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Chapter I Properties of the Atmosphere ll

l.l The Atmosphere ll
1.2 Gas Composition ll
1.3 Regionsof the Atmosphere ll
1.4 Temperature l2
1.5 Pressure t4
1.6 Density L I

1.7 PerformanceCeilinss l9
1.8 The Gas Laws 20
1.9 The InternationalStandardAtmosphere 2l
l.l0 Speeds 2l
Chapter l: Test Yourself 22
Chapter 2 Aerodynamics- Basic Principlesof Airflow 23
2.1 AtmosphericPressure ZJ

2.2 StreamlineFlow 24
2.3 Flow Continuity
2.4 Venturi Effect 25
2.5 Stagnation 26
2.6 MeasuringAirspeed 27
Chapter 2: Test Yourself 27
Chapter 3 Aerodynamics- Aerofoils and Actions (Definitions) 29
3.1 Chord Line 29
3.2 Mean Camber Line 29
3.3 Thickness/ChordRatio ("FinenessRatio") 29
3.4 Angle of Attack 29
3.5 Angle of incidence 30
3 . 6 W a s hO u t 30
3.1 WashIn 30
3.8 Wing Area 30
3.9 Mean Chord (Geometric) 30
3.10 TaperRatio 3l
3 . 1 I A s p e c tR a t i o J I

3.12 Wing Loading 3l

3 . 1 3 S w e e pA n g l e 3l
3.14 Dihedral 3l
3.15Anhedral J I

3 . 1 6 A x e s a n d F l i g h t C o n t r o l s( P r i m a r yC o n t r o l s ) JZ

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