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Community Assembly of Phyllosphere Endophytes

A Closer Look at Fungal Life Cycle Dynamics, Competition, and
Phytochemistry in the Shaping of the Fungal Community

Christopher B. Zambell and James F. White


7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 95

7.2 Characterizing Community Structure in Endophytic Communities ............................................................................ 96
7.3 Evolutionary Patterns among Phyllosphere Fungi of the Same Host ........................................................................... 97
7.4 Fungal Niche and Species-Specific Patterns in Endophytic Communities .................................................................. 97
7.5 Quantifiable Aspects of the Endophytic Life Cycle ................................................................................................... 100
7.6 Competition between Endophytes in Living Plant Tissues .........................................................................................101
7.7 Competition between Endophytes in Dead or Dying Tissue .......................................................................................102
7.8 The Influence of Host Plant Secondary Metabolites on Endophytic Communities ....................................................103
7.9 Summary .....................................................................................................................................................................105
References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 106

7.1 INTRODUCTION and White 2015; Kowalski et  al. 2015). The feasibility of
this microbiome approach is supported by studies from
It is now generally accepted that all major lineages of diverse plant hosts, showing that a variety of phyllosphere
land plants host endophytic fungi (Stone et al. 2004). These microbes (both endophytes and surface organisms) may
are broadly defined as those fungi that infect internal plant either reduce or enhance the effects of plant disease (sum-
tissues without causing symptoms of disease at the time of marized in: Ridout and Newcombe 2015). In some cases,
isolation (Hyde and Soytong 2008); however, their long-term the addition of a key, strongly mutualistic symbiont may be
effects on a plant may vary widely, depending on the par- all that is needed to benefit a target plant (e.g., in the case
ticular host, fungal species, and other factors (Stone et  al. of clavicipitaceous endophytes of certain grasses), while in
2004; Schulz and Boyle 2005). Our focus here is on endo- many or even most cases, a more subtle understanding of
phytes of the phyllosphere: the microbial habitat comprising plant-microbe interactions may be necessary to generate the
the aboveground parts of plants. desired outcome.
Decades of research have illuminated some aspects of With these goals in mind, the question of how endo-
the endophyte phenomenon with regard to diversity of the phytic fungi influence plants is of obvious importance
fungi involved, potential for endophytes to produce second- (Bacon and White 2015). Here, however, we set aside the
ary metabolites, and stress or disease resistance resulting question of fungal influence on plants for the moment and
from certain plant-endophyte interactions (Suryanarayanan look at the other side of the coin, asking how the host plant,
2013). Because of this last aspect, the prospect of manipulat- along with the biotic and abiotic environment, in general,
ing the plant microbiome to benefit or harm particular plants shapes communities of endophytic fungi. One reason to
has gained increasing attention in recent years as an alter- take this approach is that a stronger fundamental knowl-
native to chemical approaches in both plant cultivation and edge of the biology and ecological interactions of phyllo-
control of weeds and invasives (Kurose et al. 2012; Bacon sphere fungi as a community could very likely improve our


ability to manipulate these communities to human advan- particular group of organisms and may be enlightening for
tage. A second reason is that understanding this group evaluation of trends. Clues as to how whole endophytic com-
should be a basic goal of fungal ecology, as phyllosphere munities operate may be gleaned from understanding how
fungi, extending well beyond just pathogens in the classic, different variables affect the subset of the community that is
agricultural sense, make up a major component of the fun- culture-dependent.
gal kingdom. Any general conclusions that we can arrive Based on culture-dependent studies, endophytic com-
at in this area of fungal ecology would apply to a set of munities have a characteristic structure: high dominance
processes recurring across all terrestrial ecosystems that by a few species, coupled with a high number of rare spe-
contain plants. For these reasons, we try here to describe a cies, leading to high total species richness. The process of
conceptual framework as to how endophytic communities sampling is rarely completed to the point where all species
are formed, what they look like, and how they change over have been inventoried (Unterseher 2011). Although sam-
time. As there is no consensus in the literature on many pling curves rarely, if ever, reach an asymptote, several
aspects of this topic, it is also our goal to identify gaps culture-based inventories of various plants have used the
in current understanding and outline how these may be Chao-2 estimator to report the following species richness
addressed. estimates: Gazis and Chaverri (2010) estimated 136 endo-
In this chapter, we first discuss structure and patterns phytes in Hevea brasiliensis leaves and 341  endophytes
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in fungal endophyte communities, with an eye for general- in sapwood (a tree in a tropical climate); Unterseher et al.
izable trends across many plants (Section 7.2 [Saikkonen (2013) estimated 110 endophytes in Fagus sylvatica leaves
2007]), that must disperse, survive in their environment, and 105 endophytes in wood (a tree in a temperate envi-
compete for common resources with other endophytes, ronment); Zambell and White (2015) estimated 96 endo-
and finally produce propagules in order to complete their phytes in Smilax rotundifolia stems (a woody shrub/vine
life cycles. From this, we attempt to outline quantifiable studied in a temperate environment), and 156  species if
aspects of the endophytic life cycle (Section 7.5). Next, we non-endophytic surface isolates were included. However,
analyze how competition might contribute to the formation by using culture-independent methods, Jumpponen and
of endophytic communities at different points in a general- Jones (2010) reported an observed 1242 operational tax-
ized endophytic life cycle (Sections 7.6 and 7.7). Finally, onomic units (OTUs) associated with leaves of the tree
we look at the possible role of plant-produced second- Quercus macrocarpon (endophytes + surface species).
ary metabolites in endophytic community assembly and The issues associated with estimation of species richness
review the current literature on the subject (Section 7.8). have been discussed further by other authors (e.g.,
After covering these topics, it is clear that there are many Unterseher 2011).
opportunities to fill in the gaps in our knowledge and build The overall structure, including dominance and even-
a much stronger basic understanding of endophytic com- ness of the communities, in particular, has been less com-
munity ecology going forward. monly discussed than species richness. The early surveys
of endophytes in the Pacific Northwest, though almost
certainly not exhaustive, demonstrated the dominance
7.2 CHARACTERIZING COMMUNITY structure typical of these communities. For example, in
STRUCTURE IN ENDOPHYTIC COMMUNITIES Petrini et  al.’s (1982) study of evergreen shrubs in west-
ern Oregon, the culturable endophytic community of
As the majority of past endophyte studies have used a Gaultheria shallon was dominated by Phyllosticta pyro-
methodology of isolation on nutrient media, perception of lae, infecting 15.8% of sampled segments, while the other
community structure is dominated by this culture-dependent 12 species recorded were only present in between 2.2% and
viewpoint. As noted by others (e.g., Marquez et  al. 2010; 0.2% of segments. In another shrub in that study, that is,
Unterseher et al. 2013), the lack of unculturable species in Mahonia nervosa, the top three most abundant endophytes
these data sets might be misleading. Thus, it is important were Leptothyrium berberidis, in 53.4% of segments,
going forward that researchers using metagenomic sampling Septogloeum sp., in 13% of segments, and Phomopsis sp.,
methods make an effort to convey community structure, as in only 2.4% of segments. It is also not uncommon that a
assessed from the culture-independent viewpoint. Despite small number of species may be codominant; for example,
this, we do not believe that the large body of culture-based Abies amabilis needle petioles showed similar proportions
data about community structure should be discarded. The of three dominant species at 28%, 25%, and 19% (Carroll
trait of culture-based growth simply selects for a particu- and Carroll 1978). It is demonstrative of the recurring
lar group of fungi, which is the group thus being evaluated. high-dominance pattern that Sieber (2007), in a review of
Furthermore, those sharing the ability to grow in nutrient forest tree endophytes, was able to list typically one or
media may represent a group in direct competition with two (maximum of five) dominant species of endophyte for
each other for common resources. Comparisons of different each of the 52  species of trees that had been surveyed.
plants, seasons, communities, and so on, are valid for this Although a pattern of strong dominance and the presence

of many rare species are considered common traits in the we found it to be commonly colonized endophytically by
structure of organismal communities, it would appear that two Phyllosticta species and epiphytically by four com-
endophytic communities (as assessed via culture-based mon Pestalotiopsis species (Zambell 2015). Drawing
sampling) show even more dominance than other com- upon other authors’ work in these genera, we downloaded
parable organismal communities. For example, a cursory sequences from GenBank to generate two-gene alignments
review of studies of epiphytic plants sampled from various and backbone phylogenies in which to place the greenbrier-
tree species in the neo-tropics (e.g., Munoz et al. 2003; associated fungal species. We found that none of these
Laube and Zotz 2006) shows a pattern in which there are codominant congeners were closely related to each other,
many more very common and intermediate epiphytic col- but they appeared scattered widely throughout the known
onists compared with the fungal endophytic communities phylogeny of these genera. It can be concluded that in these
described above. cases, there was no speciation of a single ancestor symbiont
Moving beyond species lists, it would be useful to visu- inhabiting the vine into multiple species. The more likely
alize and compare endophytic communities more formally. scenario is that distantly related generalists in the same
For this purpose, rank abundance plots or other types of genus utilize the plant, or else, the species are specialists
species abundance distributions (SADs) can be useful tools that have undergone host shifts to the vine after originat-
(Magurran 2004; McGill et  al. 2007); however, they have ing in different plants or environments. These widely sepa-
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been used only rarely in endophytic research (e.g., Thomas rated species in the phylogenies may have different traits
and Shattock 1986). In a typical rank abundance plot, the that allow them to occupy different niches in the same plant
y-axis depicts proportional abundance, while the x-axis (Figures 7.1 and 7.2).
shows species rank, allowing comparison of different-sized
communities, even on the same plot.
Rank abundance plots could be used to make com- 7.4 FUNGAL NICHE AND SPECIES-SPECIFIC
parisons of endophytic communities (a) against other PATTERNS IN ENDOPHYTIC COMMUNITIES
organismal groups (e.g., epiphytic plants and herbivorous
insects), (b) against other fungus-host groups, (c) across dif- The ability of multiple similar species to coexist within a
ferent growth habits of plants (e.g., trees, shrubs, and forbs), given environment and the structure of each biological com-
or (d) across different climates. McGill et al. (2007) advise munity are thought to be determined by either niche-based
that SADs could be especially useful (whether mathematical principles or neutral principles of community assembly.
fits or only visual comparisons are employed) in the search Alternatively, each community might be seen as influenced
for empirical, recurring patterns along (a) environmental by both niche and neutral principles but tend to lean more
gradients, (b) successional or temporal processes, or in (c) toward one or the other end of this spectrum (Tilman 2004;
subsets of a main data set. Phyllosphere applications of these Gravel et  al. 2006). In neutral organization, species are
ideas could include examination of successional change in thought of as interchangeable in relation to each other and the
structure throughout seasons, in differently aged tissues and environment. Rates of speciation, birth, death, and migra-
in living to dying plant tissues. The analysis of data subsets tion (although equal between species) structure the com-
versus whole data sets could apply to different seasons, plant munity and may allow for coexistence through stochastic
species, or plant tissues sampled in the same study. Zambell processes (Bell 2000; Hubbell 2001; Ferreira and Petrere-Jr.
and White (2015) constructed separate and combined rank 2008). Niche-based organization, on the other hand, incor-
abundance plots for surface versus endophytic communities porates trait differences between species and the mechanism
of Smilax rotundifolia stems. The endophytic community of competitive exclusion within local communities. Current
showed a stronger dominance structure, while the surface theory holds that under equilibrium conditions (eliminating
community showed a more gradual transition from common migration or speciation from the equation), coexistence of
to rare species, along with greater species richness. similar species is possible only under conditions of stabi-
lizing niche differences, wherein species limit their own
population growth more strongly than that of potential
7.3 EVOLUTIONARY PATTERNS AMONG competitors (Chesson 2000; HilleRisLambers et  al. 2012).
PHYLLOSPHERE FUNGI OF THE SAME HOST Stabilizing niche differences can occur when species exhibit
complementary adaptations to exploit (e.g., different root
Although the formal study of phylogenetic commu- depths, life styles, and prey) and/or tolerate (e.g., salinity,
nity structure has not been applied to endophytic research desiccation, ultraviolet rays, pH, and natural enemies) differ-
to our knowledge (see Saunders et al. 2010), we have used ent aspects of the biotic and abiotic environments.
backbone phylogenies to gain some idea of how com- Several experimental studies have clearly demonstrated
monly occurring phyllosphere fungi in the same plant are that plants with different genetic traits select for very dif-
related to each other. Studying the perennial woody vine ferent endophytic communities while planted in the same
of the Northeastern United States, Smilax rotundifolia, location (Saunders and Kohn 2009; Balint et  al. 2013).

P jesteri AF377282*
P jesteri MFLUCC 12-0279
P diversiseta MFLUCC 12-0287*
P camelliae MFLUCC 12-0277*
100 P camelliae MFLUCC 12-0278
100 P furcata SSNM-2012*
P kunmingensis AY373376*
70 Pestalotiopsis sp. 4 PB3-P3-T3-4 (epiphytic on Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
64 Pestalotiopsis sp. 4 SH1-P5-T1-7 (epiphytic on Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Sandy Hook)
98 Pestalotiopsis sp. 4 RU1-P4-T1-4 (epiphytic on Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Rutgers Campus)
100 Pestalotiopsis sp. 4 PB2-P5-T2-8 (epiphytic on Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
P pallidotheae AB482220*
P chinensis MFLUCC 12-0273*
P verruculosa MFLUCC 12-0274*
98 P hainanensis GQ869902*
100 79 P intermedia MFLUCC 12-0260
Pestalotiopsis sp. 1L RU2-P1-T-Lf-3 (epiphytic, Smilax leaf, USA: NJ: Rutgers Campus)
80 60
P intermedia MFLUCC 12-0259*
67 P linearis MFLUCC 12-0272
Pestalotiopsis sp. 1L SH2-P2-T3-1 (epiphytic, Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Sandy Hook)
P linearis MFLUCC 12-0271*
76 Pestalotiopsis sp. 1L PB2-P3-T3-3 (epiphytic, Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
P unicolor MFLUCC 12-0275
P unicolor MFLUCC 12-0276*
96 P clavata MFLUCC 12-0268*
P clavata MFLUCC 12-0269
P inflexa MFLUCC 12-0270*
100 P rosea MFLUCC 12-0258
100 100 100 Pestalotiopsis sp. 1D SH1-P1-T2-6 (epiphytic, Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Sandy Hook)
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

99 Pestalotiopsis sp. 1D PB3-P2-T3-8 (epiphytic, Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
Pestalotiopsis sp. 1D RU1-P4-T3-3 (epiphytic, Smilax stem, USA: NJ: Rutgers Campus)
100 P trachicarpicola MFLUCC 12-0263
P trachicarpicola MFLUCC 12-0264
P trachicarpicola MFLUCC 12-0265
100 P trachicarpicola MFLUCC 12-0266
P trachicarpicola MFLUCC 12-0267
P trachicarpicola OP068*
P adjusta ICMP 6088*
P adjusta MFLUCC 10-0146
98 P adjusta MFLUCC 12-0286*
94 P chrysea MFLUCC 12-0261*
76 P chrysea MFLUCC 12-0262
P umberspora MFLUCC 12-0285*
Pestalotiopsis sp. 2 SH2-P2-T1-2 (Smilax, USA: NJ: Sandy Hook)
P clavispora MFLUCC 12-0280
P clavispora MFLUCC 12-0281*
100 P ellipsospora MFLUCC 12-0283*
P ellipsospora MFLUCC 12-0284
P foedans CGMCC 3.9178
100 P foedans CGMCC 3.9123*
95 P foedans CGMCC 3.9202
100 P samarangensis MFLUCC 12-0233*
Pestalotiopsis sp. 2 PB1-P2-T3-8 (Smilax, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
P saprophyta MFLUCC 12-0282*
100 P theae MFLUCC 12-0055*
P theae SC011


Figure 7.1 (See color insert.) Evolutionary relationships between Pestalotiopsis epiphytes of Smilax rotundifolia. Phylogenetic tree
based on Bayesian analysis of a partitioned alignment of genes ITS (HKY + G model) and Tef1 (GTR + I + G model), including
newly acquired isolates (indicated in green) and sequences downloaded from GenBank according to the accession numbers
given in the data set of Maharachchikumbura et al. (2012). Red branches are attached to species for which only the ITS gene
was available. Asterisks indicate ex-type or ex-epitype cultures. Posterior probabilities are shown at the nodes. (Reprinted
with permission from Zambell, C.B., Common greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia L.) as a model for understanding fungal com-
munity organization in the phyllosphere, PhD dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2015.)

Saunders et  al. (2010) have argued that such environment- of the variable, certain endophytes rise, while others fall in
based filtering argues toward a strong importance of niche- frequency. The most important variable may be “plant host
based organization in endophytic communities. In addition, species,” which has been shown to be very strongly deter-
patterns in which particular species abundances are linked to minant of the endophytes that are found commonly associ-
particular environmental traits (as described in detail below) ated with a host in studies in which multiple plant species
are a defining feature of niche-based community dynamics. are studied together (Suryanarayanan et al. 2000; Unterseher
As a consequence, studies that group all species as equal et  al. 2007; Sun et  al. 2012; Persoh 2013). Other variables
in their final analyses—only measuring species richness, or influence the frequencies of the host’s core common endo-
total colonization—are probably missing important infor- phytes, determining where, when, or under what circum-
mation about individual species differences. Several envi- stances certain species become very dominant, as opposed
ronmental variables have been consistently shown to have a to being subdominant or even rare. These variables include
strong selective effect on the colonization frequencies of dif- “tissue or organ type” (Kumar and Hyde 2004; Wang and
ferent endophytes. Depending on the value or categorical state Guo 2007; Sun et al. 2012), “season” (Unterseher et al. 2007;

P bifrenariae VIC 30556 (Bifrenarea, Orchidaceae, Brazil)*

P citribraziliensis CBS 100098 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Brazil)*
100 P citribraziliensis LGMF08 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Brazil)
P citribraziliensis LGMF09 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Brazil)
99 P spinarum CBS 937.70 (Hedera - leaf litter, Araliaceae, Italy)
93 99 P spinarum CBS 292.90 (Chamaecyparis, Cupressaceae, France)
100 P cussonia CPC 14873 (Cussonia, Araliaceae, South Africa)
100 P cussonia CPC 14875 (Cussonia, Araliaceae, South Africa)
100 P hypoglossi CBS 101.72 (Ruscus, Ruscaceae, Italy)
100 100 P hypoglossi CBS 434.92 (Ruscus, Ruscaceae, Italy)
100 P hypoglossi CBS 167.85 (Ruscus, Ruscaceae, Italy)
P hostae CGMCC 3.14355 (Hosta, Asparagaceae, China)*
87 P hostae CGMCC 3.14356 (Hosta, Asparagaceae, China)
100 P hostae CGMCC 3.14357 (Hosta, Asparagaceae, China)
P citriasiana CBS 120486 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Thailand)*
100 P citriasiana PD 05/030810 (Citrus, Rutaceae, China)
P citriasiana CBS 123370 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Vietnam)
100 P citricarpa CBS 127454 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Australia)*
100 P citricarpa CBS 120489 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Brazil)
P citricarpa CBS 122482 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Zimbabwe)
P brazilianiae LGMF 330 (Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, Brazil)*
100 P brazilianiae LGMF 341 (Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, Brazil)
89 P brazilianiae LGMF 372 (Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, Brazil)
P ilicis-aquifolii CGMCC 3.14358 (llex, Aquifoliaceae, United Kingdom)*
100 P ilicis-aquifolii CGMCC 3.14359 (llex, Aquifoliaceae, United Kingdom)
P ilicis-aquifolii CGMCC 3.14360 (llex, Aquifoliaceae, United Kingdom)
G gaultheriae CBS 447.70 (Gaultheria, Ericaceae, USA)
Phyllosticta sp MUCC0158 [AB454329.1] (Gaultheria, Ericaceae, Japan)
P pyrolae [AF312010] (Pyrola, Ericaceae, USA:OR)
100 74 Phyllosticta sp MUCC0125 [AB454318.1] (Pyrola, Ericaceae, Japan)
Guignardia sp MUCC0522 [AB454358.1] (Leucothoe, Ericaceae, Japan)
100 Phyllosticta sp MUCC0553 [AB454370.1] (Leucothoe, Ericaceae, Japan)
P pyrolae IFO 32652 [AB041242.1] (Erica or Ericaceaa
100 P yuccae CBS 117136 (Yucca, Asparagaceae, New Zealand)
100 P yuccae 188 [JX227946.1] (Yucca, Asparagaceae, Brazil)
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

99 Phyllosticta sp. 3 PB1-P5-N3-6 (Smilax, Smilacaceae, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)

91 Phyllosticta sp. 3 RU1-P2-N-Lf-1 (Smilax, Smilacaceae, USA: NJ: Rutgers Campus)
83 Phyllosticta sp. 3 SH1-P2-N2-6 (Smilax, Smilacaceae, USA: NJ: Sandy Hook)
87 Phyllosticta sp CPC 11336 [DQ377928.2] (Eucalyptus, Myrtaceae, Spain)
97 Ascomycota sp ARIZ RTAsh3-3 [JN120439.1] (Fraxinus, Oleaceae, USA:AR)
54 Phyllosticta sp MUCC0124 [AB454317.1] (Pachysandra, Buxaceae, Japan)
P ligustricola MUCC0024 [AB454269.1] (Ligustrum, Oleaceae, Japan)
Guignardia sp MUCC0050 [AB454287.1] (Podocarpus, Podocarpaceae, Japan)
100 Guignardia sp MUCC0091 [AB454304.1] (Podocarpus, Podocarpaceae, Japan)
Phyllosticta sp MUCC0412 [AB454344.1] (Podocarpus, Podocarpaceae, Japan)
P hubeiensis LC1652 (Vibernum, Adoxaceae, China)*
100 P hubeiensis LC1654 (Vibernum, Adoxaceae, China)
83 P hubeiensis LC1654 (Vibernum, Adoxaceae, China)
100 Phyllostica sp. 1 PB1-P3-N-Lf-3 (Smilax, Smilacaceae, USA: NJ: Pine Barrens)
Phyllostica sp. 1 RU1-P2-N2-7 (Smilax, Smilacaceae, USA: NJ: Rutgers Campus)
P cryptomeriae MUCC0028 [AB454271.1] (Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae, Japan)
94 91 P cryptomeriae MUCC0075 [AB454294.1] (Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae, Japan)
100 P cyrptomeriae MN89 [AB731136] (Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae, Japan)
G philoprina CBS 447.68 [FJ824768.1] (Taxus, Taxaceae, Netherlands)
100 G philoprina CBS 447.68 [AF312014.1] (Taxus, Taxaceae)
“P cyrptomeriae” [JN198397.1] (Taxus, Taxaceae, China)
P vaccinii ATCC 46255 (Vaccinus, Ericaceae, USA:MA)*
P parthenocissi CBS 111645 (Parthenocissus, Vitaceae, USA)*
100 85 P schimae CGMCC 3.14354 (Schima, Theaceae, China)*
100 P styracicola LC1642 (Styrax, Styracaceae, China)*
99 100 P styracicola LC1655 (Styrax, Styracaceae, China)
P ampelicida ATCC200578 (Vitus, Vitaceae, USA:NY)*
92 G mangifera IMI260.576 (Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, India)
P capitalensis ‘strain 90’ (Smilax kraussiana, Smilacaceae, S. Africa)
88 P capitalensis CBS 114751 (Vaccinium, Ericaceae, New Zealand)
P capitalensis CBS 117118 (Musa, Musaceae, Indonesia)
P capitalensis CMU 131 (Magnolia, Magnoliaceae, Thailand)
P capitalensis LGMF 219 (Citrus, Rutaceae, Brazil)
P capitalensis CPC 18848 (Stanhopea, Orchidaceae, Brazil)*
67 G sensevieriae CBS120428
P owaniana CBS 776.97 (Brabejum, Proteaceae, South Africa)
100 P owaniana CBC 14901 (Brabejum, Proteaceae, South Africa)


Figure 7.2 (See color insert.) Evolutionary relationship between Phyllosticta endophytes of Smilax rotundifolia. Phylogenetic tree
based on Bayesian analysis of a partitioned alignment of genes ITS (SYM + I + G model) and Tef1 (HKY + G model), includ-
ing newly acquired sequences (indicated in green) combined with GenBank sequences that were downloaded according
to accession numbers given in Glienke et al. (2011), Su and Cai (2012), and Zhang et al. (2013a, 2013b). Also included are
the top 10 Blast search ITS results (shown in red) after Blast searching one of each of the Smilax-associated Phyllosticta
morphotypes. Asterisks indicate ex-type, ex-epitype, or ex-neotype cultures. (Reprinted with permission from Zambell, C.B.,
Common greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia L.) as a model for understanding fungal community organization in the phyllosphere,
PhD dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2015.)

Mishra  et  al. 2012; Tadych et  al.  2012), “tissue  age” (Hata It was recently demonstrated that endophytic isolates of a
et al. 1998; Osono 2008), “sun” versus “shade” (Unterseher Colletotrichum sp., Phomopsis sp., and an Aureobasidium
2007), “presence or absence of a defensive compound” sp. showed distinct preferences, in terms of isolation fre-
(Saunders and Kohn 2009), and, in certain cases, “distance quency, for different heights along the stems of Smilax
along a base-to-tip axis of a plant organ” (Hata and Futai rotundifolia, a perennial North American forest vine. For
1995; Zambell and White 2015). It would be useful for future scale, the vines were sampled at 15 cm intervals, starting at
studies to determine the magnitude of these effects, ranking the base of the plants and moving up (Zambell and White
the order of importance between different variables. 2015). A similar trend, but at a much smaller scale, was
The last-mentioned pattern regarding base-to-tip spa- described by Hata and Futai (1995) in pine needles (Pinus
tial partitioning of endophytes deserves further explana- densiflora and a hybrid Pinus sp.), which were divided into
tion, as it is little known and has been seldom investigated. eight segments along their axis. The most basal segments

were dominated by Phialocephala sp., which decreased to it will be necessary to break down the endophytic life cycle
become absent in the last two or three segments closest to into component parts, so that we can quantify dynamics of
the tip. Leptostroma isolates (anamorph of Lophodermium), endophytic community assembly and set up biologically
on the other hand, were common in the segments near the tip meaningful experiments.
and decreased to zero presence in the most basal segment.
While no other studies, to our knowledge, have sampled
continuously many small divisions along the length of coni- 7.5 QUANTIFIABLE ASPECTS OF
fer needles or plant stems, many have shown spatially par- THE ENDOPHYTIC LIFE CYCLE
titioned colonization in a more discontinuous view, which
has been likened to tissue/organ type specificity. For exam- In order to generalize about the endophytic life cycle,
ple, Hata and Futai (1996) sampled discontinuous basal and we focus our discussion on those endophytes categorized as
middle needle segments across many different Pinus spp. “Class 3,” based on the system outlined by Rodriguez et al.
in an arboretum, finding again that Phialocephala domi- (2009). This is the group of endophytes universally present
nated basal segments, while Leptostroma spp. again were in plant organs in natural ecosystems and is characterized
common in the middle segment, along with Cenangium fer- as phylogenetically diverse, horizontally transmitted, and
ruginosum in some species of Pinus. Adding to this, early forming only localized (nonsystemic) infections (Rodriguez
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

endophytic studies of the late seventies found endophyte et  al. 2009). We specifically focus on those Class 3  endo-
“preferences” between the basal or what was referred to as phytes associated with aerial organs, not roots. Thus, our
the “petiole” segment and the middle, or “blade,” segment generalized life cycle will not necessarily apply to any type
in the leaves of a variety of coniferous species (Bernstein of root endophyte, clavicipitaceous endophytes of grasses,
and Carroll 1977; Carroll et  al. 1977; Carroll and Carroll or more atypical non-clavicipitaceous endophytes that grow
1978). Carroll and Petrini (1983), noting this pattern, systemically in plants and confer benefits in high-stress
showed evidence that fungi from petiole versus blade seg- environments (how common these are is unknown).
ments are adapted to digestion of different substrate com- We can assume, based on previous literature reviews
ponents, reflecting their microhabitat—though this does not (Osono 2006; Weber and Anke 2006; Sieber 2007; Zambell
explain how they came to colonize these parts of the needle 2015), that many common aerial endophytes follow a life
in the first place as latent infections. cycle in which they colonize plant tissues at some opportune
The Hutchinsonian concept of fundamental versus real- time; lie in a state of constrained, localized growth within
ized niche (Hutchinson 1978) is a good starting point for internal tissues; and then resume growth either at a time of
talking about these different zones of dominance seen along (a) high plant stress or (b) during seasonal or age-related tis-
base-to-tip axes and based on other variables (e.g., species sue senescence (in addition, some Class 3 endophytes may
and organ), as detailed above. In this concept, each species be accidental infections that have colonized an unsuitable
has particular environmental requirements that can be rep- host and will die without reproducing). Thus, to understand
resented as axes in an abstract hypervolume. These niche the ecology of Class 3 fungal endophytes, it is important that
axes are the resources and conditions necessary for survival mycologists keep in mind at least two main periods of the
of the organism and may include suitable food sources, life cycle: (A) the colonization/latency phase (and the focus
shelter conditions, temperature, pH, and others. However, of typical endophytic sampling) and (B) the growth/repro-
despite adaptation to certain conditions, a species may be ductive phase. A more detailed breakdown of this cycle can
excluded from certain spaces by a better competitor, so that be represented as five successive phases with quantifiable
its realized niche is smaller than its fundamental niche. qualities, some easier to measure than others: (1) dispersal:
Competition between endophytes in living plants may, in the rate of appearance of dispersed propagules on living
this sense, restrict the niche occupancy of some endophytes plant tissues → (2) internal colonization: the rate of success-
that are able to enter the plant but that are competitively infe- ful internal colonization per propagule added → (3) latent
rior under certain conditions. On the other hand, differing residency: the survival/mortality rate of infections in living
degrees of environmental adaptation alone (i.e., the ability tissue (fraction of originally successful colonies that die per
to survive the internal plant environment in the long term) unit time) → (4) growth: the growth rate and competitive
could explain the dominance patterns seen in endophyte ability of a fungal species in dead or weakened tissue → (5)
communities, without any competitive interactions taking reproduction: the rate in generating new propagules.
place. Only experimental studies can determine which of By experimentally quantifying some of these aspects of
these scenarios is correct. the endophytic life cycle for different endophytes, it should
While competition between endophyte in living tissues be possible to model the process by which some species
is an open question, competition almost certainly takes should become dominant within a particular plant or tissue
place between some species in dead or dying tissues. To while others should become rare. It will also help us prop-
examine how the interplay of environmental niche require- erly analyze the influence of environmental requirements
ments and competition may shape endophytic communities, (i.e., fundamental niche) versus competitive interactions

in shaping the endophytic community. First, consider the experiments would have to be well designed to account for
latency period of colonization alone. If competitive interac- artifacts of competition in the Petri dish and inoculations
tions do not come into play, then only two measurements spaced to distinguish the effects of surface interactions from
should be needed to calculate the frequency of infections those post-endophytic colonization. Such experiments should
expected for each endophyte in a given plant species, organ, focus on dominant or subdominant endophytes that are fre-
season, and so on. The first two phases of the endophytic life quent enough to recover in many samples but prefer certain
cycle, that is (1) dispersal and (2) internal colonization, can tissues or plant organs. A goal should be to disentangle the
be combined for our purposes into a single measurement in influence of environmental tolerance from competitive effects
the field of successful new endophytic colonies established in planta. The mortality rate of endophytes in different tis-
per unit time. In addition to this, one would only need an sues to which they are not suited and their mortality rate in
experimental measure of phase (3), the mortality rate of the presence of competitors would be of particular interest.
infections, in order to predict frequency of infections for The first line of evidence that endophytes might com-
each endophyte under the given environmental conditions. pete in living plant tissues is in studies that suggest a com-
However, if competition comes into play in the latent infec- petitive release type effect, wherein certain endophytic
tion phase, then data from single species experiments will species become more abundant after fungitoxic compounds
fail to explain the final frequencies of each species in the that might impact competitors are added. One such group
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context of the whole endophytic community. In this case, of compounds is the benzoxazinoids (BXs), a class of plant
experiments using mixed groups of two or more endophytes defense compounds produced naturally in maize and other
will be needed to understand community formation even in cereals that undergo conversion to fungitoxic by-products.
the latency phase, as discussed further in the next section. Saunders and Kohn (2009) studied endophytic communi-
Previous research has demonstrated the importance of ties of maize (Zea mays) plants that produce the BX com-
a more precise quantification of life cycle dynamics, as we pounds versus those of a natural mutant strain of maize
are suggesting here. For example, Schulz and Boyle (2005) that does not produce the BX compounds. They found that
described how host-derived endophytic strains of Phaseolus Fusarium endophytic isolates were up to 35  times more
vulgaris were more frequently reisolated from the plant com- frequent in leaves of the maize cultivars that produce the
pared with non-host strains at 21 days after inoculation. This BX compounds. Fusarium isolates were shown to be resis-
demonstrates that the non-host endophytes had either a lower tant to a BX-derived by-product in vitro, while many of
rate of establishment or a higher rate of mortality once estab- the other organisms were not. Thus, the authors suggest
lished, or both. Similarly, Suryanarayanan (2013) described competitive release as the cause for Fusarium’s increase.
an unpublished study, in which a Trichoderma sp. derived This may be true; however, more work would be needed
from marine algae was inoculated into multiple crop spe- to show convincingly that competition took place between
cies. Recovery rate dropped from around 90% at 7 days post subsurface fungal infections and was not limited to sur-
inoculation to 20%–30% after 28 days. This shows that mor- face interactions, previous to endophytic infection. Other
tality of endophytic infections takes place over the course studies have shown that Fusarium species often make up
of several weeks (as opposed to several hours) and thus that a significant proportion of the surface mycoflora in maize
the mortality rate is an important variable to study. Finally, and other plants (Caretta et al. 1985; Ahmed 1986; Asensio
Arnold and Herre (2003) studied the formation of new endo- et al. 2007). Many leaf-surface organisms, including fila-
phytic infections in the field by placing endophyte-free plants mentous fungi, yeasts, and bacteria, might all be negatively
in the field and measuring the density of endophytic coloni- influenced by BX production (BX toxicity is not restricted
zation between 7 and 15  days. However, this measurement to fungi; Adhikari et  al. 2015). Decreased competition
only gives the rate of successful infections minus mortality. for leaf surface nutrients such as pollen (Last and Warren
The rate of new infections could be disentangled from colony 1972) or reduction of direct interference competition with
mortality by frequent replacement of fresh plants after rain phylloplane species could allow for a higher number of
events or at regular, short time intervals. Fusarium propagules to successfully germinate and/or
colonize a greater surface area and subsequently establish
more endophytic infections.
7.6 COMPETITION BETWEEN ENDOPHYTES In another example of possible endophytic competitive
IN LIVING PLANT TISSUES interactions, Mohandoss and Suryanarayanan (2009) added
an exogenous agent of chemical selection, the fungicide
A major unanswered question in phyllosphere research hexaconazole, and observed changes to the endophytic com-
is: do endophytic species compete in living plants, and if so, munity after the spray period. Some species, such as a xyla-
by what mechanism? Using experimental microcosms, it riaceous morphotype, seemed to grow in frequency in the
should be easy to test whether the presence or absence of postspray plants more so than in the control plants—again,
one endophytic species in planta affects colonization and in this case, the authors suggested competitive release as an
recovery rate (via sampling) of a second species; though explanation. Further experiments using fungicides might

be useful to understand the possible role of competition of the leaf extract must have influenced the ants’ preference,
in endophytic communities, but it is important that plant- but researchers were unable to detect differences in volatile
surface microbes are studied at the same time as endophytes compounds, cuticular waxes, nutrient content, water content,
in order to understand whether surface interactions could be or specific leaf area between high-density- and low-density-
the primary or only form of competition. To further distin- inoculated leaves. It was speculated that some undetected,
guish activity of subsurface infections from surface interac- low-volatility compound was responsible.
tions, fungicides might be applied in a closed experimental
system days or weeks after plants have been inoculated with
A second line of evidence for the ability of subsurface IN DEAD OR DYING TISSUE
infections to compete, indirectly, is in their possible ability
to trigger a change in plant chemistry that is more detrimen- Since many endophytes resume growth at plant senes-
tal to competitors than it is to the species that induces the cence, competition may become intense during this phase
change (Saunders et al. 2010). Three studies, to our knowl- (Osono 2006). It is unlikely that endophytes will fail to inter-
edge, have shown evidence that endophytes might alter plant act in dead or dying tissue, as many endophytic strains of
chemistry; however, it is yet to be established if this ability is fungi, if inoculated onto autoclaved plant tissue, will expand
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

typical of endophytic mycoflora in field conditions. to colonize all available tissue if no other fungal competitors
First, Mucciarelli et al. (2007) showed that an endophyte are present (personal observations). In densely colonized tis-
of peppermint (Mentha piperita, Lamiaceae), a sterile myce- sues, competition with other endophytes and surface colo-
lium identified to belong to class Pyrenomycetes, influenced nists must be unavoidable for space and nutrients.
both total quantity and proportion of main components in As described earlier in this essay, certain endophytic
the peppermint essential oils. However, the endophyte in species show higher frequency in particular plant species,
this example is not a typical localized aerial endophytic particular plant tissues, and so on. What is almost entirely
infection—it is a systemic fungus that forms hyaline epi- unknown is whether high colonization in a particular plant
phyllous nets on meristems of peppermint, extends to roots tissue also translates to competitive dominance, once the tis-
when grown in vitro, and has been shown to strongly stimu- sue is dead. There are several different ways in which the
late plant growth (Mucciarelli 2002, 2003). transition from living to dead substrate might take place.
Second, a more generalizable effect of mixed endo- In one scenario: (1) dominant species in colonization may
phytes on essential oils was suggested by experiments using also be competitively superior in the tissue that they tend
the plant Atractylodes lancea, a medicinal asteraceous to dominate, overgrowing and eliminating rare morpho-
plant.  It was shown that two endophytes (Gilmaniella sp. types as the tissue dies and reducing species diversity. In the
and Cunninghamella sp.) of the plant had different effects on second scenario: (2) dominant endophytes in a living plant
essential oil composition (Yang and Dai 2013). Competition issue might have no competitive advantage or even be com-
and priority (order of addition) effects were also demon- petitively inferior to some of the rarer endophytes upon the
strated between two endophytes within the experimental onset of tissue senescence. If this is the case, the biomass of
system. However, the methodology of this study used plant rare species might become proportionally greater in dying
tissue culture inoculated with plugs of fungal mycelium on tissue. In the third scenario: (3) the outcome of competition
potato dextrose agar, so that is highly doubtful that one can may depend on other variables, so that dominant endophytes
extend these results to those of field-grown plants inoculated are superior under the right season, or the right conditions
naturally with conidia. Although these results are sugges- of tissue death, but may be overgrown and killed if the plant
tive, the effects of endophytes on essential oils should be tissue dies under different conditions.
tested using more natural conditions in soil and open air and Supporting the idea that tissue colonization dominance
by inoculation via spore suspension. does not necessarily translate to competitive growth and
Finally, Estrada et  al. (2013) found evidence that leaf- resource use dominance, there is evidence that some litter
cutter ants could detect endophyte-mediated differences in endophytes are unable to compete against forest floor sap-
chemistry that eluded human instrumental analysis. In this rotrophs, unless they have a previous endophytic foothold
study, researchers inoculated Cucumis sativa seedlings with (Osono 2002; Koide et  al. 2005). Fitting into scenario (2)
high and low densities of the endophyte Colletotrichum above, these types of endophytes may rely on high colo-
tropicale and tested the influence of endophyte infection nization and quick reproduction and/or defense of an area
density on the ants’ food preferences. The ants cut about already colonized before other aggressive competitors can
one-third more leaf area from plants that had been inocu- take over all available plant tissue. In addition, further sup-
lated at a low density of endophytes versus those at a high porting scenario (2) or (3), Douanla-Meli et al. (2013) found
density. When paper discs were impregnated with extracts that Mycosphaerella endophytic infections were common in
made from the plants, the ants carried off more of the discs healthy leaves of Citrus limon but that this did not translate
made from the low-endophyte-density plants. Some element to competitive dominance in weakened tissue, as infections

became rare in yellowing leaves. In the same study, isolates metabolite structures and pathways have diversified over
of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides followed an opposite different evolutionary lineages in the plant kingdom, so that
trend and infections became more common in yellowing each plant is often dominated by a particular chemistry but
leaves than in healthy. From these observations alone, it can- with variations between different tissues, organs, popula-
not be known whether the environmental changes between tions, and developmental stages, even within a single plant
green and yellowing leaves killed off Mycosphaerella infec- species (Wink 2003). Thousands of plant-produced chemi-
tions or whether they were eliminated by competitive inter- cal compounds have been described, which are generally
actions that ensued upon leaf yellowing. And, when would hypothesized to function as in planta antibiotics and/or play
this Mycosphaerella species normally reproduce? Would it a role in signaling (Piasecka et al. 2015). While some plant
be more suited to grow and reproduce under different condi- compounds are released as an induced response to plant
tions of tissue senescence, in a different season, or in a loca- attack (the phytoalexins), there are also constitutive (i.e.,
tion that lacks C. gloeosporioides? This study again raises preformed) compounds, present in healthy pristine plants.
questions about when competition exactly begins between The ability of different fungi to tolerate the toxicity of these
endophytes. It might begin in healthy living tissue, in yel- different compounds (or in some cases, to utilize them as
lowing or slightly weakened tissue, at an advanced stage of cues to propagule attachment and germination; Petrini
senescence, or only after tissue death. 1996) could be a major factor in determining the fungal
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It is striking how little we know of how competition phyllosphere community composition.

plays out between endophytes as plant tissue dies. Is there Osbourn (1996) lists as common fungitoxic plant com-
a consistent outcome in competitive encounters between pounds “phenols and phenolic glycosides, unsaturated lac-
rare versus common endophytes, host-specific versus gen- tones, sulfur compounds, saponins, cyanogenic glycosides,
eralist endophytes, pathogens versus commensal sapro- glucosinolates … resorcinols and dienes.” Although many
trophs, or under conditions of seasonal senescence versus compounds are toxic to fungi in assays, there is surpris-
stress-induced weakening of the plant? We also do not know ingly little evidence to demonstrate the inhibitory poten-
how the dominance/evenness structure changes as tissue tial of constitutive chemical compounds in planta. In one
senesces. We predict that endophytic communities would study providing indirect evidence of this, Hoffland et  al.
take on an even stronger dominance structure at this time, (1996) showed a negative correlation between growth rate
as certain species most fit for the tissue type and weather of 13 radish cultivars and resistance to the fungal pathogen
conditions would outcompete less adapted colonists. This is Fusarium oxysporum. Chemical analysis showed that the
suggested by Douanla-Meli et al.’s (2013) finding that fun- roots of slower-growing cultivars accumulated more protein
gal endophyte diversity decreased in yellowing leaves of a and more phenol groups (which could be parts of lignin or
Citrus species compared with healthy leaves. proteins, or soluble phenols). From this, the authors sug-
To understand the tissue senescence stage of the endo- gested that slower-growing cultivars allot more energy to
phytic life cycle, researchers will have to design experimen- constitutive chemical defense and are in turn more resistant
tal systems in which they can inoculate plant tissues with (Hoffland et al. 1996).
different combinations of endophytic species under differ- Exposure to secondary metabolites in phyllosphere
ent conditions and observe population dynamics from liv- fungi depends on each species’ mode of colonization (e.g.,
ing to dead tissue. Ideally, microcosms could be designed intercellular, intracellular, substomatal, and epiphytic), as
using herbaceous plants that have a fast life cycle, allowing well as the packaging of secondary metabolites by the plant.
the entire life cycle and, perhaps, even multiple generations It also depends on whether they are diffusible to apoplas-
of plants and endophytes, to be observed. Such microcosms tic fluids and surfaces or sealed within organelles (Osbourn
could also allow other ecological questions to be explored. 1996). The concept of “environmental filters” in community
The role of plant diversity on endophytic diversity and that assembly (Saunders et al. 2010) seems a particularly fitting
of dispersal efficiency on community formation could also description of the different layers of chemical defense as
be examined. More simply, detaching leaves of endophyte- fungi attempt to utilize the plant habitat. Indole glucosino-
inoculated plants and incubating in vitro might serve for lates (IGs) and benzoxazinoid (BX) toxins are chemicals
some experimental objectives. implicated in preinvasive, surface inhibition of pathogens
(Piasecka et  al. 2015). Endophytic colonists that survive
surface chemistry might, after penetrating a plant, experi-
7.8 THE INFLUENCE OF HOST PLANT ence additional compounds diffused into the apoplast. Such
SECONDARY METABOLITES ON colonists may trigger the release of compounds stored in
ENDOPHYTIC COMMUNITIES vacuoles, acting as a second round of filters on colonization
One of the major sources of heterogeneity in the endo- If an endophyte is able to survive the surface inva-
phytic environment, that is, the interior tissues of plants sion, and the initial period of internal colonization, there
in general, is phytochemical variation. Plant secondary is further evidence that secondary metabolites may be able

to exert an influence on latent endophytic infections, long that are no longer being actively produced in dying or dead
after they are first established. This comes from the lit- plant tissue.
erature of postharvest pathogens of fruits: these are fungi Research on the influence of plant secondary metabo-
that have a latency period before attacking ripening fruit. lites on endophytic fungi so far suggests that they may play
Some of these only form surface appresoria, while others a major role in regulation of fungal growth and in commu-
are endophytic in that they colonize internal tissue and then nity assembly, but surprisingly, few studies have touched on
lie quiescent. Prusky (1996) reviewed the evidence, sug- this topic. In one of the more thorough investigations into
gesting that preformed antifungal compounds in fruit serve the topic, which we briefly summarize here, Espinosa-Garcia
as inhibitors to fungal attack and that their sharp decrease et al. (1996) described a series of experiments, in which they
in ripening fruit may trigger termination of quiescence examined the relationship between endophytes sampled from
in structures such as appresoria and infection pegs and redwoods and mixtures of volatile terpenes that reflected dif-
the beginning of necrotrophic activity. Examples include ferent redwood phenotypes. They expected that dominant
(1) tomatine, a saponin found in green tomatoes, which redwood endophytes would show higher tolerance to the
may inhibit quiescent Botrytis cinerea, (2) derivatives of particular host phenotype from which they were isolated—a
the phenolic compound resorcinol in skin of mangoes as pattern that has been observed in conifer pathogens. Instead,
inhibitors of Alternaria alternata, (3) diene and monoene they found that 13 isolates of a common redwood endophyte,
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

compounds in avocado peels as inhibitors of C. gloeospo- Pleuroplaconema sp., showed low tolerance of the volatiles
rioides, and (4) the monoterpene aldehyde citral in lemons, in general, low variability between different volatile com-
which may also be involved in postharvest decay resistance binations, and no evidence of special adaptation to the host
to Penicillium (in this last case, no latency period is neces- phenotype that they were taken from (Espinosa-Garcia and
sarily involved). If quiescent pathogens in fruit are able to Langenheim 1991). Since tolerance was poor, they hypoth-
respond to a reduction in the level of fungitoxic compounds esized that essential oils may limit the growth of endophytes
as fruit ripens, then we can infer that some phytochemicals and that reduction in essential oil concentration may allow
exert a continuous activity on quiescent fungal infections for endophytic breaking of quiescence—similar to the quies-
beyond just the period of initial colonization. Beyond main- cent pathogens of fruits discussed above.
taining quiescence, they might also, at a higher concentra- This hypothesis was supported by in vitro experiments.
tion, or given enough time, cause the death of an infective Two redwood endophytes were shown to be uninhibited or
mycelium (though this has yet to be proven). even stimulated in their growth at low terpene concentra-
There is also some evidence that the absence of phy- tions, while at high concentrations growth, they were inhib-
toalexins (inducible chemical defenses) in some ripe fruits ited. In another study, they exposed a variety of fungi to the
may be linked to awakening of quiescent fungi (Prusky redwood terpenes, including three endophytes of redwood,
1996, 2013). Recent findings involving a phytoalexin called a generalist fungal pathogen, and an endophyte that is domi-
camalexin, an indole alkaloid produced by Arabidopsis, nant in a different host. The organism most inhibited by the
show how the loss of phytoalexin production may allow redwood terpenes was the endophyte derived from a differ-
latent infections to commence growth. There is a mutant ent host (Rhabdocline parkeri, from Douglas fir). In sum-
strain of Arabidopsis that is unable to produce camalexin. mary, the analysis of Espinosa-Garcia et al. (1996) suggest
Experiments have shown that the fungus C. gloeosporioi- that host plant chemistry may be least inhibitory to virulent
des was able to penetrate Arabidopsis plants, whether they pathogens adapted to that host, moderately inhibitory to
produced camalexin or not, but necrotrophic expansion of host-adapted endophytes and generalist pathogens, and most
the fungus was halted only in plants that could produce the inhibitory to endophytes of other hosts. Thus, moderate
phytoalexin (Piasecka et al. 2015). adaptation to host chemistry might give some endophytes
In summary, maintaining a view of the complete endo- an advantage in early decomposition as host compounds
phytic life cycle, it might be useful to break down the decrease in senescent tissue but are still present in high-
question of chemical exposure into three main phases, high- enough quantities to inhibit poorly adapted endophytes of
lighting the complexity of the issue: (i) the colonization other hosts. If dominant endophytes of a plant are moder-
phase, including exposure to surface compounds, apoplast ately tolerant of host chemistry, then the question arises
compounds, compounds released from vacuoles by tissue from an evolutionary perspective as to what happens if an
destruction or plant responses, and phytoalexins produced endophytic strain mutates to become more tolerant to host
immediately upon infection; (ii) the latent residency phase, chemistry: would it become a virulent pathogen, thus break-
involving long-term exposure to constituent plant chemistry, ing quiescence early, destroying the plant, and spreading to
or exposure to phytoalexins produced some time after the others, or would it be eliminated by the host plant response,
endophyte colonization (e.g., in response to another patho- thus destroying that endophytic strain?
gen); and (iii) the growth or reproductive phase at tissue or Several other studies of endophytic communities sug-
plant death, involving exposure to residual plant compounds gest an interaction between endophytes and secondary

metabolites. Bailey et  al. (2005) found a negative corre- mixtures of phytochemicals on endophytic fungi, in terms
lation between infection frequency of total endophytes in of colonization success, mortality, latency versus growth,
poplar (Populus spp.) twig bark and the concentration of and, finally, stimulating mutualistic or pathogenic behav-
condensed tannins but found no relationship with total phe- ioral traits in microbes.
nolic glycosides or with two specific phenolic glycosides
(salicortin and HCH-salicortin). As mentioned in the dis-
cussion of competition, Saunders and Kohn (2009) showed 7.9 SUMMARY
that maize plants producing BX toxins were colonized by a
higher proportion of BX-tolerant fungi and were more fre- In summary, we have identified the following unan-
quently infected by Fusarium isolates. Sanchez-Azofeifa swered questions about endophytic community ecology:
et  al. (2012) found correlations between endophytic spe- (1)  Can we measure, at least partially, the dynamics of
cies richness and several variables, including water con- endophytic community assembly in terms of coloniza-
tent and total chlorophyll, and the ratio of polyphenols to tion rate and mortality rates of colonies? (2) What hap-
specific leaf weight. Finally, Shubin et  al. (2014) studied pens when an endophytic species dominates living tissue
the relationship of endophytic communities in rhizomes of as it transitions into the more competitive environment of
the spice plant Alpinia officinarum with both total volatile dying or dead tissue and is the outcome variable, depend-
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oils and the flavonol galangin. Using a culture-independent ing on the mode of senescence, seasons, or other factors?
approach (clone libraries combined with terminal restric- (3) What other transitions take place in endophytic commu-
tion fragment length polymorphism profiling) and cluster nities between living, weakened, and dead tissue in terms
analysis, they showed that endophytic communities formed of species abundance patterns (rank abundance plots, rich-
four clusters that corresponded to four levels of active ness, evenness, and diversity) and phylogenetic community
chemicals (low, intermediate, sub-high, and high; total structure? (4) Are endophytes and, particularly, the common
volatiles and galangin were positively correlated). Class 3 endophytes, able to compete in living tissues, and
While some of the studies described above have linked if so, how? (5) Can Class 3 endophytes, forming localized
specific chemicals to influencing endophytes, no studies infections, in natural systems, change host chemistry by
have conclusively linked the recurring niche-related pat- their presence? (6) Is host chemistry connected to the niche
terns seen in endophytic communities to plant chemistry partitioning observed along many axes, including host, tis-
(patterns in which certain endophytes become more fre- sue, position from base to tip of a single plant organ, and
quent, others less so, depending on some variable). Of the season? (7) Mechanistically, if host chemistry does influ-
niche axes identified in endophytes, the majority could con- ence fitness selection of species in the endophytic commu-
ceivably be linked to changes in plant chemistry that corre- nity, then is this because less fit endophytic propagules fail
late to the factor being studied. Changes in plant chemistry to survive the host surface, fail to penetrate the host, fail to
have been demonstrated along base-to-tip axes of plant establish infections, fail to maintain living quiescent infec-
tissues (Rohloff 1999; Fischer et al. 2011), between differ- tions because of the chemical environment, or fail to main-
ent tissue types (Rohloff 1999), as tissue ages (Coley and tain quiescence, thereby triggering a plant response that
Barone 1996), and between different seasons (Hussain et al. kills them? Which of these mechanisms might determine
2008). Studies tracking the influence of multiple individ- infection abundance levels in fungi that are codominant
ual chemical constituents on individual fungi (rather than but subtly adapted to different tissues, tissue ages, or other
total endophytic infections) might lead to fresh insights in variables?
both the study of plant phytochemical diversity and endo- Answering these questions will have application
phytology. The ability of endophytes to survive the chemi- beyond simply understanding endophytic communities
cal milieu during the latent residency phase of their life for their own sake. The desire to alter the fungal com-
cycle might determine the dominance patterns observed in munity might be facilitated by a stronger knowledge of
endophytic community sampling. Measurements of plant endophytic community assembly, and future experiments
chemical compounds provide a useful continuous scale should also be directed at understanding how malleable
for correlative purposes (unlike discrete categories such phyllosphere communities are by human intervention.
as plant species and organ). Studies testing for correla- Furthermore, understanding endophytes might give us
tions between plant chemical compounds and frequencies insights into pathogens as well, as some endophytes exist
of specific endophytes along base-to-tip tissue axes (as in on the continuum of pathogenicity and are closely related
Smilax stems and Pinus needles as discussed in Section to pathogens. Finally, whether endophytes are tightly cou-
7.4) could be a promising area for research, with fewer pled to host or not, their potential for parasitism may be
covariates compared with variables such as season, tis- a major driver for plant evolution, in the maintenance and
sue age, and plant organ type. In general, more research is diversification of plant secondary metabolites over evolu-
clearly needed to investigate the influence of individual or tionary time.

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