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The Implementation of ESP on Vocational School

A. Background

Human are creature of the individual and social being. As social

humans beings, individu need to interact with another humans being. In
human’s interaction, using language in order to convey what they mean.
Therefore the language played an important role in the society daily life .
Interaction and communication is made easier because of the language.
The language can be used to convey the idea, ideas, desires, juice, or
experience to others. If there is no language, communication and
interaction between human beings will not be possible to run or to happen
easily and it is that being the differentiator in communicating on other

In Indonesia are many variety of a language used for

communication between the society. most of Indonesian peoples using
local language as a means of communication. In addition to local
languages, the international language is also very important to
communicate between peoples in different countries, the international
language is English. English speaking ability is very important for people
interaction where people almost speak every where and every day through
English. In this global era, many people used English as a media of
communication and it makes people who come from different countries to
be easier in making interaction and communication.

Speaking is one way to communicate which ideas and though a

message orally. To enable students to communicate, we need to apply the
language in real communication. According to Gert and Hans (2008: 207),
speaking is speech or utterances with the purpose of having intention to be
recognized by speaker and the receiver processes the statements in order to
recognize their intentions. Brown and Yule (1999: 14) stated that speaking
is depending on the complexity of the information to be communicated;
however, the speaker sometimes finds it difficult to clarify what they want
to say. Rebecca (2006:144) stated that speaking is the first mode in which
children acquire language, it is part of the daily involvement of most
people with language activities, and it is the prime motor of language

In English learning lots of subjects that should be studied by the

student. one of his discussion of english for specific purposes on
vocational schools. By the term English for Specific (or Special, Specified,
Specifiable) Purposes is meant that type of language learning which has its
focus on all aspects of language pertaining to a particular field of human
activity (Wright, 98 1992: 3). In other words, it is a way of teaching or
learning English for specialized subjects with some specific vocational and
educational purposes in mind. ESP is learning and learner oriented, with a
conception and preference for communicative competence. As a specific
approach to language teaching, ESP requires that all decisions as to
content and method be based on the learner‟s reason for learning
(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 19).

Name : Shiti Novita Nuraeni

NPM : 1241172106207

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