into the role-play. For example, what geographic
disadvantages might Colandia have in comparison to the other countries? What
natural disasters might the United Provinces of Slobo face?

E. Options

This section is vital to the role-play. The students should understand the four options
given. You might want to ask questions to check understanding.

F. The Meeting

There will actually be sub-meetings and one great meeting. There are fourteen role
cards, but if you do not have that many students, some of them could be discarded.
One student should also serve as the chairperson. If you do not have a student for
this role, you, the teacher, can take it on.

First, the students should examine their roles and make sure that they understand
their positions. They can also add on further points that they could argue.

Then, then the advisors and the NGOs will meet with the OSS (Organisation of South-
western States) delegates. They should try to persuade the advisors to represent their
opinions in the great meeting.

In the great meeting, the delegates will present their positions, which, obviously will
be a combination of the views expressed by the advisors. The advisors and the NGOs
should be allowed to express their dissent or agreement as well.

At the end of the meeting you can ask each student to vote on each of the proposed
options, but ultimately, the delegates themselves will vote (such is politics) on each of
the proposed options.

H. The Roles

These role cards should be printed, cut and handed out to the students.

Make sure that the students understand their roles and reflect upon their arguments.

Remind the students to consider the positive aspects of their solutions as well as the
negative aspects of the other students’ opinions.

The role of delegate is especially tricky, since the delegate has to try to keep everyone
at home happy! This requires the art of compromise!

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