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International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/mpr.1411

Advancing psychotherapy and evidence-

based psychological interventions

1 Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Oncological Sciences, New York, USA
4 KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5 Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
6 Department of Clinical Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
7 EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University and VU University Medical Centre,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
8 Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
9 Department of Psychology, University of Trier, Trier, Germany
10 Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
11 Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry Section, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
12 Academic Unit of Psychiatry, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
13 University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
14 Centre for Psychological Services Research, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
15 Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Marburg, Marburg and Philipps-University
Marburg, Marburg, Germany
16 Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
17 Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
18 Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
19 Psychoeducation and Psychological Treatments Area, Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Unit, IDIBAPS-
CIBERSAM, Institute of Neurosciences, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
20 Roehampton University, London, UK
21 KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
22 Boston University, Boston, MA USA
23 Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
24 Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA
25 Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
26 KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
27 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

58 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

Key words Abstract

cognitive endophenotypes,
Psychological models of mental disorders guide research into psychological and
dimensional approaches,
environmental factors that elicit and maintain mental disorders as well as inter-
cognitive processing, models for
ventions to reduce them. This paper addresses four areas. (1) Psychological models
psychopathology, cognitive
of mental disorders have become increasingly transdiagnostic, focusing on core
behavioural therapy,
cognitive endophenotypes of psychopathology from an integrative cognitive psy-
effectiveness, children,
chology perspective rather than offering explanations for unitary mental disorders.
adolescents, e-mental health
It is argued that psychological interventions for mental disorders will increasingly
target specific cognitive dysfunctions rather than symptom-based mental disorders
as a result. (2) Psychotherapy research still lacks a comprehensive conceptual
Paul M.G. Emmelkamp,
framework that brings together the wide variety of findings, models and pers-
Department of Clinical
pectives. Analysing the state-of-the-art in psychotherapy treatment research,
Psychology, University of
“component analyses” aiming at an optimal identification of core ingredients and
Amsterdam, Weesperplein 4,
the mechanisms of change is highlighted as the core need towards improved efficacy
1018 XA Amsterdam, The
and effectiveness of psychotherapy, and improved translation to routine care. (3) In
order to provide more effective psychological interventions to children and adoles-
Email: P.M.G.Emmelkamp@
cents, there is a need to develop new and/or improved psychotherapeutic interven-
tions on the basis of developmental psychopathology research taking into account
knowledge of mediators and moderators. Developmental neuroscience research
might be instrumental to uncover associated aberrant brain processes in children
and adolescents with mental health problems and to better examine mechanisms
of their correction by means of psychotherapy and psychological interventions.
(4) Psychotherapy research needs to broaden in terms of adoption of large-scale
public health strategies and treatments that can be applied to more patients in a sim-
pler and cost-effective way. Increased research on efficacy and moderators of
Internet-based treatments and e-mental health tools (e.g. to support “real time”
clinical decision-making to prevent treatment failure or relapse) might be one
promising way forward. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Developments and future challenges of as a result. We further argue that a dimensional perspec-
psychological models and paradigms of mental tive on mental disorders will necessitate the development
disorders from a cognitive perspective of psychological paradigms that instantiate “weak” rather
than “strong” situations and will require a multi-faceted as-
Psychological models of mental disorders help to guide sessment of the external validity of psychological paradigms
research into the psychological and environmental factors for mental disorders. Further we point to the possibilities
that cause and maintain mental disorders and to identify conferred by a closer integration of psychopharmacological
interventions that can reduce them. In recent years, and psychological research and interventions and discuss
psychological models of mental disorder have become gaps and needs in research that follow from our analysis.
increasingly transdiagnostic, focusing on core cognitive After a brief introduction on the nature of psychological
endophenotypes of psychopathology from an integrative explanations for mental disorders, we will sketch in the first
cognitive psychology perspective rather than offering part of this paper from a focused “cognitive” perspective a
explanations for unitary mental disorders. This evolution few important developments in how mental disorders are
is connected to a shift from a categorical and nomothetic conceptualized and studied in psychology over the last
to a more dimensional perspective on mental disorders. decades. We will also point out likely evolutions and impor-
We anticipate that psychological interventions for mental tant challenges for the years to come. Along the way, we will
disorders will increasingly target specific cognitive dys- discuss implications for psychological interventions for
functions rather than symptom-based mental disorders mental disorders.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Advancing psychotherapy Emmelkamp et al.

What characterizes psychological models of explanations” in terms of societal or biological triggers of

mental disorders? mental disorders (e.g. on the role of standards of beauty in
advertising in triggering eating disorders; Derenne and
Aristotle argued that a full understanding of any phe-
Beresin, 2006; or how corticosteroids induce psychosis or
nomenon implies understanding in terms of four kinds
mania; Brown and Suppes, 1998) evidently cross the
of explanation (cited in Killeen, 2001): Formal, efficient,
disciplinary borders.
final, and material explanations. Applied to psychopa-
Psychological accounts of mental disorders can be
thology, a full understanding of mental disorders would
regarded as “functional” in nature, in at least two different
thus require according to Killeen et al. (2012) insight into
regards. At the formal level, they often aim to understand
their triggers and enabling conditions (efficient explana-
and model mental disorders in terms of (disturbances in)
tion), knowledge of their substrate and mechanisms
core psychological functions (attention, learning, memory,
(material explanation), identification of their function,
decision-making, cognitive control, emotion regulation,
i.e. the factors that maintain disorders (final explana-
etc.; for an excellent example, see Goschke, 2014). For
tion), and a theoretical model of the various processes
instance, biased attention to threat cues might help to
that are involved in disordered behaviour (formal expla- understand why the same physical environment is more
nation). Accordingly, psychological accounts of mental stressful to some individuals than to others (Bar-Haim
disorders can be described as being mainly concerned et al., 2007). At the “final” level, they try to understand the
with the first, third and fourth kind of explanation. origin and maintenance of abnormal behaviour in terms of
Examples are issues like: (i) What kind of personality the objective or subjective benefits that it might confer (see
traits or other psychological vulnerability factors predis- the assumption that a bias towards over general auto-
pose for the development of mental disorders (distal biographical memory retrieval in depression, although
efficient causes; e.g. anxiety sensitivity as a vulnerability detrimental for every-day problem solving, may help ward
factor for the development of panic disorder; McNally, off unpleasant, traumatic or threatening memories;
2002)? (ii) What kind of situational factors or stimulus Williams et al., 2007).
contingencies promote or elicit problem behaviour
[proximal efficient causes; e.g. boredom as a trigger for
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) behav- State-of-the-art: advances in psychological theories
iour; Killeen et al., 2012]? (iii) What psychological and models of mental disorders in the last decades
processes are involved in various forms of psychopa-
thology (formal analysis; e.g. the role of deviant atten- From schools of thought to a unified cognitive
tional processes in schizophrenia; Luck and Gold, 2008; psychology framework
or impaired executive functioning versus impaired Historically, psychological theories for mental disorders
reward sensitivity as two rivalling theoretical accounts where for the larger part firmly rooted in encapsulated
for ADHD; Sonuga-Barke, 2003), (iv) Which factors schools of thought. So, a psychodynamic theory of depres-
maintain mental disorders (what psychological function sion would for instance explain depression as the result of
does the abnormal behaviour serve, e.g. does it somehow repressed anger converted into self-hatred, due to unre-
confer reinforcement, serve a communicative function, solved conflict between conscious and unconscious motives
proximal final explanation; e.g. avoidance behaviour that (Blatt and Homann, 1992); a learning theory perspective on
reduces immediate anxiety but prevents fear-reduction anxiety might explain phobic behaviour as the result of a
through exposure in the long run; Foa and Kozak, 1986)? combination of Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning
In this framework, “final explanations” of a more processes (Mineka and Sutton, 2006); a humanistic theory
ultimate nature (selection by consequences at the level of of addiction could point to temporary barriers that prevent
individuals with certain traits rather than at the level of fulfillment of an inherent drive to self-actualization
instances of behaviour; e.g. how the evolutionary utility (Maslow, 1968); a systems theory perspective may point to
of a certain distribution of impulsiveness in the population dysfunctional communication patterns in the family
may set some individuals up for addiction; Williams and (“double-bind”) as a cause for schizophrenia (Bateson
Taylor, 2006) fall beyond a strictly psychological analysis. et al., 1956). These schools of thought all had their own con-
Similarly material explanations in terms of the biological ceptual frameworks and jargon, effectively preventing cross-
substrate or neural mechanisms that underlie mental dis- talk between them and precluding a unified psychological
orders (e.g. the role of grey matter abnormality in autism perspective on mental disorders. Apart from the learning
spectrum disorders; Cauda et al., 2011) or “efficient theory perspective perhaps, these schools of thought were

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
60 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

also largely disconnected from evolutions in mainstream disorders, rather than mental disorders in Globo. This
empirical psychological science. could be exemplified with research on cognitive
In recent years, there is considerable convergence to- endophenotypes, i.e. specific cognitive traits or deficits that
wards a common cognitive psychology framework. In- underlie part of the symptoms of a disorder. Endo-
deed, the advent of the cognitive perspective in empirical phenotypes or intermediate phenotypes are specific
psychological science has allowed to broaden our under- clusters of symptoms that constitute building blocks or in-
standing by integrating many seemingly disparate theoret- termediate processes for mental disorders and supposedly
ical accounts that variously point to the importance of carry a more specific and consistent genetic load than the
unconscious schemas, motivational processes or learning overall disorders that they contribute to (Skuse, 2001).
and reinforcement principles, into an integrative frame- Such endophenotypes can often be related to specific
work and connect those accounts with available findings functions in a cognitive psychology framework, such as
from mainstream experimental psychology (for examples, memory, attention, executive functions, or others. In
see Hofmann, 2008; Hofmann et al., 2013). This integra- some domains, considerable progress has been made in
tion hinges on the parsing of mental processes into separa- the identification of meaningful cognitive endophenotypes
ble but interconnected functions like attention, memory, in the last decades. For instance, impulsivity across a num-
reasoning and decision-making, learning, motivation, ac- ber of tasks and situations has been recognized as a core
tion planning and the like, along with its distinction be- endophenotype for ADHD, occurring not only in affected
tween fast and automatic, often unconscious processes individuals but also in first-degree relatives (Robbins et al.,
and slow and effortful, conscious processes. Psychological 2011). Recognition of such endophenotypes facilitates
interventions within the various therapeutic orientations translational research by focusing on cognitive processes
are getting increasingly evidence-based, and psychother- that can be readily investigated in animal models and in
apy as a whole more integrative, as a result. human laboratory research with non-clinical groups.
Indeed, interventions are increasingly based on ideas
gleaned from experimental cognitive psychology, not from
Towards dimensions of mental disorder
a particular perspective such as psychodynamic theory,
learning theory, humanistic psychology (e.g. memory The increasing focus on such cognitive endophenotypes as
specificity training for depression, see Raes et al., 2009; the unit of analysis can also be related to the increasingly
Neshat-Doost et al., 2013; executive function training for dimensional conceptualization of psychopathology.
ADHD, e.g. Van der Oord et al., ; attentional bias modifi- Indeed, the fundamentally gradual or dimensional nature
cation training for alcohol abuse, e.g. Schoenmakers et al., of cognitive endophenotypes such as impulsivity, over-
2010). Even if they are derived from a specific school, generality of autobiographical memory, rumination does
efforts are increasingly made to align them within a not always fit well with the categorical nature of existing
common framework and creatively combine effective in- psychiatric classification systems like the Diagnostic and
terventions that target distinct subprocesses or functions, Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV,
e.g. incorporating motivational interviewing techniques American Psychiatric Association (APA), 1994; DSM-IV-
in behaviour therapy interventions (e.g. Geller and TR, American Psychiatric Association (APA), 2000).
Dunn, 2011). The exclusive reliance on symptoms and syndromes
derived from diagnostic classificatory systems of the past
can be an obstacle for further research and therapy (Insel
From mental disorders to endophenotypes as units
et al., 2010) not only in the realm of mental disorders,
of analysis
but in medicine in general. So, while diagnostic classi-
In parallel with the shaping of a unified cognitive psychol- fication systems serve several purposes (i.e. administra-
ogy framework came a shift in focus in the conceptuali- tive, legal, public health), research on mental disorders
zation and explanation of mental disorders from whole might profit from approaches that additionally allow
to parts. Historical approaches would indeed try to classifying patients based on underlying psychological
provide an account for mental disorders as entities – e.g. and biological mechanisms, with the goal of improving
internal conflict causes depression, and depression is then treatment outcomes.
expressed in a number of symptoms. Promising first steps in this direction have been taken in
The recent focus on separate cognitive functions has psychological science. Research has unveiled that emotion
been accompanied by a tendency to examine separate dysregulation is involved in a variety of mood and anxiety
symptoms or core deficits associated with certain mental disorders (Hofmann et al., 2012b). Autobiographical

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Advancing psychotherapy Emmelkamp et al.

memory biases may be involved in obsessive-compulsive meaningfully within non-clinical or sub-clinical popu-
disorders, trauma and depression (Williams et al., 2007). lations. As an example, many studies have found differ-
Executive function deficits including impaired working ences in basic fear conditioning processes between
memory and inhibition and increased impulsivity are people with anxiety disorders and appropriate controls
endophenotypic not only of ADHD but also of addiction, (e.g. Lissek et al., 2008, 2009; Michael et al., 2007). Far
obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders (Rob- fewer studies have been able to demonstrate similar differ-
bins et al., 2011). Repetitive negative thinking is a cognitive ences in susceptibility or sensitivity to fear conditioning
marker of mental disorders as diverse as depression, anxiety between people with higher and lower risk of developing
disorders, bipolar disorder and psychosis (Ehring and anxiety disorders, such as people with high versus low trait
Watkins, 2008). Findings such as those fit much better with anxiety (Otto et al., 2007; Pineles et al., 2009). It has been
a modular cognitive psychology framework and a dimen- argued that such failures may be tied to the nature of the
sional endophenotype perspective than with a categorical, fear conditioning procedures that are typically employed
nomothetic view of mental disorders. in such research (Beckers et al., 2013), which are typically
“strong situations”, that is, situations that involve little
Implications for psychological treatment ambiguity and in which a strong conditioned fear response
and psychotherapy is highly adaptive, such that also people low in trait anxiety
would be expected to exhibit relatively strong fear learn-
Specific psychological treatment manuals have been devel-
ing. In research with sub-clinical, at-risk populations,
oped for virtually all mental disorders. Because these treat-
more insight might be gained from focusing on “weak
ments are relatively complex, dissemination of even one of
situations”, that is situations that involve a considerable
them to providers is a serious obstacle to delivery of
degree of ambiguity or for which a dominant response
evidence-based treatment. Even more importantly, as
cannot readily be identified (Lissek et al., 2006).
noted earlier, the empirical justification to develop such
For fear learning, an example of such a weak situation
highly specific symptom-based treatments is relatively
is a blocking procedure. In that procedure, a conditioned
weak – recent research supports the notion that suppos-
cue A is first paired with shock (A + training), after which
edly distinct mental disorders share many commonalities.
the combination of that cue A with a second cue X is also
It is therefore to be expected that future interventions will
paired with shock (AX + training). In animals, such a
increasingly consist of evidence-based treatment programmes
procedure often results in attenuated fear responding to
targeting specific psychological processes (e.g. memory
X, relative to a control group that did not receive A +
specificity training for mood disorders and post-traumatic
training. Yet, the status of X is inherently ambiguous: No
stress disorder (PTSD), executive function training in
direct evidence is presented as to whether it would be
ADHD, addiction and eating disorders; attentional bias
followed by shock when presented in isolation. In a recent
modification training for addiction and anxiety disorders)
study, Boddez et al. (2012) demonstrated that blocking
in replacement of school-of-thought-based or disorder-
might represent a biomarker for vulnerability to deve-
based interventions.
lopment of anxiety disorders, as trait anxiety correlated
positively with the anticipation of a shock upon presenta-
Challenges and opportunities regarding
tion of X after blocking training. That is, people with high
psychological theories and models of mental
trait anxiety anticipated shock more strongly than people
disorders from a cognitive perspective
with low trait anxiety specifically in the presence of ambig-
uous cue X, whereas anticipation in the presence of other
Focus on the dimensional nature
cues was not reliably affected.
In the common diathesis-stress models of psychopathol- The idea that weak situations might provide better
ogy and mental disorders, endophenotypes arguably rep- grounds for unveiling meaningful endophenotypic differ-
resent vulnerability factors or (bio-)markers for mental ences within non-clinical populations can be supported
disorders rather than being indicators for the full-blown by findings in depression research. Relative to normal
disorder. This is supported by the finding that they can controls, individuals with clinical depression were ob-
typically be observed not only in affected individuals but served to be impaired in retrieving specific autobiograph-
also – with higher than chance probability – in first-degree ical events from memory when explicitly prompted to do
relatives. Many experimental models of psychopathology so (Williams et al., 2007). Studies have largely failed to find
manage well to discriminate between clinical and non- similar differences in autobiographical memory specificity
clinical populations, but they fail often to differentiate between dysphoric and non-dysphoric non-depressed

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

individuals or between other groups that differ in vulner- memory in PTSD and other anxiety disorders. Whereas
ability for depression. However, meaningful differences present pharmacological treatment for anxiety disorders
are observed when the assessment of autobiographical is by and large non-selective (anxiolytics, e.g. benzodiaze-
memory is modified such that specificity of autobiograph- pines), recent laboratory work suggests that pharmacolog-
ical memory retrieval is not explicitly asked for and people ical agents can be applied much more specifically, to
are merely given the instruction to come up with any au- selectively target unwanted or disabling traumatic memo-
tobiographical memory in response to a set of cue words ries. Two modi operandi have already been identified. We
(the so-called minimal instructions autobiographical might be able to pharmacologically boost memory for
memory test; Debeer et al., 2009). Clearly, the explicit in- corrective exposure experiences, e.g. by administering
structions in the original version of the test leave little D-cycloserine during or right after exposure treatment
room for sub-clinical response tendencies to manifest; it (Hofmann et al., 2012a; Vervliet, 2008). Alternatively, we
is only in the context of a more ambiguous testing might diminish the emotional loading of trauma memory
situation that does not imply one dominant or appropriate directly, e.g. through administration of propranolol during
response, that individual differences on sub-clinical retrieval of the trauma memory, which interferes with
dimensions are revealed. Another example might be exec- subsequent reconsolidation (Kindt et al., 2009).
utive function deficits in ADHD. Clinical ADHD is associ- Laboratory results suggest that the latter is more effec-
ated with deficits on a range of executive function tasks tive in preventing return of fear than pharmacological en-
(Willcutt et al., 2005). Remarkably, strong incentives can hancement of exposure learning (Soeter and Kindt, 2010;
greatly reduce (although not completely abolish) differ- but see Haaker et al., 2013, for a promising approach that
ences in performance between adolescents with ADHD involves administration of L-DOPA during extinction
and normal controls (Dovis et al., 2012). This suggests that learning to make extinction less context-specific). How-
when investigating ADHD and other impulse control dis- ever, the exact boundary conditions for fear memory
orders (addiction, eating disorders) from a dimensional reconsolidation blockade in humans are still being deter-
perspective, it might be wise not to give too much incen- mined (e.g. Bos et al., 2012; Sevenster et al., 2012, 2013).
tive but to rather keep motivation at an intermediate level, Also, the evidence for clinical effectiveness is limited to a
so as to create a “weak situation” in which chances for single study so far (Brunet et al., 2008). Similar approaches
finding dimensional differences are maximized. We be- are being tested in the context of addiction (Sorg, 2012;
lieve that increased efforts to devise and evaluate weak Taylor et al., 2009); however, those addiction interven-
situation paradigms in experimental psychopathology tions have yet to be tested in humans. Increased under-
research are warranted. standing and integration of formal (psychological) and
material (biological) explanations for mental disorders will
likely strengthen this development and allow similar inte-
grative psychopharmacological approaches to the treat-
Linking psychological and psychopharmacological
ment of other forms of psychopathology to be developed
research for intervention
in the future.
So far, medical/biological and psychological interventions
are developed largely side-by-side, evaluated as competitors
Increasing external validity of psychological models for
or at best hoped to reinforce one another non-selectively.
mental disorders
Examples include: methylphenidate versus behaviour
therapy in ADHD (Van der Oord et al., 2008, 2012); Psychopathology research relies progressively more on ex-
psychotherapy as a means to prevent relapse after continued perimental laboratory paradigms to evaluate or model spe-
use or discontinuation of antidepressant medication (Guidi cific endophenotypes of mental disorders. One of the great
et al., 2011); benzodiazepines as an adjuvans during advantages of an experimental model is that the obtained
exposure therapy for panic disorder (Watanabe et al., 2007). results are well-controlled (i.e. they have strong internal
Increased understanding of how pharmacological validity), but the main disadvantage is the uncertainty
processes can affect specific psychological functions, e.g. whether these solid results actually tell us something about
memory processes, will likely allow for much more the disorder being modeled (questionable external valid-
targeted, interactive interventions, in which pharmacolog- ity). This issue has received some attention at the rise of
ical agents are specifically used to impact a psychological experimental models in psychology research (Abramson
process that is causally implicated in mental disorder. Cur- and Seligman, 1977), but interest has waned afterwards.
rently, the most prominent example concerns trauma In contrast, the issue has remained a primary focus in

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Advancing psychotherapy Emmelkamp et al.

neuropsychopharmacology research that makes wide- Conclusions: current strengths, critical needs and
spread use of animal models. gaps regarding psychological theories and models
Generally, three different criteria of validity are out- of mental disorders from a cognitive perspective
lined in this literature (e.g. Willner, 1991). Face validity
Great progress has been made over the past decades in
refers to the phenomenological similarity between behav-
explaining and modeling mental disorders from a
iours in the model and symptoms of the disorder. It is
psychological perspective. Recent evolutions towards
the easiest but also the weakest criterion to assess, as face
accounting for mental disorders in terms of dimensional,
validity is neither sufficient nor necessary for a model to
transdiagnostic endophenotypes are promising – the
have good external validity. Predictive validity requires
work is far from finished, exiting times for the under-
that the behaviour in the model reacts to known treat-
standing and treatment of psychopathology are ahead.
ments of the disorder. Accordingly, good predictive validity
We are confident that increased attention to develop-
is particularly important if we are to use laboratory models
ment of weak situation paradigms and assessment of
to evaluate the effectiveness of novel interventions; without
external validity of psychological models, along with
predictive validity, effectiveness of the intervention in our
increased integration of kinds of explanation, will further
laboratory model is of little relevance for treatment of the
enhance our understanding of mental disorders and
actual disorder. Construct validity is based on a homology
ultimately help to develop more powerful interventions
between the theories underlying the behaviour in the model
for prevention and treatment.
and the disorder. Typically, construct validity is achieved by
Research on mental disorders and psychological
recreating the etiological factors of the disorder in the
interventions can profit from a number of strengths and
model. Of note, models can never mimic entire disorders,
opportunities conveyed by the current European and
but only components of (symptoms) disorders. This is in
international research context:
line with the broader evolution from mental disorders to
endophenotypes as units of analysis. Good construct valid- • In basic behavioural science and research, there already
ity of a model, even if partial, is vital if the model is to is a strong drive away from the study of disorder-
genuinely increase our understanding of the psychological specific psychological characteristics and processes
processes that underlie mental disorders. and towards the study of component processes that
In human experimental psychopathology, a fourth potentially underlie a range of disorders and clinical
aspect of external validity that is arguably of importance is and sub-clinical states in a dimensional fashion (see
diagnostic validity, that is, the extent to which the experi- Goschke, 2014). Europe is at the forefront of this
mental model is able to distinguish between clinical and evolution and can benefit from the presence of a
non-clinical populations (Vervliet and Raes, 2012; see also considerable number of strong and impactful experi-
Emmelkamp et al., 2014). In a dimensional perspective, mental psychopathology groups.
diagnostic validity also requires that the model can distin- • The current controversy over the revision of the
guish within sub-clinical groups between individuals Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
situated at different levels of a particular dimension. For (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association (APA)
instance, to have good external validity, a test of autobio- (2013)) has opened a window of opportunity to
graphical memory specificity should ideally not only initiate an even stronger push towards research di-
differentiate between depressed and non-depressed individ- rected at component processes and cognitive
uals but also between non-depressed individuals with low endophenotypes that cut across diagnostic entities
mood and normal mood. This issue relates to the use of and classes (see also the recent decision by the National
weak situations as opposed to strong situations in dimen- Institute of Mental Health [NIMH] to no longer
sional models of psychopathology discussed earlier. support research project that are guided exclusively
Validity testing is never complete, but should be an by DSM criteria).
integral and explicit part of a continuous research • At the same time, there is increasing convergence
program – more than is current practice in experimental between biomedical and psychological approaches to
psychopathology research. Further examinations of the psychopathology, resulting in an increased emphasis
mechanism underlying the model will influence the con- to integrate the various biopsychosocial factors that
struct validity of the model and/or the theory of the disor- promote and maintain psychological problems and
der itself. Further screenings of known and experimental mental disorders. Such integration is ever more crucial
treatments will influence the predictive validity of the for the development of integrated behavioural science in-
model and possibly result in treatment innovations. terventions (e.g. targeting core component psychological

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
64 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

processes of mental disorder with pharmacological • Much more than is now the case, targeted interven-
agents such as Yohimbine, D-cycloserine, propranolol, tions need to be developed that are process-specific
L-DOPA, etc.). (and non-disorder-specific) rather than disorder-
specific (and non-process-specific, as is now often the
However, in order to capitalize on those developments,
case). The development of such interventions that
it is vital that a number of critical needs and gaps are
can improve basic disordered processes will necessitate
addressed in future research:
a new kind of clinical trials that are not disorder-
• It will be clear from the above that further basic specific but evaluate the effect of interventions in the
research is needed into the mental processes that general population (or a subset of the general
underlie normal and abnormal behaviour, as a constant population that displays an impairment in a given
source for the development of novel, more targeted transdiagnostic component process, e.g. people with
interventions. planning problems, working memory impairments, ele-
• It is equally important to maintain strong ties between vated impulsivity, reduced cognitive control, excessive
basic psychological science and clinical intervention rumination, or such), irrespective of a specific mental
research; the history of psychology shows that the disorder. Indeed, taking the cognitive processes frame-
strongest progress in the treatment of psychological work seriously implies gradually moving away from trials
problems and mental disorders has been made when in very specific diagnostic populations that typically
interventions were tailored closely to progress in basic employ highly selected samples and exclude all
behavioural science. A strong divide between basic comorbidity.
psychological research and clinical research should • The above should not be taken to indicate that there is
therefore be avoided. Basic researchers should be no longer a need to improve our understanding of the
encouraged to consider the clinical implications and effectiveness and mechanisms of action of existing psy-
applications of their work; clinical scientists should chological interventions. While the development of
equally be encouraged to remain updated about the novel treatments and interventions that target specific
latest developments in basic science and to press basic clinical and sub-clinical deficits in component pro-
scientists to attend to clinical problems. cesses across the general population indeed requires a
• There is a great need to improve on our understanding new kind of intervention studies, the status of such in-
of the validity of various laboratory models for (compo- terventions is likely to remain somewhat experimental
nent processes of) psychopathology, taking into account for the years to come. We cannot afford to meanwhile
the various criteria for validity of laboratory models that drop pace on the evaluation and refinement of more
have been developed in biomedical research. A more traditional interventions, some of which have proven
systematic and multi-faceted assessment of the validity extremely valuable and highly effective (if perhaps
of basic science models of psychopathology should allow limited in diagnostic scope).
to better decide how relevant basic science findings are to • In summary, in parallel to traditional intervention re-
clinical application. search, we need clinical trials that evaluate population-
• Integration of psychological and pharmacological inter- wide interventions that aim to remedy deficits in specific
ventions may bear great promise for the treatment of component processes in those people that exhibit defi-
some aspects of psychopathology (particularly disor- cits, irrespective of psychiatric diagnosis.
dered memory processes); however, much more knowl-
edge is needed on the exact boundary conditions for
Psychological treatment research – time
pharmacological intervention on specific psychological
to reboot?
processes. Increased knowledge along those lines
should help pave the way for interventions that in an Against the background of the previous considerations
intelligent, science-based way combine psychological regarding psychological theories and models of mental
and biomedical techniques. So not just the standard disorders from a cognitive perspective one may ask the
“let’s do some combined psychotherapy and psycho- question, whether time has come to reboot psychotherapy
pharmacology”, but the development of interventions research altogether? Psychotherapy is rooted in many
that combine the specificity of psychological interven- different traditions, conceptual models and “schools of
tions (targeting specific behaviours, cognitions, emo- thinking”, ranging from theoretically-based approaches
tions) with the directness and power of biomedical such as psychodynamic therapy to more experimentally-
interventions. based psychological interventions such as cognitive-

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behaviour therapy (CBT). Psychotherapy has become a solved the problem. Unfortunately, this incoherent pic-
well-founded field of science with specific theories and ture has sometimes created confusion to policy-makers
models, research targets, methods and procedures. and the public as with regard to the scientific status of
However, there is a clear lack of conceptual frameworks psychotherapy.
that bring together the wide variety of findings, models Yet, it is also important to highlight that psychother-
and perspectives, and the breadth of research is almost apy in many areas has become a well-founded field of sci-
incapable to follow-up for both researchers and clinicians. ence with specific theories and models, research targets,
Attempts to develop common overarching integrative methods and procedures, typically fitting three major
frameworks such as proposals for empirically-based paradigms: (1) psychodynamic (Barber et al., 2013); (2)
“psychological therapies” or a “unified treatment” have humanistic-experiential (Elliott et al., 2013); and (3) cog-
not solved the problem. nitive-behavioural (Emmelkamp, 2013). Each paradigm
Unfortunately, this incoherent picture has sometimes can generate specific psychological treatments (i.e. clini-
created confusion to policy makers and the public as with cal protocols), often flexible manualized (i.e. especially
regard to the scientific status of psychotherapy. The in cognitive-behavioural approach), for specific clinical
following section summarizes the state-of-the-art in problems (one or more for each problem). Such well-
psychotherapy treatment research – focusing on needs defined psychological treatments, primarily CBT ap-
and gaps in psychotherapy research on anxiety-related proaches, have become established first-line treatments
disorders as an example. We highlight “component for many mental disorders with effect sizes that are at
analyses” to define optimally core ingredients and identify least as good as those established in state-of-the-art
mechanisms of change, efficacy and effectiveness of randomized clinical drug trials. For this position paper
psychotherapy, as well as translational issues (including we define psychotherapy as “a science-based psychologi-
dissemination and transfer). Given the established effi- cal health care technology for treating mental disorders
cacy and benefits of psychotherapy and CBT in particu- and mental health problems, including somatic diseases
lar, we argue that time has come for concerted action with significant psychological components, by psycho-
to overcome the current fragmentation between theory- logical means”. Essential components are (i) reliance on
based and evidence-based approaches by focusing on em- evidence-based structured and planned interactional
pirically supported principles of change, targeting relevant process between a therapist and patient, and (ii) use of
processes rather than being focused on distinct diagnostic psychological methods and techniques. Within this
categories. frame and given the basic position papers by Goschke
(2014) and Wittchen et al. (2014) that have highlighted
already some key issues for a science-based strategy, we
State-of-the-art in psychotherapy research: the lack
focus on three domains of psychotherapy treatment: (a)
of comprehensive conceptual frameworks
efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy, (b) compo-
There is a well-known chiasm between science and nent analyses to identify core ingredients and mecha-
practice of psychotherapy (Beutler, 2009) that goes far nisms of change, and (c) translational issues (including
beyond the notorious translational issues and the issue of dissemination and transfer).
dissemination. Psychotherapy is rooted in many different
traditions, conceptual models and “schools of thinking”,
Efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy
ranging from theoretically-based approaches such as
psychodynamic therapy to more experimentally-based
psychological interventions such as CBT. The fast and
exponential growth of our knowledge about the brain There is little doubt from a scientific perspective that
and the neural and neurobiological underpinnings of psychotherapy according to this definition is effective,
behaviour, cognition and affect make it difficult even for highly beneficial and cost-effective for a wide range of
scientists to keep up with the state-of-the-art and hardly mental disorders and health conditions (see for example
impossible for clinicians. There is a clear lack of concep- Health Technology Assessment reviews; Roth and Fonagy,
tual frameworks that bring together the wide variety of 1996), such as anxiety, stress and trauma-related disor-
findings, models and perspectives. Attempts to develop ders, depressive and somatoform and pain disorders, per-
common overarching integrative frameworks such as sonality disorder, substance use disorders and behavioural
proposals for empirically-based “psychological therapies” addictions, eating disorders and a number of childhood
or a “unified treatment” (Barlow et al., 2004) have not disorders. For all these disorders, various variants of CBT

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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have been established in clinical randomized trials. There is Therefore future research should take into account the
also strong evidence for the efficacy of CBT and other efficacy/effectiveness of psychological treatments, evidence
psychotherapeutic methods, at least as an adjuvant for the underlying theory of change, and cost-effectiveness.
treatment, for psychotic and bipolar disorder (Hutton and
Taylor, 2013; van der Gaag et al., 2012; Jones et al., 2012a; Open questions, needs and gaps
Jones et al., 2012b). Further psychotherapy is established
Although there is a wealth of studies that are based on high
for a wide range of somatic diseases and a range of health
standards regarding design, methods and date analyses
conditions for which behavioural factors play a significant
(e.g. Lambert, 2013), there is a lack of programmatic
role in the initiation, maintenance and rehabilitation
research that takes into account the validity of its under-
such as cancer (e.g. Fors et al., 2011) cardiovascular disease
lying theory, the outcome of the intervention and cost-
(e.g. Gulliksson et al., 2011), metabolic disease and obesity
effectiveness considerations.
(e.g. Grilo et al., 2012), and fibromyalgia (Kashikar-Zuck
et al., 2012). (1) On the theoretical and mechanisms of change level it
Further, multiple systems are in place that regularly should be emphasized that this level does not neces-
evaluate evidence-based psychological therapy. The most sarily refer to the aetio-pathogenic mechanism that
representative might be (1) the National Institute for have led to expression of the disorder or condition,
Health and Clinical Excellence Guidelines (NICE Guide- but more generally to the assumed mechanism of
lines;, (2) the American Psycho- change in the psychotherapeutic approach under
logical Association (APA/Division 12/Society for Science study. Mediation and moderation analyses are
of Clinical Psychology/SSCP; typically involved in this kind of analysis. The
PsychologicalTreatments/index.html), and (3) Cochrane hypothesized mediators and/or moderators should
Reviews ( Among the psycholog- be specified in advance, based on scientific clinical
ical treatments promoted by these international systems, theories. The specific role of “placebo conditions”
those coming from the CBT paradigm are currently the best (Kirsch, 1990) as well as non-specific factors such as
represented. Therefore, many example and analyses made to therapeutic alliance (Wampold, 2001) in psychother-
understand how we can advance the psychotherapy field will apy should be emphasized. For example, placebo, as
be mainly focused on CBT. described here, may have an effect on the outcome,
though involving different mechanisms as the active
ingredient under study. This may cause a logical
Problems problem – what could then be an adequate control/
Against this overwhelming level of evidence there are placebo condition? A solution would be to instead
however some notable problems. First, current systems of focus on comparative designs: what is the active in-
evaluating evidence-based psychotherapy focus on data gredient/mechanism to positively affect the outcome?
supporting (psycho)therapeutic packages, while neglecting (2) On the outcome level, analyses focus on the impact
the degree of empirical support for the theoretical basis of that a specific intervention has on a specific outcome
these packages. To delineate core ingredients and to identify or on a spectrum of outcomes (e.g. clinical condi-
mechanisms of action and therapeutic change, David and tions). The quality of the outcome analysis depends
Montgomery (2011) proposed a new grid system (see Table 1) on the level of outcome specification:
for the evaluation of evidence-based psychotherapy. (a) Complex analyses of the outcome: In order to have a
They propose nine categories, resulting from levels of comprehensive understanding of the outcome and
evidence regarding two factors: (1) theory/mechanisms impact, the following assessment domains should
of change and (2) interventions (i.e. therapeutic package) be mandatory: (i) the clinical symptomatology (i.e.
derived from that theory. Of note, the proposed categories including primary and secondary symptom or diag-
are not static, but based on the progress of research, nostic outcomes); (ii) the general level of distress;
allowing one form of psychotherapy to move from one and (iii) the social functioning and quality of life
category to another. to understand how the clinical condition(s) and/or
Second, often psychotherapy research lacks cost- interventions impact the real life of our clients
effectiveness analyses. Therefore, even if a psychological (b) Multidimensional operationalization of the outcome:
treatment could show strong efficacy and/or effectiveness, The measures by which the outcome is operationalized
due to high costs it might never be assimilated in real must have good psychometric properties and be repre-
clinical practice. sentative, allowing international comparisons. Further,

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Table 1. Psychotherapies classification framework: categories I–IX (adapted from David and Montgomery, 2011)

Therapeutic package Theory

Well-supported b Equivocal – no, Strong-

preliminary, or contradictory

mixed datac evidenced

Well-supported a Category I Category II Category V

Equivocal – no, Category III Category IV Category VII

preliminary or mixed data c

Strong-contradictory Category VI Category VIII Category IX


Well-supported therapeutic packages are defined as those with randomized clinical trial (or
equivalent) evidence of their efficacy (absolute, relative, and/or specific) and/or effectiveness;
“well-supported” within this framework means that it has been empirically supported in at least two
rigorous studies, by two different investigators or investigating teams.
Well-supported theories are defined as those with evidence based on (1) correlational and
experimental studies and/or (2) component analyses, patient × treatment interactions, and/or
mediation/moderation analyses in complex clinical trials; thus, the theory can be tested
independent of its therapeutic package (e.g. in correlational and experimental studies) and/or
during a complex clinical trial; “well-supported” within this framework means that it has been
empirically supported in at least two rigorous studies, by two different investigators or investigating
Equivocal evidence for therapeutic package and/or theory means no (data not yet collected),
preliminary (there is collected data, be them supporting or contradictory, but do not fit the minimum
standards), or mixed data (there is both supporting and contradictory evidence).
Strong-contradictory evidence for therapeutic package and/or theory means that it has been
empirically invalidated in at least two rigorous studies, by two different investigators or investigating
Note: Red indicates pseudoscientifically-oriented psychotherapies (POPs); the core of POPs (dark
red) is represented by Category IX. Green signifies scientifically-oriented psychotherapies (SOPs);
the core of SOPs (dark green) is represented by Category I. Depending on the progress of
research, a form of psychotherapy could move from one category to another; and thus, one can
plan a programmatic research to evaluate and/or to stimulate the progress of a certain therapeutic

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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assessment of outcome should allow measuring and importantly, prompting for example defensive
various levels, i.e. cognitive, affective, behavioural, reflexive, autonomic, and motor responses that in
and physiological/biological level by including self- evolutionary history acted directly to counter threats
report, objective psychobiological and physical and escape punishments (Arch and Craske, 2009).
behavioural measures, informants report, in addi- Comparative research across different forms of mental
tion to clinical judgement; disorders is necessary to detect such core aspects of
(c) Efficacy: Use of specific measures that inform how well dysfunctions shared by all disorders versus disorder-
the psychotherapeutic intervention works under well- specific features (Domschke and Deckert, 2012; Etkin
controlled conditions that preserve a high internal and Wager, 2007; Haber and Rauch, 2010; Lueken
validity. The data should be analysed at various levels, et al., 2011) and to inform how therapeutic interventions
i.e. statistical significance; effect sizes; and clinical can be optimized. A better understanding of the basic
significance (e.g. by using normative comparisons). mechanisms of mental disorders and their personal var-
(d) Effectiveness: Use of measures that inform about iations will guide the translational agenda of how
how well a psychotherapy intervention works under evidence-based psychotherapy can be procedurally
real ecological conditions that preserve a high level optimized, for example to reduce more effectively
of general validity. dysfunctional patterns of fear, anxiety and avoidance.
(e) Follow-up analyses: It should be an internationally Such research will also inform when to intervene best
accepted standard to evaluate the effects of psycho- with what component (i.e. timing of interventions,
therapy not only post-treatment but also at medium add-on modules, comorbidity issues). Here, there is a
and long-term follow-up. Studies should define core clear need of research in truly clinical samples or even
constructs of remission, relapse and recurrence and clinical cohort samples, rather than in (psychology)
should investigate moderators influencing long- students with heightened scores on a questionnaire.
term outcome. • Moderators and mediators of change. Although CBT is
(f) Trial registers: As it is mandatory for drug trials, the the most effective psychological treatment, there is
design of any psychotherapy outcome study, in- considerable room for improvement. Thus, there is a
cluding primary and secondary outcome measures, clear need to figure out how these treatments work
moderators and mediators of outcome and number and what accounts for the variability in outcomes.
of participants to be recruited should be submitted Unfortunately, few studies have measured the pro-
and made public before the start of the study in a posed mechanisms during treatment so it is unclear
clinical trial register such as whether change in the supposed mediator preceded
(3) Cost-effectiveness considerations should be incorporated change in the outcome. For example, although most
as a standard, because even the best treatment with therapists hold that change in cognitions is responsible
known mechanism of action is unlikely to be used, if for effects achieved with CBT, there is still a surpris-
it is too expensive (Sava et al., 2009). ingly small number of studies that have directly tested
for cognitive mediation (e.g. Meyerbröker et al., 2013).
Having defined and accept these three major needs,
Further, most of the studies that focused on mediators
more specific steps should be taken in order to fill the gaps:
of treatment outcome failed to assess that the mediator
• Exploiting basic experimental research to characterize changed before the improvement occurred, meaning it
commonalities and differences across disorders and opti- was not possible to test questions of temporality, a
mize core active ingredients of psychotherapy. Despite critical component of mediation (Teachman, 2013).
its claim as being scientifically based, current CBT More rigorous designs are needed to investigate media-
manuals are not entirely consistent with novel basic tors of treatment outcome. Current findings are incon-
and clinical research (i.e. neural underpinnings, fear clusive. Further, little is known about the similarities,
circuitries, (epi-)genetic factors, developmental path- differences and specificity of the change processes across
ways, dynamic role of learning, extinction, avoidance, treatment modalities and paradigms (e.g. cognitive
safety behaviour, etc. Arch and Craske, 2009; Etkin therapy versus behaviour therapy versus interpersonal
and Wager, 2007; Gloster et al., 2011; Kircher et al., psychotherapy versus psychodynamic therapy).
2012). Emotional responses like fear and anxiety are • Endo-phenotypes relevant for treatment choice and
grounded in “complex systems” that feeds back to treatment response. Our knowledge about relevant
sensory systems, heightening vigilance and informa- endo-phenotypes and respective neurobiological, psy-
tion gathering (if a threat is expected or detected), chological and behavioural markers could more reliably

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guide clinicians’ treatment choice and improve the medication. A number of studies have investigated the
prediction of treatment outcome if these variables were combination of psychotherapy with anti-depressant
studied in the context of psychotherapy. Despite drugs or tranquilizers, but generally such pharmacother-
substantial knowledge regarding family genetic factors apy did not enhance the effects of evidence-based
and the role of adverse early childhood in the expression psychotherapy as stand-alone treatment (e.g. Forand
of many mental disorders, little is known how such et al., 2013). Given the unfavorable cost-effectiveness
constellations affect the course and outcome of psycho- ratio of combined treatment approaches, there is an
logical interventions. For example, even for patients urgent need to answer this unresolved issue and to
suffering from PTSD following repeated or chronic inter- investigate the moderator role of concurrent therapies.
personal trauma, such as sexual of physical abuse in There is little systematic research about how such medi-
childhood (type II trauma), there has been little research cation affects psychotherapy and what clinicians and
on the efficacy of treatment outcome. PTSD following researchers should do in such situations. Unresolved
type II trauma is considered to be more difficult to treat core questions are (i) Do past or only concomitant
than PTSD following single event trauma; because of medication affect treatment response and the mecha-
the assumed more pronounced neurobiological long- nism of action? What type and pattern of medication
term effects as well as a particularly complex symptom has an impact? (ii) How frequent are particular patient
presentation. In such constellations, treatments that are constellations: Is the patient a non- or partial-
purely focused on trauma processing as stand-alone responder associated with appropriate or inappropriate
treatment may be insufficient and require additional psychopharmacotherapy? Would the patient profit more
components targeting emotion regulation difficulties, from stopping or changing (optimizing) medication?
dissociation and interpersonal problems. For example, Has the patient remitted under medications, wants to
some have therefore suggested that treatment of PTSD stop after continuation/maintenance therapy, but expe-
following type II trauma should consist of two phases: riences recurrence of symptoms or relapse? Currently,
acute problems, emotion regulation difficulties and tapering off medication before inclusion or keeping
interpersonal problems are addressed in the first phase the medication constant (combination treatment) are
(“stabilization”) and then trauma-focused therapy is the two major options, providing no further or more
provided in the second phase (Cloitre et al., 2010). specific guidance.
Although there is promising evidence for the effects of • Routine outcome monitoring. There is a clear need of
stabilization followed by trauma-focused exposure there research into routine outcome monitoring as a mean
is a clear need for well controlled studies in this area of investigating the accountability of treatments, thera-
(Neuner, 2012). pists and treatment centers. Very few research has yet
• Treatment fidelity. Given that in psychotherapy been done into the effects of implementing these
appropriate choice of evidence-based psychological systems in clinical practice. There is some evidence that
interventions, as well as their dose and timing is critical, providing therapist with systematic feedback about
relatively few studies have systematically examined progress of individual patients on session by session
the degree and the role of therapists’ adherence to the basis is more effective than providing no feedback
treatment protocol. This failure significantly limits the (Lambert, 2007). In other studies, however, feedback
degree to which one can make causal inferences about about improvement or deterioration did not lead to
the specific effects attributable to a particular treatment enhancement of treatment outcome or even to deteriora-
component. Psychotherapy component research should tion, but in these studies feedback was less regularly and
systematically examine and provide evidence to what less systematically provided (de Jong et al., 2012). Studies
degree therapist adhere to the treatment protocol and need to investigate the optimal timing of feedback, and
when, what type of individual modification might be which patient, therapist and treatment factors moderate
allowed (for example due to patients comorbid condi- the results of providing systematic feedback to therapists
tions, or life events accruing during treatment) without about patient progress and deterioration. Apart from
threatening the integrity of the research. providing feedback, routine outcome monitoring can
• Pharmacological agents. Psychopharmacotherapy is an also be used within mental health organizations to
established effective first-line treatment in many mental compare successful and less successful therapists in
disorders. Twenty to 45% of treated patients depending order to provide additional training to the latter.
on diagnosis or country asking for psychotherapy • Reducing barriers in translating state-of-the-art treatments
present with some form of past and/or concurrent into clinical practice. Although effective psychological

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treatments (CBT) exist for many disorders, treatment inconclusive. The success of exposure in vivo has also been
rates are low (Wittchen et al., 2011) and are character- explained by the acquisition of novel, disconfirmatory evi-
ized by long time lapses (typically decades) between dis- dence, which weakens the catastrophic cognitions. From
order onset and treatment (Gustavsson et al., 2011; this perspective, exposure is viewed as a critical intervention
Wang et al., 2005; Wittchen et al., 2011). Among the through which catastrophic cognitions may be challenged.
few treated, drug and particularly psychotherapy treat- Although also “pure” cognitive therapy is wide-spread,
ment are frequently inadequate or inappropriate. there are very few methodological-sound data to show that
State-of-the-art “CBT” as studied in controlled clinical cognitive therapy enhances the effects of pure exposure as
trials (randomized controlled trials) are rarely applied, stand-alone treatment. Interestingly, exposure was equally
despite short- and long-term effect sizes that are larger effective in promoting cognitive change as exposure plus
than for other treatments of mental disorders. When ap- cognitive therapy in participants with specific phobias,
plied, treatment characteristics in routine care typically which does not support the idea that cognitions have to
do not match the randomized controlled trial manual be explicitly challenged to elicit cognitive change in expo-
specification or treatment guidelines in terms of type, sure treatment (Emmelkamp, 2013).
length and content. The reasons for this unfortunate Reviews and meta-analyses for panic disorder and ago-
situation are only partly understood despite promising raphobia (Mitte, 2005a; Sánchez-Meca et al., 2010) indi-
suggestions on how to change the situation (Crawcour cate that exposure in vivo has a substantial effect size for
et al., 2012). Increasing the “ecological validity” and agoraphobic symptoms. A total of 60 to 80% of all treated
clinical utility of CBT programmes by avoiding overly agoraphobics significantly benefit from exposure. Thus,
selective inclusion criteria and diagnostic fragmentation exposure has become the gold standard treatment of ago-
might provide guidance on how to deal with comorbid raphobic patients. Exposure not only leads to a reduction
conditions, prior or concomitant drug treatment and of anxiety and avoidance, but also to a reduction of panic
with patients not achieving full remission. attacks and a reduction of negative self-statements (e.g.
Meyerbröker et al., 2013). There is convincing evidence
Is there a need to advance CBT for anxiety-related that cognitive therapy dealing with misinterpretations of
disorders? bodily sensations is highly effective in reducing panic
attacks. However, this does not necessarily lead to a reduc-
State-of-the-art in CBT research on anxiety disorders
tion of the avoidance behaviour in severe agoraphobic
Using the anxiety-related disorders and CBT as their first- patients. In agoraphobia, exposure-based interventions
line treatment as an example, we outline in greater detail are usually superior to cognitive interventions (e.g.
the specific needs and gaps in psychotherapy research. Emmelkamp, 2004; Moscovitch et al., 2009; Sánchez-Meca
CBT is the established first line treatment for all kinds of et al., 2010). There is little evidence that additional com-
anxiety disorders (Emmelkamp, 2013; Olatunji et al., ponents (e.g. cognitive restructuring, breathing retraining)
2010) and exposure-based CBT is probably the best inves- do increase outcomes above exposure alone (e.g. Craske
tigated psychotherapy technique for all anxiety disorder- et al., 1997; Öst et al., 2004). Also interpersonal therapy
related conditions (Neudeck and Wittchen, 2012). Expo- is less effective than CBT in patients with panic disorder
sure consists basically of techniques that expose patients and agoraphobia (Vos et al., 2012). It is important that
in various ways (i.e. in vitro, in vivo), or in virtual reality the therapist guides the exposure in vivo practice. In a large
(Meyerbröker and Emmelkamp, 2010) to feared situa- randomized controlled trial (Gloster et al., 2011) thera-
tions. Cognitive psychotherapists acknowledge the value pist-guided exposure was more effective than exposure
of exposure as an important element in cognitive therapy without therapist guidance both in reducing number of
(e.g. Clark, 1999). Similarly, also in recent CBT-extensions panic attacks, avoidance behaviour and improvement of
like acceptance-based approaches (acceptance and com- global functioning.
mitment therapy) exposure is considered as an important Similar findings were summarized for other anxiety
component of therapy (Orsillo et al., 2004). Several studies disorders like Social Anxiety Disorder. A meta-analysis of
have provided supportive evidence for the role of habitua- 32 randomized controlled trials found that CBT out-
tion in exposure therapy, as self-reported fear and physio- performed waitlist (d = 0.86) across outcome domains and
logical arousal showing a declining trend across exposures, at follow-up (Powers et al., 2008). No significant difference
consistent with habituation. Results of studies investigating was found between combined treatment (exposure with
whether within session habituation and between session cognitive therapy) and exposure or cognitive methods alone.
habituation are associated with outcome are however It is interesting to note that while not significantly different,

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exposure methods produced the largest controlled effect size changes as cognitive therapy. Unfortunately, studies into
relative to cognitive or combined. In addition, exposure and the long-term effects of cognitive therapy for OCD are
cognitive methods showed significant improvement on both lacking.
behavioural and cognitive measures. Similar encouraging In PTSD, two different types of psychological treatments
results were found for Internet-based treatments for social have been found to be effective, namely trauma-focused
phobia (see Gallego and Emmelkamp, 2012). cognitive-behavioural treatment (TF-CBT) on the one hand
In this domain of CBT research we also see a wide and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
range of studies that link psychotherapy efficacy research (EMDR) on the other hand (e.g. Bisson et al., 2007; Powers
with the domain of experimental psychopathology, such et al., 2010). Combining cognitive therapy with exposure
as implicit processes reflected in attentional bias towards did not result in added value above exposure alone (e.g.
threat. Cognitive bias modification procedures systemati- Foa et al., 2005). Interestingly, exposure led to cognitive
cally change patterns of selective attention and selective change without formal cognitive therapy (Foa and Rauch,
interpretation. Based on cognitive theories, for example 2004; Paunovic and Öst, 2001). There is also consi-
for social anxiety which hold that socially anxious individ- derable evidence that other trauma-focused therapies,
uals selectively attend to social threat cues, it is assumed i.e. narrative exposure therapy and structured writing
that changing these biases by attention bias modification therapy are also effective (van Emmerik et al., 2008;
will lead to positive changes in anxiety. Over the course Robjant and Fazel, 2010).
of many trials, participants are expected to implicitly learn In recent years a number of studies have been cond-
to attend selectively to non-threatening stimuli rather than ucted that investigated the effectiveness of various CBT
threatening stimuli. These studies showed that anxious packages targeting various putative core mechanisms
individuals are no faster to respond to probes replacing involved in patients with generalized anxiety disorder
threat cues than to non-threat cues, but they are slower (GAD) by using cognitive and exposure-based princi-
to respond to probes that are opposite to threat cues ples. Depending on the theoretical assumptions there
relative to non-threat cues. A series of primarily labora- are three general approaches: (i) that target primarily a
tory-based studies found attention bias modification in reduction of the excessive psychophysiological activation
socially anxious participants to lead to reduced anxiety characteristic of GAD by means of relaxation proce-
(Hakamata et al., 2010). In a randomized controlled trial dures; (ii) that target primarily change of the GAD-
of Carlbring et al. (2012), this procedure was applied specific worrying process by cognitive techniques; (iii)
through the Internet, but the positive effects of attention that emphasize exposure and behavioural activation. Most
bias training from previous studies could not be replicated evidence-based treatments for GAD include a complex
in clinically socially anxious individuals. Also in other clin- package of treatment strategies aimed to target the
ically relevant studies results of attention bias training cognitive, behavioural, and emotional processes thought
were very limited (Emmelkamp, 2012). So there is no to underlie pathological worry processes and thus all
robust evidence that attention training is of clinical value. approaches show some overlap in at least some the in-
Also here, there is a clear need for studies with real clinical tervention components. The CBT packages of Borkovec
patients instead of using “normal” populations with an et al. (2004) and Dugas and Robichaud (2006) have been
enhanced score on a questionnaire. found effective in a number of controlled studies in
Exposure in vivo and response prevention are effective terms of symptom reduction for anxiety as well as worry
with a substantial number of obsessive-compulsive pa- (e.g. Covin et al., 2008; Gould et al., 2004; Mitte, 2005b).
tients as well, resulting in large effect sizes (Eddy et al., More recent evidence also revealed that exposure based
2004; Fisher and Wells, 2005; Rosa-Alcazar et al., 2008). CBT is effective. Interpersonal emotion focused therapy
In contrast to the study of patients with agoraphobia did not enhance the effects of the standard CBT ap-
(Gloster et al., 2011) results of controlled studies found proach (Newman et al., 2011a). Further, these CBT
therapist controlled and self-controlled exposure equally packages were significantly superior to psychodynamic
effective in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (e.g. therapy on worrying, trait-anxiety and depressed mood
van Oppen et al., 2010). A number of studies have com- (Leichsenring et al., 2009) and to non-directive therapy
pared cognitive therapy based on the cognitive appraisal (Gosselin et al., 2006). In sum, CBT treatment packages
model with exposure and response prevention and results have been found to be effective in GAD. However, as
suggest that both treatments are about equally effective these multi-component packages both include a number
(e.g. Belloch et al., 2008). Interestingly, exposure in vivo of different strategies, it remains unclear which of these is
and response prevention leads to comparable cognitive responsible for the observed effects.

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72 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

Problems in CBT research needed to investigate the potential of cognitive enhancers

in the context of exposure therapies.
The role of comorbidity
One of the problems associated with drawing conclusions Major advances and strengths of CBT and
based on randomized controlled trials is that often strict psychotherapy research regarding anxiety and
inclusion and exclusion criteria are used that exclude related problems
patients with comorbid psychiatric (Axis-I and Axis-II)
There is considerable evidence that CBT and exposure-
disorders, restricting the clinical utility of findings
based CBT in particular are highly effective psycho-
seriously. Given that most patients with anxiety (and other
therapeutic treatment tools for most anxiety disorders
disorders) meet diagnostic criteria for more than one
(including OCD and PTSD), with particularly strong evi-
disorder, this seriously limits conclusions to be drawn on
dence for efficacy in specific phobias, agoraphobia, social
the basis of such academic efficacy studies. Exclusion of
anxiety and OCD.
these patients will affect the external validity of such clin-
Although the field of anxiety-related disorders is the
ical studies. Previous studies concluded that the percent-
most advanced, we see similar strong evidence for the
age of participants excluded by these criteria ranged
effectiveness of CBT for depression and bipolar disorder,
between 50 and 80%, suggesting that clinical trials exclude
somatoform disorder, and the majority of other mental
a substantial proportion of patients with other disorders
disorders (Emmelkamp, 2013; Hollon and Beck, 2013;
(Hoertel et al., 2012). Systematic research is needed to
Hollon and Ponniah, 2010).
provide guidance what targets and procedures should be
Similar strong levels of evidence are currently lacking
chosen in patients with comorbidity. Restricted evidence
for personality disorders (Emmelkamp and Kamphuis,
from temporally primary anxiety disorder with comorbid
2007), psychotic disorders (e.g. Jones et al., 2012a) as well
anxiety disorders and other comorbid complications
as the application of psychotherapeutic methods targeting
strongly suggests that exclusively treating anxiety, without
somatic disease conditions (Smith and Williams, 2013;
any specific focus on comorbid conditions, is associated
Sabaté, 2003).
with improvement of major depressive disorders with
In terms of active components there seems to be some
effect sizes that are as large in depression-specific CBT.
consensus – at least for anxiety disorders, that exposure
However, similar evidence is lacking for many other
interventions are a core component and that in most cases,
comorbid patterns.
adding cognitive components does not enhance the
outcome, because exposure seems to lead on its own to
Cognitive enhancers
improvement in anxiety and cognitive changes. It is note-
Standard pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders includes worthy though that exposure therapy has undergone a
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antide- number of transformations. Significant changes in its
pressants and benzodiazepines. These treatments have an administration are related to advances in the areas of cogni-
acute but transient effect on anxiety. Anxiety often recurs tion, fear learning and fear extinction, neuroscience and
upon treatment discontinuation. A highly interesting more recently acceptance-based approaches (Wolitzky-
recent development is research into the effects of cognitive Taylor et al., 2012; Gloster et al., 2012). Each of these have
enhancers on the speed of habituation/extinction in expo- resulted in further shifts in the conceptualization and opti-
sure-based therapies (Vervliet et al., 2013). Research on mized delivery of CBT and exposure as science-based
the role of so-called “cognitive enhancers” is prompted models of clinical practice.
by the growing evidence on fear extinction being weak- It seems important to highlight particularly, that recent
ened by antagonists of the glutamate receptors in the psychotherapy research has been using more comprehen-
amygdala and evidence for D-cycloserine to enhance extinc- sive research approaches, combining experimental basic
tion in animal studies. Examples of these novel pharmaco- investigations with clinical trial methodology to develop
logical enhancers include D-cycloserine, and Yohimbine a better understanding of the active ingredients as well as
hydrochloride. Although there are some studies demonstrat- mechanism of action of CBT, including effects of epi-
ing that D-cycloserine (Bontempo et al., 2012; Norberg et al., (genetic) factors as well as neuroimaging changes in the
2008) and Yohimbine hydrochloride (Powers et al., 2009) neural fear and anxiety circuitries.
may indeed enhance extinction in exposure therapy, results It should be noted, that in addition to psychotherapy
of other studies are negative (e.g. Storch et al., 2007; Litz research on targeted established diagnostic groups, there
et al., 2012; Meyerbröker et al., 2013). Further studies are is also an increasing (yet not fully evaluated) trend towards

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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the development of integrated treatments and integrated action to overcome the current fragmentation of research
cross-cutting principles in psychotherapy. areas and fields. There is already at this point in the
European Union (EU) a substantial, though fragmented,
knowledge base regarding basic and applied psychother-
Open questions, needs and gaps, and
apy research in many mental disorders. Appraising the
concluding remarks
state-of-the-art and existing expertise it seems timely to
CBT is established as a highly effective treatment method, launch a comprehensive research agenda with clinical
though it remains yet to be elucidated why it works. trials, basic and translational projects within an overall
Further, we need to acknowledge substantial rates of re- population-based developmental framework covering all
lapse or recurrence, and also of non-responders. From ages, instead of a smaller-scale, narrow research agenda.
that, there is a need to better understand why CBT works, A number of current developments may turn out to be
what are the underlying mechanisms and of note what are particularly fruitful in the future to substantially advance
moderators and mediators of these mechanisms. More our understanding of mental disorders and the way
precisely, questions in this regard are: psychotherapy might help to reduce the burden. These
include the suggestion to focus more on empirically
(1) Why are CBT methods effective? Such research should
supported principles of change rather than specific treat-
understand the mechanisms of action and the mech-
ment packages for specific disorders (Harvey et al.,
anism of therapeutic change in relation to specified
2004). Future treatments may therefore focus more on
diagnostic groups, specified core aetiological and
targeting relevant processes rather than on distinct
pathogenic processes and the specific theoretical
diagnostic categories. Although it remains to be tested
assumptions under study.
whether these approaches result in more effective
(2) Which factors and mechanisms are diagnosis-specific
interventions, it appears that they may help to overcome
and which are shared or common factors that apply
some of the dichotomies between theory-based and
to a wider scope of clinical problems and diagnoses?
evidence-based approaches in the current literature.
(3) What is the role of individual variation? Are there
specific endo-phenotypes that allow optimization of
choice and allocation of interventions to specific Psychotherapy research in children and
patient characteristics? Although psychotherapy – by adolescents
its very nature is personalized – there is at this point
During the course of development, a substantial number
little knowledge about which neurobiological,
of children and adolescents come to suffer from serious
psychological and behavioural markers may be
mental health problems and mental disorders.
relevant to improve outcomes.
Epidemiological research has indicated that before the
(4) Given the complex aetiologies of mental disorders, when,
age of 18 up to one third of youth meet the full criteria
why and how can combined strategies of drug and
of a psychiatric disorder at some point in time (Costello
psychological interventions be beneficial, respectively
et al., 2003; Wittchen et al., 2011), with the most fre-
when are they not providing additional positive effects.
quently diagnosed problems being emotional disorders
(5) There is a clear need of further research into cognitive-
such as anxiety disorders and depression, and behavioural
enhancers in the context of exposure-based therapies.
disorders such as ADHD, oppositional-defiant disorder
(6) Given the many sufferers of personality disorders and
(ODD), conduct disorder (CD), and substance use
the lack of robust evidence for specific psychological
disorders. A significant proportion of these children and
treatments of most personality disorders there is a
adolescents are referred to clinical services for treatment
clear need for concerted action of therapists of different
of their problems. Fortunately, the therapeutic arsenal
orientations to evaluate comprehensive treatment
for treating childhood psychopathology has expanded
protocols in randomized controlled trials.
markedly in the past few decades, and even better a num-
(7) How can the notorious gap between research into experi-
ber of evidence-based interventions have been identified.
mental psychopathology and evidence-based psychother-
In this brief section, we provide an overview of the state-
apy in clinical routine settings be closed? There is a
of-the-art of current psychotherapeutic programmes for
clear need for experimental psychopathology research
children and adolescents with mental health problems.
in real patients rather than in “normal” students.
Limitations and gaps in the research on psychotherapy
Given the established efficacy and benefits of psycho- for youths are highlighted, which are translated into a
therapy and CBT a particular time has come for concerted research plan for moving this field forward.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
74 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

State-of-the-art of psychological treatment in children Is the psychotherapy horse race really over?
and adolescents
From the beginning, CBT has been firmly grounded in
Over the past 50 years, psychotherapy for children and research, which may have yielded significant advantages
adolescents has mushroomed (Weisz and Kazdin, for its scientific substantiation. Meanwhile, a careful
2010), and this advancement has shown itself in the analysis of the outcome studies indicates that the evidence
development of standardized protocols of theoretically for CBTs of childhood disorders has been mainly obtained
well-grounded interventions for most mental disorders in university clinics that may not be truly representative of
that occur during childhood. A large number of con- regular clinical settings, which are usually visited by more
trolled outcome studies have been published evaluating severely disturbed youth and families (Weisz and Gray,
the efficacy of these interventions. In general this body 2008). Studies are beginning to demonstrate that when
of research has shown that psychotherapy for youth is being applied to disordered youth “in the real world,”
indeed effective. Meta-analytic studies have dem- CBT are less effective than they are in research-based
onstrated that children and adolescents who receive university settings. For example, CBT was shown to be
psychotherapy are far better off than those who are left effective in 75% of the children and adolescents with anx-
untreated (Weisz et al., 1998). In the meantime, it has iety disorders in a university clinic, but produced a satis-
also become clear that some therapies do better than factory treatment result in less than half of the youths
others, thereby refuting the “Dodo bird verdict”, that referred to a routine outpatient treatment center (Bodden
all psychotherapies, regardless of their specific compo- et al., 2008). Disregarding the question whether this
nents or theoretical underpinnings, produce equivalent difference might be due to the fact that CBT might not
outcomes. In general, available empirical evidence dem- be administered properly, client-related as well as
onstrates that for most emotional and behavioural disor- clinician-related variables seem to account partially for
ders in youth cognitive-behaviourally oriented therapies this difference. For example, youth treated in regular clin-
produce the best outcomes (March, 2009), and that the ical settings present with more severe problems and higher
application of such interventions yields better results family adversity than youth in university settings. Further,
than care-as-usual approaches (Weisz and Gray, 2008). clinicians working in regular clinical settings typically treat
Comprehensive reviews indicate that we now have a a broad array of problems and disorders, often within the
number of evidence-based interventions for children and same day, which hinders them in their effort to develop or
adolescents with various types of mental problems (Barrett use concentrated expertise in a single treatment for a
and Ollendick, 2004; Weisz and Kazdin, 2010). For single disorder (Weisz and Gray, 2008). Clearly, this un-
example, it has become clear that treatments combining derlines that further research evaluating the effectiveness
exposure and cognitive restructuring are effective for of evidence-based psychotherapies in everyday clinical
youth with anxiety disorders (including those that were practice is urgently needed.
previously regarded as difficult-to-treat such as OCD and Although there is convincing evidence that some treat-
PTSD). Interventions consisting of behavioural activation, ments, such as CBT, are more effective than other types of
cognitive restructuring, and interpersonal problem- psychotherapy, it is also true that fairly little is known
solving work well with children and adolescents suffering about the mediators of such successful interventions. For
from depression, and parent management training instance, cognitive-behaviour theorists view psychopathol-
programmes evidently help parents to deal better with ogy as maladaptive behaviour and dysfunctional thinking
the difficult behaviours of youths with ADHD, ODD, that have been acquired via unfavorable learning experi-
and CD thereby reducing the symptomatology of these ences. Therefore, most cognitive-behavioural treatment
disruptive behaviour disorders. As noted earlier, most of packages that have been developed for various types of
these treatments are based on cognitive-behavioural prin- behavioural and emotional problems consist of a variety of
ciples, which have led some authors including a noted techniques and procedures that may be helpful to correct
child psychiatrist, John March, to conclude that “The psy- faulty behaviour and cognition, in order to reduce the symp-
chotherapy horse race is over: cognitive-behaviour therapy tomatology of these childhood disorders. Therapy outcome
wins” (March, 2009, p. 173). Without any doubt, CBT studies, however, often do not include an assessment of po-
with its direct, problem-focused, and methodological tential mediating variables, and if they do, mediators are
approach has caused a breakthrough in the effective only measured at pre- and post-treatment. This approach
treatment of mental disorders, including those of children does not make it possible to link treatment effects to specific
and adolescents, and significant advances have been made. elements of the treatment (Maric et al., 2012). It has been

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known for some time that a process analysis, which typically respond adequately to this treatment approach, leaving
relies on the repeated assessment of symptoms and mediat- room for improved or enhanced CBT interventions and
ing variables, is the appropriate way for examining the pro- perhaps other psychotherapies with different theoretical
cesses underlying successful treatment (Judd and Kenny, foundations. In other words, the psychotherapy race is
1981), but unfortunately this method is rarely applied. How- only halfway and it seems too early to award the prizes.
ever, it is clear that research adopting this methodology
would be highly valuable for further developing and refining Youths’ and parents motivation for psychotherapy
psychotherapy for youth with mental disorders.
Motivation is a critical precondition for (any) psychother-
Such an approach would also provide an opportunity
apy. Without motivation, it is highly unlikely that therapy
to investigate how effective various psychotherapies are
will work and that therapeutic change will occur. Despite
for difficult-to-treat populations, including the offspring
its logic, this common factor is often neglected. This is
of parents with severe mental problems (e.g. substance
especially true for children and adolescents who often do
use, psychosis), children and adolescents with learning
not recognize the problematic nature of their emotional
problems, youths suffering from pervasive problems (e.g.
and/or behavioural symptoms (Kazdin, 2000). Most of
mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders), children
the time, parents (and teachers) signal the problem and
and adolescents exposed to physical and sexual abuse
arrange the referral for psychological evaluation and help,
and neglect, and recalcitrant juvenile offenders. This
which means that many of these youth “enter” psycho-
would also relate to the important issue of studying treat-
therapy unwillingly, without any clear goal, let alone
ment moderators – that is, identifying for whom these
motivation to participate in psychotherapy. Further, some
effective treatments work. So far, relatively little is known
parents – frequently those who are court-ordered or those
about why a certain type of psychotherapy is effective for
who have serious (mental) problems themselves – are
one child but fails to produce a positive effect in another
unaware of the fact that their child’s development is at
child. Research in this area has mainly focused on the
risk, which results in a hesitating collaboration with
examination of descriptive and demographic charac-
therapists and other clinicians. Finally, especially in the
teristics such as ethnicity, gender, family status, socio-
case of behavioural problems but also for many emotional
economic status, and comorbidity, but this has generally
problems, it may be necessary to change parenting behav-
yielded disappointing results. It would certainly be an im-
iours in order to reduce child psychopathology, which of
provement to study more substantive variables associated
course requires explicit motivation from the parents as
with difficult-to-treat families and premature terminators
well. All these examples point out that it is highly
of treatment (i.e. drop-outs). On the side of the child or
recommended to check the motivation of both youth
adolescent, it seems relevant to focus on perturbations in
and parents, and if necessary begin treatment with motiva-
personality development, and how they can be effectively
tional strategies before starting with the actual psycho-
handled in therapy. Obviously, interventions such as
therapy intervention. There is preliminary evidence to
mentalization-based therapy (Allen and Fonagy, 2006)
indicate that such a combined motivation–psychotherapy
and schema-focused therapy (Young et al., 2003) may be
approach may be more effective than a method relying
important candidates in this regard; however, it is
on psychotherapy alone (Chaffin et al., 2011), but obvi-
extremely important that these psychotherapies be opera-
ously more research on this topic is required.
tionalized and translated into standardized protocols for
young people so they can be subjected to scientific evalua-
Developmental psychopathology research as a firm basis
tion and scrutiny to determine if they meet the criteria of
evidence-based treatments. On the side of the family, Research investigating the origins of mental disorders in
more attention could be devoted to emotion socialization children and adolescents is highly relevant for the
practices of parents (Eisenberg et al., 1998), and how such (further) development of psychotherapeutic interventions
practices as emotion coaching can be promoted in psycho- targeting these problems. The widely adopted develop-
therapy of youth with various mental disorders as well as mental psychopathology model offers important starting
their parents. points in this respect. One core assumption of this model
Thus, while CBT certainly can be regarded as the pri- is that mental disorders are based on multiple and diverse
mary evidence-based intervention for many of the emo- etiological factors, some of which are genetically based
tional and behavioural symptoms in youth, it is also clear while others are more linked to the environment. In most
that a considerable proportion – up to 30% (Ollendick cases, different pathways may signal the need for different
and King, 2012) – of children and adolescents do not treatment modules to address these problems. For

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

instance, it is well-known that a difficult temperament of developmental manifestation of various emotional and
the child and a permissive, inconsistent parenting style behavioural problems.
may contribute to the development of conduct problems
in young children, and that these difficulties can be
Psychotherapy and the brain
adequately countered by means of a parent management
training intervention. However, there is increasing In the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
evidence indicating that a subgroup of children and Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a number of
adolescents with conduct problems are characterized by mental health problems that occur during childhood
callous-unemotional traits, which may require a more and adolescence are labelled as “neurodevelopmental
intensive psychotherapeutic approach that also addresses disorders” (Andrews et al., 2009; Arch and Craske,
underlying faulty cognitions of these youth and the acqui- 2009). These problems, which include autism spectrum
sition of empathy skills (Salekin et al., 2010). A further disorders, mental retardation, specific learning disorders,
tenet of the developmental psychopathology account is and social communication disorders, are primarily
that the etiology of mental disorders should not only be caused by impairment of the growth and development
approached from a risk/vulnerability perspective, but also of the brain or central nervous system. Typically, youth
from a protective or resilience standpoint. For instance, with these disorders require long-term remediation and
in the past years, executive functioning processes have care, and during the course of development regularly
been shown to help children and adolescents regulate their appeal to psychotherapy. Such treatments can be effective
emotions and behaviour, and that the training and stimu- as they improve daily functioning or alleviate a comorbid
lation of such processes may be beneficial for youth with problem of these children, but are not capable of curing
mental health problems. A good example is the Cogmed the core disorder, even though they sometimes specifically
training that has been developed to remediate the working target a presumed pathogenic process (e.g. training theory-
memory capacity of children and adolescents with ADHD of-mind skills in autistic youth). Neurodevelopmental disor-
(Klingberg et al., 2005). Considerably more research ders are closely tied to a dysfunctional brain, and therefore
evaluating the effects of such “positive” psychotherapy cannot be fully repaired in psychotherapy. This is different
interventions is sorely needed and highly welcome. for the more prevalent emotional and behavioural disorders,
Another principle of the developmental psychopathology which – although also characterized by aberrant brain
framework is that abnormal behaviour should be evalu- processes – are correctable by means of psychological
ated within the context of the age and/or developmental interventions.
stage of the child. Within psychotherapy research there is With the emergence of (functional) imaging tech-
a general tendency to “apply” a successful approach used niques, it is now possible to directly study brain develop-
with one age group to other age groups, without asking ment, brain circuits, and physiological manifestations of
whether this type of intervention is appropriate for that emotional and cognitive processes, and to compare them
developmental level. A case in point can be found in for children with and without mental disorders. In the
interventions that facilitate social interaction in youth upcoming years developmental neuroscience will increas-
with autism spectrum disorders. From a normative point ingly reveal the pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental
of view, it seems appropriate to implement such treat- as well as other emotional and behavioural disorders in
ments irrespective of the age of the child (Rogers, children and adolescents (Nelson et al., 2002). It will be
2000). However, in clinical practice it is often noted that the challenge for psychotherapy research to hitch on to
younger children with autism spectrum disorder are less this development by exploring whether and to what extent
hindered by deficits in social interactions and, in fact, psychological interventions targeting these problems are
that some of these young children have less desire for able to modify aberrant developmental trajectories at a
contact with other youth. Yet, when they reach adoles- biological level. Some authors are very optimistic about this
cence, they may become more aware of their social scientific endeavour. For example, March (2009) views
problems and during this developmental stage connec- psychopathology of children and adolescents as a set of
tion with the peer group becomes increasingly impor- dysregulated brain processes, which can be effectively
tant. As a result, motivation for psychotherapy will corrected by using the appropriate combination of biologi-
increase and social interaction treatment may be more cal (pharmacotherapy) and psychological (psychotherapy)
indicated (see White et al., 2010). Thus use of certain treatment modules. Obviously, this is an intriguing and
psychotherapeutic approaches could benefit from better important direction for future research in the domain of
timing that is strongly guided by research on the psychotherapy for youths with mental disorders.

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Advancing psychotherapy Emmelkamp et al.

Gaps in psychotherapy research in children and • evaluating the effectiveness of evidence-based

adolescents psychotherapies for youths and parents who seek
help in everyday clinical practice;
This brief overview of the literature on psychotherapy
• investigating the efficacy of psychotherapies in
for children and adolescents with mental disorders
difficult-to-treat populations (e.g. mentally re-
makes clear that substantial progress has been made
tarded youth, children and adolescents with au-
with regard to the treatment of various types of behav-
tism spectrum disorders);
ioural and emotional problems in youths. However, a
• exploring the additional value of motivational
number of gaps and limitations in this research can
techniques and strategies to increase the efficacy
be noted:
of psychotherapy for youths with mental disorders
(1) In general, the quality of treatment outcome research and their parents.
in this field can be typified as good, but there is cer- (2) Translating research into psychotherapy – new
tainly room for improvement: insights of ongoing developmental psychopathology
(2) To begin with, there is a paucity of studies examining research should be employed:
mediators (why does this therapy work?) and moder- • to further improve the efficacy of already effective
ators (for whom does it work?) of psychotherapies for psychotherapeutic interventions;
youth with mental disorders. • to develop new psychotherapy interventions tar-
(3) Furthermore, most of the research has focused on geting newly discovered vulnerability and protective
demonstrating the efficacy of these interventions in factors of childhood psychopathology;
trials conducted in university clinics, but studies eval- • to develop more developmentally sensitive and ap-
uating their effectiveness in everyday clinical settings propriate treatment programmes.
and difficult-to-treat populations (e.g. mentally re- (3) Linking psychotherapy to the brain – investments need
tarded youth, children and adolescents with autism to be made in developmental neuroscience research:
spectrum disorders) are rare. • to establish the links between childhood psychopathol-
(4) Finally, although “no motivation – no therapeutic ogy and aberrant processes in the developing brain;
change” is an adage adopted by many clinicians and • to explore whether and to what extent these processes
scientists, research examining the role of motivation can be corrected and modified by means of
in psychotherapy for children and adolescents as well psychotherapy.
as their parents can hardly be found.
Following this research roadmap will further improve
(5) The majority of the youth suffering from behavioural
and expand our psychotherapeutic arsenal for children
and emotional disorders can be successfully treated
and adolescents with mental disorders (and their families),
by the available psychotherapeutic interventions, but
which will ultimately help more youth in (re)finding a
a substantial minority does not respond to these
normative developmental track holding the prospect of a
evidence-based treatments.
mentally healthy adulthood. As we have noted, much
(6) All human behaviour and so also abnormal behaviour
progress has been made; however, we assert that much
is guided by brain processes, but at present we
remains to be done at this exciting juncture.
know too little about the aberrant processes under-
lying psychopathology in children and adolescents
e-Health and innovation of mental health care
and in what way they can be changed by means
of psychotherapy. Psychological treatments are considered to be one of the
most important interventions to contribute to a reduction
Needs of the disease burden of mental disorders. Most patients in
Western countries prefer psychological treatment above
The earlier mentioned gaps also signal a number of needs
pharmacological treatments (Kessing et al., 2005; Raue
that can be translated into a roadmap for scientific studies
et al., 2009) and in several disorders, psychological treat-
in the upcoming years. The following topics should be
ments are as effective or more effective than pharmacolog-
addressed during this empirical enterprise:
ical treatments (Cuijpers et al., 2008b, 2009; Roshanaei-
(1) Improvement of treatment outcome research by: Moghaddam et al., 2011; Mitte, 2005a, 2005b; Smith
• examining theoretically relevant mediating and et al., 2002). Psychological treatments have been well-
moderating variables of evidence-based psycho- developed in recent decades, and a number of
therapies for youths with mental disorders; evidence-based psychological treatments are currently

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
78 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

available. However, these treatments have not been scaled State-of-the-art: Internet-based treatments for mental
up to the extent that they may help reduce the disease disorders, their advantages and disadvantages
burden of mental disorders (Kazdin and Blase, 2011).
Less than half of the people experiencing mental disorders It is now well-established in dozens of randomized
receive treatment, and this is much lower in adolescents, controlled trials that Internet-based therapies are effective
older adults, people with lower socio-economic status, in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders
and people from ethnic minorities. Furthermore, the (Andrews et al., 2010; Andersson and Cuijpers, 2009;
most dominant format in which psychotherapies are Cuijpers et al., 2009; Gallego & Emmelkamp, 2012; Hedman
delivered is via individual face-to-face contact. This et al., 2013), as well as for other mental health problems, such
format is much more expensive and time-consuming as sleep problems (Cheng and Dizon, 2012), pain (Buhrman
than other formats, such as group therapies, guided self- et al., 2004, 2011; Carpenter et al., 2012), migraine
help, and Internet-based treatments (Vos et al., 2005). (Trautmann and Kröner-Herwig, 2010; Sciamanna et al.,
At the same time, most research shows that formats other 2006; Devineni and Blanchard, 2005), bulimia (Pretorius
than individual treatments can also be effective (Cuijpers et al., 2009), fatigue (Nijhof et al., 2012), pathological
et al., 2010; Andersson, 2009; Andersson and Cuijpers, gambling (Carlbring and Smit, 2008), and alcohol problems
2009; Smith et al., 2011; Harrison et al., 2011; Carroll (Blankers et al., 2011; Riper et al., 2008, 2011). Internet-based
and Rounsaville, 2010). treatments can be seen as self-help interventions that
Furthermore, from the perspective of e-mental health are conducted through the Internet, which means that
the outcome of individual therapy might be enhanced by patients learn how to apply a psychological treatment to
the implementation of new forms of technology-assisted themselves (Andersson, 2009). Research also indicates
clinical tools (e.g. self-help, virtual reality or minimal that if there is some kind of human support (personal, by
contact therapies) as well as psychometric feedback tools telephone, email or chat) for the patients available that the
(e.g. patient-focused psychotherapy research) or internet effects are larger. Internet-interventions without any form
tools (e.g. chat groups). e-Health can be defined as a of support are not effective at all or have only small effects
“field in the intersection of medical informatics, public (Cuijpers et al., 2011).
health and business, referring to health services and Internet-based therapies have several advantages and
information delivered or enhanced through the Internet disadvantages. Important advantages are that it may save
and related technologies” (Eysenbach, 2001). e-Mental therapist time, reduce waiting lists, allow patients to work
health is the subfield of e-health that is focused on men- at their own pace, abolish the need to schedule appoint-
tal health problems. ments with a therapist, save travelling time, reduce the
There are several possibilities as to how research can stigma of going to a therapist, and ease help for the hard of
contribute to a further reduction of the disease burden hearing, as self-help treatments typically work more with
of mental disorders. This includes a shift in outcome visual than auditory information. Another advantage is that
research from a narrow focus on individual effects of treat- it may be possible to reach populations with mental disor-
ments, towards a focus on the population at large and ders who cannot be reached with other, more traditional
public health in general. In order to do this, it is necessary forms of treatment. This is important because the majority
to develop and examine a portfolio of models to deliver of people with mental disorders do not receive any treat-
psychological treatments and to examine these models ment at all due to the stigma of mental disorders, prejudices
from a public health point of view (Kazdin and Blase, about therapists, lack of willingness to talk to strangers about
2011). In these models not only individual face-to-face personal problems, or physical obstacles such as walking
psychotherapies with professional therapists should be problems or long distances. Furthermore, Internet-based
included, but also other approaches, such as Internet- therapies can quickly and automatically report patient prog-
based treatments, treatments by non-professionals and ress and self-ratings and may be programmed to enhance
para-professionals, self-help strategies, and media-based patients’ motivation by presenting a wide range of attractive
interventions. This is an important and promising area audiovisual information with voices giving instructions in
that may contribute to a reduction of the disease burden, whichever gender, age, accent, language, and perhaps game
an increase in coverage of treatment, and efficiency in format the patient prefers.
Internet-based treatments. In the remaining sections of There are of course also potential drawbacks to the im-
this position paper, we will describe this field, its potential plementation of Internet-based treatments. One important
and the possibilities of how research may contribute to issue involves the lack of appropriate diagnostic procedures
this area. when patients start working with an Internet program

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without the involvement of a professional therapist can be applied and its relative effectiveness in routine
(Ameringen et al., 2010). Another concern is that patients (mental) health care settings (Castonguay et al., 2013).
do not apply the treatment in an appropriate fashion. Internet-based interventions could be examined and tested
Although this could result in the participant wasting time in the following areas:
and energy, more importantly it might also result in the
aggravation rather than the amelioration of symptoms. • Prevention. Especially in the field of indicated preven-
Another important issue is that the patient might not tion (aimed at people with subthreshold symptoms
complete the course of therapy. For example, in an not meeting formal diagnostic criteria for a mental
early study, it was found that only 50% of those who started disorder), Internet-interventions can be applied very
with a bibliotherapy programme for phobia finished it well. These indicated preventive interventions are often
(Rosen et al., 1976). More recent studies show that open simplifications of full treatments for mental disorders
access to a website for mental disorders often results in (Cuijpers et al., 2005, 2008a). Because Internet-based
drop-out rates of greater than 50% (Christensen et al., treatments are automated versions of standard
2006). Although there are no indications that the drop-out psychological treatments, and because the threshold to
rates are higher in Internet-based treatments than in participate is low and costs are low, indicated prevention
traditional psychotherapies, drop-out rates are considerably is an area where this type of intervention has promise.
higher for Internet therapy without professional involve- • Primary care. Internet-based guided self-help can be
ment. Side effects of Internet-based treatments have not very useful in the treatment of mental disorders in
been examined well, just as possible negative effects of primary care. Because general practitioners are becom-
psychotherapies in general. ing less willing to prescribe antidepressive medication
Many researchers in Europe have a strong interest (because this has been found to be less effective in mild
in Internet interventions. In May 2012, European re- to moderate depression; Fournier et al., 2010; Kirsch
searchers in this area founded the European Society for et al., 2008), standardized Internet-based treatments
Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII; http://www. can be an excellent alternative treatment for mild to, in order to exchange new findings and collabo- moderate depression and anxiety disorders. First
rate in research and raising research funds. Ninety results of trials in this area are promising (Kessler
participants from 11 European countries came to this et al., 2009), but more research is needed.
founding meeting. • Specialized mental health care. Internet-based treat-
ments can be useful in several ways in specialized
Strategies to advance evidence-based mental health care, including immediate access while
Internet-based treatments: questions, waiting for a first appointment (in order to reduce
gaps and needs costs, number of face-to-face treatment sessions, and
to speed up recovery), blended modules (in which
Overall we can distinguish four areas where future
patients work through Internet-based modules during
research might help to further develop and implement
face-to-face treatment), and relapse prevention
evidence-based Internet interventions:
modules. In this field some pilot projects are running,
(1) Application in routine care of the Internet-based but more trials on (cost)effectiveness are needed
treatments that have proven to be effective. (Andersson et al., 2011; Warmerdam et al., 2010).
(2) Further development of newly developed and better • “Independent” e-mental health services. Because there is
Internet-based treatments. not always a need for personal contact between the
(3) Research on the development and application of patient and therapist, Internet-based treatments can
technological innovations, such as serious gaming, be organized outside the traditional mental health care
smartphones and ecological momentary assessments. system. Some experiments have been conducted with
(4) Generic issues of dosage and feedback. such independent services, but more research is
needed, especially because good referral methods to
traditional mental health care are needed when
How can evidenced-based treatments be applied?
Internet-based treatment does not result in sufficient
As indicated earlier, the efficacy of Internet-based treat- improvement in the patient. These services may be
ments for common mental disorders has now been well more cost-effective than traditional services and may
established. The next step in this type of research is to increase treatment rates in patients who currently do
conduct practice-oriented research on how this knowledge not receive treatment.

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80 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

• General medical settings. Internet-based interventions psychological well-being practitioners who have completed
can be useful in several other settings. Several trials a 12-months training programme), how many treatment
have shown that these interventions can be used in sessions are needed, and what the intensity should be.
general medical settings for patients with comorbid Research in this area may also contribute considerably to
mental and somatic disorders (Van Bastelaar et al., our understanding of psychological treatments in general.
2011; Kroenke et al., 2010). Because many patients Because it is logistically easier to conduct large randomized
with mental health problems currently do not receive trials through the Internet than in traditional settings,
any treatment for their mental health problems, research on working mechanisms, mediators and modera-
Internet-based screening and treatment may increase tors can be stimulated considerably and may lead to more
treatment rates, without strong increases in costs. understanding and better focused psychological treatments
• Other settings. The fact that Internet-based treatments in general. However, the intrinsic remoteness of participants
have been found to be effective can also be applied in in internet studies may result in less complete data.
several other settings where no or only very little Research on Internet-based treatments has focused
research has been conducted until now, such as mostly on common mental disorders, such as depression,
occupational settings and school settings. anxiety disorders, addiction, and stress-related problems.
Furthermore, most of these treatments have been based
on CBT. However, it is now increasingly acknowledged
Further development of new and better Internet-based
that Internet-based treatments may also be useful in other
mental disorders, such as bipolar disorders and psychotic
Although Internet-based guided self-help treatments have disorders. Pilot projects and feasibility studies in this area
been found to be effective, several important improve- could lead to an extension of the scope of these treatments.
ments are still possible and research in this area is highly Furthermore, initial trials using other types of treatment
likely to yield new applications. (psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy;
One important research question is whether self- Andersson et al., 2012) have been found to be successful as
guided Internet-based treatments can be as effective as well, possibly leading to a further increase of treatment rates.
guided treatments. Until now the evidence clearly shows Research on cost-effectiveness is needed. Although initial
that self-guided treatments without any professional studies in this field show promising results (Andersson et al.,
support are less effective than guided interventions. For 2011; Warmerdam et al., 2010), further studies are needed to
example, in the field of depression it has been found that examine what the exact benefits of Internet-based treat-
self-guided treatments have an effect size of d = 0.28, while ments are in terms of cost-effectiveness ratios.
guided self-help has an effect size of 0.61, which is com-
parable to the effects of face-to-face interventions for
Research on technological innovations
depression. However, this does not mean that self-guided
treatment cannot become as effective as guided self-help Internet-based treatments have been developed as interven-
interventions. For example, in a recent Australian trial it tions that can be applied at a computer with Internet access.
was found that self-guided treatment was as effective as The technological developments are, however, moving very
guided self-help in specific conditions (Farrer et al., fast. The Internet can now be accessed easily through mobile
2011). It is also possible that, for example, better design phones, allowing the development of a new generation
of websites, or the use of mobile phones to support the of Internet-based treatments. The first pilot projects are
traditional web-based intervention, may result in compa- now running (for example the EU funded ICT4Depression
rable effects without the use of professional support. If this project, in which a mobile application for depression
improvement were possible, it would make the logistics of is developed in which the sensors in the phone are
treatment planning much easier, because therapists would used to support the intervention). Mobile applications
no longer be needed (for some patients with not too com- offer new possibilities to increase access to Internet-based
plex problems) receiving type of treatment. treatments, making these treatments easier to use, and
Another important area of research concerns the logis- using day-to-day information from the phone to improve
tical organization of Internet-based treatments. Although treatments. More research can speed up developments in
the effects of these treatments have now been well- this area.
established, it is not clear how many treatment sessions In line with the move from the traditional Internet to
are needed, who can deliver the treatments (in the UK the mobile phone, the development of Ecological Momen-
for example, low-intensity treatments are delivered by tary Assessment (EMA; Kaplan and Stone, 2013) will

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
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Advancing psychotherapy Emmelkamp et al.

become an interesting new tool for research on mental dis- The most efficacious amount of treatment sessions or
orders in general. In EMA information from the sensors in therapist contact varies by disorder, level of the specific
the mobile phone (accelerometer, GPS, audio, contact disorder, motivation, attrition and compliance (Newman
with other phones) can be combined with personal infor- et al., 2011b). More research is needed on the question
mation from the user (where are you, what are you doing, of how much therapy for which patient is enough (Barkham
how is your mood, how did you sleep). This will allow et al., 2006). Instead of a specific package of treatment length
examination of mental health problems in real time, and (e.g. 10 sessions) for all patients, a more patient-specific
a move away from retrospective information about mental approach about the amount of sessions depending on the
health towards actual assessment during day-to-day life. needs of the patients seems to be necessary (Lutz et al.,
This will allow modeling of mental health problems on 2009, 2011). Some patients might need more sessions than
an individual level and may lead to new, personalized others and there is a lack of knowledge on moderating
treatments of mental disorders. variables of treatment length (e.g. psychometric feedback
There are several other technological developments on treatment progress, early response patients or therapist
that may have a considerable impact on mental health effects). This kind of knowledge can be seen as the basis
treatments: for a stepped-care approach of treatment delivery (e.g. Clark
et al., 2009).
• Telepsychiatry using television sets and allowing the
Crucially, research focusing on “real time” psychomet-
provision of face-to-face treatments and support from
ric feedback over the course of treatment (supported by
a distance (without travelling). The technology is avail-
modern software tools as well as data entry systems like
able but trials in the mental health field have hardly
touch screens) has shown its effect on outcome and in
started yet.
developing patient-specific adjustments in treatment
• The development of avatars: together with the im-
length, not only for adults but also for the treatment of
proved possibilities to recognize emotions through
children and youths (e.g. Bickman et al., 2011). These kind
webcams, it may be possible to develop avatars which
of “real time” feedback systems lead to more treatment
can replace human contact more and more.
sessions and better final outcome for patients at risk for
• Virtual reality applications for mental disorders have
negative outcome and shorter treatments for early
been developed in several trials and may become more
responders (e.g. Shimokawa et al., 2010). Furthermore
readily available.
the large databases generated can be used for a more
• Serious gaming may give new possibilities to treat or help
personalized treatment package based on predictive
people with mental disorders who are not motivated to
models of intake characteristics and early change informa-
get engaged with traditional treatments (adolescents;
tion of patients (Lutz et al., 2005).
people from lower socio-economic groups).
Gaps and needs in research on e-mental health and
• Large computerized databases with patient informa-
innovation of mental health care: It is not clear when and
tion on characteristics and treatments received may
how each of the treatment formats of psychological
be useful for the development of personalized
treatments (individual; group, family; guided self-help;
Internet-based) is able to help better.
A shift in outcome research is needed towards more
Mental health as a question of dosage and
focus on reaching the right target groups, realizing effects
patient-focused research
in populations instead of individuals, reductions in disease
Psychotherapy is successful for the majority of patients, burden and quality of life, and improvement of coverage
but further research is needed focusing on how it can be of treatments.
improved for those people for whom it does not work. For individual therapy generic issues of dosage and
In the future the outcome of individual therapy might be feedback with the aim of reducing treatment failures in
enhanced by implementing new forms of technology- the context of e-mental health should be further
assisted clinical tools (e.g. virtual reality applications or investigated.
minimal contact therapies) on one side and by supple- A portfolio of models to deliver psychological treat-
menting the traditional treatment modalities by psychomet- ments should be developed and methods to examine these
ric feedback tools (e.g. patient-focused psychotherapy models from a public health point of view.
research, quality management) or internet tools (e.g. chat More research on applying and implementing e-mental
groups) in preventing relapse (e.g. Lutz et al., 2009; health tools and Internet-based treatment for mental
Newman et al., 2011b). disorders in several specific fields is needed:

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 58–91 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
82 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Emmelkamp et al. Advancing psychotherapy

• prevention of mental disorders and public health; Internet-based treatments; (3) the use of technological
• treatment of mental disorders in primary care; innovations, such as a move to the mobile phone, serious
• treatment of mental disorders in specialized mental gaming (Merry et al., 2012), and the use of Avatars, and
health care; (4) generic issues of dosage and feedback with the aim of
• general medical settings. reducing treatment failures. All this will lead us to more
information not only about the common and specific
New and better Internet-based treatments should be
effects of psychological treatments but also about the
question of how much therapy for whom in which setting
• Comparative research on different treatment formats is necessary.
and unguided self-help can help in answering which
treatment format helps best in which context. Acknowledgements
• More research is needed on how and in which setting
Internet-based treatments should be delivered. This article was generated as part of the activities of the group
• Research should not only be aimed at common mental of leading European experts on psychological research and
intervention, in order to provide an assessment of the state-
disorders, but also at bipolar and psychotic disorders.
of-the-art of research in different domains, identifying major
• Although there is already some research on cost-
advances and promising methods and pointing out gaps and
effectiveness of Internet-based treatment, this should problems which ought to be addressed in future research. A
be expanded to get a full overview of the benefits. similar critical appraisal with partly similar conclusions is
Technological innovations in e-mental health and concurrently provided elsewhere (Schumann et al., 2013) by
the ROAMER workgroup “Biomedical research”. Experts in
Internet-based treatments can contribute considerably to
both work groups have been selected for their academic
the further development of these treatments:
excellence and for their competence in the different units of
• Research on the use of mobile applications may analysis needed to comprehensively characterize particular
advance the field considerably. symptom domains. Their contributions do not aim to be sys-
• EMA is a promising new field that may have a large tematic reviews of the field but rather provide a well-informed
opinion of the authors involved. They also do not represent
impact on Internet-based treatments but also on the
official statements of the ROAMER consortium, but are
field of psychology and psychiatry in general.
meant to inform the discussion on psychological research
• More research in other new technologies is needed: the and intervention in mental disorders among interested stake-
development of telepsychiatry, the development of holders, including researchers, clinicians and funding bodies.
Avatars as coaches in psychological interventions, Recommendations made in this issue will undergo a discus-
virtual reality, and serious gaming. sion and selection process within the ROAMER consortium,
and contribute to a final roadmap, which integrates all aspects
Conclusions of mental health research. We thus hope to provide an
informed and comprehensive overview of the current state
Although psychological treatments have been well- of psychological research in mental health, as well as the
developed in recent decades, they have not been scaled challenges and advances ahead of us.
up to the extent that they may help reduce the disease Preparation of this paper was supported by NWO
burden of mental disorders sufficiently. In order to bet- Innovation Scheme (Vidi) grant 452-09-001 awarded to
ter contribute to a reduction in the disease burden of Tom Beckers, KU Leuven Centre for Excellence grant PF/
10/005 awarded to Dirk Hermans, Tom Beckers and Filip
mental disorders, psychotherapy research has to move
Raes, ZonMW grant 15700.3006 awarded to Saskia van der
from a narrow clinical focus on individual patients to
Oord. Saskia van der Oord has been a paid consultant of
more public health strategies and treatments that can Janssen Pharmaceuticals for the development and evaluation
be applied more simply and more cost-effectively. of a non-pharmacological executive functioning intervention
One important option is to focus on Internet-based for ADHD. Stefan G. Hofmann is a paid consultant of Merck
treatments and e-mental health tools (e.g. to support Pharmaceutical (Schering-Plough) for work unrelated to this
“real time” clinical decision-making to prevent treat- paper and is supported by NIMH grants MH-078308, MH-
ment failure or relapse). 081116, and MH-73937.
In this field, four broad research areas can be distin-
guished: (1) research on how to apply the knowledge in
Declaration of interest statement
routine mental health care that Internet-based treatments
are efficacious; (2) further development of existing The authors have no competing interests.

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