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Technology Plan Evaluation: Cobb County School District

FRIT 7232: Visionary Leadership

in Instructional Technology

Developed by: Nathan Erwin, Jennifer Shoemate,

and A. Michelle Wynn
Our 10 Group Resources:

1. Title: 10 Tips for Technology School Planning

Reference: ​
Description: This website is an article that was published in the Scholastic Administrator
Magazine. It talks about 10 Tips that will aide in planning for technology. It begins by
acknowledging how uncertain the world of technology is as well as the difficulty
surrounding trying to plan for something so uncertain. With this in mind, the article
highlights tips for keeping your mind wrapped around your school technology goals, tips
for utilizing funding efficiently, and other things that you might not immediately consider
when developing a technology plan.

2. Title: Virginia DOE - Educational Technology Planning

Reference: ​
Description: This website is the Virginia Department of Education’s page on Educational
Technology Planning. Their technology plan was updated this year and runs until 2023.
In addition to their plan, there is also several technology planning resources available for
reference. It has guidelines for acceptable use policy, internet safety, ITC Literacy, and

3. Title: Council on Accreditation - How to Create a Technology Plan (Yes, You Need One)
Reference: ​
Description: This website is a link to a blog post by the Council on Accreditation. I love
that it states...Yes, You need one...directly in the title. This article discusses the
importance of having a plan, comparing it to taking a cross-country road trip and the
components that make up a good plan.

4. Title: 3 Year Technology Plan-Whitfield County Schools, GA

Description: This is the 3 year technology plan implemented by Whitfield County
Schools for July 1, 2014 to June 30th 2017. It gives an overview of where the county is
in regards to technology use among students, staff, and community.

5. Title: Strategic Plan-Technology Plan

Description: This is the plan that Catoosa County Schools (GA) is currently using. It
describes where the county is in regards to current technology resources and use among
students, staff, and the community. Catoosa County has recently rolled out a 1:1
initiative in schools called “CONNECTed”.

6. Title: Developing Effective Technology Plans

Reference: ​
Description: This is an article by John See, the Technology Integration Specialist for the
Minnesota Department of Education. Mr. See gives six elements that he considers to be
important when creating an effective technology plan.

7. Title: The Goals and Methods of Educational Technology Research over a Quarter
Century (1989-2014)
Description: This academic article researched several articles over a six year period to
assess the goals of technology within education. It also gives reasoning as to why
education technology exists and the methodologies of how to conduct it in an effective
way based upon research.

8. Title: A Framework for Aligning Needs, Abilities and Affordances to Inform Design and
Practice of Educational Technologies.
Description: This paper addresses how to evaluate technology in its use with education.
It also introduces a framework in how to design technology within the classroom to fit
learners across a spectrum including students with dyslexia.

9. Title: Examining the Impact of Instructional Technology and Material Design Courses on
Technopedagogical Education Competency Acquisition According to Different Variables
Description: This article determines the effectiveness of technology within education. It
lists the factors in which technopedagogical education is competent including design,
proficiency, ethics and exertion. It also stresses the importance of preservice training for
teachers in order to use technology correctly aligned directly to the student’s needs.

10. Title: Information Technology Plan

Description: This article gives an in depth instruction on how to write a technology plan.
It clearly details all the structures of information that a technology plan should address
and explains how to write in a clear, understanding way for all stakeholders involved. It
also uses appendices in order to professionally articulate the vision and purpose of the

Technology Plan Rubric:

Elements Unacceptable Acceptable Target Score
(Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3)
Goals Goals are not Goals are present Multiple high quality 2
present or are not but are not well SMART goals are
clearly marked. developed or included.

Professional Professional Professional Professional 3

Development Development is not Development is Development is
mentioned. addressed but is addressed clearly
not clearly defined. throughout the plan. The
district understands the
training needs of their
staff and how to address
those needs.

Assessment of Hardware and Hardware and Hardware and software 3

services/Hardware/S software aren’t software is are addressed fully with
oftware mentioned for mentioned with implementation, as well
further assessment intended use, yet as assessing services
of services. assessment isn’t used for educational
provided. purposes and
instructional needs.

Accessibility of Technology access Technology access Access to technology is 2

Technology isn’t clearly defined for students, staff clearly defined with
in regards to student and community is certain specifications in
needs, community clearly addressed relation to students with
use or staff use. yet not discussed in disabilities, with
full in regards to regards to usage.

Budget Budgetary needs Budgetary needs Budgetary needs and 1

and impact are and impact impact are included,
missing or are included clear, with a description
incomplete/unclear of how funding will be

Ongoing Evaluation Measures for Measures for Measures for ongoing 2

ongoing evaluation ongoing evaluation evaluation are in place
of the technology are in place with clear explanation of
plan are missing or how evaluations will
are take place

Resource for scored rubric:

Cobb County Schools Technology Plan

Recommendations for each element:

● Goals: (Level 2) The Cobb County technology plan does a wonderful job of determining
goals necessary for every area that they hope to improve. They categorized their goals,
identified their current state, then expressed where they would like to be in the next three
years. I would recommend making sure that all of your goals are specific and
measurable. There are a few that are very broad. They need additional details. There is
also a lack of information detailing the evidence you will use to show that you have met
your goals.
● Professional Development: (Level 3) This plan does a wonderful job of highlighting the
technology needs and plans of the district. It includes various forms of technology that
needs to be addressed. It also includes training for all stakeholders without focusing only
on the teachers. They highlight the training needs of their classified staff, school
administrators, as well as teachers and district personnel. They also express their plan of
having the professional development face-to-face in PLC’s and develop online learning
opportunities. The only recommendation I have for professional development is to
suggest that they conduct a needs assessment to ensure that their plan aligns with the
actual needs of their stakeholders. They may have done this but it is never referenced in
regards to Professional Development.
● Assessment of services/hardware/software: (Level 3) Hardware and services are
addressed in regards to educational purposes and is specified in detail. The engineering
team is listed and addressed as well as the fiber team which details all services available
based on each one’s specialized service. Initiatives are also mentioned which clearly
went above and beyond the target area within the assessment of services.
● Accessibility of Technology: (Level 2) The plan itself mentions audio and visual aids for
students with disabilities, however there is no further mention of integrating technology
with students who need assistive services. One recommendation would be to
purposefully include a list of assistive technology used with students to demonstrate
effective accommodations used for learning.
● Budget: (Level 1) The Cobb County technology plan lacks any mention of a budgetary
impact. I would recommend including the estimated cost of their overall plan. Given
that it is a three year plan, anticipating cost is a difficult proposition. Another
recommendation would be to state from where they are going to be acquiring the funding
for the implementation of the plan whether it be county funds, grants, E-Rate, ESPLOST,
● Ongoing Evaluation: (Level 2) While ways to measure progress are not specifically
stated within the technology plan for Cobb County, the progress towards their goals for
the plan are easily observed. The manner in which they have stated their goals allow for
easy evaluation of where the county is in regards to technology implementation.

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