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Batch Process - Place Several SmartLines @ Oftine Craig Calvin over years ago (Posted on behalf of a user) | have an Excel spreadsheet containing geotechnical boring information. | want to place several lines in succession, each having a specific color corresponding to the respective soil type. How can I do this without manually placing each line? Try the following: In Excel: 1. Arrange cells in the top row to contain all necessary components of the key-ins. A BC D — F GHIJ K LMNOPQRS T U 1 Active Color 1; Place Smartline ; xy= 0, 0, 100; xy= 0, 0, 90; reset ; 2. Copy this formatting to all rows below while preserving the given data. A BC D EF GHIJ K LMNOPQRS TU 1 Active Color 1; Place Smartline ; xy= 0, 0, 100; xy= 0, 0, 90; reset ; 2 Active Color 2; PlaceSmartline ; xy= 0, 0, 90; xy= 0, 0, 80; reset ; 3 Active Color 3; Place Smartline ; xy= 0, 0, 80; xy= 0, 0, 70; reset ; 4 Active Color 4; PlaceSmartline; xy= 0, 0, 70; xy= 0, 0, 60; reset ; 5 ActiveColor 5; PlaceSmartline; xy= 0, 0, 60; xy= 0, 0, 50; reset ; 6 Active Color 6; Place Smartline 0, 0, 50; xy= 0, 0, 40; reset ; 7 Active Color 7; Place Smartline 0, 0, 40; xy= 0, 0, 30; reset ; 8 Active Color 8; Place Smartline 0, 0, 30; xy= 0, 0, 20; reset ; 9 Active Color 9; Place Smartline 0, 0, 20; xy= 0, 0, 10; reset ; 10 Active Color 10; Place Smartline ; xy= 0, 0, 10; xy= 0, 0, O; reset ; 3. Combine rows of cells into single cells. v 1 2. Retive Color 2;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,90;x7=0, 3. Active Color 3;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,80;xy=0,0,70;reset; 4 Active Color 4;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,70xy=0,0,60;reset; 5. Active Color 5;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,60;xy=0,0,50;reset; 6 Active Color 6;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,50;xy=0,0,40;reset; 7. Active Color 7;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,40;xy=0,0,30;reset; 8 Active Color 8;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,30;xy=0,0,20;reset; 9 Active Color 9;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,20;xy=0,0,10;reset; 10 Active Color 10;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,10;xy=0,0,0;reset; 4. Copy cells V1:V10 and paste the values only to cells W1:W10. Ww Active Color 1;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,100;xy=0,0,90;reset; Active Color 2;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,90;xy=0,0,80;reset; Active Color 3;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,80;xy=0,0,70;reset; Active Color 4;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,70;xy=0,0,60;reset; Active Color 5;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,60;xy=0,0,50;reset; Active Color 6;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,50;xy=0,0,40;reset; Active Color 7;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,40;xy=0,0,30;reset; Active Color 8;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,30;xy=0,0,20;reset; Active Color 9;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,20;xy=0,0,10;reset; 10 Active Color 10;Place Smartline;xy=0,0,10;xy=0,0,0;reset; 5. Copy cells W1:W10 from excel. O©OYNHHVEWNE In NotePad: 6. Create anew TXT file 7. Paste cells W1:W10 from excel into the TXT file, 8. Save. In MicroStation: 9. Utlities > Batch Pracess 10. Click the icon "Add Files or Directories to Process" and select the file(s) you want to apply the TXT file to. 111. Click the icon "Browse for command file", locate and select the TXT file. 12. Select the mode! to apply the TXT file to, then click "Apply to Selectio: 13. Click the icon "Process Batch Process Job". 14, In the "Files to Process" dialog, press "Process". Note: ‘= The line weight value can be raised to display the different sections more clearly. The XLS, TXT and DGN files used in the example are attached for reference. See Also: Batch Process Utility, Batch Process Dialog Using The Batch Process Utility In MicroStation V8 [CS How to string keyins together or create keyin scripts Something neat to add to the end of script files How to combine cells of information in Excel Regards, Craig Calvin Bentley Technical Support Batch Process-Place Several Offline George A. Martin. over 5 years ago in reply o rai Depending on what information you have; XY= works to give the initial location of the Boring X,Y,Z (Fasting, Northing & Elevation (bottom/top of the hole)) From that initial point you may have just distances vertical and that would use the DX= or DLs, value instead of XY, DL or DX allow placement of paints offset from the initial point by Dist X,Y.Z from the original point. Either should work for top view. DI of view. follows the file coordinate system where D: I Hope This Helps Someone Reading This! (Intergraph>PseudoStation>MicroStation user since 1980's) Offline Gurumurthy V_ 11 months ago in reply to Craig Calvin

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