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• 1 Suspension

• 2 Routes of administration of suspension

• 3 Oral suspensions
• 4 Topical suspensions
• 5 Parenteral suspensions
• 6 Ophthalmic suspensions
• 7 Properties of Suspensions
• 8 Theories involved in disperse phase
• 9 Types of suspensions
• 10 Formulation of Suspensions
• 11 Stability of Suspensions
• 12 Quality control tests for suspensions
• 13 Sustained release suspensions
• 14 Formulation Additives
• 15 1. Suspending and Thickening agents
• 19 Some Suspension Products available in USA
• 20 List of medicinal suspensions available in USP
• 21 Some Suspension Products available in India
A pharmaceutical suspension may be defined as a coarse dispersion containing fin
ely divided insoluble material suspended in a liquid medium.
The physical chemist defines the word “suspension” as two-phase system consisting of
an undissloved or immiscible material dispersed in a vehicle (solid, liquid, or
Generally pharmaceutical suspensions contain aqueous dispersion phase however in
some cases they may be an oily or organic phase. The suspensions have dispersed
particles above the colloidal size that is mean particle diameter above 1µm.
Routes of administration of suspension
Suspensions are used to administer insoluble and distasteful substances in a for
m that is pleasant to taste by providing a suitable form, for the application of
dermatological materials to the skin and mucous membrane and for parenteral usa
ge. Thus suspensions can be administered by oral, topical, parenteral and ophtha
lmic application
Oral suspensions
Patients who have problems in swallowing solid dosage forms require drugs to be
dispersed in a liquid. Oral suspensions permit the formulation of poorly soluble
drugs in the form of liquid dosage form. As these suspensions are to be taken b
y oral route therefore they must contain suitable flavoring and sweetening agent
s. Drugs, which possess unpleasant taste in solution dosage form like paracetamo
l, chloramphenicol palmitate etc. can be formulated as palatable suspension as t
hey are suitable for administration to peadiatric patients. Finely divided solid
s like kaolin, magnesium carbonate etc., when administered in the form of suspen
sions will be available to a higher surface area for adsorptive and neutralizing
actions in the gastrointestinal tract.
Topical suspensions
These suspensions are meant for external application and therefore should be fre
e from gritty particles. There consistency may range from fluid to paste. Exampl
e of fluid suspension includes calamine lotion, which leave a deposit of calamin
e on the skin after evaporation of the aqueous dispersion phase. Zinc cream has
a consistency of semisolid. Zinc cream consists of high percentage of powders di
spersed in an oily (paraffin) phase.
Parenteral suspensions
These suspensions should be sterile and should possess property of syringability
. Parenteral suspensions are also used to control the rate of absorption. As the
absorption rate of the drug is dependent on the dissolution rate of the solid.
Therefore by varying the size of the dispersed solid particles the duration and
absorption can be controlled. Vaccines are also formulated as dispersions of kil
led microorganisms for example in Cholera vaccine or as toxoid adsorbed on to su
bstrate like aluminium hydroxide or phosphate for prolonged antigenic stimulus.
For example adsorbed Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoid.
Ophthalmic suspensions
These should also be sterile and should possess very fine particles. Drugs, whic
h are unstable in aqueous solution, are formulated as stable suspensions using n
on-aqueous solvents. For example fractioned coconut oil is used for dispersing t
etracycline hydrochloride for ophthalmic use.

Properties of Suspensions
• Desirable properties of suspensions
• Suspensions should possess good pourability leading to ease of removal of dose f
rom container.
• They should have good organoleptic properties.
• The particle size distribution should be uniform.
• There should be ease of redispersion of settled solid particles.
• They should be physically and chemically stable.
• They should be resistant against microbial contamination.
Theories involved in disperse phase
Interfacial phenomenon
Smaller solid particles are used to disperse in a continuous medium. Smaller par
ticle size and large surface area is associated with a surface free energy makin
g it thermodynamically unstable. Thus the particles possess high energy which le
ads to grouping together to reduce surface free energy thus leading to formation
of floccules. These floccules are held together among themselves and within by
weak van der waals forces. However in cases where particles are adhered by stron
ger forces to form aggregates forming hard cake. These phenomena occur in order
to make system more thermodynamically stable. In order to achieve a state of sta
bility the system tend to reduce the surface free energy, which may be accomplis
hed by reduction of interfacial tension that is achieved by use of surfactants.
Electrical Double layer and Zeta potential
Most surfaces acquire a surface electric charge when they come in contact with a
queous surface. A solid charged surface when in contact with an aqueous medium p
ossesses positive and negative ions. The counter ions are attracted towards the
surface co-ions that ions of like charge are repelled away from the surface. Thi
s results in the formation of an electrical double layer, made up of the charged
particles. The charges influence the distribution of ions resulting in the form
ation of an electrical double layer, made up of the charged surface and a neutra
lizing excess of counter-ions over co-ions distributed in a diffuse manner in th
e aqueous medium resulting into electric potentials. The zeta potential refers t
o the electrostatic charge on the particles, which causes them to move in electr
ic field towards a pole of opposite charge. Its magnitude may be measured using
microelectrophoresis or any other of the electrokinetic phenomena. The two parts
of the double layer are separated by a plane, the stern plane. The stern plane,
which occur at a hydrated ion radius from the particle surface. The ions or mol
ecules to be strongly adsorbed at the surface-termed specific adsorption rather
than by electrostatic attraction. The specifically adsorbed ion or molecule may
be uncharged e.g., with non-ionic surfactant. Surfactants specifically adsorb by
the hydrophobic effect and impart effect on the stern potential. Thus the zeta
potential is reduced by additives to the aqueous system in either (or both) of t
wo different ways.
Sedimentation Concept
In dispersions the dispersed particles encounters between themselves as a result
of Brownian movement. Depending upon the forces of interactions-electrical forc
es of repulsion, forces of attraction and forces arising due to solvation, the p
articles aggregate to form collection of particles. The collisions result in per
manent contact of particles known as coagulation leading to the formation of lar
ger aggregates, which sediment out known to exhibit flocculation or if the parti
cles rebound they remain freely suspended and form stable system. These particle
s sediment according to stokes’ law.
According to Stokes’ law
v = 2a2g (σ-ρ)/9η
W e e v i  velocity of edimentation, a i  t e adiu  of pa ticle , σ den ity of 
olid pa ticle , g i  accele ation due to g avity and ρ i  t e den ity and η i  t e v
i co ity of t e di pe ion p a e.
T e equation of toke ’ law eflect  t at la ge  pa ticle  ex ibit g eate  velocit
y of edimentation. T e velocity of edimentation i  inve ely p opo tional to t
e vi co ity of di pe ion medium.
DLVO T eo y
Acco ding to DLVO (De jaguin Landau Ve wey and ove beek) t eo y, in a di pe ed
y tem t e inte action  involved between pa ticle  a e elect ical epul ion and
van de  Wall  att action. T e total potential ene gy of inte action i  addition
of t e e pa amete . Fig.1. t e cu ve between total ene gy of inte action  ve u
 di tance between pa ticle . In t e cu ve t e att action p edominate  at mall
di tance  ence a ve y deep p ima y minimum. T e att action at la ge inte pa tic
le di tance t at p oduce  t e econda y minimum a  t e fall-off in epul ive ene
gy wit di tance i  mo e apid t an t at of att active ene gy. At inte mediate
di tance  double-laye  epul ion i  la ge  giving a p ima y maximum in t e cu ve
. If t i  maximum i  la ge a  compa ed to t e mal ene gy of t e pa ticle  t e y
tem would be table. Ot e wi e t e inte acting pa ticle  will eac t e ene gy
dept of t e p ima y minimum and i eve ible agg egation. If t e econda y mini
mum i  malle  t an t e mal ene gy t e pa ticle  will not agg egate but will alw
ay  epel one anot e  leading a de-flocculated y tem, but if it i  ignificantl
y la ge  t an t e mal ene gy. A loo e agg egate will fo m wit t e ea e of edi 
pe ibility by  aking i.e., flocculation occu . T e dept of econda y minimum
depend  on pa ticle ize and pa ticle   ould be of m. T e pa ticle  po e ing
pa ticle adiu  g eate  t an 1 m ex ibit g eat att active fo ce  fo  flocculatio
n to ize le  t an 1 occu . T e eig t of t e p ima y maximum ene gy ba ie  to
coagulation depend  on t e zeta potential. T e addition of elect olyte comp e e
 t e double laye  and educe  t e zeta potential, t i  a  t e effect of lowe i
ng t e p ima y maximum and deepening t e econda y minimum and i  t e p inciple
of t e cont olled flocculation app oac to p a maceutical u pen ion. T e p ima 
y maximum can al o be lowe ed (and t e econda y minimum deepened) by adding ub
tance , uc a  ionic u factant , w ic a e ad o bed wit in t e Ste n Laye .
Type  of u pen ion 
Su pen ion  a e cla ified a :
1. Acco ding to t e oute of admini t ation
• O al u pen ion   ould be taken by o al oute and t e efo e mu t contain uitab
le flavo ing and weetening agent .
• Topical u pen ion  meant fo  exte nal application and t e efo e  ould be f ee
f om g itty pa ticle .
• Pa ente al u pen ion   ould be te ile and  ould po e  p ope ty of y ingab
• Op t almic u pen ion   ould be te ile and  ould po e  ve y fine pa ticle 
2. Acco ding to natu e of di pe ed p a e and met od  of p epa ation
T e u pen ion  a e cla ified a  u pen ion  containing diffu ible olid , indi
ffu ible olid , poo ly wettable olid , p ecipitate fo ming liquid  and p oduct
 of c emical eaction .
3. Acco ding to natu e of ediment
Flocculated Su pen ion , in t i  type t e olid pa ticle  of di pe ed p a e agg
egate leading to netwo k like t uctu e of olid pa ticle  in di pe ion medium
. T e agg egate  fo m no a d cake. T e e agg egate  ettle apidly due to t ei 
ize a  ate of edimentation i  ig and ediment fo med i  loo e and ea ily 
edi pe ible. T e u pen ion i  not elegant, a  di pe ed p a e tend  to epa at
e out f om t e di pe ion medium. T e efo e it i  de i ed t at flocculation  ou
ld be ca ied out in a cont olled manne  o t at a balance exi t  between t e a
te of edimentation and natu e of ediment fo med and pou ability of t e u pen 
Non-flocculated Su pen ion , in t i  type t e olid pa ticle  exi t a  epa ate
entitie  in di pe ion medium. T e ediment  fo m a d cake. T e olid d ug pa t
icle  ettle lowly a  ate of edimentation i  low. A  ediment  a e fo med eve
ntually t e e i  difficulty of edi pe ion. T e u pen ion i  mo e elegant a  d
i pe ed p a e emain u pended fo  a long time giving unifo m appea ance.
Bold textItalic text== Va iou  app oac e  fo  developing u pen ion  ==
St uctu ed Ve icle 
T e app oac employed in t e p epa ation of p y ically table u pen ion  involv
e t e u e of t uctu ed ve icle o t at pa ticle  emain deflocculated and apply
ing t e p inciple  of flocculation to p oduce floccule  t at ettle apidly wit
ea e of di pe ibility wit a minimum agitation. St uctu ed ve icle  act by ent
apping t e deflocculated pa ticle  o t at no ettling occu . P actically ome
deg ee of edimentation u ually take  place. T e  ea -t inning p ope ty of t e
e ve icle  facilitate  t e efo mation of a unifo m di pe ion w en  ea  i  ap
plied. T u  t e p oduct mu t flow eadily f om t e containe  and po e  a unifo
m di t ibution of pa ticle  in eac do e. Cont olled Flocculation F om tabilit
y point of view a u pen ion in w ic all t e pa ticle  emain di c ete a e ega
ded to be table. Howeve  in p a maceutical u pen ion olid pa ticle  a e coa 
e  and edimentation i  due to ize of t e pa ticle . T e elect ical epul ive
fo ce  between t e pa ticle  allow to fo m a clo ely packed ediment at t e bott
om, w e ea  t e malle  pa ticle  fill  wit in t e void  of la ge  pa ticle  lea
ving a cloudy upe natant liquid due to colloidal pa ticle . T e pa ticle , w ic
fo m t e lowe t laye  in t e pack, a e p e ed by t e weig t  of t e pa ticle 
above t em t u  ove coming t e epul ive ba ie . W e ea  in t e ca e of pa tic
le  in t e econda y minimum, w ic i  a de i able tate fo  a p a maceutical u
pen ion, t e pa ticle  fo m a loo e agg egate  known a  floccule . T e ediment
ation of floccule  i  apid leading to loo ely packed ig volume ediment w ic
a e ea ily edi pe ible. T e upe natant liquid i  clea  a  colloidal pa ticle
 get ent apped wit in t e floccule  and ediment wit t em. Pa ticle  wit ize
m  ould po e  ig c a ge to  ow a deep econda y g eate  t an 1 minimum fo 
flocculation to occu  a  t e att active fo ce depend on pa ticle ize,  ape and
concent ation. It i  e ential wit ig ly c a ged pa ticle  to cont ol t e dep
t of t e econda y minimum to induce a de i ed flocculation tate, w ic i  ac
ieved by t e addition of elect olyte  o  ionic u factant  wit eduction of zet
a potential. T i  e ult  in p oduction of de i ed econda y minimum leading to
floccule , w ic i  te med a  cont olled flocculation (Fig.2).
R eological Be aviou 
Pla tic o  p eudopla tic flow i  ex ibited by flocculated u pen ion depending u
pon concent ation. T e appa ent vi co ity of flocculated u pen ion  i  ig w e
n applied  ea ing t e  i  low but dec ea e  a  t e applied t e  inc ea e  a
nd t e att active fo ce  e ulting in flocculation a e ove come. T e dialant flo
w i  ex ibited by t e concent ated deflocculated u pen ion . T e appa ent vi co
ity i  low at low  ea ing t e  oweve  it inc ea e  a  t e applied t e  in
c ea e . T e  eological con ide ation a e of inte e t to inve tigate t e vi co 
ity of a u pen ion a  it affect  t e ettling of di pe ed pa ticle , t an fo m
ation of flow p ope tie  w ile a u pen ion i   aken and p oduct i  pou ed out
of bottle and t e p eading qualitie  of t e lotion w en it i  applied to effect
ed a ea.
Fo mulation of Su pen ion 
Su pen ion  containing diffu ible olid  con i t of olid  in oluble in wate  bu
t ea ily wettable. On  aking wit wate  olid pa ticle  diffu e eadily t oug
out t e liquid and emain u pended fo  a long time. T e u pen ion  containing
diffu ible olid  a e p epa ed by t itu ating t e olid  in a mo ta  wit uffi
cient quantity of ve icle to fo m a moot c eam. Any oluble nonvolatile ub ta
nce i  t en added by epa ately di olving t em in a mall quantity of ve icle.
Mo e ve icle  a e t en added and any fo eign pa ticle i  t ained t oug a mu l
in clot . Any volatile component i  added at t i  tage and adding t e equi ed
quantity of ve icle make  up t e final volume.
Example: Magne ium T i ilicate Mixtu e
Magne ium T i ilicate 5.0 g
Lig t Magne ium Ca bonate 5.0 g
Sodium bica bonate 5.0 g
Concent ated Peppe mint wate  2.5 ml
C lo ofo m wate  50.0 ml
Pu ified wate  q  to 100 ml
Su pen ion  containing indiffu ible olid  con i t of ub tance , w ic do not 
emain di t ibuted in t e di pe ion medium w en  aken fo  long time to en u e u
nifo mity of do e. T ey a e p epa ed by adding a uitable t ickening agent to t
e ve icle, w ic inc ea e  t e vi co ity of t e ve icle and delay  t e epa atio
n o  edimentation of indiffu ible pa ticle .
Example: Calamine Lotion
Calamine 15.0 g
Zinc Oxide 5.0 g
Bentoite 3.0 g
Sodium Cit ate 0.5 g
Liquified P enol 0.5 ml
Glyce ine 5 ml
Pu ified wate  q  to 100ml
Su pen ion  containing poo ly wettable olid  con i t of ub tance , w ic a e p
oo ly oluble, and at t e ame time poo ly wetted by t e di pe ion medium, and
clump toget e  wit t e difficulty to di pe e. T ey a e p epa ed by including 
uitable wetting agent in t e fo mulation. T e e agent  get ad o bed at t e olid
/liquid inte face and p omote wetting of t e olid pa ticle  by t e liquid of t
e di pe ion medium.
Example: Sulp u  Lotion
P ecipitated Sulp u  4.0 g
Quillia Tinctu e 0.5 ml
Glyce in 2.0 ml
Alco ol (95%) 6 ml
Calcium yd oxide olution q  to 100ml
Su pen ion  of p ecipitate fo ming liquid  con i t of liquid tinctu e  w ic a e
alco olic o  yd oalco olic ext act of vegetable d ug  w ic contain e inou  m
ate ial. W en tinctu e  a e added to wate  t ey p ecipitate. P ecipitate  a e in
diffu ible and tick to t e wall  of t e containe . T ey a e p epa ed by adding
a uitable t ickening agent p io  to t e addition of t e p ecipitate fo ming liq
Example: Lobelia and St amonium Mixtu e
Lobelia Et e eal Tinctu e 16 ml
T agacant mucilage 40 ml
Pota ium Iodide 4 g
C lo ofo m wate  q  to 180 ml
Su pen ion  p oduced by c emical eaction  a e p epa ed by mixing two dilute ol
ution  of eactant  to fo m a fine p ecipitate. Gene ally p ecipitate  o fo med
a e diffu ible and no u pending agent i  equi ed. If p ecipitate i  indiffu i
ble a uitable t ickening o  u pending agent may be added. T ey a e p epa ed by
di olving t e eactant  epa ately in app oximately alf volume  of t e ve icl
e and t e two po tion  a e t en mixed toget e .
Example: Zinc Sulp ide Lotion
Zinc Sulp ate 4 g
Sulp u ated Pota  4 g
Pu ified wate  q  to 100 ml
Stability of Su pen ion 
T e p y ical tability of a p a maceutical u pen ion i  t e condition in w ic
t e pa ticle  do not agg egate and in w ic t ey emain unifo mly di t ibuted t
oug out t e di pe ion . In o de  to ac ieve t i  ideal ituation t e u pen io
n  ould ave additive, w ic a e added to ac ieve ea e in e u pen ion by a mod
e ate amount of agitation. Taking a ca e example: In ca e of di pe ion of po it
ively c a ged pa ticle  t at i  flocculated by addition of an aninonic elect oly
te like monoba ic pota ium p o p ate. T e p y ical tability of t e y tem i  e
n anced by addition of ca boxymet ylcellulo e, Ca bopol 934, veegum, t agacant
o  bentonite eit e  alone o  in combination. No p y ical incompatibility i  eco
ded a  majo ity of yd op ilic colloid  a e negatively c a ged and a e compatib
le wit anionic flocculating agent . W en a flocculated u pen ion of negatively
c a ged pa ticle  wit a cationic elect olyte i  p epa ed (aluminum c lo ide) t
e addition of yd ocolloid may e ult in an incompatible p oduct e ulting in 
tingy ma , w ic a  no u pending action, and ettle apidly. In uc a condit
ion p otective agent i  added to c ange t e ign on t e pa ticle  f om t e negat
ive to po itive i  employed w ic can al o be ac ieved by t e ad o ption onto t
e pa ticle u face by fatty acid amine o  gelatin. T u  an anionic elect olyte i
 u ed to p oduce floccule  t at a e compatible wit negatively c a ged u pendi
ng agent.

Quality cont ol te t  fo  u pen ion 
Sedimentation volume
Redi pe ibility i  t e majo  con ide ation in a e ing t e acceptability of a
u pen ion. T e mea u ement of t e edimentation volume and it  ea e of edi pe 
ion fo m two of t e mo t common ba ic evaluative p ocedu e . T e edimentation
volume i  t e imple atio of t e eig t of ediment to initial eig t of t e in
itial u pen ion. T e la ge  t e value bette  i  t e u pendability.
Pa ticle ize and ize di t ibution
T e f eeze-t aw cycling tec nique u ed to a e  u pen ion fo  t e  te ting f
o  tability te ting e ult in inc ea e of pa ticle g owt and may indicate futu
e tate afte  long to age. It i  of impo tance to tudy t e c ange  fo  ab olu
te pa ticle ize and pa ticle ize di t ibution. It i  pe fo med by optical mic 
o copy, edimentation by u ing And ea en appa atu  and Coulte  counte  appa atu 
. None of t e e met od  a e di ect met od . Howeve  mic o copic met od allow  t
e ob e ve  to view t e actual pa ticle . T e edimentation met od yield  a pa ti
cle ize elative to t e ate at w ic pa ticle  ettle t oug a u pending med
R eological tudie 
R eologic met od  can elp in dete mining t e ettling be aviou  of t e u pen i
on. B ookefield vi comete  wit va iable  ea  t e  cont ol can be u ed fo  ev
aluating vi co ity of u pen ion . It con i t of T-ba  pindle w ic i  lowe ed
into t e u pen ion and t e dial eading i  noted w ic i  a mea u e of e i tan
ce t e pindle meet  at va iou  level  in t e u pen ion. T i  tec nique al o in
dicate  in w ic level of t e u pen ion t e t uctu e i  g eate  due to pa ticl
e  agg egate . Data obtained on aged and to ed u pen ion eveal  w et e  c ang
e  ave taken place.
Stability te ting
It i  not po ible to conduct accele ated tempe atu e tudie  a  it can be done
in olution . T e fo mulation ex ibiting t ixot opic p ope tie  a i e in tempe 
atu e would c ange t e p ope tie . In t i  p y ical fo m, t e p epa ation would
ex ibit pa amete  t at could not be ext apolated to t o e t at would exi t in t
e no mal y tem. T e valid tempe atu e data could be obtained t at will be u ef
ul in t e e timation of t e p y ical tability of a p oduct at no mal to age co
ndition . T e extended aging te t  mu t be employed unde  va iou  condition  to
obtain t e de i ed info mation.

Su tained elea e u pen ion 
A u pen ion u ually give  a longe  du ation of action a  compa ed to an aqueou 
olution w en given int amu cula ly o  ubcutaneou ly. T e d ug i  continuou ly
di olved to epleni  w at i  being lo t. T e con t aint  a e impo ed by tabi
lity, y ingeability, pain upon injection and minimum effective concent ation. T
e u tained elea e by u pen ion  i  ac ieved by dec ea ing u face a ea, diff
u ion coefficient and olubility. An example of u tained elea e u pen ion i 
t at of in ulin. In ulin i  no mally admini te ed ubcutaneou ly and it p ecipit
ate  a  an in oluble complex in t e p e ence of zinc c lo ide and depending on t
e pH eit e  an amo p ou  o  c y talline fo m e ult . T e c y talline fo m i  l
e  oluble t an t e amo p ou  fo m and e ult in longe  du ation of action. Ext
ended in ulin zinc u pen ion USP con i t of c y talline zinc complex. Anot e  e
xample include  Penicillin G p ocaine a pa ingly oluble fo m of penicillin G.
Ot e  include med oxyp oge t one acetate (Depo-p ove a), t iamcinolone exaceto
nide (A i topan ) etc.
Fo mulation Additive 
In addition to ve icle, tabilize , weetening and flavou ing agent , w ic a e
common in liquid do age fo m , t e following additive  a e equi ed to p epa e 
u pen ion  w ic include:
1. Su pending and T ickening agent 
T ey a e added wit t e objective to inc ea e appa ent vi co ity of t e continuo
u , p a e t u  p eventing apid edimentation of t e di pe ed pa ticle . T e e
lection of t e type and concent ation of a u pending agent depend  on edimenta
tion ate of di pe ed pa ticle , pou ability and p eadibility. T e ideal u pe
nding agent  ould ave a ig vi co ity at negligible  ea  i.e., du ing  elf
to age and it  ould ave a low vi co ity at ig  ea ing ate  i.e., it  oul
d be f ee flowing du ing agitation, pou ing and p eadibility. A u pending agen
t t at i  t ixot opic a  well a  p eudopla tic  ould p ove to be u eful a  it f
o m  a gel on tanding and become  fluid w en  aken. T ey include natu al poly 
acc a ide  (Gum Acacia, Gum T agacant , Gua  Gum, Sodiun Alginate, Xant an Gum a
nd Ca ageenan), Semi- ynt etic poly acc a ide  (Sodium Ca boxymet ylcellulo e,
Met yl Cellulo e, Hyd oxyet yl Cellulo e, Hyd oxyp opyl Cellulo e, Hyd oxyp opyl
Met yl Cellulo e and Mic oc y talline Cellulo e), Clay  (Aluminium Magne ium Si
licate, Bentonite and Hecto ite) and ynt etic agent  (Ca bome , Colloidal ilic
on dioxide). P eudopla tic ub tance  like t agacant , odium alginate and odiu
m ca boxymet yl cellulo e  ow t e e de i able qualitie . In ca e  of combinatio
n u e of u pending agent  like bentonite and CMC di pe ion  a e bot p eudopla
tic and t ixot opic.
A. Natu al Poly acc a ide 
Gum Acacia :It i  t e d y exudate  obtained f om tem  and b anc e  of va iou  
pecie  of Acacia. It a  low t ickening p ope tie  but it i  a good p otective c
olloid. It i  u ed in combination wit t agacant and ta c fo  inte nal p epa 
ation  but i  too ticky to be being a natu al p oduct, acacia may be f equently
contaminated wit mic oo gani m uc a  E c e ic ia coli and Salmonella pecie 
and may need to be te ilized befo e u e. P e e vative uc a  c lo ofo m wate 
, benzoic acid o  yd oxybenzoate   ould be included in fo mulation  containing
Gum Acacia.
Gum T agacant : Gum T agacant i  d ied exudate  obtained f om A t agalu  gummif
e  o  ot e  pecie  of A t agalu . It i  widely u ed a  u pending agent in fo m
of t agacant mucilage o  compound t agacant powde  w ic con i t  of a mixtu 
e of acacia (20%), t agacant (15%), ta c (20%) and uc o e (45%). T agacant
fo m  vi cou  olution o  gel  wit wate , depending on t e concent ation u uall
y t e powde ed t agacant i  fi t di pe ed in a wetting agent, uc a  alco ol
, to p event agglome ation on t e addition of wate . T agacant gel  a e non t i
xot opic and mo t table at pH value  between 4 and 7.5. T agacant i  non-toxic
and almo t ta tele  and i  widely u ed in u pen ion  fo  inte nal u e. Being
le  ticky, it may al o be u ed fo  exte nal application .
Gua  Gum: It con i t  of gum obtained f om t e g ound endo pe m  of t e eed  of
Cyamop i  tet agonolobu  belonging to family Legumino ae. Gua  Gum di pe e  in
ot and cold wate  to fo m a colloidal olution. A 1% aqueou  di pe ion a  a
me vi co ity to acacia mucilage, w ile 3% di pe ion a  imila  vi co ity to t 
agacant mucilage. Gua  Gum i  a poo  u pending agent fo  in oluble powde . It
i  employed a  a t ickene  in lotion  in concent ation  up to 2.5%. Maximum ta
bility i  ac ieved at pH value  between 3 and 9. Di pe ion  can be p e e ved wi
t benzoic acid 0.2%.
Sodium Alginate: Sodium Alginate con i t  of pu ified ca bo yd ate p oduct ext a
cted f om b own eaweed  by u e of dilute alkali. It c iefly con i t  of odium
alt of alginic acid. Va iou  g ade  a e u ually available comme cially fo  diff
e ent application  and yield olution  of va iou  vi co itie . Sodium Alginate i
 lowly oluble in wate . It i  no mally u ed in concent ation  of between 1% a
nd 5%. A 1% olution a  u pending p ope tie  imila  to t o e of t agacant mu
cilage. Maximum tability i  ac ieved at pH value  between 4 and 10. It i  gene 
ally di pe ed in a wetting agent, uc a  alco ol, glyce ol o  p opylene glycol
befo e addition to wate  to p event lump fo mation.
Xant an Gum: Xant an Gum con i t  of t e pu ified poly acc a ide gum obtained by
fe mentation of a ca bo yd ate by bacte ia of genu  Xant omona  c iefly Xant om
ona  campe t i . It i  oluble in ot and cold wate  and p oduce  a vi cou  p od
uct t at i  table ove  a wide ange of tempe atu e and pH. A 1% olution a  a
vi co ity of about 1000 centipoi e. Xant an Gum a  been u ed a  an alte native
to t agacant in t e p epa ation of u pen ion . In compa i on to t agacant , it
i  ea ie  to u e and i  capable of p epa ing u pen ion  of bette  quality and
imp oved con i tency.
Ca ageenan: Ca ageenan con i t  of yd ocolloidal mate ial ext acted f om ce t
ain ed eaweed  of cla  R odop yceae. It i  oluble in 30 pa t  of wate  at 80
o fo ming a vi cou  clea  o  lig tly opale cent olution. Di pe ion  of Ca ag
eenan a e table at pH value  between 4 and 10. Ca ageenan i  u ed in p a macy
and t e food indu t y a  a u pending and gelling agent.
B. Semi-Synt etic Poly acc a ide :
T e Semi-Synt etic poly acc a ide  u ed a  u pending and t ickening agent  main
ly con i t  of de ivative  of t e natu al poly acc a ide, cellulo e.
Sodium Ca boxymet yl cellulo e: It i  al o known a  Ca mello e Sodium, it con i 
t  of t e odium alt of Ca boxymet yl et e  de ivative of cellulo e. Diffe ent
vi co ity g ade  a e available w ic yield 1% aqueou  olution  wit vi co itie 
in t e ange of 6 to 4000 centipoi e. It i  u ed in t e concent ation  anging
f om 0.25% to 1% in u pen ion  meant fo  o al, topical and pa ente al u e. It i
 oluble in ot a  well a  cold wate  fo ming table mucilage wit in t e ange
of 5 and 10. Being anionic, it i  incompatible wit t e cationic compound . Aque
ou  p epa ation  t at i  unlikely to be to ed fo  long pe iod   ould contain a
n antimic obial p e e vative.
Met yl cellulo e: It con i t  of t e et yl et e  de ivative of cellulo e. It di 
pe ed lowly in cold wate  to fo m colloidal olution but i  in oluble in ot w
ate . It i  mainly employed a  a u pending and vi co ity inc ea ing agent fo  b
ot inte nal and exte nal p epa ation . Va iou  g ade  a e available and a e cla
ified acco ding to t e vi co ity of a 2% olution at 20o. T e u e of t e lowe 
vi co ity g ade  i  p efe ed at concent ation  up to 5% w ile ig e  vi co ity
g ade  a e u ed at concent ation of 0.5% to 2%. An aqueou  di pe ion may be p 
epa ed by adding t e met yl cellulo e to about one t i d t e equi ed amount of
boiling wate  and w en t e powde  i  t o oug ly yd ated, adding t e emainde  o
f t e wate  p efe ably in fo m of ice and ti ing until omogeneou . Met yl cel
lulo e i  nonionic and i  table ove  a wide ange of pH value . Heating an aque
ou  di pe ion fi t cau e  a dec ea e in vi co ity followed by de yd ation and
gelling at 50o C. On cooling, oweve  vi co ity etu n  to no mal.
Hyd oxyet yl cellulo e: It con i t  of t e yd oxyet yl et e  de ivative of cell
ulo e and i  mainly u ed a  vi co ity inc ea ing agent. It i  oluble in cold a 
well a  ot wate  and p oduce  a clea  olution t at i  table even at ig e  t
empe atu e . Va iou  g ade  a e available t at diffe  in t ei  aqueou  vi co it
ie . Solution di play maximum tability in pH ange 2 to 10.
Hyd oxyp opyl cellulo e: It con i t  of yd oxyp opyl et e  de ivative of cellul
o e and i  mainly u ed a  a vi co ity en ancing agent fo  o al and topical u e.
It i  oluble in wate  below 40o C and in oluble above t i  tempe atu e. A wide
ange of g ade  a e available t at diffe  in t ei  aqueou  olution vi co itie 
. Maximum tability i  demon t ated at pH ange 2 to 10.
Hyd oxyp opyl met yl cellulo e: It i  al o known a  Hype mello e, it con i t  of
t e yd oxyp opyl de ivative of met yl cellulo e. It a  p ope tie  imila  to
t o e of met yl cellulo e but p oduce  aqueou  olution  wit ig e  gelling poi
nt . Va iou  g ade  a e available t at diffe  in t ei  aqueou  olution vi co i
tie .
Mic oc y talline cellulo e: Mic oc y talline cellulo e i  widely u ed a  u pend
ing agent, eit e  alone o  in conjunction wit ot e  cellulo e de ivative  uc
a  Ca boxymet yl cellulo e odium o  ype mello e o  wit clay  uc a  bentonit
C. Clay :
Clay  a e ino ganic mate ial , mainly yd ated ilicate  de ived f om natu al o
u ce . T ey fo m ig ly t ixot opic gel . T e gel  mu t be p e e ved wit uitab
le antimic obial agent  a  clay  a e liable to eavy contamination wit mic obia
l po e .
Aluminium Magne ium Silicate: Al o known a  Veegum, Aluminium Magne ium Silicate
i  mainly u ed at a concent ation ange of 0.5% to 2% a  a u pending agent fo 
bot inte nal and exte nal p epa ation . A numbe  of diffe ent g ade  a e avail
able; w ic a e di tingui  ed by t e deg ee of alkalinity and t e vi co ity of a
n aqueou  di pe ion. Di pe ion  in wate  a e t ixot opic, and at concent ation
of 10% a fi m gel i  obtained. T e vi co ity of di pe ion  i  inc ea ed by ea
ting, by addition of elect olyte  and at ig e  concent ation by ageing.
Bentonite: Bentonite i  a natu al colloidal yd ated aluminium ilicate found in
t e midwe t of USA and Canada. Alt oug it i  in oluble in wate , it ab o b  la
ge quantitie  of it and may well  up to 12 time  it  o iginal volume. Bentonit
e in contact wit wate  fo m  eit e  ol  o  gel  depending on it  concent ation
. It i  gene ally u ed at a concent ation in between 0.5% to 2% fo  u pending p
owde  in aqueou  p epa ation  uc a  calamine lotion. Di pe ion  ow  maximum
tability at pH value  between 3 and 10.
Hecto ite: Hecto ite i  a natu al colloidal magne ium ilicate aving p ope tie 
imila  to bentonite. It well  up to 36 time  it  o iginal volume and fo m  i
g ly t ixot opic gel  at concent ation of 1 to 2%. It may contain t ace  of lit
ium and fluo ine and i  mainly u ed in u pen ion  fo  exte nal u e.
D. Synt etic Agent :
T e quality of ynt etic agent  tend  to be le  va iable t an t at of u pendin
g agent  de ived f om natu al ou ce .
Ca bome : Ca bome  i  a ig molecula  weig t polyme  of ac ylic acid c o linke
d wit allyl uc o e. It di pe ed in wate  to fo m an acidic colloidal olution
of low vi co ity, w ic p oduce  a ig vi cou  gel on neut alization wit ino 
ganic o  o ganic ba e  like odium yd oxide, t iet anolamine, etc. eve al vi c
o ity g ade  a e available and t e u ual concent ation u ed va ie  f om 0.1% to
4% a  u pending agent. Ca bome  gel  a e mo t vi cou  between pH 6 and 11. T e
vi co ity i  educed on lowe ing t e pH to below 3 o  i ing above 12. Elect oly
te  al o educe t e vi co ity of ca bopol di pe ion . Ca bome  i  u ceptible t
o oxidation e pecially on expo u e to lig t and ence fo mulation   ould be ta
bilized by addition of app op iate antioxidant  and c elating agent . Aqueou  di
pe ion of Ca bome   ould al o contain an antimic obial p e e vative.
Colloidal Silicon dioxide: T i  i  a fo m of Silicon dioxide aving colloidal di
men ion . It act  a  a u pending agent by fo ming agg egate  w ic a ociate  t
o fo m t ee dimen ional netwo k , t u  p eventing edimentation. In a concent a
tion between 1.5 to 4%, it act  a  a u pending tabilize  w ile at ig e  conce
nt ation , it fo m  a oft gel. Aqueou  di pe ion  gene ally ave a pH of 4 and
neut alization doe  not affect t e binding capacity.
Alt oug ome in oluble olid  get ea ily wetted by wate , mo t of t em ex ibit 
yd op obicity and doe  not get ea ily wetted by it. Wetting agent  a e additiv
e  w ic a e u ually added to dec ea e t i  yd op obicity. T e e agent  gene al
ly get ad o bed at t e olid-liquid inte face and p omote wetting of t e olid p
a ticle  by t e liquid of t e di pe ion medium. A va iety of ub tance  includi
ng t e following ave been employed a  wetting agent .
Su factant : Gene ally, Su factant  po e ing HLB value  between 7 and 9 ave b
een employed a  wetting agent . T e e o ient t em elve  at olid-liquid inte fac
e and dec ea e t e inte facial ten ion between t e pa ticle  of t e di pe ed p
a e and t e di pe ed medium. Mo t u factant  a e u ed at concent ation of 0.1
to 0.2%. T e minimum concent ation t at i  ufficient to cau e wetting  ould ge
ne ally be employed ince an exce  of t e e agent  may cau e foaming in t e p e
pa ation. Example  of u factant  employed fo  o al p epa ation include  poly o 
bate , o bitan, e te , etc. fo  exte nal p epa ation , odium lau yl ulfate,
odium dioctyl ulfo uccinate and quillia ext act  can al o be u ed.
Hyd op ilic Polyme : Va iou  yd op ilic colloid  uc a  acacia, bentonite, co
lloidal ilicon dioxide and cellulo e de ivative  ave al o been employed a  wet
ting agent . T e e act by coating t e u face of yd op obic pa ticle  and impa 
ting yd op ilic c a acte  to t e e.
Hyd op ilic Liquid : Hyd op ilic liquid  uc a  alco ol, glyce ol, p opylene gl
ycol, etc. a e ometime  employed a  wetting agent . T e e penet ate t e loo e a
gg egate  of olid pa ticle  and di place t e ai  f om t e po e  t u  facilitati
ng wetting of t e pa ticle  by t e di pe ion medium.
T e e additive  a e gene ally added a  an aid to unifo m di t ibution and di pe 
ion of olid pa ticle  of t e di pe ed p a e. Suc agent  a e gene ally u ed d
u ing t e p epa ation of deflocculated u pen ion  w e e t ey get ad o bed at t
e olid-liquid inte face. Wetting agent  uc a  u factant  a e often employed
a  di pe ing agent . Ot e  agent  u ed fo  t i  pu po e include agent  uc a 
Da van , Daxad , etc. w ic ca y a good u face c a ge and get ab o bed on t e
pa ticle  of t e di pe ed p a e t u  p eventing t ei  agglome ation.
T e e a e ub tance  added to cau e cont olled agg egation of t e pa ticle  of t
e di pe ed p a e in a u pen ion. Example  of uc agent  include u factant ,
elect olyte  and yd op ilic polyme .
Su factant : Ionic a  well a  non-ionic u factant  may be employed a  flocculat
ion agent. T e ionic u factant  uc a  odium lau yl ulp ate and odium dioct
yl ulfo uccinate act by neut alizing t e u face c a ge on t e pa ticle  of t e
di pe ed p a e, t e eby educing inte -pa ticulate epul ion and cau ing agg e
gation. Non-ionic one  uc a  Span  and Tween  a e believed to function by fo m
ation of b idge  between t e adjacent pa ticle .
Elect olyte : Elect olyte  uc a  odium alt of acetate , p o p ate  and cit a
te  ave been commonly employed a  flocculating agent . T e e act  by neut alizi
ng t e u face c a ge on t e pa ticle  of t e di pe ed p a e t e eby educing t
e elect ical ba ie  between t em. T e effectivene  of t e elect olyte  a  flo
cculating agent  depend  on t e valance of t e ion  of t e e elect olyte . T u ,
divalent ion  a e ten time  mo e effective t en t e monovalent ion  w ile t iva
lent one  a e t ou and time  mo e effective. T e concent ation of t e elect olyt
e  u ed  ould be minimum t at i  equi ed to cau e flocculation ince an exce 
may cau e eve al of t i  p enomenon.
Hyd op ilic Polyme : Hyd op ilic polyme  uc a  alginate , cellulo e de ivati
ve , t agacant , ca bome , ilicate , etc. ave al o been know to cau e floccul
ation of pa ticle  of t e di pe ed p a e. T e e polyme  ave a linea  b anc ed
c ain t uctu e and fo m a gel like netwo k wit in t e y tem. T ey get ad o be
d on to t e u face of t e di pe ed pa ticle  and old t em in a flocculated t

Some Su pen ion P oduct  available in USA

Some Su pen ion P oduct  available in USA.

S. No. P oduct name Manufactu e Active Ing edient  & do e Indicati
1. Megac (40 mg/ml) B i tol –Meye  Mege t ol acetate
20ml/day i.e., 800 mg/day Ano exia
2. Teg etal (100 mg/5ml.) Nova ti  P a maceutical  Ltd. Ca bamazepine
400mg/day (one tea poonful fou  time  a day Anticonvul ant 
3. Indocin o al u pen ion
25 mg/5 ml Me ck and Co. Indomet acin o al u pen ion
5-50 mg two time  a day R eumatoid a t iti 
Anti-inflammato y
4. Vi at yl o al u pen ion
25 mg/ml Pfize  Hyd oxazine Pamoate
50-100 mg fou  time  a day Antianxiety
5. Sept a Su pen ion (40 mg T imet op in + 200 mg ulp amet oxazole /5 ml
Mona c T imet op in + ulp amet oxazole
Two to fou  poonful eve y 12 ou  fo  10-14 day  U ina y T act Infection
Otiti  media
6. Nap o yn u pen ion (125mg /5 ml) Roc e Lab Nap oxen
250 mg two time  a day NSAID 
A t iti 
7. Paxil u pen ion
10mg/5 ml Glaxo-Smit Kline Pa oxetin yd oc lo ide
20 mg/day Antidep e ant 
8. Minocin u pen ion
(50mg/5ml) Lede le P a maceutical Minocycline
200 mg initially followed by 100 mg daily. Anti-infective
Li t of medicinal u pen ion  available in USP
Acetaminop en O al Su pen ion
Acetaminop en and Codeine P o p ate O al Su pen ion
Acyclovi  O al Su pen ion
Albendazole O al Su pen ion
Alumina and Magne ia O al Su pen ion
Alumina, Magne ia, and Calcium Ca bonate O al Su pen ion
Alumina, Magne ia, and Simet icone O al Su pen ion
Alumina and Magne ium Ca bonate O al Su pen ion
Alumina and Magne ium T i ilicate O al Su pen ion
Diazoxide O al Su pen ion
Dicloxacillin Sodium fo  O al Su pen ion
Di yd oxyaluminum Aminoacetate Magma
Doxycycline fo  O al Su pen ion
Doxycycline Calcium O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin E tolate O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin E tolate fo  O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin E tolate and Sulfi oxazole Acetyl O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin Et yl uccinate O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin Et yl uccinate fo  O al Su pen ion
E yt omycin Et yl uccinate and Sulfi oxazole Acetyl fo  O al Su pen ion
E t adiol Injectable Su pen ion
E t one Injectable Su pen ion
Fe umox il O al Su pen ion
Fluo omet olone Op t almic Su pen ion
Fu azolidone O al Su pen ion
Gentamicin and P edni olone Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
G i eofulvin O al Su pen ion
Hyd oco ti one Injectable Su pen ion
Hyd oco ti one Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Hyd oco ti one Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
Hyd oxyzine Pamoate O al Su pen ion
Ibup ofen O al Su pen ion
Imipenem and Cila tatin fo  Injectable Su pen ion
Indomet acin O al Su pen ion
I oflup edone Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Ketoconazole O al Su pen ion
Lo aca bef fo  O al Su pen ion
Magald ate O al Su pen ion
Magald ate and Simet icone O al Su pen ion
Milk of Magne ia
Magne ium Ca bonate and Sodium Bica bonate fo  O al Su pen ion
Mebendazole O al Su pen ion
Med oxyp oge te one Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Mege t ol Acetate O al Su pen ion
Mep obamate O al Su pen ion
Met acycline Hyd oc lo ide O al Su pen ion
Amoxicillin fo  Injectable Su pen ion
Met enamine Mandelate O al Su pen ion
Amoxicillin fo  O al Su pen ion
Amoxicillin O al Su pen ion
Met yldopa O al Su pen ion
Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Pota ium fo  O al Su pen ion
Met ylp edni olone Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Minocycline Hyd oc lo ide O al Su pen ion
Nalidixic Acid O al Su pen ion
Nap oxen O al Su pen ion
Natamycin Op t almic Su pen ion
Ampicillin fo  Injectable Su pen ion
Ampicillin fo  O al Su pen ion
Neomycin Sulfate and Hyd oco ti one Otic Su pen ion
Neomycin Sulfate and Hyd oco ti one Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
Ampicillin and P obenecid fo  O al Su pen ion
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate  and Dexamet a one Op t almic Su pen ion
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate  and Hyd oco ti one Op t almic Su pen ion
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate  and Hyd oco ti one Otic Su pen ion
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate  and Hyd oco ti one
Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate  and P edni olone
Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
Neomycin Sulfate and P edni olone Acetate Op t almic
Nit ofu antoin O al Su pen ion
Ny tatin O al Su pen ion
Ny tatin fo  O al Su pen ion
Oxfendazole O al Su pen ion
Oxytet acycline and Ny tatin fo  O al Su pen ion
Oxytet acycline Calcium O al Su pen ion
Oxytet acycline Hyd oc lo ide and Hyd oco ti one Acetate
Penicillin G Benzat ine Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G Benzat ine O al Su pen ion
Penicillin G Benzat ine and Penicillin G P ocaine Injectable
Penicillin G P ocaine Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G P ocaine fo  Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G P ocaine and Di yd o t eptomycin Sulfate Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G P ocaine, Di yd o t eptomycin Sulfate
C lo p eni amine Maleate, and Dexamet a one Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G P ocaine, Di yd o t eptomycin Sulfate
P edni olone Injectable Su pen ion
Penicillin G P ocaine, Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate 
Hyd oco ti one Acetate Topical Su pen ion
Penicillin V fo  O al Su pen ion
Penicillin V Benzat ine O al Su pen ion
P enytoin O al Su pen ion
C omic P o p ate P 32 Su pen ion
P edni olone Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
P edni olone Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
P edni olone Tebutate Injectable Su pen ion
P imidone O al Su pen ion
P oge te one Injectable Su pen ion
P opoxyp ene Nap ylate O al Su pen ion
P opyliodone Injectable Oil Su pen ion
P yllium Hyd op ilic Mucilloid fo  O al Su pen ion
Py antel Pamoate O al Su pen ion
Py vinium Pamoate O al Su pen ion
Rifampin O al Su pen ion
Rimexolone Op t almic Su pen ion
Atovaquone O al Su pen ion
Simet icone O al Su pen ion
Sodium Poly ty ene Sulfonate Su pen ion
Spectinomycin fo  Injectable Su pen ion
Au ot iogluco e Injectable Su pen ion
Sulfacetamide Sodium Topical Su pen ion
Sulfacetamide Sodium and P edni olone Acetate Op t almic Su pen ion
Sulfadimet oxine O al Su pen ion
Sulfamet izole O al Su pen ion
Sulfamet oxazole O al Su pen ion
Sulfamet oxazole and T imet op im O al Su pen ion
Sulfi oxazole Acetyl O al Su pen ion
Te to te one Injectable Su pen ion
Tet acycline O al Su pen ion
Bacampicillin Hyd oc lo ide fo  O al Su pen ion
Tet acycline Hyd oc lo ide Op t almic Su pen ion
Tet acycline Hyd oc lo ide O al Su pen ion
T iabendazole O al Su pen ion
T io idazine O al Su pen ion
Tob amycin and Dexamet a one Op t almic Su pen ion
Tob amycin and Fluo omet olone Acetate Op t almic
T iamcinolone Acetonide Injectable Su pen ion
T iamcinolone Diacetate Injectable Su pen ion
T iamcinolone Hexacetonide Injectable Su pen ion
T iflup omazine O al Su pen ion
T i ulfapy imidine  O al Su pen ion
Ba ium Sulfate fo  Su pen ion
Ba ium Sulfate Su pen ion
Betamet a one Sodium P o p ate and Betamet a one
B inzolamide Op t almic Su pen ion
Calcium Ca bonate O al Su pen ion
Calcium and Magne ium Ca bonate  O al Su pen ion
Ca bamazepine O al Su pen ion
Cefaclo  fo  O al Su pen ion
Cefad oxil fo  O al Su pen ion
Cefixime fo  O al Su pen ion
Cefpodoxime P oxetil fo  O al Su pen ion
Cefp ozil fo  O al Su pen ion
Cellulo e Sodium P o p ate fo  O al Su pen ion
Cep alexin fo  O al Su pen ion
Cep adine fo  O al Su pen ion
C lo amp enicol and Hyd oco ti one Acetate fo  Op t almic
C lo amp enicol Palmitate O al Su pen ion
C lo ot iazide O al Su pen ion
C ole ty amine fo  O al Su pen ion
Ciclopi ox Olamine Topical Su pen ion
Cla it omycin fo  O al Su pen ion
Clindamycin P o p ate Topical Su pen ion
Cole tipol Hyd oc lo ide fo  O al Su pen ion
Coli tin Sulfate fo  O al Su pen ion
Coli tin and Neomycin Sulfate  and Hyd oco ti one Acetate
Co ticot opin Zinc Hyd oxide Injectable Su pen ion
Co ti one Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Demeclocycline O al Su pen ion
De oxyco tico te one Pivalate Injectable Su pen ion
Dexamet a one Op t almic Su pen ion
Dexamet a one Acetate Injectable Su pen ion
Mege t ol Acetate O al Su pen ion
Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Pota ium fo  O al Su pen ion
Atovaquone O al Su pen ion
B inzolamide Op t almic Su pen ion
Cefpodoxime P oxetil fo  O al Su pen ion
Fe umox il O al Su pen ion
Mege t ol Acetate O al Su pen ion
Sulfadimet oxine O al Su pen ion
Met ylp edni olone Acetate fo  Rectal Su pen ion
Ketoconazole O al Su pen ion
Cellulo e Sodium P o p ate fo  O al Su pen ion
Hyd oco ti one Rectal Su pen ion
Tet acycline Hyd oc lo ide O al Su pen ion
Sulfacetamide Sodium Topical Su pen ion
Met ylp edni olone Acetate fo  Rectal
Some Su pen ion P oduct  available in India
Some Su pen ion P oduct  available in India.
S. No. P oduct name Manufactu e Active Ing edient  & do e Indicati
1. Ce ecetam (1g/5ml) Inta  P a maeutical  Ltd. Pi acetam
2 Tea poonful Mental Reta dation,
Lea ning p oblem in c ild en
2. Suc al (1g/10 ml) St a enbu g Suc alfate
(1g fou  time  a day) Duodenal ga t ic ulce 
3. Acicot (1g/10 ml) Skymax Suc alfate
(1g fou  time  a day) Duodenal ga t ic ulce 
4. Gelu il (625 mg Magne ium t i ilicate and 312 mg Aluminium yd oxide gel
pe  5 ml) Wamme  P a ma Magne ium t i ilicate and Aluminium yd oxide ge
(5-10 ml) Half an ou  afte  meal Antacid
5. Diaba-M
(100 mg Met onidazole and 100 mg ofloxacin) Sun P a ma Met onidazole an
d ofloxacin
5 ml two time  a day Dia  oea
6. Zenotin (50 mg/5 ml) Mankind P a ma Met onidazole and ofloxacin
50 mg-100 mg Dia  oea of mixed o igin
6. Clavot ol
31.25 mg Amoxycillin and 125 mg Clauvulanic acid pe  5 ml A t a-Zeneca
Amoxycillin and Clauvulanic acid
Two tea poonful Uppe /lowe  e pi ato y t act infection 

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