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Material Data Max Rebar Number in Beam Width

fy = 420 MPa dia Numbers
fc' = 30 MPa 25 13.92
Ec = 25743 MPa
Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Beam Section Data

Width = B 800 mm
Depth = H 800 mm
Cover to top Compression rebars = 40 mm
Cover to Bott Tension rebars = 40 mm
Side Cover = 40 mm
Bottom Rebar Size = 25 mm
Top Rebar Size 25 mm
Stirrup Size = 12 mm

Beam Effective Depth @bottom = d = 710.5 mm

dt = Depth to outer tension rebar center 735.5 mm
dc = Top outermost fiber to Comp rebar center 62 mm
b1 = 0.65 Minimum
b1 = 0.84 b1 = 0.85 if 17<fc'>28 MPa
Reduction factor f = 0.90 b1 = 0.84 if fc'>28 Mpa
Bending Moment Bottom= Mu 3000 kN.m

Singly Reinforced Section Properties:

ec = Concrete compressive strain = 0.003
es = Reinf. Tensile strain = 0.005
d =Effective Depth = 710.5 mm
C = Neutral axis depth = [ec/(ec+es)]*dt 266.4 mm {ec/(ec+es)}= 0.375
b1 = Equivalent depth factor 0.84
Ymax = Equivalent compressive block depth = 222.67 mm Ymax = beta*Ct
AsSingle = Max Ast for singly reinf. Section 10815.19 mm2 =0.85*fc'*B*Ymax/fy 0.019027
MUR = Max Resisting Moment for S.R.S = 2721.64 kN.m =phi*0.85*fc'*B*Ymax*[d-Ymax/2]
Section should be designed as Doubly Reinforced Section since Mu>Mur
Doubly Reinforced Section Design:
Required Nominal Strength = 3333.33 kN.m = Mu/0.9
Moment which must be resisted by additional compression and tension Reinforcement
MUR1 = Mu/0.9-MUR = 611.69 kN.m
Determination of Compression steel stress f's:
dc = Top outermost fiber to Comp rebar center 62 mm
dc /(0.375*dt) =< 0.31 0.225
[if dc/Ct<=0.31, fs'=fy, (Ct-dc)/Ct*ec*Es]
Since dc/Ct<0.31, f's = fy 420.00 MPa Compression reinforcement Yeilds at the nominal strength f's = fy
As' =MUR1/(fy*(d-d')) = 2246 mm Required Additional Reinforcement
Total Area of Steel Requried @ Bottom = Assingle+As' = 13061 mm r = 0.02298 < 0.04 PASS, Max Steel ratio Limit in Beams
Total Area of Compression Steel Required = 2246 mm
C = Neutral axis depth = (As-As')*fy/(0.85fc'*b) = 198 mm
Capacity of Doubly Reinforced section = f Mn 2994 kN.m Since phi*Mn<Mu; REVISE CALC
Tension Bottom Rebar Provided: Area of Steel
Layer-1 No. of Rebar 13
Dia of Rebar 25 6381.36
Layer-2 No. of Rebar 13
Dia of Rebar 25 6381.36
Layer-3 No. of Rebar 0
Dia of Rebar 25 0
Distance from outerfiiber to center of Ast = 89.5
Area of Rebar Provided = 12763 mm
Compression Top Rebar Provided Area of Steel
Layer-1 No. of Rebar 10
Dia of Rebar 20 3141.59
Layer-2 No. of Rebar 0
Dia of Rebar 25 0
Layer-3 No. of Rebar 0
Dia of Rebar 25 0
Distance from outerfiiber to center of Ast = 62
Area of Rebar Provided = 3142 mm

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