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Clin Chest Med 26 (2005) 313 – 326

Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: Challenges

and Prospects
Kelly E. Dooley, MD, MPHa, Timothy R. Sterling, MDb,*
Department of Medicine, Providence Portland Medical Center, 4805 NE Glissan Street, Portland, OR 97213, USA
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine and Center for Health Services Research,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, A4103 Medical Center North, 1161 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37232, USA

It is estimated that one third of the global popu- Diagnosis of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis
lation, or 2 billion people, are infected with Myco- infection
bacterium tuberculosis [1]. Among infected persons,
approximately 10% progress to the clinically im- As discussed elsewhere in this issue, the diagno-
portant (and infectious) stage of active tuberculosis sis of latent M. tuberculosis infection relies primarily
over their lifetime [2,3]. The risk is higher in persons on the tuberculin skin test, an intradermal test that
with concomitant HIV infection (>20%), evidence of utilizes purified protein derivative (PPD). Because
old healed tuberculosis on chest radiograph (>20%), the mycobacterial proteins in PPD are not specific for
or recent M. tuberculosis infection (10% to 20%) [4]. M. tuberculosis, persons infected with other myco-
In most infected persons, the host immune response bacteria (eg, environmental mycobacteria such as
contains the replication of M. tuberculosis and pre- M. avium intracellulare and M. bovis, the organism
vents the development of disease [5]. Among infected in the tuberculosis vaccine bacille Calmette-Guerin)
persons who develop active disease, progression may result in a false-positive test. Conversely, the
occurs either shortly after initial infection (progres- tuberculin skin test has low sensitivity, particularly
sive primary disease) or subsequent to the initial in immunocompromised persons. Because of these
infection, when there is a breakdown in the host im- limitations, the definition of a positive tuberculin
mune response. A person is at greatest risk of pro- skin test varies according to the person’s risk of
gressing to active disease during the first 2 years tuberculosis infection and risk of progressing to
after infection with M. tuberculosis [2]. In addition active disease if infected (Box 1) [6]. The different
to HIV infection and recent M. tuberculosis infec- criteria for a positive test increase its sensitivity in
tion, other risk factors for progression to active tu- high-risk persons and specificity in low-risk persons.
berculosis include silicosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic
renal failure, malnutrition, weight loss, leukemia, lym-
phoma, cancer of the head, neck, and lung, gastrec-
tomy, and jejunoileal bypass surgery [6]. Indications for treatment of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection

All persons with evidence of latent M. tuber-

This work was supported by the National Institutes of culosis infection should be evaluated for the presence
Allergy and Infectious Diseases K23 AI01654 (TRS). of active disease. The evaluation should include an
* Corresponding author. assessment of the signs and symptoms of tuberculo-
E-mail address: sis and a chest radiograph; in persons with symptoms
(T.R. Sterling). or an abnormal chest radiograph, sputum for acid-

0272-5231/05/$ – see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
314 dooley & sterling

fast smear and culture should also be obtained.

Once active disease has been excluded, all persons
at increased risk of progressing to active tuberculo-
sis (see Box 1) should receive treatment for la-
Box 1. Criteria for a positive tuberculin tent infection.
skin test based on millimeters of
induration after intradermal placement of
five tuberculin units of purified protein Importance of treatment of Mycobacterium
derivative (Mantoux technique) tuberculosis infection to decrease the global
tuberculosis burden
5 mm induration
 HIV seropositive Most cases of active tuberculosis arise from per-
 Recent contact with a culture- sons with latent M. tuberculosis infection; treatment
confirmed tuberculosis case of such persons is therefore necessary to achieve tu-
 Fibrotic changes on chest berculosis elimination. The focus should be on those
radiograph consistent with prior persons at high risk of progressing to active disease.
tuberculosis The strategy of targeted tuberculin skin testing among
 Chronic immunosuppression (eg, high-risk groups and treatment of all such persons
prednisone 15 mg/day for at with a positive tuberculin skin test is recommended
least 30 days) in the United States [6,7].
10 mm induration Infection with M. tuberculosis is often termed
 Immigration from a high- latent because of the absence of clinical manifes-
tations, the slower replication rate of M. tuberculosis,
prevalence country within the last
and the lower burden of organisms compared with
5 years
 Injection drug use
active disease [8]. Because of the relatively low
burden of organisms, treatment of latent infection
 Residents and employees of high-
requires fewer drugs than active disease to facilitate
risk settings: prisons, jails, nursing cure and prevent the development of drug resistance.
homes, and other long-term care Use of a single antituberculosis agent is sufficient
facilities, hospitals, residential for latent infection but not for active disease. As de-
facilities for AIDS patients, home- tailed later, treatment of latent M. tuberculosis in-
less shelters fection dramatically decreases the risk of developing
 Mycobacteriology laboratory
active tuberculosis.
 Persons at increased risk of devel-
oping active tuberculosis: those Regimens to treat Mycobacterium tuberculosis
with silicosis, diabetes mellitus, infection
chronic renal failure, leukemia, lym-
phoma, cancer of the head, neck or Each of the regimens available to treat latent
lung, weight loss of more than M. tuberculosis infection is reviewed here, with
10% of ideal body weight, gas- emphasis on both the effectiveness and toxicity of
trectomy, jejunoileal bypass the regimens. The review is limited to studies con-
 Children younger than 4 years old ducted in adults and published in the English peer-
15 mm induration reviewed literature; studies reported only in abstract
 Persons with no risk factors for form are not included. The authors are unaware of
tuberculosis studies of the effectiveness of short-course therapy
conducted among children. Because the risk of
From American Thoracic Society; Centers active tuberculosis is substantially higher in HIV-
for Disease Control and Prevention. Tar- seropositive persons than in HIV-seronegative per-
geted tuberculin testing and treatment sons, and because the effectiveness of many regimens
of latent tuberculosis infection. Am J has been assessed separately according to HIV sero-
Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161(4):S234; status, the data are presented separately for HIV-
with permission. seropositive and HIV-seronegative persons. Toxicity
of therapy may also differ according to HIV sero-
Table 1
Randomized, controlled trials of isoniazid for the treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among HIV-seronegative persons
Active TB Reduction
First author/date [reference] Randomization unit Population Follow-up Regimen n/N (%) (%)
United States Public Health Service trials
Mount, 1962 [67] Family Contacts of known active cases 4 years INH 5 mg/kg/d for 1 year 6/1463 (0.41) 54

treatment of latent tuberculosis infection

PPD+ and Placebo 12/1351 (0.89)
Ferebee, 1962 [17] Family Household contacts of new active TB 3 years INH 5 mg/kg/d for 1 year 29/12439 (0.23) 70
39 US communities, PPD+ and Placebo 97/12594 (0.77)
Ferebee, 1963 [68] Ward Mental institutions 5 years INH 5 mg/kg/d for 1 year 35/12884 (0.27) 62
PPD+ and Placebo 89/12326 (0.72)
Comstock, 1967 [69] Household Alaskan Eskimos in Bethel area 6 years INH 5 mg/kg/d for 1 year 58/3047 (1.9) 59
Most not PPD tested Placebo 141/3017 (4.67)
International trials
Chiba, 1963 [70] Household Osaka, Japan 2 years INH 5 mg/kg/d for 1 year 8/1142 (0.7) 30
Household contacts of new active TB 11/1096 (1.0)
Nyboe, 1963 [71] City blocks Suburb of Tunis City 1 year INH (very erratic pill taking) 18/7769 (0.23) 25
Placebo 25/8141 (0.31)
Egsmose, 1965 [72] Household Rural northern Kenya 4 years INH 5 – 10 mg/kg/d for 1 year (1.04) 35
PPD+ contacts of new active cases Placebo (1.6)
DelCastillo, 1965 [73] Household Philippines 2 years INH 8/97 (8.2) 41
Contacts of active cavitary TB Placebo 18/129 (14.0)
Horwitz, 1966 [74] Village Greenland villagers 6 years INH 400 mg 2 /wk for total 52 doses 238/4174 (5.7) 31
Placebo 323/3907 (8.3)
Veening, 1968 [75] Individual Royal Netherlands Navy 4 years INH 600 mg  4 mo, 400 mg  8 mo 2/133 (0.38) 96
New PPD+ after exposure to index case Placebo 12/128 (9.4)
IUAT, 1982 [9] Individual 7 European countries 5 years INH 300 mg/d for 12 weeks 76/6956 (1.1) 21
PPD+ patients with fibrotic lesions INH 300 mg/d for 24 weeks 34/6965 (0.49) 65
INH 300 mg/d for 52 weeks 24/6919 (0.35) 75
Placebo 97/6990 (1.4)
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; IUAT, International Union Against Tuberculosis; PPD, purified protein derivative; TB, tuberculosis.

316 dooley & sterling

status, so tolerability data are also presented accord- HIV-seronegative persons, and to ensure uniformity
ing to HIV serostatus. Recommended doses of of recommendations, the ATS/CDC/IDSA guide-
specific drugs have been published previously [6]. lines recommend 9 months of isoniazid for HIV-
seropositive persons [6]. Although HIV-infected
persons are at increased risk of having a negative
Isoniazid tuberculin skin test, particularly with advanced im-
munosuppression, isoniazid is not substantially more
Effectiveness effective than placebo in preventing tuberculosis
in such persons, and therefore is not recommended
HIV-seronegative persons (Table 3) [11].
Isoniazid is the best-studied regimen for the
treatment of latent M. tuberculosis infection. More Toxicity
than 20 randomized, controlled trials have been con-
ducted, which together enrolled more than 100,000 HIV-seronegative persons
persons. Most of these studies were conducted in the In the initial studies of isoniazid, drug discon-
1950s and 1960s and therefore enrolled only HIV- tinuation rates were low and did not differ from rates
seronegative persons. These trials are summarized among persons receiving placebo [17]. Subsequent
in Table 1. studies, however, have noted higher rates of drug
Most of the studies assessed the effectiveness discontinuation, as summarized in Tables 4 and 5.
of 12 months of isoniazid versus placebo. The trial Few of these studies have been placebo-controlled.
conducted by the International Union Against Tuber- Isoniazid can cause elevated hepatic transaminases
culosis (IUAT) assessed 3 versus 6 versus 12 months [18], but these liver function abnormalities are often
of therapy and found that 6 months of isoniazid transient and are not representative of clinically
was less effective (65%) than 12 months (75%) [9]. significant hepatitis. In studies in which serum trans-
George Comstock [10] subsequently performed an aminases were monitored regularly regardless of
analysis of previously conducted clinical trials and symptoms, 10% to 22% of participants had at least
found that 6 months of isoniazid provided insuffi- one elevated transaminase level during the course
cient protection; 9 to 10 months of isoniazid seemed of therapy [19 – 25]. Rates of clinically significant
to provide optimal protection. Based on these find- hepatitis are lower. In a surveillance study of the US
ings, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), Centers Public Health Service, 236 of 13,838 persons (1.7%)
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and In- who received isoniazid developed hepatitis. When
fectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guide- considering only those persons in whom the hepatitis
lines recommend 9 months of isoniazid [6]. A was probably or possibly related to isoniazid, the rate
9-month regimen of isoniazid has never been com- was 174 in 13,838 (1.3%) [26]. Hepatitis risk
pared with a 6- or 12-month course of isoniazid in a increased with age and concomitant alcohol con-
clinical trial, however. sumption. In another study, a 7-year survey from one
public health clinic, 11 of 11,141 patients (0.10%)
HIV-seropositive persons who started isoniazid developed hepatotoxicity [27].
Isoniazid effectiveness has also been studied in Isoniazid-associated hepatotoxicity can be fatal,
HIV-seropositive persons, although not as extensively and the risk of death increases with age. It is
as in HIV-seronegative persons. The randomized, estimated that the hepatotoxicity-associated case-
controlled trials of treatment of latent M. tuberculo- fatality rate per 10,000 persons initiating isoniazid
sis infection in HIV-infected persons are summarized treatment is 0 for ages 20 to 34 years, 2 for ages 35 to
in Table 2, and the randomized, placebo-controlled 49 years, and 4 for ages 50 to 64 years [24,26,28,29].
trials of isoniazid are summarized in Table 3. Among Although never tested in a trial, rates of hepato-
tuberculin skin-test – positive persons, isoniazid is toxicity may be lower when there is regular monitor-
clearly more effective than placebo in preventing tu- ing of signs and symptoms of hepatitis [27,28]. In
berculosis; this finding has been confirmed in a meta- the United States it is currently recommended that
analysis [11]. Isoniazid has been associated with patients receiving isoniazid undergo monthly clinical
improved survival in some studies [12 – 14], but not assessments for adverse effects. They should also be
in all [11,15,16]. Although there has not been a evaluated whenever symptoms develop. Patients
direct comparison of 6 versus 9 versus 12 months should be educated regarding the signs and symptoms
of isoniazid, 6 months seems to be less effective of hepatotoxicity and instructed to discontinue the
than 12 months. Based on the rationale used for medicine and seek clinical evaluation if symptoms
Table 2
Randomized, controlled trials of treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among HIV-seropositive persons
First author/date [reference] Trial type Population Regimens N follow-up Compliance/follow-up
INH versus placebo trials
Pape, 1993 [12] Randomized Haiti INH 300 mg/d for 12 months 118 33 months No loss to follow-up
Double-blind New HIV
Placebo-controlled diagnosis

treatment of latent tuberculosis infection

PPD+ or
Hawken, 1997 [76] Block-randomized Kenya INH 300 mg/d for 6 months 684 20 months 70% follow-up
Double-blind PPD+ or
Gordin, 1997 [77] Randomized US, mostly NYC INH 300 mg/d for 6 months 517 33 months 63% completed therapy; 6% INH
Double-blind Anergic patients and 7% placebo lost to follow-up
Fitzgerald, 2001 [78] Randomized Haiti INH 300 mg/d for 12 months 237 2.5 years 77% followed to death or
Blinding unclear PPD study end
Multiregimen trials
Whalen, 1997 [15] Block-randomized Uganda PPD+: INH 300 mg/d for 6 months or 2018 15 months 75% urine tests and 80% – 89%
Double-blind (1) PPD+ INH 300 mg/d and RIF 600 mg/d for completed the trials
Placebo-controlled 3 months or INH 300 mg/d, RIF 600 mg/d,
and PZA 2000 mg/d for 3 months
(2) Anergic Anergic: INH 300 mg/d for 6 months 718
Mwinga, 1998 [41] Block-randomized Zambia INH 900 mg 2 /wk for 6 months or RIF 1053 1.8 years 81% placebo, 66% INH, and 75%
Double-blind 600 mg and PZA 3500 mg 2 /wk for RIF/PZA were >80% compliant
Placebo-controlled 3 months
Gordin, 2000 [36] Randomized US, Mexico, INH 300 mg/d for 12 months or RIF 600 mg 1583 37 months 80% RIF/PZA and 69% INH
Open-label Haiti, Brazil and PZA 20 mg/kg/d for 2 months completed therapy
No placebo arm PPD+
Halsey, 1998 [40] Randomized Haiti INH 600 – 800 mg 2 /wk for 6 months or 750 2.5 years 55% INH and 74% RIF/PZA had
Unmasked PPD+ RIF 450 – 600 mg and PZA 1500 – 2000 mg >80% compliance
Partly supervised 2 /wk for 2 months (weight-based)
No placebo arm
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PPD, purified protein derivative; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin.

318 dooley & sterling

Table 3
Results of randomized, controlled trials of isoniazid for the treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among
HIV-seropositive persons
Rx n/N Control n/N 95% Confidence
First author/date [reference] (%) INH (%) placebo RR interval Reduction (%)
PPD positive
Pape, 1993 [12] 2/38 (5.2) 6/25 (24.0) 0.22 0.05, 1.00 78
Hawken, 1997 [76] 5/67 (7.5) 8/69 (11.6) 0.64 0.22, 1.87 36
Whalen, 1997 [15] 7/536 (1.3) 21/464 (4.5) 0.29 0.12, 0.67 71
PPD+ cohort
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 6/101 (5.9) 11/60 (18.3) 0.32 0.13, 0.83 68
PPD negative
Gordin, 1997 [77] 4/260 (1.5) 6/257 (2.3) 0.66 0.19, 2.31 34
Fitzgerald, 2001 [78] 6/126 (4.8) 4/111 (3.6) 1.32 0.38, 4.56 32
Hawken, 1997 [76] 11/235 (4.7) 8/224 (3.6) 1.31 0.54, 3.20 31
Pape, 1993 [12] 2/20 (10.0) 5/35 (14.3) 0.70 0.15, 3.28 30
Whalen, 1997 [15] 9/395 (2.3) 10/323 (3.1) 0.74 0.30, 1.79 26
anergic cohort
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 27/351 (7.7) 17/166 (10.2) 0.75 0.42, 1.34 25
Results are presented according to the tuberculin skin test status of study patients.
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PPD, purified protein derivative; RR, relative risk.

occur. Routine laboratory monitoring is recommended Hepatitis C virus and isoniazid-associated

for persons with abnormal baseline liver function hepatotoxicity
tests, persons at increased risk of hepatotoxicity Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been as-
(eg, HIV infection, liver disease, alcoholism, preg- sociated with an increased risk of hepatotoxicity
nancy), and persons who develop symptoms while among persons receiving combination antitubercu-
on therapy. [6] losis therapy for active disease, particularly HIV-
Isoniazid can also cause peripheral neuropathy, infected persons [32]. HCV infection is common in
but the risk is lower with concomitant use of vitamin injection drug users [33], who are also at high risk of
B6 (pyridoxine) [30,31]. progressing to active tuberculosis if latently infected
with M. tuberculosis. Two studies have assessed the
HIV-seropositive persons risk of isoniazid-associated hepatotoxicity in per-
The rates of isoniazid-associated toxicity requir- sons with underlying HCV. In a study of 146 injec-
ing drug discontinuation in HIV-seropositive per- tion drug users with M. tuberculosis infection and
sons are summarized in Table 5. Although the data normal baseline hepatic transaminases, 138 were
are not as extensive as in HIV-seronegative per- HCV seropositive; 32 (22%) developed hepatic trans-
sons, isoniazid is generally well tolerated in this pa- aminases levels more than three times the upper
tient population. limit of normal, and 11 (8%) required drug discon-
tinuation [34]. These rates are comparable to those
Table 4 reported in populations with lower HCV seropreva-
Toxicity of isoniazid for treatment of latent Mycobacterium lence (see preceding discussion and Table 5). In a
tuberculosis infection in HIV-seronegative patients second study of 415 drug users, of the 214 that
Toxicity requiring discontinuation were HCV-antibody – positive, 16 (7.5%) developed
First author/date of therapy hepatotoxicity (defined as drug discontinuation in
[reference] INH n/N (%) Placebo n/N (%) the setting of hepatic transaminase elevation more
than five times the upper limit of normal in the
Scharer, 1969 [18] 2/90 (2.2) No placebo arm
Byrd, 1972 [22] 16/160 (10) No placebo arm presence of symptoms or as transaminase elevation
Bailey, 1973 [79] 18/427 (7.3) No placebo arm alone on two occasions at least 1 week apart) [35].
Byrd, 1977 [80] 10/120 (8.3) 1/60 (1.7) On multivariate analysis, HCV infection was not
Byrd, 1979 [24] 64/1000 (6.4) No placebo arm independently associated with hepatotoxicity. Both
Stuart, 1999 [25] 26/83 (31.3) No placebo arm studies suggest that isoniazid is safe in persons with
Toxicity is defined as adverse events resulting in discon- HCV infection and is not associated with signifi-
tinuation of therapy. cantly higher rates of hepatotoxicity than in persons
Abbreviation: INH, isoniazid. without HCV.
treatment of latent tuberculosis infection 319

Table 5
Toxicity of isoniazid for treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HIV-seropositive patients
Toxicity requiring discontinuation of therapy 95% Confidence
First author/date [reference] INH n/N (%) Placebo n/N (%) RR interval
Pape, 1993 [12] 0/58(0) 0/60 (0) 0
Gordin, 1997 [77] 24/260 (9.2) 24/257 (9.3) 0.99 0.58, 1.69
Hawken, 1997 [76] 11/342 (3.2) 5/342 (1.5) 2.2 0.77, 6.26
Whalen, 1997 [15] PPD+ 3/536 (0.6) 1/464 (0.2) 2.60 0.27, 24.88
Anergic 0/395 0/323 0
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 26/703 (3.7) 3/350 (0.9) 4.31 1.32, 14.16
Toxicity is defined as adverse events resulting in discontinuation of therapy.
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PPD, purified protein derivative; RR, relative risk.

Although the efficacy of isoniazid in preventing HIV-seropositive persons

tuberculosis exceeds 90% among persons who adhere The effectiveness of the 2-month rifampin plus
to therapy [9], the effectiveness of isoniazid is lower pyrazinamide regimen has been studied entirely in
because of low rates of adherence to the long duration HIV-seropositive persons. Because the risk of tuber-
of therapy. This problem of adherence has led to the culosis without treatment of latent infection is sub-
assessment of regimens that require a shorter course stantially higher in HIV-seropositive persons than in
of treatment. These regimens are summarized here. HIV-seronegative persons, much smaller sample sizes
were required to study effectiveness in the former.
The results of the studies are summarized in Table 6.
Rifampin plus pyrazinamide for 2 months In the largest of the studies, the effectiveness of daily
rifampin plus pyrazinamide for 2 months was nearly
Effectiveness identical to 12 months of daily isoniazid [36].

Among available short-course regimens for the Toxicity

treatment of latent M. tuberculosis infection, the
regimen with the shortest duration, and therefore HIV-seronegative persons
the greatest potential for improved adherence, is the After the effectiveness and tolerability of
2-month regimen of rifampin plus pyrazinamide. 2 months of rifampin plus pyrazinamide were dem-
onstrated in HIV-seropositive adults, the regimen was
HIV-seronegative persons recommended in the United States for both HIV-
Effectiveness of rifampin plus pyrazinamide has seropositive and -seronegative adults [6]. Shortly
not been studied in HIV-seronegative persons. thereafter, however, there were reports of severe
Because of high rates of hepatotoxicity in tolera- hepatotoxicity and death among persons treated with
bility studies (see later discussion), it is unlikely this regimen [37,38]. When such cases continued to
that effectiveness will ever be studied in HIV- be reported, the CDC began collecting retrospective
seronegative persons. surveillance data on the number of persons treated

Table 6
Randomized, controlled trials of the effectiveness of pyrazinamide plus rifampin for the treatment of latent Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection in HIV-seropositive persons
Control n/N 95% Confidence
First author/date [reference] Rx n/N (%) RIF/PZA (%) INH RR interval Reduction (%)
PPD positive
Gordin, 2000 [36] 28/791 (3.5) 29/792 (3.7) 0.97 0.58, 1.61 3
Halsey, 1998 [40] 19/380 (5.0) 14/370 (3.8) 1.32 0.67, 2.56 32
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 2/49 (4.1) 4/52 (7.7) 0.53 0.10, 2.77 47
PPD negative
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 13/173 (7.5) 14/178 (7.9) 0.96 0.46, 1.96 4
Results are presented according to the tuberculin skin test status of study patients.
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PPD, purified protein derivative; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; RR, relative risk.
320 dooley & sterling

Table 7
Toxicity of rifampin plus pyrazinamide for treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HIV-seronegative patients
Toxicity requiring discontinuation Hepatotoxicity requiring discontinuation
of therapy of therapy
First author/date [reference] RIF/PZA n/N (%) INH n/N (%) RR RIF/PZA n/N (%) INH n/N (%) RR
Bock, 2001 [58] 13/168 (7.7) No INH arm 1/168 (0.6) No INH arm
Chaisson, 2002 [81] 12/589 (2.0) No INH arm 10/589 (1.7) No INH arm
Jasmer, 2002 [60] 28/307 (9.1) 8/282 (2.8) 3.21 12/207 (5.8) 2/204 (1.0) 5.91
Lee, 2002 [82] 26/148 (17.6) No INH arm 11/148(7.4) No INH arm
McNeill, 2003 [83] 14/110 (12.7) 5/114 (4.4) 2.90
Stout, 2003 [84] 8/114 (7.0) No INH arm 6/114 (5.3) No INH arm
Van Hest, 2004 [85] 14/166 (8.4) 17/528 (3.2) 2.62 14/166 (8.4) 18/528 (3.4) 2.47
Toxicity is defined as adverse events resulting in discontinuation of therapy.
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; RR, relative risk.
In these studies, the patient population was predominantly HIV-seronegative, with a small minority of HIV-
seropositive patients.

with this regimen so that the risk of toxicity could HIV-seropositive persons
be determined [39]. Data were collected for persons The regimen was very well tolerated in all of the
initiating therapy between January 2000 and June clinical trials conducted among HIV-seropositive
2002 and reported to CDC by June 6, 2003. Of the persons (Table 8) [36,40,41], even upon repeat analy-
7737 persons reported to have started rifampin plus sis specifically addressing hepatotoxicity [42]. Be-
pyrazinamide treatment during the survey period, 204 cause of the relatively small sample sizes of the
persons developed aspartate aminotransferase con- studies, and an event rate of severe hepatotoxicity of
centrations more than five times the upper limit of approximately 1 per 1000, it is possible that such
normal (2.6/100 treatment initiations), and an addi- serious events were not detected in these studies. The
tional 146 patients discontinued therapy because of CDC therefore recommends that rifampin plus
symptoms of hepatitis (1.9/100 treatment initiations). pyrazinamide should generally not be offered, regard-
There were 48 cases of severe hepatotoxicity (de- less of HIV serostatus [39].
fined as resulting in hospitalization or death); 11 pa-
tients died. The estimated rate of death caused by
hepatotoxicity was 0.9 per 1000 treatment initiations
[39]. The estimates were limited because data were Isoniazid plus rifampin for 3 months
obtained retrospectively, and the risk associated with
isoniazid was not determined concurrently. Nonethe- Effectiveness
less, the risk of severe hepatotoxicity and death
seemed to be approximately 10 times greater than There are few studies of isoniazid plus rifampin
the risk associated with isoniazid, and it was there- for the treatment of latent M. tuberculosis infection.
fore recommended that rifampin plus pyrazinamide In the only study among HIV-seronegative adults,
should generally not be offered for treatment of the efficacy among adherent patients of 3 months of
latent tuberculosis infection [39]. The toxicity data isoniazid plus rifampin was 41% [43]. Among HIV-
from clinical trials are summarized in Table 7. seropositive adults, the regimen was 59% effective in

Table 8
Toxicity of rifampin plus pyrazinamide for treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HIV-seropositive patients
Toxicity leading to discontinuation of therapy 95% Confidence
First author/date [reference] RIF/PZA n/N (%) INH n/N (%) RR interval
Halsey, 1998 [40] 0/380 (0) 0/370 (0)
Mwinga, 1998 [41] 14/351 (4.0) 12/352 (3.4) 1.17 0.55, 2.50
Gordin, 2000 [36,42] 75/791 (9.5) 48/792 (6.1) 1.56 1.09, 2.22
Narita, 2003 [86] 5/135 (3.7) 0/25 (0)
Toxicity is defined as adverse events resulting in discontinuation of therapy.
Abbreviations: INH, isoniazid; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; RR, relative risk.
treatment of latent tuberculosis infection 321

preventing tuberculosis [15]. Extensive programmatic an effectiveness of 50% [43]. In an observational

experience with the regimen among children in Great study among homeless persons with documented
Britain suggests its effectiveness, but there are no tuberculin skin-test conversion during an epidemic of
clinical trial data [44]. In the United States, this tuberculosis resistant to isoniazid and streptomycin,
regimen is not among the recommended treatment 49 persons received rifampin. The average duration
regimens, perhaps because of the limited available of therapy was 6.4 months. None of the 49 persons
data [6]. developed tuberculosis, compared with 6 of 71 per-
sons (8.6%) who received no therapy [46]. In a
study of 157 tuberculin skin-test – positive adolescent
Toxicity close contacts of persons with isoniazid-resistant
tuberculosis, all were treated with a 6-month course
The regimen has been well tolerated, although of rifampin; none developed tuberculosis during the
relatively few studies have been conducted to date. 2-year evaluation period [47]. Although the effective-
In the study among HIV-seronegative adults, 8 of ness of 4 months of rifampin has never been studied,
167 persons (5%) discontinued therapy because of it is the currently recommended duration in the ATS/
adverse drug reaction [43]; the rate among HIV- CDC/IDSA guidelines [6].
seropositive adults was 13 of 556 (2.3%) [15]. In a
pooled analysis of 6105 persons who received iso-
niazid plus rifampin, 156 (2.5%) developed hepati- HIV-seropositive persons
tis [45]. There are no studies of the effectiveness of
rifampin for the treatment of latent M. tuberculosis
infection among HIV-seropositive persons. Because
of the lack of studies, and because active disease is
Rifampin for 4 months more difficult to exclude in persons with HIV, one
should use rifampin in this patient population with
Effectiveness much caution, if at all.

Among persons who are intolerant of isoniazid,

or among close contacts of tuberculosis cases in Toxicity
which the isolate of M. tuberculosis is resistant to
isoniazid, rifampin can be used to treat latent HIV-seronegative persons
M. tuberculosis infection. There are, however, only Although data on the tolerability of rifampin are
limited data from randomized clinical trials and limited, it seems to be well tolerated. In the ran-
uncontrolled observational studies regarding the domized trial conducted in Hong Kong, 6 of 172 pa-
effectiveness and tolerability of the regimen. Given tients (3.5%) discontinued therapy during the study
the importance of rifampin in the treatment of ac- because of adverse drug reaction. None of these
tive tuberculosis, it is particularly important to patients developed hepatotoxicity [43]. In the study
exclude active disease before treating for latent among homeless persons in Boston, 7 of 49 persons
M. tuberculosis infection, because treatment of un- (14%) developed adverse effects requiring discon-
diagnosed active tuberculosis with rifampin mono- tinuation of therapy, but there were no reports of
therapy will lead to rifampin resistance. hepatotoxicity [46]. Of the 157 adolescents who
received rifampin, 18 (11.5%) interrupted therapy
temporarily, and 2 (1.3%) permanently discontinued
HIV-seronegative persons therapy [47]. In a recent study of persons randomly
The only randomized trial to evaluate the effec- assigned to receive either 4 months of rifampin or
tiveness of rifampin was conducted in Hong Kong 9 months of isoniazid, 2 of 58 persons (3%) re-
among persons with latent M. tuberculosis infection ceiving rifampin developed adverse events requiring
and silicosis. Among all persons initiating therapy, permanent drug discontinuation; none developed
20 of 165 (12.1%) randomly assigned to receive hepatitis [48].
rifampin for 3 months developed tuberculosis, com-
pared with 36 of 159 persons (22.6%) who received
placebo, for an effectiveness of 46% [43]. Among HIV-seropositive persons
persons who completed the 5-year study, rates were There are no data on the safety of this regimen in
17 of 103 (17%) and 34 of 99 (34%), respectively, for HIV-seropositive persons.
322 dooley & sterling

Special situations mab, etanercept, and adalimumab, are used to treat

autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and
Pregnant/breastfeeding women Crohn’s disease. Use of these drugs increases the risk
of progressing from latent M. tuberculosis infection
Pregnancy does not increase the risk of progres- to active disease in persons with either remote or
sion from latent infection to active disease. Because recent M. tuberculosis infection [53 – 55]. Before
of the morbidity associated with tuberculosis in the initiating the use of a TNF-a antagonist, patients
pregnant mother and neonate, treatment of latent should be evaluated for latent M. tuberculosis in-
M. tuberculosis infection is recommended for preg- fection and, if symptomatic, for active tuberculosis. In
nant women at high risk of progression to active immunocompromised persons, induration of 5 mm
disease (ie, those with recent M. tuberculosis or greater is considered a positive tuberculin skin test
infection or with coinfection with M. tuberculosis (see Box 1). Treatment of latent infection may be
and HIV) [6]. Given the proven effectiveness of considered in persons with an induration of less than
isoniazid and its safety in pregnancy, it is the pre- 5 mm if epidemiologic and clinical circumstances
ferred regimen. Because of the low levels of iso- suggest recent M. tuberculosis infection [54,55].
niazid in breast milk, its use is not contraindicated Treatment for latent M. tuberculosis infection should
in breastfeeding women. be initiated (and preferably completed) before start-
ing treatment with the TNF-a antagonist [55].

The only treatment regimen that has been exten- Difficulties and challenges of treatment of latent
sively studied in children is isoniazid. Isoniazid may Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
be more effective in children than in adults, with a
reported effectiveness of 70% to 90% [49,50]. Be- Low rates of treatment initiation
cause the effectiveness of short-course regimens
has not been studied in children, such regimens are Not all persons who are eligible for treatment
not recommended by the ATS/CDC/IDSA [6]. of latent tuberculosis infection initiate therapy. In a
study of close contacts of smear-positive pulmonary
Contacts of persons with drug-resistant tuberculosis tuberculosis cases, 95 HIV-infected persons were
eligible for treatment of latent infection; of these,
If persons are infected with a strain of M. tu- only 30 (32%) initiated therapy [56]. In another study
berculosis that is resistant to rifampin but suscep- of close contacts of tuberculosis cases, of the
tible to isoniazid, isoniazid is effective for treatment. 630 persons with newly documented positive tuber-
For persons exposed to a case of tuberculosis resis- culin skin tests (all of whom were eligible for ther-
tant to isoniazid, treatment with rifampin is recom- apy), treatment was recommended in 447 (71%),
mended, as discussed previously [6]. The optimal and was started in only 398 (63%) [57]. Efforts must
treatment is unknown for persons with evidence of be made to improve the use of treatment of latent
latent M. tuberculosis infection who have been ex- infection, particularly in those at highest risk of pro-
posed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), gression to active disease, such as HIV-infected
defined as resistance to at least isoniazid plus ri- persons and close contacts.
fampin. No clinical studies have assessed the effec-
tiveness of specific regimens, and such studies will Low treatment-completion rates
probably never be conducted because of the diffi-
culty in enrolling a sufficient sample size. Recom- Among persons who start therapy, treatment-
mended regimens include a fluoroquinolone plus completion rates are low. In the second study of
pyrazinamide or ethambutol plus pyrazinamide [51]. close contacts mentioned previously, 203 of 398 per-
The optimal duration of these regimens is unknown, sons starting therapy (51%) completed it; 203 of
although 6 to 12 months is recommended. They 630 of those eligible for therapy (32%) completed it
often are poorly tolerated [52]. [57]. In a study of isoniazid treatment of latent in-
fection in an inner-city population, 84 of 409 persons
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists eligible for therapy (21%) completed it [58]. Low
treatment-completion rates can result in continued
Drugs that block the inflammatory cytokine tu- transmission of M. tuberculosis and additional cases
mor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), such as inflixi- [59]. The low completion rates may result from a lack
treatment of latent tuberculosis infection 323

of understanding on the part of the patient of the tine for 3 months. A study assessing the tolerability
importance of treatment, the absence of symptoms of this regimen has recently completed enrollment in
related to tuberculosis, the toxicity of the regimen, Brazil, and data analysis is underway. A compari-
and the prolonged duration of therapy. Even if son of isoniazid plus rifapentine versus the standard
toxicity is relatively mild and infrequent, patients regimen of daily isoniazid is underway in South
may be less likely to tolerate adverse effects because Africa and in a multinational study being conducted
they do not have symptomatic tuberculosis disease. by the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium of the CDC
Shorter treatment duration may improve completion (US Public Health Service Study 26). If effective
rates [36,40], but this result has not been noted and well-tolerated, isoniazid plus rifapentine would
uniformly [60]. Education of the patient regarding the provide a relatively simple short-course regimen for
importance of such therapy is extremely important. the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection, which
Direct observation of treatment of latent infection can could improve treatment completion rates.
improve adherence [61,62] but is often not feasible Data from the mouse model of tuberculosis, which
for tuberculosis treatment programs because of its has correlated closely with human tuberculosis
high cost. [63,64], have demonstrated that moxifloxacin, a
newer fluoroquinolone, has excellent activity against
Monitoring for toxicity M. tuberculosis. This drug may allow shorter and
more effective treatment of active tuberculosis [65,66]
As discussed previously, the potentially severe and may be effective for the treatment of latent tuber-
toxicity associated with the treatment of latent culosis infection. Additional studies are warranted.
M. tuberculosis infection necessitates monitoring, The Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consor-
particularly in persons at increased risk for toxic- tium of the CDC has launched a large study of the
ity. Routine monitoring for symptoms of toxicity is treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in the United
recommended. Monitoring of laboratory tests (eg, he- States (Task Order 13), including an assessment of
patic transaminases) to prevent toxicity, or at least the regimens used and the factors associated with
identify toxicity in its early stages, is a reasonable acceptance of, adherence to, and tolerability of cur-
approach in persons at high risk for toxicity, although rent treatment regimens. A better understanding of
the utility of such a strategy (and the optimal these factors will allow the development of in-
monitoring strategy) has never been assessed in a terventions to improve the treatment of latent
clinical trial. M. tuberculosis infection in the United States and
throughout the world.
Logistical difficulties in implementing treatment of
latent tuberculosis infection
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