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The pros of are that many people with differing ideologies are elected to help govern the country. This reduces burden of the entire
government as the workload is spread thinner. Furthermore, viewpoints from different perspectives can be gathered and discussion
can be held before any political decisions. This is important as Italy is a large country. Thus, not everyone should be involved but
instead some people will help govern Italy.The cons are that certain minor viewpoints may be ignored. As Italy is a huge country
with a large population, views from certain people may be ignored.



New Public Management (NPM) has tried to introduce managerial rationality into the Italian bureaucracy has not only redefined the
role and responsibility of bureaucrats who have been increasingly required to become public managers, but also the relationship of
the latter with politicians.As a consequence of reform process, the á á á

between politicians and top executives has
been affirmed by law in 1993. It has attempted to transformthe ³classical bureaucrat´ (Putnam, 1975) into ³manager´, by ³letting
the managers manage´ it hasgiven them greater autonomy from the political bodies.

As a result, the relationship between politics and bureaucracy in the Italian core executive has been transformed in a pragmatic-
professional transaction between office-holders with (potentially) complementary contributions to successful policy-making. The new
political- institutional order and the effect of administrative reforms has given the way to a more productive collaboration at the very
heart of national government, by giving evidence of the inconsistency of the dilemma between professional autonomy and political




The system was highly politicized and extraordinarily fragmented. This unique feature of the Italian government is also the key to
understanding much of the political system¶s paralysis. This bureaucracy evolved and expanded when the DC overwhelmingly
dominated its coalition partners, and therefore claimed most key ministries for DC itself while installing its own people in the top
positions in the bureaucracy and state-controlled economic institutions. There was limited power sharing among the coalition
partners but even more because the DC itself was divided internally. This provided for independent power sharing within the ruling



The spoils system, theoretically, makes the bureaucratic machine responsive to the changing political environment. It is a means for
providing government with trustable and loyal people at the top, in order to get bureaucratic compliance, but in the long run, it
allowed the ruling party independent power sharing within its ranks.

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Checks and balances, which modify the separation of powers, may operate under parliamentary systems through exercise of a
parliament's prerogative to adopt a no-confidence vote against a government; the government, or cabinet, in turn, ordinarily may
dissolve the parliament. The three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, keep one man or group from becoming too powerful.
Each branch restrains the other from becoming too powerful through checks and balances. The executive branch can veto a passed
law from the legislative, while the legislative branch can cancel that veto with 2 thirds vote from both houses of congress and the
judicial branch can decide if a law is unconstitutional. The Judicial Supreme Court¶s members are appointed by the executive branch
then approved by congress.

The primary prerogative of the Italian Parliament is to enact laws to benefit the Italian People. As all Parliamentary governments, the
Italian Legislature follows standard protocol in all Parliamentary governments, namely:

1. Initiative
2. Research and preparation for drafting
3. Drafting in committees
4. Consultation
5. Redrafting
6. Handling in the Council of the State
7. Handling in the Parliament
8. Confirmation, publication and entry into force of Acts
9. Information and Training
10. Monitoring

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In Italy, the comune (plural comuni) is the basic administrative division. It is headed by a mayor (sindaco) assisted by a legislative
body, the ConsiglioComunale, and an executive body, the GiuntaComunale. Mayor and members of ConsiglioComunale are elected
together by resident citizens: the coalition of the elected Mayor (who needs an absolute majority in the first or second round of
voting) gains the three fifths of the Council's seats. The GiuntaComunale is chaired by mayor who appoints others members, called
assessori. It provides for local representation in the National government.

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From the beginning, an immediate problem faced the Italian Government and its parliamentary forces: compatibility between
treaties establishing the European Communities and Italian Constitution. A choice had to be made: insert new provisions into the
Constitution or present an ordinary ratification bill, having regard to Article 11 of the Constitution, upon which ³Italy agrees, on
condition of equality with other States, to the limitations of sovereignty that may be necessary to a world order ensuring peace and
justice among the Nations. Italy promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends´.

This easier procedure was adopted, but during the parliamentary debates concerning the ratification bill of the Treaties of Rome, in
both Houses the opposition rapporteurs argued that such bill would not be compatible with the Constitution, since Article 11 had
been written in consideration of Italy joining the United Nations Organization and was not fit to cover the new European legal order.
The majority rapporteurs objected that Article 11, even if not mentioning Europe, fixed provisions so wide to include joining the
European Communities. The bill was approved, supported by the favorable opinions of a large majority of constitutional experts.

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