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CODE : PMC 515

COURSE TITLE : Education and Development

DAY : Wednesday

LECTURE TIME : 8.00 – 10.00 pm / E48 B

TUTORIAL TIME : 5.00 – 7.00 pm [E48 B]

COORDINATOR/LECTURER: Associate Prof. Dr. Hazri bin Jamil (HJ) E-Mail:,
Associate Prof. Dr.Mohammad Zohir Shaari (MZS) E-Mail:

Dr.Muftahu Jibirin Salihu (MJS)



UNIT : 3


This course aims to provide knowledge and understanding to students about various issues, ideas,
theories and perspectives of education and its relationship to development. The main focus of this
course is to explain, discuss and build understanding of the issues related to education and
development. Through this course, students will be able to understand the function of education to the
development and education policy construction associated with the development. Students will discuss
and debate the role of ideas, theories and views on the development of education in terms of its
functions to economic growth, human capital development, social, political and economic change and
issues of equality of opportunity in education, globalization and the sustainability development.
Students will also discuss and critically analyze issues of education and development at national and
international levels through reading, intellectual discussion and debate in lectures and tutorials and
discussions via online forums.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student would be able to
1. Relates the theoretical perspective on development and educational ideas with the practices
and policies of education and development
2. Analyze educational issues based on theoretical perspective and development models
3. Criticize education ideas and educational development trends that apply in national and global
4. Provide critical views based on various theoretical perspectives in discussing issues of
development and education


Week/Date Topic Lecturer Remarks

1 The concept of development based on various
13/09/18 views and perspectives of development theory.
[Thursday] • Growth and development. HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
● Development indicators
● Develop and non-develop

2 • Theories and perspectives on Human Capital

20/09/18 • Education for human capital and talent 8.00 – 10.00 pm
development HJ

3 • Modernization Theory 8.00 – 10.00 pm

● Analysis of modernization theory: structural HJ
27/09/18 theory
[Thursday] • Theory of dependency and world system
• Functional and of social conflict theory

4 Institutional Theoretical Perspective

04/10/18 HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] • Cultural Reproduction and Resistance Theory
• Alocation and Legitimation Theory
• Charter Theory
• Institutional Theory

5 Education and Social Mobility

11/10/18 HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] ● Concept of Social Mobility
• Education for Social Stratification and Social
• Sponsored mobility
• Contest mobility
• School as screening tool (Screening
hypotheses theory)

6 Diploma Desease
18/10/18 HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] Deschooling Society

7 Democratization of Education
25/10/18 • Horizontal democratization HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] • Vertical democratization

Equality of educational opportunity

8 • Professionalism and bureaucratization of

01/11/18 education MSJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] • School of social institution

9 06.11.2018 – 11.11.2016
Mid Semester Break

10 Education and Nation Building MSJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm


11 Private Education and Development

22/11/18 MZA 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] • Privatization of education
• Private education models
● Issues in private education

12 • Education and Sustainable Development MZA

29/11/18 • Life-Long Education and Development 8.00 – 10.00 pm

13 Higher Education and Development

06/12/18 MSJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] ● Higher education models
● Higher Education for development

14 Globalization and its effect on education

13/12/18 development
● World models for education MSJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm
[Thursday] ● Education and competiveness
• Changes in development and education
(Technology, internet, IR4.0,innovation, ideas
about education)

Summary and Discussion HJ 8.00 – 10.00 pm

D. References

Main references:

Bock, J. (1982). “Education and Development: A Conflict in Meaning,” in P. Altbach, et. al. (eds).
Comparative Education. New York: Macmillan. Chapter 5.
Coleman, J. (1977). “The Concept of equality of educational opportunity,” in Cosin, et. Al. (eds). School
and Society: A Sociological Reader. London: Routledge and Keagen Paul and Open University, 2
edition, pp 216-223.
Daun, H. (2002). Globalization and national education system. In H. Daun (ed.). Educational
Restructuring in the Context of Globalization and National Policy. New Nork & London: Routledge
Falmer, 1-31
Fägerlind, I and Saha, L.J. (1983). Educational and National Development: A Comparative Perspective.
Oxford: Pergamon Press
Giroux, H. (1984). Theories of reproduction and resistance in the new sociology of education: A critical
analysis. Harvard Education Review, 53(3):257-293
Todaro, M. P. (2006).Economic Development Growth, Poverty and Income Distribution (9 edition). New
York: Addison-Welsey (Chapter 5).
Ronald, D. (1976). Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification and Development. London: Allen & Unwin.
Illich, I. (1970). Deschooling Society. New York: Harper & Row
Meyer, J. (1977). “The Effect of Education as an Institution,” American Journal of Sociology.
Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (1977).Reproduction in Education, Societies and Culture. Beverly Hills:

1. Comparative Education
2. Comparative Education Review
3. Economic Development and Cultural Change
4. Economic Education
5. Higher Education
6. International Studies in Sociology of Education
7. Journal of Developing Societies
8. Sociology of Education


E. Tutorial

Week/Date Analyse and critically discuss the topics as followed: Tutor Remarks

5.00 – 7.00 pm
3 a. Factors and obstacles to development based on HJ/MZA
functional and critical perspectives
27/09/18 b. The importance of education to development.

4 a. The concept of human capital in development HJ/MZA

04/10/18 b. Education role as investment in human capital 5.00 – 7.00 pm

5 a. Sponsored and Contest Mobility
11/10/18 b. Education as screening tool HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm

6 a. Schools as cultural and social reproduction agents of HJ/MZA

18/10/18 dominant society groups 5.00 – 7.00 pm
[Thursday] b. The idea of habitus and symbolic violence by Peire
c. The impact of cultural and social reproduction on
student achievement gaps in school

7 a. The Legitimating Theory of Education HJ/MZA

25/10/18 b. Direct effects of education as an institution on social, 5.00 – 7.00 pm
[Thursday] economic and political structures of society.

8 a. The concept of 'diploma disease'. HJ/MZA

01/11/18 b. Impact of 'diploma disease' on development.
[Thursday] c. Ivan Illich's criticism of school and ideas
about alternative forms of education

9 06.11.2018 – 11.11.2016
Cuti Pertengahan Semester

10 a. Democratization of education
15/11/18 b. horizontally and vertical democratization in education HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm
[Thursday] c. Concepts and ideas about equality and equity in
educational opportunities.

11 a. The difference between education and schooling

22/11/18 b. Bureaucratization of education in the school system. HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm
[Thursday] c. Effects of bureaucratization in in school

12 a. Concept of Sustainable development

29/11/18 b. Pendidikan untuk pembangunan lestari HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm

13 a. Privatisation of education and development

06/12/18 b. Criticism on privatisation of education 5.00 – 7.00 pm
[Thursday] c. Higher education and development HJ/MZA

14 a. Globalisation and effects on education HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm

b. World model for education by Daun (2002).
20/12/18 Discussion and conclusion
HJ/MZA 5.00 – 7.00 pm

F. Course Work Assessment (60%)

Mode Percentage Date of submission

Presentations and discussions based on tutorial topics 10% -
by the group of students in tutorial sessions (each
maximum group of 3 people).

Assignment - Journal critique (Individual)

Based on any lecture title, select ONE article from the 20% Before or in the Week 9
relevant academic journals. Then make critical analysis
and discussion of the ideas and contents of the article
Every journal criticism is provided no more than SIX
pages and not less than FOUR pages of 1.5 spacing.
Students need to attcach copy of the article being

Project - (maximum group of 2 people)

Select an educational issue related to lecture titles. 30% Before or in the Week 14
Using secondary data from official sources, write an
article to discuss, analyse and synthesis the issue.
Writing should follow the format of academic articles
and discussions should be supported by data,
references and thoughtful ideas. The project report
should be between 15 and 20 pages, 1.5 spacing


1. Gudeline for presentation (10%)

• Each group should be between 3 and 4 people
• The group leader should also present a report on the completion of assignments by each group
• Students are required to submit critical arguments based on theoretical analysis and relevance
fact analysis
• The group is responsible for establishing interactions and discussions with
other students in the tutorial group
• Assessment will be based on critical, analytical and clarity arguments and the ablity to stimulate
critical and intellectual discussions in tutorial
2. Guideline for the Journal Cirtique (20%)
• Every journal criticism should not exceed 6 pages and no less than 4 pages 1.5 spacing
• Before commencing this assignment, students are advised to meet with the lecturer to ensure
the suitability of the articles and journals selected for criticism.
• Students are required to present critical comments, demonstrating relevance to the theory and
submitting appropriate arguments and facts in the context of education in Malaysia or
comparison with other countries
• Copies of the articles being reviewed should be included as Appendix.
• Writing should follow the rules of academic writing along with the list of references used.
• Evaluation will be based on selected articles and journals, critical analysis, relevance to the
theory and originality of the argument and the discourse of the debates presented

3. Guideline for Project (30%)
• Each group should be no more than 3 persons
• The project report should be between 15 and 20 pages, 1.5 spacing
• Students are encouraged to meet and discuss with the lecturer in the process of preparing this
• Reports should be accompanied by reference sources and in accordance with the format of
academic writing
• The original discussion and criticisms associated with appropriate theoretical perspectives are
strongly encouraged.
• Evaluation will be based on the ability of students to analyze critically selected issues, supported
by secondary data and can build and show the clarity of relationships with the theoretical
perspective underlying your discussion.

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