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Fill in with verb TO BE in Past Simple

1) I (be) ,……………………………….tired last night.

2) You (be) ……………………………happy last night.

3) Richard and I (be)…………………………………… excitied last night.

4) Javier and Roberto (be) ………………………………….lazy last night.

5) Julian (be) …………………………………………….angry yesterday.

6) Rachel (be)………………………………….. sleepy yesterday.

7) The movie (be) ……………………………scary. I don't want to watch it again.

8) Ko, Teddy, and Peter (be) …………………………tired after the long drive.

9) Johnathan (be) …………………………………….hungry. So, he ate a sandwich.

10) My mom (be) …………………………helping the teacher at school yesterday.

1. I (be) …………………………..tired yesterday.

2) You (be) ……………………………happy yesterday.

3) We (be) …………………………sad yesterday.

4) They (be)……………………….. busy yesterday.

5) He (be) …………………………….angry yesterday.

6) She (be) ……………………………sleepy yesterday.

7) It (be) ……………………………cold yesterday.

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