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PBR Reinsurance Proposal necessar)' to make sure there is risk transfer.

But Tom Campbell, a member of the
Academy's reinsurance work group and a life

Wouid End Regulations' Strictures actuary with Hartford Life, Simsbury, Conn.,
explained that the new approach would
Risk transfer would be captured in modeiing actually discourage not accurately reflecting
risk transfer because there would be no ben-
BY JiiVI CONNOLLY The use of models to determine rein- efit reflected on a ceding company's balance
surance reserves, the paper states, would sheet. The cash flow obligation of the cedent

EDING COMPANIES AND reinsur- include assumptions regarding cash flows to pay the reinsurer will be reflected in
ers could be freed from the stric- expected to be paid from or to reinsurers the reserve calculation rather than through
tures of current regulations if a new under reinsurance agreements. rules, he added.
principles-based reserving system is put in During a discussion among regulators on Fenwick also noted that it is unclear
place, according to a presentation made the issue Amanda Fenwick, a New York regu- whether the new approach would properly
by actuaries to state insurance regulators. lator, said that regardless of the cash flow capture the bifurcation of risks involved in
Risk transfer would still continue to be represented in any modeling, it will still be reinsurance transactions. CD)
captured, but would be reflected in finan-
cial statements and models that assess the
risks in those statements, explained Shel-
don Summers, representing the Ameri-
Annuhy Guideiine Exposed For Adoption
can Academy of Actuaries, Washington, BY JiM CONNOLLY proposal.
during the fall meeting of the National WASHINGTON
"AG 39 doesn't work," said John Bruins,

Association of Insurance Commissioners, FTER NEARLY A DECADE of re-writes, a an ACU life actuary. Although, he said that
Kansas City, Mo. Summers is also a life F
model guideline, AG VACARVM, which VA CARVM is a principles-based approach to
actuary with the California insurance establishes reserving requirements for reserving. Bruins added that immediate action
department. e
variable annuities with guarantee provisions, is needed.
Currently, reserving for life reinsurance has been exposed for possible adoption. Fred Anderson, a NewYori< regulator, sug-
requires that companies follow the strictures •Rie vote was taken here during a meeting gested waiting until after the law changes
of regulations such as Statement of Statu- of the Life & Health Actuarial Task Force during because there is not yet a structure in place.
tory Accounting Principles 61 and Appendix the fall meeting of the NAIC. NewYork proposes, he said, to use the
A791, Summers explains. Both are part of The exposure comes after regulators were Academy document and temporarily strengthen
the NAIC's Accounting Practices and Proce- urged by Tom Campbell, the long-time chair of a standard scenario which creates a minimum
dures Manual. the Washington-based American reserving floor until regulators
However, according to a paper presented Academy of Actuaries VA see fit to relax it in the future.
by the Academy to the Life & Health Actu- CARVM wori< group and a life A temporai7 ACU's Bruins suggested
arial Task Force, with the new PBR approach,
"the only questions should be 'What is in-
actuary with Hartford Life, as
well as the American Council of
guideline is due that ifAG VACARVM could
not be made effective in
demnified?' and 'What's that worth?' given Life Insurers, that the model be to sunset on early 2008, then the follow-
statutory stochastic assumptions." exposed and ultimately adopted ing changes should be made
LHATF adopted a motion to expose the so that what they believe is Jan. 1,2008 to AG 39, so that regulation
document for comment. more effective regulation wouid reflecting the current mari<et
The report says current regulations use be in place when a sunset provision of Actuarial wiii be in place. Such changes wouid include a
a limited number of factors set by law, in- Guideiine 39 is triggered on Jan. 1,2008. quarterly release of 2.5% of the accumulated
cluding mortality and interest rates. And, it AG 39, a temporary guideline for reserving reserve for reporting quarters beginning Jan. 1,
explains that a reinsurance reserve credit is of annuities with guarantees, was adopted in 2008. Accumulated charges net of this release
taken for the reinsured business even though 2002 for a 2-year period and then renewed for trigger wouid be subject to asset adequacy
cash flows under the agreement may behave more than 2 years. analysis.
differently than the reserve assumptions. A number of regulators argued during the IfAG VACARVM is not adopted in early
Under current rules. Summers said, ced- Life & Heaith Actuarial Task Force that since 2008, ACU plans to recommend modifying AG
ing companies are penalized if they do not AG VACARViVI is a principles-based proposal 39 to allow credit for more forms of reinsur-
meet regulatory requirements. A big part it might be better to include it In the deveiop- ance and credit for hedging programs.
of those requirements, the paper states, is ment of a valuation manual that will be a guide Nebraska regulator John Rink asked "when
focused on risk transfer. Ceding companies to principles-based reserving, should that is someone going to come to the plate and get
meeting requirements receive 100% credit, reserving approach be adopted. this finished?" He offered a motion to have a
while for those companies that do not meet But Hartford Life's Campbell countered finai extension to Jan. 1,2009, but it was not
requirements, no aedit is allowed. that it wouid be best to adopt a better seconded. EH October 8,2007 I Nationai Underwriter Life & Health I 4 1

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