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VOICES FROM NICARAGUA AU.S.-Based Journal of Culture in Reconstruction Vol.1, No. 2-3 .. Nicaraguan Women _ Fighting for Peace Voices from Nicaragua, Vol. 1, 3411 W. Diversey, Chicago, STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE Co-editors — Cercle Isoocs and Julie Lesoge Poetry Translation — Interview Translation — ‘iano fokePmbstond sualehs MOD *S: Julio Lesage and Robin Semer TYPING AND TRANSCRIPTION — Linda Turner, Maryan? Oshana, Catherine Christeller Casa El Selvador, NICARAGUAN ASSISTANCE For Julia Lesage: The Erozo, jedores and its Taller de Cine Super-8; Working Women in Latin America, November 1981 here; Alfonso Gumucio Dagron, author of Taller de c For Carole Isaacs: Pat Edmunston, Pat torico, the women of Ciudad Sandino. Soravie, and Garcia families: the women who atte! we gnd who told some O| de los trabajedores 9” Father Bob Stark, the things written d founder of the Instituto His nes, Kote Pravera, ; U.S. ASSISTANCE eee Gapisinay. Renny/_Oolden, Mery. Kay Vauohows Maraqcel, Strobel. eae dasciaty Toylors Kinverly Safford, Halena Salbers-taddy Richers Circe Ruiz, Eric Berggren. hans, Marthe Pintzuk, Migdalia Galarza, Grossman, Chuck KI fon of Chicago in conjunction with the Capp Street Foundation, 0+ itis issue comes from moterials selected, edited ond translated by Rofoel Cintron Ortiz Cultural Center, as part of the Testimonial Poetry (1977-1983). The Rafael Cintron jes of programs entitled LUCA (Latinos, University, fifies as LUCA #5 at the Univ. of IL, Chicago. This isve was portially funded by the Crossroads Foundati well as by the film joumal, JUMP CUT. The poatry in ‘Tedith Motyka of the Ruiz Belvis Center ond Mare Zimmerman of the ‘ollective book in progress: Nicaragua, Insurrection and Reconsru Ortiz Center of the Latin American Studies Program produces 6 ‘Community, and Art) ond this issue of Voices from eee The poetry translators wish to thank Linda Rivera for providing the materials that made their work possible EDITORIAL BOARD OF VOICES OF ~NICARAGUA -- Mare Zimmerman, Susand sdo, Walter Urroz, Kate Pravera ‘Suscripcion--3 numeros/ Subscription (gastos del envio incluidos/ including postage & handling). BACK ISSUE: Ernesto Cardenal y otros poetas/ & other poets CONSTRUCCION/ POETRY & RECONSTRUCTION Vol. 1, Num. 1 Reconsuction (Uiteacy, Feallh, the Miliory, Foreign Intervention, ne aati by oat Randall * 125 (gastos de envio incl included) (0/Or $.50 con compra de/ with purchase of NICARAGUAN WOMEN FIGHTING FOR PEACE, I, No. 2-3. UPCOMING ISSUES: 4 Yeors of Reconstruction & U.S. Intervention (avai Revolution (oveil. 11/83). Place your orders now! fea 7/9) Sain * e100 mas de cada numero, mat $.25 gostos 1 mas $.25 por cada copia para orders of 10 or more of each Tuve, plus $.25 for each Zp seaane nite y aynres etree Con code contibucion mayor de. $20.00 Proximos numeros. o our ec it x 0.00, your name will be listed os 0 "i end" eet Learning from Our _Companeras El Carole Isaacs Julia Lesage Pee rivisiccamanagua tors month; by chance, dyeing ny month in Managua, BU ieck, ces cece sepse-o times ing the OE es cotering & rive-day seminar BOvn the’Sandinista Labor union, the c.S.7 wonen in Latin America. 1 sat BM ceetiniecs ce trebaiedsren). A Seninar and made friends vith eres vsckchor bad hoon catabiished ip on that Sem tzade union activises there. Peter unicea wacione sepport. Sow the, Micaraguay so eaperience of living ey hecsuse Kodak hae a monspoly on We ad a er five gaye, and 1 then contact eee siciis sna developing, coe ¢.5.-7- together for erveno vorked. in Hanagua. for Mpitrs haa to sena thie fostage ca oa, some of then Mcally, the conference Panama or Mexico for developing, and they provided an opportunity to interview Boros sctaye notore choy conta provided an oPPover Nicaragua, not just Be erioe these work. ats0, at Film Toe ret et the conference organizers had to be imported, so the C.S.T. could jhad forgotten to bring tapes and a micro- nae maintain the workshop economically. phone, so I loaned them mine. It was a ot tre’ cane group of three young film phones #0 oriority to give each woman Now tacnave joined together with artists Sttending a mimeographed copy of the con- from the Farmworkers Association (A.T.C.) ference proceeding. from the "Gides workshop. and consequently fe forte namesous programs shown on i mention these "hitches," because national television. In a sense, I helped gathering information in Latin America for national teleyts Video Workshop ina. tran gathering ag acd solisarity pork in the Uzs2 sitional period. In technical education, often goes by an unpredictable route. gitionsl Pearly on editing techniques Oren oeetact is usually hard to establish and alternatives to synch sound interviews, and ycu may not get together with the th as the use of music, other taped people you had planned to interview. The _ Such Ge aaterial, and background sound. At Best interviews are often gained through Sevauggestion of Amina Luna, one of the a chain of personal contacts. In my case, je suagention of Mine ton fuming 2 Fee Gato interniow the wonen in the Sits fbn'uorking women's participation dxtended Family I was, staying with so as nok tovalter the social and affectional on working in on that ‘revolution, which the group has ‘completed in video. relations between us. Furthermore, I did not interview women explicitly opposed to For the sake of solidarity work in the revolution. There is a certain logic ‘U.S., I developed a project of inter to the interview I did and a certain , Saring my stay in Nicaragua. randomness, and I understand that my worten : month's stay may not have been long enough anish is fluent, since I had worked | Peru, from 1967-70 with a lay organization. Because of liense in Lima, I knew that the Carole: My trip to Nicaragua in family unit forms the focus of February, 1982, came out of my six-month ‘emotional and social life, experience doing Central American solidar- live with a fey work. The structure of doing support Z work, with its overriding priority of i ending U.S. intervention in Central America, mado it difficult for me to learn more about the culture and the people whose struggle I was supporting. In our Group's ongoing activities, I especially missed any in-depth discussion about Central American women's roles in the evolution and the meaning of revolution men's lives there. ‘vhen I ‘to | to go beyond reportage.

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