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Ackerknecht, Erwin H., 83n42, 84n48 Broussais, François-Joseph-Victor, 2

Adorno, Theodor W., 7, 82n31 Brown, John, 26, 86n1, 86n3
Agamben, Giorgio, 22 Brutus, 64
Alcmaeon of Croton, 68 Burman, Frans, 30, 49
Allendy, René, 18, 54, 85n64, 95n3
Althusser, Louis, 1, 6 Caesar, 64
Andler, Charles, 45 Cannon, Walter B., 3, 16, 19–22, 29, 46,
Andréas-Salome, Lou, 41 72, 74–76, 99n7, 99n16
Apollo, 34, 56 Cassirer, Ernst, 81n21
Archer, John, 30 Cavaillès, Jean, 1, 4
Arendt, Hannah, 7, 82n31 Chanut, Hector Pierre, 45, 91n12
Artaud, Antonin, 18, 49 Charcot, Jean-Martin, 32, 55
Ashby, W. Ross, 20 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 71
Asklepios, 34 Comte, Auguste, 2, 3, 20, 69
Aziza-Shuster, Evelyne, 30, 31 Crantor, 42
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Dagognet, François, 1, 27
Bachelard, Gaston, 1, 4, 12 Dale, Henry, 28
Bachelard, Suzanne, 5 Daremberg, Charles, 43, 83n42
Balint, Michael, 63, 98n31 Daston, Lorraine, 84n44
Bataille, Georges, 92n14 Davidson, Arnold, 84n44
Bayle, Pierre, 44 de Bordeu, Théophile, 26, 88n26
Behring, Emil Adolf von, 32 Deleuze, Gilles, 1
Bergson, Henri, 1, 4, 5, 20, 50, 74–78, Derrida, Jacques, 6
81n21 Desanti, Jean-Toussaint, 6
Bernard, Claude, 16, 19–22, 29, 46, 68, Descartes, René, 5, 30, 45, 47, 49, 50,
72, 73 88n23, 94n43
Bertram, Ernst, 45 Devaux, Jean, 30
Bianco, Giuseppe, 81n21 Diderot, Denis, 34, 44, 45, 89n2
Bichat, Xavier, 9, 42 Durkheim, Emile, 4
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1, 6
Bricheteau, Isidore, 59 Ehrlich, Paul, 32, 57, 89n34, 89n35
Brissaud, Édouard, 45, 97n26 Elliot, Thomas, 28

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102 Index
Entralgo, Pedro Laı́n, 3 Laing, R. D., 3
Epictetus, 43 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 44, 45, 89n2,
Evans, Lovatt, 46 95n9
Ey, Henri, 3 Lecourt, Dominique, 1, 82n30
Leriche, René, 1, 2, 3, 16, 43, 44, 91n3,
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 66
Linnaeus, 31, 88n29
Fleck, Ludwik, 4
Littré, Emile, 32, 45
Foucault, Michel, 1, 4, 12, 82n28, 84n53
Lock, Margaret, 83n39
Fredericq, Leon, 20
Loewi, Otto, 28, 29
Freud, Sigmund, 41, 56, 65, 87n14, 96n14
Lovejoy, Arthur O., 83n43
Löwith, Karl, 46
Galen, 9, 27, 31, 88n28, 96n11 Lwoff, André, 81n25
Goldstein, Kurt, 1, 2, 16, 18, 62, 63, 80n7,
Groddeck, Georg, 18, 33, 54, 94n2 Malebrache, Nicolas, 50
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 47
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1, 5, 16, 50–52,
Hacking, Ian, 84n44
62, 94n43, 97n27
Haeckel, Ernst, 68
Michaux, Henri, 44
Halbwach, Maurice, 4
Montaigne, Michel de, 30
Harrington, Anne, 80n7
Morange, Michel, 80n12
Heidegger, Martin, 45, 91
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 96n14
Henry, Michel, 50 Neuburger, Max, 30
Hippocrates, 27, 33, 35, 42, 43, 96n11 Nguyen, Vinh-Kim, 83n39
Hoffmann, Friedrich, 31, 95n9 Nicolle, Charles, 36
Horkheimer, Max, 7 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 16, 18, 45, 46
Husserl, Edmund, 5, 7, 82n31 Nin, Anaı̈s, 18
Hyppolite, Jean, 1
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Illich, Ivan, 13, 63 Oken, Lorenz, 6

Jacob, François, 1, 79n1 Pasteur, Louis, 32, 49, 57

Jaspers, Karl, 46 Pflüger, Eduard, 20
Plato, 35, 77
Kafka, Franz, 61 Pliny the Elder, 30
Kant, Immanuel, 16, 17, 44, 45, 82n31 Plutarch, 30
Kayser, Charles, 46 Portia, 64
Koch, Robert, 32, 57, 89n34, 97n20
Koselleck, Reinhard, 11
Reilly, James, 29
Koyré, Alexandre, 4, 80n13
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg, 12, 84n44
Kuhn, Thomas, 4
Richet, Charles, 20
Ricoeur, Paul, 6
La Fontaine, Jean de, 28 Rist, Édouard, 27
Lacan, Jacques, 4 Rothschuh, Karl, 3

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Index 103
Roux, Wilhelm, 32 Tenon, Jacques, 38
Ruyer, Raymond, 47, 51, 93n33 Thom, René, 16
Tiberius, 30
Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 6 Tissot, Samuel Auguste André David, 48
Schrödinger, Erwin, 81n25 Tourtelle, Étienne, 39, 48, 93n35
Schuhl, Pierre-Maxime, 67, 68, 71
Schweninger, Ernst, 33
Selye, Hans, 3, 16, 29, 39, 87n13, 87n14 Valéry, Paul, 43, 44
Simondon, Gilbert, 1 Villemin, Jean Antoine, 59
Spinoza, Baruch, 14 Villermé, Louis-René, 39
Stahl, Georg Ernst, 31, 88n26, 95n9 Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Auguste, 47
Starling, Ernest Henry, 46, 47, 93n29 Virchow, Rudolf, 6
Steicke, Hurbert, 88n26
Suetonius, 30
Sydenham, Thomas, 40, 56, 93n35, Wasianski, Andreas Christoph, 44
96n11 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 91, 92n14

Tacitus, 30
Temkin, Owsei, 84n47 Zaloszyc, Armand, 8
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