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STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT made and entered into this _tn duy of _

2018, by and between the negotiating committees for the Town of Riverhead and the

Riverhead Police Benevolent Association, Inc. ("the Union").

WHEREAS, the parties have engaged in negotiations in good faith in an effort to

arrive at the terms of a new collective negotiations agreement to succeed the one that

expired on December 31, 2015; and

WHEREAS, the parties have arrived at a tentative agreement;

NOV/, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,

the parties stipulate and agree as follows:

1. The provisions of this Stipulation are subject to ratification by the Union's

membership, and ratification and approval by the Town Board.

2. The signatories agree to recommend this Stipulation for

rati fication/approval.

3. A copy of this original document has been furnished to representatives of

the Town and the Union.

4. All proposals made by either party during the course of negotiations that

are not covered by this Stipulation will be deemed dropped.

5. The provisions of the new Agreement will be as per the attached draft

agreement, unless subsequently agreed upon in writing by the parties.

6. Clean up the CBA to eliminate old dates, correct typos; etc.

7. Article III(IXA) (Hospitalization and Medical Insurance). Add after the

first sentence: 'oEffective at the beginning of the first payroll period following the

complete ratification and approval of the 20T6-2020 Agreement, the Town will pay 85%


of the premium cost of either the individual or family (depending on whether the

individual is eligible) premium pursuant to the Empire Core Plan Plus Enhancements."

8. Article III(1XA) (Hospitalization and Medical Insurance). Effective upon

the complete ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, in the second

sentence, delete oofor all employees hired after the complete ratification and approval of

this Agreement"; add ", or an earlier date if required by law" aftsr "four full calendar

months of service."

9. Article III(IXA) (Hospitalization and Medical Insurance). Effective upon

the complete ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, in the second

paragraph, delete the first sentence (redundant ofpreceding paragraph).

10. Article III(IXA) (Hospitalization and Medical Insurance). In the second

paragraph, add to the end of the second line, o'until December 3I,2020, at I 1:59:59 p.m.,

at which time the Town will pay 90% of the premiums for the retiree and the retiree's

family for all employees retiring after the complete ratification and approval of the 2016-

2020 Agreement."

11. Article III(B) (Health Insurance Buyback). Effective upon the complete

ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, in the second paragraph,

subparagraph (a), delete than through the New York State Health Insurance Plan."

12. Article IV (Holidays). Effective January 1,2019, change Lincoln's

Birthday and Washington's Birthday to Presidents' Day.

13. Article IV (Holidays). Effective January 1,2019, insert "(third Monday on

January)" after Martin Luther King's Birthday and rename as Martin Luther King, Jr.'s


Birthday; add Memorial Day (last Monday in May); add "(second Monday in October)"

after Columbus Day; add Veteran's Day (second Monday in November).

14. Article IV (Holidays). Change "lS" and o'and

except further that it will be

the first 24 months for an Employee hired on or after January l,1997" to "30.0'

15. Article VI(A) (Recall). Effective upon the complete ratification and

approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, change "forego" to ", in addition to," and delete


16. Article VI(B) (Court Recall). Effective upon the complete ratification and

approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, change two to four.

17. Article VII (Bereavement Leave). Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, change grandparents-in-law to step-parents.

18. Article VIII(B) (Night Differential) (Two Tour Rotating). Effective

January 1,2019, change $4,300 to $4,500. Effective January 1,2020, change $4,500 to


19. Article VIII(B) (Nieht Differential) (Steadv Midnieht Tour). Effective

January I,2019, change $6,450 to $7,250. Effective January 1,2020, change $7,250 to


20. Article IX(A) (Vacation). Add: "Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, vacation leave will not be accrued by those

employees on an unpaid leave of absence (except for military leave) or those employees

under suspension for more than 30 consecutive calendar days during the pendency of

disciplinary charges. The 30 consecutive calendar days will be deemed to have

commenced retroactive to the commencement of any unpaid leave of absence (except for


military leave) or suspension in effect at the time of the complete ratification approval of

the 20 16 -202 0 A greement. "

21. Article IX(E) (New) (Vacations). Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, add: "An employee, if not transferred by

choice from one squad to another, will have the right to maintain the employee's

previously selected vacation regardless of staffi ng issues."

22. Article X (Personal Leave/Steady Midnight Tours). Effective January l,

2019, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in fl l) of the parties' Steady l0 Hour

Tour Agreement, personal days will be granted and taken in 10 hour increments.

23. Article X (Personal Days). Add: "Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, personal leave will not be accrued by those

employees on an unpaid leave of absence (except for military leave) or those employees

under suspension for more than 30 consecutive calendar days during the pendency of

disciplinary charges. The 30 consecutive calendar days will be deemed to have

commenced retroactive to the commencement of any unpaid leave of absence (except for

military leave) or suspension in effect at the time of the complete ratification approval of

the 201 6-2020 Agreement."

24. Article X (Personal Days). Add: o'Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, personal days will be prorated (one per

quarter) in the first and last years of employment."

25. Article XIII(O (New) (Training). Effective January 1,2019, add "The

Department will schedule every employee assigned to the steady 10 hour midnight shift

for eight hours per year of training at straight time pay (except as may be required by


law) on a day that would, pursuant to the employee's work schedule, otherwise be a

regular day off. The Department will, where practicable, provide the employee with at

least 30 days' notice of the day on which training is going to occur."

26. Article XV(C) (Severance Benefits). Add to the end of the paragraph:
January 1,2019, the benefits available pursuant to this Article may be payable

over five years at the Town's option. If the Town does not elect this option, then

payments will be made in the fiscal year following the one in which the employee ends

Town employment. This revision will sunset, and be of no further force and effect, as of

December 31,2020 at 11 :59:59 p.m.".

27. Article XIII(D) (Plug-In Days). Effective upon the complete ratification

and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary

in fl e) of the parties' steady l0 hour shift agreement, the first four of the plug-in days for

the following year will be selected by employees assigned to the two tour rotating shift at

the same time and in the same manner as vacations days, with two of the days to be

scheduled on days made available by the Department during January I- June 30 and two

days to be scheduled on days made available by the Department during September 1 *

December 31.

28. Article XVIII (Detective Promotion). Add a new third sentence: "Effective

upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2ll6-2020Agreement, detectives

serving in grade 3 for 36 months will be promoted to grade 2, anddetectives serving in

grade 2 for 24 months will be promoted to grade 1, provided that they have received good

evaluations and have otherwise provided satisfactory service while serving in grade."

Also, delete oofive consecutive years"'.


29. Article XXII(B) (Equipment Allowance). Effective January 1,2019,

change $1,100 to $1,150. Effective January 1,2020, change $1,150 to $1,200.

30. Article XXII(B) (Equipment Allowance). Effective upon the complete

ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, add to the end of the last sentence,

"except in the first and last years of employment, in which the employee must actually

work at least 50% of the scheduled work days during the three-month period in order to

receive the payment."

31. Article XXII(C) (Clothing Allowance). Effective January 1,2019, change

$900 to $950. Effective January 1,2020, change $950 to $ I ,000.

32. Article XXII(D) (Canine Stipend). Effective January 1,2019, change

$4,000 to $5,000. Effective January 1,2020, change $5,000 to $6,000.

33. Article XX(G) (Pistol Permits). Add: "Effective upon the complete

ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, add:", and will be granted unless

the Employee has a history of domestic abuse, a mental health issue, a substantiated

excessive force complaint or has engaged or is engaging in or is a subject of substantially

similar substantive disqualifying behavior or conduct. In the event of a denial because the

Employee engaged in substantially similar disqualifying behavior or conduct, the burden

of proof in an arbitration proceeding will be on the Town."

34. Article XXIII(B) (Sick Leave Payout). Effective for all employees hired

on or after the date on which the2016-2020 Agreement is fully ratified and approved,

change "227 days payable at the rate in effect at the time of payment and any

accumulated sick days from 228 days to 300 days will be paid at the rate of the average

salary over the past three years based on a238 day work year (1904 hours)" to "150 days


payable at the rate in effect at arate of one day for every two days accrued based on a

238 day work year (1904 hours)."

35. Article XXIII(G) (Sick Leave Bonus Plan). Effective January 1,2019,


36. Article XXIV (Annual Physical Exam). Effective upon the complete

ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, delete.

37. Article XXVII(BXFourth Step (l) (Grievance Procedure)). Effective upon

the complete ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement, delete the


38. Article XXXVI (Educational Incentive). Add to the end of the third
sentence, that, effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2016-2020

Agreement, is completed during the employee's first year as a member of the PBA unit."

39. Article XXXVI (Salaries). For all employees hired before December 4,

2012: Effective January 1,2016, the base salary rate will be increasedby 2%. All

retroactive payments for this raise will be paid upon the employee's separation from

employment at the employee's then prevailing salary rate, or the employee's salary rate

as of Januar y I , 2023, whichever is less. Effective January I , 201'7 , the 5th year Officer

salary rate will be increased by an additional 2%. All retroactive payments for this raise

will be paid upon the employee's separation from employment at the employee's then

prevailing salary rate, or the employee's salary rate as of January 1,2023, whichever is

less. Effective January 1,2018, the 5th year Officer salary rate will be increased by an

additional 2%. All retroactive payments for this raise will be paid upon the employee's

separation from employment at the employee's then prevailing salary rate, or the


employee's salary rate as of January I,2023, whichever is less. Effective January 1,

2019, the 5th year Officer salary rate will be increased by an additional 1.5%. Effective

January 1,2020, the 5th year Officer salary rate will be increased by an additional 1.5%.

See Attachment "A." For all employees hired on or after December 4,2012: the new

salary schedule will be prepared pursuant to Article XXXVII at p. 35. See Attachment


40. Article XXXVII (Detectives). Effective January 1,2019, Detective Grade

III will be increased by $822; Detective Grade II will be increased by $2,000; and

Detective Grade I will be increased by $3,000. Effective December 31,2020, Detective

Grade II will be increased by an additional $3,000; and Detective Grade I will be

increased by an additional $4,000.

41. Article XLII (General Municioal Law $ 207-c). Add, effective upon the

complete ratification and approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement: "(A) Personal leave

entitlement will cease to accrue following the l2th consecutive month of absence from the

effective date of placement on a $ 207-c-approved leave. Upon return to active duty, the

employee will be credited with prorated personal leave days, up to the contractual

maximum (B) Sick leave entitlement will cease to accrue following the l2th consecutive

month of absence from the effective date of placement on a $ 207-c-approved leave. The

12 consecutive months will be deemed to have commenced retroactive to the

commencement of a $ 207-c approved leave in effect at the time of the complete

ratification approval of the 2016-2020 Agreement. Upon retum to active duty, the

employee will be credited with prorated sick leave days, up to the contractual maximum."



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