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Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 2 Date: 11/4-11/5

Lesson Plan – Intro to Spanish – 2.1.2

Learning Goal 1
PG - Describe likes and dislikes as they relate to activities 1.1; 1.2; 1.3
2B Engage in conversations about leisure time activities

Key Points
- Gustar
o Me gusta _____.
o Te gusta _____?
o Le gusta _____.
o No me/te/le gusta______.
o Gusta vs. Gustan
o No me gusta para nada = I don’t like it AT ALL
- Tiempo Libre Activities
o Bailar, escuchar música, practicar deportes, nadar, correr, escribir, dibujar,
montar en monopatín (skateboard), ver la tele, cantar, montar en bicicleta,
jugar videojuegos, usar la computadora, hablar por teléfono, tocar un
instrumento, pasar tiempo con amigos, trabajar, leer, patinar (rollerskate)
- Q and A
o “Te gusta _____?
 Sí/No me gusta _______.
o Que te gusta más - ______ o______?
 Me gusta más ________.
o Que te gusta hacer?

Summative Assessment
DIRECTIONS: Choose the best answer for what each person likes to do.
___________ 47. A) Juan le gusta pintar. C) Juan me gusta cantar.
B) Juan te gusta cantar. D) Juan le gusta cantar.

Daily Assessment
- Assessed today through a “whip-around” activity at the end
o Pass out PESOS as do this

Opening (Time _______)

- Hacer Ahora
o Identify the following activites. Write them down in SPANISH
 Have clip art pics up on the LCD for them to identify.

- pass back tests and go over Spanish All-Stars? - depending on time

Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 2 Date: 11/4-11/5

Materials: LCD player and Hacer template

Introduction to New Material (Time _______)

- Review of last class’ material

o This time, pass out little cards to everyone in the class – some can be
doubled up
 Cards have clip art pictures of the verbs we learned last time
 Direct Ss to write down each verb as we go through it
 Their goal is to keep a tally of how many students like to
do each activity
o Call out activity “Quién le gusta _______”
 Have this sentence up on the board/powerpoint
 Point to picture on the board (pics hanging on board) as go through
this so Ss can remember
 If Ss has that picture, has to stand up/hold it up
 Rest of Ss keep a tally of how many people like to do each activity
- Do this activity as a review activity

- Teach “me, te, le, nos, os, les” gusta as go through this- emphasis on SPANISH

o Group Ss together “les” or “nos” or “le”

o Have Ss stand up to demonstrate this

 2 students – “les”
 2 students and me – “nos”
 Do this in context, then have it up on a PP slide for Ss to copy
down on paper
- by end of this, on PowerPoint slide, have the Ss write them down
o I – Me,
o You-Te
o He/She – Le
o Nos – We
o Les - They

- cut outs of clip art for activity

Guided Practice (Time ________)

- Differentiate: For classes that can handle a partner exercise: (2A, 3A, 3B, 4B)
o Pair up, and find out what your partner likes to do
 Ask him/her 3 times, and write down answers in complete
Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 2 Date: 11/4-11/5

 Model: Say: “Aleah, que te gusta hacer?”

 Say: Me gusta hablar por teléfono.
o Write: Aleah le gusta hablar por teléfono.

- For classes that can not handle partner exercise: (4A, 2B)
o Do actividad 14 en página 33 in Realidades – listening exercise
 Write 1-7 on sheet of paper, and write down things that Raúl likes
to do – just the verbs
- Realidades listening exercise
- Template for Q and A – on the PP

Independent Practice (Time _______)

- reading exercise – short story about what someone likes to do, with English
questions after it
o read together in class, then have Ss read on own
o answer questions in English

- Reading exercise – can have Ss act these little skits out (w/ props?)
o Miguel le gusta practicar los deportes. Le gusta el béisbol, el basquetbol, y
el fútbol. Su amigo, Raúl, le gusta dibujar y escribir. Miguel no le gusta
dibujar, pero a veces (sometimes) le gusta escribir. Raúl no le gusta
practicar los deportes para nada. Miguel y Raúl les gusta nadar.

1) What does Miguel like to do?
2) What does Raúl like to do? (2 things)
3) What does Raúl NOT like to do?
4) What do Miguel y Raúl like to do together?

o Samantha le gusta escuchar música. Le gusta mucho la música de Lil’

Wayne y Beyonce, como “All the Single Ladies”.Su amiga, Jennifer, no le
gusta escuchar música para nada. Jennifer le gusta ver la tele. Samantha y
Jennifer les gusta usar la computadora.

1) What does Samantha like to do?
2) What does Jennifer NOT like to do?
3) What does Jennifer like to do?
4) What do the two girls like to do together?

** SS write down answers on piece of paper**

- IP 2.1.2 – I created
o At least get through first part as a group
Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 2 Date: 11/4-11/5

 Then GRR and have Ss do it – finish it as homework

- reading exercise that I am going to create – up on the board
- props for Ss to act them out
- IP 2.1.2 – copies

Closing (Time ________)

Review the material/object

Gustar Worksheet – IP 2.1.2 - finish

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