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There are many stabilize rs so ld on the market today for lise in embroidery mach ine to stabili ze yo ur fabr ic whi le
sewing 011 the desig n(s). Wheth er you are do ing free moti on embroidery or programmed stitching, the end product can
be improved when stabi lize rs are used correctl y. These stabili zers will often give the embroidery design a better-
fini shed look and prevent puckerin g and bun ching of stitches.

Stabili zers can be perm anent or temporary. Perman ent stab il izers arc normall y cut arou nd afte r the embro idery designs
and are mad e. and to be was hed with the garm ent. Temporary backings are removed afte r the designs are done.

Tear-Away Stabilizers
Tear-AvIla)' is ava ilable in several we ights and can be used in single or double layers. Lightwe ight is perfect for machine embroidery,
paper quil l piecing and tra nsferring quilt designs. Because of its lightweight, remova l is easy afte r sewing; and stitch ing is
undisturbed. Can be used in multiple layers. It is recommend ed for use with medium to heavyweight fabrics and densely stitched
embro idery designs. After completing the design, it can be torn away in either the hori zontal or vC I1ica i direction. It should be
removed carefully in order to not disturb the stitches in yo ur design . It is not recommended for delicate fabrics or swea ters.
Lightwe ight tear-away is made fo r embroidery that has li tt le to no fill stitches like Red Wo rk. Heavy weight tear-away is fo r dense
des igns on projects like canvas tote or other projects that isn't made to be washed.

C ut- Away Stab ilizers

Cut-Awa ) is used by profess ionals and is meant to remain with the ga rm ent. It washes we ll and is excell ent for jobs where the
stab ilizer comes ill contact with the skin, such as go lfshi rts or sweaters.

Water So luble Stabilizer

Use this sta bilizer fo r de licate, washable fabri c and used as a topping fo r high pile fab ri c such as terry. It is a gelatin sheet that
disso lves in wa rm waler. For a terry fab ri c, place stabilize r top and bottom and place in hoop. For a fini shed design, use embroidery
th read as th e bobbin thread to match.

Tear-A way/Was h-Away E mbroidery Stabilizer

This Tea r-Away has unique Was h-Away characteristi cs that leave th e embro idery soft and free of stabil izer after the ga rm ent has bee n
washed and yet the sti tches rema in firml y locked. This is not to be used with freestand ing lace work. Remova l of the stab il izer wi ll
need to be run through th e washing machine, or soak ing in a tub of water. This is great for need le tu rn app lique work.

Peal N Stick Adh es ive-Backed Tear-Away

Place Adhes ive-Backed Tear-Away in yo ur hoop. With a pi n score th e paper protective around th e hoop and pee l away protective
paper, ex pos ing the adhes ive. Then lay th e fabri c to be embroidered over th e hoop and smooth in place. Great fo r fabric s that can' t be
hoped wi thou t ha ving "hoop burns" or small collar areas, velvets, and embroider ing on patch blanks and baby bibs.

Hydrostic i<
Tear Awa ) This stabi lize r is perfec t for projects too small to fit in a hoo p, or when you wan t to avoid hoop rings. Si mpl y moisten
with a sponge. apply to fab ric, let dry, and embroider. Stable enough fo r dense embroidery.

No Show Po ly-Mes h C utaway

This is a wove n stab ili ze r espec ially designed for ex tra stabi lity on lightweight fab ri cs and kn its. Un like regular Cut-A ways this
semi transpa rent po ly-mesh will not show th rough white ga rm ents, thus leaving the garment so ft.

No Show Fus ibl e Poly Mesh

This isjust like the No Show cutaway, the only diffe rence is th at it is fused to the back of th e garmen t/fab ric before stitch ing, and is
great for kn its or any fab ric that tends to stretch in the hooping process.

Maratho n Thread Co. 535 Midland Ave. Garfie ld NJ 07026 http: //www.maratho nthread. com 800-9Thread (984-4323)
Miracle Film Heat-Away Stabilizer
Use thi s stab ili zer fo r fabrics th at can to lerate heat but cann ot be washed. It is a lso used as a to ppin g o n terry to keep th e piles fro m
po ki ng thro ugh rh e embro idery. Th is is a permeate sta bilizer and w ill rema in under the stitching when it is washed, un li ke the water
so luble stab il izer wit ch w ill di sso lve lInd er the embro idery when we L, leav ing not s uppo rt fo r the des ign, th erefo re the pil es oflhe
fa bric will co me throug h th e thread s caus ing the de s ign to be d ist0l1ed.

This is a no wo ve n; tempo rary stabili zer leaves no irrit ating edges or bu lk. Flex ibl e witho ut un wa nted e last ic ity, it' s easy to hand le
wh ile cutt ing and hoo ping. Embroi der o n it a lone to create lace; hoop with fa bric for trad itiona l embro idery. To remove stabili zer,
submerge it in water o r wash th e project us in g de li cate cycle . Disso lves compl ete ly, leav in g no res id ue. Idea l for lace wo rk, stand-
a lo ne des igns. Rin ses away ill co ld water by submerg ing in a bath of col d wat er. Des ign is a ll that rema ins o nce the rinse is
com plete.

Heavy, water-so lu ble s tabili zer idea l fo r cut work, lace , he ir loo m sewing, edgework, and heavy thread appli cat io ns on fabr ics
rang ing from th e fin est bati ste and linens to terry c loth, corduroy o r po lar fl eece. Wa nt to create yo ur own mo nogram o r free mot ion
embroi dery des ign? Trace yo ur orig ina l des ign onto thi s strong, c lea r stabi lizer. Hoop und er o r o ve r th e fa bric 10 be stitched, or
attach fa bric to hooped stab ili ze r for hoo pl ess embroidery appli cat ions. (T o make the stabi li zer sti cky, mo isten top s lightl y with
wat er. ) To remove, trim away excess, and then s ubmerge in coo l water fo r 10 minutes. Rinse th o roughl y; a ir d ry. Th is d issol ves in
wa rm or ho t water. Used in place o f many laye rs of thi nner water-so lubl e stabil izers. Great for stand -alone d es igns an d lace!!!

Med ium We ight Stabili ze r/Toppin g: As a topping on high nap fa b ri cs, th is fi lm prov id es a smoo th sur face th at prevents stitches fro m
s in k ing into hig h nap, washable fab r ics li ke velour and terry c loth . When used on edges, it prevents p uckering. Disso lves q uickl y
with no res idue. Once st itch ing is co mpleted, re move your project from the hoo p and tr im away excess stabi lize r, or s imp ly mi st
embro ider y area wi th water, or subm erge the em broidery in coo l water for fi ve to 10 minutes. Rinse thoro ughly and a ir dry. Thi s is a
uni ve rsal water-so lubl e film .

Use this water-so lub le toppi ng fo r des igns that have a lot of j ump stitches, o r des ig ns th at are spac io us. It wi ll kee p th e j ump stitches
on top of the stabili zer for ease o f trimming after th e embroidery process.

Appliqu e Fi lm
Thi s is a po lya mid hot-me lt adh es ive, fo r patches and embl ems, supp lied as a film on s ili co ne re lease paper. It wi ll bo nd all co mm on ly
used fabr ics. It is des igned fo r use w ith a ho useho ld iron, and it w ill wi thstand dry cleani ng and a warm wa ter wash cycle (up to
[OOoF) after it has been a ll O\ved to dry fo r 48 ho urs. Put the iron settin g on woo l o r abo ut 2200F. Keep the iron mov ing fo r 4-6
seconds at 3 pounds per squ are in ch (ps i). YO ll are now ready to tri m the em broi dery and re mo ve the s ilico ne pa per. Pl ease all ow
ap plique film to dry at least 48 hOllrs for the most effec ti ve lise.

Be sure to stop by our booth to check out th ese specia ls

Peggy's Stitch Eraser 3 Regular reta ils for 99.00 S how P r ice $ 69.00

Effi cientl y remove th ose un wanted satin and fill stitches fro l11 yo ur emb ro idered proj ec ts. Used by tho usands in the trade ind ustry, th e
compact des ign of thi s too l a ll ows it to co m fo rtab ly fi t in yo ur hand. A co nve ni ent fi nge r loop prov ides better co ntro l whi le remo vin g
stitches. And wit h an 80" co rd , (' he re 's no need for batt eries-this wonde rful too l will pay fo r itse lf over and over. Protecti ve o il,
c lean ing brush, and instru ctions a ll in c lud ed. U L appro ved; 1- 1/4 " x 4 ". T he maj or d ifferen ce between thi s and a ha ir clipper is in th e
blad es- th ese have been specia ll y engineered to get un der sti tches, grab, and cl ip th em. And it does so w ith out damag ing the fab ri c.

Orga n Home Sew ing Mac hine Needl es w ith Flank Shank 10 Need les pe r Package
Sharp Po int, or Ba ll Po int $ 1.95 T itanium needl es $ 5.28 Meta lli c needl es $ 3.50

Mara th on T hread Co . 53 5 M id land Ave . Gar fi eld NJ 0 7026 http://wlVw.maratho mh m 800-9Thread (984 -4323)

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