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1. To cast or scatter abroad over an area, as seed in sowing

2. To transmit (programs) from a radio or television station.
3. To speak, perform, sponsor, or present on a radio or television program
4. To spread widely; disseminate something

MEDIA BROADCASTING- It is the airing of audio and video to the public.

“COMMUNIS” -- meaning to share/hold in common.

> Communication is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to create understanding in
the minds of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and
understanding. It may also be defined as giving, receiving or exchanging information.
> Communication is a process by which people send messages or exchange ideas or thoughts with one
another in a verbal or non-verbal manner.

Communicating involves Informing (knowledge), Raising Awareness (awareness), Training (skills), and
Intensive Learning (enhancing knowledge, awareness, skills by thinking and discussing together)

Noise- Physical, Physiological, Psychological, Semantic

> related to human activity
>involves two or more parties
>one-way or maybe two-way process
>success of communication depends on a proper
understanding of the parties involved
>media or channel based


>Stress and out-of-control emotion, lack of focus, inconsistent body language, negative body language

a. Physical barriers
>lack of communication skills, attitudinal barriers, individual linguistic ability, physiological
barriers, format and delivery of information

3 skills to develop- Conversation Skills, Non-verbal Communication, and Assertiveness

Communication can be (1)Verbal and (2)Non-verbal


Vocal Pitch and Volume



Vocal Non-vocal Facial Expressions

Non-vocal Body Movements

Spoken Written Space


1. Paralanguage/Vocalics
>“How” something is said, not what is said.
> Pitch, intonation, speed, and volume
2. Chronemics (language of time)
> The use of time based on position or power.
a. Polychronic- when people do many activities at once and is common in Italy and Spain
b. Monochronic- when people do one thing at a time; commonly in America
3. Proxemics (language of space)
> The use of space to show importance
a. Intimate- for embracing, touching, or whispering (< 1-2 cm—close & 6-8 in—far)
b. Personal- for interactions among good friends and family (1.5-2.5 ft—close & 2.5-4)
c. Social- for interactions among acquaintances (4-7 ft—close & 7-12 ft—far phase)
d. Public- used for public speaking (12-25 ft—close & 25 ft—far phase)
4. Haptics (language of touch)
> The use of touch to express what cannot be said
a. Functional and Professional- expresses task-orientation
b. Social or Polite- expresses ritual interaction
c. Friendship and Warmth- expresses idiosyncratic relationship
d. Love/Intimacy- expresses emotional attachment
e. Sexual/Arousal- expresses sexual intent
5. Kinesics (language of movement)
> It comes from the root word ‘kinesis’, which means “movement.”
a. Gestures- emphasizing, regulating, illustrating, and emblems
b. Head movements
c. Posture- the way one carries and dresses oneself
d. Eye Contact
e. Facial Expressions- configuration of diff. parts of face to show how the person feels
6. Oculesics (eye contact)
> is the study of eye movement, eye behavior, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication.

Assertiveness- quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive

Valuable communication attitudes: Being proactive & Thinking win-win


>Uncertain reporting relationships >Technology problems
>Poor culture >Indecisive leadership

CC--Compare and Contrast PPF—Past Present Future

SMG—Story Message Gain PREP—Point Reason Example Point

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