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CCLD 3 Unit 301 Develop and Promote Positive

Element CCLD 301.1 Develop relationships with children
Performance Criteria 301.1.3 - Negotiate with children about
their needs and preferences and involve them in the decision-
making as appropriate to their stage of development. eg what
snack would they prefer an apple or an orange? would they like to
play inside or outside? which story would they like at story time? do
they want a red apron or a blue apron? Etc...

Element CCLD 301.2 Communicate with children

Performance Criteria 301.2.4 - Encourage children to ask
questions, offer ideas and make suggestions. eg during circle time,
children could ask each other or the adult questions about their
favourite foods, time of year, colour, toy etc, during story time,
children could make suggestions about what will happen next in the
story or offer ideas about a different ending to the story

Performance Criteria 301.2.5 - Recognise when there are

communication difficulties and adapt the way you communicate
accordingly. Some children have English as an Additional Language
(EAL) and may need extra support in communication - using visuals or
using signs, a child may have speech delay and so may need to use
sign language or gestures to communicate and the adult needs to be
patient and try not to finish the child's sentence for them!

Element CCLD 301.3 Support children in developing

Performance Criteria 301.3.5 - Encourage and support other
adults in the setting to have positive relationships with children.
Introduce new members of staff or volunteers to the children.
Make other adults aware if a child has a particular need eg ADHD,
so that they can adapt their approach accordingly

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