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Appendix 1

Year Level: One Time: 1:30pm-2:20pm Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Date: Tuesday, 16th October 2018

Learning Area: Mathematics  Students are able to read, order and justify
numbers in the hundreds.
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum  Students are able to read, order and justify
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least numbers in the thousands with prompting.
100. Locate these numbers on a number line (ACMNA013)
Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using
place value (ACMNA014)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Understanding: Students can demonstrate an understanding of the four key elements of place value in each activity.
Reasoning: Students can justify the choice of strategy used during each activity in relation to the lesson objectives.
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Demonstrate an understanding of place value by reading, writing, interpreting and ordering two-digit numbers
 Place numbers on an empty number line correctly and give justification for positioning.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- ‘Figure me out’ activity x5 Extending: Student 3 needs extending.

- Sticky notes
- ‘Phone number’ activity
- Crab net Enabling: Student 2 needs supporting material.
- Bean bags x5
- Blank cards x12
- Recording sheet x4
- Pop Sticks and Elastic Bands
- Rope (long)
- Number cards 0-120
- 10-sided dice x6
- Numerate Template x4
- Deck of cards
- Self-reflections x4
- Anecdotal notes
- Checklist (4 sections)
LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)
Time Motivation and Introduction:


Align these with the

Teacher collects students from class 1B and takes designated three students segment where they will
to working area for the lesson. be introduced.
5 mins Students will need:
o Lead pencil Anecdotal notes
o Eraser Checklist
o Clipboards
NOTE: Teacher collects new student and brings to the group (1C), Get to
Know You activity will need to start from beginning.

Figure Me Out Activity

10 mins Teacher uses the answers from the previous week’s introductory activity to ‘Figure me out’ activity
form an adapted version. The numbers will now have sticky notes on top of x5
the boxes and students will be required to write something that is associated
to that number. Sticky notes
This can include numbers that are before/after, multiples/factors, partitioning,
numbers that add/subtract that make the number, etc. These will be written on
some of the sticky notes, students are allowed to choose how they want to
associate their numbers on the black sticky notes.
Teacher will collect the work sheets and analyse after the lesson.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Teacher revisits the activities that were covered last week and asks questions
about the rules and aims of each game.
- Can students explains the mathematical ideas or strategies behind any of
the activities?

‘Ring Ring’ (GP1) – if time permits

In pairs, students select a telephone number at random (lucky dip) and record
on a piece of paper. Rewrite the digits in counting order.
eg 9 8 7 3 6 7 2 2 becomes 2 2 3 6 7 7 8 9 ‘Phone number’ activity
Repeat with another telephone number. Ask students to tally the frequency
with which numbers occur.
- Are there any numbers that occur more often than others?
It may become obvious that 9 is in every telephone number.
- Do any of the students know why this is?
Extension: Could discuss use of tally with students and how grouping in fives
makes it easier to total the numbers later. Will lead into later discussion on
groups of ten. Investigation could also centre around the occurrence of odd vs
even numbers.

‘Number Target’ (GP2)

Make a number target mat (hundreds, tens and ones). Give each player six


bean bags (or equivalent). From an agreed distance from the target, children
15 mins
throw the beanbags onto the target. Work out the total score for each player ‘Crab net’
and write on each card. Repeat several ties and determine the person with
Bean bags x5
the greatest score. Repeat 3 times
Student say, write and order the scores from highest to lowest with empty Blank cards x12
templates. Who has the largest number?
- How do you know that this number is the largest of your cards? Recording sheet x4
- How do you know that this number is the smallest of your cards?
- If you could estimate, which number would be furthest away from the
middle card? How do you know?

Students take their largest number and use pop stick bundling to represent
this number.
- If you added one bundle, what does your number now become?
- If you took away two bundles, what does your number now become? Pop Sticks and
- If you added one bundle and five individual pop sticks, what does Elastic Bands
your number now become? (extension – may have to re-bundle)
NOTE: If there are limited pop sticks, students will work in pairs to represent
what one hundred would look like.
- What strategy did you use to work it out?
- How do you know there is one hundred pop sticks there?
Teacher explains, “hold on to your numbers as we will be using them a little
later in the lesson.”

Empty Number Lines for Estimation and Number Value (GP1) PHOTOS
Creating a life-sized empty number line
10 mins  Label the ends of a rope with two cards, marked 0 and 10. One by one,
introduce cards marked with the numbers 1-9, starting with 5 and discuss
where these might be placed on the line (important – half). Students can Rope (long)
either stand with the cards in the appropriate place or peg them on the
Number cards (0-120)
line. Model the use of language such as “more/less than,” “before/after,”
and “halfway.”
 Try the above activity in ranges appropriate to students’ GP level:
o GP0: 0-10
o GP1: 0-20
o GP2: 0-100
 Expose students to language of ‘multiply be ten’.
 Start in this progression of order and gauge student ability level.
 Try the activity in reverse: peg an empty card on a number line with ends
marked and ask students to estimate what the number could be, justifying
their answer.

Throw and Record  Order  Bundle  Difference in Value  Number Line

10 mins


Aim: To create as close to the target number as possible.

 Player A rolls the tree dice and chooses two of the digits showing on the 6x ten-sided dice
face to create a two-digit number that is as close to the target number.
Numerate Template x5
 If the target is 37 and a four, nine and six are showing, the best choice
would be to use the four and six to make 46, which is nine away from the
 Player B rolls the three dice and use two of the digits to make a two-digit
number close to the target.
 At the conclusion of Player B’s turn, the person who is closest to the target
is declared the winner. That player’s initial is place in the ‘winner’ box.
 Play continues for a set number of rounds.
 Use only two dice, which removes the element of choice.
 Vary the target number to three digits, using all three dice.
 Play ‘Decimate’, where the target number is a decimal fraction (GP ↑).

‘Snap, Tens and Ones’ (GP1) – if time permits

Teacher models friends of tens.
Play snap with a mix of numeral cards and picture cards showing tens and
ones. The aim will be to try and make the number ten. Deck of cards x1
Extend: Two more or two less.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

10 mins Self-Reflection
 Students fill out a self-evaluation form by colouring the face that best suits
their confidence in place value after the lesson.
 Discuss importance of place value and where students might have seen or
know where to look for the value of numbers in their own lives. Self-reflections x4
 For example, the shops (money), duration of drive (time), distance to walk
somewhere (length), etc.
o Do you have any lingering questions?

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

 Teacher collects all activity sheets completed and returns students to 1B
and 1C respectively.
o Teacher will assess and determine whether another lesson of Place Value
will be required or move on to the next topic.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Formative: Anecdotal Notes and Checklist
Formative: Video recording of lesson segments
Formative: Self-evaluation - Colour in a face

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