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In this chapter, rather than simply describe the motion, we will consider the forces that cause the motion to
occur. Treating motion in this way falls within the branch of mechanics called dynamics.
Some are applied directly to an object and some act on a body without touching it. Forces that act directly
on a body are called contact forces, because the body will only experience the force while contact is
maintained. Forces that act on a body at a distance are non-contact forces.
Gravitation, magnetic and electric forces are examples of non-contact forces.

Force is a vector quantity because the direction in which a force acts is always significant. I FORCE… is measured in
newtons (N) and is a vector quantity. It requires a magnitude and a direction to describe it fully.

If more than one force acts on a body at the same time, the body behaves as if only one force—the vector
sum of all the forces—is acting. The vector sum of the forces is called the resultant or net force, ΣF (shown as
a double-headed arrow).

The NET FORCE acting on a body experiencing a number of forces acting

simultaneously is given by the vector sum of all the individual forces acting: ΣF = F1
+ F2 + ... + Fn
Because force is a vector quantity, the addition of a number of forces must be undertaken with the directions of the
individual forces in mind.

EXAMPLE : When the forces (95 N acting towards the east and 20 N acting to the west) are added, the resultant or net
force is 75 N towards the east. The box will move as though this resultant force is the only force acting on it.

1 N es la fuerza que al mantenerla aplicada sobre una masa de 1 kg le produce una

aceleración de 1 m/s2 (incrementa su velocidad en 1 m/s cada segundo).

If the forces that are acting are perpendicular (or any other angle) to each other, the resultant force
must still be found by performing a vector addition. Consider the example of a shopping trolley that is
being simultaneously pushed from behind by one person and pushed from the side by another.

To find the magnitude of the resultant force, Pythagoras’s theorem must be used:

Remember, when adding vectors, the tail of the second vector is placed at the head of the first. The resultant vector is from the tail of the
first vector to the head of the second.

A boy pushes a shopping trolley (mass 15 kg) with a constant force of 75 N. A constant
frictional force of 20 N is present.
4.1 Draw a labeled force diagram to identify all the forces acting on the shopping trolley.
Determine the resultant force on the trolley.

Remember, when adding vectors, the tail of the second vector is placed at the head of the first. The
resultant vector is from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second.
N es la fuerza que al mantenerla aplicada sobre una masa de 1 kg le produce una
aceleración de 1 m/s2 (incrementa su velocidad en 1 m/s cada segundo).

Calculate the resultant force in each of the following vector additions:

i 200 N up and 50 N down

ii 65 N west and 25 N east

iii 10 N north and 10 N south

iv 10 N north and 10 N west

While playing at the beach, Sally and Ken kick a stationary beachball simultaneously with forces of 100 N south and
150 N west respectively. The ball moves as if it were only subjected to the net force. what is the magnitude of the net
force on the ball?

En el pla inclinat
Sore un cuerpo situado n el plano inclinado actua una fuerza peso que se puede descomponer

Inclined plane problems involving gravity, forces of friction , moving objects etc. require
vector representations of these quantities. Components are better in representing forces
using rectangular system of axes since they make calculations such as the addition of forces
A 2 Kg box is put on the surface of an inclined plane at 27 ° with the horizontal. The surface
of the inclined plane is assumed to be frictionless.
a) Draw a free body diagram of the box on the inclined plane and label all forces acting on
the box.
b) Determine the acceleration a of the box down the plane.
c) Determine the magnitude of the force exerted by the inclined plane on the box.

A stationary hockey ball is struck with a force of 100 N in the direction of 30° . What are the components of this force

F y = 100sin30° = 50 N
F x = 100 cos30° = 87 N
The ball moves as though forces of 50 N and 87 N were acting on it simultaneously.


What are the horizontal and vertical components of a 300 N force that is applied along a rope at 60° to the horizontal
used to drag a Christmas tree across the backyard?

Hi ha dues forces que actuen sobre aquest objecte : el pes ( weight) i la forca N ( normal o froca que fa el pla inclincat
sobre aquest objecte )

Ara caldra descomponsar la forca Pes (W) en els seus components perpendicalars emprant la trigonometria ( sinus,
cosens ....) en le eixos de coordenades
Determine the force needed to keep a 10 kg block from slid-ng down a frictionless slope.
The slope makes an angle of 30◦ with the horizontal.
Pes= weight = masa en Kg x gravetat = 10 x 9,8 = 98
Aquesta forca pes l’ he de descomposar en les seves components perpendiculars. La
forca que impedira que la pedra caigui haura de ser igual que la component Px , o sigui
Px = 98. Sen 30 = 49 N en direccio cap amunt


The WEI GHT of a body, W or Fg, is defined as the force of attraction on a body due to gravity: W = Fg = mg
where m is the mass of the body (kg) g is the acceleration due to gravity (m s−2) g is also known as the
GRAVITATIONAL FIELD STRENGTH. The unit of the gravitational field strength is newton/kg or N kg−1.

Quan l'acceleració que actua sobre un cos és la de la gravetat (g) , la força resultant de la multiplicació d'aquesta acceleració
per la massa del cos és el pes, que es representa amb el vector p i té direcció vertical i sentit cap al centre de la Terra.
Segons aquest principi podem establir que:

Pes = massa x gravetat p=m.g

As a consequence of this, the weight of a body will change as it is placed in different gravitational fields.
On the Earth a 50 kg TV will have a weight of 50 × 9.8 = 490 N downwards. On the Moon, the gravitational
field strength is lower at 1.6 N kg−1, and so the TV will be easier to lift since its weight is now only 50 × 1.6 =
80 N. In deep space, far from any stars or planets, where g = 0, the TV would be truly weightless, although
its mass would still be 50 kg.


On the surface of the Earth, a geological hammer has a mass of 1.5 kg. Determine its mass and weight on
Mars where g = 3.6 m s−2.


NeWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION states that a body will either remain at rest or continue with constant
speed in a straight line (i.e. constant velocity) unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force.
The motion of a spacecraft cruising in deep space is another good example of a body moving with constant velocity
as required by Newton’s first law. As there is no gravitational force, and no air in space to retard its motion, the
spacecraft will continue with constant speed in a straight line.

Where the net force on a body is zero, i.e. ΣF = 0, the forces are said to be balanced and are in equilibrium

Dit d’ ina altre manera

1 a llei e Newton o Llei de la Inèrcia, segons la qual perquè un cos es mantingui en equilibri o en
Moviment Rectilini Uniforme, cal que la força total que hi actuï sigui nul—la

exemple: Un carro estirat per dos bous es mou cap a la dreta a una velocitat constant. Sabem que un
dels bous realitza una força de 237,8 N i que l’aire ofereix una resistència de 514,6 N. Quina força
realitza el segon bou?
1) Identifiquem les variables i anotem les dades que tenim: Fbou1 = 237,8 N Faire = 514,6 N Fbou2 =

2) Apliquem la Llei de la Inèrcia. Assignarem signe positiu a les forces que apuntin cap a la dreta i
negatiu a les forces que apuntin cap a l’esquerra.

Recapitulem quines forces actuen sobre el carro:

- la força del primer bou actua cap a la dreta: Fbou1 = 237,8 N

- la resistència de l’aire actua cap a l’esquerra: Faire = - 514,6 N

- la força del segon bou actua cap a la dreta i és el que hem de calcular.

3) La Llei de la Inèrcia ens diu que la suma de totes les forces que actuen sobre el carro ha de ser
igual a zero: Fbou2 + Fbou1+ Faire = 0

4) Substituïm les dades i resolem: Fbou2 + 237,8 – 514,6 = 0 Fbou2 = -237,8 + 514,6 = 276,8 N
Acyclist keeps her bicycle travelling with a constant velocity of 8.0 m s−1 east on a horizontal surface by continuing to
pedal. Aforce (due to friction and air resistance) of 60 N acts against the motion. What force must be supplied by the
rear wheel of the bicycle?

Solution If the cyclist is to continue at a constant 8.0 m s−1 east, then the forces that act on the bicycle must be in
equilibrium, i.e. ΣF = 0. This means that the forces due to air resistance and friction are exactly balanced by the
pedalling force. Aforce of 60 N east must be produced at the rear wheel.

Un cuerpo se mueve sobre un plano horizontal en el que hay rozamiento,con movimiento

rectilíneo y uniforme. Al actuar sobre él una fuerza constante de 50 N:
a) ¿Existe algún tipo de aceleración?
b) Deduce la fuerza de rozamiento.


1 If a person is standing up in a moving bus that stops suddenly, the person will tend to fall forwards. Has a force
acted to push the person forwards? Use Newton’s first law of motion to explain what is happening.

We wear seat belts in cars. This is to protect us when the car is involved in an accident. If
a car is traveling at 120 km·hr−1, the passengers in the car is also traveling at 120
km·hr−1. When the car suddenly stops a force is exerted on the car (making it slow
down), but not on the
passengers. The passengers will carry on moving forward at 120 km·hr−1according to

2 What horizontal force has to be applied to a wheelie bin if it is to be wheeled to the street on a horizontal
path against a frictional force of 20 N at a constant 1.5 m s −1?

Una nave espacial se desliza por el espacio con una velocidad constante de 20 km/s siguiendo
una trayectoria rectilínea.
a) Si queremos que la nave no se pare, ¿tendremos que aplicar alguna fuerza?
b) ¿Y si queremos cambiar a una órbita circular?
c) ¿Qué sucederá si uno de los tripulantes sale de la nave y se rompe
la cadena de seguridad que lo sujeta?

Per què un ciclista ha de pedalejar encara que vagi per una carretera plana? Contradiu això el principi
d’inèrcia? Justifiqueu la resposta.
Newton’s second law of motion
When there is a non-zero net force acting on a body, the body will accelerate in the direction of the net force.
Newton explained that the rate of this acceleration will depend on both the size of the net force and the mass of the
body. Experiments show that the acceleration produced is directly proportional to the size of the net force acting:

Experiments also show that the acceleration produced by a given net force depends on the mass of the body. We
know that a greater mass has a greater inertia, so it will be more difficult to accelerate. Not surprisingly,
experiments reveal that the acceleration produced by a particular force is inversely proportional to the mass of
the body:

F = m. a
La acceleracion de un objeto es inversamente proporcional a la fuerza que esta actuando sobre el e
inversamente proporcional a su masa

F = ma is a vector equation in which the direction of the acceleration is in the same direction
as the net force. If only one force acts, the acceleration will be in the direction of that force.

Exemples resolts

Example : A 10 kg box is placed on a table. A horizontal force of 32 N is applied to the box.

A frictional force of 7 N is present between the surface and the box. 1. Draw a force
diagram indicating all the horizontal forces acting on the box. 2. Calculate the
acceleration of the box.
Applied force F1 = 32 N
Frictional force Ff = - 7 N
Mass m = 10 kg
F1 + Ff = (10)(a) 32 − 7 = 10 a 25 = 10 a a = 2,5m· s−1towards the left

Xutem una pilota de 0,2 kg i li provoquem una acceleració de 40 m/s 2. Quina és

la força que hi hem aplicat?
1) Identifiquem les variables i anotem les dades que tenim:
m = 0,2 kg a = 40 m/s2 F = incògnita
2) Fem servir la 2a llei de Newton: F = m . a
Hi substituïm les dades i resolem:
F = 0,2 . 40 = 8 N

Determine the size of the force required to accelerate an 80 kg athlete from rest to 12 m s−1 in
a westerly direction in 5.0 s.
First, determine the acceleration of the athlete:
v = velocitat inicial + at
a = ( v – u) / t = (12 – 0 ) / 5.0 a = 2.4 m s−2 west
The net force can now be found using Newton’s second law:
ΣF = ma = 80 × 2.4 = 190 N west
If more than one force acts on a body, the acceleration will be in the direction of the net force, i.e. the vector
sum of all of the forces.
A swimmer whose mass is 75 kg applies a force of 350 N as he begins a race. The water opposes his efforts to
accelerate with a drag force of 200 N. What is his initial acceleration?
The net force on the swimmer in the horizontal direction will be:
ΣF = Fapplied + Fdrag
Avector addition gives ΣF = 150 N forwards.
a = SF m = 150 / 75 = 2.0 m s−2 in the direction of the applied force

Two crates, 10 kg and 15 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope according to
the diagram. A force of 500 N is applied. The boxes move with an acceleration of 2
m·s−2. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the frictional force present.

To find the frictional force we will apply Newton’s Second Law. We are given the mass
(10 + 15 kg) and the acceleration (2 m·s−2).
FR = ma
Fapplied + Ff = ma
500 + Ff = (10 + 15)(2) Ff = 50 – 500 Ff = −450N
The frictional force is 450 N opposite to the direction of motion

Halla la aceleración que experimenta un bloque de 500 g de masa apoyado en una

superficie horizontal que lo frena con una fuerza de 3 N al aplicarle una fuerza de 9
aplicamos F= m.a; sabiendo que en realidad esa fórmula es ΣF = m.a.
La suma de los efectos de todas las fuerzas debe comunicarle una aceleración.
Otra condición para que la utilización de la fórmula sea correcta es que estén sus
unidades en el mismo sistema de unidades (usamos el S.I).
En este caso la masa debemos expresarla en kg.
M=500 g = 0,5 Kg
ΣF =m.a: 9 - 3 = 0,5. a
Despejando: a= 12 m.s-2

Quina força hem de fer sobre un cos de 105 kg de mas-sa que està damunt
d’una superfície
horitzontal, si volem que faci un recorregut de 25 m en 12 s? Suposeu que no
hi ha fregament
entre la caixa i el pla horitzontal i que el cos està inicialment en repòs.
m 105 kg
x 25 m t 12 s
v0 0

Delta x = v0 delta t + ½ a delta t 2

25 = ½ a 122 a = 0,35 m/s2
F = ma = 105 x 0,35 = 36,46 N

A 150 g hockey ball is simultaneously struck by two hockey sticks. If the sticks supply a force
of 15 N en direccio vertical and 20 N cap a la dreta respectively, de manera perpendicular l’
una amb l’ altre . Determine the acceleration of the ball, and the direction in which it will
Remember to work in kilograms. Calculate the net force acting on the ball by performing a
vector addition when the forces are perpendicular :
ΣF = F1 + F2
ΣF = √F12 + F22 = √152 + 202 = √225 + 400 = √625 = 25 N
a = Net force . m = 25. 0.15 = 170 m s−2
A 1.5 kg trolley cart is connected by a cord to a 2.5 kg mass . The cord is placed over a pulley
and allowed to fall under the influence of gravity.
a ssuming that the cart can move over the table unhindered by friction, determine the
acceleration of the cart.
b If a frictional force of 8.5 N acts against the cart, what is the magnitude of the acceleration

a The cart and mass experience a net force equal to the weight of the falling mass. So ΣF =
Fg = mg = 2.5 × 9.8 = 24.5 N down. This force has to accelerate not only the cart but the
falling mass, and so the total mass to be accelerated is 1.5 + 2.5 = 4.0 kg.
a = SF m = 24.5 4.0 = 6.1 m s−2 to the right
b In analysing the forces that now act on the cart, the net force is:
ΣF = 24.5 −8.5 = 16 N to the right,
and a = SF m = 16 4.0 = 4.0 m s−2 to the right.

Un cuerpo de 1 kg recorre 8 m en una rampa de 45° al deslizarse partiendo del reposo

durante 2 s. Calcula:
a) La aceleración media.
El movimiento del cuerpo es rectilíneo uniformemente acelerado. Recuerda la formula
s = v0 . t + ½ a . t2 v0 = velocitat inicial = 0
a = 4 m/s2
b) La fuerza neta que produce el movimiento o fuerza total
La fuerza es directamente proporcional a la aceleración:
a) F = m. a F = 1 kg . 4 m/s2 = 4 N
C ) La fuerza que se opone al deslizamiento.
La fuerza que favorece el movimiento es la componente Px del peso:
Px = P. sen 45° = 1 kg . 9,8 m/s2 . sen 45° = 6,9 N
A esta fuerza hay que restarla la de rozamiento, ya que la fuerza total es de 4 N.
FTotal = 4 N
F rozamieto= 6,9 N - 4 N = 2,9 N
Tension in Ropes and Cables
While an elevator is supporting or lifting you, what is supporting the elevator? The simple
answer is
cables — exceedingly strong steel cables. Constructioncranes also use steel cables to lift
building materials to the top of skyscrapers under construction. When a crane exerts a
force on
one end of a cable, each particle in the cable exerts an equal force on the next particle in
the cable, creating tension throughout the cable. The cable then exerts aforce on its load.
Tension is the magnitude of the force exerted on and by a cable, rope, or string. How do
engineers determine the amount of tension that these cables must be able to withstand?
They apply Newton’s laws of motion.

An elevator filled with people has a total mass of 2245 kg. As the elevator
begins to rise, the acceleration is 0.55 m/s2. What is the tension in the cable
that is lifting the elevator?

Two forces are acting on the elevator: the cable (_FT) and gravity (_F g).
The elevator is rising and speeding up, so the acceleration is upward. Newton’s
second law applies to the problem.
F total = F tension + F gravity F total = ma = 2245. 0.55 F gravity= weight = m. g = 2245 x 9,8
F tension = F total – F g = ma –(-mg)

A 32 kg child is practising climbing skills on a climbing wall, while being belayed (secured
at the end of a rope) by a parent. The child loses her grip and dangles from the belay
rope. When the parent starts lowering the child, the tension in the rope is 253 N.Find the
acceleration of the child when shenis first being lowered.


A un cos de 1.000 kg que està sobre el terra se’l sotmet a una força horitzontal de 300 N durant 5
segons. Suposa que es pot moure lliurement i que no hi ha fricció amb el terra.
a. Calcula l’acceleració que tindrà. b. La seva velocitat al cap dels 5 segons.
0,3 m/s2 1,5 m/s

Dos patinadors, un de 40 kg i l’altre de 80 kg de massa, es troben un davant de l’altre. Estan sobre

una superfície sense fricció i el primer empeny al segon amb una força de 20 N.
a. Calcula l’acceleració que tindrà cadascun d’ells

Si sostenim amb la mà un cos de 10 kg, calcula la força que hauré de fer jo en els casos següents.
a. Mantenir-lo en repòs. b. Pujar-lo amb una acceleració d’1 m/s2. c. Baixar-lo amb una acceleració
d’1 m/s2.

Calculeu la força resultant que s’efectua sobre un cos de 34 kg de massa, que està sobre una
superfície horitzontal que no presenta fregament, en les situacions següents, i efectueu un diagrama
El cos es mou cap a la dreta, amb velocitat constant de 2,5 m/s.
El cos es mou cap a la dreta amb acceleració constant de 0,85 m/s 2.
El cos es mou cap a l’esquerra amb acceleració constant de 4,8 m/s 2.

Volem moure una caixa de 25 kg que està inicialment en repòs damunt d’una
superfície horitzontal.
Si apliquem una força de 100 N paral.lela a la superfície, quin temps tarda a
adquirir una
velocitat de 72 km/h, suposant que no hi ha fregament entre la caixa i el pla?
(Resposta 5 s )
In a game of soccer, the ball is simultaneously kicked by two players who impart horizontal forces of 100 N
east and 125 N south on the ball. Determine:
a the net force acting on the ball
b the acceleration of the ball if its mass is 750 g.

What is the average force required of the brakes on a 1200 kg car in order for it to
come to rest from 60 km h−1 in a distance of 150 m?

During a tennis serve, a ball of mass 0.060 kg is accelerated to 30 m s –1 from rest in just 7.0 ms.
a Calculate the average acceleration of the ball.
b What is the average net force acting on the ball during the serve?

Sobre un cotxe actuen dues forces: la força del motor, que provoca el
moviment, de 5.425 N i la resistència de l’aire, que s’oposa al moviment, de
1.237 N. Sabent que la seva massa és de 528 kg, quina serà la seva
acceleració? Resposta 7,9 m/s 2

Un armari és empès per un noi i una noia amb unes forces de 146 i 159 N,
respectivament. Per fer-ho, han de vèncer una resistència de 172 N. Sabent
que la seva acceleració és de 1,8 m/s2, quina és la massa de l’armari? 73,9 kg

Un automóvil de una tonelada y media de masa se mueve bajo la

fuerza del motor de 9500 N. ¿Con qué aceleración se moverá el
a) Suponiendo despreciable el rozamiento.
b) Si la fuerza de rozamiento es de 500 N

Mary is paddling a canoe. The paddles are providing a constant driving force of 45 N south and the
frictional forces total 25 N north. The mass of the canoe is 15 kg and Mary has a mass of 50 kg.
a What is Mary’s mass?
b Calculate Mary’s weight.

A 10 kg box is placed on a table. A horizontal force of 32 N is applied to the box. A

frictional force of 7 N is present between the surface and the box.
1. Draw a force diagram indicating all the horizontal forces acting on the box.
2. Calculate the acceleration of the box.
Una fuerza de tracción paralela al suelo de 60 N debe vencer un rozamiento de 10 N
cuando arrastra un bloque de 50 kg sobre una superficie horizontal ¿Qué aceleración
le comunica? ¿Qué distancia recorre si la fuerza permanece aplicada 4 s
sobre el cuerpo e inicialmente éste estaba en reposo sobre la superficie


states that for every action force (object A on B), there is an equal and opposite
reaction force (object B on A): F(A on B) = −F(B on A)
When body A exerts a force F on body B, body B will exert an equal and opposite
force –F on body A.

It is important to recognise that the action force and the reaction force in Newton’s third law act on different
objects and so should never be added together. It is also important to understand that even though action–
reaction forces are always equal in size, the effect of these forces may be very different.
Newton’s third law also explains how we are able to move around. In fact, the third law is
needed to explain all locomotion.
Características de las fuerzas de Acción - Reacción
Surgen de una interacción.
Nunca aparece una sola: son dos y simultáneas.
Actúan sobre cuerpos diferentes: una en cada cuerpo.
Nunca forman un par de fuerzas: tienen la misma línea de acción.
Un cuerpo que experimenta una única
interacción no está en equilibrio (F #0), pues sobre él aparece una fuerza única que lo
acelera. Para estar en equilibrio se requieren por lo menos dos interacciones.

Quan un cavall tira d’un carro, la força que efectua és exactament igual, en
mòdul, però en sentit contrari, a la que efectua el carro sobre el cavall. Com és
que pot haver-hi moviment, si són forces oposades? Raoneu la resposta.
Penseu que aquestes forces, encara que siguin iguals, estan aplicades sobre cossos
diferents, i,
considerant totes les forces que actuen sobre cada cos, és possible el moviment tal i com
la 3a llei de Newton

Indiqueu tres exemples de la vida quotidiana que posin en evidència el principi

i expliqueu com es verifica.
Quan disparem amb un fusell sentim una força que empeny el fusell cap enrere; en
aquest cas,
aquest fenomen és una conseqüència del principi d’acció-reacció: el fusell efectua una
sobre la bala que impulsa aquesta cap endavant; en contrapartida, la bala efectua la
força sobre el fusell, però en sentit contrari.
Quan volem saltar fem una força sobre el terra verticalment cap a baix; d’acord amb el
d’acció-reacció, el terra fa la mateixa força sobre nosaltres, però en sentit contrari, i així
impulsa verticalment cap a dalt.
Quan estem a dintre d’una piscina, ens podem impulsar tot efectuant una força sobre
una paret
vertical de la piscina: la paret ens impulsa en sentit contrari.

The normal force

When an object, say a rubbish bin, is allowed to fall under the influence of gravity, it is easy to see the effect
of the force of gravity., the only force acting is the weight, so the net force is the weight, and the bin
therefore accelerates at g.
When the bin is at rest on a table, the force of gravity (Fg = W = mg) is still acting. Since the bin is at rest,
there must be another force (equal in magnitude and opposite in direction) acting to balance the weight.
This upwards force is provided by the table. Because of the weight of the bin, the table is deformed a little,
and being elastic, it will push upwards. The elastic force it provides is perpendicular to its surface and is
called a normal reaction force FN or N, (often abbreviated to the normal force). This means that there are two
forces that act on the bin which will completely balance each other so that the net force is zero
The normal force and the weight force in these examples are equal and opposite. However, this does not mean
that they are an action–reaction pair as described by Newton’s third law! The weight force and the normal force act
on the same body (the bin) so they cannot be an action–reaction force pair. Remember that in Newton’s third law,
one force acts on one object and the other force acts on the other object.

The NORMAL FORCE is a reaction force supplied by a surface at 90° to its plane.

Hooke's law/ springs

Hooke's law is a principle of physics that states that the force F needed to extend or compress a
spring by some distance X is proportional to that distance.
That is: F = kX, where k is a constant factor characteristic of the spring: its stiffness,

Una molla és un cos elàstic. És a dir una força el pot deformar, però en deixar d’actuar, la molla
recupera la seva forma original.
Aquesta propietat de les molles, l’elasticitat, es compleix dintre de certs límits. Si estirem la molla
amb prou força, la convertirem en un fil metàl∙lic desprovist de qualsevol mena d’elasticitat

Problemes resolts

Si a un resorte se le cuelga una masa de 200 gr y se deforma 15 cm, ¿cuál

será el valor de su constante?
Solución: Para poder resolver el problema, convirtamos las unidades
dadas a unidades del Sistema Internacional, quedando así:

El problema nos proporciona una masa, pero hace falta una fuerza para
poder realizar los cálculos, entonces multiplicamos la masa por la acción
de la aceleración de la gravedad para obtener el peso, que finalmente es
una fuerza.

Ahora solo queda despejar ” k ” en la fórmula de la Ley de Hooke. F= k. X

Se cuelga de un muelle una bola de masa de 15 kg, cuya constante elástica vale 2100
N/m, determinar el alargamiento del muelle en centímetros.
Si tenemos la masa, podemos calcular el peso que finalmente viene siendo nuestra fuerza

A spring is stretched 10 mm (0.01 m) by a weight of 2.0 N. Calculate: a the force

constant k, and b the weight W of an object that causes an extension of 80 mm
(0.08 m).
a F= k. X k = F/x
b W stretching force F k x 200 N/m 0.08 m 16 N

Exercici The spring in stretches from 10 cm to 22 cm when a force of 4 N is

applied. If it obeys Hooke’s law, its total length in cm when a force of 6 N is
applied is ?

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