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Lesson Plan Template – ED3501GHI Curriculum Overview Lesson

Lesson The Rise of Napoleon Timeline Teacher: Ms. McDonald

Title/Focus 87 minutes Date: Class 12


General Learning Related Issue 1 (20-1) – To What Extent Should Nation be the foundation of
Outcomes: identity?

 Students will explore the relationships amoung identity, nation, and


Related Issue 1 (20-2) – Should nation be the foundation of identity?

Students will explore the relationships amoung identity, nation, and

Specific Learning 1.1 appreciate that understandings of identity, nation, and nationalism
Outcomes: continue to evolve.
1.2 appreciate the existence of alternative views on the meaning of nation
1.5 Explore a range of expressions of nationalism
1.6 Develop understandings of nation and nationalism. (Relationship to
land, geographic, collective, civic, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, political,
spiritual, religious, and patriotic)
1.8 Analyze how the development of nationalism is shaped by historical,
geographic, political, economic and social factors (French Revolution and
Napoleonic era, contemporary examples)
1.9 Analyze nationalism as an identity, internalized feeling and/or
collective consciousness shared by a people. (French Revolution and
Napoleonic era, Canadian nationalism, Quebecois nationalism, American
Nationalism, American Nationalism, First Nations and Metis Nationalism,
Inuit perspectives)
S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
 analyze ideas and information from multiple sources
 determine relationships among multiple sources of
 determine the validity of information based on context,
bias, sources, objectivity, evidence or reliability

S.4 demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving:

 demonstrate skills needed to reach consensus, solve problems and
formulate positions
 use inquiry processes to make decisions and solve problems
 apply ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and
problem solving describe a plan of action to use technology to
solve a problem
 use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action

Students Will:
 Use critical thinking to sort events in chronological order
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1
Lesson Plan Template – ED3501GHI Curriculum Overview Lesson
 Analyze the rise and fall of Napoleon after the French Revolution
 Relate the Bourbon authoritarian regime to the ‘democratically’ elected Emperor
Observations:  Students working in their groups
 Exit Slips/Response in class
Key Questions:  What factors from the French Revolution allowed for Napoleon to
rise in power?
 What made Napoleon unique?
 How can we relate Napoleon to Louis XVI?
Products/Performances:  Discussion
 Justification
 Key Figures
 Alberta Program of Studies  Timeline activity needs to be prepped
 Projector

Introduction Time
Attention Grabber If time needs to be directed for the students to finish
the last ten minutes of the documentary, they will have 15mins
time to do so. Along with a quick debrief.
Transition to Body We are going to do our quick political cartoon, as
5 mins
always, and then we will move on to the activity.
Body Time
Learning Activity #1 Napoleon Timeline Activity 40 mins
Assessments/  Students are going to be given around 15-20
Differentiation different ‘newspaper headlines’ in an envelope.
In 20-2: students are  First, I will ask students to arrange them in
going to be building this chronological order. Using clues in the text, they can
as they finish. If I give arrange what they know of the French Revolution
them all of this at once, and hopefully place them in correct order.
they will get  I will come around and check the timeline to ensure
overwhelmed and not do for correct order.
the activity.  While I am going around to each group, students are
going to be asked to use white board markers on
their desks to rate the events from least important
to most important.
 Students are going to then be asked to justify their
most important and least important decisions and
they present this to the class briefly.
 Quick exit. Something they learned, something they
are still confused about. Sticky note hand in.
Learning Activity #2 Napoleon Overview/ Key Figures/Current Events 25
Assessments/  Once students are done this activity, I am going to
Differentiation give a brief debrief on Napoleon. Things we should
talk about that were in the activity.

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

Lesson Plan Template – ED3501GHI Curriculum Overview Lesson
 Once I am finished, students are going to be given
the time to work on their Key Figures, which is due
Closure/Cliffhanger Time
Assessment of Learning: I will be assessing student’s learning by viewing their
group work, along with listening to their justifications.
Transition to Next Lesson
In the last few minutes I will regain the student’s
attention and summarize the lesson. I will remind
students that tomorrow is their first source analysis,
and that they will have the entire period to work on it 2 mins
and hand it in. Remind them that no additional prep is
needed for the source analysis.
Remind them also that Key Figures and Terms are due
on Friday.
 How does this
individual lesson
scaffold learning This lesson scaffolds on the factors that we have looked at
opportunities for throughout the French Revolution. This lesson makes assumptions
students? that students are able to competently work together to gather
 What assumptions information from the source and critically think about chronological
does this lesson make placement and significance. This is connected to the next lesson as
about what students the source analysis will be based off of the French Revolution factors
already know? and writing they will be doing.
 In what ways is this
lesson connected to
the next lesson?

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 3

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