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Lab layout

For regular labs For implementation labs

 Title  Introduction
 Aim  Title
 Apparatus/Materials  Aim
 Diagram  Apparatus/Materials
 Procedure  Diagram
 Results  Procedure
 Analysis/Discussion  Results
 Precaution  Analysis/Discussion
 Source of error  Precaution
 Limitation  Source of error
 Reflection  Limitation
 Conclusion  Reflection
 Conclusion

For Plan and Design labs

 introduction
 Title
 Hypothesis
 Aim
 Apparatus/Materials
 Diagram
 Procedure
 Variables
 Expected Results
 Assumptions
 Precaution
 Source of error
 Limitation
Lab Grading Profiles
1. ORR - Observation/Recording/ Reporting - select observations relevant to the particular activity;
record the result of a measurement accurately; select, draw and use appropriate models of
presenting data, for example, tables, graphs and diagrams; organise and present a complete
report in a clear and logical form; report accurately and concisely; report and recheck
unexpected results.

2. MM - Manipulation/Measurement-follow instructions; set up and use carefully and

competently simple laboratory apparatus and measuring instruments.

3. AI - Analysis and Interpretation- identify and recognise the component parts of a whole and
interpret the relationship between those parts; identify causal factors and show how they
interact with each other; infer, predict and draw conclusions; make necessary and accurate
calculations and recognise the limitations and assumptions inherent in the collection and
interpretation of data.

4. PD - Planning and Designing- develop hypotheses and devise means of carrying out
investigations to test them; plan and execute experimental procedures and operations in an
appropriate sequence; use controls where appropriate; modify original plan or sequence of
operations as a result of difficulties encountered in carrying out experiments or obtaining
unexpected results; take into account possible sources of error, precautions and limitations in
the design of an experiment.
 Introduction – what the experiment is about/topic used or the situation that gave rise
to the experiment.

 Title - usually the topic the experiment is about

 Hypothesis - an educated guess based on your current knowledge on what you expect
to happen

 Aim - what is to be accomplished by doing the experiment

 Apparatus/Materials - all equipment and materials used in the experiment must be listed

 Procedure - step by step procedure written in the past tense

 Results – The information collected from the experiment

 Analysis/Discussion - step by step procedure written in the past tense

 Reflection – how did this lap change your view /how can you use the knowledge you
gain in life

 Conclusion- The answer to the aim

 Variables- 3 types

1. Controlled – what you keep constant throughout the experiment

2. Manipulated – what you change in the experiment
3. Responding – usually the results to be collected /what changes in the
experiment without you changing it. E.g. time taken

 Expected Results – The results the experiment is expected to produce and why

 Assumptions – assumptions made for your experiment to occur e.g. assuming no air

 Precaution – things you need to be care about while doing the lab e.g. if the experiment
the precaution would be to be careful to watch your step so you won’t slip and fall and
ensure it dry and safe
 Source of error – error that may have occurred that cannot be reduced further e.g. heat
loss, parallax error, etc.

 Limitation – things that prevented the experiment from being able to be done in the
most efficient way e.g. no electrical fire so used a busen burner.

Things that are given in the lab scripts

 Introduction
 Title
 Apparatus/Materials
 Diagram
 Procedure
 Results format / what to be collected

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