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Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al.

/ Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020

Review Article Available online through
ISSN: 0974-6943
Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Antioxidant activity
Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand a* and Mohamed Abdalkarim Mohamedb *
Department of Drug Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Derna, Libya.
Department of Chemistry, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.
Received on:09-05-2012; Revised on: 14-06-2012; Accepted on:22-07-2012

Flavonoids continue to capture the interest of scientists from many different disciplines because of their structural diversity, biological and ecological
significance (e.g. as the coloured pigments in many flower petals), and health-promoting and anti-cancer properties. According to our assessment, approxi-
mately 9000 different flavonoids have already been reported from plant sources, but no doubt many more remain to be discovered. The topics that will be
discussed in this review are chemistry, biosynthesis, bioavailability and metabolism, antioxidant and estrogenic properties of flavonoids.

Key words: Flavonoids, Chemistry of Flavonoids, Antioxidant activity of Flavonoids



Plant chemicals are often classified as either primary or secondary metabo- Natural polyphenols can range from simple molecules, such as phenolic
lites. Primary metabolites are substances widely distributed in nature, occur- acids, to highly polymerized compounds, such as tannins. They occur pri-
ring in one form or another in virtually all organisms. In higher plants such marily in conjugated form, with one or more sugar residues linked to hy-
compounds are often concentrated in seeds and vegetative storage organs and droxyl groups, although direct linkages of the sugar unit to an aromatic carbon
are needed for physiological development because of their role in basic cell atom also exist. The associated sugars can be present as monosaccharides,
metabolism. (Examples: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins…)1. disaccharides, or even as oligosaccharides, and glucose is the most common
sugar residue. Associations with other compounds, such as carboxylic and
Secondary metabolites are compounds biosynthetically derived from pri- organic acids, amines, and lipids, and linkage with other phenols are also
mary metabolites. Contrary to primary metabolites these compounds are common4.
not ubiquitous in the living organisms that produce them nor are they neces-
sarily expressed continuously. Although plants are better known as a source Polyphenols can be divided into at least 10 different classes depending on
of secondary metabolites, bacteria, fungi and many marine organisms (sponges, their basic chemical structure5. Table 1 illustrates the basic chemical struc-
tunicates, corals, and snails) are very interesting sources, too. Secondary ture of the main polyphenolic compounds. In order to simplify the drawing
metabolites, also known as natural products are not essential for normal of chemical structures, only the skeleton structures are shown in Tables 1,
growth, development or reproduction of an organism. In this sense they are and there should be at least one hydroxyl group attached to the aromatic ring.
“secondary”. The function or importance of these compounds to the
organism’s development is usually of ecological nature as they are used as 1.2. FLAVONOIDS
defence against predators (herbivores, pathogens etc.), for interspecies com-
petition, and to facilitate the reproductive processes1,2. 1.2.1. CLASSIFICATION AND CHEMISTRY
Flavonoids are phenolic substances isolated from a wide range of vascular
Secondary metabolites can be classified by their chemical structure or physi- plants, and more than 8150 different flavonoids have been reported5. Fla-
cal properties into one or more of the following groups: alkaloids, phenols, vonoids are located inside the cells or on the surface of various plant organs
terpenoids, iridoids, steroids, saponins, polyletides, aliphatic, aromatic, and and have various functions in plants6. They act in plants as antioxidants,
heteroaromatic organic acids, peptides, ethereals oils, resins and balsams 2. antimicrobials, photoreceptors, visual attractors, feeding repellents, and for
light screening7. Many studies have shown that flavonoids exhibit biological
Phenolic compounds form one of the main classes of secondary metabolites and pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, cytotoxic, anticancer,
with a large range of structures and functions, but generally possessing an antiviral, antibacterial, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective,
aromatic ring bearing one or more hydroxyl substituents. This definition is antimalarial, antileishmanial, antitrypanosomal and antiamebial properties8-
not entirely satisfactory, however, since it inevitably includes compounds . These biological and pharmacological properties are usually attributed to
such as oestrone, the female sex hormone that is principally terpenoid in their free radical scavenging efficacies, metal complexion capabilities, and
origin. For this reason, a definition based on metabolic origin is preferable, their ability to bind to proteins with a high degree of specificity13.
the plant phenols being regarded as those substances derived from the
shikimate pathway and phenylpropanoid metabolism3. The basic flavonoid structure contains the flavan nucleus (1), which consists
of 15 carbon atoms derived from a C6-C3-C6 skeleton. A flavonoid skeleton is
*Corresponding author. composed of two aromatic rings (commonly designated as A and B), which
Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand are linked by a three-carbon chain. The connecting carbon chain combines
Department of Drug Technology, with an oxygen to form a heterocyclic central or C-ring for most flavonoids
Faculty of Medical Technology, with the exception of chalcones (2) in which the carbon chain between the A
Derna, Libya

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020

Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020
and B rings is linear14. The numbering scheme for chalcones differs from The flavonoids may be modified by hydroxylation, methoxylation, or O-
three-ring flavonoids in that the A ring, rather than the B ring carbons are glycosylation of hydroxyl groups as well as C-glycosylation directly to
labeled as prime. carbon atom of the flavonoid skeleton. In addition, alkyl groups (often prenyls)
may be covalently attached to the flavonoid moieties, and sometimes addi-
tional rings are condensed to the basic skeleton of the flavonoid core. Fla-
vonoid glycosides are frequently acylated with aliphatic or aromatic acid
molecules. These derivatives are thermally labile and their isolation and fur-
ther purification without partial degradation is difficult. Condensed tannins
create a special group of flavonoid compounds formed by polymeric com-
pounds built of flavan-3-ol units, and their molecular weights often exceed-
Depending on the position of the linkage of the aromatic B-ring to the ing 1,000 Da11.
benzopyrano (chromano) moiety, this group of natural products may be
Up until the middle of the 20th century, flavonoids were believed to be waste
divided into three classes: the flavonoids (2-phenylbenzopyrans) 1,
products of plant primary metabolism, a notion that was soon abandoned
isoflavonoids (3-phynylbenzopyrans) 3, and the neoflavonoids (4-
based on research demonstrating the myriad functions of flavonoids in plant
phynylbenzopyrans) 4. These groups usually share a common chalcone
survival16. We now know the complex metabolic pathways used to synthe-
precursor, and therefore are biogenetically and structurally related2. size flavonoids in plants-pathways that have evolved over millennia to pro-
vide a survival advantage to plants. Plants, clearly do not have the luxury of
mobility and have had to evolve elaborate chemical mechanisms in order to
defend themselves from various insults (such as UV radiation) and in order to
attract those that will assist with their reproduction (bees, birds)17. Indeed,
the complexity of the plant genome, which exceeds that of humans, is be-
lieved to have developed to maintain these immensely complex pathways of
synthesis of novel chemicals17.
Based on the degree of oxidation and saturation present in the heterocyclic C-
Flavonoids are best known as the red, blue and purple pigments of flowering
ring, the flavonoids may be divided into the following groups: flavone (5),
plants (due to the anthocyanidin sub-group) although the red pigment of
flavonol (6), flavanone (7), dihydroflavonol (8), flavan (1), flavan-3-ol (9),
some fruits can be due to carotenoids such as lycopene18. These pigments
flavan-4-ol (10), flavan-3,4-diol (11), and anthocyanidin (12).
and the yellow pigments of flavones and flavanols are also responsible for
the fall leaves coloration19. Because of the importance of color in pollinator
attraction, flavonoids have an important role in plant reproduction. Fla-
vonoids in plants also serve to protect from ultraviolet (UV) light owing to
their high UV absorbance coefficients, and it has been suggested that this
property of flavonoids was critical in the evolution of aquatic plants to a
terrestrial existence16. Flavonoids also possess other critical functions in
5 6 7 defense against microorganisms and germination of pollen20,21.

Each group of flavonoids possesses unique chemical properties and has a

particular distribution in plants. Anthocyanins (glycosylated anthocyanidins)
and proanthocyanidins (polymers that produce anthocyanidins when hy-
drolyzed) primarily provide color to flowering plants and fruit, and are
8 9 therefore found in high concentrations in the skin of red grapes, red wine and
berries. Flavan-3-ols, such as catechin, epicatechin gallate are colorless and
are found in high concentrations in green tea. Isoflavones are only found in
legumes (e.g. soy) and are therefore consumed in high quantities in regions of
the world with high soy consumption. Flavanones are found in high levels in
citrus fruits, while flavones are present in green leafy spices such as parsley,
and flavonols are ubiquitous and found in most fruits and vegetables con-
10 11 12 sumed in the human diet14,22.
Natural products such as chalcones (2), dihydrochalcones (13), aurones (14)
and auronols (15) also contain a C6-C3-C6 backbone and are considered to be Interest in the health benefits of flavonoids stemmed from early research in
minor flavonoids6. Natural products such as chalcones (2), dihydrochalcones 1936 by the Hungarian scientist Szent-Gyorgyi, who also incidentally dis-
(13), aurones (14) and auronols (15) also contain a C6-C3-C6 backbone and covered vitamin C. He isolated a substance, which he called citrin, from
are considered to be minor flavonoids6. lemons that restored weakened capillaries to normal. This effect was not
noted when vitamin C alone was administered. Citrin was later shown to be
composed of the flavonoids hesperidin and eriodictyol23. Although citrin
was also called vitamin P, this name was dropped in the 1950s after it was
concluded that flavonoids did not fit the strict definition of a vitamin24.
Despite not qualifying as vitamins, flavonoids have been shown in the last 72
years since Szent-Gyorgyi’s initial discovery to affect various aspects of
13 14 15 human health not limited to their beneficial effects on capillary wall integrity.

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020

Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020
1.2.2. BIOSYNTHESIS OF FLAVONOIDS opiate than the parent compound27.
Biosynthesis of flavonoids in plants is via a series of enzymatic steps start-
ing with the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine and acetate19. The initial step Flavonoids are predominantly absorbed in the small intestine, with only
in biosynthesis of all flavonoids is the condensation of 4-coumarate coen- small amounts absorbed via the gastric mucosa28. The glycosylation state
zyme A (shikimate derived, B ring) with three malonyl coenzyme A mol- of the flavonoid greatly affects the mechanism of flavonoid absorption.
ecules (polyketid origin, A ring) to give 2', 4', 6', 4-tetrahydroxychalcone, Most flavonoids in nature exist as glycosides. Early studies suggested that
which is catalysed by the enzyme chalcone synthase25. The chalcone is then flavonoid glycosides were not absorbed intact in the human gut (due to their
isomerised to the flavanone naringenin, a key indermediate, which can be high hydrophilicity). These findings have more recently been refuted 29.
converted to several end-products including aurones, isoflavonoids, flavones, Studies have since demonstrated that quercetin glycosides are not only
flavonols, flavandiols, anthocyanins, condensed tannins, and phlobaphene absorbed, but that their absorption is actually enhanced compared to quer-
pigments (Figure 1)25,26. cetin aglycone30. This absorption is believed to occur partly due to the
Table 1. Main Classes of Phenolic Compounds
action of sodium dependent glucose transporter (SGLT1)31. More com-
monly, however, the first step in absorption of flavonoid-glycosides is
usually hydrolysis of the sugar moiety in the gut resulting in generation of
the flavonoid aglycone32. This hydrolysis was initially assumed only to
occur in the colon by bacteria since humans lack the necessary enzymes to
hydrolyze the ß-glycoside linkages of flavonoid glycosides. However, re-
cently is has become clear that a broad-specificity ß-glucosidase enzyme in
enterocytes and lactase phloridzin hydrolase in the small intestine brush
border can hydrolyze these ß-glycoside linkages33. Hydrolysis of fla-
vonoid-glycosides has also been shown to occur in the oral cavity34. The
flavonoid aglycones generated by hydrolysis of the sugar moiety are more
lipophilic, and hence are more readily absorbed in the gut by passive diffu-
sion. Flavonoids entering the colon undergo a similar hydrolysis by bacte-
rial glucosidases29. Flavonoids that reach the colon undergo ring scission of
the aromatic ring after sugar hydrolysis, resulting in simple phenolic com-
pounds, which accounts for the low levels of flavonoid absorption from the

The type of sugar moiety is an important determinant of absorption effi-

ciency, with flavonoid-glucosides much more readily absorbed than fla-
vonoid-rutinosides36. With respect to the flavonoid aglycones, methoxylated
flavonoids as opposed to hydroxylated flavonoids are much more readily
flavonoid absorption include the protein content of food ingested with the
flavonoid. Since flavonoids bind to proteins, flavonoid absorption will be
attenuated until the protein is digested 38.

The biotransformation of flavonoids continues in the enterocytes. The main

metabolic transformations include conjugation of glucuronic acid
(glucuronidation), methylation and sulphation39. These conjugations are es-
sentially phase II detoxification reactions resulting in increased molecular
mass and improved solubility of the compound which enhances excretion of
the compound in bile and urine40. Thus the enterocyte is an important site of
flavonoid metabolism. Flavonoid aglycones that reach the circulation are
bound to albumin. Interestingly, binding to albumin does not affect the anti-
oxidant ability of flavonoids, an important point in terms of the likely
biological effect of absorbed flavonoids41. Flavonoids entering the circula-
tion subsequently undergo phase II detoxification in the liver. Other transfor-
mations in the liver include the formation of flavonoid-glutathione adducts
also resulting in enhanced excretion of the flavonoid39. Excretion of fla-
vonoids occurs in urine as well as bile42.
The absorption, metabolism and excretion of flavonoids is a complex pro- The kinetics of flavonoid absorption and metabolism in humans has been
cess involving various structural modifications to the ingested flavonoid in studied for quercetin and other flavonoids. Hollman et al. demonstrated that
multiple tissues and cellular compartments. Determining the bioavailability peak plasma levels of quercetin were reached in 2.9 hours in subjects con-
of flavonoids (the proportion of flavonoid found in blood or target tissue suming a meal of 333 grams fried onion43. The mean peak plasma level of
after ingestion) is critical to understanding the effects of flavonoids as quercetin was 196 ng/ml and the half-life of quercetin was 16.8 hours. This
chemopreventive agents. Although flavonoids have been shown to undergo long half-life suggests that quercetin may accumulate with continued fla-
extensive metabolism, this does not necessarily equate to biological inacti- vonoid administration. Importantly for purposes of chemoprevention, stud-
vation of the compound. In many cases in pharmacology, the metabolized ies have also demonstrated the accumulation of flavonoids in various animal
product is often more active than the parent compound. A case in point is tissues44.
morphine whose glucuronated metabolite is known to be a more potent
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020
Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020

Figure 1. Schematic of the major branch pathways of flavonoid biosynthesis, starting with general phenylpropanoid metabolism and leading to the nine major
subgroups: the colorless chalcones, aurones, isoflavonoids, flavones, flavonols, and flavandiols (gray boxes), and the anthocyanins, condensed tannins, and
phlobaphene pigments (colored boxes). The first committed step is catalyzed by chalcone synthase (CHS), which uses malonyl CoA and 4-coumaroyl CoA as
substrates. Enzyme names are abbreviated as follows: cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H), chalcone isomerase (CHI), chalcone reductase (CHR), chalcone synthase
(CHS), 4-coumaroyl:CoA-ligase (4CL), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), 7,2'-dihydroxy, 4'-methoxyisoflavanol dehydratase (DMID), flavanone 3-hydroxy-
lase (F3H), flavone synthase (FSI and FSII), flavonoid 3' hydroxylase (F3’H) or flavonoid 3’5' hydroxylase (F3’5’H), isoflavone O-methyltransferase (IOMT),
isoflavone reductase (IFR), isoflavone 2'-hydroxylase (I2’H), isoflavone synthase (IFS), leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase (LDOX), leucoanthocyanidin reductase
(LCR), O-methyltransferase (OMT), Phe ammonia-lyase (PAL), rhamnosyl transferase (RT), stilbene synthase (STS), UDPG-flavonoid glucosyl transferase
(UFGT), and vestitone reductase (VR).
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020
Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020
Quercetin, a flavonol, is believed to have different absorption and kinet- Antioxidant phytochemicals constitute some of the most important exog-
ics to other flavonoid classes. Anthocyanins, in comparison, are absorbed enous defense antioxidants in mammalian physiology. Up until the mid-
poorly and rapidly excreted in urine. Citrus flavanones are well absorbed but 1990’s the dietary phytochemicals most prominently studied for their anti-
have shorter plasma half lives. They also reach higher maximum concentra- oxidant properties were vitamin C, E and the carotenoids63. Polyphenols,
tions than flavonols45. A significant degree of variability is therefore expected which constitute a major group of plant chemicals, only gained interest for
in the pharmacokinetic properties of different flavonoids. As with other their antioxidant effects in the last decade. Flavonoids, the largest group of
ingested compounds, inter-individual variability is another important factor polyphenols found in nature, appear to be particularly potent antioxidants in
accounting for the pharmacokinetic properties of flavonoids in humans. vitro. The flavonoids, however, are not all equally effective, with definite
Food preparation has variable effects on the bioavailability of flavonoids structural requirements necessary for the greatest antioxidant effect. The
in the diet. Peeling, for example, greatly reduces flavonoid content since the presence of a 2,3 double bond in the C-ring, a catechol structure in the B-ring,
peel contains a large proportion of flavonoids in fruits and vegetables46. The and hydroxylation at position 3 and 5 of the A ring appear to impart increased
effect of cooking on flavonoid content has been examined for quercetin con- redox potential64. The redox potential of quercetin was similar to ascorbic
tent in onions after cooking. When onions are boiled, flavonoids diffuse out acid and greater than the redox potential of uric acid65.
to enter the broth, making the broth a rich source of flavonoids. Frying
onions for 40 minutes did not alter total quercetin content. An increase in Direct scavenging of free radicals is one of the major mechanisms of antioxi-
quercetin is noted on microwaving due to increased extractability47. Con- dant activity by flavonoids. The resulting aroxyl radical (Flavonoid-O.) is
sumption of flavonoids and protein together, while postulated to reduce the more stable than other ROS and gains further stability on reacting with a
absorption of flavonoids, has not been shown to have an effect48. Thus, in second radical to form a stable quinine structure66. Several other mechanisms
general, flavonoid availability from food appears to be enhanced by cooking. of antioxidant activity of flavonoids have been proposed including scaveng-
ing of transition metal ions67, and inhibition of enzymes responsible for
1.2.4. THE MECHANISMS OF ACTION OF FLAVONOIDS antioxidant production. In terms of the latter property, flavonoids have been
shown to inhibit several pro-oxidant enzymes including xanthine oxidase68, Antioxidant Potential glutathione S-transferase69, nitric oxide synthase70, and NADH oxidase71
among others.
The ability of flavonoids to function as antioxidants has given them an
important place in the field of human health and medicine. Diets high in Pro-Oxidant Effects
flavonoids, fruits, and vegetables are protective against a variety of diseases, While flavonoids are best known for their anti-oxidant properties, it has been
particularly cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer49. The protec- shown that under certain conditions, flavonoids may be pro-oxidant. This
tive effects of flavonoids in biological systems are ascribed to their capacity property has been proposed to account for several biological effects of fla-
to transfer free radical electrons, chelate metal catalysts50, activate antioxi- vonoids, such as apoptosis, that are induced in the setting of oxidative stress.
dant enzymes51, reduce alpha-tocopherol radicals52, and inhibit oxidases53. These pro-oxidant effects have also been observed for other phenolic antioxi-
The flavones and catechins seem to be the most powerful flavonoids for dants including tocopherols, ascorbate, urate, curcumin and N-acetylcysteine.
protecting the body against reactive oxygen species54. Reactive oxygen spe- The balance between anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant effects of these compounds
cies (ROS) are highly reactive molecules with both physiologic and patho- is dependent on several factors in the cellular environment, particularly on
logic roles. ROS can occur in the form of molecules with highly reactive the presence of transition metal ions.
unpaired electrons known as free radicals (e.g. superoxide, O2.-), or as non-
radicals that are highly liable to form free radicals (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, The hydroxyl groups of flavonoids account for much of their antioxidant
H2O2). They can exist in the body as a result of deliberate synthesis (e.g. effect. After scavenging ROS, flavonoids are themselves oxidized, with a
production by macrophages for bacterial killing), or as a result of accidental hydroxyl group now containing a free radical known as a phenoxyl radical.
production by metabolic processes such cellular respiration in mitochondria, Some flavonoids possess a catechol structure in the B-ring. Oxidation of
or via exogenous insults such as smoking55. Many ROS are not in themselves these flavonoids can result in a semi-quinone radical. The flavonoid semi-
exceptionally reactive; however, in the presence of free heavy metal ions quinone can undergo further oxidation resulting in flavonoid quinone. There-
such as copper and iron they generate highly toxic radicals such as hydroxyl fore different types of oxidation of flavonoids occur depending on their exact
ions (OH.). ROS are highly damaging as they can attack lipids in cell mem- structure. In addition to scavenging of ROS, flavonoids can also be oxidized
branes, proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA. The resulting oxidative damage in other ways. These include oxidation by cellular peroxidases, or by auto-
may play a role in aging and chronic and degenerative diseases including oxidation in the presence of oxygen- a process greatly accelerated in the
cancer56-59. presence of transition metal ions.

About 1-3% of the oxygen we breathe ultimately goes into making ROS, The paradox of ‘antioxidant’ flavonoids is that in the process of scavenging
resulting in a huge burden of pro-oxidant free radicals that has to be effec- ROS, they become pro-oxidant radicals themselves, albeit less reactive than
tively removed60. The human body relies on both endogenous and exogenous the scavenged species. The flavonoid radicals never-the-less have undesirable
(dietary) anti-oxidant systems to buffer the effect of the ROS constantly properties. For example, in the presence of transition metals such as Cu+2,
produced by metabolic processes. Endogenous antioxidant systems include flavonoids undergo a series of redox reactions culminating in the genesis of
enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, which converts O2.- into H2O2, and damaging hydroxyl radicals72. Another mechanism involves the flavonoid-
glutathione peroxidase and catalase, that serve to remove H2O2. Non-enzy- quinones that are the products of oxidation in catechol containing flavonoids.
matic endogenous defense mechanisms have a significant anti-oxidant im- These are highly reactive to thiol groups, and result in the formation of
pact, including buffering by plasma urate and plasma protein thiols. Further- flavonoid conjugates with thiol containing proteins such as glutathione. In-
more, the sequestration of heavy metal ions in binding proteins such as terestingly, flavonoids that do not form flavonoid-quinones have also been
transferrin (iron) reduces the risk of formation of toxic hydroxyl radicals61 shown to form thiol conjugates, highlighting the complexity of flavonoid
physiology61,62. chemistry that remains to be fully elucidated73. The pro-oxidant effects of
flavonoids have been shown to result in DNA damage and lipid peroxidation

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020

Kutaiba Ibrahim Alzand et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(8),4013-4020
in vitro. Pro-oxidant radicals have been demonstrated for several flavonoids secretion in rats administered genistein98. Flavonoids also inhibit corticoster-
including myricetin74, quercetin75,76, proanthocyanidins77, green tea cat- oid secretion in vitro and in vivo98. Finally, the goitrogenic activity of soy is
echins78,79, daidzein80 and baicalin81. well documented, especially in the setting of iodine deficiency. This effect is
believed to be secondary to inhibition of thyroid peroxidase, a major metabo- Hormonal Properties lizing enzyme in thyroxine biosynthesis99. Overall, the interactions of fla-
Together with the antioxidant effects of flavonoids, the hormonal, and par- vonoids with steroid hormone pathways are highly complex. However, the
ticularly the estrogenic effects of flavonoids have garnered the greatest atten- effect of flavonoids on these pathways has been shown to ultimately cause
tion in flavonoid research over the past 50 years. The estrogenic properties alterations resulting in beneficial effects such as the negative regulation of
of flavonoids first came to light in the 1950’s when it was observed that proliferative stimuli. As with much of flavonoid research, the in vivo effects
sheep grazing on red clover pastures had reduced breeding rates82. Red clover of flavonoids on hormonal signaling require further study. This is highlighted
was found to contain several isoflavones and the estrogen-like properties of in a recent review by Hamilton-Reeves et al, where the majority of interven-
isoflavones were shown to account for fertility disturbances in animals feed- tion studies reviewed did not find a difference in circulating sex steroid
ing on red clover. As a result of their estrogen-like properties, isoflavones are hormone levels100.
also classed as phytoestrogens. Flavonoids from the flavone, flavonols,
flavonone and chalcone classes are considerably weaker phytoestrogens than REFERENCES
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 8.August 2012 4013-4020

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