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Shemak, Halverson,Wienkes, & Fredericks 1

Kayla, Owyn, Alanna, & Malayna



29 October 2018


Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Ulysses S. Grant were all major

leaders in the Civil War. They had many responsibilities and commands to help out their sides of

the War. Being leaders, they had to have courage, bravery, and determination to win the War.

The War developed Abraham Lincoln as the leader who persecuted the Civil War. Jefferson

Davis was elected president of the Confederate States of America, showing his leadership

through power. Robert E. Lee was known as a military officer in the U.S. Army, as well as a

general of the Confederate Army. Lastly, Ulysses S. Grant was a commander of the Union


We want to inform our audience about the major leaders of the Civil war and what their

main role was in the Civil War. When presenting, we hope the audience captures the main ideas

about our influential leaders in the Civil War. Key facts to know would include our major leaders

early and late lives, their education, major recognizable accomplishments, and the main focus

towards who they were in the Civil War. Throughout the presentation, we would like to be loud

and clear, meaning that our voices are at the right level for our audience to hear, meaning not too

loud or quiet. Having voice clarity will allow the audience to hear the right information and be

able to understand more efficiently. To improve these skills, we can practice presenting to each

other, learning how to speak thoroughly.

Shemak, Halverson,Wienkes, & Fredericks 2

The 21st century skill Kayla will work on is time management, where she will work to

get her work done on time and use her time wisely. Alanna’s 21st century skill is project

management where she will work to complete tasks on time. The 21st century skill that Owyn

will be working on is technology literacy, where he will use this by not plagiarizing and also

using different tools while creating the presentation. Malayna will use the 21st century skills of

communication, where she will work on sharing thoughts and ideas through speaking, including

showing enthusiasm and self-confidence.

Presentation Plan

(Introduction) ¨In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves

beaten, then he who continues the attack wins (Ulysses S. Grant).¨

(Conclusion) ¨In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the

momentous issue of civil war (Abraham Lincoln).¨

To present our project, we will be using google slides. Working with google slides, we

will work on our skills by completing the presentation on time, and making sure that all

information is presented in the right way. Using the technology literacy 21st century skill, we

will work on organization of our research and putting our information into our own words. Using

communication skills, we can share ideas and speak with enthusiasm when presenting.

Our subtopics are divided into role play. The person playing as Abraham Lincoln will be

researching the life of Jefferson Davis and the person playing Jefferson Davis will be researching

Abraham Lincoln. Then the person playing as Ulysses S. Grant will be researching Robert E.

Lee, where Robert E. Lee will be searching the life of Ulysses S. Grant. We will present our

information to our audience as a biography of a leader being told by their enemy. Our different

subtopics are depended on who was given to whom. We will organize the subtopics as they are
Shemak, Halverson,Wienkes, & Fredericks 3

given on the sheet, so then it is already organized and will be presented correctly. When

presenting, we will first start off about what our project is, then jump into the different

biographies of each leader. Transitioning to the next leader, we will bring up their enemy and

start to slowly talk about how they were an enemy, then ease in to explain who they were and

their role in the Civil War.

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