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Methods for separation of proteins

Albert M. Potts

Most of the viethods available for general separation of proteins have been applied to the
proteins of the crystalline lens. The classical work of Mb'rner, in 1894, suggested that there were
three soluble lens proteins tohich he labeled a-, j6- and y-crystallin and an insoluble residue
which he called albuminoid. Subsequent attempts at fructionation using differential solubility,
low-voltage electrophoresis, and ultracenirifugation appeared to confirm this finding. However,
utilization of high-voltage electrophoresis immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, and chro-
matography on modified cellidose columns showed a vmch larger number of fractions, i.e., ten
or more. It has been recently demonstrated that separation procedures on high molecular weight
proteins conducted in solutions with a high concentration of urea can cause dissociation of the
proteins into smaller molecidar weight components which on removal of the urea reassociate
once more. It has been shown that these phenomena obtain for a- and (3-cnjstallins. These find-
ings suggest that Morner's original three soluble proteins are still the major protein components
of the lens. Whether the subcomponents demonstrated by the newer separation methods have
an independent biological existence is yet to be proved.

I t is appropriate that the lens, the tissue

with the highest protein content of any in
pirical theory is given by Dixon and Webb5
in a recent review. These authors describe
the body, should have its proteins studied the salting-in effect at low ionic strength,
by most of the available methods of pro- presumably due to increase in dielectric
tein separation. The questions to be an- constant of the medium caused by the
swered were and are: added salt. If pH and temperature are held
How many proteins are there in the lens, constant and ionic strength is increased
and what is their nature? continuously, the salting-out effect then
takes over and this portion of the curve can
Solubility methods be described by Cohn's equation where log
The giant step in the study of lens pro- solubility varies inversely as the ionic
teins was taken by Morner in 1894.x Using strength over a wide range of ionic
classical methods of differential solubility, strengths, and a straight line plot results.
he separated four components of lens pro- p
tein. Although even today the theoretical This is expressed as log s = /?'—K's —.
aspects of protein separation by solubility
are not completely worked out, consider- Here the constant K's represents the slope
able study on the subject has been in- of the straight line, and /?' represents the
vested, particularly by Cohn and co-work- intercept on the y axis—a hypothetical
ers.2' 3> l A concise treatment of the em- solubility at zero ionic strength. The posi-
tion of the straight line varies with the
nature of the protein, of course, and for
From the Eye Research Laboratories, the Uni- any given protein varies with the temp-
versity of Chicago, 111. erature and the pH. As might be ex-

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532 Potts Investigative Ophthalmology
August 1965

pected the pH-solubility relationship passes RTs

berg equation M = -. Where M
through a minimum at the isoelectric point. 8 4
The theoretical explanation for salting-out
equals molecular weight, R equals uni-
has not been worked out in a satisfactory
versal gas constant, T equals absolute
way, but one useful model which has been
temperature, s is sedimentation velocity, D
suggested is the notion that hydration re-
is the diffusion coefficient, v is the partial
quired by the inorganic salt ties up enough
specific volume of material being studied,
water molecules to decrease effectively the
and p the density of the solution. It is
water available for solution of the large
evident that if sedimentation rate can be
protein molecule. A survey of the basic
measured and the other factors are known
theory of salting-in and salting-out is given
with sufficient accuracy, the method may
by Edsall and Wyman.G
be used for determining molecular weights.
If less polar organic solvents such as It should be said from the outset that ultra-
ethanol are added to the aqueous medium, centrifugal preparation has never played a
the dielectric constant of the solvent is major role in the separation of lens pro-
reduced and small changes in ionic strength teins. However, the ultracentrifuge has
exert large effects on the solubility of been used on occasion to examine fractions
polyvalent, large molecule ampholytes such separated by other methods and for es-
as the proteins. If temperature is kept low, timation of molecular weight. In general,
in the neighborhood of -3° to -5° C, de- ultracentrifugal examination of native lens
naturation of proteins does not occur, and protein has shown the same three soluble
these systems may also be used for separa- factors obtained with precipitation meth-
tion of proteins. ods.9- 10
The original work of Morner used a num- The practice of solving the Svedberg
ber of different aspects of these solubility equation for sedimentation and expressing
parameters to separate the proteins of lens. this as "Svedberg units" at 20° C. has now
Albuminoid was insoluble in quarter-sat- become standard. Usually an arbitrary vol-
urated saline. Alpha crystallin was pre- ume is used for the partial specific volume
cipitated isoelectrically at pH 5.2. Beta of the anhydrous protein. The Svedberg
crystallin was precipitated at pH 7 with unit is the measured value divided by 10*13,
additional salt, and the albumin fraction, an easily handled figure. Determinations
later called gamma crystallin, remained in by various authors have placed the sedi-
the supernatant. Low temperature and al- mentation velocity of a-crystallin between
cohol were employed by Francois, Rabaey, 15 and 20 Svedberg units and calculated
and Wieme7 to separate lens protein frac- molecular weights have been from 400,000
tions. They distinguished three fractions: to 1.2 million. The mode lies between
«i, a2, and /?, the latter being resolved 800,000 and 1 million molecular weight,
into two components by paper electro- and this gives an adequate estimate of
phoresis. By and large, however, the indi- order of magnitude. The molecular weight
viduals who worked with precipitation of y-crystallin has been well established at
methods found only four fractions in very 19 to 20,000." In the ultracentrifuge, /?-
much the same way as Morner did. crystallin has given at least two fractions
which are intermediate in molecular weight
Ultracentrifuge methods between a and y.12
A second major method of protein sep- Despite the valuable information on
aration is ultracentrifugation. It was shown molecular weights contributed by ultra-
by Svedbergs that large molecules sediment centrifugation and despite new and sophis-
in an ultracentrifugal field at a rate which ticated advances in the state of the art,
is dependent upon a number of variables. including density gradient sedimentation,
These are expressed in the classical Sved- new methods of computation, and advanced

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Volume 4 Methods for separation of proteins 533
Number 4

optical systems,13 there is little likelihood at one blow eliminated the careful thermo-
that this technique by itself will contribute stating and the elaborate optical system re-
to the solution of the immediately pressing quired for free electrophoresis. Although
problems of lenticular proteins. paper electrophoresis was first applied to
amino acids and proteins in 1939,20 its
Electrophoresis enthusiastic adoption occurred in the years
The modern use of the technique of just surrounding 1950 (for review, see
electrophoresis begins with the innovations Cooper21). Simple paper electrophoresis of
of Tiselius.14 The thermostated cell with the lens proteins suggested that there was
optical quality windows, and the pneu- a bit more complexity to the Morner pic-
matic hammer for separating sections of ture, for the /?-crystallin fraction was
the cell containing wanted protein frac- frequently resolvable into two compo-
tions, together with the Topler-schlieren nents.7' 22> 23
optical system made electrophoresis for the In free electrophoresis the chief factors
first time a quantitative and effective determining migration of the protein ap-
method for separation of proteins. The peared to be net charge on the molecule
modified recording systems of Longsworth (which in turn is a function of the pH and
and Mclnnes15 and of Philpot10 and Swens- the isoelectric point of the protein in ques-
son17 added elegance to the technique. tion), the mass and volume of the hydrated
Early work on the free electrophoresis of molecule, and the current density. Electro-
lens proteins, such as that of Hesselvik,is osmotic effects were minimized by the
served simply to confirm the excellence of volume of solution used and the nature of
the Morner-type separation. Electrophoresis the buffers. As a first approximation in
of soluble proteins of lens showed two paper electrophoresis, similar considera-
electrophoretically defined components tions apply. The attraction of protein for
which correspond to a- and /?-crystallin, the paper support is hopefully negligible,
and after a Morner-type separation was although because of the smaller volumes
done the a and /? fractions each showed involved electroosmotic effects become sig-
a single boundary which was distinctive nificant.
for the substance. Repetition ten years later In other and highly useful developments
by Siillmann and co-workers10 showed no of supports for electrophoresis of proteins,
essential difference, although in calf lens a further factor conducive to separation
a second component in the (3 group was was introduced. Gel-type supports such as
identified. agar,21' 24~20 starch,27'2S and polyacrylam-
This was the situation, then, in the early ide20> 30 all exhibit this property in vary-
1950's. The three soluble protein fractions ing degrees. Apparently the pore size of
of the lens, described by Morner more than such supports is sufficiently small so that
half a century before, had held up under the support additionally retards the protein
examination by methods as sophisticated according to its molecular volume. The
as the Svedberg ultracentrifuge and the result is sharper separation of the indi-
Tiselius electrophoresis apparatus. All this vidual fractions.
was due for sudden change and the change With the use of agar electrophoresis,
was brought about by proliferation of new Francois and Rabaey arranged conditions
techniques for protein separation. Out- so that only the a-crystallin migrated to
standing among these was electrophoresis the anode from the point of application,
done on some support material plus dem- whereas the other fractions were drawn
onstration of fractions by the use of dyes, toward the catliode by the electroosmotic
the protein still remaining on the support. flow of fluid and would string out accord-
The first type of support used was filter ing to their charge and size. Varying num-
paper, and this poor man's electrophoresis bers of protein fractions were identified,

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534 Potts Investigative Ophthalmology
August 1965

Fig. 1. Separation of soluble proteins of calf lens by agar electrophoresis.

depending partly upon the age of the lens, materials, but which were much closer in
and in an infant at least ten different pro- nature to free electrophoresis, were utilized
tein components were distinguished. When for lens proteins by Wood and co-workers30
the method was modified, using higher and by Bjork.37 Wood used continuous flow
tension up to 50 v. per centimeter and electrophoresis in which gravity flow along
cooling, as many as seventeen fractions a filter paper is at right angles to an im-
were isolated from the lens of a child and posed electric field. Five separate fractions
varying numbers in the same order of were found in rabbit lens. The second
magnitude for the lenses of lower ani- procedure employed the preparative zone
mals.3:l"3a However, if one uses milder electrophoretic procedure of Porath38 in
conditions with ordinary preparations of which cellulose powder was the solid agent.
beef lens, the usual result with agar is By this technique three soluble fractions
shown in Fig. 1. This brings up the ques- of beef lens were collected, the middle one
tion of what the high-tension electro- of which was proved to be dual by ultra-
phoresis actually accomplishes in the way centrifuge and free electrophoresis.
of degrading protein, and the subject will
be dealt with below. Immunological techniques
Starch-gel electrophoresis of native lens Related to the previous methods are two
protein was done by Bloemendal and Ten immunological techniques which at about
Care.3* Here a-crystallin separated as a the same time as agar-gel electrophoresis
unit band which was ultracentrifugally indicated that there were more potential
homogenous and /?-crystallin gave two proteins in the lens than was suggested by
bands. The use of polyacrylamide gel in the original precipitation experiments. One
electrophoresis of lens proteins was intro- of these, immunoelectrophoresis, utilized
duced by the Bloemendal group33 at a the same kind of agar electrophoresis de-
1962 meeting in Bruges. With the standard scribed above, but identified the protein
amount of gel cross-linking it was found fractions by the precipitin reaction which
that a-crystallin did not move into the they made with antiserum placed in a
polyacrylamide gel at all, but with lower trough cut in the agar parallel to the path
degrees of cross-linking (that is 1 to 150 of the electric current. The usual technique
rather than 1 to 99) at least six zones were was that defined by Grabar and Wil-
visible of which the least rapidly migrating liams.39- 40 This technique was first applied
one was a-crystallin. Again one must won- to the lens by the Ghent group41 in 1956
der whether the procedure was responsible and Witmer.42 Between five and eight
for alteration in the properties of the pro- separate components were identified by this
teins used. method. An older method of protein separa-
Electrophoresis procedures using support tion also with an immunological basis but

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Volume 4 Methods for separation of proteins 535
Number 4

without using electrophoresis is the agar- lulose-based ion exchangers. Their cation
plate method of Ouchterlony.43 In this exchanger, carboxymethyl cellulose, was
method the protein to be examined is made by reacting cellulose powder with a
placed in one well in an agar plate, and very small amount (1 mEq. per gram) of
antiserum to the protein is placed in an- chloracetic acid.- The anion exchanger, di-
other well. As the two proteins diffuse ethylaminoethyl cellulose (DEAE), was
toward each other in the agar the differ- prepared by reacting similarly small quan-
ences in rate of diffusion allow individual tities of 2-chlorotriethylamine with cellu-
precipitin bands to be formed. This tech- lose powder. The relatively small number
nique was first applied to the lens proteins of exchangeable groups so created were
in 1955 and the years following shortly ideal for many types of protein separations
thereafter.'11'4i> 45 By this means, too, be- and have been utilized with effect for the
tween five and eight antigens were demon- separation of lens protein fractions. Spec-
strable in beef lens protein. tor18 was able to use DEAE cellulose first
alone and then in conjunction with- zinc
Column separations glycinate preliminary fractionation.''9 At
The idea of cascading various types of least fourteen fractions could be separated
physicochemical separations by the use of from the beef lens. An additional column
a column has proved so productive in other technique, "gel filtration," based on differ-
areas that numerous efforts were made to ential rate of diffusion in dextran gel has
adapt these types of procedures to protein been used for isolation of y-crystallin and
separation. Protein denaturation by organic for fractionation of /3-crystallin by Bjork.50'51
solvents and low partition coefficients be-
tween aqueous and immiscible nonaqueous Discussion
solvents made partition columns and paper It would seem on the basis of this brief
partition chromatography impractical. The review that the number of components
difficulty with adsorption chromatography isolated from lens protein is strictly a func-
and ion exchange was that the usual ad- tion of the sophistication of the isolation
sorbents used for small molecules were method. On this basis one might assume
inappropriate for the extremely large num- that further developments of protein sep-
bers of polar groups possessed by proteins. aration would give an infinite number of
The result was that the protein could not lens protein fractions with resultant con-
be eluted from the column by nondestruc- fusion in the field beyond all hope of re-
tive reagents. Tims, successful column trieval. Fortunately, a recent set of experi-
chromatography of proteins had to await ments based on newer knowledge of pro-
the development of special materials par- tein denaturation promises to unify our
ticularly adapted to the ion exchange char- concept of the state of the lens proteins in
acteristics of protein. This occurred when a veiy satisfactory manner. The reports of
Sober and Peterson40-47 introduced two cel- Bloemendal and co-workers,5- of Bjork,53

& *• • • %
\ \

Fig. 2. Separation of subfractions of calf a-crystallin by starch gel electrophoiesis.

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536 Potts Investigative Ophthalmology
August 1965

and of unpublished work in our own lab- ibly into as many as thirteen subunits
oratory54 substantiate the fact that a-crys- which reassociate readily to form the orig-
tallin, when treated with high molarities inal single molecule. A similar event occurs
of urea, fragments into as many as thirteen with beta crystallin, but because of its
separate portions which can be separated smaller initial size the number of sub-
by starch-block electrophoresis or poly- fragments is fewer. Gamma crystallin may,
acrylamide electrophoresis, but that when indeed, be a single substance of molecular
the urea is removed the original high weight in the vicinity of 20,000. This is the
molecular weight a-crystallin is restored explanation for the highly variable number
(Fig. 2). of substances separated by the various
The same realization about other proteins methods. For the first time in a decade the
has permeated all divisions of the field of subject of lens protein chemistry begins
protein chemistry and has given new im- once more to make sense. To sum up the
petus to the study of the nature of de- present state of the art, one could do no
naturation. A highly complete and most better than to modify the motto of these
recent review on the subject is that of United States and have it read E pluribus
Reithel.55 On the basis of evidence culled tres.
from all fields of protein chemistry, it ap-
pears that there is none for single poly- REFERENCES
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