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UNIT ONE........................................................................................................................ 1
A. THE ENGLISH ALPHABET........................................................................................ 1
1. DIALOGUE.- NEW FRIENDS..................................................................................... 1
2. SUBJECT PRONOUNS ....:........................................................................................ 1
3. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES.................................................................................. 1
4. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS....................................................................................... 1
5. OBJECT PRONOUNS................................................................................................ 1
B. THE VERB TO BE IN PRESENT: AM - IS - ARE....................................................... 2
1. THE NEGATIVE FORM USING NOT. ISN’T OR AREN’T..................................... 2
2. EXTRA USEFUL VOCABULARY............................................................................... 2
3. READING PRACTICE................................................................................................ 2
4. THE VERB TO BE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN PRESENT:............................. 2
5. EXERCISES 1, 2, 3,4,5............................................................................................... 2, 3
C. THE VERB TO BE IN PAST: WAS - WERE............................. ............................... 4
1. EXTRA USEFUL VOCABULARY............................................................................... 4
2. READING SAMPLES ................................................................................................. 4
4. THE INTERROGATIVE FORM WAS / WERE ........................................................... 4
5. EXERCISES 1, 2, 3, 4 DIALOGUE- THE PARTY....................................................... 4
D. THE FUTURE TENSE: WILL BE ............................................................................... 5
1. EXTRA USEFUL VOCABULARY............................................................................... 5
2. THE NEGATIVE FORM USING WILL NOT OR WON’T /WÓNT/. .......................... 5
3. THE INTERROGATIVE FORM USING WILL OR WON’T.......................................... 5
4. EXERCISES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DIALOGUE -ABOUT TOMORROW NIGHT........................ 5, 6
1. POSITIVE FORM........................................................................................................ 7
2. NEGATIVE FORM...................................................................................................... 7
3. INTERROGATIVE FORM........................................................................................... 7
4. USING W-H QUESTIONS.......................................................................................... 7, 8
5. EXERCISES 1, 2, 3, 4, DIALOGUE - A FUTURE ENGINEER.................................... 8
F. THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ............................................................................... 9
1. POSITIVE FORM FOR I; YOU; WE; THEY................................................................. 9
2. NEGATIVE FORM FOR I; YOU; WE; THEY............................................................... 9
3. INTERROGATIVE FORM FOR I; YOU; WE; THEY.................................................... 9
4. POSITIVE FORM FOR SHE; HE; IT........................................................................... 9
5. NEGATIVE FORM FOR SHE; HE; IT.......................................................................... 9
6. INTERROGATIVE FORM FOR SHE; HE; IT.............................................................. 9
7. FREQUENCY WORDS............................................................................................... 9
8. EXERCISES 1, 2, 3, 4, DIALOGUE - LATE FOR WORK............................................ 10
CARDINAL NUMBERS.................................................................................................... 25-26
REGULAR VERBS.......................................................................................................... 27-28
IRREGULAR VERBS....................................................................................................... 28-31
Vowels A E I O U
/éi/ /i/ /ái/ /óu/ /iú/
Consonants: B C D G P T V
/bi/ /si/ /di/ /yi/ /pi/ /ti/ /vi/
/ef/ /el/ /em/ /en/ /es/ /eks/ /zed/* * In American English “Z” is /zi:/
/yéi/ /eitch/ /kei/ /uái/ /kiú/ /dábliu/ /ar/

Peter Miguel
Hello. My name is Peter Smith. And you? I am Miguel Lopez
Spell your name, please. I spell it; M-I-G-U-E-L. /em / ai / yi / iu / i / el /
Spell your last name, please. I spell it, L-O-P-E-Z. / el / ou / pi / i / zi /
I am happy to meet you. I am happy to meet you, too.
Bye-bye. See you later, Miguel. See you later, Mr. Smith.
“Mr." (pronounced "mister") is used when you're addressing a man..
“Mrs." (pronounced "miziz") is for a married woman
"Miss" (pronounced "miiz") is for an unmarried woman
"Ms." (pronounced "miz") is for all women. Married or unmarried
2 Subject pronouns 3 Possessive adjectives 4 Possessive pronouns 5 Object pronouns
1I yo 9 my mi/mis 17 mine mio/a/os/as 24 me me
2 You tú 10 your tu/tus 18 yours tuyo/a/os/as 25 you te
3 She ella 11 her su/sus/de ella 19 hers de ella 26 her la
4 He él 12 his su/sus /de él 20 his de él 27 him lo
5 It eso/a 13 its su/sus /de eso/a 28 it lo
6 We nostros/as 14 our nuestro/s/a/as 21 ours nuestro/s/as 29 us nos)
7 You ustedes 15 your su/sus/d ustedes 22 yours de ustedes 30 your los/las
8 They ellos/ellas) 16 yheir su/sus/d ellos/as 23 theirs de ellos/as 31 them los/las

1. I am a student. 9- It is my car. 17- The car is mine. 24- They pass me a cookie.
2. You are a student. 10- It is your car. 18- The car is yours. 25- They pass you a cookie.
3. She is a student. 11- It is her car. 19- The car is hers. 26- They pass her a cookie.
4. He is a student. 12- It is his car. 20- The car is his. 27- They pass him a cookie.
5. It is a computer. 13- It is its door. 28- They pass it a cookie.
6. We are students. 14- It is our car. 21- The car is ours. 29- They pass us a cookie.
7. You are students. 15- It is your car. 22- The car is yours. 30- They pass you a cookie.
8. They are students 16- It is their car. 23- The car is theirs. 31- They pass them a cookie.
Spanish Translation
1. Soy estudiante 9- Es mi carro. 17- El carro es mío. 24- Ellos me pasan una galleta.
2. Usted es estudiante 10- Es tú carro. 18- E carro es tuyo. 25- Ellos te pasan una galleta
3. Ella es estudiante. 11- Es su carro. (de ella). 19- El carro es de ella: 26- Ellos le pasan una galleta.(a ella
4. Él es estudiante. 12- Es su carro.(de él) 20- El carro es del él. 27- Ellos le pasan una galleta. (a él)
5. Es un computador. 13- Es su puerta.(de eso) 28- Ellos le pasan una galleta. (a
6. Somos estudiantes. 14- Es nuestro carro. 21- El carro es nuestro. 29- Ellos nos pasan una galleta.
7. Ustedes son 15- Es su carro. (de 22- El carro es de 30- Ellos les pasan una galleta. (a
estudiantes. ustedes). ustedes ustedes)
8. They are students 16- Es su carro. (de 23- El carro es de 31- Ellos les pasan una galleta. (a
ellos/ellas). ellos/ellas. ellos/ellas).
I am /ai æm/ (Yo soy/estoy) We are /ui ár/ (Nosotros/as somos o estamos)
You are /iú ár/ (Tú eres/estás) You are /iú ár/ (Uds. son/están)
He is /ji íz/ (El es/está) They are /dhéi ár/ (Ellos/Ellas son/están)
She is /shi íz/ (Ella es/está)
It is /it íz/ (Es/está)
I am not /ai æm nót/ ---------------------------- I´m not /aim nót/
You are not /iú á:r nót/ You aren’t /iu árent/ You’re not /iúr nót/
He is not /ji iz nót/ He isn’t /jí íznt/ He’s not /jí:z nót/
She is not /shí iz nót/ She isn’t /shí íznt/ She’s not /shíz nót/
It is not /it iz nót/ It isn’t /it íznt/ It’s not /its nót/
We are not /wí ar nót/ We aren’t /wí árent/ We’re not /wír nót/
They are not /dhei ar nót/ They aren’t /dhei árent/ They’re not /dheir nót/
What? /wót/ ¿Qué?¿Cuál?; Where? /wéar/ ¿ Dónde?;Who? /ju:/ ¿Quién?; How? /jáu/ ¿Cómo?; This /dhis/
este/a; That /dhæt/ ese/a These /dhiiz/ estos/as Those /dhóuz/ esos/as A /a/(antes de sonido de cons.) un/a;,
An /an/ (antes de sonido de vocal) un/a The / dhe (antes de cons.), dhi/ (antes de vocal) el, la, los, las; In /in/
en; On /on/ encima de; At /æt/ en; Today y /tudéi/ Hoy día; Now /náu/ ahora; Thanks /thænks/ gracias; Thank
you /thænk iu/ gracias; Fine /fáin/ bien; Very well /véri uél/ muy bien; busy /bizi/ ocupado/a; Tired /taier/
cansado/a; Ready /redi/ listo/a; Thirsty /thersti/ sediento; Hungry /jangri/ hambriento/a; Angry /ængri/
enojado/a; happy /jæpi/ feliz; Sad/sæd/ triste; Clean/kliin/ limpio/a; Dirty /derti/ sucio; Much better/mucho mejor

A.What is this? /wót iz dhis/ This is a pencil. It’s a pencil. /its a pénsol/
B.What is that? /wót iz dhæt/ That is an eraser. It’s an eraser /its an ireizer/
C.What are these? /wót ar dhiiz/ These are books. They’re books./dheir buuks/

D.What are those?/ wót ar dhóuz/ Those are chairs. They’re chairs./dheir chearz/
E.Who is that man? /ju iz dhæt mæn/ He’s Mr. Jones. He’s the teacher.
F.Where is he now?/wuer iz ji náu/ He’s in the supermarket now.
G.How are you? /jáu uar iu/ I’m fine, thanks. /aim fáin, thænks/


Simple Question Affirmative answer Negative answer

A. Am I correct? /ám ái karrekt/ Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

B. Are you all right? /ár iu ól ráit/ Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
C. Is he a captain? /íz ji a kæptin/ Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
D. Is she a doctor? /íz shi: a daktor/ Yes, she is. No, she isn’t
E. Is the answer good? /íz dhi ánser guud/ Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
F.Are we security guards?/ár wi sekiuriti gardz/ Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
F. Are you students? /ár iu stiudents/ Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
G. Are they busy? /ár dhei bízi/ Yes, they are. No, They aren’t

5. EXERCISE 1. Use the correct form of the verb TO BE (am / is / are)

1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now. 6. Doctor Smith _____ busy right now.
2. John and Mary _____ good friends. 7. The train _____ ten minutes late.
3. The men ______ tired. 8. I ______ a university student.
4. The vehicles______ new. 9. The instructor’s name _____ John Doe.
5. The computers ______ expensive. 10. The instructors _____ in the office.

EXERCISE 2. Answer these questions, as in the example
0. Is Tom a pilot? Yes, he is. He’s a pilot.
1. Are you in the office? Yes, ___________ ___________________________________
2. Is the man Mr. Clark? Yes, ___________ ___________________________________
3. Are we ready to go? ________________ __________________________________
4. Am I a good instructor? ________________ __________________________________
5. Are the students in class? ________________ __________________________________
6. Is Miss Jones a secretary? ________________ __________________________________
7. Is the plane modern? ________________ __________________________________
8. Are the chairs blue color? ________________ __________________________________
9. Is Luis a Colombian man? ________________ __________________________________

EXERCISE 3. Answer the questions as in the example:

0. Are they instructors? (students) No, they are not. (They aren’t instructors)
They ‘re students.
1. Are the boys happy? (hungry) No, _________________ ( ___________________________ )
2. Are you hungry? (thirsty) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
3. Is Bob at home? (at work) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
4. Are the children angry? (sad) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
5. Is your brother a doctor? (an electrician) ________________ ( ________________________ )
6. Are your books new) (old) ________________ ( ______________________________ )
7. Is Carmen a dentist? (a teacher) ________________ ( _____________________________ )

EXERCISE 4. Ask questions using the Wh-words What, Who, Where, How?, as in the example:
It’s a helicopter What is this? Or What is that?
1. It’s a motorcycle. ________________________________________
2. They’re pens. ________________________________________
3. The car is in the parking lot. ________________________________________
4. I’m OK. Thanks ________________________________________
5. That man is Mr. Trujillo. ________________________________________
6. The computer is on the table. ________________________________________
7. The supervisor is at the library. ________________________________________

EXERCISE 5. Complete and practise these dialogues with a partner.

Robert : How do you do? My name ______ Robert Brown.
Jack : How do you do? My name ______ Jack Richardson. Where ______ you from, Mr. Brown?
Robert : I ______ American. I ______ from Appleton, Wisconsin.
Jack : Oh. That ______ very interesting.
Frank : Hello. My name ______ Frank. What ______ your name?
John : My name ______ John. How ______ you?
Frank : I ______ fine, thanks. ______ you a student here?
John : No, I ______ not. I ______ an instructor.
Frank : Oh. Pleased to meet you, Sir.

I was /ai wóz/ (Yo era/estaba/fui/estuve) We were /wi wéer/ (Nos. Éramos /estábamos)
You were /iú wéer/ (Tú eras/estabas/fuiste/estuviste) You were /iú wéer/ (Uds. eran/estaban)
He was /ji wóz/ (El era/estaba/fue/estuvo) They were /dhei wéer/
She was /shi wóz/ (Ella era/estaba/fue/estuvo) (Ellos/Ellas/eran/estaban/)
It was /it wóz/ (Era/estaba/fue/estuvo)
When? /wén/ ¿Cuándo?; Why? /wái/ ¿Por qué?; How old? /jáu óuld/ ¿Qué edad? Last week /lást
wíik/ la semana pasada; Two days ago /túu déiz agóu/ Hace dos días; Yesterday /iésterdi/ ayer; The
day before yesterday /dhe déi bifór iésterdi/ anteayer; Last night /last náit/ anoche
A. I was very busy yesterday. /ai woz véri bízi iésterdei/
B. John was at home all day today. /yón woz at hóum óol déi tudéi/
C. We were in Paris last year /wi wéer in páris last íar/
D. Mary was the best student in my class. /méri woz dhe bést stiúdent in mai klás/
E. They were very good friends. /dhei wéer véri gud fréndz/
A- I was not very busy last week. /ai woz nót véri bízi lá:st wíik/
B- John wasn’t at home this morning. /yón wóznt at hóum dhis mórning
C- We weren’t in New York last year. /wi wéerent in niú iórk lást íar/
D- Mary wasn’t a good student at high school. /méri wóznt a gúd stiúdent at jái skúul/
A. Were you in class this morning? /weer iú in klás dhis mórning/
B. Was John sick yesterday? /woz yón sík iésterdi/
C. Was Mary a good student at school? /woz méri a gúud stiúdent at skúul/
D. Where were you at this time yesterday? /wéar wéer iú at dhis táim iésterdi/
EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the verb TO BE, present or past:
1. John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago today.
2. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.
3. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.
4. Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?
5. The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.
6. John ______n’t in the office at ten this morning because he ______ at a meeting.
7. Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.
EXERCISE. 2. Change the following sentences into a) Negative b) interrogative
1. The secretary was busy at midday. a)______________________________________________
2. They were good friends at school. a)_______________________________________________
3. The weather was fine that day. a)__________________________________________________
EXERCISE. 3. Ask questions using Wh-words like What?, When?,Why?, How?, How old, Who?
1. Tom was at home at midnight last night. _____________________________________________
2. John was in the car at that moment. ________________________________________________
3. Liz was in bed because she was sick. _______________________________________________
Paul: Were you at the party last week? Joe: No, I wasn’t. I was at home. Why?
Paul: Your girlfriend was there. Joe: Was she with her sister?
Paul: She was with her brother, John.. Joe: John is not her brother. He is her friend.
Paul: Well. They were very happy. Joe: What time was the party over?
Paul: The party was over at 2:00 am. Joe: I am over with ex-girlfriend, too.

I will be /ai wil bí:/ (yo seré / estaré) I’ll be /áil bíI/
You will be /iú: wil bí:/ (tú serás / estarás) You’ll be /iul bíi/
He will be /jii wil bíi/ (el será / estará) She’ll be /shiil bii/
She will be /shí: wil bí:/ (ella será / estará) He´ll be /jíl bíi/
It will be /it wil bí:/ (será / estará) It’ll be /iriil bii/
We will be /wí: wil bí:/ (nos.seremos /estaremos We’ll be /wuiil bii/
You will be /iú: wil bí:/ (uds. serán / estarán) You’ll be /iul bíi/
They will be /dhei wil bí:/ (ellos / as serán estarán) They´ll be /dheiil bii/


How long? /jáu lóng/ ¿Cuánto tiempo? Until /antíl/ hasta; For /for/ por, para What time? /wót táim/
¿Qué hora? Tomorrow /tumórou/ mañana; Next week /´nekst wiik/ la próxima semana; The day after
tomorrow /!e déi áfter tumórou/ pasado mañana; To be back /tu bii bak/ regresar; Free /libre/

A- I will be very busy this afternoon. /ái wil bíi véri bízi dhis afternúun/ .
B- John will be in class until 1 o’clock. /jón wil bíi in klás antil wán oklók/
C- It’ll be hot tomorrow. /íril bíi jat tumórou/
D- I’ll be on vacation for two weeks. /ail bí: on veikeishon for túu wíiks/
E- Mary’ll be at the restaurant tonight. /mariil bii at dhe restorant tunait


A. I will not be very busy tomorrow. /ai wil nót bíi véri bízi tumórou/
B. Mary will not be at home today. /méri wil nót bíi at hóum tudéi/
C. They won´t be here all day. /dhei wóunt bíi híar óol dei/
D. It won’t be cold tonight. /it wóunt bíi kóuld tunáit/


A- Will you be free tomorrow evening? /wil iú: bí: frí: tumórou ívning/
B- Will the test be difficult? /wil dhe tést bíi dífikalt/
C- Will they be here on Monday? /wil dhei bíi híar on mándei/
D- Won’t you be at the meeting? /wóunt iú. bii at dhe míitin/
E- When will they be here again? /wén wil dhei bíi híar agéin/
F- How long will they be in Washington? /jáu long wil dhei bíi in wóshington/
G- What time will you be back? /wót táim wil iuu bíi bæk/

4. EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences, as in the example:

0. John is not at home today, but he (will be at home) tomorrow.
1. Tom and Jack aren’t in the same class this week, but they _______________________ next week.
2. John isn’t absent today, but he ___________________________________ the day after tomorrow.
3. It is not very cold now, but it _____________________________________________ this evening.
4. We are not busy right now, but we _________________________________________ after lunch.
5. I am not in my office at the moment, but I __________________________________in ten minutes.
6. Mr.Johnson was not at the meeting last week, but he _________________________ next Monday.
7. The weather was not very nice last month, but it ______________________________ next month.

EXERCISE 2. Change the following sentences into the negative and the interrogative forms.
1. John will be in class today. ________________________________________________________
2. It will be hot tomorrow. ___________________________________________________________
3. My friends will be here before 12. ___________________________________________________
4. The program will be interesting. ____________________________________________________
5. Mary will be in the office all morning. ________________________________________________
6. I will be in the first team. __________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 3. Ask questions using Where?,When?,Why?, How?, How long?, What time?, etc.
1. All the shops will be closed tomorrow because it’s Sunday. _______________________________
2. I will be free next Tuesday morning. _________________________________________________
3. The students will be in the lab this afternoon. __________________________________________
4. They will be here at ten-thirty. ______________________________________________________
5. The weather will be very nice this month. _____________________________________________
6. Mary will be in New York next weekend. ______________________________________________
7. She will be back in Colombia on Wednesday. __________________________________________
8. They will be at home all day because the weather is not good. _____________________________
9. Mr. Johnson will be absent from work for three days? ____________________________________
10. The security guard was at his post at night. ___________________________________________
EXERCISE. 4. Answer the following questions, in English.
1. Where were you at this time yesterday? ______________________________________________
2. When will you be on vacation again? _________________________________________________
3. How are you today? ______________________________________________________________
4. Who was absent from class last Monday? _____________________________________________
5. Why is your friend in bed at this time? ________________________________________________
6. Where were you last weekend? _____________________________________________________
7. Who was with you at the party last Saturday? __________________________________________
8. When is the next general meeting? __________________________________________________
9. Where will you be at this time tomorrow? ______________________________________________
10. Why were you absent from class last Friday?__________________________________________


Jake: Where will you be tomorrow night? Mark: I will be in a concert?

Paul: What time will you be in the concert?. Joe: I will be in the concert at 8:00?
Paul: Will you be there alone? Joe: No, I won’t. I will be there with my friend.
Paul: I won’t be in my house tomorrow. Joe: Where will you be, then?
Paul: I will be at the movies. Joe: Good for you!

I am studying English. /ai am stadiing inglish/ We are patrolling. /wi ar patrouling/
You are protecting the area. /iu ar protekting dhi erea/ You are visiting. /iu ar visiting/
She is relaxing now. /shi iz relaksing nau/ They are playing. /dhei ar pleing/
He is guarding the gate. /hi iz garding dhe geit/
It is indicating the hour. /it iz indikeiting dhi auar/

1.They´re living in New York at present. /dhéi ar living in niu iórk at prézent/
2.Mary´s working in Room 10 now. /mériz wérking in rúm tén náu/
3.Herbert´s having lunch at the moment. /hérberts hæviing lántch at dhe móument/
4.I’m living with my sister Anne for the time being. /áim líving with mai sister ann for dhe táim bíing/
5.She’s opening the gate two right now. /shiiz oupening dhe geit rait nau/

1.They are not living in New York at present. They’re not living ... They aren’t living ...
2.Mary is not working in Room 10 now. Mary’s not working.... Mary isn’t working...
3.Herbert’s having lunch at the moment. Herbert’s not having.. Herbert isn’t having...
4.I am not living with my sister Anne for the time being. I am not living with... I’m not living with...
5.She is not opening the gate two right now. She’s not opening... She isn’t opening...

1.Are they living in New York at present? They’re not living ... They aren’t living ...
2.Mary is not working in Room 10 now. Mary’s not working.... Mary isn’t working...
3.Herbert’s having lunch at the moment. Herbert’s not having.. Herbert isn’t having...
4.I am not living with my sister Anne for the time being. I am not living with... I’m not living with...
5.She is not opening the gate two right now. She’s not opening... She isn’t opening...


A. John is living in New York at present. Where is John living at present?
B. The children are playing soccer now. What are the children playing now?
C. She is wearing a sweater because it’s cold. Why is she wearing a sweater?
D. The secretary is eating at the moment. What time is the secretary doing at the moment?
E. Peter and I are checking out the perimeter. What are you doing?
F. The man is drinking water right now. What is he drinking right now?


1. I _______________________________ to the news at the moment. (listen)
2. The students _____________________ to class now. (go)
3. Mr. Smith ________________________ for the bus. (wait)
4. Mary ____________________________ as a secretary for the time being, . (work)
5. Our friends _______________________ the ecological path at the moment. (visit)
6. The train _________________________ at the station at this time. (arrive)
7. They_____________________________ the exercises well now. (do)
8. Samantha_________________________ the weekend in Florida. (spend)
9. Look! The bus _____________________ over there! (come)
10. Listen! Those children ________________ English! (speak)


1. The children are watching TV.

2. John’s having breakfast now.
3. The student is eating lunch in the cafeteria at the moment.
4. Martin is cleaning the house because it is dirty.
5. The boy and I are reading a book in the library.
6. The animals are drinking water right now.
7. The supervisor is closing the gate at present.


1. Mary’s eating an orange now. _____________________________________________________

2. John and his friends are watching the game.__________________________________________
3. They’re living in London at present.__________________________________________________
4. The students are reading a story. ___________________________________________________
5. George is travelling by plane. ______________________________________________________
6. He is absent because it is Sunday. __________________________________________________
7. The manager is checking out the product. ____________________________________________
8. Jim is sleeping because he is tired. _________________________________________________
9. Karl and Jane are dancing a song right now. __________________________________________


Derek Jane
Where’s Billy? He’s in his room.
What is he doing? Is he sleeping?. No, he isn’t. He is studying for a test.
Wow! He is constantly studying!. That’s why he is doing Well, he is preparing now because he will
so well at school right now” be an engineer in the future. You know.
Yes, he is a very good boy. And we are very good parents.

1.I speak Spanish every day. /ai spíIk spæ´nish évri déi/
2.You work at the university. /iu werk at dhe yiuniversiti/
3.We go to the park every night. /wi góu tu dhe park évri nait/
4.They come here on Saturday. /dhéi kám jíar on sæ´terdi/


1.I do not speak Spanish every day. I don’t speak Spanish every day.
2.You do not work at the university. You don’t work at the university.
3.We do not go to the park every night. We don’t go to the park every night.
4.They do not come here on Saturday. They don’t come here on Saturday.


1.Do I speak Spanish every day. /dú ai spíIk spæ´nish évri déi/
2.Do you work at the university. /dú iu werk at dhe yiuniversiti/
3.Do we go to the park every night. /dú wi góu tu dhe park évri nait/
4.Do they come here on Saturday. /dú dhéi kám jíar on sæ´terdi/


1.She speaks Spanish every day. /shi spíiIks spæ´nish évri déi/
2.He works at the university. /ji werks at dhe yiuniversiti/
3.The dog goes to the park every night. /dhe doog góuz tu dhe park évri nait/


1.She does not speak Spanish every day. She doesn’t speak Spanish every day.
2.He does not work at the university. He doesn’t work at the university.
3.The dog does not go to the park every night. The dog doesn’t go to the park every night.


1.Does she speak Spanish every day? /daz shi spíiIk spæ´nish évri déi/
2.Does he work at the university /daz ji werk at dhe yiuniversiti/
3.Does the dog go to the park every night /daz dhe doog góu tu dhe park évri nait/


A. Always /ólweiz/ 100% frequency

B. Usually /íushuali/ 90 % frequency
C. Often /ófen/ 80 % frequency
D. Sometimes /sámtaimz/ 50 % frequency
E. Seldom /séldom/ 30 % frequency
F. Rarely /réarli/ 20 % frequency
G. Hardly ever /hárdli éver/ 5 % frequency
H. Never /néver/ 0 % frequency

7. EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences in the Simple Present Tense of the verbs in
1. The boys_____________________ at this time every morning. (get up)
2. They rarely ________________________ to the North in the summer. (go)
3. Liz and I____________________________breakfast at 7:15 every morning. (have)
4. Jimmy _____________________ the newspaper on the train every day. (read)
5. The students sometimes ______________________ rugby at school. (play)
6. Parker_________________ under the guadua bridge every Friday night. (walk)
7. The train ___________________ in Paris at 7:50 every morning. (arrive)
EXERCISE 2. Change the following sentences into a) negative, b) interrogative.
1. Dr. Jones likes to drink coffee with milk.
_______________________________________________ ?
2. They live next the the station.
_______________________________________________ ?
3. Peter drinks beer every day.
_______________________________________________ ?
4. The bus leaves at 11:45
_______________________________________________ ?
5. That man speaks French.
_______________________________________________ ?
6. They go to the gym every morning.
_______________________________________________ ?
7. Bob always drinks beer.
_______________________________________________ ?
EXERCISE 3. Ask questions using W-H: WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, etc.
1. She lives in Chicago. ___________________________________________________ _______?
2. They play golf on Saturdays. _____________________________________________________ ?
3. They get up at 7:15 every morning. ________________________________________________?
4. The students need more practice. _________________________________________________ ?
5. John goes to the beach every summer. ___________________________________________:_ ?
6. Mary comes to work by taxi. _____________________________________________________ ?
7. We go to the club on Friday. _____________________________________________________ ?
8. They go to the park on Sunday. __________________________________________________ ?
jane Peter
Peter! Wake up. You will be late for work What time is it?.
It’s 8:00 am. I’m preparing breakfast for you. Get ready. I will be ready in 20 minutes.
Do you want coffee or hot chocolate? I don’t like chocolate. I prefer coffee.
Do you like your eggs scrambled? Yes, I love scrambled eggs with toast.
Where do you want your breakfast? I want my breakfast in the kitchen today.
Good. Breakfast will ready in 10 minutes. Thanks. You are an angel.
Question Answer Transcripts Spanish Translation
1- Tell me about My full name is John Doe, I am Mai ful neim is John Dou, Mi nombre completo es
yourself. from Colombia. I am 24 years Ai am from Colombia. Ai Fulano de tal. Soy de
Hableme acerca old, I live in Bogotá. am tueni four iars ould, Ai Colombia. Tengo 24 años.
de usted. At the moment, I’m a student. liv in Bogotá. Vivo en Bogotá.
At dhe moment, aim a En el momento soy
My favorite food is chicken. My
stiudent. Mai feivorit fuud estudiante. Mi comida
favorite fruit is banana. My is chiken. Mai feivorit fruut favorita es pollo. Mi fruta
favorite sport is soccer. I like iz bƏnana. Mai feivorit favorita es el banano. Mi
listening to music. I like going to sport is sƏker.Ai laik deporte favorito es el fútbol.
the gym. I don´t like smoking. I lisening tƏ miusic. ai laik Me gusta escuchar música.
don’t like drinking. I enjoy going tƏ the yim. Ai dont Me gusta ir al gym. No me
watching the news and sports on laik smouking. Ai don´t gusta fumar. No me gusta
TV. laik drinking. Ai enyoi beber. Disfruto ver las
uaching dhƏ nius and noticias y deportes en tv.
sports on tivi.
2- What is your My favorite fruit is banana Mai feivrit fruut is Mi fruta favorita es el banano
favorite fruit and because it is sweet, delicious, bƏnana porque es dulce, delicioso,
why? nutritious and healthy. It is rich in bikƏz iris suit, nutritivo y saludable. Es rico
Cuál es tu fruta fiber, potassium and vitamin C. It delishuz, nutrishoz en fibra, potasio y vitamina C.
and jeelthi. Iris rich in Es una fruta típica en mi país,
favorita y is a typical fruit in my country,
faiber, potashium and Colombia.
Por qué? Colombia. vairamin si. Iris Ə tipicƏl
fruut in mai kauntri,
3- What is your My favorite meal is lunch, Mai feivrit miƏl is lƏnch Mi comida favorito es el
favorite meal, because I can have some soup, bikƏz ai can jaav soum almuerzo porque puedo
describe it to me. a delicious salad, chicken, or suup, Ə delishuz salad comer algo de sopa, una
Cuál es su comida beef, rice and a glass of juice. chikƏn or biif, ráis and Ə deliciosa ensalada, pollo o
glaz Əf yuuz. carne, arroz y un vaso de
4- What is your My favorite restaurant is the Mai feivrit restorant iz Mi restaurante favorito es la
favorite seafood house. The food is dhe siifuud jauz. Dhe casa de la comida de mar. La
restaurant? Tell delicious and well prepared. fuud iz delishuz and uel comida es deliciosa y bien
me about it. Cuál The service is excellent and pripeƏrd. Dhe servis iz preparada. El servicio es
ekselent and fast. Fainali excelente y rápido.
es tu restaurante fast. Finally, the prices are
dhe prisiz Ər chiip. Finalmente, los precios son
favorito? Hábleme cheap. baratos.
acerca de él.
5- What is your My favorite place to relax is my Mai feivrit pleiz tƏ rilaks Mi lugar favorito para
favorite place to home, because it is a nice, Iz mai joum, bikƏz iris Ə relajarme es mi hogar porque
relax, tell me about comfortable and quiet place to naiz, comfribol and es un agradable, cómodo y
it? Cuál es su stay. I can sit on a sofa, listen to kuaiet pleis tƏ stei. ai can callado lugar para estar.
sit Ən dhe soufa, lisen tƏ Puedo sentarme en el sofá,
sitio favorito para music or watch my favorite
miusik or uatch mai feivrit escuchar música o ver mis
relajarse. Hábleme movies and programs on TV. muviiz and programs on películas favoritas y
acerca de el.. tivi. programas en la tv.

6- What is your My favorite place to go on Mai feivrit pleiz tƏ gou on Mi lugar favorito para ir de
favorite place to go vacation is Santa Martha. It is in veikashon iz Santa Marta. vacaciones es Santa Marta.
on vacation? the Atlantic coast. It is a nice, Iris in dhe atlantik coust. Está en la costa Atlántica. Es
Cuál es tu lugar small and beautiful city. It has a Iris Ə naiz, smool and una agradable, pequeña y
biurifƏl siri. It jaz Ə uarm hermosa ciudad. Tiene un
favorito para ir de warm weather and it is always
uedher and iris olueiz clima cálido y siempre esta
vacaciones? sunny. People are kind and sƏni. Piipol Ər kaind and soleada. La gente es amable
friendly. frendli. y amigable.

7- What is your My favorite color is blue. I think it Mai feivrit color iz bluu. Ai Mi color favorito es el azul.
favorite color? is a beautiful color. I like to wear thingk iris Ə biurifƏl cƏlor. Creo que es un color bonito.
Cuál es tu color sweaters, jackets and clothes in Ai laik tƏ ueƏr suererz, Me gusta usar suéteres,
yakets and clouthz in chaquetas y ropa en ese
favorito? that color.
dhat color color.

8- What is your My favorite sport is football Mai feivrit sport iz futbol Mi deporte favorito es futbol.
favorite sport and soccer. It is the national sport saker. Iris dhe nashional Es el deporte nacional en mi
why? Cuál es tu in my country. I play soccer in sport in mai kantri. Ai país. Juego futbol en el
plei saker In dhe park uit parque con mis amigos. Me
deporte favorito y the park with my friends. I like to
mai freends. Ai laik tƏ gusta ver paridos de futbol en
por qué? watch soccer games on TV. uatch saker gueimz on tv.
9- What is your My favorite day of the week is Mai feivrit dei Əf dhe Mi día favorito de la semana
favorite day of the Sunday, because I relax that Uiik iz sƏndii bikƏz es el domingo porque puedo
week and why? day. It is a day to do my things. I ai rilaks dhat dei. . Iris relajarme ese día. Es un día
Cuál es tu día de la can clean my apartment. I can Ə dei tƏ du mai things. Ai para hacer mis cosas. Puedo
kan cliin mai apartment. Ai limpiar mi apartamento.
semana favorito y wash my motorcycle. I can
kan uash mai Puedo Lavar mi moto y
por qué? spend time with my family mourorsaikol and ai kan puedo pasar tiempo con mi
spend taim uit mai family familia.

10- What is your My favorite Television program Mai feivrit televishon Mi programa favorito de
favorite television is “Friends” because it is very program iz Frends bikƏz televisión es “Amigos” porque
program and why? funny, entertaining, and relaxing. iris very fƏni, entertaining es muy gracioso, entretenido
Cuál es tu I usually watch Friends every and rilaksing. Ai iushuali y relajante. Usualmente veo
uatch freends evri dei at “Friends” todos los días a las
programa de day at 7 pm.
seven piem. 7 pm.
televisión favorito y
por qué?
11- What is your My favorite magazine is “Soho” Mai feivrit magazine iz Mi revista favorita es “Soho”
favorite magazine? because it has a lot of financial, Sojo bikƏz it jaz Ə lat porque tiene muchas noticias
and why? Cuál es political and international news. I Əf fainashial political and financieras, políticas e
su revista favorita y like reading this magazine Internashional nius. Ai laik internacionales. Me gusta
riiding dhiz magazin leer esta revista
por qué? especially on weekends.
espeshiali on uiikends especialmente los fines de
12- What is your My favorite time of the day is the Mai feivrite taim Əf dhe Mi tiempo favorito del día es
favorite time of the evening, because I can spend dei Iz dhi ivning bikƏz ai la noche porque puedo pasar
day and why? Cuál some time with my family. I can kan spend soum taim uit algún tiempo con mi familia.
es su momento talk to them. I can play x-box mai family. Ai kan took tƏ Puedo hablar con ellos.
dhem. Ai kan plei Puedo jugar juegos de X-box.
favorito del día y games with them. We can watch
eks-baks gueimz uith Podemos ver tv y cenar
por qué? T.V. and have dinner together. dhem. Ui kan uatch tivi juntos.
and jav diner tƏguedher
13- What is your My favorite time of the year is Mai feivrit taim Əf dhi Mi tiempo favorito del año es
favorite time of the Christmas, because I can spend iar iz kristmas bikƏz navidad porque puedo pasar
year and why? time with my family. It is time to ai kan spend taim uit mai tiempo con mi familia. Es
Cuál es su época make reflections. I celebrate with family. Iris taim tƏ meik tiempo de hace reflexiones.
refllekshonz. Ai selebreit Celebro con mis padres y
favorita del año y my parents and my friends.
uit mai parents and mai amigos. Intercambiamos
por qué? We exchange presents and we frends. Ui ekschainch regalos y la pasamos bueno.
have a good time. presents and ui jav a guud
14- What is your My favorite mode of Mai feivrit moud Əf Mi modo favorito de
favorite mode of transportation is the public bus transporteishon iz dhe transporte es el bus público
transportation and because it is fast, cheap and pƏblik bƏz bikoz iris fast, porque es rápido, barato y
why? Cuál es su comfortable. There are many chiip and kamfribol. Dher cómodo. Hay muchos buses
ar meni bƏzis and taksiz y taxis en mi ciudad.
modo favorito de buses and taxis in my city.
in mai siri.
transporte? por

15- Who is your My favorite actor is Brad Pitt. 2 Mai feivrit aktor iz brad Mi actor favorito es Brad Pitt.
favorite actor and He's an American actor; He is pit. Jiz an Əmerikan Es un actor americano. Tiene
why? Quien es su about 40 years old. He's tall and actor. Ji iz Əbaut fouri iars como 40 años. Es alto y
ould. Jiz tool and fit. Ji jaz atlético. Tiene cabello rubio.
actor o actriz fit. He has short, blond hair. He
short blond jear. Ji iz very Es muy atractivo y famoso.
favorito? Por qué? is very attractive and famous. He atraktiv and feimƏz. Ji iz Es una excelente persona y
is an excellent person and a very an ekselent person and Ə un actor muy profesional.
professional actor.
very profeshional actor.
16- Who is your My favorite singer is Carlos Mai feivrit singuer iz Mi cantante favorito es
favorite Singer and Vives. He’s a professional and Carlos Vives. Ji iz Ə Carlos Vives. Es un artista
why? Quién es tu talented artist. He has a great prƏfeshional and talented profesional y talentoso. Tiene
cantante favorito y voice and some fantastic songs. artist. Ji jaz Ə greit voiz una gran voz y algunas
and soum fantastik songs. canciones. El ayuda y apoya
por qué? He helps and supports many
Ji jelps and suports meni muchos niños pobres. Es una
poor children. He's an excellent puur children. Ji iz an excelente persona.
person. ekselent person.
17- Who is your My favorite artist is Leonardo Da Mai feivrit artist iz Mi artista favorito era
favorite artist and Vinci; He was an Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinchi. Ji uaz Leonardo Da Vinci. Él fue un
why? Quién es tu and a great inventor. He painted an italian peinter and Ə pintor y gran inventor italiano.
artista favorito y “The Mona Liza". He drew the greit inventor. Ji peintid El pintó “La Mona lisa” el
dhe monaliza. Ji druu dhe dibujó los diseños de muchos
por qué designs of many modern
disaignz Əf meni modern inventos modernos. Fue un
inventions. He was a genius. invenshons. Ji uaz Ə genio.
18- What is the I live in in a beautiful city. The Ai liv in Ə biurifƏl siri. dhe Vivo en una ciudad hermosa.
weather usually weather is usually cool and uether iz yushuali cuul El clima es usualmente
like where you windy in the mornings. and uindi in dhe mornings fresco y ventoso en las
live? Como es It is hot and sunny around iris jat and sƏni araund mañanas. Es caliente y
mid-dei and iris could at soleado alrededor del
usualmente el mid-day and it is cold at night.
nait. mediodía y es frio en la
clima donde vives? noche.
19- What is the first The first thing I usually do in the dhe fƏrst thing ai du in La primera cosa que hago en
thing you do in the morning after I wake up is to dhe morning after ai la mañana después de
morning? Qué es thank God for everything. Next, I ueikƏp iz tƏ thank gad for despertarme es agradecerle
la primero que have a cup of coffee. evriting. Neks, ai jav Ə a Dios por todo. Luego, tomo
kƏp ov cafii. una taza de café
hace en la
20- What is the last The last thing I do in the Dhe last thing ai du in dhe La última cosa que hago en
thing you do in the evenings, is to read the bible ifnings iz tƏ riid dhe las noches es leer la biblia y
evening? Qué es and pray. Finally, I go to sleep. baibol and prei. Fainali, ai rezar. Finalmente, me voy a
lo último que gou tƏ sliip. dormir.
haces en la
21- What are some I always wake up at 6. After that, Ai olueis ueik Əp at siks. Siempre me despierto a las
things you do I take a shower. Next, I brush my After dhat, ai teik Ə 6. Después de eso, tomo una
routinely in the teeth. Later, I get dressed. Then, shauar. Negks, ai brƏsh ducha. Luego, me cepillos
morning? Cuáles I have breakfast with my wife. mai tiith. Leirer, ai guet mis dientes. Más tarde me
dresst. Dhen ai jav visto. Luego tomo el
son algunas cosas We watch the news on TV.
breakfast uit mai uaif and desayuno con mi esposa.
que usted hace de Finally, I say bye to my wife and ui uatch dhe nius on tivi. Vemos las noticias en
forma rutinaria en I go to work. Fainali, ai sei bai to mai televisión. Finalmente, digo
la mañana? uaif and ai gou tƏ uork. adiós y voy a trabajar.
22- What are some I usually have lunch at one pm. Ai yushuali jav lƏnch at Usualmente almuerzo a la
things you do Then, I take a nap in my room uan piem. Dhen, ai teik Ə una en punto. Luego tomo
routinely in the for half an hour. Later, I take a nap in mai ruum for jaf an una siesta en mi cuarto por
afternoon? Que shower and I check my personal auar. Leirer, ai teik Ə media hora. Más trade, tomo
shauer and ai check mai una ducha y reviso mis
son algunas cosas emails. Finally, I go to work until
personal imeils. Fainali, ai correos. Finalmente, voy a
que usted hace de 6 pm. gou tƏ uork Əntil siks pi em trabajar hasta las 6 pm.
forma rutinaria en
la tarde?

23- What are some In my free time, I usually relax at

things you do in home. I sometimes watch In mai frii taim, ai yushuali En mi tiempo libre,
your free time? movies or listen to music. Then, I rilaks at joum. Ai usualmente descanso en
soumtaimz uach muviiz casa. Algunas veces veo
Cuáles son wash my motorcycle; I also play
or lisen tƏ miusik. Dhen, películas o escucho música.
algunas de las X-box games. ai uash mai mourorsaikol. Luego lavo mi moto. También
cosas que haces Ai olso plei Eks bakz juego juegos de x-box.
en tu tiempo libre? gueimz.

24- Describe the My house is big, comfortable Mai jauz iz big, Mi casa es grande cómoda y
house in which you and clean. It has 2 doors and 4 kamfribol and kliin. It Jaz limpia. Tiene 2 puertas y 4
live. Describa la big windows. There is a garage, tuu doors and four big ventanas grandes. Hay un
uindous. Dheriz Ə garaje, una sala, un
casa en la cual a living room, a dining room, a
garaash, a living ruum, Ə comedor, una cocina y un
usted vive. kitchen and a bathroom on the daining ruum, a kitchen baño en el primer piso. Hay 3
first floor. There are 3 bedrooms, and Ə bathruum on dhe cuartos, un baño y un balcón
a bathroom and a balcony on the fƏrst floor. Dherar thrii en el segundo piso. Es una
second floor. It is a beautiful bedruums, Ə bathruum, hermosa casa.
house. and Ə balkoni on dhe
secƏnd floor. Iris Ə
biurifƏl jauz.
25- Describe your My kitchen is big, comfortable, Mai kitchen iz big, Mi cocina es grande, cómoda
kitchen in which and clean. It has a stove, a kamfribol and kliin. It jaz Ə y limpia. Tiene una estufa,
you live. Describa refrigerator, a microwave oven, stouv, Ə refriyireitor, Ə una nevera, un horno
la cocina en donde and many different cooking maicrouei ouven and meni microondas y muchos
diferent kuuking utensilios diferentes. Me
vive. utensils. I like cooking my
yutensƏlz. Ai laik kuuking gusta cocinar mi comida
favorite food in my kitchen. mai feivrit fuud in mai favorita en mi cocina.
26- Describe the The room is spacious, fresh, dhe ruum iz speishouz, El salón es espacioso,
room you are in clean and nice. It is white. It has fresh, kliin and naiz. Iris fresco, limpio y agradable. Es
right now. Describa 3 windows, a door, a desk, a uait. It jaz thrii uindous, Ə blanco. Tiene 3 ventanas,
la sala en la que se computer, two lamps, 2 chairs door, a desk, a una puerta, un escritorio, un
kampiurƏr, tuu lampz, tuu computador, 2 lámparas, 2
encuentra en estos and curtains.
chairs and kurt-nz. sillas y cortinas.
27- Do you enjoy Yes, I enjoy reading books Iez, ai enyoi riiding buuks Si, disfruto leer libros porque
reading books, because it is a good activity. It is BikƏz iris a guud aktiviri. es una buena actividad. Es
why or why not? Le very relaxing and I can learn Iris very rilaksing and ai muy relajante y puedo
gusta leer libros, new vocabulary. I can use my kan learn niu vocabiulari. aprender nuevo vocabulario.
Ai kan iuz mai Puedo usar mi imaginación.
¿por qué o por qué imagination.
28- Do you prefer I prefer watching the news on Ai prifer uatching dhe nius Prefiero ver las noticias en
reading a TV. Because I can see the on tivi bikƏz ai kan sii dhe televisión porque puedo ver
newspaper or videos, interviews and listen to vidios, interviuz and lisen los vídeos, entrevistas y
watching news on the opinions of different people tƏ dhe opinions Əf escuchar las opiniones de
diferent piipol and gente diferente y expertos.
TV and why? and experts. The news is at the
eksperts. Dhe niuz iz at Las noticias pasan en el
Prefiere leer o ver moment and I can learn about dhe moment and ai kan momento y puedo aprender
las noticias en situations happening in other learn Əbaut situeshons acerca de situaciones que
television. Por countries. japening in oudher están pasando en otros
que? kauntriz. países.

29- Do you prefer I prefer working in an office Ai prifer uorking in an Prefiero trabajar en una oficina
working in an office because it is more comfortable ofiz bikƏz iris moor porque es más cómodo y seguro
kamfribol and seif dhan que trabajar afuera. Usted
or working and safe than working outside. uorking autsaid. Iu kan puede tener un espacio para
outdoors and why? You can have a space to work, a jav Ə speiz tƏ uork, Ə trabajar, un escritorio, un
Prefiere trabajar en desk, a computer and internet. desk, Ə kampiurer and computador e internet. Usted
una oficina o You can drink coffee with your internet. Iu kan drink kafii uith puede tomar café con sus
iur couorkers in dhe kafitiria. compañeros de trabajo en la
trabajar afuera y coworkers in the cafeteria cafetería.
por qué?

30- Do you prefer I prefer to eat vegetables and Ai prifer tƏ iit veichtibols Prefiero comer vegetales y
to eat meat or meat. However, I eat more and miit. Jauever, ai iit carne. Sin embargo, como
vegetables, and vegetables than meat because moor veichtibols dhan más vegetales que carne
miit bikƏz veichtibols porque los vegetales son
why? Prefiere vegetables are healthier and
ar jelthier and dhei jav Ə más saludables y tienen
comer carne o they have a lot of vitamins. Meat lot of vairamins. Miit iz muchas vitaminas. La carne
verduras, y por is important because it has important bikƏz it jaz es importante porque tiene
qué? animal protein, which is Ənimal protiin uich iz proteína animal la cual es
necessary on my diet. Besides, it neceseri on mai daiet. necesaria en mi dieta.
tastes good. Bisaidz, it teistes guud. Además, sabe bien.
31- Do you prefer I prefer to eat at home, Ai prifer tƏ iit at joum, Prefiero comer en casa
to eat at home or in because the food is fresh, well bikƏz the fuud iz fresh, uel porque la comida es fresca,
a restaurant, why? prepared and delicious. Besides, pripeard and bien preparada y deliciosa.
Prefiere comer en it is cheaper to eat at home than Dilishouz. Bisaidz, iris Además, es más barato
chiiper tƏ iit at joum comer en casa que en un
casa o en un in a restaurant. I go to a
dhan in a restorant. Ai gou restaurante. Voy al
restaurante, ¿por restaurant to celebrate a special tƏ Ə restorant tƏ restaurante para celebrar una
qué? occasion. selebreit Ə speishal ocasión especial.
32- Do you prefer I prefer to take public Ai prifer tƏ teik pƏblik Prefiero tomar transporte
taking public transportation because it is transporteishon bikƏz iris público porque es más
transportation or faster, cheaper and I can save faster, chiiper and ai kan rápido, más barato y puedo
driving a car, why? some money and time. The seiv soum manii and taim. ahorrar algo de dinero y
Dhe pƏblik tiempo. El transporte público
Prefiere tomar public transportation in my city is
transporteishon in mai siri en mi ciudad es realmente
transporte público really good. iz riili guud. bueno.
o manejar, por
33- Do you prefer I like colored pictures because Ai laik kalord picshurz Me gustan las fotos a color
colored or black they are more artistic, vivid and bikƏz dhei ar moor porque son más artísticas,
and white colorful… They are beautiful and Artistic, vivid and colorfƏl. vividas y coloreadas. Son
photographs and I can create albums and publish Dhei ar biurifƏl and ai kan hermosas y puedo crear
krieit albums and pƏblish álbumes y publicar fotos en
why? Prefiere pictures on Facebook.
picshurz on Feisbuuk. Facebook
fotografías en color
o en blanco y
negro? por qué?
34- Tell me about The last book I read was One Dhe last buuk ai red uaz El último libro que leí fue cien
the last book you hundred years of solitude by Uan jƏndred iarz Əf años de soledad de Gabriel
read. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It is Solitude bai Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Es un libro
Digame acerca del an interesting and fantastic book Garcia Marquez. Iris an interesante y fantástico
Intresting and fantastik acerca de las tradiciones de
último libro que about the traditions of my
buuk Əbaut dhe mi país. Él fue uno de los
leyó. country. He was one of the most tradishionz Əf mai kauntri. escritores más famosos de
famous writers in Latin America. Ji iz uan Əf dhe moust América latina
feimƏz rairez in Latin
35- Tell me about My brother is Andres. He is from Mai broudher iz andres. Ji Mi hermano es Andrés. Es de
one of your family Cali. He is 34 years old. He is a iz froum Cali. Ji iz their Cali. Tiene 34 años. Es un
members. lawyer. He’s tall. He has short, four iarz ould. Ji iz Ə loier. abogado. Es alto. Tiene
Hableme acerca black hair. He likes football and Ji iz tool. Ji jaz short cabello corto y negro. Le
Blak jear. Ji laiks fuutbol gusta el futbol y la Buena
de uno de sus good music. He doesn’t like
And guud miusik. Ji música. No le gusta tomar.
familiares drinking. His favorite food is fish. dasent laik drinking. Jiz Su comida favorita es el
He is an excellent person. feivorit fuud iz fish. Ji iz pescado. Él es una excelente
An egkselent person. persona.
36- Tell me about My best friend is Jenny. She´s Mai best freend iz Yeni. Mi mejor amiga es Yeni. Es
one of your friends. from Bogota. She is 26 years Shiiz froum Bogotá. Shi iz de Bogotá. Tiene 26 años. Es
Digame acerca de old. She’s a nurse. She’s short tueni-siks iarz ould. Shiiz enfermera. Es bajita y
uno de sus and slim. She has long, black Ə nƏrs. Shiiz short and delgada. Tiene cabello negro
slim. shi jaz loung blak y largo. Le gusta jugar
amigos/as. hair. She’s very beautiful. She
jear. Shiiz veri biurifƏl. Shi basquetbol. No le gusta
likes playing basketball and she laiks pleing basketbol and fumar. Su comida favorita es
doesn’t like smoking. shi dasent laik smouking. el pollo. Ella odia la pasta.
Her favorite food is chicken. She Jer feivorit fuud iz chiken.
hates pasta. Shi jeits pasta.
37- What do you I usually have dinner at home Ai yushuali jav diner at Usualmente tomo la cena en
usually do in the with my family at 8:00 pm. Then, Joum uit mai family at eit casa con mi familia a las 8
evenings? Qué I watch the news on TV in my piem. Dhen, ai uach dhe pm. Luego, veo las noticias
sueles hacer room. I sometimes listen to nius on tivi in mai ruum en TV en mi cuarto y algunas
and ai soumtaimz lisen tƏ veces escucho música.
usualmente en las music. Next, I check my
Miusik. Next, ai chek mai Después, reviso mis correos.
noches? personal email. After that, I personal imeil. after dhat, Después de eso, cepillo mis
brush my teeth. Finally, I go to ai brƏsh mai tiith. Fainali, dientes. Finalmente, me voy
bed. ai go tƏ bed a dormir.

38- What do you On Saturday morning, I usually On sarurdei morning, ai Los sábados en la mañana,
usually do on run and do some exercises. yushuali rƏn and du soum usualmente corro y hago
Saturdays? Qué Then, I play soccer in the park eksersaisiz. Dhen, ai plei algunos ejercicios. Después,
sueles hacer los with my friends for 2 hours. After saker in dhe park uit mai juego futbol en el parque con
freends for tuu auarz. mis amigos por 2 horas.
sábados? that, I wash my motorcycle and I
After dhat ai uash mai Después de eso lavo mi moto
clean my apartment. moroursaikol and ai kliin y limpio mi apartamento. En
In the afternoon, I visit my family mai apartment. In dhi la tarde visito mi familia y
and we go to the cinema. We eat afternuun ai visit mai vamos al cine. Comemos en
in a restaurant. In the evening, I family and ui gou tƏ dhe un restaurante. En la noche
watch T.V. Finally I go to bed at sinema. Ui iit in a veo tv. Finalmente me voy a
11:00 o’clock. restorant. In dhi ivning, ai dormir a las 11:00 en punto.
uach tivi. Fainali, ai gou tƏ
bed at ileven oclok.
39- What do you On Monday, I always wake up at On mandei, ai olueiz Los lunes, siempre me
usually do on 6:00 o’clock. Then, I get up at ueik Əp at siks oklock. despierto a las 6 en punto.
Monday? Que 6:15. After that, Dhen, ai gerƏp at siks Me levanto a las 6:15.
hace usualmente I take a shower. Next, I brush my fiftiin. After dhat, ai teik Ə Después de eso, tomo una
shauer. Nekst, ai brƏsh ducha. Después, me cepillo
los lunes? teeth. Later, I get dressed. Then,
mai tiith. Leirer, ai guet mis dientes. Más tarde, me
I have breakfast. I watch the drest. Dhen, ai jav visto. Luego, tomo el
news on TV. Finally, I go to breakfast. Ai uach dhe desayuno. Veo las noticias
work. niuz on tivi. Fainali, ai gou en TV. Finalmente, me voy
tƏ uork. para el trabajo.
40- What do you On my birthday, I usually On mai birthdei, ai En mi cumpleaños,
usually do on your celebrate with my friends and my yushuali selebreit uit mai usualmente celebro con mis
birthday? Qué family. We go to a restaurant freends and mai family. Ui amigos y familia. Vamos a un
sueles hacer en tu and we have some food, drinks gou tƏ Ə restorant and ui restaurante y tomamos algo
jav soum fuud, drinks and de comida, algunos tragos y
cumpleaños? and a birthday cake. Later, We
a birthdei keik. Leirer, ui un pastel de cumpleaños.
dance. Finally, we all go home dans. fainali, ui ool gou Más tarde, bailamos.
and relax. houm tƏ rilaks Finalmente, todos nos vamos a
casa y descansamos.
41- Where do you I like to go to the cinema Ai lik tƏ gou tƏ dhe Me gusta ir al cine porque
like to go for because I can watch my favorite sinema bikƏz ai kan uach puedo ver mis películas
entertainment? movies. I can have a relaxing mai feivorit muviiz. Ai kan favoritas. Puedo tener un
why? dónde le moment and have a good time jav a rilaksing moment momento relajante y pasarla
and jav a guud taim uit bueno con mis amigos y mi
gusta ir para with my friends and family. I can
mai freends and famili. Ai familia. Puedo comer mis
entretenerse por eat my favorite snacks. kan iit mai feivorite snaks. golosinas favoritas.
42- Where do you My favorite place to relax is my 6 Mai feivorit pleiz tƏ rilaks Mi lugar favorito para
like to go when you house because It is far from the Iz mai jauz bikƏz iris far relajarme es mi casa porque
want to get some center of the city where I live. It froum dhe center Əf dhe está lejos del centro de la
peace and quiet? is very quiet in my house siri uer ai liv. Iris very ciudad donde vivo. Es muy
kuaiet in mai jauz. silencioso en mi casa.
Dónde te gusta ir
cuando quieres
conseguir algo de
paz y calma
43- Who do you I usually talk to my wife and my Ai yushuali tok tƏ mai uaif Usualmente le hablo a mi
talk to in a typical children. I talk to my coworkers. and mai children. Ai tok tƏ esposa y a mis hijos. Hablo
day? A quien le Sometimes, I talk to friends and mai co uorkerz. con mis compañeros de
habla en un día other members of my family. Soumtaimz, ai tok tƏ trabajo. Algunas veces, hablo
freends and odher con amigos y otros miembros
memberz Əf mai family. de mi familia.
44- What does My cellphone is a Blackberry. It Mai selfoun iz Ə Blakberri. Mi celular es un BlackBerry.
your phone look is white. It’s a last generation Iris uait, itz Ə last Es blanco. Es un celular de
like? Cómo luce cellphone and it’s very modern. yenerashon selfoun and última generación y es muy
su teléfono? It has a camera, a flash, itz very modern. It jaz Ə moderno. Tiene cámara, flas,
kamera Ə flash, blutuuth, Bluetooth, WiFi y mp3.
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mp3 player.
uaifi and empitri pleier. Ai Puedo chatear con gente en
I can chat with people on line, I kan chat uith piipol on lain. línea. Puedo tomar fotos y
can take pictures and I can Ai kan teik picshurs and puedo hacer videos.
make videos. ai kan meik vidios.
45- What does Well, my hometown is Cali. It is a Uel, mai joumtaun iz Mi ciudad natal es Cali. Es
your hometown nice, big and beautiful city. The Cali. Iris Ə naiz, big una ciudad agradable,
look like? Cómo es weather is warm and sunny. And biurifƏl siri. Dhe grande y hermosa. El clima
tu pueblo natal? People are very kind and uedher iz uarm and es cálido y soleado. La gente
sƏni. Piipol ar very kaind es amable y amigable. Tiene
friendly. It has nice places to
and freendli. It jaz lugares agradables para
visit. naiz pleisiz tƏ visit. visitar.
46- Do you prefer Even though it is more iven dthoo iris mour Aunque es mas costoso,
to send e-mails or expensive, I prefer to talk on the ekspensiv,. Ai prifer tƏ prefiero hablar por teléfono
to talk on the phone, because I can have a took on dhe foun bikoz ai porque puedo tener un
phone? Prefiere fast contact with people. I can kan jav Əfast contact uith contacto rápido con la gente.
piipol. ai Kan send texts Puedo enviar mensajes y
leer e-mails o send texts and documents with
abd dokuiments uith mai documentos con mi
hablar por teléfono my smartphone. samartfoun. Ai kan chat Smartphone. Puedo chatear
I can chat and do business over and dƏ bisniz ouver dhe y hacer negocios por el
the phone. foun. teléfono.
47- Do you enjoy Yes, I do. I enjoy going to ies, ai dƏ. Ai enyoi going Si. Disfruto ir a conciertos,
going to concerts, concerts, to kƏnserts bicoz iu kan porque usted puede ver los
why or why not? because you can see the artists, sii dhi artiz, miit niu piipol artistas, conocer nuevas
Disfruta ir a meet new people and take and teik picsharrz of dhi personas y tomar fotos del
ivent. Ai kan gou uith mai evento. Puedo ir con mis
conciertos, ¿por pictures of the event. I can go
frends and famili and jav amigos y familia y pasar un
qué o por qué no? with my friends and family and Ə guud taim. buen rato.
have a good time.
48- Do you prefer I prefer to cook at home, Ai prifer tƏ kuuk at joum Prefiero comer en casa,
to cook at home or because the food is healthy, bikoz dhe fuud iz jealthy, porque la comida es
eat out, why? fresh and delicious. I can fresh and delishaz. Ai kan saludable, fresca y deliciosa.
Prefiere cocinar en prepare my favorite food and pripear mai feivorit fuud Puedo preparar mis comidas
and dishiz. Ai seiv manii y platos favoritos. Ahorro de
casa o comer dishes. I save money that way.
dhat uei. Soumtaimz, ai ii esa manera. Algunas veces
fuera? Sometimes, I eat out in a taut in Ə restƏrant tƏ como afuera en un
restaurant to celebrate a special selebreit Ə speshal restaurante para celebrar una
occasion. oukeishon. ocasión especial.
49- What is your My favorite food is fried chicken, Mai feivorit fuud iz fraid Mi comida favorita es el pollo
favorite food, why because it is very healthy, chiken, bikoz iris very frito, porque es saludable,
is it your favorite? delicious, tasty and nutritious. I jealthi, delishoz, teisti and delicioso, sabroso y nutritiva.
Cuál es su comida eat fried chicken two or three nutrishoz. Ai iit fraid Como pollo frito dos o tres
chiken tuu or thrii taimz a veces a la semana.
favorita, ¿por qué times a week.
es su favorita?
50- Do you prefer I prefer to drink juice, because it Ai prifer tƏ dringk yuuz, Prefiero beber jugo, porque
to drink juice or is much healthier than drinking bikoz iris mƏch jelthier es más saludable que beber
sodas? Prefiere sodas. The juice is nutritious and dhan dringking souraz. gaseosas. El jugo es más
beber jugo o provides more vitamins. Sodas Dhe yuuz iz nutrishouz nutritivo y da más vitaminas.
and provaidz mour Las gaseosas tienen muchos
gaseosa? have a lot of chemical
vairaminz. Souraz jav Ə compuestos químicos que
components that are not good lot Əf kemikal son malos para el cuerpo.
for your body. coumponents dhat ar nat
guud for iur bari.
51- Do you like Yes, I like tea because it’s ies, ai laik tii bikoz itz Si, me gusta el té porque es
tea? Why or why delicious, refreshing and dilishos, refreshing and delicioso, refrescante y
not? Te gusta el healthy. It is good to drink tea jealthi. Iris guud tƏ dringk saludable. Es bueno tomar té
té? ¿Por qué o por when you need a relaxing drink. tii uen iu niid Ə rilaksing cuando necesite una bebida
dringk relajante.
qué no?
52- Do you enjoy Yes, I like grocery shopping. I ies, ai laik groseri shaping. Si, me gusta ir de compras a
grocery shopping? can get fruit, vegetables and Ai kan guet fruut, la tienda. Puedo conseguir
Why or why not? different things to prepare my veishtilolz and diferent fruta, vegetales y diferentes
Disfruta ir de favorite food. I do the grocery thingz tƏ pripear mai cosas para preparar mi
feivorit fuud. Ai du dhe comid favorita. Yo hagolas
compras? ¿Por shopping on Sunday when I am
groseri shaping uen ai am compras en la tienda el
qué o por qué no not at work. nat at uork domingo cuando no estoy

53. Do you enjoy Yes, I enjoy shopping for ies, ai enyoi shaping four Si, disfruto ir de compras por
shopping for clothes, because I can go to the clouths, bikoz ai kan gou ropa, porque puedo ir al
clothes? Disfrutas shopping center to buy a jacket, tƏ dhe shaping center tƏ centro commercial a comprar
ir de compras por jeans or shoes. It is good to have bai a yaket, yiinz or shuuz. una chaqueta, jeans o
Iris guud tƏ jav niu zapatos. Es bueno tener ropa
ropa? new clothes once in a while.
clouths uans in Ə uaial. nueva de vez en cuando
54- Do you like Yes, I like coffee, because it’s ies, ai laik cafii bikoz its Si, me gusta el café, porque
coffee? Te gusta el delicious. dilishoz. Its uan of dhe es delicioso. Es una de las
café, It’s one of the traditional drinks in tradishional dringks in mai bebidas tradicionales de mi
my country, Colombia. I like to country, Colombia. Ai laik país, Colombia. Me gusta ir a
tƏ gou tƏ uan valdiz and Juan Valdez y pasar un buen
go to Juan Valdez and spend
spend taim uith mai rato con mis amigos y mi
time with my friends and my freendz and mai famili familia.
55- Do you enjoy I enjoy going to the cinema, Ai enyoi going tƏ dhe Disfruto ir al cine porque
going to the because I can watch my favorite sinema, bikoz ai kan uatch puedo ver mis películas
theater or the movies. I can spend time with mai feivorit muviez. Ai kan favoritas. Puedo pasar un
cinema? Disfruta ir my friends and family. I can have spend taim uith mai freedz rato con mis amigos y familia.
and family. Ai kan jav Puedo comer palomitas de
al teatro o al cine? some popcorn, snacks and
soum pakcorn, snaks and maíz, golosinas y algo de
some juice. soum yuuz. jugo.
56- Do you enjoy Yes, I enjoy watching sports on ies, ai enyoi uatching Si, disfruto ver deportes en
watching sports? Sundays, because it is a good sports on sandeiz, bikoz los domingos porque es un
Disfruta ver pastime. I can drink some beers iris Ə guud pastaim. Ai buen pasatiempo. Puedo
deportes? when I watch sports on TV with kan dringk soum biirz uen beber algunas cervezas y
ai uatch sports on tivi uith cuando veo deportes en
my friends.
mai freendz. televisión con mis amigos.
57- Do you like I prefer cold weather. In this city, Ai prefer kould uedher. In Prefiero el clima frío. En esta
cold or hot the weather is usually cool and dhiz siri, dhe uedher iz ciudad, el clima es
weather? Le gusta windy in the morning, hot and yushuali cuul and uindi in usualmente fresco y ventoso
el clima frio o sunny at mid-day and it is cold at dhe morning, jat and sƏni en la mañana, caliente y
at middei and itz could at soleado al medio día y frío en
caliente? night.
naiht. la noche.
58- Do you think it Yes, I think it is important to ies, ai thingk iris important Si, creo que es importante
is important to watch the news because I can tƏ uatch dhe niuz bikoz ai ver las noticias porque puedo
watch the news? get information about things kan guet informeishon obtener información acerca
Cree que es happening in my country and abaut thingz in mai kountri de las cosas que están
and araund dhe uolrd. Ai sucediendo en mi país y
importante ver las around the world. I like watching
laik uatching loko niuz and alrededor del mundo. Me
noticias? local news and also CNN. olso si-e-nen. gusta ver las noticias locales
y también CNN.
59- Do you like Yes, I like using e-mails, ies, ai laik iuzing imailz, Si, me gusta usar correos
using e-mails? Le because I can send information bikoz ai kan send porque puedo enviar
gusta enviar online to my friends and family. I informeishon onlain tƏ información en Internet a mis
emails? can send pictures, I can send mai freendz and family. Ai amigos y familia. Puedo
kan send pitshurz, ai kan enviar fotos, puedo enviar
videos, and I can keep in touch
send vidioz and ai kan kiip vídeos y puedo mantenerme
with all my friends. in touch uith oll mai en contacto con todos mis
freendz amigos.
60- What do you When someone gives me a gift I Uen soumuan guivz mi a Cuando alguien me da un
say when say: Thank you very much, you gift ai sei: thengk-iu veri regalo digo: muchas gracias.
someone gives are very kind. mƏch. Iu ar very kaind. Usted es muy amable.
you a gift? Qué
dices cuando
alguien te da un
61. What do you To accept an invitation I can say: tƏ accept an inviteishon ai Para aceptar una invitación
say to accept or to Of course, I will be there. Thank kan sei: of kours ai uil be digo: Por supuesto que
refuse an you for inviting me. dhere. thengk-iu for estaré allá. Gracias por
invitation? Qué To refuse an invitation I can say: invairing mi. tƏ refiuz an invitarme.
inviteishon ai kan sei: aim Para rechazar una iinvitación
dices para I'm sorry; I'm busy at the
sari; aim bizi at dhe puedo decir: lo siento. Estoy
rechazar o aceptar moment. Thank you for inviting moment. Thengk-iu for ocupado en el momento.
una invitación? me. invairing mi. Gracias por invitarme.

62- What do you To offer a friend a glass of water, tƏ ofer Ə glaz Əf uarer, ai Para ofrecerle a un amigo un
say to offer a friend I can say: kan sei: wuud iu laik Ə vaso con agua puedo decir:
a glass of water? Would you like a glass of water? glaz Əf uarer? Or dƏ iu le gustaria un vaso con
Qué dice usted Or Do you want some water? uant soum uarer? agua? O quiere algo de
para ofrecerle a un
amigo un vaso de
63- What do you When I meet someone new, I Uen ai miit soumuan niu, Ci¿uando conozco a alguien
say when you say… “Nice to meet you. My ai sei: naiz tƏ miit iu, mai Nuevo digo:
meet someone name is John Doe. neim iz jan dou. Encantado de conocerlo. Mi
new? Qué dices nombre is Julano de tal.
cuando conoces a
alguien nuevo
64- What do you When someone speaks too fast Uen soumuan spiiks tuu Cuando alguien me habla
say to someone to me I say: Could you please fast tƏ mi ai sei, kuud iu demasiado rápido digo:
who speaks too speak more slowly. Because I pliiz spiik mour slouli. podría usted hablar más
fast to you? Qué le don't understand you. Bikoz ai don’t lentamente. Porque no le
anderztand-iu entiendo.
dices a alguien
que habla
demasiado rápido
para ti?

65- What do you When someone has just got his Uen soumuan jaz yust gat Cuando alguien acaba de
jiz draiverz laisens ai sei: obtener su licencia de
say to someone driver’s license I say:
kongrashuleishonz for iur conducción digo:
who has just got Congratulations for your new niu draiverz laisens. Felicitaciones por su nueva
his driver’s driver’s license. Be careful when BikearfƏl uen iu ar licencia de conducción. Sea
license? Qué le you are driving. draiving. cuidadoso cuandoo este
dices a alguien manejando.
que acaba de
conseguir su
licencia de
66-. What do you When I meet a new person, I Uen ai miit Ə niu person, Cuando conozco a una
say when you say: ai sei.. mai neim iz yon persona nueva digo: mi
meet a new My name is John Doe. I am glad dou. Ai am glad tƏ miit-iu nombre es Julano de tal.
person? Qué dices to meet you. Estoy encantado de
cuando conoces a
una nueva persona
67- What do you To introduce myself to someone tƏ introdiuz maiself tƏ Para presentarme a alguien
say to introduce new I say: Hello. My name is soumuan niu ai sei: jelou. Nuevo digo: Hola. Mi nombre
yourself to John Doe. What’s your name? Mai neim iz yon dou. Uats es Julano de Tal. Cual es su
someone new? iur neim? nombre?
Qué dices cuando
conoces a una
nueva persona
68. What do you To greet someone I can say: tƏ griit soumuan ai kan Para saludar a alguien puedo
say to greet Hello, how are you? Nice to see sei: jelou. Jau-ar-iu? Naiz decir: Hola, como esta? Que
someone? Qué le you. tƏ sii iu. bueno verlo.
dices a saludar a
69. What do you When someone opens the door Uen soumuan oupenz dhe Cuando alguien abre la
say when for me, I say: Thank you. You door for mi ai sei: puerta por mi digo: gracias.
someone opens are very kind. May I come in? thengk-iu. Iu ar very kaind. Usted es muy amable. Puedo
the door for you? Mei ai koum-in seguir.
Qué dices cuando
alguien le abre la
puerta para ti.
70- What do you When I open the door for Uen ai oupen dhe door for Cuando abro la puerta para
say when you someone, I say: Welcome. soumuan a sei: uelkoum. alguien digo: bienvenido. Por
open the door for Please come in. Pliiz koum-in favor siga.
someone? Qué
dice usted cuando
se abre la puerta a
71- What do you To ask for a children’s menu in a tƏ ask for Ə childrens Para pedir un menú de niños
say to ask for a restaurant, I say: Excuse me meniu ai sei: egkskiuzme en un restaurant digo:
children's menu in please, can I have the children’s pliiz, kan ai jav dhe discúlpeme por favor, puedo
a restaurant? Qué menu? childrenz meniu. ver el menú de niños?
dice usted a pedir
un menú infantil en
el restaurante?
72- What do you To ask for a glass of water in a tƏ ask for Ə glaz Əf uarer Para pedir un vaso de agua
say to ask for a restaurant I say: Excuse me. in Ə restaurant ai sei: en un restaurante digo:
glass of water in a Can I have a glass of water, egkskiuzmi. Kan ai jav Ə Discúlpeme. Puedo obtener
restaurant .Qué le please? glaz Əf uarer, pliiz. un vaso de agua, por favor?
dices para pedir un
vaso de agua en
un restaurant?

73- What do you When someone is traveling on a Uen soumuan iz traveling Cuando alguien viaja en un
say to someone ship I say: Bye-bye my friend. on Ə ship ai sai, Bai, bai barco digo: Hasta luego mi
who is traveling on Enjoy your boat trip. mai freend. Enyoi iur bout amigo. Disfrute de su viaje en
trip barco.
a ship? Qué le
dices a alguien
viajara en un
74- What do you When I step on someone’s foot, I Uen ai step on soumuanz Cuando piso a alguien en un
say when you step say: I am sorry, I didn´t see fuut ai sei: ai am sarri. Ai pie digo: lo siento, no vi a
on someone´s where I was going. Please, dident sii uere ai uas donde estaba yendo. Por
foot? Qué dices excuse me. going. Pliiz egkskiuzmi favor discúlpeme.
cuando pisas a
75- What do you When someone thanks me for Uen soumuan thenkz mi Cuando alguien me da las
say when doing something I say: You’re for duing soumting ai sei: gracias por algo que yo hago
someone thanks welcome… It was a real iur uelkoum. It uas a riƏl digo: de nada. Fue realmente
you for doing pleasure helping you. pleshur jelping iu. un placer ayudarle.
Que dice cuando
alguien le da las
gracias por hacer
76- What do you To introduce my boss to a friend, tƏ introdiuz mai bƏz ai Para presentar a mi jefe
say to introduce I can say: George…, allow me to sei: yorch, alaud mi tƏ puedo decir: Jorge…
your boss to a introduce my boss, Mr. Gomez. introdiuz mai bƏz, mister permíteme presentar a mi
friend? goumez. jefe, el señor Gomez.
Que dice para
presenter a su jefe
a un amigo?
77- What do you When I meet a new person, I Uen ai miit Ə niu person ai Cuando conozco a una
say when you say: Hello. Nice to meet you, my sei: jelou. naiz tƏ miit-iu, persona nueva digo:
meet a new name is John Doe. And yours? mai neim-iz yan dou. And encantado de conocerle. Mi
person? Qué dices iurz? nombre es Julano de Tal. Y
el suyo?
cuando conoces a
una nueva

78- What do you When I need to ask for the next Uen ai niid tƏ ask for dhe Cuando necesito preguntar
say when you train I say: Excuse me? What negks trein ai sei. por el próximo tren digo:
need to ask for the time is the next train leaving? Egkskiuzmi, uat taim iz discúlpeme. A que hora esta
next train? dhe negkz trein living. saliendo el próximo tren?
79- What do you To borrow a pencil from a tƏ barrou a pensƏl froum Para pedir prestado un lápiz
say to borrow a coworker I usually say: Excuse Ə kouuorker ai yiushuali a un compañero de trabajo
pencil from a me? Can I use your pencil for a sei: egkskiuzmi, kan ai iuz usualmente digo:
coworker? Qué minute, please? iur pensƏl for Ə minut Disculpeme? Puedo usar su
pliiz. lápiz por un minuto por favor.
dice usted a pedir
prestado un lápiz
de un compañero
de trabajo?
80- What do you To ask for a new library card, I tƏ ask for Ə niu laibrari Para pedir una tarjeta de
say to ask for a say: Excuse me? What do I kard ai sei: Egkskiuzmi? biblioteca digo: disculpeme?
new library card? need to get a library card? Uat dƏ ai niid tƏ get a Que necesito para obtener
Qué dices de pedir laibrari kard? una tarjeta de biblioteca.
una nueva tarjeta
de la biblioteca?

tƏ ask for dhe iuz Əf Ə Para pedir usar un

81- What do you To ask for the use a computer11
kampiurer ai sei: computador digo:
say to ask for the say: Excuse me? Can I use your egkskiuzmi kan ai iuz iur discúlpeme. Puedo usar su
use a computer? computer for 15 minutes, kampiurer for 15 minuts computador por 15 minutos,
Qué dice usted please? pliiz? por favor?
para pedir
prestado un
82- What do you When I ask someone for the Uen ai ask soumuan for Cuando pregunto por la hora
say when you ask time, I say: Excuse me? What dhe taim ai say: digo: Disculpeme? Que hora
someone for the time is it? Egkskiuzmi. Uat taimizit? es?
time? Qué dice
cuando le pregunta
a alguien por la
83- What do you To speak to someone’s tƏ spiik tƏ soumuanz Para hablar con el supervisor
say to speak to supervisor I say: Excuse me? supervaisor ai sei: de alguien digo: Puedo
someone’s Can I speak to your supervisor, Egkskiuzmi? Kan ai spiik hablar con su supervisor, por
supervisor? Qué please? tƏ iur supervaisor, pliiz. favor?
dice para hablar
con el supervisor
de alguien
84- What do you To ask for directions to the tƏ ask for dairecshonz tƏ Para preguntar por
say to ask for nearest gas station, I say: dhe niirest gaz steishon ai direcciones para la estación
directions to the Excuse me? Where is the sei: egkzkiuzmi? Uer-iz de gasolina más cercana
nearest gas nearest gas station? dhe niirest gaz steishon? digo: Discúlpeme? Donde
esta la estación de gasolina
station? Qué dice
más cercana?
para preguntar por
la gasolinera más
85. What do you To ask for help in a library I say: tƏ ask for jelp in Ə laibrari Para pedir ayuda en una
say to ask for help Excuse me? Can you help me to ai sei. Egkskiuzmi, kan iu biblioteca digo: Discúlpeme?
in a library? Qué find a book, please? jelp mi tƏ faid Ə buuk, Puede ayudarme a encontrar
dice usted a pedir pliiz? un libro, por favor?
ayuda en una

86- What do you To ask for help to find something tƏ ask for jelp tƏ faid Para pedir ayuda para
say to ask for help in the supermarket, I say: soumthing in dhe encontrar algo en el
to find something Excuse me? Where can I find supermarket ai sei: supermercado digo:
in the supermarket the dairy section, please? egkskiuzmi, uer kan ai Discúlpeme? Donde puedo
faind dhe deiri setchon, encontrar la sección de
Qué dice para
pliiz? lácteos, por favor?
pedir ayuda a
encontrar algo en
el supermercado?
87- What do you To ask for a map of an unfamiliar tƏ ask for a map Əf an Para pedir un mapa de una
say to ask for a city, I go to a local store and say: Ənfamiliar siri ai gou tƏ Ə ciudad desconocida voy a
map of an Excuse me? I need to buy a map loco stour and sei: una tienda local y digo:
unfamiliar city? of this city. Where can I find one, egkskiuzmi? Ai niid tƏ bai Discúlpeme? Necesito
Ə map Əf dhiz siti. Uer comprar un mapa de esta
Qué dice para please?
kana i faind uan, pliiz. ciudad. Donde puedo
pedir un mapa de encontrar uno, por favor?
una ciudad
88- What do you To ask for directions to the tƏ ask for dairetshonz tƏ Para pedir direcciones para
say to ask for nearest bank, I can say: Excuse dhe niirest bangk ai kan el banco más cercano puedo
directions to the me please. Could you tell me sei. Egkskiuzmi pliiz. decir: Discúlpeme por favor.
nearest bank? Qué where the nearest bank is? Kuud iu tel mi uer dhe Podría decirme donde está el
niirest bangk iz? banco más cercano?
dice para
preguntar por la
vía más cercana al
banco ?

89- Explain how to To make juice. First, put some tƏ meik yuuz. fƏrst, put Para hacer jugo. Primero
make juice. water with ice in a blender. soum uarer uith aiz in Ə poner algo de agua con hielo
Explica cómo Then, put some fruit and some blender. Dhen, put soum en una licuadora. Luego,
fruut and shugar in dhe poner algo de fruta y algo de
hacer jugo. sugar in the blender. Next, turn
blender. Negks, turn on azúcar en la licuadora. En
on the blender for about 30 dhe blender for abaut theri seguida, encienda la
seconds. Finally, poor the juice sekodz. Fainali, puur dhe licuadora por 30 segundos.
into a glass. yuuz intv Ə glaz. Finalmente, verter el jugo en
un vaso.
90- Explain how to To make coffee. First, put water tƏ meik cafii, fƏrst, put Para hacer café. Primero,
make coffee. in a pot. Then, boil the water. uarer in Ə pat. Dhen, boil poner agua en una olla.
Explica cómo After that, put some instant dhe uarer. After dhat, put Luego hervir el agua.
hacer café. coffee in a mug. Next, poor the soum instant cafii in Ə Después de eso, poner algo
mƏg. Negks, puur dhe de café instantáneo en un
boiled water into the mug.
boild uarer intu dhe mƏg. pocillo. En seguida, verter el
Finally, add some sugar and Fainali, ad soum shugar agua hervida en el pocillo.
some milk. and soum milk. Finalmente, agregar algo de
azúcar y algo de leche.
91- Explain how to To make toast. First, you need to TƏ meik toust, fƏrst, iu Para hacer tostadas.
make toasts. put the bread in the toaster niid tƏ put dhe breed in Primero, necesita poner el
Explica cómo machine. Next, pull down the bar dhe touster machine. pan en la tostadora. En
hacer tostadas to heat it. After that, wait for Negks, pul daun dhe bar seguida, hale hacia abajo la
tƏ jiitr-it. After dhat, ueit palanca para calentarlo.
some minutes. Later, the toast is
for soum minuts. Leirer, Después de eso, espere por
ready. dhe toust iz redi. unos minutos. Más tarde, la
tostada esta lista.
92- Explain how to To make pasta. First, I boil water tƏ meik pasta. fƏrst, ai Para hacer pasta, primero yo
make pasta? in a pot. Then, I put the pasta boil uarer in Ə pat. Dhen, hiervo agua en una olla.
Explica cómo into the pot. Next, I add some ai put dhe pasta intƏ dhe Luego, pongo la pasta en la
hacer pasta? salt. Finally, let it boil for about pat. Negks, ai ad soum olla. En seguida, agrego algo
solt. Fainali, lerit boil for de sal. Finalmente, dejarla
20 minutes until the pasta is soft.
abaut 20 minuts Əntil dhe hervir por cerca de 20
pasta iz soft. minutos hasta que la pasta
esta suave.

93- Explain how to To use a microwave oven. First, tƏ iuz dhe maicrouei Para usar un horno
use a microwave I open it. Then, I put the cold ouven, fƏrst ai oupen it. microondas, primero lo abro.
oven. Explica food into the tray inside the Dhen, ai put dhe could Luego pongo la comida fría
cómo utilizar un oven. After that, I close the oven. fuud ontƏ dhe trei insaid dentro en la bandeja del
dhe ouven. Negks, ai set horno. Después de eso,
horno microondas Next, I set the time to heat the
dhe taim tƏ jiit dhe fuud. cierro el horno.
food. Finally, I open the Fainali, ai oupen dhe Seguidamente, programo el
microwave and take out the food maicrouei and teik aut dhe tiempo para calentar la
after I hear the beep. fuud after ai jiar dhe biip. comida. Finalmente, abro el
horno y saco la la comida
después de escuchar el pito.
94- Explain how to To make rice, first, I fill up a cup tƏ meik rais, fƏrst, ai filƏp Para hacer arroz, primero,
make rice. with rice. Next, I put the rice into a cƏp uith rais. Negks, ai lleno una taza con arroz.
Explique cómo a rice pot. Then, I put two full put dhe rais intƏ Ə rais Seguidamente, pongo el
hacer arroz. cups of water into the pot. After pat. Dhen, ai put tuu ful arroz en una olla arrocera.
kƏps Ə uarer intƏ dhe Luego, pongo dos tazas
that, I add some salt to the pot.
pat. After dhat, ai ad soum llenas de agua en la olla.
Afterwards, I put two solt tƏ dhe pat. Después de eso, agrego sal
tablespoons of oil into de pot. Afteruordz, ai put tuu a la olla. Después, pongo dos
Finally, I place the pot on the teibolspuunz Əf oiol intƏ cucharaditas de aceite en la
stove for about 40 minutes. dhe pat. Fainali, ai pleiz olla. Finalmente, coloco la
dhe pat on dhe stouv for olla en la estufa por cerca de
abaut fori minuts. 40 minutos.
95- Explain how to To get to the airport, first, take tƏ guet tƏ dhe eerport, Para llegar al aeropuerto,
get to the airport the 30th of August Avenue fƏrst, teik dhe their Əf primero, tomar la avenida 30
from where you South. Keep going straight ogost aveniu sauth. Kiip de Agosto hacia el sur.
live. Explica cómo ahead on that Avenue. Drive for going streit ajeed on dhat Continuar derecho en esa
aveniu. Draiv for abaut avenida. Manejar por cerca
llegar al about 15 minutes. Finally, you
fiftiin minuts. Fainali, iu de 15 minutos. Finalmente,
aeropuerto desde can see the airport road to the kan sii dhi eerport roud tƏ usted puede ver el
donde vives right. dhe rait. aeropuerto al lado derecho.

96- Give me To get to a good restaurant, first, tƏ guet tƏ Ə guud Para llegar a un buen
directions to a you need to walk down the street restorant, fƏrst iu niid tƏ restaurante, primero,
good restaurant for about two blocks. Then, turn uok daun dhe striit for necesita caminar calle abajo
from where you are right on the corner. After that, abaut tuu blaks. Dhen, mas o menos dos cuadras.
tƏrn rait on dhe korner. Luego, girar a la derecha en
right now. Dame walk straight ahead for two more
After dhat, uok streit ajeed la esquina. Después de eso,
las instrucciones blocks. Next, turn left. Continue for tuu mour blaks. Negks, caminar derecho por dos
para un buen walking for half a block. You will tƏrn left. Kantiniu uoking cuadras más. Seguidamente,
restaurante desde see the restaurant on the left. for jaf a blak. Iu uil sii dhe girar a la izquierda. Continuar
donde estás ahora. restorant on dhe left. caminando por media
cuadra. Usted vera el
restaurante a la izquierda.
97- Explain how to To buy a plane ticket using the tƏ bai a plein tiket iuzing Para comprar un tiquete
buy a plane ticket internet, first, I select the airline dhe internet, fƏrst, ai aereo usando el internet.
using the internet. company. Then, I choose my select dhei eerlain Primero, selecciono la
Explique cómo destination. After that, I select company. Dhen, ai chuuz compañía aérea. Luego,
mai destineishon. After escojo mi destino. Después
comprar un billete the date of the flight. Next, I
dhat, ai select dhe deit for de eso, selecciono la fecha
de avión con el enter all my information. dhe flait. Negks, ai enter del vuelo. Seguidamente,
internet. Afterwards, I choose the ol mai informeishon. entro toda mi información.
payment method. Finally, I pay Afteruordz, ai chuuz dhe Después, escojo el método
with my credit card and get the peiment method. Fainali, de pago. Finalmente, pago
ticket. ai pei uith mai credit kard con mi tarjeta de crédito y
and guet dhe tiket. obtengo mi tiquete.
98- Explain how to To make a hotel reservation tƏ meik a jotel Para hacer una reservación
make a hotel using the internet, first, I choose reserveishon iuzing dhe hotelera usando el internet,
reservation using the hotel. Next, I enter all my internet, fƏrst, ai chuuz primero, selecciono el hotel.
the internet. personal information. After that, I dhe joutel. Negks, ai enter Seguidamente, escribo toda
ool mai personal mi información personal.
Explique cómo select the check in and check
informeishon. After dhat, Después de eso, selecciono
hacer una out dates. Finally, I pay with my ai select dhe chek in and las fechas de registro y la
reservación de credit card. chek aut deits. Fainali, ai fecha de salida. Finalmente,
hotel por internet pei uith mai credit kard. pago con mi tarjeta de crédito.

99-. Explain how to To set up an alarm on a radio tƏ serƏp an alarm on Ə Para programar una alarma
set up an alarm on alarm clock, first, I punch the radio alarm clok, ferst, ai en el radio, primero, aprieto
a radio alarm menu button. Next, I select the pƏnch dhe meniu bƏton. el botón de menú.
clock. Explique alarm menu. Then, I select the Negks, ai select dhi alarm Seguidamente, selecciono el
meniu. Dhen, ai select dhi menú de alarma. Luego,
cómo programar hour and the minutes for the
auar and dhe minuts for selecciono la hora y minutos
una alarma. wake up time. Finally, I save the dhe ueikƏp taim. Fainali, para la hora de levantarme.
changes and the alarm is set up. ai seiv dhe cheinyes and Finalmente, guardo los cambios
dhi alarm iz serƏp. y la alarma esta programada.
100- Explain how To get cash from an A T M, first, TƏ guet cash from an Para obtener dinero efectivo
to get cash from an I have to introduce my card into eitiem, fƏrst, ai jav tƏ de un cajero electrónico,
Automatic Teller the machine’s slot. After that, I introdiuz mai kard intƏ primero, introduzco mi tarjeta
Machine. Explique digit the amount of money I dhe machines slat. After en la ranura de la maquina.
dhat, ai diyit dhi amaunt Después de eso, dígito la
cómo retirar dinero need. Next, I have to enter my cantidad de dinero que necesito.
Əf manii ai niid. Negks, ai
en efectivo de un pin or password number. Finally, enter mai pin or pasuord Seguidamente, tengo que digitar
cajero electronico. I withdraw the money. namber. Fainali, ai uithdroo mi pin o número de clave.
dhe manii. Finalmente, retiro el dinero.

past by adding d or
Regular verbs form their at the end .
admit (admít) admitted (admítid) admitted (admítid) admitir
ban (ban) banned (bánd) banned (bánd) prohibir
beg (beg) begged (bégd) begged (bégd) rogar
bury (béri) buried (bérid) buried (bérid) enterrar
clap (kláp) clapped (klápt) clapped (klápt) aplaudir
copy (kápi) copied (kápdt) copied (kápid) copiar
cry (krái) cried (kráid) cried (kráid) gritar, llorar
drop (drop) dropped (drápt) dropped (drápt) dejar caer, caerse
dry (drái) dried (dráid) dried (dráid) secar
empty (émpti) emptied (émptid) Emptied (émptid) vaciar
fancy (fænsi) fancied (fænsid) fancied (fænsid) imaginar, desear
fit (fit) fitted (fítid) fitted (fítid) caber, encajar
fry (frái) fried (fráid) fried (fráid) freír
hug (jâg) hugged (jâgd) hugged (jâgd) abrazar
hurry (jâri) hurried (jârid) hurried (jârid) apurarse
identify (aidéntifai) identified (aidéntifaid) identified (aidéntifaid) identificar
knit (nit) knitted (nítid) knitted (nítid) tejer
knot (nat) knotted (natid) knotted (natid) anudar
label (léibl) labeled (léibld) labeled (léibld) etiquetar
level (lével) leveled (léveld) leveled (léveld) nivelar
marry (mæri) married (mærid) married (mærid) casarse
multiply (mâltíplai) multiplied (mâltíplaid) Multiplied (mâltíplaid) multiplicar
pedal (pédal) pedaled (pédald) pedaled (pédald) pedalear
plan (plæn) planned (plænd) planned (plænd) planear, planificar
plug (plâg) plugged (plâgd) plugged (plâgd) conectar

prefer (príféâr) preferred (prifeârd) preferred (prifeârd) preferir

program (próugram) programmed (próugramd programmed (próugramd) programar

regret (rigrét) regretted (rigrétit) regretted (rigrétit) lamentarse
rely (relái) relied (reláid) relied (reláid) confiar
reply (replái) replied (repláid) replied (repláid) responder
rob (rab) robbed (rabd) robbed (rabd) robar
rub (râb) rubbed (râbd) rubbed (râbd) frotar

satisfy (satisfái) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfacer

shop (shap) shopped (shapt) shopped (shapt) comprar

signal (sígnal) signaled (sígnald) signaled (sígnald) hacer señales
sin (sín) sinned (sínd) sinned (sínd) pecar
skip (skíp) skipped (skípt) skipped (skípt) saltearse
slip (slíp) slipped (slípt) slipped (slípt) Deslizarse
stop (stap) stopped (stápt) stopped (stápt) pararse, detenerse
supply (sâplái) supplied (sâpláid) supplied (sâpláid) proveer
terrify (térrifai) terrified (térrifaid) terrified (térrifaid) Aterrorizar
tip (típ) tipped (típt) tipped (típt) dar propina
travel (trável) traveled (tráveld) traveled (tráveld) viajar
try (trái) tried (tráid) tried (tráid) tratar, intentar
worry (uóri) worried (uórid) worried (uórid) preocuparse



Arise /âráiz/ Arose /âróuz/ Arisen /ârísn/ surgir
awake /âwéik/ awoke /âwóuk/ awoken âwóukn/ despertar(se)
be /bi/ was, were wâs,wéâr been /bíin/ ser / estar
beat /bíit/ beat /bíit/ beaten /bíit-n/ golpear
become /bikóum/ became /bikém/ become /bikóum/ hacerse
begin /bigín/ began /bigán/ begun /bigân/ empezar
bend /bend/ bent /bent/ bent /bent/ doblar(se)
bet bet/ bet /bet/ bet /bet/ apostar
bite /báit/ bit /bit/ bitten /bíit-n/ morder
bleed /blíid/ bled /bled/ bled /bled/ sangrar
blow /blóu/ blew /blúu/ blown /blóun/ soplar
break /bréik/ broke /bróuk/ broken /bróukn romper
bring bring/ brought /bróot/ brought /bóot/ traer
broadcast bróudkast broadcast bróudkast broadcast /bróudkast emitir
build /bíild/ built /bíilt/ built /bíilt/ construir
burn /bârn/ burnt /bârnt/ burnt /bârnt/ quemar(se)
burst /bârst/ burst /bârst/ burst /bârst/ estallar
buy /bái/ bought /bóot/ bought /bóot/ comprar
catch /kætch/ caught /kóot/ caught /kóot/ coger
choose /chúuz/ chose chóuz/ chosen /chóusen elegir
come /kóum/ came káim/ come /kóum/ venir
cost /kóust/ cost /kâst/ cost /kâst/ costar
cut /kât/ cut /kât/ cut /kât/ cortar
deal /díiâl/ dealt /díiâlt/ dealt /déalt/ tratar
dig /dig/ dug /dâg/ dug /dâg/ cavar
do /dâ/ did /did/ done /dóun/ hacer
draw /droo/ drew /drúu/ drawn /dróun/ dibujar
dream /dríim/ dreamt /dréamt/ dreamt /dréant/ soñar
drink /dringk/ drank /drændk/ drunk /drângk/ beber
drive /dráiv/ drove /dróuv/ driven /dríven/ conducir
eat /íit/ ate /éit/ eaten /íit-n/ comer
fall /fóâl/ fell féâl/ fallen /fóulen/ caer(se)
feed /fíid/ fed /fed/ fed /fed/ alimentar
feel /fíiâl/ felt /felt/ felt /felt/ sentirse
fight /fáit/ fought fóot/ fought /fóot/ pelearse
find /fáind/ found /fáund/ found /fáund/ encontrar
fly /flái/ flew /flúu/ flown /flóun/ volar
forbid /forbíd/ forbade /forbéid/ forbidden forbíd-n/ prohibir
forget /forgét/ forgot /forgát/ forgotten forgát-n/ olvidar(se)
forgive /forgív/ forgave /forgéiv/ forgiven forgíven/ perdonar
freeze /fríiz/ froze /fróuz/ frozen /fróuzen/ helar(se)
get /get/ got /gát/ got /gat/ conseguir
give /gíiv/ gave /géiv/ given /gíven/ dar
go /góu/ went /went/ gone /góun/ irse
grow /gróu/ grew /grúu/ grown /gróun/ crecer
hang jæng/ hung /jâng/ hung /jâng/ colgar
have /jæv had /jæd/ had /jæad/ tener / haber
hear /jíâr/ heard /jéard/ heard /jéârd/ escuchar
hide /jáid/ hid /jid/ hidden jid-n/ esconder(se)
hit /jit/ hit /jit/ hit /jit/ golpear

hold jóuld/ held /jeld/ held /jeld/ agarrar /esperar

hurt /jârt/ hurt /jârt/ hurt /jârt/ hacer daño
keep /kíip/ kept /kept/ kept /kept/ guardar
kneel /níiâl/ knelt /nelt/ knelt /nelt/ arrodillarse
know /nóu/ knew /níu/ known /nóun/ saber /conocer
lay /léi/ laid /léid/ laid /léid/ poner
lead /líid/ led /led/ led /led/ llevar
learn /léârn/ learnt /léârnt/ learnt /leârnt/ aprender
leave /líiv/ left /left/ left /let/ dejar
lend /lend/ lent /lent/ lent /lent/ prestar
let /let/ let /let/ let /let/ permitir
lie /lái/ lay /léi/ lain /léin/ echarse
light /láit/ lit /lit/ lit /lit/ encender(se)
lose /lúz/ lost /lost/ lost /lost/ perder
make /méik/ made /méid/ made /méid/ hacer
mean /míin/ meant /méent/ meant /meent/ significar
meet /míit/ met /met/ met /met/ encontrar(se)
mistake /mistéik/ mistook /mistúuk/ mistaken mistéiken equivocar(se)
overtake óuvertéik overtook óuvertúuk overtaken óuvertéiken adelantar
pay /péi/ paid /péid/ paid /péid/ pagar
put /put/ put /put/ put /put/ poner
read /ríid/ read /red/ read /red/ leer
ride /ráid/ rode /róud/ ridden /ríd-n/ montar
ring /ring/ rang /ræng/ rung /râng/ sonar
rise /ráiz/ rose /róuz/ risen /rízen/ levantarse
run /rân/ ran /ræn/ run /rân/ correr
say /séi/ said /sed/ said /sed/ decir
see /síi/ saw /sóo/ seen /síin/ ver
seek /síik/ sought /sóot/ sought /sóot/ buscar
sell /séâl/ sold /sóuld/ sold /sóuld/ vender(se)
send /send/ sent /sent/ sent /sent/ enviar
set /set/ set /set/ set /set/ poner
sew /sóu/ sewed /sóud/ sewn /sóun/ coser
shake /shéik/ shook /shúuk/ shaken shéiken/ agitar
shine /sháin/ shone /shóun/ shone /shóun/ brillar
shoot /shúut/ shot /shat/ shot /shat/ disparar
show /shóu/ showed /shoud/ shown /shóun/ mostrar
shrink /shringk/ shrank shængk/ shrunk /shrânk/ encoger(se)
shut /shât/ shut /shât/ shut /shât/ cerrar(se)
sing /sing/ sang /sæng/ sung /sâng/ cantar
sink /singk/ sank /sængk/ sunk /sângk/ hundir(se)
sit /sit/ sat /sæat/ sat /sæt/ sentar(se)
sleep /slíip/ slept /slept/ slept slept/ dormir
smell /smeâl/ smelt /smeâlt/ smelt /smeâlt oler
speak /spíik/ spoke /spóuk/ spoken spóuken/ hablar
spell /spéâl/ spelt /speâl/ spelt /spelt/ deletrear
spend /spend/ spent /spent/ spent pent/ pasar / gastar
split /split/ split /split/ split /split/ dividir(se)
spoil /spóiâl/ spoilt /spóilt/ spoilt / spóilt/ estropear(se)
spread /spréed/ spread /spreed/ spread sreed/ extender(se)
stand /stænd/ stood stúud/ stood / stúud/ estar de pie
steal /stíiâl/ stole /stóul/ stolen stóulen/ robar
stick /stik/ stuck /stâk/ stuck stâk/ pegar(se)
sting /sting/ stung /stâng/ stung /stâng/ picar
strike /stráik/ struck /strâk/ struck / strâk/ golpear
strive /stráiv/ strove stróuv/ striven /stríven/ esforzarse
swear séar/ swore /suor/ sworn /súorn/ jurar
sweep /suíip/ swept /suept/ swept /súept/ barrer
swim /súim/ swam /suæm/ swum /súâm/ nadar
swing /súing/ swung /suâng/ swung /suâng/ balancear(se)
take /téik/ took /túuk/ taken /téiken/ tomar(se)
teach /tíich/ taught tóot/ taught /tóot/ enseñar
tear /teâr/ tore /tor/ torn / torn/ romper(se)
tell /teâl/ told /tóuld/ told /tóuld/ contar/decir
think /thingk/ thought /thóot/ thought / thóot/ pensar
throw /thróu/ threw /thrúu/ thrown /thróun/ lanzar
understand ânderstænd understood ânderstúud understood ânderstúud entender
upset /âpset/ upset /âpset/ upset /âpset/ afligir
wake /uéik/ woke /uóuk/ woken /uouk-n/ despertar(se)
wear /uear/ wore /uor/ worn /uorn/ llevar (puesto)
weep /uiip/ wept /uept/ wept /uept/ llorar
win ui n/ won /uon/ won /uon/ ganar
withdraw wíthdroo withdrew /wíthdrúu/ withdrawn wíthdróun retirar(se)
write /wráit/ wrote /wróut/ written /wrít-n/ escribir

Enrique Trujillo Flórez nació en Cali – Colombia. Fue Suboficial de la Armada Naval de Colombia por 5 años.
Realizó estudios en Tecnología electro-mecánica en New York City Technical College en la ciudad de Nueva
York y en donde también estudió inglés conversacional. Vivió 14 años en los Estados Unidos. Ha sido
docente en el área de inglés desde 1993. Se desempeñó como profesor de inglés en el Instituto Meyer de
inglés de Cali por dos años. Trabajó como director Académico Administrativo en el Instituto Meyer de inglés
de la ciudad de Armenia por un periodo de cinco años. También se desempeñó como Director
Académico-adjunto del Instituto Meyer de Inglés en la ciudad de Pereira por dos años. Ha sido facilitador
de inglés con el Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras ILEX de La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira desde el año
2005 hasta actualmente. Tiene un diplomado en Diseño y Producción de Multimedia Empresarial y
Educativa del Instituto de Capacitación Comfenalco, Quindío y un Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria de
la Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (ESAP) de Pereira. Esta certificado con ESOL Examination en
T.K.T. de la universidad de Cambridge. Tiene un diplomado de Maestro Virtual de la universidad
Tecnológica de Pereira. Además ha participado de una gran variedad de entrenamientos y talleres para la
enseñanza del idioma Inglés orientados por el Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras, ILEX.
Teniendo en cuenta las necesidades básicas de los estudiantes de inglés de esta región, Enrique preparó un
manual fácil y práctico para que el alumno comprenda y desarrolle su producción oral, escrita, auditiva
y de lectura y pueda establecer una rápida comunicación básica en este idioma universal.

Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida ó distribuida de forma alguna ó por ningún
medio, sin previo permiso escrito del autor.
Derechos reservados al autor.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior
written permission of the author.

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