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Michael Vincent G.


We asked plenty of questions about their beliefs and practices that would not harm to their ears. They
are multi-linguistic because they can speak fluently in Tagalog, Kapampangan and Sambal. They
answered our questions politely with “po and opo” as if you are talking to naive people. Aetas live in
simple lives who are very generous and hospitable people.

Their houses are made up of bamboo (sawali). They also said that governments help them to build their
lovely homes. Government also provides their sanitary needs like shampoo and soap which are given
weekly. For the mean time, they are invited in patag if there are occasions.

Regarding to their source of income, Aeta works in mountain field where wild bananas, bamboos, root
crops, sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, and rice are planted which serves as their agricultural activity.
They said “Kening kekami migising kaming alas kwatru ning ganingaldo angkayi magkape kami, kayari na
nita munta na kami king kabilang bundok para magobra.” They added if they won’t work they won’t eat.
We also noticed some aetas have their own wildboar pig and chickens. Sometimes, they camped and
fished near the rivers.

Cooking and eating together, and using the same utensils, are common. Children learn and socialize
through imitation. At play, they imitate hunting and fishing, using toy bows made from bamboo. These
provide perfect training for adult responsibilities. Boys learn to make bows and arrows by observing
their fathers, while girls mimic the work activities of their mothers by playing with small pack baskets

As soon as the girl has had her first menstruation, she is isolated, and can expect to be courted.
Marriage transactions are important social affairs. A young man who has chosen his bride informs his
parents. Both families, along with a mediator, then discuss the arrangement. If the marriage proposal is
acceptable, the young man’s family presents gifts of tobacco, corn, knives, cloth, and other commodities
to the girl’s family. An unmarried daughter is an asset to the Aeta family. Once the gifts are sufficient,
the wedding is set. The man is allowed to stay with the girl’s family. If the girl is still too young and
refuses to. When the couple begins living together, the family grouping recognizes them as husband and
wife and the marriage is sealed.

In their field of work they use pana and tabak and if someone is accidentally killed through that they said
“istung mekapate ya ing metung kekami kailangan na muring mate, onung tinakas ing paten mi ing
kayang kapatad”

When aeta is seriously sick they will let them die because according to them “ali mi ne agyung baba king
patag uli kasing magkasakit kami mu. Nung mete ne metung yamung aldo makaburol uli kasing ala
kaming pangbalsamo”

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