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Unit 337 Create environments that promote positive


K 3C5 4 2 The possible effects of communication

difficulties and attention deficits

communication difficulties : eg speech impediment, stuttering, speech

delay, hard of hearing, English as a second language - child could appear to
be "naughty" because they are not doing what you have asked - but may they
haven't heard or don't understand? Children who can not communicate very
easily eg they do not speak English or have speech delay may become
frustrated because they can not make themselves understood. They may
become withdrawn socially because they can not communicate with the other
children very easily - this can be damaging to their self esteem.

attention deficits : eg ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

is the most common childhood-onset behavioural disorder.
Those affected have a greatly reduced ability to maintain attention without
being distracted, to control what they're doing or saying (because of
impulsivity) and to control the amount of physical activity appropriate to the
situation (that is, they're restless and fidgety). ADHD is also called attention
deficit disorder (ADD) or hyperactivity. The disorder shouldn't be confused
with normal, boisterous childhood behaviour. Symptoms include excessively,
consistently and involuntarily having difficulty:
• Remaining seated when required
• Waiting turn in group situations
• Following instructions
• Playing quietly
Other common symptoms include:
• Shifting from one incomplete activity to another
• Interrupting others
• Engaging in physically dangerous activities without considering the

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