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Final Assessment of Robotics Week

Group Number: _______________. Group Members: _________________________________________ My Name: ___________________

Engaging Developing Demonstrating Exemplary

Maintenance of Materials Lego Kit is disorganized; Lego Kit is somewhat Lego Kit is organized Kit is organized and all
pieces are regularly organized; pieces may but pieces are found at materials are accounted
found to be missing or be found at workstation workstation after class before construction and
out of place after class after disassembly
Working With Others Is able to engage with Rarely allows others to Almost always allows Always allows others to
other members of the present ideas but is others to present ideas present ideas and is
group but struggles to able recognize and and is able recognize able recognize and
collaborate support the best ideas. and support the best support the best ideas.
Respects other ideas. Respects other Respects other
members of the group members of the group members of the group
and tries to make sure and tries to make sure and tries to make sure
that the project is truly that the project is truly that the project is truly
a group effort. a group effort. a group effort.
Pride/Quality of Work Final product reflects Final product shows High quality work Final product represents
little effort by group effort by group with showing strong effort by work of highest quality
with little to no some motivation by group and the group’s best
motivation by leader leader effort

Observation Sheets Observation sheet has Observation sheet Observation sheet Observation sheet
been started but lacks somewhat completed. somewhat complete in complete in an
detail and reflection. With developing detail an organized manner, organized manner with
and reflection. demonstrating lots of detail and an
understanding and in exemplary reflection.

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