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Needs Assessment 1

Needs Assessment

Shakoiya Aiken

University of West Georgia

MEDT 8462
Needs Assessment 2

School Technology Needs Assessment


Shakoiya Aiken is an advanced content 5th grade teacher at a local Cobb County School

District School. She teachers all subjects. Her school consists of K-5 classrooms. There are 35

classrooms and two computer lab rooms. There is also a media center. There are 600 students

enrolled in the school. Their demographics are as follow: 316 of the 600 students are females and

284 are males. We have 2 American Indians, 4 Asians, 195 blacks, 82 Hawaiians, 58 Hispanics,

12 multicultural, and 44 white girl students. We have 4 American Indians, 5 Asians, 184 blacks,

2 Hawaiians, 56 Hispanics, 10 multicultural, and 25 white girl students. Pre-K consists of 22

students, kindergarten 68, first grade 97, second grade 75, third grade 100, 4th grade 99, 5th grade

102, and overall multi grade are 37 students. It is a Title 1 school with 47 teachers, 16 para

professionals, 5 office staff employees, two assistant principals, and one principal.


The first step I chose to do was to discuss with my media specialist whether or not we

had a technology plan. I found out that we didn’t have one, so I proceeded with creating survey

questions (see Appendix A) and interview questions (see Appendix b) to examine the technology

needs of stakeholders in my school. The responses from the surveys and interviews allowed me

to gather needs-related information. I was able to review them and prioritize our main needs.

Information gathering can be time consuming, so I made sure that I sent out the surveys a month

in advance to allow the stakeholders ample amount of time to respond and enough time for me to

analyze the results. I also conducted my interviews early to allow me to gather the information in

which I needed to determine the needs for our school. I arranged set dates and times to conduct

the interviews. I used a prepared set of questions and had a face-to-face meeting with 5
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stakeholders. I reviewed and prioritized the needs based on looking at charts/graphs of the

responses and reading through the transcripts of the interviews. The next step, I identified

possible solutions, looking at the need, causes, consequences, and difficulty to correct. Selecting

the solutions were next to see which direction they would go. The next step was for me to

propose my action plan. This is where I described the solutions, rationale, and timeline in which

it will take. Lastly, the report was prepared to communicate the methods and results to all

stakeholders based on the results.

Available Technology

There are two computer labs. One is used for Specials in which each class attends

technology class once a week in one of the computer labs. The other lab is open for teachers and

students use. There are 2 laptop carts available in the Media Center for teacher check out. There

are 3 other laptop carts assigned to fourth grade, Kindergarten, and third grade. Teachers are

expected to share the carts. There are 2 Simplicity Touch Technologies available in the

technology room and one in a fifth grade classroom. There is a SMART Board in each

classroom. There are 8 desktops available for student use in the Media Center. In addition, there

are 3 desktops available in each classroom, as well as four student laptops.


The stakeholders who participated in the needs assessment (interviews) were

administrators, media specialist, and a teacher from almost every grade level, with the exception

of fifth grade because I am a fifth grade teacher. My assistant principal and media specialist were

the first two stakeholders who participated. Then, I chose a Kindergarten, first, third, and fourth

grade teacher to participate in the interview process. As for the survey, the stakeholders who

participated were all three of my principals, district personnel, a paraprofessional, academic

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coaches, and teachers from all grade levels from my current school. Their input was valuable to

identify needs in technology because they are the ones who can come together to bring about

change. It was important to listen to their concerns because they are the ones trying to make a

difference with their instruction and student learning.

The participants range from 1st year teachers to veteran teachers who has taught for more

than 20 years. Their ages range from 22-51 years old. Two of the stakeholders hold Doctoral

Degrees. Three of the stakeholders hold an Educational Specialist Degree and six hold Master’s

Degree. The remaining of the stakeholders hold a Bachelor’s Degree. Eight of the stakeholders

were white, two were Asian, and the remaining were African Americans. All of the stakeholders

were females, with the exception of one being the Principal. The teacher’s job duties are to

provide instruction for students that allows them to learn and achieve to the maximum of their

abilities. They were selected because they will be carrying out the mission and vision.

Administrator’s job duties are to provide effective leadership and guidance in the operations of

the school. I selected the administrators because they are the ones responsible to advocate for us

to receive the funding in which we need to implement the plan. Academic coaches’ job duties are

to improve instruction. In addition, they work with teachers to assist them with developing

effective strategies that will better the students. On the other hand, many of the stakeholders are

team leaders, so they are responsible for making informed decisions for their team and school.

As stated, the stakeholders were selected to collect data because our school district is

pushing for technology to be used in all of the classrooms. As a school, we most certainly knew

there were technology needs at our school, but was unsure of the specifics. I chose the above

stakeholders to allow me to get a clear understanding of their needs and thoughts towards

technology at our school. In addition, I knew there were teachers who were using technology in
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their classrooms and others who were not for different reasons such as being fearful, stuck in

their own ways, or doesn’t deem it as important to the learning process. By interviewing them

and allowing them to complete the survey, I knew I would be able to create a technology plan

that can meet their needs. In addition, choosing the stakeholders allowed me to analyze what

needed to be prioritized.

Major outcomes

Teacher training for technology as a creation tool focused on students, and 1:1 student –

laptop are the identified needs. Stakeholders provided me with many different reasons of why I

should acquire the technology. Based on the interviews, it was clear that more than half of the

stakeholders stated that they don’t feel as if they are being provided with professional

development or training needed in order to effectively integrate technology in their classrooms.

They stated that integrating technology must have a purpose in regards to the standards and

objectives expected to be covered in each grade level. In addition, the 1:1 student laptops are

needed in order to effectively integrate technology in the classrooms to allow students to use as a

creation tool to enhance their learning. In response to question number 4 on the interview, many

of the teachers stated they don’t know how to go about using educational technologies for

students own personalized learning. The need is clear that they need training in order to

effectively address this need. The teachers also stated that technology devices are available at the

school, but there is a check out process for them. They stated that 1:1 student laptops are needed

in order to effectively use them in the classroom each and every day for student personalized


Based on the survey results, the needs were clear. Question number 8 stated that,

“Teachers have support and training with technology to meet their teaching needs”. 8 of the
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participants agreed with this statement. Two of the 8 were administrators. The remaining of the

participants disagreed or felt neutral. Question number 10 focused on how teachers would like to

see technology being used at their school. Almost all of the participants responded with 1:1

laptops and training on different ways to integrate technology in the classroom for personalized


Lastly, I asked the participants to rank five needs from most urgent to least urgent. The

one that was ranked number 1 was professional development with technology for teachers. Next

rank was technology development for students (1:1 technology would assist with this). Students

being able to have 1:1 devices will allow them to engage in learning experiences and instruction

that allows them to demonstrate their knowledge and use technology as a creation tool to transfer

their knowledge. The training provided for teachers would allow them to engage in meaningful

experiences using educational technology that they can implement within their classrooms. They

will learn how to effectively instruct students on ways to use the devices to demonstrate their

learning. Allowing students to use technology as a creation tool across all curriculum areas

allows for teachers to use the standards, goals, and objectives of each lesson to identify whether

or not students have achieved the desired results by using technology as a creation tool to

demonstrate their learning.

Priority Needs


-Teacher training for -Coaches ,district, -Students will not be -LOW
technology as a and county personnel prepared for a 21st
creation tool focused conduct trainings century world -HIGH
on students *Virtual Trainings -Lessened of student
- 1:1 student –laptop hosted by Microsoft exposure leads to
them being
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-Increase number of unprepared for 21st

devices in the century world
building for students -technology gaps

The priority needs are providing teachers with the professional development/training in

which they need in order to effectively integrate technology in their classrooms as a creation tool

focused on students. This can be done in different ways. It will cost to implement the solution of

asking other educators to come into the school and conduct the trainings for our teachers. But,

the other solution of allowing teachers to observe other classrooms within our school where

technology is being used as a creation tool will not cost anything. They can do this during their

planning time, so substitutes will not need to be called in to keep students. If needs are ignored,

the school, teachers, and students will fall behind in what is expected based on the county

technology goals. 1:1 technology is difficult because of the cost. Another factor that might affect

efforts to solve the need is funding is going to other needs within the school such as tutoring and

supplemental resources.

Action Plan

The stakeholders completed a Google Forms survey online and 5 of them participated in the

interview process. The surveys and interviews collected data about the technology needs in our

school, including;

 Professional development/training for teachers

 1:1 technology

 Use of technology to support teaching and personalized student learning

 Overall technology needs

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-Offer training that helps teachers identify technology standards and how they can be used to use

technology as a creation tool for students.

-Discuss with administrators how to establish and maintain a secure, adequate technology budget

for 1:1 technology

-Arrange for teachers to apply for grants to receive technology devices

-Allow teachers to seek professional development within the school by observing other teacher

classrooms who are allowing students to use technology as a creation tool

The rationale for the solutions is to address the two main technology needs of our school.

As stated, the criteria used was analyzing results from the interviews and digging deep into the

charts and graphs created from the results from the surveys. The timeline for this plan will be

about 2-7 months. The timeline for offering the training will be quicker to address, but the

process for the budget will take longer. It has to be reviewed by the principal and Title 1

department before moving forward.

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Appendix A

 My survey was developed through Microsoft Office Google forms.

 A link was posted to stakeholders and sent through an email.


 The survey consisted of general questions such as what their role is, and do they have

enough devices.

 The remaining questions consisted of questions where the stakeholders could answer

1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly

Needs Assessment

Survey Questions for Teachers

1. What is your role in our school?

District personnel
Parent/Community member

2. Do you feel as if our school has enough technology devices to support student learning?

3. Are there any groups below that you believe are lacking access and/or support with
students with disabilities
target/gifted students
economically disadvantage students
none of the above
African American students

4. All teachers are consistently using technology to enhance instruction. 1=Strongly Do not
Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

5. All students are using technology for personalized learning. 1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do
Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

6. Teachers are mostly using technology for assessments that are formative and summative.
1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

7. Most students have access to the technology tools in which they need in order to meet their
learning needs. 1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly

8. All teachers have support and training with technology to meet their teaching needs.
1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree
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9. All students have support and training with technology to meet their learning needs.
1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

10. How would you like to see technology being used at your school in the next 3-5 years?

11. How can you support your colleagues and school to improve technology use?

12. All teachers and students have access to working technology and connectivity that is
reliable/dependable. 1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5=
Strongly Agree

13. Students are using technology mostly for review of skills or reinforcement. 1=Strongly Do
not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

14. Rank the following from the Most Urgent needs to Least Urgent needs top to bottom
Professional development with technology for teachers
access to technology for teachers
access to technology for students
technology maintenance and support
technology development for students

15. Teachers are comfortable using and implementing technology tools in their classrooms?
1=Strongly Do not Agree 2= Do Not Agree 3=Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree
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Appendix B

Interview Questions for Teachers

1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here?

2. How long have you been at this school?

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom?

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale 1-

10, rate yourself and explain why.

5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills? If

so, how?

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please


7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please


8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology? For

example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc…

9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology?

10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom?

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face?

12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to student

Needs Assessment

Interview # 1
1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here? K-Rach

(assistant principal )

2. How long have you been at this school? 4 years

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom? (admin)Which type of

technologies do you see being used in the classrooms? Smartboard, document cameras,

Ipads, Kindle, and Osmos, bee-bot, different apps such as SeeSaw, Dojo, One note, and

office 365 apps (PowerPoint).

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale 1-

10, rate yourself and explain why. How effective are teachers with implementing

technology in their classrooms? (admin) I would go with 5. Teachers could be better if

more people had the opportunity to see the implementation of technology in action. Many

of our teachers are nervous about using it and that is what causes apprehension.

5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills? If

so, how? Do you feel as if teachers are preparing students using 21st century

technology/skills? (admin) No, I don’t feel as if teachers are preparing students using 21st

century skills. It is not the dominant trait. Many people are afraid to use technology

because they are not proficient with it. The exposures in our building are inconsistent. For

example, students can be exposed to educational technologies in Kindergarten, then never

again until 4th and 5th grade at our school. There is an exception to the rule. Some

teachers are preparing students.

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please

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explain. I do feel as if our teachers are provided with the professional development

necessary to use educational technologies. The district has provided the school with a

TTIS and the TTIS provides Webinar Wednesdays for tech training.

I do receive training about technologies and I try to meet with my teachers to show them

how the technologies work. For example, I just received training on One Note and I

provided my teachers with a professional development meeting after school showing how

to use it.

7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please

explain. Based on conversations with the staff, they do not feel as if I communicate the

vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom. My personal belief is teachers

are aware of what the standards are and what students need. If you are a teacher and

believe in what you do, you should be looking for the next thing to better yourself and

your students. I expect teachers to do it, without needing the constant reminder or

expectations. If it is something that I am pushing, then their evaluations will reflect on

what they are not doing.

8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology? For

example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc… We can use more devices, but we do

have more devices than other places. We also have more computer labs and space to use

technology. I wish there were more Tablets. In addition, I wish students were able to take

home technology devices, but there wouldn’t be enough devices for each student.

9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology? We

have enough devices to be shared. They are up to date. There is independency of student
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usage. Teachers are looking for ways to incorporate more technology slowly. The district

is looking to upgrade all classrooms with the new Simplicity Touch screens to increase


10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom? I don’t have any. I

believe teachers have personal barriers such as fear, and terrified they will make a

mistake or fail at effectively implementing.

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face? Constant reminders of training, peer training with other

teachers to observe how they implement educational technologies within their


12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to student

learning? Absolutely, my personal belief is technology is an awesome resource used to

increase productivity and engagement. It helps move students away from two

dimensional to three dimensional. It also provides opportunities for students to receive

information in different ways. It is a great resource for speed and to get students moving.
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Interview # 2

1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here? Bang

and I teach Kindergarten.

2. How long have you been at this school? Three years.

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom? SMARTboard, computers,

IPads, and an Elmo. I use technologies to show videos and use websites to teach

mathematics. In addition, teacher monster is consistently used in my classroom to

teach reading.

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale

1-10, rate yourself and explain why. I would rate myself as a level 8. I have

considerable knowledge on how to use programs and how to engage my students with

using technology. I do need to work on ways that allow students to use educational

technologies for their own personalized learning.

5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills?

If so, how? No, I don’t feel as if I am preparing students to use 21st century

technology because they are only five. But, I do feel as if I am teaching and preparing

them in ways of how to manipulate technology.

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please

explain. Yes and no, the TTIS has provided links that help with the understanding of

Office 365 and other programs. She has also sent out dates of Skype meetings that

allows us to engage in professional development online. There has also been

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opportunities to do the Microsoft Office course after school. But, I do believe we

need more hands-on professional development with using educational technologies.

7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please

explain. I do feel as if the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom

are clear, but the way to implement is unclear. I know what is expected of me, but I

don’t know how to approach the implementation within my classroom.

8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology?

For example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc… Lack of abundance with

devices, connectivity issues, and availability to be able to access devices are the main

weaknesses I see at our school.

9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology?

Although we don’t have an abundance of devices, we do have a variety of different

devices. We also have the ability to collaborate with our Technology Specialist at any

given time through text, phone call, skype, or in person.

10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom? Time is the

biggest barrier for me. The amount of time I have in the classroom, along with the

amount of time it takes to teach my kids how to use the technology is difficult. Also,

being able to keep students engaged while having limited technology devices in the

classroom is a barrier.

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face? I would love for them to provide 1:1 technology. I would

also love for them to upgrade the technology. For example, getting rid of the
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SMARTboards and incorporating the newest innovation that you have in your class.

(Simplicity Touch). Lastly, providing professional development for screen casting

and mirroring devices with each other would be of a great benefit.

12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to

student learning? Yes, technology opens up the world for students. They are able to

explore new ways to learn new information, communicate with others, and being able

to research within other areas.

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Interview # 3

1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here? Just

Byrd and I teach first grade.

2. How long have you been at this school? I have been at this school for four years.

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom? I use SMART Board,

laptops, document cameras, printers, IRespond, NearPod, and Chatterpix, Seesaw,

Epic, and Moby Max. I also use Kodable and it supports early computer

programming skills.

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale

1-10, rate yourself and explain why. Since, I can’t fix it when it’s broken, I would

rate myself as a 7. I use technology on a daily basis, so I feel very confident. My kids

are also confident based on my effectiveness.

5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills?

If so, how? Yes, they are exposed to educational technologies on a daily basis in my

classroom. The technologies are incorporated into each one of my lessons. They use

the IPad’s and laptops to access different educational apps.

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please

explain. I do feel supported because when I do need something, I know who I can go

to and get the information in which I need. I don’t wait for anyone to provide me with

professional development. I seek help when needed. It is nice if they would provide

professional development on a weekly basis.

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7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please

explain. No, I don’t feel as if the expectations are clear at all. I integrate educational

technologies into my classroom because it provides student engagement and

transforms learning.

8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology?

For example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc… It would be nice to have a 1:1

ratio of technology devices. I don’t feel as if they are readily available.

9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology?

We have a lot of people that use technology and they are great resources for teachers

that need help. We also have access to technology with being able to share laptop

carts amongst each other, and that’s better than nothing.

10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom? I have a hard

time integrating some of the common apps into our daily lessons to support the

standards in which I am teaching on a daily basis. I wish I had more time to explore

apps and see which ones support the curriculum.

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face? It would be nice to provide professional development

opportunities during school hours. For example, providing a professional

development on grade-appropriate programs and apps that pertain to specific subject


12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to

student learning? Yes, it provides student engagement. It provides opportunities for

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students to be able to be expose to different forms of technology. For example,

students don’t have a SMART board at their homes. It’s a new and exciting way of

learning. For my first graders, it helps them with their fine motor skills.
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Interview # 4

1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here? Sierra

Miste 3rd grade teacher

2. How long have you been at this school? Three years

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom? Laptops, iPads, BrainPop

videos using the SMART board.

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale

1-10, rate yourself and explain why. I would rate myself a 5. I will use it when I have

a specific resource. I am not the one to reach out to find ways or explore using


5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills?

If so, how? I do not feel as if I am preparing my students using 21st century

technology/skills, but I do use Moby Max for math skills. This sounds bad, but I don’t

know how to go about preparing my students for the skills in which they need in

order to succeed in life. I focus more on just the content standards.

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please

explain. I feel like I am being provided with the professional development necessary

because my TTIS for my school does provide Microsoft Office trainings for different

programs. But, it would be nice to receive professional development on

programs/apps that students can use that are engaging. I truthfully don’t want to step

out of my comfort zone to use technology.

Needs Assessment

7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please

explain. Not really, they say use technology, but I feel as if in order to have a vision,

specific instructions and a path is needed to follow.

8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology?

For example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc… At first, I would say lack of

devices, but we just receive additional carts for laptops. In addition, there is a

weakness with students knowing how to access technology in the aspect of navigating

and logging in. Lastly, students do not know how to type and this is a concern

because all students will be testing on the computers for the upcoming Georgia


9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology?

Administrators are constantly adding more devices. I also feel that our media

specialist does a good job with Destiny (this is what students and teachers use to

locate resources).

10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom? Time is the

biggest barrier. Being a third grade teacher at this school has been hard at this school

because I am expected to do the County Pilot program and it takes up a lot of time, so

technology is the least of my concern. In addition, I don’t like using technology

because I have to deal with students who don’t know how to use it. I have a hard time

using it quickly and efficiently and it’s a big management problem.

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face? I would love for them to listen to us and address our
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concerns. We are the ones with the students every day and our voices need to be


12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to

student learning? I think educational technologies are distracting. On the other hand, I

do believe they can be great if used the appropriate way or implemented correctly. I

don’t feel as if technology is as essential as it is made out to be.

Needs Assessment

Interview # 5

1. What is your name (first name only required or last name) and job title here?

Crawford, 4th grade teacher

2. How long have you been at this school? 1 year

3. Which type of technology do you use in your classroom? Laptops, iPads, Smart board

4. How effective are you with implementing technology in your classroom? On a scale

1-10, rate yourself and explain why. 8…I feel as if I am effective with using

technology given, however, I know that there are still some items in my room, and

even online that I could still use more. For example, we have a tablet/slate in the

room, but I just became aware of its features, and how to use it.

5. Do you feel as if you are preparing your students using 21st century technology/skills?

If so, how? I honestly don’t feel like I am doing enough. There are times when we use

iPads and laptops, but we don’t use them on a weekly basis. In addition, my students

don’t practice simple skills such as using a keyboard to type. I have seen my student’s

type simple paragraphs, and they don’t understand basic formatting.

6. Do you feel that you are being supported by being provided with the professional

development necessary to use educational technologies in your classroom? Please

explain. When I took new teacher training, we were told of all of the items and

technology that would be found in our classroom, but we were not told of it’s purpose

or function, or even how to use them. If I hadn’t previously been a parapro in the

district, I would have felt completely lost, even when using something as simple as

SMART notebook.
Needs Assessment

7. Do you feel administrators, school personnel, and district personnel effectively

communicates the vision/expectations for using technology in the classroom? Please

explain. I feel like maybe it’s been mentioned a time, or two, however, I don’t feel

like it is being pushed. Just today in our CCC meeting, we were told that we should

probably be including more simple tasks (such as typing a paragraph or an essay), to

just familiarize students with the keyboard. They were a little worried because

Milestones are going to be completely online this year, and they want students to be

familiar with using a computer.

8. What would you say are the weaknesses at our school when speaking of technology?

For example, connectivity issues, lack of devices, etc… Although we have devices,

sometimes, I feel as if we could have more. Our grade level shares one iPad cart

between all four classes, and sometimes, we want them on the same day. In addition,

I have noticed that when doing classroom assignments, the connectivity seems to

drop. I have also had issues where I have wanted to use educational apps, such as

Google Expeditions, but hit a road block, simply because the technological software

on the iPads hasn’t been updated. My classroom provided laptops are a hit and miss

as well. Sometimes they will just shut down in the middle of assignments, and

sometimes they won’t log a student in (this is a weekly problem).

9. What would you say are the strengths at our school when speaking of technology?

Kids are not shy of technology. In addition, I have seen some teachers give some

pretty awesome lessons (such as Nearpod lessons)

10. What are your personal barriers of using technology in the classroom?
Needs Assessment

Finding the time outside of the classroom to create meaningful lessons using

technology (such as creating Nearpod lessons, or Sway presentations, or Kahoot

quizzes, etc.)

11. How can your school help you or what things can be done to help you overcome the

barriers in which you face? I think collaborating as a team to create lessons that use

technology could help not only myself, but students as well in becoming more

technology efficient.

12. Do you feel as if using educational technologies in the classroom are beneficial to

student learning? I do feel that using technology is beneficial because it provides the

opportunity to expand beyond the traditional paper-to-pencil delivery, and gives the

option for differentiated with the type of learner a student could be.
Needs Assessment


Aiken, S. (2018). Assessment Needs. Retrieved from



Anonymous. (2018). Demographics. Retrieved from

D’Alba, A. (2018). What is a needs assessment? Retrieved from

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