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West LA Weekly Satsang January-25-2017

What's being pointed at here is that there is a whole lot of thinking, a whole lot of brain activity that
keeps us from being. And so the end of guilt, blame, pride, worry and expectation really means the
end of a whole lot of thinking. And when that thinking stops it's very easy to just be.

-Roger Castillo

And the 'Employee Of The Month Award' goes to (again) .........

The Commentator In My Head

Congratulations, and thanks for your dedicated hard work, it feels like you never go home.
You really should take a holiday!!!

-Roger Castillo

The flow of life is pleasure and pain. Our happiness comes from our attitude to this flow.

-Roger Castillo

It's one thing to notice that the "outside" world can't tell you what you are, but it's another to notice
that your own mind can't either. Why? Where did your mind get everything it knows from? That's
right, the outside world. -Michael Jeffreys

It's as if life is always presenting as two aspects at once, the Being aspect and the conditioned
aspect. When our attention is captured by the conditioning, and its stories about Being, we suffer
and look for peace. When we turn our attention to the Being we find the peace that is always here,
as Being. -Daniel Litvak

The waves of the mind demand so much of Silence … but she does not talk back … she is the hidden
author of every moment … Silence ... ...

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