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SSF 1063 Communication & Society

Week 4 (Tutorial)


1. If you already have 6 journals gathered for your topic, write a literature review for each
research question. The journals should support your research objectives. Feel free to add
more journals. Better yet, find 1 or 2 journals that are relevant to your method so you
can explain them in your literature review.
2. Draft your questions for questionnaires, or interviews. Make sure the questions are
relevant to your objectives and follow the guideline of the theory chosen.
a. For Questionnaires: 30 respondents max, 20 questions max;
b. For interviews: 5 respondents max, 10 questions max;
c. If you wish to use journals and readings as a method of your study: 10 journals
3. References should be put in APA style. Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
4. Group member names and presentation date are to be included.

Theme: Media and Culture

Topic: Violence Against Woman in Media

Method Used

One paragraph only. State your method, how you are going to do it, why is this method relevant?
Then, state the background of respondents, sampling, etc, and explain why are these respondents

This study conducts a quantitative research design in which a questionnaire set of 20 multiple
choice questions are given to 20 respondents. The questionnaires are outlined based on the theory
used in the study, which is Cultivation Theory. The respondents consist of 20 randomly-selected
students in Unimas. These respondents are relevant due to their academic background in media
and communication in which they are likely to understand the idea of the study. In addition, these
respondents fit the criteria of the theme “Media and Culture” in which they are all youths and users
of the media, precisely Facebook. After the survey has been conducted, we will gather the data
through SPSS/Excel in order to analyze and discuss the findings of our study and determine
whether the objectives of our study are achieved.

Literature Review

RQ1: What are the factors that contribute FSS students in Unimas in becomig aware of online
shops in Facebook?
According to….

RO2: How likely are the FSS students in Unimas to purchase items that are promoted in Facebook?

Based on the study by ….

Method Used in Past Research
Compare your study with existing journal who might have done the same topic that you did. Look
for their research method and explain how your study can relate to them.

*Use all of your gathered journals to strengthen your statements and elaboration. Remember to

For drafts of questions, feel free to list down the questions.

Section A (Demographics) – 5 questions

Section B (Factors) – 10 questions : This is where you apply the theory.

Section C (Likelihood) – 3 questions : This is where you apply the theory.

Section D (Effectiveness) – 2 questions

Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. J. (2010). Online news consumption research: An assenssment
of past work and an agenda for the future. New Media & Society, 12 (7), 1085-1102.
McCombs M., & Ghanem S. I. (1991). ‘The Convergence of Agenda Setting and Framing,’ in
Framing Public Life: Perspectives on Media and our Understanding of the Social World.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Group Members:

Presentation Date:

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