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PHY501 Classical Mechanics L T P C

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Version No.1.00
Course Prerequisites Students must have learnt Newtonian Mechanics at UG level
1. To introduce advanced mathematical techniques pertaining to the development of Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics.
2. To solve the dynamical problems using conservation laws.
Expected Outcomes
1. Students will learn the methods of formulating Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the classical
systems, which would help to solve the complicated classical dynamics problems.
2. This course will be the foundations for understanding quantum mechanical systems.
Unit I Lagrangian Formulation 10 hours
Generalized coordinates - principle of virtual work - D’Alembert’s principle - Lagrangian
formulation and simple applications - Variational principle and Lagrange equation; Hamilton’s
principle - Lagrange equation from Hamilton’s principle; Symmetry and conservation laws:
conservation of linear momentum, energy and angular momentum.
Unit II Central Force Problem 9 hours
Reduction of two body problem in central force - Equations of motion - effective potential energy -
nature of orbits - Virial theorem - Kepler’s problem; Scattering in a central force field - centre of
mass and laboratory frame; Rotating frame: Angular velocity, Lagrange equation of motion.
Unit III Rigid Body and Oscillating System 9 hours
Elements of rigid-body dynamics – Euler angles – symmetric top and applications; Small oscillations
– normal mode analysis – normal modes of a linear tri-atomic molecule – forced oscillations – effect
of dissipative forces on free and forced oscillations – damped driven pendulum.
Unit IV Hamiltonian Formulation 9 hours
Legendre transformation – Hamiltonian equations of motion – cyclic coordinates – phase space and
Liouville's theorem; Symmetries and conservation laws in Hamiltonian picture, canonical
transformations - Poisson brackets- Hamilton-Jacobi theory - action-angle variables.
Unit V Special Theory of Relativity 8 hours
Internal frames – principle and postulate of relativity – Lorentz transformations – length
contraction, time dilation and the Doppler effect – velocity addition formula – four-vector notation
– energy-momentum – four-vector for a particle – relativistic invariance of physical laws.
1. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko, 3rd edition, Addison & Wesley, 2000.
2. Classical Mechanics by W. Greiner, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics by Landau and Lifshitz, Pergamon,1969
2. Introduction to Special Relativity by R Resnick, Wiley, 1968
3. Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach by J.V. Jose and E.J. Saletan, Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
4. Classical Mechanics by N.C.Rana and P.S.Joag, Tata Mc: Graw Hill, 2001
Mode of Evaluation : Written Examinations, Seminars, Assignments, Problem set.
Recommended by the board of studies on : 09.06.2015
Date of approval by the Academic Council: 16.06.2015

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