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Critical Journal Review





NIM : 4163240014
Kelas : DIK B
Strata : S-2

Diserahkan Oktober 2018

Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika

Cetis, Hogeschool van Utrech., 2003. The Design Of Effective Ict-Supported Learning
Activities: Exemplary Models, Changing Requirements, And New Possibilities.
Education and Information Technologies. 8. 2. 195–214

The purpose of the critical journal review to be able to demonstrate mastery of topics
that discuss lectures, can explain the steps in detail in detailing the journals that have been
reviewed. As a reference in writing scientific papers in accordance with the rules and finding
interesting things as part of efforts to overcome critical abilities.
“The Design Of Effective Ict-Supported Learning Activities: Exemplary Models,
Changing Requirements, And New Possibilities” jounal ini menjelaskan tentang many
teachers find that interesting and wellplanned tasks, projects, and resources provide a key to
harnessing the educational potential of digital resources, Internet communications and
interactive multimedia to engage the interest, interaction, and knowledge construction of
young learners. Penulis buku Cameron Richards dengan January 2005, Volume 9, Number 1.

The formulation of the research problem is how to learn and learn what they learn in
formal education, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used as an "add-on"
in many classrooms and in many plans with effective design goals supported by ICT
Learning Activities
Introduction: The Challenge Of "Designing" Learning For Ict Integration
In general, ICTs are often used as an "add-on" in the classroom, demonstrations of
cutting-edge programs and possibilities often intimidate rather than encourage educators, and
teachers often resent the naïve rhetoric of ICT integration typically associated with top-down
policy imperatives (Cuban, 2001; Healy, 1998). One principle which suggested itself from
the outset is that effective teachers tend to see ICT resources and tools as much more than an
extension of "traditional" print resources, existing classroom practices, and "curriculum-as-
content" transmission. The integration of ICTs in teaching and learning is more likely if the
tools and resources of the Internet, multimedia, and related technologies are seen as being
integrally connected with literacy learning in the wider sense of learning as a matter of
accessing information, communicating, and applying knowledge (Kress, 2003; Lankshear &
Snyder, 2000).

The Context And Design Of The Inquiry

It also developed as an implicit focus of two related projects undertaken in Singapore
and Hong Kong: (a) the design and development of a model of activity-reflection e-portfolios
as a learning and assessment strategy for ICT integration, and (b) a practical and conceptual
investigation into a convergent model of ICT-supported learning environments (Richards,
2002, 2003).

Design of Inquiry
Harris's (1995, cited in Grabe & Grabe, 1998) threefold typology of meaningful ICT learning
activities (information exchanges, interpersonal exchanges, and problem-solving projects)
provided a useful focus for linking different approaches to related concept of stages which
increasingly emphasize more higher-order, applied, and innovative approaches to
pedagogical design for ICT integration in learning.

Gagne's (1987) theory exemplifies this tendency in instructional design. Taking
specific and typically lower-order learning outcomes or tasks as its reference point, this
theory proceeds retrospectively in linear fashion to describe the required "learning hierarchy"
of skills and processes. Gagne's associated theory of "instructional events" then proceeds in
terms of the typical linear and hierarchical assumptions of formal lesson planning: gaining
attention, lesson objectives, recall of prior learning, presentation, guidance, learner
performance, reinforcement, retrieval, and generalization. Adaptations of instructional design
as "instructional technology" thus tend to view the educational use use of ICTs (and any
technology media) in terms of their add-on facility to this process. Gagne's collaborator
David Merrill developed this approach further to outline a model of reusable ICT "learning
objects" and metadata which barely recognize the role of teaching or learning performance in

Evaluasi Kritis
Each journal has advantages and disadvantages. To see what is possible to write a
good journal for scientific work.
In learning abtrak has benefits such as To point. The reader is immediately presented
with the main ideas that will be discussed without the need to read the contents or discussion.
This is a method used to learn and learn various languages from keywords. This is also found
in this jurna. The learning keywords in this jounal are new, multi-disciplinary learning, team
work, innovation, and success factors. This jurna action has fulfilled the formulation of the
problem, purpose. But At this jurna it's a little difficult to find a destination. In the abstract, it
is difficult to find the purpose of this journal. May we have to repeat this place.
The introduction consists of problem formulation and research objectives. The
formulation of the problem and objectives in this journal is very clear and there is an
appropriate commitment. The aim is how important the education program is, implying
redesign of the substantive kurikurel. Project size is an illustration and innovation injection.
There is no weakness or introduction. Everything has been clearly and frankly drawn.
Theoretical study that is for the division of labor based on linear and ICT-based
research includes theories that discuss changes in innovation reported here. In the study of
toeritis, it is also a task to discuss how to learn from the learning team, requiring students to
carry out large tasks that are real life tasks and concrete life tasks. This explains that each
student has a shared responsibility to confirm making problems that are difficult to look at
from the front of the workforce. ICT-support is how to use ICT with baiak and its use in
learning. Theoretical study in this journal has explained the title of this journal. Basically
there is already a theoretical study for a journal. Here is also how you plan to organize
learning activities. Teachers of theoretical science in this journal are one of the strongest
This method does not correct the method carried out by the research. However, this
journal provides an example for the design of ICT-Supported Learning Activities: Exemplary
Models, Changing Requirements, and New Possibilities. In this example it is similar to the
scientific method of how the results of the paper work only use examples. An example of this
research is information used without qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Examples
include certain design, development and evaluation programs. How to share responsibility for
the task. Use of ICT, design learning that is done. So basically the journal only provides
information about how not on the results of a study that has been studied. The shortage in this
journal is that the method is not found.

The results can be used is that the principles of learning assignments with ICT provide
the basis for design success and development. The results are like Evaluation, learning
organization, development organization, ICT organization. The end result is the process of
impelmentation and success factors.
Reference writing such as the accuracy of reference authors, the wealth of resources
and the relevance of articles to the topic of the problem are good enough.
The advantage of this jounla is that this jounal explains about how to design and
develop new learning. The background, the formulation of the problem and the objectives of
this jounal are answered in the journal results. The disadvantage in this jounal is not the
method used.

To more effectively harness the exciting educational implications and learner-centred
possibilities of ICTs, teachers need (a) new design strategies for teaching and learning which
promote the applied integration of ICTs, and (b) to avoid the kind of add-on tendencies
associated with still dominant assumptions about formal lesson planning and syllabus design
on one hand, and are often inadvertent in the use of top-down models such as instructional
design and social constructivism learning theory. This inquiry has investigated how the
exemplary use of practical design models (a) provide a useful focus in teacher education for
encouraging teachers to become more active and innovative "designers" of ICTsupported
learning in the digital age, and (b) indicate the generic structure or anatomy of an effective
ICT-supported learning activity

This journal can be used as a reference in the theoretical foundation in making
scientific work. This socialization is good for prospective educators and educators in
developing new learning using ICT.

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