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Thrust Into Space

By Maxwell W. Hunter

Thrust Into Space 1

Foreword ground for select scientists and astronauts, as
most people currently think, or whether it is to
Maxwell Hunter was the “Father of the Thor provide a vastly expanded domain for the en
Rocket,” winner of the 1995 Werhner Von tire human race, adding whole planets as the
Braun Memorial Award of the National Space new worlds of the future. The answer lies
Society, and a key player in the conception of strictly in the economics of space propulsion.
the Star Wars space defense.
In this book, I have attempted to cover pro
“Thrust Into Space” is the best text on orbital pulsion from the viewpoint of the systems ar
mechanics and an excellent introduction to chitect, rather than the propulsion designer.
propulsion systems. It is dicult to write a Each chapter covers a certain velocity region.
book on the subject which is neither so over Each contains a discussion of basic flight me
simplified that it insults the intelligence, nor so chanics of that region as an aid to understand
mathematical that it is accessible only to spe ing the appropriate propulsion systems.
cialists. Hunter succeeded.
Some knowledge of flight mechanics is essen
tial to any real understanding of propulsion
The claim that propulsion is the key to space
exploration has been repeated so often it has This book is written for the modern,
become trite. Even so, its importance is not technicallyoriented high school student. Only
always grasped. Many dicult techniques must comparatively simple expressions are utilized.
be mastered in order to conquer space. It is Much of the massive calculations performed
important to spend time and eort learning to today are used to refine the last ounce of per
do them all well. Guidance and communication formance out of very complicated systems.
are examples. But it is inadequate propulsion This refinement is justified in design proce
 nothing else  which has limited the hu dures, but use of the complicated calculations
man race to one planet thus far. With excess creates some risk that the user will lose sight
propulsion, any guidance problem could be of the fundamentals. Whether high school
solved by carrying enough corrective thrust student or executive, basic decisions must be
capability and any communication problem clearly related to the fundamentals in today’s
with enough power and equipment. All the so complicated technical world.
phisticated guidance and communication Today, we are engaged in materializing a two
techniques in the universe, however, are of no thousandyear old dream of mankind. These
help if the vehicle cannot carry a useful pay dreams, and the restless, inquisitive drive of
load to space. the human race to achieve its dreams, are the
In the future, propulsion is undoubtedly the reasons we are going to space. I believe
key to the magnitude of further space explora strongly that we should buckle down to the
tion and exploitation. Once such techniques as hard and spectacular job of engineering those
guidance and communication are mastered, dreams. That is why most of this book is de
miniaturized and routinized, they become rela voted to future propulsion capabilities, not
tively fixedcost adjuncts of programs. Propul past propulsion history.
sion, however, determines the economic feasi Valuable discussions, sometimes heated, with
bility of space operations. Size of vehicles and innumerable colleagues, throughout the years,
fuel loads carried represent the fundamental contributed in many ways to this book. The
price to be paid for space transportation. The advice and encouragement of Dr. Edward C.
question is whether the future of space explo Welsh, Executive Secretary of the National
ration is merely to provide an expensive play Aeronautics and Space Council, was essential.

Thrust Into Space 1

Special thanks is due to Dr. Charles S. Sheldon In 1956 he was made Chief Missiles Design
II of the sta of the National Aeronautics and Engineer, responsible for the design of Thor,
Space Council, Robert F. Trapp of the National NikeZeus, and others, and in 1958 became As
Aeronautics and Space Administration, and sistant Chief Engineer, Space Systems, respon
Joseph M. Tschirgi of Bellcomm, Inc., for re sible for all Douglas space eorts, including
finement of the text. If anything is unique in the Delta, Saturn SIV stage, and others. In
this book, however, it must be the assistance 1961 he was made Chief Engineer for Space
of a leading lady of the American theatre, Irene Systems, and in 1962 joined the professional
Manning, my wife. Rarely has so much charm sta of the National Aeronautics and Space
and talent been devoted to the typing of a Council. In 1965 he became Special Assistant
manuscript and the enthusiastic clarification to the Vice President and General Manager of
of a text. Her help was invaluable. Research and Development at Lockheed Mis
sile and Space Company.
About the Author Subsequent to writing this book, he worked on
Born March 11, 1922, Maxwell W. Hunter, II parts of the Strategic Defense Initiative. In
received an AB degree in Physics and Mathe later years he worked on spacelaunch vehicles
matics from Washington and Jeerson College and was a proponent of SingleStagetoOrbit
in 1942, and an MS in Aeronautical Engineer SSTO designs.
ing from Massachusetts Institute of Technol Mr. Hunter was a Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi,
ogy in 1944. a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronau
tics and Astronautics, and a senior member of
the American Astronautical Society.
He was honored in 1995 by the National Space
Society for lifelong contributions to the tech
nology of spaceflight. He died November 10,

Publication History
First published by Holt, Rinehard and Win
ston, Inc., New York in 1966. Library of Con
gress Catalog Number: 6523276, ISBN: 13822
0116. Coordinating Editor: James V. Bernardo,
Director Educational Programs and Services,
Copyright reverted to estate of Maxwell
Hunter in 2001 with his death. Reformatted
and color illustrations added by Mark Duncan
in May 2009.
He joined Douglas Aircraft Company as a
member of the Aerodynamic Performance
Group, and then for eight years was in charge
of the Missiles Aerodynamics Group which
was responsible for the aerodynamic design of
NikeAjax and Hercules, Sparrows; Honest
John, and other missiles.

Thrust Into Space 2

Table of Contents
1. Rocket Fundamentals 1
Introduction 1
Guns 1
Force and Energy 2
Efficiency 2
Power 3
Guns as Rockets 3
Rocket Engines 3
Fuel Consumption 4
Power 4
Internal Energy Release 5
Atmospheric Pressure Effect 6
Pump Power 7
The Rocket Equation 7
Useful Load 9
Energy Efficiency 10
Effect of Initial Velocity 10

2. Artillery Rockets 12
Ballistics 12
Energy 12
Atmospheric-Drag 13
Gravity Losses 14
Airplane Lift/Drag Ratio 14
Surface Transportation “Lift/Drag” Ratio 15
Regions of Travel 16
Solid Propellant Rockets 16
Goddards Early Solid Rocket Experiments 17
Post World War Solid Rockets 18
Liquid Propellant Rockets 19
Storable Liquid Propellant Rockets 20
Table 1 — Theoretical Propellant Performance 21
Storable Liquid Propellants versus Solid Propellants 21
Cryogenic Liquid Propellant Rockets 22

3. Orbital and Global Rockets 26

Ballistics 26
Circular Orbits 26
Potential Energy 27
Escape Velocity 27
The Vis-Viva Law 28
Minimum Energy Trajectories 29

Thrust Into Space 1

General Trajectories 29
Hohmann Transfers 30
Other Planets and Satellites 31
Table 2 31
Table 3 32
Gravity Losses 32
Energy Comparisons 33
Solid Propellant Rockets 34
Solid Propellant Boosters 34
Solid Propellant Ballistic Missiles 35
Future Large Solid Engines 35
Liquid Propellant Rockets 36
Storable Liquid Propellants 36
Hybrid Propellants 37
Cryogenic Liquid Propellant Rockets 37
Early Space Rockets — A Lesson in Ingenuity 38

4. Lunar and Early Interplanetary Rockets 41

Celestial Mechanics 41
The Multi-Body Problem 41
Table 4 — The Planets — Orbital Data 42
Table 4 — The Planets — Orbital Data (Continued) 42
Table 5 — Solar System Data 43
Table 5 — Solar System Data (continued) 44
Hyperbolic Excess Velocity 45
Braking within Gravity Fields 46
Atmospheric Braking 46
Lunar Velocity Requirements 47
Planetary Hohmann Transfers 48
Multi-lmpulse Transfers 49
Use of Planetary Energy 50
Escape from the Solar System 54
Minimum Energy Fast Transfers 54
Landing on Natural Satellites 55
Asteroids and Comets 56
Table 6 — Selected Comets 57
Synodic Period Effects — One-Way Transfer 58
Synodic Period Effects-Round Trips 59
Lunar Refueling 59
Planetary Refueling 61
Liquid Propellant Rockets 61
Space Storable Liquid Propellants 61
Cryogenic Liquid Propellants 62
High Energy Cryogenic Propellants 62
Table 7 — Theoretical Liquid Propellant Performance Equilibrium Flow (Frozen Flow) 64
Exotic Liquid Propellants 65

Thrust Into Space 2

New Types of Engines 66
Nuclear Thermal Rockets 67
Moderated Solid Core Rockets 69
Fast Solid Core Rockets 70
Radioisotope Heated Solid Core Rockets 70
Table 8 — Isotopic Heat Sources 71
Shielding 71
Rocket Orbital Transports 72
Air-Breathing Propulsion 73

5. Solar System Spaceships 75

Celestial Mechanics 75
High Velocity Rockets and Gravity Fields 75
Minimum Travel Times 76
Synodic Period Effects 76
Planetary Bases 77
Escape with Low Acceleration 79
Flight Time with Low Acceleration 80
Nuclear Thermal Rockets 81
Liquid Core Rockets 81
Gaseous Core Rockets 82
Fuel and Propellant Consumption 83
Cooling Limitations 84
Nuclear Electric Rockets 86
Electrical Rocket Performance 88
Solar Powered Rockets 89
Nuclear Pulse Rockets 90
Spaceship Design Philosophy 90
Versatile Ship Design 90
Fuel and Propellant Costs 91
Structural Cost Amortization 91
Transportation Development Philosophy 94
Hypothetical Gaseous Fission Ship  96
Non-Rocket Solar System Transportation 97

6. Interstellar Ships 99
Stellar Mechanics 99
Probability of Planets 99
Communication with Intelligent Life 100
Acceleration 101
Time Dilation 101
Escape from the Galaxy 102
Fusion Rockets 102
Photon Rockets 105
Mass Annihilation Rockets 106

Thrust Into Space 3

7. Outlook 109

List of Symbols 111

Subscripts 112

Bibliography 113

Glossary 114

Thrust Into Space 4

leased into a useful force by expanding .the
1. Rocket gases rearward through a nozzle at high veloc
ity. A continual supply of high temperature and
Fundamentals pressure gas is created by burning rocket fuel
in the chamber. As the gas goes through the
nozzle, its pressure and temperature decrease
Introduction as thermal energy is converted to velocity, and
the thrust on the vehicle is basically the recoil
The thrust of the human race into space is
from the exhausting of the gas.
primarily a story of man’s ability to achieve
higher velocities. About the highest velocity a All rockets operate on this recoil from their
man can attain by running is 32 feet per second exhaust. Rockets using the process described
fps 60 miles per hour = 88 feet per second. are termed “thermal rockets,” regardless of
The highest velocity a human can attain, rely whether their source of energy is chemical or
ing primarily on his muscles, is to use a bow to nuclear. Rockets which use electrical means to
launch an arrow to achieve about 350 feet per generate a high velocity exhaust will be dis
second. A typical high velocity gun, such as an cussed in Chapter 5.
antiaircraft gun or the German World War I
“Paris gun,” achieves about ten times bow and Guns
arrow velocity, or 3500 feet per second. An in
To understand rocket fundamentals, it is useful
tercontinental ballistic missile ICBM nor
to examine a gun in some detail. When a gun is
mally attains a maximum velocity of about
fired, the powder releases chemical energy
23,000 feet per second. An orbit around the
which creates a hot high pressure gas which
earth requires 26,000 feet per second. To
then expands with decreasing pressure and
completely escape from earth requires 36,700
temperature while pushing the bullet down the
feet per second, or about ten times the velocity
barrel ahead of it. This process occurs very rap
of the Paris gun. The velocity required to
idly, in just over one millisecond one thou
launch directly from earth and escape from the
sandth of a second for a modern high velocity
solar system is about 54,600 feet per second.
rifle, producing 4000 feet per second muzzle
For complex missions where velocity is added velocity in a 26inch barrel.
or taken away in several increments, rocket de
Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that
signers normally speak in terms of the total of
when two bodies react, the action and reaction
these increments. The total velocity require
forces are equal and opposite. This is the law
ment for going to the moon, landing, and re
of conservation of linear momentum. Ex
turning to earth with atmospheric braking on
pressed mathematically, when the bullet leaves
return is about 54,000 feet per second, almost
the muzzle, the momentum of the gun will be
50 percent greater than earth escape velocity.
equal and opposite to the momentum of the
Although such velocities and some much
bullet. Momentum is the product of mass
higher will be discussed, it is well to remember
times velocity, and hence we have the following
that earth escape velocity was first achieved
only six years ago on January 2nd, 1959, by the
Russian Lunik I and that it took at least 700 mGVG = mBVB 11
years of human ingenuity before rockets
achieved that velocity. where G = mass of gun in slugs; B = mass of
bullet in slugs; VB = muzzle velocity of bullet in
Normal rocket engines operate by creating a feet per second; and VG = recoil velocity of gun
high pressure and temperature within a cham in feet per second.
ber, then converting the thermal energy so re

Thrust Into Space 1

As the gas is forcing gun and bullet apart, the distance when the force is moving a mass
bullet pushes on the gun and the. gun on the against a resistance. Hence, both work and en
bullet. The recoil on the gun has nothing to do ergy are measured in footpounds. Work must
with the fact that the bullet pushes through air be performed on a body in order to create ve
after it leaves the muzzle. locity, and a moving body possesses energy by
virtue of its motion equal to the work per
Force and Energy formed on it. This is called its kinetic energy,
and is given by the expression:
Mass is simply the quantity of matter. Force is
related to mass by Newton’s Second Law of mV 2 wV 2
KE = = 14
Motion which is for constant mass: 2 2g0
F = ma 12
where KE = kinetic energy in footpounds.
where a = acceleration in feet per second2; F = The ratio of kinetic energies of gun to bullet
force in pounds; and  = mass in slugs.
may be obtained from Equations 11 and 14 as:
Equation 12 indicates a convenient means of
measuring massnamely, by weighing a quantity = = 15
of matter under the acceleration of gravity. KEB VB wG
Thus, a pound of mass is defined as the quan
where KEG = kinetic energy of gun in foot
tity of matter which weighs exerts a force of
pounds; and KEB = kinetic energy of bullet in
one pound at the earth’s surface. Since the ac
celeration of gravity varies somewhat over the
earth’s surface it is about 0.5 percent lower at Although momentum may be equally divided
the equator than at the poles, a standard value between two bodies, energy need not be. More
of 32.174 feet per second2 has been agreed upon energy goes into the bullet than the gun. Since
for the purpose of standard force and weight guns weigh on the order of 5001000 times the
measurement. When measuring weight specifi bullet they fire, almost all the energy goes into
cally, Equation 12 becomes: the bullet. Were this not so, either end of the
gun would be equally destructive.
w = mg0 13

where  = weight in pounds;  = mass in Efficiency

slugs; and go = 32.174 feet per second2. The eciency of the gun can be determined by
In other words, one slug weighs exerts a force comparing the energy of the bullet with the
of 32.174 pounds under standard gravity. The energy release of the amount of powder
standard weight will be used throughout this burned. Heat energy releases are commonly
book as a measure of mass since it is a familiar measured in the units of BTU per pound
term. One normally speaks of a Thor rocket as where BTU stands for British Thermal Unit.
weighing 100,000 pounds, not as having a They are also frequently quoted in gram calo
mass of 3,100 slugs. ries per gram. One gramcalorie per gram = 1.8
BTU per pound. Energy can be converted
To avoid confusion, the symbol  will repre
from one form to another, and the mechanical
sent weight of mass in pounds. The mass in
energy equivalent of heat energy has been de
slugs will always be represented by the symbol
termined to be 778 footpounds per BTU. The
. The same quantity of mass would weigh
energy release of modem smokeless gunpowder
dierent amounts if weighed on dierent plan
is about 1250 gramcalories per gram, so that it
ets, but we will use only earth standard weight.
is equivalent to 1,750,000 footpounds per
Energy is defined as the ability to do work. pound, or 250 footpounds per grain. It is
Work is measured by the product of force and common to use grain as a measure of mass in

Thrust Into Space 2

small arms work for both powder and bullets. Guns as Rockets
7000 grains = one pound. 
Consider building a rocket which was simply a
Typically, the use of about 40 percent of the gunwhich ejected only one particle rearward.
bullet’s weight in powder will generate about Equation 11 may be rewritten in terms of the
3000 feet per second muzzle velocity which is relative velocity between the two masses as fol
approximately 20 footpounds of energy per lows:
grain of bullet see Equation 14. Guns, at
least of the handheld variety, are typically  w 
V = ve  1  F  16
about 20 percent ecient. The energy not  wI 
used in propelling the bullet is dissipated in
friction between bullet and barrel, used to where V = velocity achieved by final mass in
move air from the barrel, or is carried away by feet per second;  = relative velocity of final
the powder gases, both as kinetic energy of the and ejected masses in feet per second; I = ini
gases and as thermal energy contained in the tial total weight in pounds; and F = final
hot gases. weight in pounds.
The maximum velocity is limited to the rela
Power tive velocity of ejection and this is only achiev
When considering rockets or any other pro able in the extreme of zero final mass.
pulsion device, both the energy consumed and Ejecting more than one mass would be benefi
the power involved are of interest. Power is cial. For instance, if two masses were ejected of
defined as the time rate at which work is done, such size that half the remaining mass were
or energy released. Thus, energy is measured in ejected each time, then the velocity increment
foot pounds and power in footpounds per sec achieved each time would be equal to onehalf
ond. If the energy is released fast enough, the the ejection velocity, and the ratio of initial to
power can be very high, even though the total final mass required each time would be two.
energy release is low. For a rifle which bums 40 Hence, the final velocity achieved would be
grains of powder to fire a 100 grain bullet at equal to ejection velocity, but the initial to final
3000 feet per second, the total energy release mass ratio would be only four rather than infi
within the chamber is of the order of 10,000 nite.
footpounds. The time of travel down the bar
rel will be about 1.44 milliseconds. Thus, the By using Equation 16 repetitively for any dis
rate of energy release is 6.9 million foot creet number of masses, it can be shown that
pounds per second. Since one horsepower is the most ecient process is a continuous ejec
550 footpounds per second, this is 12,500 tion of a large number of very small masses. All
horsepower. A comparable number for a very rockets make use of such a continuous stream
powerful hunting rifle is 53,000 horsepower. of gas rather than discreet particles. The sim
We normally measure horsepower in terms of ple momentum and energy relations of the
useful work, not energy release. With 20 per previous equations must be replaced by some
cent eciency, the hunting rifle delivers what more complicated continuous flow deri
10,600 horsepower. It is perfectly correct to vations. Most of the equations presented will
say that such a gun, although easily carried, has not be rigorously derived, but the method of
over three times the horsepower of a modern derivation will be indicated.
railroad locomotive weighing over 150 tons. It
is necessary to keep power and energy clearly Rocket Engines
separated in one’s mind. The thrust due to the exhaust velocity of the
gases as they leave the nozzle of a rocket is not
the total force on the rocket. Since a gas sup

Thrust Into Space 3

ply is continually being created in the chamber tion is the thrust obtained for a given amount
and continually leaving the rocket system, the of propellant used per second.
pressure on the surface through which this gas
leaves must also beconsidered. By making use I sp = 18
of Newton’s Second Law and equating the w
momentum of a rocket vehicle flying through The quantity Isp is widely used by rocket engi
an atmosphere with the momentum of its ex neers and is called the specific impulse of the
haust jet and the surrounding atmospheric engine. It has the dimensions of time since it is
pressures, the following equation for rocket thrust in pounds divided by propellant con
thrust is obtained see Figure 11: sumption in pounds per second. It is the time
wv for which one pound of propellant could pro
T= + ( pe  pat ) Ae 17 duce one pound. of thrust. Eective exhaust
velocity is a fictitious velocity which includes
where T = thrust force of rocket in pounds; both momentum and pressure thrust, and is
w = propellant flow rate in pounds per second; defined as:
 = exhaust velocity in feet per second; p = vef = g0 I sp 19
exhaust gas pressure at nozzle exit in pounds
per square inch psi; pa = local atmospheric
pressure in pounds per square inch; and A = Power
nozzle exit area in square inches. The power expended in the rocket exhaust is
The thrust consists of two terms. The first the kinetic energy per second of the jet which
term, called momentum thrust, is the product is given by the expression see Equation 14:
of the propellant flow rate and its exhaust ve  e2
locity. The second term, the pressure thrust, is Pe = 110
the nozzle exit area multiplied by the dier 2g0
ence between atmospheric pressure and nozzle
where P = power in footpounds per second.
exit pressure.
A convenient approximation to Equation 110
Nozzle area ratio,  = Throat area (At)
Exit area (Ae) is to replace the actual exhaust velocity 
Atmospheric pressure = pat with the eective exhaust velocity Vef so that:
wv Tvef g0 I spT
Chamber pressure = pc
p t vt pe ve Pef = = = 111
vc is very low 2g0 2 2

where Pef = eective power in foot~pounds per

Nozzle second.
exit The eective power is frequently a good ap
proximation to actual power, since the pressure
Figure 1-1 — Rocket nomenclature thrust term of Equation 17 is small in many
Fuel Consumption
These simple equations show clearly some ba
A large thrust can be obtained either by eject sic points about rocket propulsion. If low fuel
ing a large amount of propellant or by ejecting consumption is desired, Equation 17 shows
a small amount at a high velocity. It is prefer that high exhaust velocity is required. Equa
able to have rockets of low propellant con tion 111 shows that for a given thrust, high ex
sumption. A measure of propellant consump haust velocity requires increased power in the
exhaust which results in increased energy re

Thrust Into Space 4

k = Ratio of Specific Heats
lease within the rocket chamber. Much of this 1.0 0
book will discuss the continual fight for higher
k = 1.3
performance rocket engines which means the

Chamber Temperature
0.8 0.2
Vacuum Thrust

Energy Efficiency

Exit Temperature
controlled release of increasingly larger Efficiency k = 1.2
0.6 0.4
amounts of energy. Periodically, reference will
be made to these simple expressions as a 0.4 0.6
means of grasping the magnitude of the forces Momentum Thrust Efficiency
and Temperature Ratio
and energies involved. 0.2 0.8

0 1.0
Internal Energy Release 1 101 102 103
Nozzle Area Ratio, 
If it were possible to convert all thermal energy
in the combustion chamber to nozzle exit ve Figure 1-2 — Rocket energy efficiency
locity, then the expression for exit velocity The nozzle expansion is measured by the ratio
would be: of nozzle exit area to throat area, called the
ve = 2g0 Jh = 224 h 112 expansion ratio . A nozzle of infinite expan
sion ratio, operating in a vacuum, should pro
where h = enthalpy per unit weight in BTU per duce complete conversion of the thermal to
pound; and J = mechanical equivalent of heat kinetic energy, and Equations 110 and 112
778 footpounds per BTU. would give the internal energy release to within
five percent. Such large nozzles are impractical.
Enthalpy is the term applied to the total heat Furthermore, there is a point at which the ex
released by the combustion process. haust gas cools down to where it liquefies and
Complicated engineering calculations are re the whole nozzle expansion process breaks
quired to go from Equations 110 and 112 to down.
the actual energy release within the rocket Figure 12 shows both the momentum thrust
chamber. Eciency of the combustion process, and the total vacuum thrust of nozzles as a
heat lost through the chamber walls, fluid fric function of the nozzleexittothroatarea ratio
tion losses and flow angularities in the nozzle, and the ratio of specific heats  of the propel
and other phenomena must be considered. For lants. The value of  varies between 1.2 and 1.3
ecient rockets, all of these eects amount to for almost all rocket propellants. It is impor
less than five percent of the total energy except tant to note that a rocket engine in a vacuum
for the amount of energy lost due to the tem can easily convert over 80 percent of propel
perature of the exhaust jet. Only the kinetic lant energy into useful thrust. This number is
energy of the exhaust jet is useful. Any thermal usually about 20 percent for closed cycle ther
energy remaining in the hot jet represents a mal combustion engines and guns. If rockets did
penalty exactly analogous to the thermal en not have to carrya propeant aboard, they would
ergy lost in the hot exhaust of any closed cycle be at least three times as ecient as other thermal
combustion engine, or that lost in the hot gas propulsive devices.
from the muzzle of a gun.
The combustion temperature of chemical pro
A nozzle accelerates flow by expanding it so pellants tends to be limited, not only due to
that the gas temperature decreases. limited energy release, but also because above
about 4000 degrees Fahrenheit °F, increasing
amounts of energy go into breaking apart the
gas molecules a phenomenon called dissocia
tion rather than raising their temperature.
Temperature is a measure of the average ki

Thrust Into Space 5

netic energy of the gas. Applying Equation 14 and shifting equilibrium. Results are usually
to an individual molecule: presented as specific impulse for various com
bustion pressures and nozzle area ratios. It is
MV 2
Tco  113 necessary to use specific impulse for perform
2 ance comparison rather than energy release
where V = velocity of molecule; Tco = tempera due to the strong eect of molecular weight on
ture of combustion; and M = molecular weight. specific impulse as well as the general compli
Hence: cation of the chemical phenomenon. We shall
use specific impulse or eective exhaust veloc
2Tco ity, with the eciencies shown in Figure 12
V 114 only as an approximate guide to the magnitude
of basic processes.
This molecular velocity is a measure of exhaust
velocity. Atmospheric Pressure Effect
Hence, higher exhaust velocity is achieved for Rocket performance in the atmosphere is not
a given combustion temperature with a lower as high as in the vacuum of space. This is be
molecular weight exhaust gas. As in the case of cause the exhaust jet must of necessity displace
gun and bullet, where energy was not equally a portion of the atmosphere, as shown by the
divided between the two although momentum pressure thrust term in Equation 17. Figure 13
was, the momentum of dierent weight mole illustrates nozzle How characteristics as a
cules varies even when their kinetic energies function of external pressure. At high altitudes
are the same. where external pressure is lower than nozzle
Any energy which goes into dissociation of the exit pressure, the nozzle is said to be under
combustion gases in the chamber is not useful expanded, and the flow aft of the nozzle ex
for accelerating the gases. In many cases, re pands rapidly. If the external pressure is sub
combination of the molecules occurs as the stantially higher than exit pressure about 2.5
gases cool while flowing through the nozzle times, then the How in the nozzle separates.
and the energy is released there as thermal en This is beneficial from a thrust viewpoint,
ergy. When this happens, the eciency as since if the nozzle were flowing full at the
given in Figure 12 no longer applies. If no lower pressures, the negative pressure thrust
change in composition of the combustion term would be greater. Although separation
gases occurs in the nozzle, the flow is said to increases thrust, it is usually dicult to predict
be in frozen equilibrium. If recombination oc accurately, and sometimes results in oscillating
curs so rapidly that the composition is that flow conditions and excessive vibration.
which would occur normally at the tempera
ture and pressure of the nozzle, the flow is said
to be in shifting equilibrium. In actuality,
something between these two cases occurs.
Since both dissociation and recombination
rates are functions of pressure and tempera
ture, very complicated thermalchemical calcu
lations are required to estimate rocket per
formance. It is more dicult than measuring
the energy release of gasoline burning or gun
powder exploding at a constant pressure. Ex
tensive computer calculations have been per
formed for many propellants for both frozen

Thrust Into Space 6

is also pertinent. The value with expansion ra
n si
o tio of 40 will be used as such. The dierence
pa between sea level and vacuum standards is
r ex
n about 15 percent. Figure 14 may be used to
convert to other expansion ratios and altitudes
with an accuracy of a few percent for most
Separation Point
pe = pat
Optimum Expansion

Overexpansion Low Altitude pe < pat

Pump Power
In liquid rocket engines, pumps are frequently
used to raise the pressure of the propellants
from tank pressure to combustion chamber
pressure. Pump power is a function of pressure
rise, fluid density, and flow rate. The power re
lti quired for a pump of perfect eciency is given
de by the expression:
pe > pat
Ppu = 115
Figure 1-3 — Nozzle altitude effect 
Figure 14 shows the variation of rocket thrust
where Ppu = pump power in footpounds per
with external pressure for  = 1.30. The line la
second; p = pressure rise in pounds per square
belled “maximum thrust at given pressure” rep
resents optimum expansion, or the maximum inch; and  = fluid density in pounds per cubic
thrust possible for a given chamber/external foot.
pressure ratio. The same nozzle will give a In general, two propellant fluids will have dif
higher thrust at higher pressure ratio. ferent densities, and tank pressures may also
Optimum Expansion, pc = 1,000 psi, sea level be dierent. Hence, Equation 115 must be ap
1.2 k = 1.3 plied to each pump separately in bipropellant
= ) Maximum 1.09 engines. If tank pressures and fluid densities
Thrust in Vacuum,  = 40

(p c / p at
1.0 acuum
tion in V pc / pat = 200 are averaged, then the pump power for both

propellants may be approximated with the aid
Separation point

pc / pat = 20
of Equation 18 as:
Maximum thrust 144pT
at given pressure Ppu = 116
0.4  I sp
pc / pat = 2

0 Since pump eciencies usually are between

1 101 102
Nozzle Area Ratio, 
0.45 and 0.65, about twice the power as given
by these equations must be used to drive the
Figure 1-4 — Nozzle altitude performance pumps.
Figure 14 is drawn as a ratio of thrust to that
available with expansion ratio of 40 in a vac The Rocket Equation
uum. Rocket engineering practice for decades The velocity that a rocket achieves is a func
has used optimum expansion with 1000 tion of many things. If we ignore extraneous
pounds per square inch chamber pressure at forces, such as gravity and atmospheric drag,
sea level as a standard for propellant compari the velocity achieved is a function of the
son. Since this book will discuss mostly space amount of propellant carried and its eective
performance, a standard vacuum performance

Thrust Into Space 7

exhaust velocity. The equation relating these Propellant Weight
' =
Propulsion System Weight
quantities is: 1.0
w  w 
V = vef ln  I  = g0 I sp ln  I  117 Mo
 wF   wF  de

Initial Weight
Final Weight
Ro ' =
ts 1.0
where V = velocity change in feet per second; 10 -1

I = initial weight of rocket in pounds; and F ' = ' =

= 0 Roc
0.8 0.9

= final weight of rocket in pounds. V is

.25 ket
known as the impulsive velocity to dierenti
ate it from the actual velocity change including

drag and gravity eects. This is the classical 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Velocity Increment
rocket equation. It is plotted as the top curve Effective Exhaust Velocity
in Figure 15. Equation 16 is an approximation
to it at very low velocity increments. Figure 1-5 — The rocket equation

Practical rockets unfortunately require struc Much can be learned by understanding the
ture to contain the propellants. The weight of classical rocket equation. Figure 15 shows that
the thrust chambers, nozzles, and other rockets can be made to go to any desired veloc
equipment must also be considered. Conse ity, regardless of their own exhaust velocity, as
quently, high velocities can only be obtained by long as the final weight is small enough com
discarding part of the weight along the way. pared to the initial weight. This figure can be
This is known as staging. Most rockets cur extrapolated to any desired velocity by extend
rently use several stages, since practical stage ing the curves shown. A convenient rule to re
empty weights will not permit the high veloci member is that for a given final weight, the
ties desired. Theoretically, it would be nice to rocket weight must increase by a factor of 10
discard weight continuously infinite staging. for every velocity increase of about twice the
The rocket would then behave simply as if it exhaust velocity for modern rockets with stag
had a greater propellant consumption by the ing approximating the ultimate. Penalties in
amount of weight discarded, and the rocket rocket design may occur up to ridiculous ex
equation would become: tremes, however, if one pursues high velocity
rockets too recklessly. An example worked out
w  50 years ago is pertinent.
V =  vet ln  I  118

where ’ is defined as the propellant weight

divided by the total propulsion system weight
propellant, engines, tanks, controls, etc. .
’ = 1.00 means zero rocket structural weight
and represents an ultimate limit. Modern
rockets possess ’ between 0.80 and 0.97.
Rockets which existed at the start of the
Twentieth Century possessed ’s of about 0.25.
The eect of infinite staging is shown in Figure

Thrust Into Space 8

This may be called a sizable error. Whether
misprint or mistake, it was still uncorrected
and apparently unnoticed when the report was
reprinted by the American Rocket Society in
With modern rocket structures, where the
weight ratio with infinite staging is 10 at twice
the exhaust velocity, a rocket the weight of
earth would launch one pound to 50 times ex
haust velocity. Thus, even with modern struc
tures, if only the 1000 foot per second exhaust
velocity of the early rockets were available, the
entire weight of the earth would not be enough
to put one pound through the 54,000 foot per
second lunar and return mission.

Useful Load
A useful form of Figure 15 can be obtained for
single stage rockets by separating the weight of
useful load carried from the weight of engines
and structures necessary for propulsion. In this
case, useful load UL is defined as everything
Early Goddard Rocket including structure above the propulsion unit.
When Goddard first started his experiments, Hence:
he measured the exhaust velocities of the w pr
rockets in use at that time as about 1000 feet wI = wUL + 119

per second Isp = 31 seconds. These rockets car
ried only about 25 percent of their weight as ' =
Propellant Weight
Propulsion System Weight
fuel. Figure 15 shows that even with infinite 1.0
staging, the initial rocket weight would be 10 Single
times the final weight at a velocity of about
580 feet per second. If one were to try to gen
Initial Weight

erate a velocity equivalent to a modern Thor

Useful Load

' =
intermediate range ballistic missile by staging 10 -1
such rockets, a typical velocity of 14,500 feet =
' =
' =

per second would be 25 times 580 feet per sec



ond. The rocket initial weight would be 10 * Limiting Velocity


(useful load = 0)
multiplied by itself 25 times or 1025. The weight * * * *
of the earth is 1.32 x 1025 pounds. In this case, it 10-2
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
would require the entire weight of the earth to Velocity Increment
Effective Exhaust Velocity
put one pound up to IRBM velocity.
Goddard’s first report in 1919 revealed excel Figure 1-6 — The Rocket Equation
lent experimental work and superb imagina where pr = weight of propellant in pounds;
tion. It also revealed that when Goddard and UL weight of useful load in pounds. Fig
worked out a similar example compared to the ure 16 shows the rocket equation in terms of
weight of the earth, an error was made of a fac useful load.
tor of about 27,000,000 in weight of the earth.

Thrust Into Space 9

The curves of ’ = 1.0 in Figures 15 and 16 are Initial Kinetic Energy = Zero
identical. The limit on maximum velocity for a
given ’ with one stage occurs where the

External Energy Efficiency

weight of engine and structure equals the final ' = 1.0
weight required. Figures 15 and 16 may be 0.6
' = 0.95
compared to give an indication when staging is
necessary to prevent excessive weight penal 0.4
ties. In practical multistage rockets, the per ' = 0.9
formance is calculated by applying Figure 16 0.2
to each stage, and combining the total, assum 0.85
' = 0.8
ing upper stages to be the useful load of lower 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
stages. Velocity Increment
Effective Exhaust Velocity

Energy Efficiency Figure 1-7 — External energy efficiency

The eciency of a rocket in performing useful Tsiolkovskiy showed this clearly in 1903. When
work is given by the ratio of kinetic energy im this roughly 50 percent external energy e
parted to the useful load to kinetic energy ex ciency is combined with roughly 80 percent
pended in the exhaust. This ratio automatically ratio of internal energy to eective exhaust en
includes the penalty for carrying propellant ergy previously shown Figure 12, the overall
along. Under the assumption of zero initial ki energy eciency of a rocket can easily be 40
netic energy, the final kinetic energy of the percent. Rockets can be almost twice as e
useful load is given by: cient as most internal combustion engines,
wUL V 2 even when the penalty of carrying all fuel
KEUL = 120 aboard is included.

and the total energy expended by the exhaust Effect of Initial Velocity
is given by: The eect of initial velocity not equal to zero
w v 2 can also be obtained. To do this, the energy of
KEet =
pr et
121 the final mass must be compared to the energy
2g0 expended in the exhaust plus the initial kinetic
energy of the propellant. The kinetic energy
The ratio of these terms is plotted in Figure 1
increase of the useful load is:
7, as the external energy eciency. This figure
shows that for good external energy eciency
the design velocity increment should be close KEUL =
wUL VF2  VI2 ) = w ( V UL
+ 2VVI ) 122
to the eective exhaust velocity, with the ac 2g0 2g0
tual optimum value a function of the stage N. where VI = initial velocity in feet per second;
The most important point to be learned from VF = final velocity in feet per second; and V =
Figure 17 is that rocket external energy e velocity increment of rocket in feet per sec
ciencies can easily be 40 or 50 percent over a ond. The total energy expended in the jet in
wide range of design velocities, as long as the cludes the initial kinetic energy of the fuel and
velocity increment is somewhere around the is given by:
eective exhaust velocity.

KEet =
w pr vet2 + VI2 ) 123

Thrust Into Space 10

Energy eciency in this case is shown in Fig important. In the long run, it is the price of
ure 18 for ’ = 1.00. energy which is fundamental.
Figure 18 shows that rockets which already
have been given some initial kinetic energy can
be extremely ecient in converting this energy
to useful propulsive capability, as long as the
exhaust velocity is of roughly the same magni
tude as the other velocities involved. It is con
venient to visualize rockets as able to generate
high velocities because of their kinetic energy
conversion capability. The later stages are able
to convert the kinetic energy already imparted
to their propellant to further useful work.
1.0 Inital Velocity
Effective Exhaust Velocity
External Energy Efficiency


' = 1.0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Velocity Increment
Effective Exhaust Velocity

Figure 1-8 — External energy efficiency

Almost all propulsion systems obtain either

fuel or oxidizer from the medium through
which the vehicle moves. Since rockets must
carry both aboard, the big problem in rocket
design to date has been the weight of propel
lants which must be carried rather than the
energy consumed. Low propellant weight and
ecient energy utilization are contradictory
requirements since low propellant weight re
quires high exhaust velocity, but that in turn,
requires higher internal energy release. Hence,
energy eciency has been mostly of theoreti
cal interest to date, and overall weight gains
made by expending extra energy have been
mostly beneficial.
In the future, as higher performance rocket
engines are able to remove the weight critical
ity and operate more like normal transporta
tion devices, energy utilization will become

Thrust Into Space 11

to burnout, about 14 miles, and a similar dis
2. Artillery Rockets tance at the end of flight since the rocket is
returning to earth at the approximate 45 de
Artillery rockets have velocities up to 5,000 gree angle at burnout.
feet per second.
When calculating accurately the impact points
of rockets or guns, even of ranges of only a few
Ballistics miles, it is necessary to include second order
The earliest use of rockets involved very low corrections for the curvature and rotation of
performance compared with what we now be the earth. Only the simplest form of the ballis
lieve possible. These uses had nothing to do tics equations, however, are presented here.
with space flight. They involved terrestrial ap Such expressions can be a great aid in under
plications of the same class of performance as standing the need for dierent types of rocket
conventional artillery. Velocity requirements propulsion for various missions. Artillery rock
under these conditions can be derived with ets are defined as those with velocities up to
simple assumptions. If the earth is assumed to 5000 feet per second. This includes perform
be flat, and atmospheric drag is neglected, the ance up to the German V2 rocket, which had a
following equations may be derived from New range of almost 200 miles, or more than twice
ton’s Laws of Motion: that of the longest range gun ever used.
2V Vv2
s = Vht f tf = v h= 21 Energy
g 2g
The concept of the kinetic energy a body pos
where V = vertical velocity in feet per second; sesses due to its motion is discussed in Chapter
Vh = horizontal velocity in feet per second; f = 1 and the expression for kinetic energy is given
flight time in seconds; s = horizontal range in in Equation 14.
feet; h = altitude in feet; and g = acceleration of
A body may also possess energy by virtue of its
gravity in feet per second2.
position with respect to another body, if a
Maximum range is obtained for a given veloc force field is involved. This type of energy is
ity by firing both upward and forward at the called potential energy. The force field of in
optimum combination of flight duration and terest here is the gravitational force field. If a
horizontal velocity. The optimum angle is 45 projectile is dropped from a height, it is accel
degrees from the horizontal. The resulting re erated by gravity and has a certain velocity, or
lationship between range and velocity is: kinetic energy, when it hits the surface. If there
are no energy dissipating forces present such
s= 22 as atmospheric drag, the total of potential and
g kinetic energy must remain constant, although
one may be changed into the other. For the flat
Equations 21 and 22 show that the maximum
earth case under discussion, potential energy is
altitude achieved by firing vertically is exactly
given by:
onehalf the maximum range possible.
PE = mgh = wh 23 
Appreciable distance may be covered during
the motor burning time of large rockets. A V2, where PE = potential energy in footpounds.
with a burnout velocity of 5060 feet per sec
ond, would have a range according to Equation Thus, as an object moves according to Equa
22 of 150 miles. This is only the range from tion 21, its kinetic energy decreases as it rises
burnout to the point down range where the away from earth and the gravity field decreases
rocket has returned to burnout altitude. To the vertical velocity component. At peak alti
this must be added the distance covered prior tude, the potential energy is greatest, but it

Thrust Into Space 12

decreases again to zero at zero altitude and is formulae 21 and 22. The projectile is slowed
converted back to the original kinetic energy. substantially in the dense lower atmosphere.
The sum of potential and kinetic energy re Equation 22 gives about 41 miles as the range
mains constant. corresponding to a velocity of 2650 feet per
The fact that kinetic energy increases as the second, but the maximum range of a 16inch
square of the velocity aects the conversion of naval gun of that muzzle velocity is under 26
energy requirements to rocket performance. miles. The projectile loses over 500 feet per
The kinetic energy created by a velocity input second velocity in the first six miles of travel. A
is strongly dependent on the initial velocity, as rifle of 3000 feet per second muzzle velocity
shown by Equation 122. The ratio of kinetic loses 500 feet per second in only about 200
energy increase to that if the initial velocity yards of travel.
were zero is given by: Some short range rockets generate their veloc
ity quickly in the low atmosphere and are af
= 1 + I 24 fected by atmospheric drag in much the same
KE0 C manner as artillery projectiles. Long range
rockets climb relatively slowly out of the at
The second term can easily be larger than one.
mosphere and burnout usually occurs so high
Hence, although the velocity increment of a
they are relatively unaected by the atmos
rocket as shown by the rocket equation is a
phere until reentry. Even while climbing
function only of the weight ratio and exhaust
through the atmosphere, the drag penalty is
velocity, the kinetic energy increase also de
lower than one might think from the gun
pends on the initial velocity. If kinetic energy is
numbers quoted above.
converted to potential energy, subsequent ve
locity inputs will be at lower initial velocity The force due to drag is a complicated func
and less eective in producing kinetic energy. tion of body shape and surface area, flight ve
locity, and various atmospheric parameters.
A general conclusion is that all velocity inputs
The drag/weight ratio determines the decelera
should be made at the highest kinetic energy
tion. The large dierence between heavy artil
possible, which means the lowest potential en
lery projectiles and small arms is due to the
ergy which, in turn, means the lowest altitude.
ability to place a greater weight per surface
The energy expressions are useful in under
area in the larger projectiles.
standing rockets, but they must be converted
to total velocities in order to be applied to the The drag force goes up rapidly with increasing
rocket equation. We shall deal in both energies velocity, but also decreases rapidly at high alti
and velocities as appropriate. tudes. This eect is noticeable in the drag loss
of long range artillery. At mid to long ranges,
The ballistic equations represent only one por
the drag loss of the 16inch projectile is about
tion of a rocket’s travel. In general, travel can
1000 feet per second, and actually is slightly
be broken down into three parts: starting, mid
less at maximum range. It would be over 2000
course, and stopping. Two major dissipating
feet per second if the loss rate of the first six
forces  gravity and atmospheric drag  af
miles applied throughout. This is due to the
fect all these regions dierently for various
long range shots being fired so high that they
forms of travel. It is useful to examine these
travel mostly in the high atmosphere.
eects, not only for rockets and guns, but for
land, sea, and air transportation as well. Long range rockets not only travel at even
higher altitudes than guns, but climb through
Atmospheric-Drag the atmosphere at a slower rate, avoiding high
drag peaks which a gun projectile experiences
In artillery projectile flight, atmospheric drag close to the muzzle. Typical drag losses for a
causes a significant deviation from the simple ballistic missile are from 1500 to 2000 feet per

Thrust Into Space 13

second. This value applies with reasonable ac onds; and  = flight path angle measured from
curacy regardless of the total velocity achieved horizontal.
by the vehicle. Rockets tend to generate the
additional velocity for longer ranges out of the
earth’s atmosphere. This is true even of low
performance rockets such as the V2. Indeed, W Sin  T
rocket vehicles would suer very severe aero 
dynamic heating penalties during acceleration W

if they did not generate most of their velocity
outside of the atmosphere.
Since a general comparison of rocket perform
ance is of interest here, and since the higher
performance rockets of later chapters will be Figure 2-1 — Forces during motor burning
less sensitive to accurate drag allowances, drag In practice, the flight path angle varies
will not be discussed further. For accurate per throughout burning, and a weighted average
formance estimates, it must be accurately cal value must be used in Equation 25. For a burn
culated. For approximate comparisons, an al ing time of 60 seconds and average flight path
lowance of about 2000 feet per second, regard angle of 60 degrees approximately V2 values,
less of total performance, is sucient. Equation 25 gives 1300 feet per second as the
velocity loss due to gravity. As in the case of
Gravity Losses atmospheric drag, an allowance of a few thou
It is possible for rockets as well as people to sand feet per second will cover the gravity loss
expend energy without doing useful work. If a during motor burning for most rocket vehicles.
rocket is sitting vertically on a test stand with It is clear that the extremely short propulsion
thrust exactly equal to its weight, if released, it time of guns results in no appreciable gravity
will neither rise in altitude increase potential loss.
energy nor pick up velocity increase kinetic
energy. It does no useful work because its Airplane Lift/Drag Ratio
thrust has been countered by the force of grav Most conventional forms of transportation
ity, although it may expend great energy sup spend only a small part of their eort in stop
porting itself, a job done by the test stand be ping and starting, but must use large amounts
fore the engine was ignited. While a rocket in of energy during midcourse. Airplanes fight
flight is burning, part of its thrust will be nulli gravity incessantly. In level, cruising flight at
fied by the component of gravity which lies constant velocity, they do not increase either
along the thrust axis, and will not be available kinetic or potential energy, hence, always expe
for acceleration. This eect is known as gravity rience a gravity loss. During this process, how
loss. ever, they do perform useful work since a force
The gravity loss can be seen by Figure 21 to be  the drag  is moved through a distance.
a function of the flight path angle. It may be Therefore, the energy required to produce the
expressed in terms of the additional velocity work done by an airplane while cruising is
the rocket would have achieved if gravity had given by:
not existed as: EA = Ds 26
Vg = gtb sin  25
where EA = airplane energy required in foot
where Vg = velocity loss due to gravity in feet pounds; D = drag in pounds; and s = distance
per second; b = rocket burning time in sec range in feet.

Thrust Into Space 14

Although the atmosphere represents a penalty 8540 feet per second for a range of 3000 miles.
to guns and rockets, it is put to useful work by Since 5000 feet per second is roughly the
the airplane. Airplanes generate more lift than maximum velocity of the V2, it is clear that
drag, and a measure of airplane cruising e midcourse energy penalties of airplanes are
ciency is the lift/drag ratio. Since lift is equal to similar to rocket velocity requirements.
weight in level flight:
ws Surface Transportation
EA = 27
“Lift/Drag” Ratio
Although it is obvious airplanes must always
where L/D = ratio of lift to drag. This energy
fight gravity, it is not as obvious that this is also
may be expressed as a fictitious velocity at
true of all forms of surface transportation. Al
which kinetic energy would be the same as
though the ground or water supply the lift
Equation 27. Hence, with the aid of Equation
force directly, the vehicle must be moved
against the friction caused by this force. In ad
2g0 s 2g0tbV dition, atmospheric drag is always present in
= = 28
L/D L/D terrestrial surface transportation.
where VEN = velocity equivalent of energy used
in feet per second; b = time of flight in sec
onds; and V = cruising velocity in feet per sec 30
ond. Equation 28 may be used to compare en Lift
ergy requirements of aircraft and rockets since 20
VEN may be compared to rocket velocity re
quirements previously given.
Mach number =
Velocity of Sound
Subsonic Jet 0
0 30 40 50 60 70 80
Velocity (mph)
Figure 2-3 — Automobile lift/drag ratio

15 The ratio of the weight of vehicle to the force

Lift required to move it is the ground and sea
Drag Piston

Transport transportation equivalent of aircraft L/D. Ef
fective L/D’s of modern automobiles are shown
Combat in Figure 23. Air drag and large amounts of in
5 ternal friction combine to make the “L/D” of
an automobile not much dierent from that of
0 an airplane.
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Flight Mach Number The eective L/D of a ship is determined
mostly by the wavemaking resistance of the
Figure 2·2 — Airplane lift/drag ratio
water. This depends both on the velocity and
Airplane L/D values range from 25 for a highly the length of the ship. Figure 24 shows typical
ecient subsonic aircraft to 14 for a typical values for dierent classes of ships. They range
1965 jet transport to eight for a supersonic from over 300 for cargo ships and tankers, to
transport. A curve of typical current values is 60 for large fast ships such as cruisers, to 22 for
shown in Figure 22. For a modern jet transport destroyers at high velocities. Ships are not
with L/D of 14, Equation 28 gives a velocity of greatly dierent from automobiles or airplanes,

Thrust Into Space 15

although the cargo ship, apparently one of the losses similar to guns. Neither device uses pro
most ecient ways to operate in the presence pulsion during midcourse and neither at
of a gravity field, attains high “L/D” but at the tempts to slow down when stopping. The re
price of long travel time. maining kinetic energy is delivered to the tar
V = Velocity in Knots get along with the rest of the warhead.
L = Ships Waterline Length in Feet
103 The various regions of terrestrial transporta
tion, then, dier greatly from guns and rockets.
455 ft cargo ship — 15.5 knots A relatively small amount of energy is devoted
Lift to creating potential or kinetic energy on start
564 ft cargo ship — 20 knots ing, although in high velocity airplanes, the
amount is not negligible. The midcourse por
102 608 ft liner tion consists of a large, continual gravity loss,
23.5 knots
compounded by atmospheric and/or water drag
717 ft cruiser — 33 knots
for land, sea, and air transport, but aided by
585 ft cruiser atmospheric lift in the case of airplanes. Stop
33 knots
ping energies are small and easily dissipated.
493 ft destroyer
36 knots Some initial kinetic energy is recovered by
101 coasting to a stop in all cases. The airplane use
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 fully recovers its starting potential energy on
V descent at the end.
The comparison of rockets with other forms
Figure 2-4 — Ship lift/drag ratio of propulsion will require reference to these
Equation 28 applies equally well to the cruis various dierent regions of transportation.
ing mode of all forms of transportation. It
gives 2020 feet per second for an automobile Solid Propellant Rockets
with “L/D” of 25 traveling 300 miles, and 2600 Most of the history of rocketry is the history
feet per second for a cargo ship with “L/D” of of powder rockets. They have been known for
300 traveling 6000 miles. The energy require centuries, and their origins are lost in Chinese
ments of normal terrestrial transportation are antiquity. A reference to “arrows of flying fire”
equivalent to rocket velocities of several thou in A.D. 1232 is the earliest known presumed
sand feet per second. description of rocket usage. It is not known
how they were invented, but any modern engi
Regions of Travel neer can easily imagine the process. With gun
The various regions of gun and rocket travel powder as tricky as it was and with virtually no
can now be described as follows. The gun cre technical understanding, no doubt a great deal
ates mostly kinetic energy and experiences of surprise was involved in producing the first
negligible drag or gravity losses during its start rocket. The real problem, more psychological
ing period. The rocket creates both potential than technical, must have been in doing it the
and kinetic energy during the starting period, second time.
but experiences appreciable drag and gravity We will not attempt to trace the early history
losses in the process. The gun projectile expe of rocketry. It is one of the great stories of
riences severe drag losses during midcourse human curiosity and ingenuity; neither more
while the very long range rocket experiences nor less stirring than many other developments
none. Long range guns utilize trajectories with during those centuries. For hundreds of years,
high enough peak altitudes to get some relief rockets and guns were highly competitive. Par
from drag, while very short range rockets have ticularly during the Nineteenth Century, rock

Thrust Into Space 16

ets became prime bombardment weapons. lished by Tsiolkovskiy in Russia in 1903, God
They were substantially developed by the Brit dard in the United States in 1919, and Oberth
ish General Sir William Congreve who became in Germany in 1923. Increases in performance
interested after Indian troops successfully used by cutting down rocket weight as well as by
rockets against the British prior to 1800. They increasing the energy of the reaction became
were used in the burning of Copenhagen in of interest.
1807 and found their way into the American
National Anthem after being used in the bom Goddards Early
bardment of Fort McHenry. Solid Rocket Experiments
The various early powder rockets were simply Goddard derived the basic equation in 1912
gun powder mixtures tamped into cases, fre 1913. He then set about to measure the e
quently made only of paper, with a tapered ciency of the current rockets with the results
hole down the center to permit the gases to mentioned above. He reasoned that better en
escape. Various means, including long trailing ergy conversion was possible, and that the way
sticks, were used to stabilize the flight. The to do this was to bum the powder at high pres
range achievable by rockets and guns was not sures and to expand it through a DeLaval noz
greatly dierent. The accuracy, however, intro zle to increase its velocity. The DeLaval nozzle
duced into guns during the latter part of the was invented by a Swedish engineer, Gustav
Nineteenth Century by the use of spinning DeLaval, just for the purpose of converting
projectiles from rifled barrels, was much better thermal energy to kinetic energy. It had been
than that achievable with rockets until modern used in DeLaval’s steam turbines since about
technology introduced aerodynamic dispersion 1888. While he was at it, Goddard switched
reduction techniques and guidance systems. from black powder to smokeless powder,
For about half a century terminating with which had about twice the energy release.
World War II, rockets were virtually unused
and the gun reigned unchallenged. Goddard achieved better than 50 percent e
ciency with the above changes. He measured
The heat release of the black powder com exhaust velocities of over 7,500 feet per second
monly used in the Nineteenth Century was Isp = 233 seconds. The nozzle curves of Figures
about 540 gramcalories per gram. Equation 1 12 and 14 show this clearly, although they do
12 would give an exhaust velocity of 7000 feet not extend low enough in pressure to indicate
per second Isp = 218 seconds for this if burned the very low eciency of the earlier rockets.
with perfect eciency. When Goddard first
The theory behind Figure 14 was not known
measured the performance of rockets in use in
to Goddard, and when he ran tests in a vac
1914, he obtained exhaust velocities of only
uum, he was surprised to find the thrust even
about 1000 feet per second, or an eciency of
higher. He incorrectly attributed this to igni
only about two percent. Furthermore, the
tion dierences.
rockets contained only 25 percent fuel weight.
A singlestage rocket without payload could The use of modem explosive chemistry in
only achieve a velocity of about 280 feet per rockets developed steadily after Goddard’s ex
second see Figure 16, and consequently a periments. Figure 25 shows a comparison of an
maximum range according to Equation 22, of early powder rocket, a Goddard rocket, a type
only 2440 feet less than onehalf mile. In pre of solid grain used during World War II, and a
vious centuries, no one had derived the rocket modern casebonded solid propellant rocket.
equation, so the manner of improving the
situation was not even suspected.
During the Twentieth Century, the rocket
equation was derived independently and pub

Thrust Into Space 17

and required extra weight of insulation inside
the case for protection from the combustion
gases. The modem casebonded grain not only
Smokeless Powder burns at pressures of 300500 psi, but the
bonding of case to grain means the grain itself
Propellant Grain protects the case from heat loads throughout
most of the burning period. Thus, case weight
in modem solid propellants has been reduced
drastically from past values.
World War II Other improvements through propellant
Steel chemistry have been important. It is necessary
Propellant Grain to prevent cracking in solid propellant grains
since the extra burning surface exposed will
cause extra combustion and an increase in
pressure  sometimes catastrophically. This
has always been a dicult problem over a wide
Case Bonded temperature range. Modern grains, based on
rubber partly for this reason, are a vast im
provement, although further gains are highly
Powder Nozzle
Post World War Solid Rockets
Figure 2-5 — Solid-propellant rockets
By the end of World War II, solid propellant
It can be seen from Figure 14 that the cham artillery rockets had reinvaded the province of
ber pressure should be at least 20 times atmos some guns. Exhaust specific impulses of about
pheric pressure to obtain energy eciencies of 200 seconds were readily available. It was not
over 50 percent. Since sea level pressure is 14.7 uncommon to find 40 percent of the rocket
pounds per square inch, a chamber pressure of initial weight carried as fuel. Thus, a velocity
300 psi is sucient to obtain reasonable en increment of over 3000 feet per second was
ergy conversion. available.
Black powder bums rapidly explodes at all Comparison of guns and rockets as bombard
pressures. One of the advantages of smokeless ment weapons during the Nineteenth Century
powder is that it bums slowly at atmospheric always involved a tradeo between the greater
pressure, and only burns rapidly at the pres ammunition weight of the rocket and the
sures developed in gun chambers. These pres greater launcher weight of the gun. Now, how
sures range from 20,000 to 50,000 psi, or 1300 ever, modern rockets are about as ecient as
to 3500 atmospheres. Thus, smokeless powder guns, as can be seen from Figures 12 and 17,
as used in guns burns at several hundred times realizing that guns are about 20 percent e
the pressure necessary for rockets. Goddard’s cient. Hence, rocket ammunition is at least as
experiments burned gunpowder as it is used in light as gun ammunition.
guns see Figure 25, and the thick steel cases
Advent of the airplanes as a major weapons
were more typical of guns than of flying de
system in World War II further influenced this
comparison. It was possible to obtain far heav
It is possible to formulate solid propellant ier fire power for the weight which airplanes
charges with a wide variety of burning rates could carry by means of rockets rather than
and burning pressures. The typical World War
II rocket shown burned at 2000 psi pressure,

Thrust Into Space 18

guns. Today, rockets are the primary armament Further understanding of the sources of rocket
on most airplanes. dispersion combined with modern aerody
Since 1945, solid propellant rockets have been namic knowledge and production control
widely used in other applications. As first stage techniques have made these unguided rockets
boosters for antiaircraft missiles such as Nike, acceptably accurate. A similar application is
they provide a quick initial velocity increment. the interceptorlaunched Genie rocket with
This is done with an acceleration of about 25 nuclear warhead.
50 g’s. Missile equipment can stand this but Thus, after being completely overshadowed by
the thousands of g’s inherent in guns would be guns for half a century, the powder rocket ap
unsuitable. pears to be getting its revenge. Not only are its
Under the simplifying assumptions of uni flashy liquid ospring plunging into space
formly accelerated motion and zero initial ve where guns cannot follow unless carried by
locity, the acceleration experienced by either rockets, but its solid propellant derivatives are
guns or rockets in generating velocity is given highly competitive in short range artillery us
by the following equation: age.

V 2 Liquid Propellant Rockets

a= 29
2g0 s Liquid propellant rockets are a direct out
growth of the rocket equation. Of the propel
where a = acceleration in go’s; and s = accelera
tion distance in feet. This equation is plotted lants known to rocket experimenters during
in Figure 26. When several thousand feet per the 1920’s, liquid propellants had the highest
second are required, guns with barrels meas energy release and hence those of low molecu
ured in tens of feet must place thousands of g’s lar weight had potentially the highest specific
on their projectiles. Rockets avoid this by us impulse. As soon as the importance of reduc
ing thousands of feet to generate the velocity ing rocket weight was recognized, attempts
required. were made to decrease the empty weight of
solid rockets. Since the propellant tank of a
Constant Acceleration Assumed
104 solid rocket is also the combustion chamber, it
is pressurized when the rocket fires. One ap

proach to saving weight is not to store all of


the propellants in the combustion chamber.
Acceleration (g0’s)

40 00 00
30 20 (fps

One can envision a small chamber into which

l oc

102 solid propellant pellets are repeatedly fed and

fired much like a machine gun. Attempts were
0 00

made to build such rockets and Goddard ob


tained a number of patents on mechanisms.

The end point of such ideas is to pump the

1 propellant in continuously as a liquid.
1 101 102 103 104 105 106
Acceleration Distance (ft) Although the name of the inventor of powder
Figure 2-6 — Required acceleration rockets and the date of his triumph are lost in
antiquity, we know that on March 16, 1926,
The advent of nuclear warheads also changed Goddard launched the first liquid rocket. Its
the artillery rocket/ gun comparison by gener peak altitude was 41 feet and it landed 184 feet
ating a desire for relatively large payloads away. Four decades later, the Saturn V moon
which could not stand the acceleration of guns. rocket will reach a height double that distance
Consequently, the Honest John and Little John just sitting on the launching pad. The same
class of field artillery rocket came into being. thing happened in aircraft development. The

Thrust Into Space 19

entire first flight of the Wright Brothers on niques such as refrigeration and the use of in
December 17, 1903, covered 120 feet and could sulation to hold down evaporation losses. Be
have taken place on the 212foot wing of the B cause of these diculties, much early liquid
19 bomber which was flying 40 years later Fig rocket development turned in the direction of
ure 27. These facts must prove something “storable” propellants.
about the problems of predicting the degree of
Storable liquid propellants usually do not have
technical progress likely to occur over a period
as high a performance as cryogenic propellants,
of four decades.
but their performance was often adequate. By
Wright Brothers — 1903 the end of World War II, storable liquid rock
ets as well as solid propellants had begun to be
used in artillery class applications. The table
B-19 — 1941 on the following page lists some of the storable
0 100 200 300 400 propellants and gives the specific impulse
achievable. A typical example of a storable liq
Goddard — 1926 uid system was the Nike antiaircraft missile,
which used nitric acid as oxidizer and gasoline
as fuel. The missile was launched with a solid
propellant booster.
Saturn V — 1967 Other applications of storable liquid rockets
came into being, sometimes boosted by solid
Figure 2-7 — Four decades of development
propellants, sometimes not. The Wac sounding
rockets were followed by the Aerobee sound
Storable Liquid Propellant Rockets ing rockets. Both used nitric acid and analine
Liquid rocket development was pursued in as propellants. The Aerobee used a solid
various ways after Goddard’s initial success. booster. The Corporal rocket, when it went
His original experiment involved the propel into service as a medium sized surfaceto
lants liquid oxygen and gasoline. Liquid oxygen surface weapon, also used nitric acid and ana
is what is known as a cryogenic propellant. line as propellants. In general, storable liquid
Cryogenic means the propellant is a gas at rockets served very successfully in artillery
normal temperatures and must be extremely type applications during the decade following
cold to be a liquid. For instance, oxygen boils 1945.
at 298 °F below zero. The handling of such cold
liquids obviously requires many special tech

Thrust Into Space 20

Table 1 — Theoretical Propellant Performance

Vaccuum  = 40 Sea

Oxidizer Fuel Mixture Specific Isp Isp

Ratio Gravity (sec) (sec)
Double base JPN3 1.62 294 250

Ammonium Nitrate 18 binder & additives 1.51 226 192

Ammonium Perchlorate 20 binder & additives 1.72 278 236

Ammonium Perchlorate 12 binder, 20 aluminum 1.74 314 266

Red Fuming Nitric Acid Analine 3.10 1.38 300 290 255

Kerosene 4.80 1.35 315 290 268

Hydrazine 1.47 1.28 332 326 283

Hydrogen Peroxide Kerosene 7.35 1.30 321 313 273

Hydrazine 2.09 1.26 337 325 287

Nitrogen Tetroxide Hydrazine 1.40 1.22 342 324 292

50/50 UDMH, Hydrazine 2.08 1.21 340 318 289

Oxygen, cryogenic 75 Alcohol 1.43 1.01 328 314 279

Ammonia 1.40 0.98 346 335 294

Kerosene 2.67 1.02 354 324 300

Hydrazine 0.95 1.07 368 343 313

UDMH 1.65 0.98 364 347 310

Storable Liquid Propellants into the combustion chamber. This can be

done either by a pump or by pressurizing the
versus Solid Propellants
tanks to force the fluid to flow into the cham
One of the advantages of liquid rockets is that ber. If pumps are used, the penalty of the
the propellants are not stored in the combus weight of the pumps must be considered.
tion chamber and, presumably, the propellant
tanks can be lighter in construction compared Because of the pump weight penalty and desire
to solid propellant rockets. The situation is not for simplicity, small liquid rockets frequently
as simple as this statement indicates. It is nec use the tank pressurization method. This in
essary to get the propellants from the tanks volves a weight penalty for the pressurization

Thrust Into Space 21

system, and can easily turn out to be more of a
basic structural weight penalty than that suf
fered by a comparable solid propellant engine.
Pressure in the liquid tanks must be higher
than that in the combustion chamber to force
the propellants to flow into the chamber. Thus,
pressures throughout a liquid rocket system
would be higher than a solid rocket for equal
combustion chamber pressure.
Liquid propellants tend to be less dense than
solid propellants, so that an equal weight of
liquid propellant requires larger tanks. Since
modern solid propellants frequently burn at
just as low a combustion pressure as those used
in liquid engines and since solid propellant
nozzles are usually lighter than liquid propel
lant thrust chambers, liquid rockets are often
heavier than comparable solid rockets.
In many recent applications, storable liquid
rockets have been replaced by later versions of
solid propellant rockets. Although early stor
able liquid propellants had. a higher specific
impulse than comparable solid propellants,
modern solid propellants match storable liq
uids in specific impulse see Theoretical Pro Nike Hercules and Nike Ajax
pellant Performance Table, and seem to have
achieved ease of field handling and reliability Cryogenic Liquid Propellant Rockets
in more convincing fashion. Later versions of
the antiaircraft missiles in the Nike series The development work on cryogenic liquid
NikeHercules and NikeZeus  used solid rockets prior to World War II proceeded in
propellants in all stages, while the first version, various places in small fashion much the same
the NikeAjax, used the storable liquid with way work on other propellant systems oc
solid booster previously described. The Corpo curred. The potentially high performance of
ral has been replaced by the Sergeant and cryogenic liquid propellants was widely recog
Pershing. Although storable liquid rockets are nized. This is not surprising. The heat released
finding it hard to compete with solid propel by their combustion had been known to chem
lants in the artillery field today, they are being ists for many years.
used extensively in space applications. It is hard to claim that the scientific commu
nity of the day was leader in these develop
ments. In Germany, Fritz Lang, producer of
the science fiction movie, “Frau im Monde,”
funded the development of a liquid oxygen
gasoline rocket in 1929 by a team headed by
Oberth, with the objective of launching it in
connection with the premiere of the film as a
publicity stunt. The rocket, however, was never
delivered. In the United States that same year,

Thrust Into Space 22

Goddard’s work received a firm boost from a any gun ever fired including the famous World
genuine American hero, Charles A. Lindbergh, War I “Paris Gun.”
who interested Daniel Guggenheim in aiding
Goddard financially so that he could continue
his work.
The largest Goddard rockets, built in 1940,
were 22 feet long, weighed 736 pounds includ
ing 500 pounds of propellants, and were pump
fed, using liquid oxygen and gasoline. With a
fuel/initial weight ratio of 68 percent, these
rockets would have achieved a velocity of 1.14
times exhaust velocity see Figure 16 if they
had worked. Liquid oxygen and gasoline should
give about 15 percent higher specific impulse
than smokeless powder. Goddard’s liquid
oxygengasoline engines produced only 125140
seconds specific impulse, however, compared
to 233 seconds produced by his earlier solid ex
periments. Even so, the high fuel fraction
would have yielded good performance. Due to
various technical problems, the maximum alti
tude achieved was about 300 feet on August 9,
1940, although a Goddard pressurefed rocket
had achieved about 8500 feet altitude on
March 26, 1937.
The greatest impetus of all to liquid rocket re
search, however, was given by another non
scientific group of men in 1919, the same year
that Goddard published his first paper. They
were the framers of the Treaty of Versailles. In
what must be considered one of the classics of
miscarriage of arms control thinking, these
diplomats planted the seeds for the develop
ment of the long range artillery rocket, the
German V2.
The treaty severely limited long range artillery
and aircraft. The German Army wanted a way
around the treaty. The treaty did not cover
rockets. In a superb piece of imaginative tech
nical development, the German Army first
subsidized the rocket experimenters, then or V-2 Rocket
ganized its own experimental proving grounds The V2 used liquid oxygen and alcohol as pro
to apply scientific and engineering techniques pellants. It weighed slightly over 28,000
to rocket development. The first successful V2 pounds and was approximately 68.5 percent
roared over the Baltic Sea on October 3, 1942, propellant by weight. By today’s standards, the
16.5 years after the first liquid rocket flight. It V2 is, of course, insignificant; however, at the
had a range of 118 miles. This was greater than time of its development it was a remarkable

Thrust Into Space 23

achievement. It was a much larger rocket than machinery on board from chemical energy to
anyone had ever attempted beforeeither liquid the actual mechanical driving of the propeller
or solid propellant. It was made operational shaft. Since the energy must be converted from
during World War II under extremely dicult one form to another, it must all be handled, so
conditions, yet used a cryogenic propellant to speak.
liquid oxygen.
The rocket engine, on the other hand, is a di
In an attempt to get what was high perform rect energy conversion device much like a gun.
ance in its day, the V2 was the pioneering ef In the process of expanding out the nozzle, the
fort in large turbopump fed rockets in order chemical energy release is directly converted to
truly to cut down propellant tank weight. The useful thrust. The pumps which pump the
V2 and Goddard’s pumpfed rocket had al propellant into the chamber never have to
most identical propellant mass fractions. But handle this huge energy release. In fact, the V
the V2 had 68,000 pounds vacuum thrust and 2 pumps were driven with only 460 horse
achieved a specific impulse of 244 seconds in a power, or 0.07 percent of the total energy re
vacuum. It generated a maximum velocity of lease. It is only necessary to protect the rocket
about 5000 feet per second. The exhaust chamber and nozzle from those small amounts
power of the V2 was 485,000 horsepower see of energy which happen to be transmitted into
Equation 111. The nozzle expansion ratio was them. The basic process is one of permitting
18.2. From Figure 12, it can be seen that the V the energy released to escape from the system
2 was about 75 percent ecient in converting in a useful fashion, and only a few percent of it
internal energy generated to useful exhaust en is in any way handled.
ergy, so that the internal power release of the
The V2 was not even the highest horsepower
V2 engine was about 650,000 horsepower.
device of its time. The rate of energy release of
These numbers are almost three times the to
guns is higher. The 2,240 pound projectile of
tal shaft horsepower of the most powerful
the 16inch naval gun requires 43 milliseconds
ocean liner ever built. Thus, the useful power
to achieve 2650 feet per second muzzle veloc
generated by rocket engines is far higher than
ity 57 foot barrel, and about 50 million horse
most other propulsive devices. power is released.
It is frequently stated that a tremendous engi As shown in Figure 17, rocket energy is not
neering achievement was required to package very useful for propelling low velocity devices.
all of this power into such a small space before The gross tonnage of the Queen Elizabeth, for
a rocket flight could become possible. Yet, if instance, is 83,673. If she operated at that
one examines a V2 engine or even more mo weight never precisely true, and a V2 were
dem and more highly developed engines, they mounted on her deck and fired, by expending
do not seem too unusual. The pressures con all propellants the rocket would produce 3/
tained are reasonable. Cooling adequately 10,000 of a go for 65 seconds. It would be able
keeps the chambers at a proper temperature, to produce about 0.5 feet per second velocity
and the pumping systems, although well re of the ship, assuming no water resistance. If
fined, are not unusual compared to the rotating the ship were already at cruising velocity, the
machinery which exists in the modem jet air rocket would have only about three percent of
plane. the thrust necessary to hold her there. This is
The basic point is that the V2 engine did not not a very spectacular performance for the ex
package three times the horsepower of the penditure of three times the ship’s horsepower.
Queen Elizabeth into a desk sized volume. It is The large weight penalties of the ship propul
true that the rate of energy production is that sion system are in a great measure due to its
high, but in the ship propulsion system, all en necessity for completely handling all energy.
ergy released must be converted within the The rocket’s ability to control large amounts of

Thrust Into Space 24

energy by avoiding most of it is the secret of
its small size and weight.
The V2 represents a good place to close Chap
ter 2. As a technical development for its day, it
cannot be praised too highly. It was clearly a
complete failure as far as its basic objective
was concerned. Someone else won the war. It
was, however, a turning point in the history of
rockets. It was the first time rockets achieved a
really decisive edge over guns. Although air
craft still reigned as a means of delivery of
heavy payloads, the V2 clearly foreshadowed
the beginning of the rocketaircraft competi
tion. Prior to the V2, rockets had trouble
competing with anything. Since the V2, al
most everything has had trouble competing
with rockets.

Thrust Into Space 25

of these laws utilizing his own laws of gravita
3. Orbital and tion and motion. Newton concluded that Kep
ler’s laws apply to any object moving under the
Global Rockets influence of a single gravity field, but that the
path may be any conic section, not only an el
Orbital and global rockets have velocities up to lipse.
36,700 feet per second. Ballistic Missile Earth Orbit
Ballistics Vh
Va Vv V
When rocket range exceeds a few hundred r ra
miles, it is necessary to allow for the curvature Vh
of the earth in calculating performance. The Vp r 2a
performance expressions cannot be derived as
simply as in the previous chapter. Not only Vp R
must the geometry of the curved earth be con rp
sidered, but the fact that earth’s gravity de
creases as the square of the distance from the Figure 3-1 — Elliptical orbit nomenclature
center of the earth must be included. Long Conic sections are curves formed by passing a
range rockets, once their engines are shut plane through a cone. They consist of ellipses,
down and they are beyond any influence of the parabolas, and hyperbolas. A circle is a special
earth’s atmosphere, behave the same way as ellipse. The parabola is between the ellipse and
any other celestial body. hyperbola, and is the dividing line between tra
In the Seventeenth Century, Johannes Kepler, jectories which form closed orbits about the
working with observations made by Tycho source of gravity ellipses and those which will
Brahe without the aid of a telescope, deduced never return hyperbolas. The velocity regions
three laws describing the motion of the planets of this chapter will cover only elliptical and
about the sun. They were: parabolic earth trajectories.
1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse
with the sun at one focus. Circular Orbits
2. The line joining a planet and the sun The variation of gravity as a function of dis
sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals tance from Earth may be expressed as:
of time. The planet moves faster when 2
closer to the sun. g = g0   31
3. The square of a planet’s time of revolu
tion about the sun is proportional to where go = standard acceleration of gravity
the cube of its mean distance from the 32.174 feet per second 2; r = radius from cen
sun. ter of gravity in feet; and R = standard radius of
the earth corresponding to the standard grav
A long range rocket follows the same type of
ity 20.86 million feet.
elliptical path except that a portion of the path
goes beneath the earth’s surface and cannot be According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, a
followed by the rocket. Figure 31 shows typical moving body will continue in a straight line
paths and the nomenclature to be used in de unless subject to an external accelerating force.
scribing them. Centrifugal acceleration given by V2/r is that
required to hold a body on a circular path. The
While Kepler’s laws were based on Brahe’s ob
velocity of a satellite in a perfectly circular or
servations, Newton formulated an expansion

Thrust Into Space 26

bit about any body may be calculated, there Potential Energy
fore, by equating this centrifugal acceleration
with the acceleration of gravity at the satellite Since gravity is not constant, the potential en
altitude. The result is: ergy expression previously given Equation 23
must be modified. It becomes:
g0 R 2
Ve = gr = 32  R  h 
PE = wR  1   = wR 
 R + h 
r 35
where Vc = satellite circular velocity in feet
If the altitude h is very small with respect to
per second.
the earth’s radius R, this expression becomes
If the standard values of gravity and earth ra the same as Equation 23. Although the gravity
dius are put in Equation 32, orbital velocity at field extends throughout all of space as Equa
the earth’s surface is calculated to be 26,000 tion 31 shows, the field becomes so weak at
feet per second. great distances that the potential energy has a
Because of atmospheric drag, obviously one finite maximum value given by:
cannot have a satellite at the earth’s surface PEmax = wR, r   36
not to mention that the earth is not perfectly
round and does contain such hazards as moun If this were not so, it would mean that a grav
tains. If one imagined a perfectly smooth, ity field generated by a finite mass had the ca
spherical earth with no atmosphere, however, pability to generate infinite energyan obvi
the minimum energy way to achieve infinite ously incorrect situation. Equation 36 gives
range would be to fire the rocket horizontally 20.86 million footpounds per pound as the
to orbital velocity. Thus, with a spherical earth, maximum gravitational energy of the earth’s
infinite range is obtained with horizontal ve field, which is almost 12 times the gunpowder
locity. In the shortrange, flatearth approxima energy release of 1.75 million footpounds per
tion of the previous chapter, maximum range pound given in Chapter 1. The fact that gravi
was obtained at 45 degrees elevation angle. tational energy per pound is high compared to
chemical energy release per pound was the
From the velocity expression of Equation 32, source of several prognostications during the
the time of revolution for one orbit of a satel early Twentieth Century to the eect that
lite its period is seen as: space flight was impossible.
2 r r
Pe = = 2 33
Ve g Escape Velocity
If a kinetic energy input is made which is just
where Pc = time to complete circular orbit in equal to the maximum potential energy, then
seconds. By using Equation 31: the projectile will reach an infinite distance. It
2 r 3/2 is said to “escape” from the potential field
Pe = 34 since it will follow a parabolic trajectory and
g0 R 2 not return to the gravity source, even though it
is always under gravity influence. The velocity
Thus Kepler’s Third Law is easily derived for
required for escape is given by:
circular orbits. The standard values of gravity
and earth’s radius yield 84.5 minutes as the pe 2g0 R 2
riod of a hypothetical satellite at the earth’s VE = 2gr = 37
where VE = escape velocity from r in feet per
second; and g = acceleration of gravity at r in
feet per second2.

Thrust Into Space 27

Escape velocity, often called parabolic velocity, are similarly used for all celestial orbits, some
is always exactly 2 times circular orbital ve times with Greek, sometimes Roman, suxes.
locity at the same radius. If the standard values Hence, for Mars  apomartian, perimartian;
of gravity and earth’s radius are put in Equa for Sun  aphelion, perihelion, etc. General
tion 37, escape velocity from the earth’s sur terms are apoapsis and periapsis. Common us
face is calculated to be 36,700 feet per second, age is not yet established in all cases. The total
neglecting atmospheric drag. velocity at both apogee and perigee is directed
“horizontally,” otherwise they would not be
maximum and minimum distances see Figure
The Vis-Viva Law 31. Hence, the conservation of angular mo
In celestial orbits, potential plus kinetic energy mentum yields:
remains constant as in the flatearth trajecto Va ra = Vp rp 39
ries of Chapter 2. From Equations 14 and 35
then: where the subscripts a and p refer to apogee
wV 2
 R and perigee respectively. This relation can be
KE + PE = + wR  1   38 used with Equation 38 to relate perigee veloc
2g0  r
ity increment to apogee:
Since velocity and radius are the only variables Vp2 ra 2r
in Equation 38, it is evident that the con = = a 310
V 2
Ep ra + rp a
straint placed on trajectories by the conserva
tion of energy leads to velocity depending only
where VEP = escape velocity at perigee; and a =
on radius. One could hope to find simple ex
semimajor axis of orbit. The subscripts a and p
pressions relating these terms.
in Equation 310 can be interchanged to give
In addition to the conservation of energy, an an identical relation between apogee velocity
gular momentum must be conserved just as the and perigee. Equation 310 can be combined
linear momentum discussed in Chapter 1. An with Equation 38 to give the following expres
gular momentum is the momentum which sion:
causes rotation of the trajectory. The velocity
 2 1
component perpendicular to the line connect V 2 = g0 R 2    311
ing the body and the earth’s center see Figure  r a
31 causes rotation. This is the “horizontal”
Equation 311 is a general expression relating
velocity of Equation 21.
the velocity and distance from the center of
The conservation of angular momentum re gravitation for all points on an orbit. It is
quires that a body at a great distance must known as the VisViva Law, and much can be
have a lower trajectory rotation rate than if it learned from it.
were close. Kepler’s Second Law, that equal ar
The condition for a circular orbit is r = a at all
eas are swept out in equal times, follows di
points. Equation 311 becomes Equation 32 for
rectly from the conservation of angular mo
mentum. A more familiar example of angular this case. Similarly, escape occurs when a  .
momentum conservation is a twirling ice Then Equation 311 becomes Equation 37. The
skater. The rate of spin will be faster with arms VisViva Law shows clearly that for a given
held close to the skater’s body than when ex semimajor axis of orbit, the velocity is a func
tended. tion only of the radius.

The point of an orbit which is farthest from The purpose of illustrating one derivation of
earth is called the apogee. The point closest is the VisViva Law was to show that the kinetic
called the perigee. The prefixes apo and peri and potential energy relations result in simple,
useful expressions. Furthermore, easy exten

Thrust Into Space 28

sions from one gravitational field to another be an extremely dicult technical achieve
can be made. We may slightly rewrite the Vis ment, much interest has centered around the
Viva Law as: smallest size rocket possible for each mission.
2 Hence, the minimum energy trajectories to
V   2 1  reach a given range are of interest. As indicated
 V  =  r / R  a / R  312 in Chapters 2 and 3, the optimum angle for
maximum range must vary from 45 degrees at
Thus, if we know the circular velocity Vco at a short range to zero at long range.
standard radius R and calculate V/Vc0 and r/R 0.5 50
ratios, they will be the same for all gravita h Ang

Launch Angle (degrees)

tional fields. Although all the derivations of 0.4 40

Planet Circumference

Time (minutes)
this chapter are made as if for earth, the curves IRBM
0.3 30
are plotted in ratio form and apply throughout

the solar system, or beyond it for that matter. 0.2 Ap 20
Tim ge
The rate at which the radius vector sweeps out R a n
0.1 10
area at perigee, rpVp/2, applies throughout an V2
orbit due to conservation of angular momen 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
tum. Since the area of an ellipse is  a ra rp , Velocity
Zero Altitude Circular Velocity
Equations 37 and 310 may be applied at peri
Figure 3-2 — Optimum ballistic missile trajectories
gee to derive the orbital period for elliptical
orbits, Kepler’s Third Law. The result is: Figure 32 shows velocity required, angle of
launch, maximum altitude, time of flight, and
2 a 3/2 range for ballistic missiles fired on an idealized
Por = 313
g0 R 2 earth with no atmosphere. These curves are for
optimum trajectories, i.e., at the angle shown
where Por = orbital period in seconds. the minimum velocity is required to achieve
the desired range.
Minimum Energy Trajectories An ICBM has come to be defined as a ballistic
In Chapter 2, simple flatearth ballistic equa missile with range approximately onequarter
tions were presented. In this chapter, some of the way around the earth. Maximum alti
useful expressions from celestial mechanics tude is reached when one travels precisely that
have been discussed. Much more complicated distance and at that point the optimum angle
derivations are necessary for the velocity re of launch is exactly onehalf 45 degrees. The
quirements of interest. These include filling in velocity required, however, is 23,400 feet per
from short range to escape velocity, and in second, about 90 percent of satellite velocity.
volve interest in travel times and trajectory de This is why intercontinental ballistic missiles
tails as well. The VisViva Law gives only the and orbital launch vehicles are so closely re
magnitude of velocity as a function of radius, lated.
but tells nothing of the direction of that veloc
ity. The velocities required for orbitchanging General Trajectories
maneuvers also depend on flight path angles. In actual usage, one would not always use the
Total velocities will be presented by means of minimum energy trajectories. It might be de
curves with the previous expressions used to sired to launch at either higher or lower angles
aid in a feel for their nature. than optimum. This could be done in military
Because high performance rockets are a recent applications to help confuse the defense or in
development, and originally were thought to space applications when special missions are

Thrust Into Space 29

desired, to reach extreme altitudes rather than rocket can reach any point on earth in less
range, or to use flat trajectories for special re than 43 minutes plus acceleration time penal
entry heating tests. Figure 33 gives velocity ties.
and launch angle as a function of range for
These various restrictions could be lifted by
nonoptimum as well as optimum cases.
using some rocket velocity to change trajecto
An ICBM of 23,400 feet per second is con ries either at apogee or some other point sub
strained to fly to its target by the shortest sequent to launch. This will not be discussed.
route and to reenter at approximately 22.5 de
grees entry angle. A rocket of orbital velocity Hohmann Transfers
capability however, can reach any point on
earth. Furthermore, it can come around either Orbital velocities have only been attained since
the short or the long way. Rockets with orbital 1957 and, as of 1965, the maximum velocities
velocity capability or greater have become attained have only been slightly beyond earth
known as global rockets. A large array of trajec escape velocity. It is reasonable, then, that we
tories is available to global rockets, but they are extremely interested in minimum energy
too, have their limitations. Any rocket with ways of achieving orbits, as well as ICBM
velocity exceeding escape velocity will never ranges. It can be shown that the easiest way to
return to earth. Hence, not only does Figure 3 achieve a given orbital altitude is by the proce
3 terminate at escape velocity, but not all angles dure illustrated in Figure 34.
of approach are possible at all combinations of Va
range and velocity. Final Orbit
Two Hour Flight Time A ngl
nch Transfer Ellipse
Zero Altitude Escape Velocity

Lau 15o
0.8 Vc
Planet Circumference





Optimum Launch Angle


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Velocity Fig. 3-4— Hohmann transfer
Zero Altitude Circular Velocity
The rocket is first put into an elongated ellipse
Figure 3-3 — Global rocket velocities called a transfer orbit. It has its apogee at the
At 45 degrees launch angle, for instance, the orbital altitude to be achieved. The perigee will
rocket goes only half way around the earth, be somewhere a few hundred miles down range
even at escape velocity. from the launching point. Enough velocity be
yond circular is put in at perigee to achieve the
The flight times become extremely long at the
desired apogee and at apogee an additional ve
high velocities since the rocket’s apogee be
locity input is made to inject the payload into
comes infinitely large at escape velocity. Flight
the circular orbit. This is called a Hohmann
times of two hours are spotted on Figure 33 to
Transfer, after Walter Hohmann who was not
show these regions. This may be contrasted
an astronomer, as one might expect, but the
with the 32 minute standard ICBM flight time
city engineer of Essen, Germany. He showed
and the zero altitude satellite period of 84.5
that this type of transfer resulted in minimum
minutes see Equation 34. The latter means
velocity in a paper published in 1925.
that the low orbit satellite form of global

Thrust Into Space 30

In actual practice, the manner of achieving or Figure 35, is always less than escape energy,
bital altitude just described is not always used. and is given by Equations 32 and 38:
The dierence between a Hohmann Transfer
and the use of an orbital transfer ellipse which PE + KE = R  1   314
covers shorter distance is usually not great.  2r 
The shorter transfer is frequently more con
Only this much energy is expended in placing
venient from a guidance point of view, and it is
the satellite in orbit. The final velocity input at
not uncommon to make use of the less e
apogee occurs, however, after the initial peri
cient trajectories.
gee velocity has been greatly reduced by the
The velocity requirement to achieve orbit may conversion of kinetic to potential energy. This
be calculated from the previous expressions by is an illustration of a case where energy and
using Equation 310 for perigee velocity, Equa velocity requirements dier. The energy util
tion 39 to get from perigee to apogee velocity, ized is less than escape energy. The velocity
and Equation 32 for orbital velocity. The required to generate the energy, however, is
amount added at apogee is obviously the dif greater than the velocity required to generate
ference between orbital and apogee velocities. escape energy.
Escape Other Planets and Satellites
The velocity region of this chapter includes up
Planet Radius
Orbit Radius

to Earth escape velocity, 36,700 feet per sec

10 ond. Hence, it does not include rockets capa
Earth Synchronous
Orbit Altitude ble of going to any other celestial body, except
Kinetic for hard impacts on the Moon. It does include
Velocity Energy Total
Added at
Velocity the velocity region for rockets operating on
bodies with escape velocity less than that of
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Earth. This includes four other planets, and all
Impulsive Velocity the natural satellites of the solar system. Every
Zero Altitude Circular Velocity
thing in the solar system, in fact, but the four
Fig. 3-5 — Velocities required to establish orbit major planets, is included. Escape velocities
A plot of total velocity required to achieve cir and radii of bodies with less gravitational en
cular orbits versus orbital altitude above the ergy than Earth are as follows:
planet’s surface is shown in Figure 35. One in
teresting aspect shown is that it is more di Table 2
cult to achieve circular orbits at some altitudes
than it is to escape. Achieving the altitude at Planet Escape Radius
which the orbital rotation of a satellite would Velocity (Earth = 1.0)
be exactly synchronized with the earth’s rota (feet/sec)
tion so that the satellite would appear to hover
motionlessly over the earth, the socalled syn Earth 36,700 1.0
chronous satellite, requires about six percent
Venus 33,600 0.97
more than escape velocity.
At first thought, the point that it requires Pluto 32,700 1.1
more velocity to place a satellite in some orbits
Mars 16,400 0.53
than to escape does not seem plausible. The
total potential plus kinetic energy per unit Mercury 13,700 0.38
weight of the satellite in orbit, also shown in

Thrust Into Space 31

Figures 32, 33, and 35 apply directly to all of A case can be made that the human race was
these bodies. Except for Venus, which is close raised on the wrong planet. The Martian or
to a twin of Earth, and Pluto, which is so far bital velocity of 11,600 feet per second is only
away that its size is in considerable doubt, the 10 percent higher than the best exhaust veloc
largest velocity in the above table is that of ity in the table on page 46. Normal chemical
Mars, and it is less than half the value of Earth. rockets would make excellent orbital trans
An Earth IRBM would be a global rocket on ports and good escape vehicles on Mars. A
Mars. A V2 would be a global rocket on the Martian would probably view Earth, spacewise,
Moon. much as we view Jupiter  a planet with a
dense and forbidding atmosphere and too
Table 3 much escape velocity surrounded by an inter
esting satellite or satellites which can be ex
Satellite Escape Radius plored for a reasonable energy expenditure.
(Planet) Velocity (Earth = 1.0)
(feet/sec) Gravity Losses
The gravity losses during engine burning of
Triton Neptune 10,400 0.31
high velocity vehicles are usually no greater
Ganymede Jupiter 9,430 0.39 than low velocity vehicles since actual trajecto
ries, once out of the atmosphere, tend to be
Titan Saturn 8,900 0.39 programmed closer to the horizontal as the
velocity increases. Hence the loss due to a
Io Jupiter 8,250 0.26 component of gravity along the thrust axis de
creases. Furthermore, if the horizontal velocity
Moon Earth 7,800 0.272
is an appreciable amount of circular velocity,
Callisto Jupiter 7,450 0.37 the gravity loss term must also include the ef
fect of centrifugal force. A satellite is obviously
Europa Jupiter 6,900 0.23 not feeling a gravity loss. The eective gravity
Relatively low velocity rockets are thus capable
Vh2 Vc2  Vh2
of providing local transportation on almost all gef = g  = 315
of the bodies of the solar system, even if much r r
higher velocities should be used for interplane
The first expression reduces to Equation 32
tary travel.
for gef = 0. The g in Equation 25 should be re
placed by gef from 315 in the general case.
When the horizontal velocity exceeds circular,
eective gravity becomes negative, i.e., the
projectile’s apogee will exceed its current ra
dius. In this case, if the thrust were pointed
toward the earth, there would be a “gravity”
In the general case, gravity or more accurately
gravity plus centrifugal force losses during
burning occur whenever the eective gravity
has a component along the thrust axis. For
most velocities beyond orbital velocity, the
thrust is aligned along the flight path, since
Earths Moon

Thrust Into Space 32

this is the most ecient way to increase ki utilize about the same energy as required for
netic energy. The flight path is usually close to an earth satellite.
horizontal, so the gravity loss is low. We can,
Kerosene burned in air releases about 20,000
therefore, get a good feel for propulsion re
BTU per pound. This is 15.6 million foot
quirements for long range missions by simply
pounds per pound, or about nine times gun
using the allowance a few thousand feet per
powder energy release. The energy release is so
second for gravity losses during burning dis
high because about ten pounds of air is con
cussed in Chapter 2.
sumed per pound of kerosene. Kerosene and
air combined are not much dierent from
Energy Comparisons gunpowder on a total weightconsumed basis.
Some comparisons of energy required for vari If the airplane could convert the energy of its
ous missions are instructive at this point. It fuel and air burned to useful work with 100
was shown earlier in this chapter that the percent eciency, a weight of fuel equal to the
maximum gravitational potential of the earth empty weight of the airplane would be more
was 20.86 million footpounds per pound. This, than adequate for circling the earth nonstop.
of course, is exactly the kinetic energy per Modern transports can carry fuel about equal
pound of an object traveling at escape velocity, to empty weight, but the overall energy utiliza
36,700 feet per second. The velocity at which tion process is only about 25 percent ecient,
kinetic energy per pound is equal to gunpow so the best of airplanes must be refueled sev
der is about 10,600 feet per second. Orbital eral times for such a flight.
energies per pound are onehalf the escape en If one uses Equation 38 to calculate the veloc
ergy value. ity equivalent of an automobile of “L/D” = 25,
Although energies six or twelve times gunpow traveling 3000 miles, the result is 6400 feet
der energy are impressive, the price of such per second. When burned in air, kerosene,
energy is not. Liquid oxygen and kerosene are gasoline, and diesel oil all have energy releases
chemical propellants of the gunpowder class of within one percent of each other. Hence, a
energy release, and the combination costs pound of gasoline used with complete e
about 3 cents per pound. Hence, the price of ciency has about 25 times the energy release
energy equivalent to orbital energy is about 20 necessary to drive a pound of automobile
cents per pound. The electrical industry meas across the United States, and five times as
ures energy in kilowatthours and one million much if used with 20 percent overall eciency.
footpounds per pound is equal to .377 Hence, one should be able to design an auto
kilowatthours per pound. Thus, the orbital mobile to cross the United States nonstop by
energy of one pound is about four kilowatt carrying about 20 percent of its weight in fuel.
hours. The commercial price of electrical en Most cars today are designed to carry about
ergy in Washington, D. C., in 1965 was about three percent of weight as fuel, so that they
one cent per kilowatthour. Hence, four cents must be refueled a minimum of seven times to
is the price of modern electrical energy equiva cover this range. The situation is somewhat
lent to one pound in orbit. worse because each time a car decelerates from
As shown in Chapter 2, a modern jet transport cruising velocity, its kinetic energy is dissipated
airplane with L/D of 14 uses the energy equiva by the brakes and must be replaced from the
lent of 8540 feet per second in traveling 3000 fuel when picking up velocity again. Hence,
miles see Equation 28. In order to travel the actual fuel consumed is greater than these
around the earth on a great circle course estimates indicate.
24,800 miles, the airplane would utilize en Because normal automobiles are designed with
ergy equivalent to 24,600 feet per second. only three percent fuel capacity, fuel supplies
Hence, a jet transport circling the earth would in convenient places are necessary. This is

Thrust Into Space 33

aided by oil fields and gasoline refineries lo Solid Propellant Rockets
cated at various places around the country, but
it is still necessary to use special tanker vehi It seemed intuitively obvious to many people
cles to deposit fuel at service stations ahead of that although solid propellant missiles had be
time. An automobile crossing the United come very useful in antiaircraft and artillery
States represents a multiple refueling opera rocket roles, clearly the long range ballistic
tion, with the payload carrier of only three missile would remain the province of the liquid
percent fuel weight. The other vehicles, tank propellant vehicle. Superior specific impulse
trucks which have about 75 percent fuel was the basic reason cited. As can be seen from
weight, are equally necessary. the table on page 21, however, solid propellant
specific impulses are not much lower than the
The same sort of calculation applied to a cargo liquid propellants which were under extensive
ship of “L/D” = 300 and 12,000 mile range development prior to the launching of Sputnik.
yields the point that one pound of diesel oil It was inevitable, then, that attempts would be
contains 75 times the energy required to move made to apply the reliability which solid pro
one pound for the trip, or 15 times the neces pellants had achieved in artillery rocket appli
sary energy if utilized at 20 percent overall ef cations to long range ballistic missiles.
ficiency. Hence, about seven percent fuel tanks
are necessary. Ships are usually designed with 5 Solid Propellant Boosters
10 percent fuel weights. Cargo ships can get
long ranges, but high velocity combat ships, It is usually possible to increase the accelera
with L/D down around 30, are much more lim tion available from a solid propellant without
ited in range at high velocity. A high velocity additional weight penalty. This is because the
luxury liner will use most of its fuel supply entire solid grain is pressurized, and more
covering only 3000 miles. thrust can be obtained by changing nozzle exit
size and propellant burning rate with no sub
Many ships operate as multirefueling devices, stantial change in total weight of the engine.
particularly in naval operations. The same high With liquid propellant turbopump vehicles,
fuel weight vehicles necessary for land travel more thrust can be obtained only by adding
also ply the oceans, either to refuel combat more thrust chamber, turbopump, etc.,
ships at sea, or carry oil to supply points for weight. These dierences in engine character
later use. Interestingly enough, these ocean istics mean that solid propellant ballistic mis
tankers carry about 75 percent of weight as siles should be designed for greater takeo
fuel, quite comparable to similar land tanker acceleration than comparable liquid ballistic
vehicles. missiles. This reduces the gravity loss penalty.
Further energy comparisons will be made The ease of obtaining high thrust/weight ratio
throughout the book. The point is simply that in solid propellants also makes them unusually
although the velocities of space travel are 100 adapted for supplementary booster applica
to 1000 times higher than terrestrial travel, the tions when a large vehicle is given a modest
energies consumed are comparable to long additional boost with small auxiliary solid en
range aircraft, and not greatly higher than the gines. The Thrust Augmented Thor, which uses
best surface transportation. Surface transports solid engines as auxiliary propulsion at takeo,
get away with small fuel loads only because benefits from the extra acceleration in reduc
they use refueling operations extensively. The ing gravity loss. This same characteristic results
problem in space travel is not that the energy in the number of stages for optimum perform
required is high. The problem is to learn to ance being larger with solid propellants than
generate it eciently, package it, and carry it with the liquid propellants.
to space.

Thrust Into Space 34

Solid Propellant Ballistic Missiles field, with Polaris submarinelaunched missiles
and Minuteman ICBM’s as replacements for
The initial impetus for a large solid propellant Atlas and Titan.
ballistic missile came more strongly from the
Polaris program than any other source. This Minuteman and Polaris represent an interest
was because shipboard use puts unusually ing point in the development of rocket weap
stringent requirements on ease of handling and ons. Although they are longrange strategic
storability of propellants. For the submarine weapons which compete with airplanes as the
launched missile, there was a tendency to take means of strategic delivery, they actually both
a performance penalty in order to make use of look and act more like very long range guns
the superior handling advantages of solid pro than Hying aircraft. The artillery now has
pellants. This performance penalty did not global range. It required rockets rather than
turn out to be very great, if it existed. guns to achieve this.
By the time of Polaris, continual developments
in the chemistry of solid propellants had led to
Future Large Solid Engines
specific impulses as high as 240 seconds see The success of solid propellant engines of the
table on page 21. Modern casebonding tech Polaris and Minuteman size has led to devel
niques and relatively lowpressure burning opment programs for even larger engines.
grains had led to very reasonable structural Some are sketched in Figure 36. A motor of
weights for solid propellant cases. Improve tenfoot diameter is under development as a
ments in grain structural characteristics per first stage for the Titan III vehicle. In order to
mitted large size fivefoot diameter grains permit reasonable transportation of these mo
without cracking problems, and the thermal tors, they are built in segments each of which
conditioning available on shipboard meant is about ten feet long. Even so, each loaded
that grains that withstood wide temperature segment weighs almost 40 tons. A fivesegment
variations were unnecessary. A greater number unit, including nozzle, front closure, attach
of stages for a given mission was feasible due ments, etc., will have a weight of about 240
to the greater’ simplicity of solid propellant tons.
missiles. They were also considerably more Handling solid propellant charges in small
compact for a given weight. units is not new. The powder charges in heavy
Since the solid propellants of the table on page artillery consist of several separately packaged
21 indicate exhaust velocities of 75008500 feet units. In the 16inch naval gun previously men
per second Isp of 240260 seconds, an IRBM tioned, six such units comprise a full charge. In
must be designed for an impulsive velocity of the case of large solid motors, it is currently
about 2.5 times exhaust velocity, and an ICBM believed better to design the whole motor in
about four times exhaust velocity. Figure 15 cluding outer case in segments, than to place
then gives about five percent payload weight multiple charges in a single case. Case bonding
for the ICBM, and about one percent for the can then be properly handled in each segment,
ICBM, if properly staged. These are reason and good design of the structural joints be
able payload weights for weapons recall that a tween segments results in only a small weight
bullet frequently weighs 0.1 percent the weight penalty compared to a single case.
of the gun.
The largest solid motor currently supported is
The same factors which made solid propellant one of 260 inches 21 feet 8 inches diameter.
engines such heavy choices for artillery work Even if built in 20 foot segments, each unit
have been applied to long range ballistic mis would weigh about 280 tons. The maximum
siles. As a result, solid propellant engines also clearance permissible by rail travel is about 13
seem to have taken over the ballistic missile feet. The practical weight limit is about 100

Thrust Into Space 35

tons. Hence, even if segmented, 260inch di Liquid Propellant Rockets
ameter motors will probably be moveable only
by sea. Current plans are just that. The largest Development of liquid rockets continued in
motor sketched in Figure 36 contains 1500 the United States and elsewhere following
tons of propellant and produces 7 million World War II. This was not surprising consid
pounds of thrust. It would be as heavy as a ering the spectacular entrance of the V2 onto
modern destroyerescort. At a specific impulse the weapon delivery scene. For awhile, artillery
of 260 seconds, its useful kinetic energy release rocket applications were almost the only activ
would be about 53 million horsepower, and to ity. Inevitably, storable and cryogenic liquid
tal internal energy release about 70 million propellant rockets were applied to long range
horsepower. This rocket would be about the ballistic missile and space programs.
same horsepower as the 16inch naval gun, but
could produce this power about 3000 times Storable Liquid Propellants
longer. It is not certain yet that solid propel Cryogenic propellants were successfully used
lant engines of this size will be built, but active by the V2. A really desirable military ballistic
research and development leading to them is missile force, however, is capable of continuous
under way. There is little doubt as to their fea alert. Although this can be done with cryogen
sibility. ics, it is, at best, an awkward situation. Conse
Diameter quently, the same requirements that led to in
Thrust 6,000 lbs
18 in.
Weight 575 lbs
Delta Third Stage tense interest in solid propellant ballistic mis
Thrust 100,000 lbs Scout First Stage
40 in. Weight 22,500 lbs
siles led to active consideration of storable liq
Thrust 1,000,000 lbs uid propellants in these applications.
120 in. Weight 500,000 lbs
Titan IIIC Stage O
The previous storables, such as nitric acid and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
analine, had specific impulses of the order of
225 seconds. This does not make an attractive
Thrust 7,000,000 lbs
260 in. Weight 3,000,000 lbs ICBM. Other propellant combinations see
table on page 21 are capable of matching the
performance of liquid oxygen and kerosene.
Figure 3·6 — Large, solid propellant motors. One of these combinations is hydrazine and
There will be little further discussion of solid nitrogen tetroxide. This propellant combina
propellants in this book. The search for higher tion has now been highly developed and is used
specific impulse leads to both more energetic in the Titan II ICBM.
reactions and lower molecular weight propel
lants see Equation 114. The low molecular
weight elements appear as liquids or gases
rather than solids, and hence it would seem
that liquid propellants have a basic future ad
vantage. If true, then the inexorable relations
of the rocket equation will limit solid propel
lants to low velocity increments until some
presently unforeseen formulation is produced.
Solids were able to compete in performance
with liquids in the ICBM velocity range, but it
is quite a dierent matter when far higher ve
locity increments are necessary, and the com
peting systems are highenergy liquid or nu
clear rockets.

Thrust Into Space 36

propellants are hypergolic the term applied to
propellants which react immediately on con
tact with each other and therefore require no
ignitor, such a rocket can be turned on and o
at will. It may be simpler than twoliquid sys
tems, and can use propellant combinations
which pure liquid or solid rockets cannot.
Hybrid rockets may have large use in the fu
ture, but they will not be discussed further
here. They are a dierent way of building
chemical rockets, and their performance will
not be markedly dierent from other chemical
rockets. If they do combine all the advantages
of liquid and solid propellants, their use will
become widespread in those regions where
chemical propellants are pertinent. If they turn
out to combine all the disadvantages of liquid
and solid propellants, their use will not be so
As of 1965, hybrid rockets have received only
modest attention in the United States. France,
however, has pursued them with substantial
eort. The first rocket vehicle using a hybrid
engine was launched by the French o the
southern coast of France on April 25, 1964.

Cryogenic Liquid Propellant Rockets

Titan IIG Launch, Source: US Air Force
Development of cryogenic rockets has been
The list of storable, solid, and cryogenic pro intense in the last two decades. By 1954, rela
pellants in the table on page 46 is a small in tively large liquid rocket engines using liquid
dication of the diculty of keeping abreast of oxygen and kerosene were under intensive de
rocket propellant possibilities. At anyone point velopment in the United States as booster
in time, it is easy to conclude that cryogenic rockets for the Navaho long range ramjet ve
performance exceeds storable, or that solids hicle. One of these engines had approximately
cannot exceed a certain value. But this decade’s 150,000 pounds of thrust, or three times the
storable or solid may well exceed last decade’s thrust of a V2 engine. When the United States
cryogenic in performance, and rocket engi decided to develop a ballistic missile force on
neers are in a state of constant flux, attempting an extremely rapid time scale, this engine be
to understand the best applications at any came the principal workhorse of the program.
given time. The initial ballistic missile program consisted
of two intercontinental ballistic missiles  the
Hybrid Propellants Atlas and the Titan, and two intermediate
It may be possible to obtain some of the ad range ballistic missiles  the Thor and the Ju
vantages of both liquid and solid propellants by piter. All four missiles used liquid oxygen and
making a rocket engine using both. In this kerosene as propellants.
case, a liquid propellant is pumped through a
chamber of solid propellant. Particularly if the

Thrust Into Space 37

Thor and Jupiter were both single stage ballis In the ICBM case, two dierent configura
tic missiles of roughly 1500 miles range. Ap tions. were developed. The Atlas used the same
proximately 90 percent of the initial weight engines as the Thor and Jupiter. It is known as
was propellant compared to 68 percent for the a oneandahalf stage configuration. At the
V2. Thus, although a substantial performance end of first stage burning, only the booster en
improvement over the V2 was attained by the gines  no tanks  are jettisoned. The Atlas
increased specific impulse available from the uses two booster engines of 150,000pound
use of kerosene rather than alcohol as fuel see thrust and one sustainer engine of 60,000
table on page 21, the major gain in range from pound thrust. The sustainer is ignited at
the 200 miles of the V2 was due to the use of launch along with the other engines. The Titan
more modern structural techniques resulting in is a twostage missile. A similar set of engines
the much higher percentage of missile weight was developed for the Titan missile by a dier
devoted to propellant. ent company in order to insure the availability
of engines for these high priority programs.
Although diering in many design details, the
overall performance of the engines is similar.
The gross features of these missiles can be de
duced from a knowledge of the specific im
pulse of the propellants and the velocity re
quirements from the previous figures. Since
the specific impulse was not greatly dierent
from the later solid ballistic missiles discussed
earlier, and since roughly equivalent staging
was used, the results are similar. The IRBM’s
were able to carry about four percent, and the
ICBM’s about one percent, of their launch
weight as payload.
These missiles occupy a strong position in the
thrust into space. They have made large rock
ets commonplace. The techniques for produc
ing reliable large rocket engines in quantity
have been highly developed. The use of cryo
genic propellants has become routine. These
were the large vehicles under development in
Jupiter Missile the United States when the Space Age dawned
in 1957.
The ’ of a Thor is approximately 0.93, and the
vacuum specific impulse of liquid oxygen and
kerosene with nozzle expansion ratio of 20 is
Early Space Rockets —
approximately 275 seconds. This means that A Lesson in Ingenuity
the maximum impulsive velocity achievable Sputnik I was launched October 4, 1957. The
with a Thor, even with zero payload weight, is launch date was one day after the fifteenth an
about 19,000 feet per second. Thus, the pro niversary of the first successful V2 shot and
pellant used and structural factors achieved by about twoandahalf weeks after the 100th
the Thor still fall short of that required to ob anniversary of Tsiolkovskiy’s birth. The first
tain ICBM range with a single stage vehicle. achievement of orbital velocity was an historic
event, although, as Figure 33 shows, ICBM’s
are quite close in velocity. The world as a whole

Thrust Into Space 38

was impressed and surprised and the United The Thor/ Agena is a cryogenic first stage with
States reacted violently. As a direct result, a a storable liquid second stage; the Atlas/
variety of space rocket programs sprang into Agena, a cryogenic oneandahalfstage vehi
being. cle with a storable liquid stage on top. The
successful Jupiter lunar probe utilized two
stages of solid propellant motors on top of the
cryogenic Jupiter. This combination, inciden
tally, used a launch weight of approximately
110,000 pounds to project a 13pound payload
to escape velocity. Thus, the payload was only
0.01 percent of the vehicle launch weight. That
particular shot was probably the most ine
cient ever fired and might hold that record in
An allsolidpropellant launch vehicle, the
Scout, has been used for orbital launches. This
vehicle has four stages, and is designed to be a
lowcost launcher of relatively lightweight pay
loads. As the previous discussion of solid pro
pellant ballistic missiles indicates, it is not sur
prising that solid propellants can be used as
satellite launchers.
Probably the best example of how confusing
this can become is that although the Thor/
Delta is a cryogenic Thor with storable second
stage and solid third stage, the Thrust Aug
mented Thor/ Agena uses solid propellants as a
Sputnik I half stage to help boost the cryogenic Thor
The versatility of rockets is such that if it is with storable final stage. If this is not compli
necessary to produce a new launch vehicle in a cated enough, a Thrust Augmented Thor/
hurry, almost any type of rocket can be used to Delta has been used which adds a solid auxil
boost another type with considerable success. iary boost to the cryogenic Thor with storable
The many examples of this that occurred just upper stage and solid final stage. The essential
after the launching of Sputnik are a display of point to be learned is that rockets are very ver
this phenomenon. satile, and once the basic techniques are in
hand, they can be utilized for many purposes.
The first American satellite was launched by a This is why the United States was able to re
Redstone rocket cryogenic which contained spond to the Sputnik challenge with such a va
in its nose two extra stages of solid propellant riety of possibilities.
rockets. This vehicle, which weighed 80,000
pounds, put only a 30pound weight in orbitor The vehicles mentioned were all used for un
less than 0.04 percent of vehicle launch manned launches. In addition, Redstone, Atlas
weight. The Vanguard rocket had a cryogenic and Titan II represent ballistic missiles built
first stage, a storable liquid second stage, and a first as weapons which have been successfully
solid propellant third stage. The same is true adapted for use as manned launch vehicles. A
of the Thor/Delta rocket, which put modified minimum size manned capsule of 1959 design
Vanguard second and third stages on top of the weighs almost 3000 pounds, so that a Red
basic Thor cryogenic stage. stone could only launch this weight a few hun

Thrust Into Space 39

dred miles down range. The Atlas, however,
achieved orbital velocity nicely, and a variety of
changes and careful procedures implemented
especially for manned flight has resulted in 100
percent reliability as of 1965. It must be real
ized, however, that only a few flights have oc
curred, and it seems ridiculous to assume that
all of space can be explored without casualties.
If so, it will be the only thing the human race
has ever done without casualties.
The vehicles mentioned carried the brunt of
the early years of the American space program.
They have done the job they were called upon
to do nicely, although there were vehicle casu
alties and at times, their payload eciency was
not great. Much of the rest of this book will be
devoted to the question of what can be done
other than simply to adapt ballistic missiles for
space purposes.

Thrust Into Space 40

Even the restricted threebody problem, where
4. Lunar and Early a particle of negligible mass is moving through
the gravity field generated by two other bodies,
Interplanetary has only been solved in certain cases. Some
manybody nbody problems have also been
solved for special cases.
Rockets The situation is even worse. The EarthMoon
Lunar and early interplanetary rockets have case can only be considered a restricted three
velocities up to 100,000 feet per second. body problem because the eect of the Sun’s
gravity field does not change substantially be
tween the location of Earth and Moon. For
Celestial Mechanics
mathematical precision, a rocket flying from
The calculation of the velocities required to go Earth to Moon would have to be treated as a
from the earth to the other bodies in the solar restricted fourbody problem. In the case of
system is an involved process. Velocities be planetary flight, many bodies can be involved.
yond local escape parabolic velocity result in
The mathematical dilemma of the nbody
hyperbolic trajectories and dierent expres
problem can be handled for most cases by us
sions must be used. In addition, some of the
ing a series of isolated twobody solutions. This
simplicity of the expressions of Chapter 3 were
is feasible due to the great distances between
due to the assumption of circular orbits.
most of the bodies in the solar system. For in
The planets of the solar system do not have stance, one can calculate an EarthMars trajec
perfectly circular orbits. Nor do their orbits all tory by first considering only the influence of
lie in the same plane. Furthermore, the axis of the Earth. Then, from the point where the
rotation of each planet is likely to be in still Earth’s gravitational eect is negligible com
another plane so that launch and landing pared to the Sun’s gravity, the vehicle is as
points usually are not moving in the desired sumed to move only under the latter influence.
direction. Since the planets are continually Finally, when close to Mars, it is assumed that
moving around the sun and the natural satel only the Mars gravity field aects the motion.
lites around the planets, the relative positions By properly matching these solutions, it is pos
and consequently, velocity requirements to go sible to understand many celestial mechanics
between the various bodies, are continually problems.
The following two tables show characteristics
of the planets and natural satellites of the solar
The Multi-Body Problem system. Except for Pluto and Mercury, the
The expressions of Chapter 3 were valid for planets have nearly circular orbits in planes
what is known as the twobody problem, which are tilted from each other by less than
namely, that of a space vehicle moving under five degrees. The plane of the Earth’s orbit is
the influence of a single gravity field. Actually, called the ecliptic. Much can be learned by as
it was a restricted twobody problem since the suming that the planets all have circular, co
mass of the vehicle was assumed to be so small planar orbits. This will be assumed for the
that its eect on the motion of the planet most part, but occasionally, reference will be
could be ignored. This is a highly justified as made to actual orbits to illustrate the devia
sumption. When one considers a vehicle going tions.
from the Earth to the Moon, a threebody
problem is involved. It has never been solved
in the completely general case in mathematics.

Thrust Into Space 41

Table 4 — The Planets — Orbital Data
Mean Celestial Long

Planet Semi-Major Perihelion Aphelion Off Of Of Planet at

Axis AU AU AU Ascending Node Perihelion Epoch 1/1/1966

Mercury 0.387 0.308 0.467 47.93° 76.93° 210.29°

Venus 0.723 0.718 0.728 76.38 131.1° 84.87°

Earth 1.000 0.983 1.017 102.12° 98.89°

Mars 1.524 1.381 1.666 49.3° 335.44° 324.31°

Jupiter 5.203 4.951 5.455 100.11° 13.5° 87.32°

Saturn 9.539 9.008 10.070 113.42° 91.5° 347.57°

Uranus 19.182 18.277 20.087 73.9° 168.65° 166.43°

Neptune 30.058 29.800 30.315 131.4° 53° 230.02°

Pluto 39.518 29.692 49.344 109.76° 222.9° 166.77°

Table 4 — The Planets — Orbital Data (Continued)

nation Orbital Velocity About Sun Period of
(feet per second) Revolution

Planet Orbital to Equatorial to Earth Years

Ecliptic Orbit

Mercury 7.00 157,000 0.240

Venus 3.39 114,800 0.615

Earth 23.45 97,600 1.0

Mars 1.85 25.20 79,100 1.881

Jupiter 1.31 3.12 42,800 11.86

Saturn 2.49 26.75 31,600 29.46

Uranus 0.77 97.98 22,200 84.02

Neptune 1.77 29 17,800 164.78

Pluto 17.13 15,500 248.4

Thrust Into Space 42

Table 5 — Solar System Data
emi-Major Axis Planet Mea
an Diameter Mass Surface Period About Escape
Ratio, Gravity Primary Velocity
Solar Body AU Planet Radius = 1 Miles Earth = 1 Earth = 1 Earth Days (fps)

Sun 869,000 101 333,500 27.7 2,020,000

Mercury 0.387 3,010 0.38 0.053 0.367 88 13,700

Venus 0.723 7,710 0.97 0.815 0.862 225 33,600

Earth 1.00 7,920 1.00 1.00 1.00 365 36,700

Moon 60.27 2,160 0.272 0.0123 0.166 27.32 7,800

Mars 1.524 4,220 0.53 0.107 0.376 687 16,400

Phobos 2.775 10 0.32

Deimos 6.919 5 1.26


Ceres 2.767 460 1,681

Pallas 2.767 300 1,684

Juno 2.67 120 1,594

Vesta 2.361 240 1,325

Jupiter 5.203 88,600 11.20 318.0 2.54 4,333 196,000

V 2.539 100 0.50

Io 5.905 2,060 0.26 0.0132 0.195 1.77 8,250

Europa 9.396 1,790 0.23 0.0080 0.156 3.55 6,900

Ganymede 14.99 3,070 0.39 0.0256 0.170 7.15 9,430

Callisto 26.36 2,910 0.37 0.0151 0.112 16.69 7,450

VI 160.1 75 250.6

VII 164.4 25 259.8

X 164 12 260

XII 290 12 625

XI 313 15 696

VIII 326 25 739

IX 332 14 755

Thrust Into Space 43

Table 5 — Solar System Data (continued)
emi-Major Axis Planet Me
ean Diameter Mass Surface Period About Escape
Ratio, Gravity Primary Velocity
Solar Body AU Planet Radius = 1 Miles Earth = 1 Earth = 1 Earth Days (fps)

Saturn 9.539 75,000 9.47 95.22 1.06 10,759 116,000

Mimas 3.111 300 0.94

Enceladus 3.991 350 1.37

Tethys 4.939 750 0.09 0.00011 0.013 1.89 1,310

Dione 6.327 800 0.10 0.00017 0.017 2.74 1,540

Rhea 8.835 1,100 0.14 0.00039 0.020 4.52 1,950

Titan 20.48 3,100 0.39 0.0230 0.150 15.95 8,900

Hyperon 24.83 250 21.28

Japetus 59.67 750 79.33

Phoebe 216.8 200 550

Uranus 19.182 29,600 3.74 14.55 1.04 30,687 72,400

Miranda 5.494 1.41

Ariel 8.079 350 2.52

Ubriel 11.25 250 4.14

Titania 18.46 600 8.71

Oberon 24.69 500 13.46

Neptune 30.06 27,800 3.50 17.23 1.41 60,184 81,600

Triton 15.85 2,500 0.31 0.0252 0.256 5.88 10,400

Nereid 249.5 200 500

Pluto 39.518 9000? 1.1? 0.9 0.705 90,700 32,700

Thrust Into Space 44

The distant planets have extremely long peri in terms of the hyperbolic excess velocity since
ods about the Sun. The location of the far one obtains from Equation 311, for r  :
planets for the remainder of the twentieth cen
tury is shown in Figure 41. Celestial longitude g0 R 2
V2 =  41
is measured in the plane of the ecliptic with a
the Sun at zero degrees with respect to the
earth at the vernal equinox about March 21. where V = hyperbolic excess velocity.

Note that a, which represents the semimajor
axis for elliptical orbits, is a negative number
for hyperbolic orbits. Equation 41 may then
be substituted back into Equation 311 to give,
with the aid of Equation 37:
V 2 = VE2 + V2 42
Saturn Jupiter
0 o
Mars V = V 2  VE2 43

Equation 42 gives a simple but useful expres

sion for the velocity of a vehicle at a great dis
Planet Symbols Are tance from a gravity source. To calculate the
At Perihelion
270o January 1, 1966
launch velocity required to reach the orbit of
January 1, 2000 Mars, for instance, Equation 310 may be used
to calculate the “perigee” velocity needed. This
Figure 4-1 — The outer solar system
gives the heliocentric velocity heliocentric ve
Pluto is now relatively close, and moving to locity means that with respect to the Sun as
ward perihelion about 1990. Pluto will be opposed to geocentric, with respect to Earth,
closer than Neptune from about 1980 to 1997. selenocentric with respect to the Moon, etc.
Unfortunately, however, Pluto is close to its at perihelion, which is made up of the earth’s
highest inclination now. orbital velocity around the sun and the vehi
cle’s velocity with respect to the Earth. Equa
Hyperbolic Excess Velocity tion 42 provides a simple means of calculating
the latter.
Escape velocity was derived in Chapter 3 by
calculating the initial kinetic energy which was Equation 42 also provides further insight into
just equal to the maximum potential energy. In the interaction between space vehicles and
that case, the vehicle had zero velocity at an gravity fields. Although the same amount of
infinitely great distance. If more than escape energy is always extracted from the vehicle by
velocity is imparted at launch, then at an infi the gravity field, the fact that kinetic energy
nite distance, the vehicle will still possess en varies as the square of the velocity means that,
ergy, since only an amount equal to the maxi at higher velocities, this amount of energy rep
mum gravitational potential can be removed by resents an increasingly smaller part of the total
the gravity field. velocity. Figure 42 shows the hyperbolic ex
cess velocity as a function of initial and escape
The velocity remaining at an infinite distance velocity. This curve illustrates the importance
is known as the hyperbolic excess velocity of modest increases in initial velocity. If only
since trajectories with these characteristics are 20 percent more than escape velocity is sup
hyperbolas. The VisViva Law can be expressed

Thrust Into Space 45

plied, then over 50 percent of all velocity sup launching at the same velocity from deep in
plied remains at great distance. space away from all eects of Earth and Sun
1.0 gravity. At launch velocities beyond 67,000 feet
per second, the solar hyperbolic excess exceeds
Hyperbolic Excess Velocity

0.8 the Earth launch velocity. This apparently free

velocity is due to the fact that the Earth is al
Initial Velocity

0.6 ready on orbit around the Sun and the Earth’s

heliocentric orbital velocity of 96,700 feet per
0.4 second is being partially utilized.

Whatever mechanism placed the Earth on its
current orbit has supplied energy which can
now be utilized.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Initial Velocity
Escape Velocity Braking within Gravity Fields
Figure 4-2 — Hyperbolic excess velocity When a planet is approached, the vehicle is
accelerated by the gravity field. The closer the
One eect of Equation 43 is that high velocity
vehicle comes to the planet, the greater will be
rockets that cross gravity fields quickly are far
the kinetic energy imparted to the rocket fuel
more eective at covering the large distances
by the planet’s gravity. Thus, a greater amount
of space than might be thought at first from
of kinetic energy will be dissipated by the
Hohmann Transfer calculations. Indeed, the
rocket when braking is applied. For the same
eect is compounded by the rapid traversing
reason that launch velocity inputs should be
of both the Earth and the Sun’s gravity fields.
made at the lowest altitude possible, all brak
Figure 43 shows both Earth and solar system
ing velocity removals should be done as close
hyperbolic excess velocity as a function of
as possible to the center of gravitation,
Earth launch velocity. The rapid gain with
whether the vehicle is landing on the planet or
launch energies beyond minimum is so great
braking into an orbit around it. This applies
that at an Earth launch velocity of 67,000 feet
equally to elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic
per second, the solar system hyperbolic excess
trajectories. For hyperbolic approach, Equa
velocity is also 67,000 feet per second.
tion 42 gives the braking velocity required for
Direct Earth Launch a given hyperbolic excess, since it is the same
Solar Escape Velocity oci
ty as the initial velocity.
c Vel
tr i ess
l i o cen i c Exc
e l s
th H ype
ces Atmospheric Braking
+ l H l i c
ch tia
Velocity (fps)

150K aun Ini rbo Extensive calculations have been made of at
r th L y pe
E a H
lar ss mospheric braking and entry for the planet
So xce
o l ic E Earth and substantial calculations have been
t y t h Hy performed for both Mars and Venus. A very
oc i Ea r
50K Vel rough rule of thumb from this work is that 1.5
a u nch
th L
Ear times the planetary escape velocity could be
0 braked aerodynamically by a lifting body if a
0 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 120K 140K
Earth Launch Velocity (fps) planetary landing were being made and that 0.5
times escape velocity could be braked in an
Figure 4-3 — Solar system hyperbolic excess velocity
atmospheric pass while establishing a satellite
If one were to launch toward a distant star, the orbit. For many cases of interest, the atmos
result of launching from the earth at 67,000 pheres of the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus,
feet per second would be the same as by may be capable of supplying all necessary brak

Thrust Into Space 46

ing velocity requirements, although the other It is even doubtful if they have solid surfaces.
two minor planets have tricky braking prob It will be seen that braking velocity removals
lems. The Mercury braking requirement is of 10,000 feet per second cover many of the
large because of the high orbital velocities requirements at the major planets. A velocity
close to the Sun. The Pluto requirement is decrease of only 10,000 feet per second in
large if high launch velocities are used to de such large atmospheres, even if exact knowl
crease travel times. By coincidence, both tend edge of the atmospheric composition is not
to be about 50,000 feet per second. The at known, would seem easy. In this case, however,
mosphere of Mercury is estimated to be as the eect of the planetary gravity field is a dis
dense at the surface as that of Earth or Mars at advantage. The high approach velocities, which
about 150,000 feet. Due to low gravity, the impart useful kinetic energy to rocket fuel,
Martian atmosphere is likely deeper than simply mean that larger energies must be dissi
Earth’s and more eective for braking at high pated for a given velocity decrease when aero
altitudes. Since Mercury and Mars are small, dynamic braking is used. Atmospheric landing
the atmosphere of Mercury should be about as on the “surfaces” of the major planets may be
eective as that of Mars except for touchdown feasible, but will not be considered further
requirements. Some aerodynamic braking may here.
thus be possible at Mercury. Pluto is thought
to be slightly larger than Earth, and might have Lunar Velocity Requirements
an atmosphere which has remained undetected
due to the great distance of observation. On The velocity requirements of a lunar mission
the other hand, the very low temperature of are easily estimated. The distance from the
Pluto should have frozen out the normal at earth to the moon averages about 60.5 earth
mospheric gases, and the atmosphere of such a radii the moon has a slightly elliptical orbit
cold planet may be vastly dierent from and Equation 310 gives 99.2 percent of escape
Earth’s. Thus, atmospheric braking at Pluto is velocity or 36,400 feet per second as launch
a complete unknown at present. velocity. The velocity at apogee of the trajec
tory will be 600 feet per second see Equation
39 and since the moon’s orbital velocity is
about 3,350 feet per second, the hyperbolic ex
cess velocity with respect to the moon would
be the dierence of these two, or 2,750 feet per
second. Since the moon’s escape velocity is
7800 feet per second, Equation 42 may be
used to calculate 8300 feet per second as a
braking velocity required to land on the moon.
Thus, as an absolute minimum, twice 8300 feet
per second must be added to 36,400 feet per
second, or 53,000 feet per second must be
If atmospheric braking is used on return to
earth, then the addition of roughly 4,000 feet
per second for drag and gravity losses, and
1,000 feet per second for guidance correction
capability is adequate. In this case, travel time
Mars, Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory to the moon each way will be approximately
The large planets have extensive atmospheres, four days. It is possible to reduce this time to
but their surfaces appear extremely forbidding. half by adding less than 500 feet per second

Thrust Into Space 47

additional launch velocity. There is little incen locity. The period of the transfer orbit is given
tive to do this, however, since the fourday, by Equation 313.
oneway flight time is no unusual burden as
Figures 44 and 45 give the result of Hohmann
yet. Furthermore, the braking requirements at
Transfer calculations between the Earth and
the moon increase rapidly for small increases
the other planets in the solar system, including
in launch velocity. This would be expected
requirements to establish both highly elliptical
from Figure 42.
and low circular orbits around the various
Thus, once again, the velocity required can be planets. Essentially the same velocity capability
bracketed by relatively elementary calcula as required of the lunar and return rocket
tions. When planning flight operations, exten 58,000 feet per second enables flight any
sive calculations are made to define precisely where in the solar system. Unfortunately, travel
velocity requirements, including threebody times throughout most of the system are ex
eects, mechanize guidance equations, and cessive.
provide special flight plans so that it is easier 100K
to abort the operation and successfully return Low Altitude Circular Orbit
Highly Elliptical Orbit
the expedition to earth in case of emergencies. 80K
Special requirements to reach various areas of

Velocity (fps)
the moon on arrival, and return to selected 60K
spots on earth, also make the actual calcula locity
tions complicated. aun ch Ve
E arth L

Planetary Hohmann Transfers 20K





The planets are suciently far away from the 0
Earth that it is customary to use a dierent 10-1 1 101 102
Distance From Sun (Astronomical Units)
measure of their distance. Since the Moon is
only about 240,000 miles away from Earth, it Figure 4-4 — Hohmann transfer velocities
is relatively convenient to use miles. When
In addition to basically long flight times, the
measuring planetary distances, however, the
use of Hohmann Transfers between the planets
astronomical unit AU is used. It is defined as
has another undesirable eect. Since the plan
the average distance between the Earth and
ets rotate around the Sun at dierent rates,
the Sun, and is approximately 92.96 million
they constantly change their positions with
miles. An idea of the size of the solar system
respect to each other. Consequently, after arri
may be obtained by realizing that Pluto at
val at a planet, it is necessary to wait until con
aphelion is 49.3 astronomical units from the
ditions are right for return. The term “launch
sun, or about 4.6 billion miles. It takes almost
window” is widely applied to that period of
seven hours for light from the Sun to reach
time when celestial bodies are in proper posi
Pluto at aphelion.
tion for launch.
It is natural to try to use minimum energy tra
jectories throughout the solar system. In fact,
preoccupation with the apparent extreme dif
ficulty of building high velocity rockets led
Hohmann to derive his minimum energy trans
fer system. Hohmann transfers between plan
ets are calculated as described in Chapter 3,
using heliocentric and planetary orbital veloci
ties with Equation 42 used to convert plane
tary hyperbolic excess to launch or braking ve

Thrust Into Space 48

One Way 1000

Synodic Period (days)

800 Mars

600 Venus
Travel Time (years)

Saturn Neptune
10 400 Jupiter Uranus Pluto


10-1 1 10 102
1 Distance From Sun (AU)

Figure 4-6 — Synodic period of planets







For Mars, the waiting time after arrival until

10-1 -1
10 1 101 102
the next launch opportunity is 15 months. This,
combined with the one way Hohmann travel
Distance From Sun (Astronomical Units)
time of nine months, means that an absolutely
Figure 4-5 — Hohmann transfer travel time minimum energy Hohmann trip to Mars and
The synodic period of two planets is the term back would require 33 months. It is not surpris
applied to the time interval between successive ing that one is interested in higher velocities
conjunctions. Conjunction occurs when the for interplanetary missions. As we pursue
planets are on exactly opposite sides of the faster transfers, however, the simplicity of
Sun. The synodic period is: Hohmann calculations disappears. The expres
sions given so far are a great aid in understand
1 ing basic physical eects, but the varieties of
PS = 44
1 1 trajectories and general complexity of the solar

P1 P2 system force reliance on curves of the results
of extensive calculations.
where Ps = synodic period; P1 = orbital period
of planet 1 about the Sun; and P2 = orbital pe Multi-lmpulse Transfers
riod of planet 2 about the Sun.
The Hohmann Transfer to a distant orbit is the
Figure 46 gives the synodic period of Earth minimum energy possible. It is also minimum
with the rest of the planets in the solar system. velocity if we only utilize “two impulse trajec
Because Mars and Venus are close to the Earth, tories,” namely, those with one velocity input
they have long synodic periods. The far planets at periapsis and one at apoapsis injecting di
are moving around the Sun so slowly that they rectly into the final orbit. Three impulses can
act almost as fixed points, their synodic period be used by supplying more initial velocity so
approaching the Earth’s orbital period of one that the rocket goes to a higher apoapsis than
year. For planets closer to the Sun than Venus, the final orbit. At that point, an impulse is
the synodic period is short since the orbital used to raise the periapsis to the final radius
period of the inner planet is small. desired and then a third velocity input is made
when reaching subsequent periapsis. Hohmann
did not check this possibility.
It can be shown that for transfers to orbits
greater than 5.8 times initial radius, this par
ticular maneuver will create the desired orbit
for less velocity, even though the energy re
quired is greater. The flight times are much
longer. The gains by this maneuver are small,

Thrust Into Space 49

and, as of 1965, only two impulse trajectories 1.0
Final Radius rmax
have been used. 0.0
Initial Radius

Initial Circular Velocity

The gains by using multiimpulse trajectories rfinal
can be large when the objective is to reach a 0.6

low periapsis starting from a high orbit. An ex rinitial
ample is a solar probe vehicle which is trying 0.4
to reach as close to the sun as possible when
launched from the earth. The Hohmann Trans 0.2 0.8

fer method would utilize one impulse to nullify

most of earth orbital velocity to reach the sun. 0
1 10 102
Instead, one could use two impulses, launching Maximum Radius
outward from earth to great distance and then Initial Radius

decreasing velocity at aphelion. Figure 47 Figure 4-7 — Solar probe type missions with two impulse
shows the velocity required to perform such transfers
maneuvers. When trying to reach final radius In addition, the periapsis can be placed at any
less than 0.2 initial radius, substantial gains can desired radius, which is why the curves of Fig
be made by the use of two impulses. ure 47 coincide at large values of maximum
Figure 47 shows a case where velocity inputs radius.
should be made at great distances. Previously,
it has been emphasized that velocity changes Use of Planetary Energy
should be made as deep in the gravity field as
It is possible to make use of the energy of
possible in order to take advantage of the high
planets to reduce the rocket energy required
initial velocity of the vehicle. This previous
for interplanetary travel. This is done by flying
conclusion clearly only applies if the initial ve
close enough to a planet to use its gravity field
locity is in a helpful direction, as when one is
to deflect the vehicle so as to put in or extract
adding or subtracting energy in the direction
energy from the trajectory. This mechanism
of the trajectory. If the objective is to make
can be understood by reference to Figure 48,
major changes in the tilt of the trajectory, a
for the net result is the same as if the vehicle
large velocity vector is a detriment. At apoap
had been bounced o the planet.
sis, a vehicle will be moving slower than at
periapsis and inclination changes from the ba If two bodies collide, a perfectly elastic impact
sic trajectory can be made with smaller veloc is said to have occurred if no energy is dissi
ity inputs. In the extreme case, at an infinite pated in the collision. This would occur if a
distance, all elliptical orbits have zero velocity perfect spring were to absorb the energy of
and the inclination of the orbit can be changed impact and then retransmit this energy to the
to any desired value with zero velocity input. two bodies by springing back to its original
length. Perfect springs are hard to find.

Thrust Into Space 50

V gravitating body. The energy which can be
Ac gained comes from the orbital motion of the
V lV
eh planet.
Fic ath By equating the linear momentum of vehicle
Im ious
pa E
ct P last
and planet before and after an elastic headon
ath ic impact, one obtains exactly analogous to the
first equation in this book:
( ) (
wV V + VP1 + wV V  VPF = wP VP1  VPF 45 ) ( )
V where  = weight of vehicle in pounds; p =
weight of planet in pounds; VP1 = initial veloc
V ity of planet in feet per second; and VPF = final
velocity of planet in feet per second. If the ve
Figure 4-8 — Elastic impact analogy for the use of planetary
hicle is of negligible size with respect to the
energy planet, the planet will lose almost no velocity,
The mechanism by which a vehicle swings and Equation 45 becomes:
around a planet, if viewed from a distance, ap wV ( 2V ) = wP ( VP ) 46
pears like a perfectly elastic impact even
though the vehicle never hits the planet. The where Vp = planet velocity loss in feet per
planet is approached with a given hyperbolic second. In this maximum case, the magnitude
excess velocity and when the vehicle departs of vehicle velocity in heliocentric coordinates
from the influence of the planet’s gravity field, which gives the heliocentric energy change is
it has the same hyperbolic excess but in a dif twice the planet’s orbital velocity.
ferent direction. No energy is dissipated in the 180
Swing Around Angle (degrees)

process. 150
The role of the planet’s gravity field in this 120
process is similar to that of a perfect spring, 90 Swing
since it absorbs the energy of the incoming ve 60 Angle
hicle and retransmits it with perfect eciency. 30
It does this in a manner somewhat like lassoing
the flying body, pulling on the rope to swing it 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Hyperbolic Excess Velocity
around, and then letting go. Since there is fi Velocity of Escape at Periapsis
nite energy in the planet’s gravitational field,
there are limitations upon the angle through Figure 4-9 — Planetary swing-around angle
which the trajectory can be turned. The simple If the “impact” is not headon, less than this
relation between turning angle, hyperbolic ex value will be obtained. Were the planet not
cess velocity, and energy of the gravity field at moving, the vehicle velocity direction would
closest approach is shown in Figure 49. change but its heliocentric energy would not.
In describing the swingaround process so far, If one were to fly enough vehicles by a planet
it is not clear how energy can be obtained since in this manner, it is at least theoretically possi
there is no change in vehicle energy with re ble to extract enough energy from the planet’s
spect to the planet before and after. One can orbit so that it would spiral into the Sun.
not take energy from the planet’s gravity field, There is relatively little danger of this, how
since the field contains the same amount of ever, since Equation 46 shows the planet ve
energy before and after. It could only be locity decrease to be reduced by the ratio of
changed by removing mass from the central vehicle to planet weight. Even on a planet as

Thrust Into Space 51

small as Earth, if a millionpound vehicle per tory fan, then by varying the closeness of ap
formed a billion flybys with 10,000 feet per proach to Venus, the trajectories can be fanned
second hyperbolic excess velocity, the Earth out further in either direction and Mars can be
would lose only one millionth of a foot per intercepted over a wider range of orbital posi
second velocity. We are dealing with the same tions. Although the launch velocities for Earth
relations which underlie the rocket equation Mars operations are not decreased significantly
and a large fraction of the Earth’s weight would from Hohmann values by this process, it is
have to be utilized in such a process to make typically possible to find Earth/Mars launch
significant changes in the Earth’s velocity. In windows for half of the Earth/Venus launch
addition, if the technique were widely used, it windows. Since Venus launch windows are
would likely be used as often to decrease vehi more frequent than those of Mars and rarely
cle energy as to increase it. Hence, the planet occur at the same time, this represents almost
would be nudged forward as often as backward a doubling of the available launch windows to
and the net eect would approximately bal Mars.
The use of planetary flybys further complicates
an already dicult celestial mechanics situa
tion by adding one more variable. It is prob
able that as of 1965, all the useful possibilities
have not been unearthed. In many cases, the
benefits to be gained are not so much in the
area of reducing velocities below that of a
Hohmann Transfer but are more likely to per
mit operation for Hohmann class velocities
during other times of the synodic period.
The Russian Lunik III used a close flyby of the
moon for trajectory control in 1958. By this
means, the probe was returned in the proper
position for data readout, and its perigee was
raised to increase orbital life time.
With respect to the use of planetary energy,
the four inner planets behave distinctly dier Venus
ently from the four major planets. The ratio of For the major planets, the ratio of planetary
the escape velocity of the inner planets to their escape velocity to orbital velocity about the
orbital velocity about the Sun see table on Sun ranges from 3.25 to 4.57. All of these plan
page 43, varies from .087 to .376. In all cases, it ets could swing velocities equal to their own
is much less than 1.00. orbital velocity well beyond 90 degrees. If a
Hence, a swing by of any of these planets will vehicle approaches with heliocentric velocity
not be capable of making gross changes in ve not greatly dierent from the planet’s orbital
locities of magnitude equal to the planet’s or velocity, gross changes in the heliocentric tra
bital velocity see Figure 49. Gross changes in jectory can be made. The vehicle can be de
the trajectory cannot be made, but very useful flected into the Sun or completely out of the
trajectory deflections are possible. solar system. If one had enough patience and
good enough guidance systems, a probe could
If we launch from Earth to Mars, for instance, be deflected from Jupiter around the Sun in
only a limited angular spread of trajectories is such a way as to travel to Saturn. A proper
possible. If Venus is in the path of this trajec swing by of Saturn could throw it back around

Thrust Into Space 52

the Sun to one of the other major planets. This An even more startling result occurs for out
presumably could be carried on indefinitely or ofecliptic trajectories as shown in Figure 411.
the vehicle could be flipped out of the solar To launch directly from the Earth to 90 de
system. It is unfortunate we do not have a large grees outofecliptic and go over or under the
planet as close as either Venus or Mars, for the Sun with a closest approach of one astronomi
trajectories possible by close approach to such cal unit requires 140,000 feet per second. The
a planet could be quite spectacular. same maneuver making use of a Jupiter flyby
The major planets may be used to deflect tra requires only 52,000 feet per second.
jectories to close approaches of the Sun and
outofecliptic missions. The velocity require
ments are sometimes greatly reduced since the
gains shown in Figure 47 by applying impulse
at aphelion are greater if a planet supplies the
aphelion velocity change.
le Im
0.19 Years
Second Impulse
at Jupiter Orbit
Velocity (fps)

4.82 Years
Via Jupiter Fly By 2.25 Years
3.61 Years
Surface of Sun

30 Solar Radii
10 Solar Radii

20 Solar Radii



10-2 10-1 1
Distance from Center of Sun (AU)

Figure 4-10 — Distance from center of sun (Astronomical

Units) solar probe velocity requirements

The use of Jupiter is particularly eective. In

addition to a large gravity field adequate for
either solar probe or outofecliptic missions,
Jupiter and Io, Source: NASA
Jupiter is close enough to the Sun that the
flight time increases for Jupiter flyby trajecto Likewise, the requirement for going 90 degrees
ries compared to direct flights are not exces outofecliptic and making the closest possible
sive. approach to the Sun is reduced from 105,000
feet per second to 50,000 feet per second. The
The use of a Jupiter flyby for solar probe mis minimum energy curves of Figure 411 repre
sions is shown in Figure 410. The velocity re sent varying degrees of closest approach to the
quired to come as close to the Sun as desired is Sun. At low outofecliptic angles, the probes
54,000 feet per second if about 2.25 years flight stay essentially at one astronomical unit from
time can be tolerated as compared to a velocity the Sun; for outofecliptic angles approaching
of 80,000 feet per second required to ap 90 degrees, the minimum energy trajectories
proach to only 10 solar radii by conventional approach closely to the Sun.
trajectories. The use of a second rocket im
pulse at the orbit of Jupiter is also shown in The discussion in this section on the use of
Figure 410. planetary orbital energy may seem a rather
long celestial mechanics discourse to appear in
a text on space propulsion. It is a prime exam

Thrust Into Space 53

ple, however, of the inseparability of these sub usually eective, since it is also able to deflect
jects. Planetary energy, which might be consid the probe to the high inclination of Pluto.
ered a form of “gravity propulsion” is free en
One could imagine other flight procedures: for
ergy, available in reliable form for the price of
instance, a flyby of Venus en route to Jupiter, a
clever guidance. The good propulsion engineer
flyby of Mars en route to Jupiter, or even a
will use whichever form of propulsion is most
VenustoMarstoJupiter possibility. As long as
appropriate and should never build needlessly
the vehicle reaches Jupiter, it can almost cer
large rockets if small rockets supplemented by
tainly be deflected out of the solar system
planetary energy are equally eective.
there. One might even consider using a flyby
of the Moon to aid in getting some of the ve
120K n
locity needed to go to Venus or Mars. None of
these possibilities has yet been shown to give a
U Ene
100K 1A im um lower escape velocity than launching directly
Single Impulse Min
from Earth to Jupiter. The only possibility ap
Velocity (fps)

Second Impulse n
80K rom Su
at Jupiter Orbit 1 AU F pears to be the use of a multiple Mars swing by,
Minimum En each time turning the trajectory to one which
60K 1 AU From Sun
will intercept Mars after several solar orbits,
Minimum Energy
Via Jupiter Fly By
and eventually turning into one which reached
Jupiter. It might be possible to escape from
the solar system, if flight time were no object,
for about 40,000 feet per second Earth launch
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 velocity by this means.
Orbit Angle From Ecliptic (degrees)

Figure 4-11 — Out-of-ecliptic velocity requirements Minimum Energy Fast Transfers

The Earth launch velocity required to reach
Escape from the Solar System the outer solar system is given for various
If one launches from the Earth in the direction travel times in Figure 412. Large decreases in
of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun, then as travel time result for relatively modest in
explained earlier in this chapter, and as plotted creases in launch velocity. For example, mini
in Figure 43, 54,500 feet per second is re mum energy flight to Uranus requires 52,000
quired to escape from the solar system. This is feet per second velocity and takes 16 years see
commonly referred to as solar system escape Figures 44 and 45. But this time could be
velocity and is frequently thought to be the reduced to four years by the use of 63,000 feet
minimum velocity required to escape from the per second launch velocity.
solar system. It is, if only a direct launch from
It is desirable to reduce travel time for several
Earth is utilized.
reasons. In manned expeditions, the awkward
If one launches to Jupiter, a velocity of about ness of extremely long duration expeditions is
47,000 feet per second will be required. When obvious. In unmanned probes, reliability of
the vehicle arrives, Jupiter is capable of deflect equipment is the most obvious reason. In addi
ing it out of the solar system. Hence, it is pos tion, however, if one thinks of flight times of
sible to escape from the solar system with only 16 years or 30 years to Pluto, one must con
47,000 feet per second launch velocity rather sider the development plus vehicle travel time
than 54,500 feet per second. Interestingly of the system under discussion compared to
enough, the flight time to Pluto this century whatever new system will replace it. This
using this lower launch velocity is only 18 years probably places a restriction on maximum
compared to 30 years without the aid of the flight time of about 10 years.
Jupiter gravity field. In this case, Jupiter is un

Thrust Into Space 54

Flyby Missions or Atmospheric Braking at Arrival Apoapsis of Capture Orbit = 100 Planetary Radii
10 Braking Velocity Assumed Applied at Planetary Surface
Earth Launch Velocity

Braking Velocity (fps)

8 40K
54,500 (fps)
Travel Time (years)

60,000 (fps) Neptune

Pluto 30K 70,000 (fps)
6 Saturn

Uranus Jupiter
4 Time 10K
2 0 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K
Planetary Hyperbolic Excess (fps)

0 Figure 4-14 — Planetary capture velocities

0 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K 90K 100K
Earth Launch Velocity (mph)

Figure 4-12 — Solar system travel times

Planetary arrival velocities hyperbolic excess

corresponding to the launch conditions of Fig
ure 412 are shown in Figure 413. The curve for
Pluto does not fit the pattern of the other
planets due to the high Earth launch velocity
required by Pluto’s high inclination.
Velocity to Match Planetary Orbits
Arrival Velocity (fps)


Pluto Saturn, Source: NASA

Solar Hyperbolic Landing on Natural Satellites
Excess (co-planar)
0 After the vehicle is established in a capture or
0 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K 90K 100K
Earth Launch Velocity (fps) bit, its manner of transfer to final circular orbit
should depend on the radius of final orbit. If
Figure 4-13 — Planetary arrival velocities the final orbit is less than about five planetary
Upon arrival at another planet, braking veloc radii, the vehicle should atmospherically brake
ity will be applied except in the case of a flyby if possible an amount of velocity upon reach
mission. It may be desired to land on the ing next periapsis so that the subsequent apo
planet, go into orbit about the planet for sur apsis would be at the desired orbital radius.
veillance, or go into an orbit as part of the The velocity required to establish orbit is
process of landing on one of the planet’s natu added at subsequent apoapsis. If the final orbit
ral satellites. The large planets Jupiter, Saturn, is greater than five planetary radii, the vehicle
Uranus, and Neptune  have large gravity should add an amount of velocity at initial
fields to aid in the eciency of braking. Figure apoapsis to raise the periapsis to the desired
414 shows the actual braking velocity which radius, then subtract the necessary velocity to
must be applied at each of the planets to go establish orbit upon reaching periapsis. The
into an elliptical orbit with apoapsis of 100 velocities to be added or subtracted at final or
planetary radii. The very strong attenuation of bit injection for the major planets are shown in
the arrival velocities of Figure 413 by the the curves of Figure 415.
planetary gravity fields is evident.

Thrust Into Space 55

Velocity requirements to match orbital veloci Thousands have been discovered. Their total
ties and land on various satellites also are mass has been estimated to be about three
shown in Figure 415 under the assumption the percent of our Moon’s mass. The four largest
orbitmatching maneuver takes place in close asteroids are listed in the table on page 43. If
proximity to the satellite involved. Although the asteroid belt does represent a shattered
16,000 feet per second would permit landing and hence premined planet, as many people
on almost all satellites of all planets, the Gali believe, it was a very small one. Even so, if the
lean satellites of Jupiter could not be reached. material in the asteroid belt were distributed
Eighteenthousand feet per second would give uniformly over the land surface of Earth, it
the ability to reach Callisto. The hardest to would form a layer about 2.75 miles deep. That
reach  Io, would require 26,000 feet per sec is quite a mining operation, spectacularly so, if
ond. the material turns out to be dierent from
Landing on Satellites of Major Planets Earth.
Apoapsis of Capture Orbit = 100 Planetary Radii
30K If iron meteorites do represent material from
Europa the core of a planet which existed there, an
Velocity (fps)

20K Callisto iron asteroid one mile in diameter containing

Rhea Triton
Titan Jupiter nine percent nickel typical of meteorite per
10K ng
Ri centages would supply the current world pro
Uranus duction rate 400,000 tons in 1962 for over
0 10 100 4,000 years. Since iron meteorites contain
Orbit Radius/Planet Radius about 0.5 percent cobalt, the same asteroid
Figure 4-15 — Payload velocity requirements
might supply current cobalt needs for even
longer. The asteroids are typical of space ob
jects which would be of great interest, if trans
Asteroids and Comets
portation problems could be solved.
Asteroids are relatively small objects which ex
ist mostly in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Thrust Into Space 56

Table 6 — Selected Comets

Comets Perihelion Aphelion Period Perihelion

Distance (AU) Distance (AU) (Years) Passage Time
Encke 0.339 4.09 3.30 1967912

GriggSkjellerup 0.855 4.88 4.90 19661124

Tempel 2 1.369 4.68 5.27 1967818

Forbes 1.545 5.36 6.42 19671221

WolfHarrington 1.604 5.37 6.51 1971819

D’Arrest 1.378 5.73 6.70 1967617

Reinmuth 2 1.933 5.18 6.71 1967811

Borrelly 1.452 5.88 7.02 1967620

Faye 1.652 5.95 7.41 19691229

ComasSola 1.777 6.61 8.59 1969114

NeujMin 1 1.547 12.17 17.95 1966125

StephanOterma 1.596 21.4 38.96 1942

BrorsenMetcalf 0.485 33.0 69.06 19191017

Olbers 1.179 32.4 69.57 1887108

PonsBrooks 0.774 33.5 70.88 1884126

Halley 0.587 35.0 76.03 1910420

HerschelRigollet 0.748 56.9 156.0 193989

GriggMellish 0.923 58.6 164.3 1907

Comets exist in many dierent varieties and thought to consist of large masses of ice of
with many dierent orbits. They seem to various sorts, ranging from 0.5 to 5 miles in di
group roughly into two classes, the short pe ameter. As they approach the Sun, solar radia
riod comets which have orbits with aphelion tion causes evaporation and creates brilliant
less than Jupiter’s orbit, and long period com gas heads and spectacular tails. The previous
ets with extremely large aphelion and periods Table 6 lists various comets.
of hundreds of years. It is not possible to de
No attempt will be made to discuss the many
termine the orbit of some comets accurately
dierent requirements created by the wide va
enough to be absolutely sure that the comet is
riety of orbits possessed by asteroids and com
a member of the solar system. Comets are

Thrust Into Space 57

ets. Asteroid velocity requirements will cer a time Point A after which it becomes more
tainly fall within the velocities needed to cover sensible to wait until Point B for launch, since
all planetary systems. Likewise, cometary ve the arrival time would be the same. Between
locity requirements will not be great, providing Points A and B, one would simply be storing
the orbit is known in advance to sucient ac the vehicle in space rather than on Earth.
curacy. By firing a probe to the aphelion of a Thus, although a completely open arrival win
comet, it would be possible to match trajecto dow is available, launching should occur only
ries with only small velocity input, and thus to about half the time.
land on or fly formation with the comet during Additional constraints are evident. A com
its complete orbit of the Sun. pletely open arrival window requires a maxi
Newly discovered comets are quite a dierent mum flight time of 490 days. One might de
matter, as velocity requirements to intercept cide arbitrarily to limit this value to some
the comet after detection, but prior to solar smaller number. If so, both arrival and launch
passage, could become extremely large. windows will be correspondingly reduced. A
plot of launch and arrival windows, as a func
Synodic Period Effects — tion of maximum flight time, is shown in Fig
One-Way Transfer ure 417.
Launch Velocity = 60,000 fps
Atmospheric Braking at Mars
Excess velocity capability may be used to open 1.0
the launch windows to the planets. Mars and

Mars Behind Sun

Venus present the greater launch window
problems, since they have long synodic peri Arrival
ods, as already explained. The definition of a
Synodic Period

launch window at high velocities is more com 0.6


plicated than it might at first seem. A discus Window
sion of Mars will be sucient to illustrate the 0.4
phenomena involved.
The contours shown in Figure 416 are the 0.2
curves of travel time from Earth to Mars as a
function of launch day for a total launch veloc
ity of 60,000 feet per second. The relationship 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
between two succeeding synodic periods is Maximum Flight Time (days)

shown utilizing the same contours as an ap Figure 4-17 — Earth-Mars launch windows
At least one other limitation exists. If one uses
Atmospheric Braking at Mars, Launch Velocity = 60,000 fps
Contours Were Calculated for 1964-1965 Launch Period the completely open arrival window, then part
500 A of the time Mars will be on the opposite side
of the Sun from Earth. Direct communication
Travel Time (days)

400 Regions of M Regions of

Possible Launch ar Possible Launch

eh Operations is not possible then. Data must be stored for
later transmission, or a communication relay
200 planetoid in solar orbit must be used. Until
100 such a planetoid is available, it is desirable to
Launch Window
Arrival Window know when during the synodic period this
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 problem exists.
Launch Date (days)
Accordingly, the band of time during which
Figure 4-16 — Earth-Mars launch windows
Mars is hidden from Earth by the Sun is shown
Although it is possible to launch at any time of in Figure 416 and 417. Perhaps one should
the year with 60,000 feet per second, there is limit maximum flight time to about 280 days.

Thrust Into Space 58

This avoids the problem of Mars being behind Typical operational regions for maximum
the Sun on arrival, and allows arrival windows travel time of 200 days are shown. With
of approximately 53 percent of the synodic pe 100,000 feet per second total velocity, opera
riod and launch windows of 44 percent. These tion from Earth to Mars would be possible 36
numbers decrease about 10 percent if propul percent of the time and from Mars to Earth 82
sive braking, rather than atmospheric braking, percent of the time. Regardless of the velocity,
is required at Mars. travel during favorable periods can be done
with shorter flight times or greater cargo loads.
A considerable investigation of high launch ve
Even among the planets, there will be tourist
locities for Mars and Venus is required for a
number of dierent synodic periods before
these requirements can be ascertained. It ap Curves of the sort shown in Figure 418 must
pears, however, that 60,000 feet per second be calculated to and from all planets of interest
launch velocity will permit operation to Mars for various launch velocities to ascertain the
for at least 40 percent of the time. This corre exact velocities required for interplanetary
sponds to about a oneyear launch window. Ve flight. One must consider the use of swingbys
nus should have a more open launch window at of other planets, and some cases where mid
comparable launch velocities. Thus, the use of course impulses  either nearer or farther
launch velocities as high as 60,000 feet per from the Sun  reduce the velocities. It is not
second can vastly alleviate launch window in possible to present the velocity requirements
conveniences. for interplanetary flight in a few simple curves.
Voluminous calculations of many actual cases
Synodic Period Effects-Round Trips have now been made and the interested stu
dent can find many sets of curves similar to
As earlier indicated, one of the very unfortu those seen in Figure 418.
nate eects of the Hohmann Transfer method
is the necessity of waiting until the planets are
in the proper position for the return flight.
Lunar Refueling
The manner in which this is reduced, by using If it were possible to refuel rocket vehicles on
extra launch velocity at both planets, is shown the moon, large reductions in total vehicle
in Figure 418. Travel time from Earth to Mars weight required for transporting cargo to and
is plotted above the axis with travel time from from the moon would be possible. The total
Mars to Earth below. In both cases, atmos impulsive velocity requirement to go to the
pheric braking up to 1.5 VE is assumed. Several moon and return with atmospheric braking at
contours are shown up to a maximum of earth is about 58,000 feet per second. Of this,
60,000 feet per second launch velocity for 30,000 feet per second is required to reach
Earth and 40,000 feet per second for Mars. earth orbital velocity; 11,400 feet per second to
Hohmann Point Earth to Mars inject from earth orbital velocity to lunar tran
,00 50 sit velocity and provide for guidance correc
60,000 ,00

200 0 0
tions, and 18,600 feet per second for landing


Travel Time (days)

100 on the moon and returning. Instead of one

58,000 foot per second rocket vehicle, imagine
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Launch Time (days) 40,000
using two vehicles performing the same mis
30 sion  one earthbased and one moonbased.
40,000 ,00
200 30,000
20,000 20,000
One could use a 30,000 foot per second vehi
300 cle to take the payload to earth orbit, have a
Mars to Earth
Curve Numbers Indicate Total Velocity (fps) 28,000 foot per second lunarbased vehicle
cometo earth orbit using aerodynamic brak
Figure 4-18 — Round trip synodic period effects ing to enter earth orbit, pick up the payload,

Thrust Into Space 59

return, and land on the moon. Thus, two vehi this initial fuel expenditure is only a factor of
cles of roughly half velocity capability would be two greater than that for the orbital case.
used to do the job of one vehicle.
The initial creation of the lunar facility would
The eect of doing this is startling. A single be expected to be substantially more dicult
stage vehicle using high energy chemical pro than the earth orbital facility, since much
pulsion would require a gross weight to payload higher total velocities must be used prior to
ratio of about 20 to reach 30,000 feet per sec the time that refueling capability exists on the
ond. It would require very light structures to moon’s surface. The establishment of a refuel
do this without staging. If completely earth ing facility might be done relatively quickly,
based vehicles of this sort were used, a total with luck, or it might require years or decades
gross weight to payload ratio of 20 x 20 or 400 of scientific research and engineering pros
would be required. If a lunarbased vehicle pecting before the proper materials could be
picked up the payload from the earthbased found. Therefore, the relative initial expendi
vehicle, 20+20, or 40, would be the total gross ture involved is highly speculative.
weight to payload ratio required. The total
In both cases, the continuing expenditure of
rocket weight to perform the operation would
supplies necessary to operate the facilities can
be reduced by a factor of 10. This strong eect
have a strong eect on their utility. Food, air,
occurs because fuel already at a place the
and equipment necessary to maintain the facil
moon, which requires a large amount of en
ity must all be brought from earth. If the
ergy to reach from earth, is essentially fuel
amount of supplies required per pound of fuel
which already has that much additional energy
available becomes too high, then the utility of
content with respect to earth. To an observer
either system, compared to direct earth
on earth, the lunarbased rocket looks like a
launch, will be seriously eroded. In the case of
very high energy vehicle.
the lunar facility, it will require twice the fuel
It is frequently stated that the establishment expenditure to bring supplies to the moon,
of large space stations on earth orbit is the key even if lunarbased rockets are used in the
to planetary exploration, since special vehicles process. This disadvantage would be countered
can be prepared and launched from these sta to the extent that success was achieved in ob
tions. Compared to lunarbased vehicles, this is taining food, water, or oxygen from the moon
a highly debatable point, simply because there itself. The point is simply that the case for the
is not a fuel supply on earth orbit. If we com earth orbital station is not obvious. Under
pare the two cases after each base is estab some circumstances, a lunar base would have
lished  a space station for launching from greater utility.
earth orbit and a lunar refueling and launch
The possible use of lunar refueling is a fasci
base  the expenditure of 8,300 feet per sec
nating prospect. In the exploration of this
ond by the lunarbased vehicle results in the
planet 500 years ago, living o the land was a
generation of earth escape velocity and no fuel
common technique of explorers. It was impor
need be brought from earth to accomplish this. tant to the crews to find food and fresh water
For the orbitalbased rocket, the generation of for resupply at their destination. In space ex
10,400 feet per second is required to create ploration, the supplying of food, water, and air
earth escape velocity and the fuel with which for the crew may not be nearly as important as
to do this as well as the remainder of the mis the care and feeding of the rockets. The im
sion must be ferried up from earth. portance of finding fuel supplies on the moon
It is more dicult to get the space vehicle to which can be used in supporting whatever
the moon in the first place than it is to place it transportation system is utilized for travel on
in the earth orbital facility. Since lunarbased the moon itself is obvious. In light of modern
refuelers can help it get to the moon, however, technology, transporting fuel from one plane

Thrust Into Space 60

tary body to another for any great length of Liquid Propellant Rockets
time in order to supply local transportation
needs on the second body would seem ridicu Liquid rockets suitable for space applications
lous. have already started to take on a dierent
complexion from those developed for ballistic
missile use. The velocity region is higher;
Planetary Refueling therefore, the need for high specific impulse is
Virtually everything which has been said about greater. Though more exotic propellants may
a lunar refueling base applies to all the planets. be harder to handle, their use is often justified.
In the minor planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Space missions do not always require the in
and Pluto  such bases would have to be on stant alert capabilities of weapons, and it is
their surfaces, except for a possible base on possible to put up with less convenient propel
one of Mars’ two small moons. It remains to be lants if their performance is higher.
seen whether Pluto’s surface is too cold or Ve
The cargo to be carried to space is much
nus too hot for such operations. Bases on the
greater than that carried by ICBM’s. Nuclear
major planet’s forbidding surfaces appear out
warhead technology can make small ICBM’s
of the question, but fortunately, they all have
equivalent to large ones, but man cannot be
natural satellite systems around them. All, ex
miniaturized, and the paraphernalia required
cept Uranus, have at least one natural satellite
for his work and pleasure, no matter how
of the same size category as our Moon. It
greatly reduced, is endless. For fundamental
would, therefore, seem logical to have refueling
reasons, space rockets will be larger and of
bases on these satellites. Were such bases es
higher performance than terrestrial weapon
tablished, then at some future date it would be
delivery rockets.
easier to penetrate to the planet’s surface, with
the operations mounted from the refueling
bases on the satellites. Space Storable Liquid Propellants
As an example of the comparative benefits to Storage in the vacuum of space, when sub
be gained by refueling at a planet, we can ex jected to solar radiation and micrometeorite
amine the case of Mars. The Earth launch ve hazards, is quite dierent from storage at the
locity contours shown in Figure 418 are re bottom of the Earth’s atmosphere. The ex
duced by 28,400 feet per second if launch oc tremes of solar radiation flux presented to
curs from the Moon. A rocket of 30,000 foot propellant tanks will be far greater than is
per second velocity capability operating be achievable on Earth. Eventually we will want
tween the Moon and Mars, which could be re propellants which are storable as far in toward
fueled at either place, is equivalent to an the Sun as Mercury is and as far out as Pluto.
88,400 footpersecond nonrefueled Earth The stabilized temperatures achieved by a
based rocket. It could maintain operation dur properly shielded space container may be so
ing about 33 percent of the synodic period, cold that a cryogenic propellant refrigerated
with maximum travel time of about six on Earth is suitable for storage in space.
months. A far better operation than is com A number of propellant combinations have
monly assumed could be mounted between been suggested as space storable liquid propel
Earth, Moon, and Mars, using chemical rock lants which need no special insulation. Some
ets, if it were possible to refuel at each place. It are listed in the table on page 64. The per
would seem that with such great gains, the es formance of some of these combinations is
tablishment of refueling bases of high e quite high. Oxygen difluoridediborane has a
ciency should be one of the highest priority vacuum specific impulse over 400 seconds,
aspects of any space program. which compares reasonably well with high en
ergy cryogenic propellants. Only a small

Thrust Into Space 61

amount of actual engine development work rocket engine in existence. Five of them will
utilizing any of these propellant combinations power the first stage of the Saturn V moon
has occurred. There is, however, an obvious rocket which will weigh six million pounds at
need for some form of spacestorable propel takeo. The exhaust power of the five engines
lant in the future. will be about 57 million horsepower at launch.
Any solid propellant competing for these ap The fiveengine cluster has been successfully
plications must produce a vacuum specific im tested.
pulse in the vicinity of 400 seconds, and be
able to stand the temperature environment
likely to be encountered after extended soak
periods in deep space.
Since low temperature has always been one of
the problems of solid propellants, new ideas in
the solid propellant field, comparable to the
introduction of modern chemicals and case
bonding grain techniques, will be required if
solid propellants are to compete with space

Cryogenic Liquid Propellants

The fact that the United States was not first
into space was bad enough. When it became Saturn V First Stage Engine Cluster, Source: NASA
clear that a rocket much larger than anything
that existed in the United States was being High Energy Cryogenic Propellants
used at that time, it was an additional blow to
the American ego. Whether this larger Russian In spite of the need for large rocket engines, it
rocket was a good or bad weapon was beside is clear that higher performance engines are
the point. It was still a good space rocket. also required. That hydrogen was one of the
Consequently, the United States plunged into most energetic of rocket fuels had been known
the development of larger rockets with tradi for a long time. Enough experimental work
tional vigor, a vigor so great that people now had been done on the combination of hydro
seem to equate rocket performance merely gen and oxygen by the time of Sputnik to indi
with size, regardless of the velocity achieved. cate the feasibility of placing this propellant
combination into service. The advantages are
One of the rocket engines, put into develop many. This combination seems to burn
ment as a possible component for future large smoothly with a minimum of combustion in
rockets, was the F1 engine. It produces 1.5 mil stabilities. The specific impulse is substantial
lion pounds of thrust using liquid oxygen and compared to oxygenkerosene. Hydrogen
kerosene as propellants. The engine by itself is oxygen in vacuum gives about 430 seconds
40 percent as long as and over 50 percent as specific impulse see table on page 64.
heavy as a loaded V2. The nozzle exit diameter
is double a V2’s maximum diameter. The tur As usual, there are disadvantages. Hydrogen
bine driving the turbopump produces about and oxygen form an explosive mixture over an
50,000 horsepower. As of 1965, a number of unusually wide range of mixture ratios and fear
these monsters had been successfully run in of explosive hazard was high. Of all the cryo
static tests for durations of three minutes. The genic materials, hydrogen has the lowest boil
F1 is, as far as is known, the largest liquid ing temperature except for helium. It boils at
only 37°F above absolute zero which is well

Thrust Into Space 62

over 100°F colder than liquid oxygen. The table on page 64 shows some possibilities. Hy
handling requirements and insulation tech drogen fluorine has the highest specific im
niques would be expected to be more severe pulse of two propellant combinations, about
with hydrogen than with oxygen. 20 seconds higher than hydrogenoxygen. This
Hydrogen is the lightest substance known. does not seem a very spectacular performance
While the oxygenkerosene combination has improvement. Hydrogenfluorine, however,
roughly the same density as water about 63 burns at very high mixture ratios. It is possible
pounds per cubic foot, liquid hydrogen weighs that 12 pounds of fluorine per pound of hydro
only four pounds per cubic foot. This penalty gen or more will be achieved. The amount of
of a factor of 15 in tank volume is alleviated by hydrogen carried would be small enough so
the fact that hydrogenoxygen engines utilize that the large volume penalties of hydrogen
about five times as much oxygen as hydrogen. tanks in a hydrogenoxygen rocket would be
The total tankage for a hydrogenoxygen alleviated. Therefore, the ’s of a hydrogen
fluorine stage could be higher than a compara
rocket requires about three times the volume
ble hydrogen oxygen stage.
of a comparable weight of oxygenkerosene.
To date, highenergy propellants have been
In spite of the volume disadvantages and ex
used only as upper stages, but it is worth con
plosive hazards involved, the performance gain
sidering their use in first stages as well. Though
seemed worth the eort of putting hydrogen
many people view this as inappropriate, there
oxygen rockets into the inventory. It has been
are no valid reasons against it. Using hydrogen
borne out to be a proper decision. Hydrogen
oxygen in the first stage will yield not a smaller
requires special handling, but so do oxygen,
vehicle, due to the required large size of hy
nitric acid and other rocket propellants which
drogen tanks, but a substantially lighter one.
have been successfully utilized. Insulation
The use of hydrogenfluorine in all stages of a
techniques at very low temperatures have been
vehicle will yield both a lighter and smaller ve
forthcoming. Explosions have been rare. Utili
hicle. For earth orbital velocities, the dier
zation of hydrogen in rockets does not cause
ence between hydrogen fluorine and hydrogen
any greater diculties than other propellant
oxygen is not great. For lunar mission or for
solar escape velocities, however, the eects can
The first hydrogenoxygen engine of apprecia be large.
ble size was the RL10 engine with a vacuum
Rockets sketched in Figure 419 represent dif
thrust of about 15,000 pounds. Two of these
ferent designs to meet lunar landing and return
power the Centaur and six of them the Saturn
requirements. Two rockets are shown com
SIV upper stages. Both have been flown suc
pared to the Apollo/Saturn V. One uses
cessfully to orbit. Under development is an
hydrogenoxygen and the other hydrogen
other hydrogenoxygen engine, the J2, with a
fluorine in all stages, including those which
thrust of around 200,000 pounds. This engine
land and take o from the moon’s surface.
will power the Saturn SIVB upper stage, and
Both are able to take a 10,000pound payload
five of them will power the Saturn SII second
heavier than the Gemini capsule to the moon
stage. A hydrogen oxygen engine with a thrust
and back by direct flight. ’s are assumed
of about 1.5 million pounds, the M1, has been
roughly appropriate for each propellant com
partially developed as a possible engine for fu
bination. The hydrogenfluorine rocket could
ture vehicles.
do the lunar mission with less than one million
Clearly, hydrogenoxygen will be used in the pounds launch weight, or for less than the size
immediate future. This brings up the question of the Saturn I vehicle instead of the Saturn V.
of whether or not better high energy liquid
chemical propellants might be available. The

Thrust Into Space 63

Table 7 — Theoretical Liquid Propellant Performance Equilibrium Flow (Frozen Flow)

acuum,  = 40 Sea Level
Oxidizer Fuel Mixture Specific Isp Isp
Ratio Gravity (seconds) (seconds)

Oxygen cryogenic Hydrogen cryogenic 4.50 0.31 456 446 391

Hydrogen cryogenic Beryllium 0.92 0.24 536 526 458

Fluorine cryogenic Hydrogen cryogenic 9.00 0.50 475 450 411

Hydrogen cryogenic Lithium 0.85 0.17 505 479 432

Hydrazine 2.34 1.31 424 369 364

Ammonia 3.31 1.12 416 365 360

OxygenDifluoride Hydrogen cryogenic 7.00 0.43 465 446 401

space storable
Kerosene 3.80 1.28 396 348 341

Hydrazine 1.62 1.27 397 354 339

Diborane space storable 3.82 1.0 429 380 365

NitrogenTetroxide HydrazineBeryllium 0.45 1.18 384 372 326

MMHBeryllium 1.08 1.20 376 355 315

MMHAluminum 0.83 1.30 351 397 339

Hydrazine Diborane space storable 1.16 0.63 401 397 339

Pentaborane 1.26 0.79 390 381 328

Thrust Into Space 64

hydrogen and fluorine is hydrofluoric acid
which is also a toxic compound. Fluorine,
however, is no worse than a number of propel
lants used in the past. Nitric acid is, after all,
nothing to be eaten for dinner; yet, many anti
300 aircraft missiles using this propellant were at
one time deployed in the United States.
The comparison between fluorine and nitrogen
Feet 200 tetroxide is particularly interesting. The con
10,000 lb Spacecraft
to Moon and Return, centration which causes damage is essentially
Direct Flight
the same. Fluorine’s odor is readily detected
Hydrogen-Oxygen when its concentration reaches the level which
100 is toxic. Nitrogen tetroxide is virtually odor
less. Thus, it would seem hard to believe that
fluorine is actually as dangerous as nitrogen
tetroxide to use around people. Yet we do not
6,000,000 2,000,000 950,000 seem concerned about using nitrogen tetroxide
Launch Weight (lbs) as one of the propellants in the Titan II launch
vehicle which has been used to launch the two
Figure 4-19 — High-performance chemical rockets
manned Gemini capsule to orbit.
There are many reasons why the United States
did not pursue an all hydrogenfluorine moon It is unfortunate that fluorine etches glass and
rocket. The state of fluorine engines was no that almost every technical person has learned
where near as advanced as hydrogen oxygen. this while studying high school chemistry. Eve
The largest hydrogenfluorine thrust chamber ryone knows fluorine is toxic. It is compatible
fired as of 1965 is a 40,000 pound thrust unit. with many dierent metals and vast quantities
have been manufactured and used without any
In using either hydrogenoxygen or hydrogen trouble. Some day we may see manned lunar
fluorine engines for lunar landing and takeo, operations performed with the relatively small
fears have been expressed about the inability hydrogenfluorine rockets shown in Figure 4
to insulate successfully the cryogenic propel 19.
lants for a suciently long period of time. The
development in recent years of super insula Exotic Liquid Propellants
tions, however, indicates that insulation prob
lems could be solved. Super insulations work Hydrogenfluorine rockets are by no means the
by using multiple layers of foils as radiation end of the chemical rocket development
barriers, usually with a vacuum of space be stream. Several interesting three chemical
tween foil layers to reduce convection and combinations, known as tripropellants, are
conduction. When landing during the lunar being investigated. Some of these tri
night, there will not be a large thermal input propellants are shown in the table on page 64.
from the lunar surface. If landing occurred dur Theoretical calculations indicate that
ing the lunar day, some sort of sunshade could hydrogenoxygenberyllium should produce a
be erected. specific impulse over 500 seconds. Up to the
present time, only small combustion tests have
Fear of using fluorine in the first stages is been made with tripropellants, and the degree
based on its toxicity. It could be dangerous if to which theoretical performance can be real
released in quantity in case of an accident. One ized is as yet uncertain.
of the principal products of the combustion of

Thrust Into Space 65

It is conceivable that hybrid rockets will be a The chamber pressure of rocket engines is a
way of utilizing tripropellants. In spite of their source of constant discussion among rocket
low molecular weights, both beryllium hydride propulsion engineers. With solid engines, all
and lithium hydride are solid materials, as is propellant is contained within the thrust
beryllium oxide. The previous comments that chamber, and it is not possible to change ap
solid rockets probably cannot achieve very preciably this chamber volume. It is, therefore,
high energy performance applies because both usually desirable to develop grains which burn
fuel and oxidizer cannot be found in solid eciently at low pressures in order to reduce
form. A portion of it can, so hybrid rockets total engine plus propellant tank weight. It
may be able to match liquids. Which type will would seem natural that the same trend would
achieve the highest combustion and nozzle ef follow in liquid engines. Lower combustion
ficiency is only a matter of speculation. pressures would result in lighter weight thrust
Other combinations are of interest. Ozone chambers, and pump power and weight would
gives about eight percent more specific im be smaller if a lower pressure were used see
pulse than oxygen with either kerosene or hy Equation 116.
drogen. No one has succeeded in stabilizing Later engine designs dispute this logic. If a
ozone to a degree which seems safe to handle. higher chamber pressure is used in a liquid
Some research has been done on the use of thrust chamber, the size of the chamber is re
both free radicals and metastable compounds duced. The throat area comes down by inverse
as even more energetic chemical propellants. proportion to the chamber pressure and other
Use of the highest energyfree radical known dimensions come down accordingly. The stress
atomic hydrogen would yield a specific impulse in the wall of a spherical container is given by
of about 1,200 seconds. As with ozone, no the expression:
convincing progress in handling these highly
reactive systems has yet been reported. = 47
Undoubtedly, under the impetus of the thrust
into space, much more will be learned about where  = material stress in pounds per square
these combinations in the next few years. If inch; p = internal pressure in pounds per square
rocket development history is any indication, inch; r = radius of sphere in inches; and  = wall
means will be found to use some of the exotic thickness in inches. This expression also ap
combinations, and a further increase in specific plies to the longitudinal stress in a cylinder,
impulse of high energy chemical propellants although the hoop stress is twice the value. For
can be expected. all shapes, the stress is proportional to pr/.
The weight of pressure shell will be simply its
New Types of Engines area times thickness, or making use of Equa
tion 47:
The basic shape of rocket engines has changed
little since Goddard’s early experiments. Prior Aco pr
wco  Acot  48
to that, rockets were very lowpressure devices 2
which frequently used paper cases and had no
where Wco = engine chamber weight; and Aco =
eective nozzle. Goddard contributed the
surface area of chamber. For similar shaped en
highpressure case and added a DeLaval noz
gines of constant thrust, Aco times p is constant
zle. Ever since, rockets have had cylindrical or
just as throat area times p is constant. For
spherical chambers with DeLaval nozzles at
equally stressed chambers the weight is de
the back. Many improvements in nozzle design
creased proportionally to the radius. The sav
have been made, and modern bellshaped noz
ing in total surface area which must be covered
zles are more ecient and of shorter length
than the original conical nozzles.

Thrust Into Space 66

more than makes up for the additional material nozzle concept can be made to function with a
thickness to contain the higher pressures. continuously toroidal combustion chamber,
The actual situation is more complicated, but with linear segmented chambers, or by putting
Equation 48 indicates how one can obtain a individual high pressure engines around the
lighter thrust chamber. Weight penalties in base. In the aerodynamic nozzle, the plug is
modern turbopumps are suciently small that created aerodynamically by injecting about two
very high pressure engines plus turbopumps percent of the flow into the center of the base
are still considerably lighter than their lower at low pressure. The eect of the interaction
pressure equivalents. This permits an addi of the two flow patterns is almost as if there
tional improvement in specific impulse be were a physical plug in the center.
cause some of the space and weight decrease Plug nozzles of all types are altitude
can be used to include a higher expansion ratio compensated to a large extent. They behave
nozzle, which will give a higher specific im almost as if an optimally expanded nozzle were
pulse in vacuum. With high internal pressure, used at each altitude. This occurs, as illustrated
the nozzle is more properly expanded at sea in Figure 420, because the exhaust flow is free
level even with a high expansion ratio. A typi to form only a narrow tube at high pressures,
cal normal engine has Pc/Pa = 20 at sea level but equally free to expand outward at low pres
while a high pressure engine might have 200. A sures.
high pressure engine, consequently, does not Low Altitude Exhaust
High Altitude Exhaust
have as great a variation of specific impulse
with altitude as a lowpressure engine see Fig
ure 14. Serious proposals exist for engines
with operating pressures of 3,000 pounds per
square inch, or about 10 times the operating
pressure of current liquid rocket engines. This
is one promising approach to new engine de
signs. Conventional Expansion Plug Aerodynamic Plug
Deflection (Cluster Chambers) (Toroidal Chamber)
High pressure engines with conventional noz
zles still look like a relative of Goddard’s Figure 4-20 — New engine types
rocket engines. Other types of engines being In the case of a toroidal engine with aerody
investigated do not remotely resemble rocket namic nozzle, the complete engine plus nozzle
engines. Many attempts to cut nozzle length looks like a small spare tire wrapped around
drastically, or to use the aft part of the rocket the end of the fuel tank. They may not look
vehicle as part of the nozzle, have been consid like rocket engines but there is no doubt that
ered. Some possibilities are shown in Figure 4 recent ideas on building rocket engines have
20. The expansion deflection nozzle works by exciting possibilities in terms of better specific
ejecting the hot gases sideways where they are impulse, lighter weight, and greater conven
then turned by a suitably curved surface in a ience in overall vehicle design. It would not be
shock expansion process. It looks like a short, surprising if most rocket engines a decade
conventional rocket. hence were to look vastly dierent from the
The family of plug nozzle engines are inside standard rocket engine of today.
out rocket engines, with the combustion
chamber a large ring around the base of the Nuclear Thermal Rockets
vehicle and the flow expanding into the base
The conversion of mass to energy is governed
behind the vehicle. Pressure forces on the base
by Einstein’s famous equation:
correspond to the pressure forces inside the
expansion cone of a normal nozzle. The plug E = mc 2 49

Thrust Into Space 67

where c = velocity of light in feet per second. pellants, damage equipment, and induce radio
Putting the velocity of light 983 million feet activity in the structures unless selected mate
per second into Equation 49 gives 3 x 1016 rials were used. Use of nuclear reactions in
footpounds as the energy which would be re volves a shielding penalty not suered by
leased by the complete conversion of a pound chemical rockets. Despite shielding problems,
of mass into energy. This is 17 billion times the the tremendous energy release of nuclear rock
energy release per pound of smokeless powder. ets makes their eventual utilization almost in
Only a portion of this energy is released in nu evitable.
clear reactions. In fission reactions, large nuclei The most obvious way of using nuclear energy
such as uranium 235 are split apart by neutrons. in rockets is to put a small reactor in the
In the process, other neutrons are released rocket chamber and use it to heat a propellant.
which in turn split other atoms. The weight of This is known as a solid core nuclear rocket.
all the pieces is less than the original atoms by Figure 421 shows such a rocket concept. The
the amount of energy produced. In fission re first nuclear rocket, actually a test device too
actions, from 0.072 to 0.12 percent of the mass heavy to fly and hence named Kiwi, was fired
is converted to energy. This, if it could be con in Nevada, USA on July 1, 1959.
verted to exhaust velocity with perfect e
ciency, would give a specific impulse of from
1.16 to 1.50 million seconds see Equation 112.
If the amount of nuclear material is too small,
large surface area compared to mass will allow
too many neutrons to escape, and a sustained
chain reaction will not be possible. The mini
mum mass required for nuclear fission is called
the critical mass.
In fusion reactions, light nuclei such as hydro
gen are forced together by high temperature
impacts and fuse into heavier nuclei such as
helium. The weight of the final helium is less
than the original hydrogen by the amount of
energy released. Fusion reactions typically
convert from 0.7 to 0.9 percent of the mass to
energy, or about 10 times the energy per pound
of fission reactions. The specific impulse with Kiwi-A Rocket Engine, Source: AEC
perfect eciency would be from 3.6 to 4.1 mil Unfortunately, a solid core nuclear rocket is
lion seconds. As of 1965, sustained controlled limited in its performance potential. To obtain
fusion reactions have not been achieved. a high exhaust velocity in a thermal rocket, it is
The fission process, unfortunately, is not as necessary to heat the gas in the combustion
simple as described. When atoms fission, they chamber to a high temperature see Equation
may break in several dierent ways. Hence, a 114. The nuclear reactor must be hotter than
variety of pieces, fission products, result. Some the propellant; otherwise, heat will not flow to
are radioactive and must be safely handled. In it from the reactor. The highest temperature
addition, such nuclear radiations as beta parti which can be reached within a solid core
cles high velocity electrons and gamma rays rocket is the temperature at which the reactor
high energy xrays are produced. Even if fis would melt. Thus, materials considerations
sion products were no problem, radiation and limit the temperature which can be achieved.
stray neutrons would heat structures and pro

Thrust Into Space 68

The highest known melting point of a material Not all neutrons produced by a fissioning
hafnium carbide is about 7500°F. process are alike. Some are produced immedi
For a given temperature, the highest specific ately and called prompt neutrons. Others are
impulse is obtained with the lightest molecular delayed, appearing as much as minutes later.
weight propellant see Equation 114. Neutrons are given o with a wide spectrum of
velocities. The fast ones are called fast spec
Propellant trum or fast neutrons. All prompt neutrons
have relatively high velocities and are classified
as “fast” neutrons. If the neutron’s velocity is
Reflector such that its temperature is the same as the
Control Rods
material through which it is moving, the neu
tron is said to be in thermal equilibrium with
its surroundings. It is called a thermal neutron.
Thermal neutron velocities are only about 0.05
Uranium Fuel Dispersed
percent of the velocity of the slowest “fast”
in Graphite Moderator neutrons.
Thermal neutrons react more readily than fast
neutrons with the uranium they pass through.
Figure 4-21 — Graphite solid-core engine
A reactor which operates with thermal neu
The most logical propellant to use is hydrogen trons can have a smaller critical mass than a
 the lightest known substance. Heated to reactor using fast neutrons. A moderator is a
about 5000°F, hydrogen gives a specific im substance which slows down moderates the
pulse of about 1,000 seconds. For this specific velocity of the neutrons. A thermal reactor car
impulse, Equation 111 gives 16.1 million foot ries much less uranium for critical mass, but
pounds as the kinetic energy of the exhaust per must pay the penalty of carrying the modera
pound of propellant. Hence, the materials limi tor. Also it cannot contain any elements which
tation on a solid core nuclear rocket is so se are poisonous to thermal neutrons. Since many
vere that less than onemillionth of the fission metals are poisonous to thermal neutrons, the
energy release per pound possible can be number of them which may be used in thermal
placed in the exhaust jet. reactors is seriously limited.
Nuclear rockets under active development in
Moderated Solid Core Rockets the United States as of 1965 Nerva are of the
Operating reactor temperatures must be sub graphitemoderated thermal variety. The thrust
stantially below material melting temperatures. is about 55,000 pounds, the specific impulse
The material must contain nuclear fuel, and about 745 seconds, and the power of the reac
this will usually adversely aect the material. tor about 1100 megawatts. Although 1100
The reactor must retain adequate strength, and megawatts seems small producing only 55,000
materials become weaker at higher tempera pounds of thrust, it is 1.1 million kilowatts 1.5
tures before melting. Materials which can be million horsepower, or enough power to sup
used also are limited by their nuclear charac ply the average needs of a city of 500,000
teristics. The neutrons which sustain the reac people if produced continuously and converted
tion are aected in dierent ways by dierent to electricity with perfect eciency.
materials. Some materials absorb neutrons and A typical, large stationary nuclear power plant
act as poisons to the reaction. Others reflect now operating  the Dresden Station in Mor
neutrons. Others, such as graphite, are known ris, Illinois, USA  produces only 700,000
as neutron moderators. kilowatts of thermal energy 208,000 kilowatts
of electricity. Although it can run continu

Thrust Into Space 69

ously rocket reactors cannot, the volume of than that of thermal reactors. The reason is
the Dresden reactor core is much larger than that one of the fission products produced in
the volume of the rocket cores. For suitable uranium fissioning  xenon135  is poison to
rocket propulsion, reactors must be so com thermal neutrons. The xenon135 produced
pact they operate at power densities well over shortly after shutdown may prevent restarting
10 times those of previous reactors. of a thermal reactor for many hours. Since
Solid core reactors other than graphite have xenon135 is not a poison to fast neutrons, a
been suggested. One possibility is to build fast reactor would not have this problem.
thermal reactors which are metallic. Since the Large reactors, however, tend to be thermal.
metal used must be of extremely high tempera Reactor design is limited by the ability to re
ture capability, only a few are suitable. Tung move heat from the core. If one builds too
sten is one since its melting point is about large a fast reactor, it becomes impossible to
6090°F. Normal tungsten is quite poisonous to cool. It would then be necessary to add poisons
thermal neutrons; however, tungsten184 has a to the reactor. One might as well add modera
low absorption cross section to thermal neu tor instead and save valuable nuclear fuel.
trons, and would be suitable for thermal reac Diculty of control is often erroneously
tor construction. About 30 percent of natural quoted as a problem of fast reactors. The rea
tungsten consists of tungsten184. Its occur son for this is a confusion between fast
rence is not as rare as uranium235 is in the spectrum, i.e., highvelocity neutrons, and
more common uranium238 less than one per those which are produced immediately in fast
cent, but tungsten184 still must be separated time  prompt neutrons. Reactor control is
from normal tungsten by the same procedures frequently simplified by making use of the de
required for uranium235. Consequently, layed neutrons. If the reactor is designed so
tungsten184 will be quite expensive if used in that delayed neutrons are required for critical
reactors. ity, their population can be adjusted by a rela
Solid core reactors have also been suggested tively slow reacting control system. The pro
which do not have the fuel embedded in the portion of delayed neutrons is obviously the
moderator. These are known as heterogeneous same in fast and thermal reactors, however,
reactors. Since energy is not released in the and the dynamics of the control problem with
moderator, low temperature moderator mate both types of reactors are essentially identical.
rials, such as water, may be used, while high Fast reactors are in service for stationary
temperature materials, like tungsten, contain power plants and submarine power systems.
the hot fuel. Such reactors may be of interest For some reason, they are more common in
although obviously more complicated than Europe than in the United States.
homogenous reactors.
Radioisotope Heated
Fast Solid Core Rockets Solid Core Rockets
A metallic reactor which operates on fast neu Another possibility for building solid core nu
trons could be considered. The inventory of clear rockets is to heat the propellant by means
uranium which must be carried will be higher; of radioisotopes. Isotope heating has been
however, the lack of a moderator results in used to supply electrical power. It can be used
smaller reactors. Normal tungsten and many likewise to heat propellants. As in other solid
other metals are possible materials for con core rocket systems, the specific impulse is
struction of such reactors. limited to 800 or 900 seconds.
Among the possible advantages for fast metal Several radioisotopes are quite powerful, as
lic reactors is their reusability, which is greater shown in the following table. Polonium210
produces 134 watts per gram, or 61 kilowatts

Thrust Into Space 70

per pound of isotope fuel compound. To pro With the best isotope shown, the thrust/
duce a pound of thrust with a specific impulse weight ratio would be less than 0.01. The eect
of 1000 seconds requires 21.8 kilowatts see of such low thrust/weight ratios will be exam
Equation 111. The polonium alone weighs 36 ined in the next chapter.
percent of the thrust, and current thrust units
are about 300 times the weight of the isotope.

Table 8 — Isotopic Heat Sources

Parent Half-Life Type of Specific Power (watts/gram) Shielding

I t
Isotope (
(years) ) D
Pure Fuel
Strontium90 28 Beta 0.90 0.38 Heavy

Cesium137 30 Beta / Gamma 0.42 0.067 Heavy

Promethium147 2.7 Beta 0.33 0.27 Minor

Plutonium238 89 Alpha 0.56 0.39 Minor

Curium244 18 Alpha 2.8 2.49 Moderate

Curium242 0.45 Alpha 120 98 Minor

Polonium210 0.38 Alpha 141 134 Minor

Cerium144 0.78 Beta / Gamma 25.6 3.8 Heavy

Cobalt60 5.3 Beta / Gamma 17.4 1.7 Heavy

Only recently have radioisotope heated rockets started or stopped at will is invaluable, and the
received attention. In spite of low thrust/ use of radioisotopes for main drive rockets in
weight ratio, availability and cost problems, large vehicles does not seem appropriate.
they may have utility in certain missions, per
haps in high performance unmanned probe ve Shielding
hicles. The alpha particle helium nuclei emit
ters are of particular interest since they require One might intuitively expect the shielding
almost no shielding. Alpha particles cannot weight of nuclear rockets to be so high as to
even penetrate clothing. Alpha emitters exist cripple their utility. Shielding weight was a ma
with almost any halflife desired down to less jor problem of the nuclear aircraft program
than a second. Since power density increases as and rocket reactors must be more powerful,
halflife decreases, very powerful alpha emit while rockets are notoriously more sensitive to
ters exist. Suciently rapid production and weight than airplanes. This viewpoint seems
incorporation into rockets would be dicult, rational, but such is not the case. Figure 422
even if the launching site were next to the iso illustrates the pertinent facts involved.
tope factory. The ability of a reactor to be

Thrust Into Space 71

Although the reactor power of an aircraft Rocket Orbital Transports
would be several hundred times lower than
that of a rocket, shielding weight is a function New engines always raise the question of the
of energy rather than power. desirability of new types of vehicles. One pos
sibility is a reusable earth orbital transport. We
Characteristic Rocket/Aircraft
Gross Weight 1/1
would have had single stage rockets of orbital
Crew Dose 1/1 velocity long ago if they were easy to build.
200 Reactor Power 150/1 Even with high energy chemical propellants,
Energy 1/4
Sea Level Equivalent Energy 1/25
the structural weights required have seemed
Altitude (1000 feet)

Shield Weight/GrossWeight 1/10 too low to produce with confidence. With an

altitudecompensated engine and highenergy
chemical propellants, the goal of single stage
rockets to orbit appears nearer.
Many years ago, the Atlas ICBM design was
conceived as simpler than a twostage missile.
0 The idea was to have a single propellant tank
but to discard several engines at staging. The
Figure 4-22 — Nuclear vehicle shielding comparison
reasoning was that the tank weight could be
The purpose in building nuclear aircraft is to made extremely light with pressurestabilized
obtain long duration flights so the operating structures, but the engines were heavy. By dis
time is days or weeks. If an airplane similar to carding only engines, most of the staging eect
the jet transport discussed in Chapter 2 were could be obtained. This was labelled a oneand
driven with nuclear engines for a week, the ve ahalf stage missile.
locity equivalent of the energy consumed see
Should high pressure engines have a very high
Equation 28 would be about 50,000 feet per
thrust/ weight ratio, little would be gained by
second, or twice escape energy. Since rockets
discarding the engines. Altitudecompensated
are twice as ecient Chapter 1, the nuclear
nozzles obviate the previous need for special
airplane consumes four times the energy of an
low altitude and high altitude engines. Reus
escape velocity rocket. Furthermore, the air
able structures would be expected to be heav
plane by definition must always operate in the
ier than normal rocket tanks, since they must
earth’s atmosphere, hence is continually sub
stand normal rocket loads as well as atmos
ject to the radiation scattered back from the
pheric temperatures and reentry loads. A logi
earth’s atmosphere. This scattered radiation
cal design may have a relatively heavy, reusable
accounts for the largest contribution to the
structure with altitude compensated engines
shielding weight. The rocket, on the other
but with a significant portion of fuel in auxil
hand, climbs quickly out of the atmosphere.
iary tanks which are jettisoned part way to or
Estimates of the sealevel equivalent energy
bit. It would not be surprising if new engine
that each device would produce a measure of
designs stimulated this type of vehicle.
the total scattered radiation indicate a factor
of 25 in favor of the rocket. The propellant weight required for an orbital
transport and lunar transport is shown in
Further reductions in shielding weight can be
Figure 423 as a function of specific impulse.
made by utilizing cargo, food, the lifesupport
system, and propellant in the tanks as shielding
material. The nuclear rocket shield system is
also useful as a space radiation shield, an item
which it may be necessary to add to chemical
rockets for some missions.

Thrust Into Space 72

1.0 Gaseous Core has a specific impulse of about 7000 seconds.
Because of these high specific impulses, much


Propellant Weight

thought has gone into using airbreathers as a
Launch Weight

means of greater eciency for boost to orbit.
Typical Jet Transport
With a specific impulse of 3500 seconds, an
Solid Core Nuclear

Propellant/Launch Weight Ratio

0.4 impulsive velocity of 30,000 feet per second

60,000 fps Impulsive

Velocity (Lunar)
can be achieved with a propellant weight equal
30,000 fps Impulsive to one quarter of launch weight see Figure 4
Velocity (orbital)
23. It is clear then that such a rocket would
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 permit vehicles more like modern airplanes
Specific Impulse (sec)
than current rockets in their overall character
Figure 4-23 — Required fuel weights for single-stage space istics. Unfortunately, two things combine to
launch vehicles strongly deteriorate this rosy thought.
Highenergy chemical rockets, even with spe The specific impulse achieved is a strong func
cific impulse of 500 seconds would still be dif tion of flight velocity. Airbreathing engines
ficult to build as singlestage to orbit vehicles. create thrust by increasing the linear momen
If a solid core nuclear rocket with specific im tum of the air, hence, the exhaust must be
pulse of 800900 seconds were available, or ejected faster than the incoming air. As the
bital velocity could be achieved with 60 per flight velocity is increased, large amounts of
cent propellant weight. A modern jet transport energy are required to create an exhaust jet
carries about half its takeo weight in fuel, with a suciently high percentage of flight ve
but must carry heavy wings and landing gear. A locity to prevent serious propulsive inecien
rocket with ’ = 0.85 would be able to carry 20 cies. Even with supersonic burning ram jets,
percent of launch weight as payload to orbit. It which presumably can operate at any high ve
could carry 10 percent payload to about locity, the specific impulse decreases at high
40,000 feet per second. Hence, nuclear rock velocity to less than 1000 seconds when orbital
ets even with shielding can easily achieve ve velocity is reached. The overall eective spe
locity increments for orbital flight with single cific impulse of an airbreathing engine, util
stage rockets. A reusable singlestage nuclear ized all the way to orbital velocity, is not nearly
rocket, if it could be operated with direct as high as one would expect. It is substantially
launch from earth, or a minimum of auxiliary greater than a chemical rocket though, and on
boost, represents an interesting future vehicle. this basis alone, it should make an attractive
Obviously, should some exotic chemical with propulsion system.
comparable specific impulse, no shielding re
quirements, and no earth launch danger ap Airbreathing trajectories must be kept low in
pear, a drastic revision of orbital transporta the atmosphere so enough air is available for
tion vehicles would be in order. In Chapter 5, the engines. In a typical rocket trajectory, the
reusable vehicles will be discussed further. vehicle rapidly climbs vertically through the
atmosphere and accelerates as rapidly to or
bital velocity so that drag and gravity losses are
Air-Breathing Propulsion minimized. When the airbreathing vehicle is
Normal aircraft engines operate by burning held down in the atmosphere, it must over
fuel with air ingested from the outside atmos come drag and support itself against gravity for
phere. They do not have to carry oxidizer as a a longer time. Aerodynamic heating is in
rocket does. Accordingly, their specific impulse creased in the lower atmosphere at high veloci
is higher. A typical jet engine operating on ties, and this requires increased structural
kerosene has a specific impulse of about 3500 weight. Wings are usually required to help the
seconds. A similar engine burning hydrogen engines support the vehicle against gravity. But

Thrust Into Space 73

wings are heavy and deteriorate the mass frac
tion. It is dicult to find a simple way to com
pare pure rocket and airbreathing modes of
operation. Comparisons to date indicate that
the above deteriorating eects reduce the ef
fectiveness of airbreathing vehicles to the
point where they become no more eective
than pure rocket vehicles for orbital transpor
One particularly clever attempt to get around
these problems is the liquidaircycle engine
Lace. In this system, extra hydrogen is carried
and air is taken aboard and liquefied by the
cold hydrogen. The hydrogen and liquid air are
then used in the rocket engine to complete the
operation at high velocity. This is not as helpful
as it sounds. If the extra air is taken on at too
low a velocity, the rocket still has most of the
work to do with an unusually heavy vehicle. If
the air is taken on at too high a velocity, it is
too hot to be liquefied by the hydrogen. The
Lace system has not yet convincingly demon
strated a performance gain which justifies its
There is much more to be done in space than
merely getting to earth orbit. Contrary to gen
eral opinion, getting to earth orbit is not nec
essarily the most dicult job to be done in
space propulsion. Already we have discussed
energies over 10 times that required for attain
ing earth orbit. In the next chapter, we shall
proceed to much higher energies which would
reduce earth orbital velocity almost to a minor

Thrust Into Space 74

If this is carried far enough, the eect of grav
5. Solar System ity fields can be ignored. At some velocity, a
spaceship will move across gravity fields so fast
Spaceships that negligible velocity is lost and the resulting
hyperbolic trajectories will be practically
Solar system spaceships have velocities ap straight lines at constant velocity. At the orbit
proaching one million feet per second. of Mercury, solar escape velocity is only
222,000 feet per second. At velocities around
500,000 feet per second, then, it is reasonable
Celestial Mechanics
to consider approximating actual heliocentric
Imagine a true spaceship. Such a vehicle trajectories by straight lines assuming no gravi
should be fast enough to travel throughout the tational eect of Sun or planets.
solar system in a few weeks time, and eco
The use of straight line, constant velocity tra
nomical enough so that current cost barriers
jectories is equivalent to assuming either an
would become quaint primitive estimates. To
infinitely high velocity or the nonexistence of
do this would require much higher velocities
the Sun. The calculation of flight mechanics
than have been discussed.
then would be extremely simple. We would di
The previous celestial mechanics discussions vide the distance between the planets by the
contain all the essentials required for velocity ship velocity to get the flight time, and ignore
regions up to one million feet per second. It is the planet’s orbital motion since it would be
only necessary to perform the calculations. Ac small compared to ship’s velocity or zero if
cordingly, the celestial mechanics of this chap there were no Sun. This is the ultimate in high
ter will be confined to two points. One is an velocity assumptions, and is about as far from a
interesting simple way of performing calcula Hohmann Transfer as one can get.
tions throughout the solar system which be
Since we habitually express the distance be
comes increasingly accurate at higher veloci
tween the planets in terms of astronomical
ties. The other is a discussion of certain penal
units, remembering one number will permit
ties involved whenever the rocket vehicle’s ac
rapid calculation of high velocity celestial me
celeration is small with respect to the local
chanics. At a velocity of 100,000 feet per sec
value of gravity. It is necessary to understand
ond, it requires 57 days to cover one astro
these latter penalties in order to comprehend
nomical unit. Thus, the travel time is given by:
the utilization of electrical rockets that present
a means of achieving high velocities but only at 57AU
tf = 51 
very low accelerations.  V 
100, 000 
High Velocity Rockets
and Gravity Fields where r = time of flight in days; AU = distance
between planets in astronomical units; and V
The previous chapter showed that as rocket = spaceship velocity in feet per second. If all
velocities become higher, the perturbation ex braking is applied by rocket impulse, then the
erted on their trajectories by gravity fields be right hand side of Equation 51 is multiplied by
comes smaller. Figure 42 shows that if the two.
launch velocity exceeds only 2.3 times local es
cape velocity, the hyperbolic excess velocity is The minimum travel time between two planets
already 90 percent of launch velocity. When occurs when the rocket travels between the
gravitational energy is a small part of total en points of closest approach. For the case of
ergy, the eect of gravitational perturbation is rocket braking, the equation is:

Thrust Into Space 75

144 ( AU 0  AU1 ) what beyond 100,000 feet per second and the
tf = 52 total of launch and arrival velocities is desired.
100, 000  With highthrust rockets, acceleration times
will not aect these calculations. A convenient
where AU0 = distance of outer planet from Sun, number to remember is that an acceleration of
and AU1 = distance of inner planet from the one go will generate 100,000 feet per second in
Sun, both measured in astronomical units. 52 minutes. At most, a few hours will be used in
The maximum travel time, which occurs when acceleration or deceleration.
the rocket travels between points on the oppo When Hohmann Transfers are used for inter
site sides of the Sun, is given by: planetary travel in the inner solar system, the
144 ( AU 0 + AU1 )
velocity requirements to escape from the plan
tf = 53 ets greatly exceed the heliocentric velocities
 V  required for orbital transfer. Since most inter
100, 000  planetary calculations have concerned the in
ner solar system, the traditional viewpoint is
These expressions are quite accurate at veloci that planetary gravity fields represent the big
ties of 300,000 feet per second and give a problem in space travel. If solar system trans
much better correlation at lower velocities portation systems of real convenience ever ex
than would be expected if used to calculate the ist, the velocities required to cover the great
total of launch and arrival velocities. Large distances of space in acceptable time are so
compensating eects are present. In the actual high that this traditional viewpoint will be no
data, velocities are higher for the interior longer valid. The fond science fiction dream of
planet involved than for the exterior. In Earth/ nullifying gravity would be of no appreciable
Mercury, this dierence is a factor of four. Yet help to a 500,000 footpersecond spaceship.
these velocities average out to within 10 per The moral is: a roing spaceship gathers little grav
cent of the simplified high velocity assump ity.
tion. In the minimum travel times, the trajec
tories do not deviate much from straight lines.
Minimum Travel Times
They cover longer distances than the minimum
distance between the planets, but make eec Minimum travel times between Earth and the
tive use of planetary orbital velocities. Appar minor planets and satellites of the major plan
ently these eects compensate highly. ets are shown in Figure 51. The total velocity
to launch and brake at arrival is shown. Veloci
The greatest deviations from straight lines oc
ties of about 500,000 feet per second are su
cur for trajectories during adverse times of the
cient to make accessible even the remotest
synodic period when it is necessary to reach to
portions of the solar system within reasonable
the other side of the Sun from the launching
travel times. The eect of atmospheric braking
planet. Because the actual trajectory is bent by
is shown in Figure 51, but only for EarthIo.
the Sun, it travels a longer path to the other
Comparisons of no braking and the dierence
side. It is also accelerated by the Sun so that
between Earth to Io and Io to Earth are
the average velocity is higher. Thus, compen
shown. Eects of atmospheric braking will not
sating eects are present that apparently com
greatly alter the basic flight times in the high
pensate far more than one would expect. Since
velocity region.
there is little doubt that the high velocity as
sumption will become more accurate as the
velocity is increased, it may be used with rea Synodic Period Effects
sonable confidence as a method of calculation The dierence in flight time between the
for spaceship design when velocities are some worst and best times of the synodic period de

Thrust Into Space 76

pends only on the orbital radius of the inner tric circles shows maximum times will occur
planet involved, independent of the location of more frequently than minimum ones. The
the outer planet see Equations 52 and 53. curves of Figure 52 were obtained by adding
threefourths of the time increment between
Triton (N
maximum and minimum times to Figure 51.
Figure 52 represents velocity requirements
Io to
No A
which may be used for spaceship design for
Earth tmos Titan (Sat
ic Br
urn) travel to and from earth.
Travel Time (days)

102 akin
g Io (Jupite
Earth to Io
(N eptun
Miran e)
Mercu da (Ur
ry anus)

Travel Time (days)

Venus Titan (S

Io (Jup
0 200 400 600 800 1000 iter)
Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)
Figure 5-1 — Minimum travel times from Earth including Venus
braking requirements
Minimum Velocity for Completely Mercu
This is somewhat surprising at first, but not 10
Open Launch Window

illogical when one realizes the problem during 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)
adverse times of the synodic period is that of
reaching to the other side of the sun. This ma Figure 5-2 — Average travel times from Earth including
neuver is likely to cost the same amount of braking requirements
time for a given velocity regardless of where
the subsequent trajectory terminates. Planetary Bases
The curves of Figure 52 show that even at one
million feet per second, flight time to the outer
solar system is somewhat inconvenient. Fur
thermore, these curves give travel times be
tween planets only if the ship can be refueled
at each terminal. If it must carry fuel for the
return journey, it must operate at half the total
velocity shown in Figure 52. Except for Pluto,
refueling bases at the major planets are needed
much more than at the minor ones. As dis
cussed previously in Chapter 4, bases on the
larger planets’ satellites would be expected to
be used rather than surface bases. Figure 52
was drawn on that basis.

Neptune, Source: NASA

For spaceship design curves, it is desirable to

have a travel time which is an operational aver
age. Consideration of the geometry of concen

Thrust Into Space 77

104 Total Velocity Increment = 500,000 fps
1000 Earth Based
Pluto Jupiter Based
Synodic Period (Earth Years)

Uranus Based
103 800

Travel Time (days)

es m

Ti imu
Uranus 600

Jupiter 400

es m

Ti imu

1 Earth
0 -1
Mercury 10 1 10
10-1 Distance From Sun (AU)
10-1 1 10 102
Distance From Sun (AU) Figure 5-4 — Travel times between planets

Figure 5-3 — Solar system synodic periods Although Mercury might be the best plane
Only travel between Earth and other planets tary base, Earth is suciently close to the Sun
has been discussed. Travel between other plan that it represents a good compromise. Major
ets excluding Earth may also be of interest. space logistics support operations could, from
Use of bases in other parts of the solar system a celestial mechanics viewpoint, be located ef
to aid in the exploration of even more remote ficiently on the Earth or its Moon. This is very
portions should be considered. It might dictate convenient since the known industrial and re
the strategic location of bases. search bases of the solar system also happen to
be located in that vicinity.
At first, it would seem a good idea to use a base
on a distant planet  say, Saturn  to aid the
exploration of another  say, Pluto. Although
intriguing, such deep bases would have restric
tions. The reason is the extremely long synodic
periods of the outer planets. Figure 53 shows
synodic periods among all the planets in the
solar system. The worst case, the synodic pe
riod between Neptune and Pluto, is slightly
over 500 years.
The dierence between travel at the optimum
and at the least desirable time of the year be
comes more extreme in proportion to the
planet’s distance from the Sun. This is illus
trated in Figure 54 where eects of basing on
selected planets are shown for a ship velocity
of 500,000 feet per second. It is true that a
deep space base will be closer to other deep
space objects than Earth when in favorable po Mercury, Farside, Source: NASA
sition, but equally true that it will be much far The slow movements of the outer planets leads
ther away when in unfavorable position. Sur to an interesting paradox. One would assume a
prisingly enough, the base wants to be rea base on Triton to be an excellent place from
sonably close to the Sun, emphasizing again which to explore Pluto, since Neptune aver
that the Sun is the center of the solar system. ages 30.09 astronomical units from the Sun
while Pluto will be within 33.0 astronomical
units for the next 50 years. At the moment,

Thrust Into Space 78

however, Neptune is leading Pluto around the The low accelerations involved, however, re
Sun. For the next 75 years, Neptune will be no quire substantial modification of the celestial
more than four astronomical units closer to mechanics values presented.
Pluto than Earth is. By mid twentyfirst cen
The mechanism of the modification may be
tury, Earth will be closer. Due to the long sy
visualized by considering escape from a central
nodic period of Neptune and Pluto, this will be
gravity field with the vehicle initially estab
true for more than the next 300 years.
lished in a circular orbit. In high thrust rock
Any ship with a heliocentric velocity greater ets, enough additional velocity is added at the
than 138,000 feet per second at one astro circular orbit altitude so that the rocket’s re
nomical unit will be operating at greater than sulting kinetic energy is equal to the potential
solar system escape velocity. Space ships would energy required for escape from that altitude.
likely operate throughout their entire lives at
The escape energy required is twice the circu
velocities beyond solar escape. Kinematically,
they would not be in the solar system. In case lar energy and the velocity required is 2
of trouble, such ships would sink forever into times the circular velocity. This calculation im
deep space, much like an ocean vessel can be plies that the rocket accelerates so rapidly that
lost permanently by sinking into the ocean. If a all of the velocity is imparted at the original
ship could not apply braking thrust, due to en orbital altitude. Were this not so, the final ve
gine failure, it would be lost. Conversely, one locity would be attained at a dierent altitude
could rescue such ships or at least their crews and a dierent escape energy would have to be
by similar ships stationed at planetary bases. achieved.
This points out the need not only for refueling In a very lowthrust rocket, the mechanism of
bases, but also for stationing a few ships at escape is somewhat dierent. Such a rocket is
each base for emergency rescue operations. not able to accelerate fast enough to obtain
Such ships might be used for tankers at launch any substantial velocity beyond orbital at any
as well as rescue ships. In most discussions of altitude. Hence, the rocket spirals slowly out
inspace rescue, stress is laid on trajectory through the gravity field, expending much of
compatibility and guidance training. These re its energy ineciently at altitudes higher than
quirements are products of marginal propul the original starting altitude. At each point on
sion systems. The ship velocity capabilities dis its outward trajectory, the lowthrust rocket
cussed in this chapter would contain adequate must have the energy of a circular orbit at that
margin for course matching and rendezvous altitude. The high thrust rocket need not have
during rescue operations. that much energy.
For the hypothetical limiting case of infinitely
Escape with Low Acceleration low acceleration, the velocity required to es
The desirability of avoiding the high tempera cape from a circular orbit is equal to the initial
tures inherent in high exhaust velocity thermal orbital velocity. For the highthrust case, the
rockets has created interest in other methods comparable number is the dierence between
of accelerating the exhaust particles. Electrical escape velocity and circular velocity which is
rockets are able to generate high exhaust ve ( )
2  1 or 41.4 percent of orbital velocity see
locities but their thrust/weight ratios are on
Chapter 3. For a comparable initialtofinal
the order of only oneone thousandth of the
weight ratio, the rocket equation shows that to
acceleration of gravity. Obviously, such systems
escape, the lowthrust rocket would require
cannot launch a vehicle from the earth’s sur
about 2.4 times the exhaust velocity of a high
face. If high in specific impulse, they may be
thrust rocket.
useful in a pure space mission, even though
other rockets must carry them to earth orbit.

Thrust Into Space 79

Escape of an infinitely low acceleration rocket 4
does not occur until the vehicle is an infinite Vc

Initial Circular Velocity

distance from the gravitating source. All addi 3
tional velocity inputs which contribute to the

Total Velocity

hyperbolic excess velocity are made with no 0.5

benefit from the planetary gravity field. The 0

total velocity required to escape and achieve a

given hyperbolic excess velocity with negligible 1
acceleration is given by:
V = Ve + V 54 0
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102
The comparable expression with high thrust, g at Initial Orbit
obtained by modifying Equation 43 for launch
from initial circular orbit, is: Figure 5-5 — Total velocity to escape

It might be eective in the solar gravity field

V = 2Vc2 + V2  Vc 55 but relatively ineective in the earth field. It
might, therefore, be boosted to higher than
A lowthrust rocket will not have negligible
circular velocity by its companion highthrust
acceleration nor will a highthrust rocket have
rocket. It might even be boosted beyond es
infinitely large acceleration and a calculation
cape velocity. This is known as hyperbolic
involving dierent manners of thrust pro
gramming and orientation is necessary to as
sess the actual eects. Regardless of details of
the thrust program, the results are quite simi Flight Time with Low Acceleration
lar for ecient programs. Figure 55 shows to In addition to the penalties just described, low
tal velocity required as a function of accelera thrust rockets suer an added penalty if their
tion of the rocket for dierent values of hy acceleration is so low that a substantial flight
perbolic excess velocity. This curve may be ap time penalty is involved during the accelera
plied to all gravity fields and helps to define tion period. Assuming constant acceleration,
“low” and “high” thrust rockets. Whenever the time required to generate velocity is given
rocket acceleration is on the order of 0.001 by:
initial gravity, almost the whole lowthrust
penalty is incurred. Conversely, accelerations 0.036  V 
tb =
( a / g0 )  100, 000 
of about 0.5 local gravity can be tolerated
without any substantial penalty unless the hy
perbolic excess is large. where b = acceleration time in days; and a =
acceleration in feet per second2. Note that if
Solar gravity in the earth’s vicinity is about
the acceleration is 0.0001 go, Equation 56
0.0006 go. Therefore, an electrical rocket with
combined with Figure 55 gives 83 days to es
acceleration of 0.001 go would act as a low
cape from low Earth orbit and 442 days from
thrust rocket while escaping from earth, but as
low Jupiter orbit. The time to accelerate penal
a highthrust rocket in the solar gravity field.
ties can be large. Equation 56, only valid for
constant acceleration, is a good approximation
if average acceleration is used.
Figure 56 shows the velocities required to go
from Earth to various planets in the solar sys
tem as a function of travel time and accelera
tion of the lowthrust rocket. These curves in

Thrust Into Space 80

clude the velocity necessary to decelerate the could be removed if the temperatures could be
lowthrust vehicle so it matches the heliocen achieved and if the nuclear fuel were in a liquid
tric orbital velocity of the planet. These veloci or gaseous state. If a rocket were to operate on
ties can be used along with Figure 55 to syn nothing but fissioning fuel, internal tempera
thesize requirements for lowthrust missions. tures would be about 100 million °F, and as yet,
The total velocities for lowthrust missions of we cannot contain such temperatures. Propel
ten become extremely large. To leave Earth lant which flows through a nuclear reactor can
and establish an orbit at 1.1 planet radii around be considered to dilute the reaction. The fis
Jupiter with an average acceleration of 0.0001 sion energy release is limited to the amount of
go requires 26,000 feet per second to escape thermal energy which the propellant can carry
from Earth, 115,000 feet per second to get to o at reactor temperature. The dilution ratio is
Jupiter see Figure 56, and 132,000 feet per defined as the amount of propellant used per
second to spiral down to low orbit around Jupi amount of fuel burned and is basic in nuclear
ter. The total velocity is 273,000 feet per sec rocket performance.
ond and the travel time is 1045 days or 2.87 The theoretical impulse due to nuclear energy
years. release is shown in Figure 57. Undiluted eec
500 tive exhaust velocity was assumed to be c/22 for
Thrust-Weight Ratio (104)
fission and c/8 for fusionboth on the high side
Total Impulsive Velocity (1000 fps)

400 of the band given in the previous chapter, but
easy to remember. The figure delineates vari
0.8 Neptune ous regions of nuclear rocket application. Both
fission and fusion rockets are shown, but only
0.6 fission will be discussed in this chapter. The
solid core rocket region discussed in the previ
ous chapter is shown in Figure 57. The middle
Saturn region labelled Solar System Transportatio is
the subject of this chapter. The top region,
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Early Interstear Travel, is the subject of Chap
Heliocentric Trip Time (days) ter 6.
Figure 5-6 — Heliocentric velocity requirements 108
Mass Annihilation Undiluted
(Exhaust at Velocity of Light)
Early Interstellar
The comparable highthrust Hohmann Trans 107
Specific Impulse (sec)

fer mission orbittoorbit requires only (100,000 to 200,000oF)

72,000 feet per second total velocity and 2.69 Fu
Fis n
years. To match a Hohmann Transfer in this 105 sio
case, the lowthrust rocket must produce 3.8
104 Gaseous Fission Solar System
times the total velocity of a highthrust rocket. (10,000 to 200,000oF) Transport

Depending upon the mission, lowthrust rock 103

Solid Core
ets require from 2.5 to 5 times as much total (4,000 to 5,000oF)
velocity for a given flight time as highthrust 10-2 10-1 100 101 103 104 105 106 107
102 108
rockets. Dilution Ratio =
Propellant Flow Rate
Fuel Fission Rate

Nuclear Thermal Rockets Figure 5-7 — Specific impulse from nuclear reactions

Basic limitations on the performance of solid

Liquid Core Rockets
core nuclear rockets due to permissible tem
peratures in the rocket chamber were de Liquid core rockets have been suggested in
scribed in the last chapter. These restrictions which a mass of liquid fission fuel is held

Thrust Into Space 81

against the outside of a rocket chamber by density is low, and a high pressure is required
centrifugal force obtained by spinning the to contain the critical mass in reasonable vol
chamber. The propellant would be bubbled ume. Typical internal pressures are 500 to 1500
through this fluid and out the nozzle. In all nu atmospheres, or about 0.5 the pressure of guns.
clear rockets, it is desirable for safety that a Gaseous core rockets tend to be quite heavy
minimum of fission products escape from the and only achieve high thrust/ weight ratios at
rocket, and for economy of operation, a mini rather high thrust levels.
mum of unburned fission fuel escape. A high
Most of the earlier ideas for utilizing gaseous
thrust requires that a large amount of propel
fission cavity reactors for propulsion involved
lant be put through the chamber, which tends
diusion of the propellant through the gaseous
to sweep out the fuel. Hence, liquid core reac
fuel so that heating occurred by direct conduc
tors have a conflict between high thrust/weight
tion and convection. It was then necessary to
ratio and low loss rates.
separate the two gases and hopefully retain vir
Although some materials have remarkably high tually all the fuel on board while exhausting all
boiling points tungsten is about 10,500°F, the propellant. Hydrogen was assumed as propel
temperature of liquid cores is limited by the lant since low temperatures are always reassur
boiling point of the fission fuel itself. This will ing, even in nontemperature limited cases.
restrict the maximum temperature of liquid Schemes such as magnetic field containment
core rockets to about 1000°F, above solid core or use of centrifugal separation in some form
rockets for comparable states of development. of vortex were considered. Weight of magnetic
They may achieve specific impulse values of equipment was always a problem and vortex
1300 to 1500 seconds. This performance gain stability and containment with any substantial
over current solid core rockets is substantial, diusion rate have remained vexing. Just as
but might not be worth the development ef with liquid cores, large thrust requires large
fort compared to advanced solid cores. Should flow through the vortex which tends to destroy
gaseous core rockets prove impossible to de the vortex.
velop and should advanced carbide solid core
Another family of systems has originated from
reactors also be impossible, then liquid core
these investigations. Although deceptively
rockets might become of great interest. The
similar in appearance, they operate on a dier
rest of this section will be devoted to gaseous
ent principle. These systems heat the propel
core nuclear rockets, however, since their per
lant by radiation from the fission plasma rather
formance potential is so much greater.
than direct intermixing. The containment
problem is not one of separation but rather the
Gaseous Core Rockets prevention of mixing, a fundamentally dier
Gaseous fission nuclear rockets have been un ent problem. Vortex stabilization problems
der consideration for many years. Since the re certainly dier when propellant is not diusing
actor consists of a gas surrounded by solid ma through the core.
terials, it is also known as a cavity reactor. The A coaxial flow reactor has been suggested
critical mass can be made quite low in such re where a central, slowmoving stream of fission
actors by use of a suitably large amount of re fuel heats an annular, fast moving stream of
flector and moderator. Calculations show from hydrogen, with separation obtained by velocity
10 to 100 pounds depending on fuel used, dierential. This system cannot be expected to
moderator material, reactor and nozzle geome yield very good containment. Another scheme
try, amount of poisonous material used in the suggested is to contain the fission plasma in a
pressure shell and other variables. What is quartz or similar material bottle. It is possible
practical remains to be seen. Even with low to cool the bottle to reasonable temperature
values, it is gas at a very high temperature. Its while heating the propellant to high tempera

Thrust Into Space 82

ture by radiation, if the bottle transmits most portant point that radiated power goes up
of the radiant energy. It is like feeling the steeply as the fourth power of the absolute
warmth of the sun’s radiation through a win temperature.
dow in winter when the window glass itself is
At 4,000°F, Equation 57 gives 200 kilowatts
cold to touch. Such a system would yield per
per square foot 268 horsepower per square
fect containment and is a very exciting
foot. Although this is substantial power, it is
thought. Some of the systems suggested are
only a small fraction of the heat transferred by
shown in Figure 58.
convection and conduction in a solid’ core re
Pressure Shell
Moderator actor. At 30,000°F, 431 megawatts 578,000
horsepower are radiated from only one square
foot of area. At 200,000°F, 800,000 mega
Uranium Vortex Propellant
watts 1.07 billion horsepower, would be radi
Slow Moving Fast Moving
Uranium Propellant ated from one square foot of area. Once the
Diffusion Vortex Coaxial temperature restrictions of solid core rockets
are removed, it is easily conceivable that ade
quate heat can be transferred by radiation
Uranium Vortex Propellant Uranium Transparent Wall Depositing of the heat in the propellant re
Radiant Vortex Transparent Window quires that it must be opaque to radiation over
Figure 5-8 — Typical gaseous core engines a wide range of temperatures. Many materials
including hydrogen are very opaque at moder
The successful use of radiant heat transfer im ately high temperatures and can be seeded
plies that enough energy can be transmitted by with various materials if too transparent at low
this process and received by the propellant. If temperatures.
the propellant were transparent, the radiation
would go through and heat the opposite wall
instead. The power output of a radiating
Fuel and Propellant Consumption
“black” body is given by the StefanBoltzmann When dealing with nuclear rockets, it is useful
Law: to delineate between fuel which is burned to
produce energy and propellant which is heated
 T  by the fuel energy release and constitutes most
Pr = 0.501
 1, 000 
of the exhaust jet. The fuel energy release is
potentially so high that, unlike chemical pro
where Pr = power radiated in kilowatts per pellants, supplying energy is no problem. Nu
square foot; and T = absolute temperature in clear fuels, however, only improve the rocket
degrees Fahrenheit + 460. A black body is de design to the extent that a sucient amount of
fined in physics as one which absorbs all radia this energy can be placed in the exhaust jet to
tion of any wavelength color of light, infra lower the rocket propellant consumption sig
red, ultraviolet, radio waves, etc.. In other nificantly.
words, really black. When hot, a black body
radiates at all wavelengths although not Figure 57 shows propellant consumption of
equally. At higher temperatures, more energy is nuclear rockets and is valid for any material
radiated at short wavelengths. Black bodies used as propellant. Using low molecular weight
over the complete energy spectrum are hard to propellants such as hydrogen reduces operat
find and the actual radiated power is aected ing temperatures but does not change propel
by surface conditions and the back radiation lant consumption.
from the surroundings. Equation 57 is a good
approximation and shows the extremely im

Thrust Into Space 83

[ lb$ ] 103 ber to absorb the heat load. Such chambers
have a limited burning duration before the ab
102 lator is used up.
Fuel Plus Propellant Weight

S = 10-2
Fuel Plus Propellant Cost

10 S = 10-3
Most liquid rocket engines use regenerative
Unburned Fuel Lost
Propellant Expelled
cooling. One of the incoming propellants is
S = 10-4
Water Propellant at No Cost circulated through nozzle and chamber walls
Hydrogen Propellant at
S=0 $0.25 per lb
before injection into the chamber. This results
Nuclear Fuel Cost = $5000 per lb in almost no decrease in specific impulse, since
the energy lost through the wall is carried back
10-2 3
10 104 105 106 into the combustion chamber by preheated
Specific Impulse (sec)
fuel. Much skillful design is required to insure
Figure 5-9 — Cost of nuclear fission fuel and propellant that cooling tubes are of the right size and
It is assumed in Figure 57 fuel loss rates are strong enough so that heat flows into the pro
suciently low that fuel lost has a negligible pellant quickly enough to avoid melting the
eect on exhaust average mass flow. walls. Many a rocket chamber has burned
through in test programs while solving these
Although propellant consumption is given by problems, but the techniques are now highly
Figure 57, fuel consumption depends directly developed.
on the degree of containment of unburned
fuel. Figure 59 shows the eect of fuel con It is necessary for regenerative cooling that the
tainment on fuel plus propellant cost for both propellant be capable of absorbing the heat
hydrogen and water propellants. Fission fuel load. Only a certain amount of propellant is
releases about 17 million times more energy available. It can only absorb so much heat be
per pound than smokeless gunpowder but fore it becomes too hot to cool the chamber.
costs only about 5000 times as much 5000 This problem is increased at high specific im
per pound. It is 3000 times more economical pulse since the energy release in the chamber
on an energy basis. So little is consumed that at per pound of propellant increases as the square
specific impulses less than 10,000 seconds, the of the specific impulse see Equation 19 and
fuel plus propellant cost is determined almost Equation 111.
completely by containment. Even a loss of only If the propellant of a gaseous nuclear rocket is
one pound of fuel per 10,000 pounds of pro opaque enough, the thermal energy transmit
pellant expelled aects fuel plus propellant ted to the walls will be small. However, nuclear
costs. With water propellant and perfect con radiation will still heat the chamber and sur
tainment, specific impulses of over 2000 sec rounding materials. If the incoming propellant
onds could be obtained for only one cent per has been raised to wall temperature, it has an
pound fuel plus propellant cost. enthalpy when entering the chamber which
corresponds to the specific impulse of a solid
Cooling Limitations core reactor at that temperature. The amount
by which the gaseous heating further raises the
The problem of cooling rocket engines has
specific impulse is given by:
been referred to only briefly. It is an engineer
ing problem rocket designers have learned to I sps
handle. Solid rocket motors simply insulate the I sp = 58
chamber walls. Recently, liquid rockets which
use techniques similar to solid chambers have where Isps = specific impulse of propellant at
appeared. They are called ablating motors and temperature of solid material; and f = fraction
contain materials in chamber and nozzle simi of energy release which appears as thermally
lar to those used on reentry bodies. They insu eective nuclear radiation. The value “f” is
late the walls and also vaporize into the cham

Thrust Into Space 84

normally about 10 percent so that a gaseous heat at a low temperature, and the decrease of
core reactor is usually limited to about 3.17 radiator weight which, in general, occurs at
times the specific impulse of a solid core reac high temperature. Radiators usually want to
tor if only regenerative cooling is used. The operate at about 0.75 of the maximum cycle
possibility of going to smaller values of “f” by temperature. The maximum cycle temperature
means of thinner reflectors and/or relatively is determined by the ability of either rotating
gammatransparent shells is interesting. Only machinery or thermionic systems to operate
the neutrons must be reflected, and hence for periods of years. Radiators for gaseous fis
their energy absorbed in the reflector, in order sion rockets should be operated at much
to contribute to reactor criticality. It is logical higher temperatures than those for nuclear
to balance the neutron reflective properties of electric systems, and might be easier to design
materials with their relative gamma transpar because of the vastly shorter operating time.
encies and thermal cooling properties to give
If one considered a gaseous fission nuclear
optimum reflectors for these applications.
rocket of one million pounds thrust operating
The specific impulse of a gaseous core rocket at 2500 seconds specific impulse and 75 per
may be extended beyond the limit set by re cent eciency, Equation 111 gives 97.5 million
generative cooling if a space radiator is used to horsepower or 72,900 megawatts as the inter
reject excess heat. The major problem then nal energy release. If 10 percent of this were
becomes the weight of the radiator. As of 1965, rejected by a radiator operating eectively at
most investigations of radiator configurations 4000°F, Equation 57 shows about 36,000
for nuclear propulsion have centered around square feet of radiator area required. At one
the requirements for nuclear electric systems pound per square foot, the radiator would
for either propulsion or auxiliary power. These weigh only 3.6 percent of the thrust. If a
requirements are totally dierent from those 1400°F radiator temperature were used, 34
for gaseous fission rockets. Nuclear electric times as much radiator area would be required,
systems must be designed for long operating and the radiator weight at one pound per
times years so that such problems as meteor square foot would equal the thrust. High tem
oid penetration of the radiator surface must be perature radiators will likely be heavier than
considered in terms of longtime probabilities. low ones, but not by a factor of 34.
This strongly influences radiator weight. A If the 72,900 megawatt reactor of the previous
highthrust gaseous fission system would only paragraph were operated at high specific im
operate for periods of hours at a time and, pulse with radiators, its thrust would be less
therefore, the use of short life radiators is per than one million pounds. It would be inversely
tinent. It is true that the radiator must survive proportional to specific impulse see Equation
for the total flight duration, not simply the en 111. The actual weight of such an engine is
gine burning period, since the engine must be dicult to estimate. Figure 510 shows the
used for braking at arrival. However, total variation of thrust/weight ratio with Isp for a
flight times will be much shorter than for elec gaseous nuclear rocket system with radiator
trical systems, the radiators might be protected using as a basis an assumed thrust/weight ratio
while not radiating, and the loss of a radiator of 20 at an Isp of 2500 seconds. It might require
segment would not be very crippling. more than one million pounds thrust to
Considerably more important, the radiator achieve this value. Both hydrogen and water
temperature of a gaseous fission system can be are shown as propellants. The thrust/weight
as high as it is possible to build radiators, since ratio falls o substantially at high specific im
it need only prevent the engine from melting. pulses but is greater than one to beyond
In a nuclear electric system, a balance must be 10,000 seconds.
struck between the eciency of the conver
sion process, which requires the rejection of

Thrust Into Space 85

Radiator Unit Weight = 1.0 lb/ft2
A limitation on specific impulse of 10,000 sec

Solid Core
onds has been shown in Figure 510. This is due
Engine Plus Radiator Weight

to an unfortunate tendency of propellants ex

amined. Although adequately opaque to absorb
Engine Thrust


the radiant energy at mediumhigh tempera


tures, they apparently become transparent at


very high temperatures. Seeding the flow,

(undiluted fission)




ia which is eective at low temperatures, is not


Transparency) to


promising at high temperatures. Other limita



1 tions may occur at lower specific impulse.

When the flow expands through a nozzle, the

103 104 105 106
Specific Impulse (sec) propellant may become transparent as it cools
and make it impossible to cool the nozzle be
Figure 5-10 — Thrust/weight ratio of gaseous yond a certain expansion ratio. These limita
fission engines
tions are not yet well enough understood to
Use of water, ammonia, or other nonhydrogen know which, if any, are fundamental.
working fluids should be seriously considered
in gaseous fission engines. Not only are better A number of unknowns exist with respect to
ship designs permissible due to small tankage gaseous fission engines, some of which are
sizes and ease of propellant storability, but use mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Some,
of a higher density propellant might ease the like nozzle problems, are due to these engines
fuel containment problem if a vortex system being the most powerful ones yet considered in
were used. If so, it could result in smaller, this book. As long as propellant was supplied, a
lighter engines. It might also result in earlier 3 millionpound thrust gaseous fission engine
development programs if the ability to prove of 2500 seconds specific impulse would release
adequate containment occurred at an earlier 300 million horsepower, six times that of the
time. 16inch naval gun. At 220,000 megawatts, it
would be 200 times as powerful as current
A result shown in Figure 510 is that the value solid core rockets. If the problems of such engines
of thrust/weight ratio is independent of pro are impressive, it is because we are finay discussing
pellant as the specific impulse approaches the class of energy control which could make tru
10,000 seconds. This is because the reduced spaceships possible.
propellant flow at high specific impulse results
in such small thermal capacity in the incoming Nuclear Electric Rockets
fuel that the engine must be almost completely
cooled by the radiator system. The engine uses Electrical rockets should be attractive. If the
the same amount of energy to generate a given exhaust is accelerated by electrical means, high
specific impulse, the same fraction of energy velocities can be generated without resorting
must be rejected by the radiator, and the radia to high temperatures. Because of this, a great
tor area is hence unaected by the type of deal of thought and eort has been given to
propellant used. electrical rocket development.
An engine design cooled by radiator alone Three principal classes of electrical rockets
should be investigated. Such an engine might have been considered with a number of dier
be easier to develop since a major interaction ing detailed implementations in each group.
between propellant and cooling system would Electrothermal engines consist of an electrical
be severed. Furthermore, it might more easily means of heating a propellant. In the resisto
use a variety of propellants. This could be very jet, hot tungsten plates heat a propellant
helpful in early planetary exploration. passed over them. In the arcjet, an electrical
discharge is passed through the propellant

Thrust Into Space 86

heating it to higher temperatures than can be So far, electrical rockets seem very good, as if
attained by normal heat transfer from solid they are the answer to everything. There is,
surfaces. Utilizing hydrogen as propellant, however, a “catch” and its name is electrical
resistojets have produced over 1000 seconds power supply. Electrical rockets take a source
specific impulse, and arcjets have produced of energy  chemical, nuclear or solar  and
1500 to 2000 seconds. Electrothermal engines convert it into electrical energy for use in the
are not a means of circumventing the tempera accelerating apparatus.
ture problem, but rather a way of producing
The electrical rocket, like ship, airplane, or
higher temperatures.
automobile, must handle all the energy of the
Annular Space Between
Inner and Outer propulsion process. Hence, it loses the main
Propellant Cylindrical Electrode
Current Flow
energy manipulating advantage which thermal
Water Cooling Radiation
for Radiation Shields Propellant rockets share with guns. The power to produce
Shield Insulator
+ Nozzle
one pound of thrust with 75 percent energy
eciency is 29.1 kilowatts 39 horsepower at
- Switch 1000 seconds Isp and 291 kilowatts 390 horse
Tungsten Tube Gas
Heat Exchanger
Propellant Condenser Gas Shock power at 10,000 seconds Isp see Equation 1
Donut Wave
Shaped Arc 11. Terrestrial internal combustion engines run
Resisto-Jet Magneto Hydrodynamic about one pound per horsepower without any
Beam Shaping Electrode electrical power generating equipment at
Accelerating Electrode tached. It is clear vast improvements in power
Ion Source Decelerating Electrodes
and Neutralizer conversion weights are required for high
Propellant ii thrust/weight ratio.
i + - i
The large energy requirements associated with
+ 0 high specific impulse mean that chemical
power supplies are useless for electrical rock
Figure 5-11 — Types of electrical rocket thrusters ets. Only solar or nuclear power is of interest,
except for thrustor test missions. Much devel
Higher specific impulses may be attained by
opment is under way on nuclear electric power
electrodynamic or magnetohydrodynamic
supplies for electrical power needs and as
MHD engines. In this case, a gas is ionized at
power units for electrical rockets. A typical
moderately high temperatures, then acceler
1965 technology system  SNAP 8  weighs
ated by magnetic fields. A number of thrust
175 pounds per electrical kilowatt. Design tar
units of this sort have been built. Some have
gets for advanced systems are 1020 pounds per
been operated at specific impulses as high as
electrical kilowatt. Studies of very advanced
10,000 seconds.
systems have sometimes led to weight esti
Electrostatic or ion engines are also suitable mates as low as two pounds per electrical kilo
for high specific impulse. These engines use watt but rarely lower. The weight of power
electrostatic fields to accelerate charged parti supply dominates nuclear electric rocket per
cles with no assist from fluid flow forces such formance. If gaseous fission engines do achieve
as in MHD engines. Ionthrust units also have a thrust/weight ratio of 20 at an Isp of 2500
been built and tested up to 10,000 seconds seconds, they will be eectively converting
specific impulse and should be extendable to power to thrust at the rate of about 1/1500
higher specific impulse. The first electrical pound per exhaust kilowatt which is over
rocket flight test, an ion engine of .006 pounds 20,000 times better than current electrical
thrust, occurred at Wallops Island, Virginia on rocket design objectives without even allowing
July 20, 1964. Figure 511 shows typical engines for thrustor ineciencies.
in all three categories.

Thrust Into Space 87

Electrical Rocket Performance and 56 to estimate electrical rocket perform
ance if the power plant specific weight is
If  is power plant specific weight pounds per known. The power plant operating time may
exhaust kilowatt, then total energy output of be taken as twothirds of the total travel time,
the power plant per unit weight is b/. If this since trajectory analysis tends to show one
could be converted into kinetic energy of the third acceleration, one third coast, and one
power plant see Equation 14, the resulting third deceleration as roughly optimum burning
velocity would be: programs. The optimum exhaust velocity pro
tb gram requires that exhaust velocity always
Vch = 64,100 59 equal flight velocity.

The nature of the problems of nuclear electric
where Vch = characteristic velocity in feet per rockets may be illustrated by an example. If we
second; b = power plant operating time in wish to go from low Earth orbit to a Saturn
days; and  = power plant specific weight in orbit at the radius of Titan, then Figures 55
pounds per exhaust kilowatt. The characteris and 56, Equation 56, and the planetary data
tic velocity is a great help in understanding of the table on page 82 show a velocity of
electrical rockets. It represents the limiting 210,000 feet per second required at 950 days
velocity achievable with 100 percent eciency travel time and 290,000 feet per second re
and zero payload. Since it increases with burn quired at 600 days. The characteristic velocity
ing time, electrical rockets can be made e with  = 20 pounds per kilowatt is 362,000 feet
cient by extending the burning time. Unfortu per second in the former case, but only
nately, only the rocket eciency improves with 286,000 feet per second in the latter. Hence, at
long burning time. Everything else gets worse. shorter travel times, the need for increased
Chemical rockets have a fixed maximum ex power cannot be met unless  is decreased.
haust velocity for each propellant combina Optimum Exhaust Velocity Program — Single Stage
Structural Weight
tion. One cannot concentrate the energy re =
Propellant Weight
lease into less propellant. Electrical rockets 1
* Limiting Velocity (Useful Load = 0)

have an energy source which is separate from

the propellant, and can operate at any exhaust =0
velocity for which ecient thrustors are avail  = 0.05
 = 0.10
Initial Weight
Useful Load

able. Since the total energy output of the  = 0.15

power supply must appear as exhaust energy, 10-1
 = 0.20
we have for perfect eciency:
w Vch2 = w p vef2 510

* * * *
where  = weight of power supply in pounds, 10-2

and p = weight of propellant in pounds. Thus, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Velocity Increment
the exhaust velocity can only be increased with Characteristic Velocity
respect to characteristic velocity by devoting
less of the total power plant weight to propel Figure 5-12 — Electrical rocket performance
lant. Clearly there will be an optimum value for Electrical rockets give large payloads at long
exhaust velocity. travel times but fall o rapidly at short times
The rocket equation can be derived in terms of since the velocity requirement goes up at the
characteristic velocity with optimum exhaust same time the characteristic velocity goes
velocity program. The result is shown in Figure down. If specific power is around 40 pounds
512 which bears a strong resemblance to Fig per kilowatt, they are only marginally competi
ure 16. Figure 512 can be used with Figures 55 tive with solid core nuclear thermal rockets. At

Thrust Into Space 88

10 pounds per kilowatt, they still do not com
pete well with gaseous core nuclear rocket pos
sibilities. Any comparison of the relative worth
of nuclear electric and nuclear thermal rockets
usually deteriorates to a discussion of relative
operational dates for an electrical power supply
of given specific power as compared to a nu
clear thermal rocket of given specific impulse.

Solar Powered Rockets

Use of solar energy to power rockets has been
considered often and has been utilized for atti
tude control. A solar electric power supply can
be used instead of a nuclear supply to power
any type of electrical rocket discussed. Even
though it can give a human a severe sunburn,
solar energy at the distance of the Earth’s orbit
around the Sun is weak. Solar energy falling on
one square yard is about 1.12 kilowatts. To col
lect the amount of energy 1100 megawatts
generated by the Nerva nuclear rocket, one
million square yards of surface would be re
quired. This is twothirds of a mile in diameter. Nerva Nuclear Engine, Source: NASA
Because solar flux is so low, any solar powered One interesting solarpowered rocket idea is
rocket system will be of low thrust/weight ra the solar sail. Radiation pressure from the Sun
tio. is caught in a sail and used for propulsion. This
is exactly analogous to ocean sailing vessels,
including the ability to tack against the “wind.”
It is attractive for the same reasons. All the
power used is free. It has the same disadvan
tages. It incurs the longest travel times. The
radiation pressure field of the Sun at the dis
tance of the Earth requires over one million
square feet of perfect reflector to generate one
pound of thrust. The “solar wind” of high ve
locity protons exerts only 0.001 of the pressure
of the Sun’s radiation and, in any event, would
penetrate thin material with ease. It will not be
easy to find convincing uses for “Sunjammers”
if the promise of gaseous fission powered
spaceships materializes.
All solarpowered propulsion systems behave
dierently from selfpowered rockets. They
depend on the Sun’s energy. This energy varies
inversely as the square of the distance from the
Sun. Solarpowered devices, therefore, will in
tercept more energy and work better closer to

Thrust Into Space 89

the Sun. Mercury is about onethird the dis spect to any nuclear test ban is a continuing
tance from the Sun that the Earth is, and a subject of discussion.
solarpowered device would be 10 times as
Although nuclear pulse rockets are interesting
powerful at Mercury. The acceleration of a so
and may be used in the future, we will not dis
lar rocket, however, would vary with distance
cuss them in detail here. The fuel cost of any
from the Sun much in the same way the Sun’s
bomb propellant system would seem to be
gravity field varies. If it were a “lowthrust”
much higher than that of a wellcontained
rocket at Earth, it would be the same through
gaseous fission system. Each detonation, of
out the solar system.
which thousands are needed, requires the as
We are interested also in going outward from sembly of a critical mass, all of which is lost. It
the Earth. At Jupiter, which is roughly five is doubtful if pulse systems could ever compare
times Earth’s distance from the Sun, the en economically with gaseous fission unless al
ergy of a solar device would be only 4 as most pure fusion bombs were used. Should the
great as at Earth. At Pluto, it would be weaker latter become possible, nuclear pulse rockets
than at Earth by a factor of 1000. Solar might become highly competitive.
powered rockets, which at best are marginal
for use in the vicinity of Earth, would be ex Spaceship Design Philosophy
pected to be totally inadequate for use
throughout the entire solar system. The performance capability of gaseous fission
engines is so high that their manner of utiliza
tion may be completely dierent from other
Nuclear Pulse Rockets rocket engines. They should permit the practi
Nuclear pulse rockets make use of small nu cal realization of a true spaceship for the first
clear bombs as propulsive devices. They give time. The performance capability is so high, it
promise of high specific impulse and relatively is reasonable to consider a ship design which
high thrust/weight ratio. The internal pulse can operate throughout. the entire solar sys
engine detonates a series of bombs in succes tem.
sion in a large rocket chamber. For each deto
Some possible design interactions between the
nation, a suitable amount of propellant is
ship and its propulsion system, as well as some
placed in the chamber around the bomb and is
other operational considerations, will be pre
heated and pressurized by the bomb energy
sented here. Other propulsion systems, such as
release so that it expands out of the nozzle.
a nuclear pulse system based on clean fusion
Calculations of such systems have been per
bombs, or a nuclear electric system with spe
formed, but no serious development has been
cific power much less than one pound per
kilowatt, might also achieve some of the ad
External pulse rockets detonate bombs behind vantages discussed. We will consider only the
the ship. They are arranged to throw propel gaseous fission system, however, since it seems
lant against a suitably shockmounted striker to combine most advantages in one package.
plate. Cooling restrictions are dierent from
gaseous core nuclear rockets since the plate Versatile Ship Design
receives only a sharp thermal pulse which can
be radiated away between detonations and Under certain circumstances, much can be
much of the nuclear radiation can be absorbed learned about spaceship design without de
in the propellant. The Orion program has per tailed knowledge of the missions to be per
formed a number of chemical high explosive formed. When considering total solar system
simulations of a nuclear pulse system, but no transportation, we face a variety of missions.
nuclear tests have been performed as of 1965. Which will be paramount is not clear. One ap
The status of nuclear pulse rockets with re proach to the problem is to present the char

Thrust Into Space 90

Maximum Velocity for 20% Payload/Launch Weight
acteristics of the vehicle as a function of total 10

[ lb$ ]
Hydrogen Propellant Water Propellant
velocity increment which the ship can achieve. No Radiator With Radiator
8 Isp = 250 sec

Fuel and Propellant Cost

This is exactly analogous to the aircraft design S=0 Isp = 10,000 sec
practice of presenting operating characteristics 6 S = 10-4
S = 10-3 S = 10-4
as a function of range. In this way, the ship’s Solid Core

Isp = 900 sec
ability to deliver payload to a certain velocity Chemical
Isp = 900 sec
Optimum Isp
economically can be easily understood. Com 2 S = 10-4
plex mission analyses can then be made to re
flect the maximum design velocity increment 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)
Figure 5-13 — Single-stage spaceship fuel and propellant
Fuel and Propellant Costs costs

In understanding spaceship operating costs, it On a fuel and propellant cost basis alone, a
is instructive to consider first only fuel and gaseous fission engine without radiators and
propellant cost. This cost represents the with separation ratio of 103 is not significantly
minimum achievable. It is particularly impor better than a solid core engine. Gaseous en
tant to understand how to achieve a low fuel gines with better containment would be much
and propellant cost when truly reusable ships better. Gaseous engines with space radiators,
are employed. In transport aircraft practice, but with specific impulse limited to 10,000
reuse is so high that initial airframe costs are seconds, can drive ships up to about 500,000
only a small fraction of the operating cost, and feet per second and still maintain reasonable
fuel costs represent about onehalf of the total. fuel cost. The attainment of a fuel separation
We shall examine fuel costs for their basic ratio of 104 is almost as eective as perfect
limitations on performance, then see how fuel containment.
closely these limits can be approached with The optimum fuel cost curves for gaseous fis
reusable ships. sion engines with radiators were obtained by
Fuel and propellant costs as a function of total determining the optimum specific impulse for
velocity increment for chemical, solid core nu each velocity and separation ratio. This is nec
clear, and gaseous nuclear rockets are shown in essary since too low a specific impulse will re
Figure 513. A number of dierent propellants sult in excessive propellant cost, while too high
and degrees of containment are shown for a specific impulse will result in excessive fuel
gaseous fission engines using the fuel costs of cost. The optimum specific impulse is much
Figure 59. All curves are for singlestage ships. higher than 10,000 seconds for all velocities
’ of 0.85 was assumed. This corresponds to an beyond a few hundred thousand feet per sec
advanced reusable vehicle design. In addition, ond. Hence, these curves represent a future
the payload was taken as 0.85 useful load to capability presently unattainable due to pro
make an allowance for the structure containing pellant transparency problems at high tem
the payload. peratures. Were this not so, gaseous fission
ships could be driven to almost one million
feet per second before fuel costs became a

Structural Cost Amortization

Future orbital transportation costs are usually
estimated at several hundred dollars per
pound. With hydrogenoxygen as propellants,
an advanced orbital rocket would use less than

Thrust Into Space 91

13 pounds propellant per pound payload. Since ships. We shall estimate the results of such
hydrogenoxygen costs less than 10 cents per transportation operations.
pound, the cost of propellant is about 1.00
A transport aircraft is used about 50 percent of
per pound payload. Expensive equipment and
the time. Average flight durations are less than
large launch costs result, however, in total costs
four hours. Such vehicles are hence used over
100 to 1000 times the cost of the energy used.
1000 times per year. Space travel durations are
The obvious key to reducing these numbers is much longer, though, and interaction between
reuse of the equipment, as with transport air travel duration and number of reuses must be
planes or any other transportation device. It is considered.
the ammunition business, not transportation,
For lunar missions, large numbers of reuses can
which thrives on throwaways. Many analyses of
be envisioned. TypIcally, 100 flights per year
reusable rockets result in only modest im
50 each way would occur on the basis of two
provements from current practice. The reason
day travel times, one day turn around at each
is shown in Figure 514. Vastly dierent as
terminal, and allowing Sundays plus two weeks
sumptions as to recovery reliability and refur
o for vacation. Over a tenyear ship lifetime,
bishment maintenance cost characterize am
1000 uses will be achieved.
munition and transportation assumptions.
Assumptions: To obtain the number of interplanetary uses,
• Cost with no reuse = 301 $/lb
• Fuel Cost = 1 $/lb one must assume a ship total life. Typically,
• Vehicle Life = 1000 Flights
200 transport aircraft are designed for 40,000
hours 4.6 years total life. With slightly less
Operating Cost ($/lb)

150 than 50 percent utilization, such a vehicle

would last for 10 years. They always last much
longer but the amortization time of the air
Already frame is usually about 40,000 hours, since new
50 0% Achieved
Refurbishment Cost in Air equipment always becomes available in even
(Percent of Initial Cost)
shorter time.
60 70 80 90 100
Recovery Reliability (percent) Selecting a suitable lifetime for a spaceship
Figure 5-14 — Transportation versus ammunition re-use
presents a technical dilemma. One viewpoint
assumptions would take ten years as above. An even shorter
lifetime might technically be justified due to
Typical ammunition assumptions are recovery
severe loads associated with atmospheric en
reliabilities of 75 percent and refurbishment
tries and the generally unknown operational
costs of 25 percent. After spending that much
environment of space.
on refurbishment with that low a recovery reli
ability, an improvement of two in cost is the It may be, however, that spaceships will last
best to be expected. longer than transport aircraft. The transport
main propulsion system operates continually
Also shown in Figure 514 are values already
during flight, and it continually faces the tem
achieved in air transportation many decades
peratures and gust loads within our atmos
ago. Recovery reliability is so close to 1.00 that
phere. The question is whether spaceship op
it cannot be seen on this scale. The same is
erating life should be determined by the total
true of maintenance cost, which is about 0.04
time of operation, or only by the times during
percent. A transport airplane is more compli
which the main engines operate and/or it is
cated than a ballistic missile. After one lands,
within an atmosphere. In other words, is a
however, a few people turn it around, give it
spaceship coasting between planets actually
some fuel, pat it on the head, and it takes o
operating in the transport aircraft sense, or is
again. This should be the goal for future space

Thrust Into Space 92

it merely parked in space, breathing quietly, be achieved with engines not limited to 10,000
waiting for its next mission? seconds specific impulse. In that case, velocity
One can make a case for the latter point of increments beyond 500,000 feet per second
view in terms of the space environment that would be economically reasonable.
the ship faces while coasting. The ship would Specific Impulse = 10,000 sec
Water Propellant, S = 10-4
25 Year Ship Lifetime
Optimum Specific Impulse
have to be on interplanetary runs for several 12
Refueling at All Terminals

centuries in order to build up 40,000 hours of

engine and atmospheric operation. It is bound 10
Triton Triton
(Neptune) (Neptune)
to be replaced, however, by better equipment

[ lb$ ]
within a few decades. As a base for calcula Titan
(Saturn) Io (Jupiter)

tions, we shall assume 25 years as useful ship


lifetime. 4

Io Fuel
(Jupiter) Cost
Various spaceship weights versus velocity are 2 Mars
shown in Figure 515 for specific impulse lim Fuel Cost

ited to 10,000 seconds and for optimum spe 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)
cific impulse. These curves are for versatile
ships designed for 20 percent payload, then Figure 5-16 — Single-stage spaceship fuel, propellant, and
operated by oloading propellant at less than structure costs
design velocity and oloading payload at The average travel time between planets corre
greater than design. velocity, just as transport sponding to the velocities of Figure 516 is
aircraft. shown in Figure 517. With specific impulse
Design Point — 20% Payload at Maximum Weight
Specific Impulse = 10,000 sec limited to 10,000 seconds, the travel time to
Optimum Specific Impulse
Zero Payload Jupiter is under four months. Inner solar sys
Launch tem travel times need not exceed two months.
Maximum Launch Weight

0.8 Optimum specific impulse is more important
at Saturn and beyond.

Weight Water Propellant, S = 10-4
Specific Impulse = 10,000 sec 25 Year Ship Lifetime
Optimum Specific Impulse Refueling at All Terminals
0.2 Io
10 Triton
0 (Neptune)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
[ lb$ ]

Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)



Figure 5-15 — Spaceship payload capability


By using the travel time data of Figure 52, the Titan
weight data of Figure 515, the fuel plus propel 2
lant cost data of Figure 59, and assuming a ve
hicle cost of 100 per pound, the curves of 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Figure 516 were obtained. The currently esti Total Velocity Increment (1000 fps)

mated cost of a supersonic transport is 100 Figure 5-17 — Single-stage spaceship fuel, propellant, and
per pound. These curves show fuel plus amor structure costs
tization of spaceship cost as a function of ve
It must be realized Figures 516 and 517 repre
locity increment for the missions selected.
sent certain assumptions. Better or worse
The lowest curves on Figure 516 are fuel cost situations may occur. A specific impulse of
only. For operations as far as Saturn, structural 10,000 seconds requires gaseous fission en
costs are comparable to fuel costs. Further im gines with radiators, and most 1965 thinking
provements in convenience of operation could concerns engines without radiators. In that

Thrust Into Space 93

case, the velocity increment would be only 25 Transportation Development
percent of the values shown. The structural Philosophy
weight may be heavier than assumed. Further
more, the economic penalty of possibly eject Transport aircraft not only achieve high reuse,
ing a critical mass of fuel in the process of they have sucient redundancy to permit fly
shutting down the engine has not been in ing with partial equipment failures, and to
cluded. This will be about 100,000 per shut abort successfully from any flight condition.
down. This last capability is very important to any
development of spaceships. It is sometimes
On the other hand, perfect containment might thought that recoverable vehicles would be
be achieved. We might design ships for each more expensive to develop since they are more
velocity increment, rather than use the single complicated. This might be true of the recov
design assumed. One can get a greater utiliza ery of marginal performing rockets, but not of
tion of vehicles by refueling those which go on a properly designed reusable spaceship.
deep space missions. This may be preferable to
multistage vehicles, since a fleet of ships used One cannot overemphasize the eect of this
for refueling can also be used for other mis dierence in development philosophy. Com
sions. No attempt will be made here to present mercial transports are extensively tested and
detailed eects of refueling. Cursory checks much equipment is refined by flight tests. They
show that over 200,000 feet per second can be become reliable vehicles for expenditures small
added for reasonable cost with two refuelings. in space budget terms because it is possible to
test over and over for reasonable expenditures.
The greatest conservatism of all in Figures 516 If high performance propulsion systems can,
and 517 is in the magnitude of the ordinate for the first time, permit us to pursue a space
scale. Costs beyond 12 per pound have not vehicle program with the development tech
been shown. The entire set of curves is about niques of transport aircraft systems, the result
100 to 1000 times lower than virtually all space ing impact on development programs should
cost analyses to date. This is the lure of the gaseous be tremendous.
fission powered spaceship  transportation costs
throughout the solar system that are not much This dierence in development philosophy has
greater than terrestrial transportation costs. It can existed from the very beginning. The Wright
not be done with chemical energy. Assuming brothers made four flights on the first day, but
the best current chemical rocket, hydrogen it was eighteen days before Goddard fired his
fluorine with exhaust velocity of 15,000 feet second liquid rocket.
per second, the entire weight of the Earth The ability of a reusable ship to be tested con
would be required to accelerate one pound to veniently depends on how close to the ground
750,000 feet per second. The weight ratio of the main engine can be ignited, and the state
10,000 occurs at only 120,000 feet per second. of the ship after engine operation. In these
At one million feet per second, kinetic energy items, gaseous fission engines may be better
per pound is about 740 times that at Earth es than solid core nuclear engines. Gaseous fis
cape velocity, and about 9000 times the energy sion powered ships should be able to dispose
release of smokeless gunpowder. of their fission products safely in deep space
It is not surprising that only nuclear rockets but solid core engines continually build up fis
can go economically to these velocities. No sion products internally as they are used.
matter how often refueled, chemical rockets Hence, a gaseous core ship may return to earth
cannot compete with real spaceships. with no fission products aboard if it uses aero
dynamic braking, a degree of cleanliness which
cannot be achieved with solid core engines. If
it is constructed of properly selected materials,

Thrust Into Space 94

Dosage Selected for Most Critical Time
the radioactivity induced in the structure by of Gaseous Core Operation
neutron bombardment from the engine will be 10,000
almost negligible.

Start Altitude (feet)

Figure 518 shows the ground dose experienced 6,000
in case of fission product ejection versus igni
tion for gaseous nuclear engines. Since a single Power = 120,000 Megawatts
acute dose of 25 rems produces no ill eects in 2,000
Power = 40,000 Megawatts
humans, Figure 518 shows that only 5000 feet 0
is sucient to meet very stringent safety num 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
bers even in a catastrophe. If the first 5000 Dose to Ground Observer (Rem)
feet were obtained with chemical boost, about
Figure 5-18 — Dose to ground observer from
seven percent additional launch weight would gaseous core rockets
be necessary. This is quite reasonable. A reus
Although spaceships present only small prob
able gaseous fission ship might be flighttested
lems in terms of general earth atmospheric
safely without most of the elaborate test pro
contamination, we are extremely sensitive on
cedures of chemical rockets. The fact that its
this subject. We wish to contaminate neither
performance is far higher has nothing to do
the atmosphere nor the radiation belts of any
with its basic safety.
planet, nor any of space. Actually, one cannot
During each launch of a 500ton spaceship contaminate all of space. Our own star, the
from earth, the fission products generated at sun, has been making a real eort for billions
altitudes of less than 200,000 feet are about of years. The sun’s energy output is equivalent
equivalent to those of a three kiloton bomb. to the detonation of 100 megaton bombs at
Fission products equivalent to a 7.5 kiloton the rate of 100 million per second. This occurs
bomb will be generated by the time orbital ve deep in the sun. The rest of the sun’s mass is an
locity is reached. This number is easily eective shield, but the point is still the same.
checked by using 10.43 million footpounds per Every star is a nuclear event which pours de
pound orbital energy. Chapter 3, about 50 bris into space far in excess of that possible
percent overall eciency, and the fact that from a mere spaceship. We need to be careful
one kiloton of energy is defined as 3.1 x 1012 of local eects on planets and radiation belts,
footpounds. Considering that about 90,000 but should not confuse them with all of space.
kiloton equivalents had been exploded in the
atmosphere up to 1960, it is clear that hun At a specific impulse of 3000 seconds, the av
dreds of launches per year would be small in erage exhaust velocity of a gaseous fission en
terms of bomb testing problems. The bomb gine would be about 100,000 feet per second.
tests prior to 1960 have been estimated to in This is not only higher than earth escape ve
crease the natural background radiation at sea locity; it is also higher than the 40,000 feet
level by less than five percent over the subse per second which must be added to the earth’s
quent 30year period. velocity around the sun to achieve solar system
escape. When operating with high specific im
pulse, the exhaust velocity would be several
hundred thousand feet per second. For rockets
of this sort, most fission products in the ex
haust would be thrown completely from the
solar system as long as flight programs were
arranged so the exhaust jet was not pointed at
either a planet or its radiation trapping belts.
Far from being a solar system hazard, such
spaceships would dispose of most of their fis

Thrust Into Space 95

sion products automatically in a more accept Since it is desirable the ship be built of high
able fashion than any system limited to dis temperature materials to permit reentry, it is
posal on this planet. possible the same surface area can be used to
radiate energy. The energy would come from
Hypothetical Gaseous Fission Ship the outside during reentry and from the inside
during engine operation. If the radiator area is
A hypothetical gaseous fission powered ship is small enough that the normal structure of the
shown in Figure 519. An initial weight of one ship becomes the radiating surface, then the
million pounds 500 tons was selected as rea radiator weight penalties are virtually reduced
sonable, although there is some doubt that a to zero.
gaseous fission engine can be this small. This
weight is high enough that the design payload 4000 ft2 Radiator Area

of 100 tons is very useful, yet low enough that

the ship is more compact than a modern jet
125 ft 45 ft
transport. The cargo weights which can be car Required for
Shielding Size if Hydrogen is
ried by such ships are a large fraction of the Used as Propellant
total weight of the ship. Depending upon ve Engine Propellant Cargo Crew
locity increment, this number can be as low as
20 percent or as high as 70 percent of initial Launching Weight = 1,000,000 lb (500 tons)
weight. When we layout such a ship using wa Cargo Weight = 200,000 lb (100 tons)
ter as propellant, rather than hydrogen, the Propellant Weight = 650,000 lb (325 tons)

design looks more like a Buck Rogers space Figure 5-19 — Gaseous fission powered spaceship
ship than a conventional ballistic missile. Since
The first ships to explore the solar system will
standard cargo densities are about 10 pounds
operate, for the most part, from totally unpre
per cubic foot, the cargo compartment takes
pared facilities. Only on Earth will they oper
up more space than the propellant tank. That
ate from a spaceport. It is necessary the ships
is the way a good spaceship should be.
be able to take o without requiring either
This particular configuration is presented as an launch complex or takeo roll. It is also desir
illustration of possibilities. The lifting body able for ease of cargo handling that cargo doors
configuration for atmospheric entry is ideal be close to the ground when the ship is at rest.
ized. Such a shape assumes it will not be neces One can spend many hours developing ship
sary to supply artificial gravity for long dura designs which meet most or all of these re
tion missions. If artificial gravity is needed, a quirements. Many possibilities exist, just as
radically dierent shape, perhaps a spinning many dierent ship, automobile, and airplane
disc, might be required. designs have been used. Oddly enough, in spite
An analysis of the shielding weight for such a of extensive rocket work, there has been rela
ship indicates 20,000 pounds to be a conserva tively little serious spaceship design as of 1965.
tive shielding allowance. Cargo itself is about Performance curves so far have stressed the
70 percent eective as shielding material, and use of high specific impulses. Weight estimates
most cargo would not be harmed by exposure assumed an engine thrust/weight ratio of 20.
to the radiation levels present. Some radiation With the radiator area shown, the spaceship of
is beneficial as in the case of food preservation. Figure 519 would have an acceleration fully
The expediency of never flying the ship with loaded of only 0.10 go at 10,000 seconds spe
less than 10 percent cargo weight, properly cific impulse. It could, however, operate at
packaged, would eectively reduce the shield lower specific impulse when high thrust was
ing penalty almost to zero. required. Once orbital velocity is attained, 0.10
go is adequate.

Thrust Into Space 96

About 0.20 go would be required for normal the price of kerosene. Fuel cost to deliver cargo
takeo from the large natural satellites of the to 2000 miles would be less than one cent per
solar system. Takeo from Mars and Mercury tonmile. To deliver cargo half way around the
would require reducing specific impulse to world, it would be onesixth cent per tonmile.
about 5000 seconds for the first 10,000 feet These are very impressive numbers. Such a
per second velocity. The only substantial pen domesticated spaceship should have lower op
alty associated with low thrust/weight ratio is erating cost than any current subsonic jet or
the necessity to climb out of Earth or Venus projected supersonic transport. As a commer
gravity fields with initial thrust/weight ratio of cial transport, or military cargo craft, it would
1.25. This penalty only influences very high ve be superb.
locity missions with Earth launch. It can be
avoided completely by one refueling from a Non-Rocket Solar System
sister ship. Transportation
High performance engines are of great use in One wonders if guns could ever compete with
low performance missions. Although this sec rockets in space transportation. Once a lunar
tion has emphasized a versatile vehicle which base is established, we might imagine con
could operate throughout the solar system, its structing a gun accelerator several miles long
use on lunar cargo runs is very worthwhile. for space vehicles. An electromagnetic gun
Without radiators but with hydrogen propel would be more suitable than a gas expulsion
lant, the ship could deliver 100 tons cargo to device. The gun in space is dierent from on
the Moon 50 times a year, or 5000 tons per the earth’s surface. Almost any velocity could
year. Ten such ships could deliver the same theoretically be reached since there would be
tonnage per year to the Moon which we supply no air resistance either outside or inside the
to Antarctica. accelerator. Since no propellant would be
If the ship were powered by an engine without thrown away, only a little more than the elec
radiators but operating on water, its specific trical energy equivalent of the kinetic energy
impulse would be only about 1200 seconds. of the vehicle need be expended.
This means an impulsive velocity of only It has been suggested an asteroid be brought
38,700 feet per second. However, 30,000 feet here and placed in orbit around earth. This
per second is enough to attain orbital velocity, might be possible using nuclear bombs on the
and this ship could reenter at will. It could asteroid as external pulse rocket charges. Vehi
operate between any two points on Earth at cles would then be fired vertically from earth
orbital velocities carrying 20 percent of launch with an electrical gun at minimum velocity to
weight as payload, and needing only water as just reach the orbit of the asteroid. The aster
propellant. The time to travel half way around oid would scoop up the vehicle, decelerating it
Earth without exceeding 1.0 go during accelera within an electromagnetic tube and converting
tion or deceleration would be 54 minutes. The
its kinetic energy into electrical energy. This
minimum time without exceeding 1.0 go is 47.5
electrical energy would be stored and used
minutes since orbital velocities beyond 36,700
later to accelerate the vehicle to space. This
feet per second require negative accelerations
represents a daring idea. It is analogous to the
greater than 1.0 go to hold a circular path; see
close flyby of a planet by a vehicle. An asteroid
Equation 315.
in earthorbit would not have a suciently
This ship’s payload fraction would be higher high gravity field to deflect a vehicle moving at
than a subsonic jet transport. As shown in Fig 26,000 feet per second with respect to it
ure 59, its fuel cost with perfect containment through the almost 180 degrees required for
would be only 0.3 cents per pound of propel ejection into space. Catching it in a magnetic
lant. This is almost a factor of 10 lower than gun, and reaccelerating it with its own energy

Thrust Into Space 97

is a way of doing this without a large gravity locities. Even this scheme is not feasible, for
field. now the vehicle will experience centrifugal
There are two main objections to the use of force due to the curved track. The expression
electromagnetic guns. First is the length of ac for eective gravity, Equation 315, shows that
celeration device required. For human trans on the moon a velocity of only 15,000 feet per
portation, it is highly desirable that the accel second requires one go and 20,000 feet per
second requires two go’s lateral force.
eration be limited to about one go. A curve of
acceleration distance versus velocity for one The other objection to electromagnetic guns is
and two go’s is shown in Figure 520. Even if that rockets are very ecient. Figure 17 shows
solar transportation is envisioned as only that a maximum eciency rocket velocity in
Hohmann Transfers, 7800 feet per second is crement = 1.6 exhaust velocity will convert 65
required for lunar escape, and the acceleration percent of its exhaust energy to kinetic energy
device would be 179 miles long for 1.0 go. Al of the final weight. Including the eects of ef
though awkward, this does not represent an ficiency of internal energy release, a future
impossible engineering feat. Truly convenient rocket would be about 50 percent ecient. Al
solar transportation will require velocities as though the electromagnetic gun should be
high as 500,000 feet per second. A velocity of highly ecient, we must consider its energy
500,000 feet per second, even at two go’s ac source; Either chemical or nuclear energy
celeration, requires a 368,000 mile accelerator. would have to be converted to electrical en
Even if a magnetic gun does save rocket fuel, it ergy. The best power stations on earth do this
is limited to low capability solar transportation at only 30 percent eciency. In the case of the
systems. asteroid at earth orbit process, where initial
energy comes from the vehicle’s kinetic energy
with respect to the asteroid, it would be neces
Acceleration Distance (miles)

sary to store and reuse electrical energy with

105 50 percent eciency to begin to compete with
2g0 rockets. Since storing of electrical energy in
volves converting it to other forms, the instal
lation would almost certainly be less ecient
than a properly designed rocket.
This valid point, clearly understood by Tsiolk
ovskiy, seems to have been missed by science
102 fiction writers as well as engineers ever since.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Rockets, properly used, are the most ecient
Velocity Increment (1000 fps)
converters of nuclear or chemical energy to
Figure 5-20 — Acceleration distance useful kinetic energy yet discovered. The pen
One could conceive of an electromagnetic ac alty of carrying fuel aboard is not great and is
celerator of the required length built by wrap substantially less than penalties of energy con
ping a 6800mile track around the maximum version required in nonrocket systems. Fur
diameter of the moon with electromagnetic thermore, rockets can spread their acceleration
accelerator stations at intervals. The vehicle over distances of hundreds of thousands of
would make 15 turns around the track if miles as required for passenger comfort. The
100,000mile acceleration distance were re gun will not rise again. The future of space exploi
quired. Compared to civil engineering feats on tation belongs strictly to the rocket. It is quite ad
earth, much longer railroad tracks and greater quate for the job.
power stations have been built, though not
with the precision required for such high ve

Thrust Into Space 98

constitute only 0.134 percent of the mass of
6. Interstellar Ships the system. We can estimate the probable
number of planetary systems in our galaxy by
Interstellar ships have velocities approaching noting the number of F, G, K, and M type
the velocity of light. stars. The suitability of planets about M type
stars for life is questionable since they have
Stellar Mechanics low intensities and temperatures. We shall
concentrate on F, G, and K types.
Even in terms of the great distances and ve
locities already discussed, the stars are very far Alpha Centauri B is a K type star, and Alpha
away. They are so far away that their distance is Centauri A, a G type, the same as our sun. It is
commonly measured with yet another unit. It also about the same size. Although this is a
is the distance light travels in one year  strong hint that planets have been formed
called a light year. Since light travels 186,000 there, the suitability of any such planets for life
miles per second 1000 times faster than the as we know it is a complicated question, since
highest velocity in Chapter 5, a lightyear is extreme temperature variations will occur on
about 5.9 trillion miles, or 63,500 astronomical planets with highly elliptical orbits. A single
units. The term parsec, an acronym for sec star can have planets in stable orbits anywhere
onds of heliocentric parallax is also used. One about it. Theoretically, however, multiple stars
parsec = 3.22 light years = 19 trillion miles. may only have planets in stable orbits close to
one star or very far from all.
The nearest known star is Alpha  Centauri.
It is about 4.29 lightyears from the Sun. The Alpha Centauri A and B revolve around each
distance from the Sun to Pluto at aphelion is other with a period of 80.09 years on elliptical
6.8 lighthours. Thus, the nearest star is about orbits with maximum separation of 47.4 astro
5,500 times as far away as the most distant nomical units and minimum separation of 24.7
known planet of the solar system. astronomical units. Unfortunately, even the
restricted threebody problem has been solved
To the naked eye, the stars appear as points of
for only circular orbits, and hence cannot be
light. When viewed through a telescope, many
applied to Alpha Centauri. If Alpha Centauri A
are revealed to be several stars revolving
and B maintained circular orbits at the closest
around each other. More than half the stars in
distance, however, planets could exist around
the sky are multiple stars. Alpha Centauri is a
Alpha Centauri A at distances comparable to
triple star.
that between Saturn and the Sun. Unless some
thing very unusual occurs in stability eects of
Probability of Planets elliptical orbits, Alpha Centauri should be as
Astronomers classify stars according to their good a source of habitable planets as a single
temperature and the intensity of light emitted. star.
The rate of rotation also can be measured. Alpha Centauri C, the nearest known star, is a
Certain types of stars, known as F, G, K, and flare star circling A and B at a great distance.
M type stars, have much lower rates of rota Thus, Alpha Centauri C does come at times
tion than the others. This is currently consid 0.17 lightyears nearer to Earth than A or B,
ered as evidence that those stars have formed and accordingly, is frequently called “Proxima
planets. Were a planetary mass created during Centauri.”
star evolution, the star would slow down in ro
tation by the amount of angular momentum Using information on stellar types, it is possi
carried o by the planet. Ninetyseven percent ble to construct a picture of our galaxy as seen
of the angular momentum of our solar system through the eyes of a starship designer. Figure
is contained in the planets, even though they 61 shows the 30 stars nearest to our Sun.

Thrust Into Space 99

Communication with Intelligent Life
Single G, G, or K Type Groombridge 1618
Project Ozma, an attempt to detect intelligent
Multiple F, G, or K type
Van Maanen’s Star signals from stars, was made in 1960. The radio
telescope antenna was directed toward  Ceti
and  Eridani. Neither  Centauri nor  Indi
Number of Stars

were visible at the antenna location. The at
15 tempt was unsuccessful. The probability of
Procyon  Indi
there being transmissions from an alien race,
61 Cygni
however, remains of interest. To say the least,
it is dicult to estimate this probability. We
5 have reason to believe due to research into
 Centauri chemical evolution during the past two dec
0 ades that life would arise spontaneously on
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Distance (light years) any planet with temperatures not unlike those
of the earth. There remains still the question
Figure 6-1 — The near stars of rise of intelligence and culture. Further
Multiple stars are counted as only one star. more, if a culture reaches the point where it
Multiple and single stars with F, G, or K type wants to communicate, how long will it have
components are designated. this urge? Perhaps after another 5,000 years,
the human race will not have a scientific cul
The nearest single stars of F, G, or K type are 
ture. It may be something entirely dierent.
Eridani at 10.8 lightyears,  Indi at 11.4 light
Our descendants may not care about commu
years, and y Ceti at 11.8 lightyears distance.
nicating with anyone.
Figure 62 is an extension of Figure 61 to the
whole galaxy. It assumes, based on local star Figure 63 adds an estimate of the occurrence
counts, that single F, G, and K type stars con of intelligence throughout the galaxy to Figure
stitute five percent of the galactic stellar popu 62. The bottom curve, labelled Social Interest,
lation. They may run as high as 67 percent of assumes that life would develop at each single
multiple stars. F, G, and K type star; that after five billion
years, it would produce a society; and that the
Single F,G, or K Type Stars average society would be actively interested in
Assumed to be 5 Percent
of Total communicating with other civilizations for
only about 50,000 years. Astronomical and
geological evidence agree that the planet Earth
Number of Stars

was formed about five billion years ago. Thus,




our star required five billion years to produce a



106 society. Races on other planets could have




evolved slower or faster.






1 101 102 103 104 105
Distance (light years)

Figure 6-2 — The galaxy

Thrust Into Space 100

1012 on our use of data from a comparable time
span on this planet, the curve labelled Biologi
1010 cal Interest on Figure 63 results.

1018 Acceleration
Number of Stars

t ar
fS s
ar The great distances to the stars make it clear
106 ro St
be p e
um ty st that no interstellar travel, even to the nearer
lN rK re
ta , o Inte stars, can occur within reasonable travel times
10 4 To G l
F, ca
le gi in terms of a human life unless an appreciable
i ng olo
S Bi st
ere amount of the velocity of light can be attained.
10 2
c ia If a constant acceleration of one go could be
maintained, it would take one year to reach the
1 101 102 103 104 105 velocity of light. Consequently, accelerations
Distance (light years)
of this order are mandatory for starships.
Figure 6-3 — Hypothetical galactic community There appears to be no place for lowthrust
Unfortunately, we only have one data point on electrical rockets requiring millennia to gener
this subject. We do not even have one data ate any significant portion of the velocity of
point on the 50,000year active communica light in interstellar travel.
tion assumption. Speculation ranges all the way A starship starting from earth and accelerating
from only a few decades  if scientific cul at a constant one go would reach 32 astronomi
tures tend to destroy themselvesto millions of cal units in 11.4 days and would be going at 3.24
years  if they learn to live in peace after re percent of the velocity of light. A tracking
leasing nuclear energy. It is not surprising, in network covering the entire solar system would
view of the great distance to the nearest prob observe only the beginning of such a flight.
able communicating civilization, that many
people dismiss going to the stars. If it is only Time Dilation
societies which are currently communicating
who are of interest, then perhaps it is appro If ships can approach the velocity of light then
priate to just listen from earth and hope to the various eects predicted by Einstein’s The
learn that way. ory of Relativity must be considered. Of major
consequence is the limitation that the velocity
There is, however, another class of stellar sys of material particles cannot exceed that of
tem which could be of interest. A spaceship light. Since our galaxy is about 100,000 light
that travels to the stars is, in a way, a time ma years across, this restriction seriously limits
chine. Deliberate communication records of interstellar travel within our galaxy, let alone
human society on this planet cover thousands travel to other galaxies.
of years. Ancient races have communicated to,
if not with, us by their writings. We have been In addition to the limitation on maximum ve
able to look hundreds of millions of years into locity, the Theory of Relativity predicts that
the past, learning things of biological interest, time dilation will occur as the ship approaches
such as patterns of the development of life. If the velocity of light. That is to say, time, as
one goes to the planets of a distant star with measured in the ship, will appear to go slower
suitable scientific personnel and equipment, than time measured by those who remain on
one can look both back and ahead in time earth.
compared to the limited real time contact with The relation between earth time and ship time
any currently communicating society. If we as is given by:
sume 500 million years as the time during
which a planet is of biological interest, based

Thrust Into Space 101

t s = t EA 1  (V / c ) 61 gists succeed in accomplishing true hiberna

tion, they will exert a greater leverage on star

where s = ship time; EA = earth time; V = ship ship design than those who would attempt to
velocity, and c = velocity of light. Figure 64 design starships capable of almost the velocity
shows earth time and ship time versus ship ve of light. Many analyses have been made with
locity. The times are shown compared to earth velocities about one percent lower than the
time if the ship were traveling at the velocity velocity of light. The conclusions are that the
of light. One must approach quite closely the ships required would be ridiculous, and, there
velocity of light to get any appreciable time fore, interstellar travel even to the nearer stars
dilation eect. is ridiculous. This represents a very naive sys
tems analysis of interstellar travel.
Comparison of Relativistic and
Biological Time Dilation Effects
Negligible Acceleration Times
Escape from the Galaxy
Time if at Velocity of Light

As Figure 62 indicates, our galaxy is so large
3 100,000 light years across, and contains so

many stars 100 billion, that it would seem

2 large enough to occupy us quite a while. This
does not prevent consideration of the question
Ship (and Some Earth) Time Ship
of escape from the galaxy. The galaxy is rotat
With Perfect Hibernation e ing and an escape velocity is required, as for
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
other gravity fields. Not all of the galactic mass
Maximum Velocity estimated to be equivalent to 200 billion
Velocity of Light suns, however, can be assumed to be concen
Figure 6-4 — Interstellar travel time dilation effects trated at a central point. Indeed, some lie out
side of the sun’s orbit. Consequently, a some
Attainment of very high velocities might be
what dierent analysis of escape velocity is re
considered the physicists approach to time di
quired, but will not be presented here.
lation. There are other disciplines, however.
One is biology. Some fascinating things have The sun is estimated to be on a roughly circu
been happening in this field recently. Biologists lar orbit, 30,000 light years from the galactic
seem to be getting closer, by deepfreeze and center with a period of about 200 million
other techniques, to learning the secrets of years, It is moving at about 720,000 feet per
hibernationbiological time dilation. If second, and galactic escape velocity at this lo
achieved, it could be applied to the crew of a cation is about one million feet per second.
starship, making extremely high velocities un Hence, a solar hyperbolic excess velocity of
necessary. At onethird the velocity of light, about 300,000 feet per second is required for
the elapsed time is only three times as great in galactic escape. This would have to be at a
earth years as it would be if the ship travelled somewhat steep angle to the ecliptic, however,
at the velocity of light. Physical time dilation since the earth’s orbital plane is inclined at
could only be applied to those in the starship. about 60 degrees to the plane of the galaxy.
Biological time dilation could be applied both
to them and to personnel on earth. The latter Fusion Rockets
prospect has profound implications quite in
Examination of the propulsion requirements
dependent of space travel.
for interstellar travel naturally leads to a dis
The question, then, of whether starships must cussion of fusion rockets. The ratio of initial to
travel at almost the velocity of light or only final weight of an undiluted fusion rocket, as a
about onethird that velocity depends greatly function of the ratio of maximum velocity to
on a dierent discipline from physics. If biolo velocity of light, is shown in Figure 65. The

Thrust Into Space 102

weight ratio is that required both to accelerate 1010 Perfect Fusion Rocket (vef = c/8)
Weight Necessary Both to Accelerate
to the velocity shown and to decelerate to zero to Maximum Velocity and Decelerate
to Zero on Arrival
on arrival. When relativistic eects are in 108
cluded in the derivation, the basic rocket equa

Initial Weight
Final Weight
tion becomes: 106

 104 tivi
wI  1 + c
ela ivi
e lat
=  62 No
wF  1  V 

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
For the case of rocket braking on arrival, plot Maximum Velocity
ted in Figure 65, this expression becomes: Velocity of Light

Figure 6-5 — Fusion starship weight ratio


wI  1 + c  The same characteristics which cause fusion
=  63
wF  1  V 
power to be of extreme interest on earth would
 c  also be a great help in interstellar travel. Fis
sion fuel is expensive  around 5,000 per
Although Equation 62 does not look like pound. The fuel cost of a fission ship with ini
Equation 117, they are the same for small val tial to final weight of one million would be five
ues of V/c. A curve calculated by ignoring the billion dollars per pound of final weight. There
relativistic terms is included in Figure 65 for is hope that fusion reactors can be made to op
comparison. erate on cheap fuels. Heavy water today costs
The gaseous fission rockets of the previous less than 25 per pound. Deuterium heavy hy
chapter would seem to be unsuited for inter drogen, a possible fusion fuel, costs about five
stellar ships with velocities of the order of one times that. If a fusion rocket of initial to final
third the velocity of light. The undiluted spe weight of 100 were used, the deuterium would
cific impulse of fission reactions is about 0.3 cost 10,000 per pound of final weight. Since
that of fusion reactions. Equation 63 shows fusion reactions release about 10 times the en
that a weight ratio of 2.5 million would be re ergy per pound of fission reactions, fusion fuel
quired for a fission rocket less than 100 for a at 30 per pound is about 1600 times better
fusion rocket to achieve even 0.25 the velocity than fission fuel in energy per unit cost. A star
of light. The weight of the earth would be re ship with maximum velocity of 0.3 the velocity
quired to drive one pound to 76 percent of the of light, however, would generate a total ki
velocity of light with undiluted fission and 99.8 netic energy 350,000 times that of a one mil
percent with undiluted fusion. lion foot per second solarsystem spaceship.
Starship fuel costs are high, even assuming fu
sion. For them to be as economical as solar
system spaceships, fusion fuel would have to be
the same price as hydrogenoxygen.
In addition to cost, it is likely that fusion rock
ets would require less shielding than fission
rockets. Fusion reactions do not directly create
fission products to complicate shielding. Al
though neutrons will likely be produced so that
shielding will be necessary, the amount and va
riety of particles and radiation produced by
fusion reactions are not as bad as those pro

Thrust Into Space 103

duced by fission reactions, as long as reason energy by avoiding most of it. As a matter of
able care is used in selecting materials subject interest, even with the small final weight in
to neutron bombardment. Figure 66, such a ship would initially have to
Fusion rockets will have cooling problems, just generate power equivalent to the total power
as the gaseous fission rockets discussed in output of the sun, were it to generate 97 per
Chapter 5. The power generated by a typical cent of the velocity of light.
small starship is shown in Figure 66. This is It must be emphasized that, at the moment,
the initial power given by Equation 111, assum we seem to be far away from fusion rockets.
ing 100 percent eciency and an initial thrust/ Fusion plasmas have not yet been stabilized
weight ratio of one. This is a small ship with well enough to contain a selfsustaining fusion
final weight of only 10,000 pounds. The pay reaction. All of the systems under test for con
load weight will be even less, due to shielding trolled fusion power use magnetic containment
requirements. Yet, if designed for a maximum systems, since it seems fundamental that any
velocity of 30 percent that of light, this ship contact with solid materials would quench a
would initially generate about 1000 times the fusion reaction.
power of a gaseous fission engine of one mil
Even with the most modern cryogenic mag
lion pounds thrust.
nets, the thrust/weight ratio of fusion rockets
1024 would be less than 0.01. Hundreds of years
Final Weight = 10,000 lbs
Initial Acceleration = 1.0 g0 would be required to accelerate to an appre
vef = c/8
Power Radiated by Sun ciable portion of the velocity of light.
Initial Power (Megawatts)

Should fusion rockets ever be developed, they,

like almost all high performance engines, could
be helpful in lower performance missions. Fig
ure 67 compares fuel costs of both fission and
1012 fusion rockets as a function of specific impulse.
There have been suggestions that fusion rock
108 ets be made to operate with deuterium and
Thrust = one million lbs
helium3 because this reaction would produce
Gaseous fission, Isp = 2500 sec very few neutrons and thereby decrease shield
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ing problems. But helium3 is essentially as ex
Maximum Velocity pensive as fission fuel and the gain of fusion
Velocity of Light
over fission would not be great.
Figure 6-6 — Fusion starship power 102
[ lb$ ]

The control and reradiation of superfluous

energy without vaporizing the ship is, at the 10
Fuel Plus Propellant Weight
Fuel Plus Propellant Cost

moment, a totally unsolved problem. The lb

1 er
magnitude of such energy is uncertain, but S = 10-4
lb 0p
er sion =
0p u S=0 st
some estimates are as high as 20 percent of the 10-1 $5
,00 F l Co
n = Fue n
total energy. Since fusion reactors require no io ost sio
ss Fu
Fi e l C
moderators, however, perhaps most of this en 10-2
S=0 Fu
S = 10-4
ergy can be permitted to escape directly. The S=0

problem can be greatly alleviated by engine 10-3 3

10 104 105 106
configurations utilizing materials highly trans Specific Impulse (sec)
parent to the radiations, with payload and pro Figure 6-7 — Cost of nuclear rocket fuel and propellant
pellant shielding placed only where necessary.
This is a starship analogy of the ordinary If a fusion rocket operated on fuel which cost
chemical rocket technique of controlling large only 30 per pound, the resulting eect on so

Thrust Into Space 104

lar system transportation would be spectacular. in creating an intense beam with high thrust
A specific impulse of 500,000 seconds would and long duration. If the energy source is a fis
require a fuel plus propellant cost of about 50 sion or fusion reactor, only a fraction of total
cents per pound. A single stage ship with such mass can be converted to radiation. If the reac
an engine could generate about 16 million feet tion products are ejected from the ship at zero
per second with 20 percent payload. Sixteen relative velocity, then the photon rocket be
million feet per second is about 3000 miles per haves as if it had a fictitious exhaust velocity
second. Such a ship, passing the Earth at high given by:
velocity, would cross the United States in one
vef =  c 64
second. Even using one half this velocity for
braking, and limiting the ship acceleration to where  = fraction of mass converted to radia
one go such a ship could cover the distance tion. Equation 64 put in the relativistic rocket
from the Sun to Pluto in 25 days approxi equation gives:
mately 40 percent of the time accelerating and
decelerating. Thus, fusion rockets, if ever built  V 
with high thrust/weight ratios to operate on wI  1 + c 
=  65
cheap fuels, will be vastly better than gaseous wF  1  V 
fission engines for solar system transportation.  c
We can consider an even more routine use of
Comparing Equations 65 and 62 for fusion
fusion rockets. Just as domesticated gaseous
reactions shows that photon rockets are much
fission spaceships could make excellent terres
less ecient than pure fusion rockets. Reject
trial transports, we can examine the use of
ing the reaction products at zero velocity, even
starship engines in terrestrial transports. In
though the beam has the specific impulse of
this case, the ability of gaseous fission ships to
light 30.5 million seconds, is not as ecient
generate the highest usable velocities, consid
as distributing the energy into all particles ex
ering passenger comfort, at quite low fuel
hausted. A fusion photon rocket, however,
costs, does not leave much room for improve
would be more ecient than a diluted gaseous
ment. Certainly, a fusion rocket with perfect
fission engine.
containment would lower fuel and propellant
costs by a factor of 1000 under those of a per At the moment, the possibility of generating
fect containment gaseous fission system and photon beams of any substantial thrust seems
would solve the fission product disposal prob remote. The exhaust power of a photon beam
lem. By that time, however, gaseous fission sys is given by:
tems may already have reduced fuel cost to a Pef = Tc 66
minor portion of total operating cost. Fuel cost
of the fusion rocket would be lower even than This is twice the value one would expect from
current fuel cost of water transportation, and Equation 111. Using Equation 66, a power of
the possibility of a revolutionary transporta 1333 megawatts is required per pound of thrust.
tion system, combining the low cost of current To radiate this power from one square foot
water transport with the short travel time of would require a temperature of 40,000°F. see
orbital transport, cannot be discounted. Equation 57. At a radiating temperature of
200,000°F, the power equivalent of 600
Photon Rockets pounds of thrust would be generated by one
A photon rocket is one which emits only radia square foot of area. These powers are seriously
tion as exhaust. Almost everyone has held a being considered for gaseous fission engines,
photon rocket, a flashlight, in his hand. The but the energy flux in that case is poured di
problem is not in creating a photon beam, but rectly into the propellant. We do not know
how to build a transparent reactor to let out

Thrust Into Space 105

this intense light. To prevent vaporization, a The most eective use of mass annihilation
mirror reflecting such a beam might have to be may be in normal fusion reactions. From a
so far away that its size would be prohibitive. propulsion point of view, a pure fusion rocket
Photon rockets are not in near sight, but in the is simply a mass annihilation rocket which op
heart of gaseous fission engines there may be erates at a dilution ratio of about 100 due to
created light sources so intense that, if un the nonannihilated mass carried along. Opera
leashed, they would produce respectable pho tion at this ratio solves all the manufacturing
ton rockets. and handling problems mentioned, and one
should be certain that the gains in using an un
Mass Annihilation Rockets diluted mass annihilation rocket are worth the
All nuclear rockets are a form of mass annihila
tion rocket since the energy release comes 1010
Weight Necessary Both to Accelerate
to Maximum Velocity and Decelerate
from the conversion of mass to energy. By a to Zero on Arrival

mass annihilation rocket, we specifically mean 108

one which converts all its fuel mass to energy,

Initial Weight
Final Weight
not the partial conversion of normal nuclear
reactions. =c
, v ef
si on
Total mass annihilation is theoretically con
ceivable and has been observed in particles. 101
Antiparticles have been found for all known Mass Annihilation
, vef = c
particles. When a particle and its antiparticle 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
combine, they annihilate each other with re Maximum Velocity
lease of the total energy equivalent of their Velocity of Light
masses. Antideuterons antihydrogen nuclei
Figure 6-8 — Starship weight ratio
have been observed. Someday we presumably
will be able to manufacture antimatter with With this type of rocket, nothing is ejected
antiparticles in the nucleus and positrons from the rocket but radiation. They are the
around the nucleus, as electrons surround the ultimate in photon rockets. The rocket equa
nuclei of normal atoms. It is conceivable that tion for mass annihilation rockets is obtained
we will discover stars and planets made of an by placing Vef = c in Equation 62 or  = 1 in
timatter but no indication of this possibility Equation 65 to give:
has yet occurred.

Even if we could create antimatter at will, its wI  1 + c 
=  67
production and use present fantastic engineer wF  1  V 
ing problems. Any contact with normal matter  c 
must be avoided, and magnetic storage in very
hard vacuums must be arranged. It would not For the case of rocket braking, this expression
be surprising should we find that antimatter becomes:
could only be produced in quantity and stored
wI  1 + c
in space. The very good, almost unlimited vac

uum of space may never be reproducible on a =  68
planet. Even to handle antimatter in space wF  1  V 
would be a very tricky operation with a spec  c 
tacular intolerance to minor engineering mis
A comparison of final to initial weight ratio for
fusion and mass annihilation rockets is shown
in Figure 68. Mass annihilation rockets would

Thrust Into Space 106

be substantially lower in weight for a given  V V
mission than fusion rockets, but even they t s = t EA  1 +   1  
 c c
would not permit reasonable sized ships if 69
maximum velocity were much beyond 95 per  V
= t EA 2 1  
cent of the velocity of light. Figure 69 shows  c
the initial power generated by mass annihila
tion rockets compared to fusion rockets for Likewise, Equation 68 becomes:
equal final weight. At 30 percent of the velocity
of light, the mass annihilation rocket requires  
wI  2 
only 20 percent of the initial power of a fusion =  610
rocket. It would generate over 80 percent of wF  1  V 
the velocity of light with the same power as a  c 
fusion rocket at 30 percent of light velocity.
If one considers the acceleration time to be a
10 24
Final Weight = 10,000 lbs
negligible portion of total travel time, then
Initial Acceleration = 1.0 g0 Equation 69 may be used to approximate the
Power Radiated by Sun time dilation eect over the whole journey
Initial Power (Megawatts)

rather than representing only cruising velocity.

Then V in Equation 69 can be replaced by
V, and Equations 69 and 610 combined to
1012 2
wI  2t EA 
, v ef
= 611
wF  t s 
Thrust = one million lbs
Mass Annihilation, vef
This relation between time dilation achieved
104 and rocket weight may be used to approximate
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Maximum Velocity extreme missions. If one attempted to travel to
Velocity of Light the Andromeda nebulae within a human crew
Figure 6-9 — Starship power lifetime, a ship time of 20 years one way,
would have to be achieved while traveling 2
Pure mass annihilation rockets with high million lightyears. Time would have to be di
thrust/weight ratios would have fantastic per lated by a factor of 100,000, and the initial to
formance. They represent an interesting end final weight of ship would be 4 x 1010. Even
point in the utilization of mass and energy, and then it would have to be refueled at An
would obviously be examined thoroughly if any dromeda for the return journey.
hope of producing and controlling antimatter
were to arise. The initial power can be estimated easily using
Equation 66. If our hypothetical intergalactic
Interesting approximations to the rocket equa ship had one million pounds final weight, it
tion are possible for the case where a very would have to generate 5.33 x 1019 megawatts
close approach to the velocity of light is con or about 16 percent of the power output of the
templated with a mass annihilation rocket. The sun.
time dilation expression, Equation 61, be
comes: Even if we envisioned such tremendous ships,
it is not clear they can be driven to such veloci
ties. In rocket performance, space is normally
assumed to be a vacuum. Even intergalactic
space is not, and though only a few particles
exist per cubic foot, at the velocities just dis

Thrust Into Space 107

cussed each hits the ship with great energy.
Not only will the ship experience drag, but the
energies are so high that the ship may be de
stroyed. According to relativistic mechanics,
the kinetic energy per unit mass of a particle at
86.6 percent of the velocity of light is the same
as the energy release of total mass annihilation.
Even the vacuum of space becomes lethally de
structive as the velocity of light is approached.
If one travelled in regions where only ionized
particles existed, it is possible that they could
be deflected magnetically.
The Andromeda ship would return after 4 mil
lion years had passed on earth. Were a mass
annihilation rocket with maximum velocity of
0.8 the velocity of light used, it would return in
5 million years. The 20 percent longer travel
time reduces the initial power to about 1010
megawatts  less than one billionth of the
previous ship. It seems clear that biological
time dilation is the key to deep interstellar
travel, with the maximum velocity of ships set
by the lethal eect of interstellar matter.
Chapter 6 closes with the realization that inter
stear travel to the nearer stars is not ridiculous, as
many people think. Travel times might well be
measured in decades, and fusion powered
rockets, which we do not yet know how to
build, would be required. Travel deep in the
galaxy or to other galaxies, however, seems re
mote. With excellent biological time dilation,
it could be done, but time passage on earth
would be measured in hundreds of thousands
or millions of years.

Thrust Into Space 108

race always done what it has done? Why did we
7. Outlook explore the New World? Why did we waste the
money buying Manhattan Island from the In
The previous chapters in this book covered a dians? Why did we build airplanes when every
very wide spectrum of propulsion capabilities. one knew railroad trains were fast enough?
Starting with mere flying arrows, we have What is it about the restless drive of the hu
traced a path up through today’s fairly impres man race which makes it always do these
sive engines of destruction to plans for tomor things? These are questions worth considering,
row’s monster rockets which will first place but the question of why humans are going to
man on dierent planets. Beyond that, plausi space is, of itself, meaningless if considered
ble spaceship designs, capable of turning the apart from the other questions. Modern stu
entire solar system into a human backyard, just dents of philosophy have pointed out that
as transport airplanes turned the once formi philosophical progress almost always develops
dable Atlantic and Pacific oceans into little when people realize that, not only do they not
more than duck ponds, have been discussed. have the right answers to certain questions,
Still further, the dim outline of powerful star but that they have also been asking the wrong
ships can be seen if one knows where to look questions. Perhaps this is true regarding man’s
in the hazy forest of technical progress. thrust into space.
Several basic questions come to mind as a re The second question  “What do we do when
sult of the awesome possibilities presented by we get there?”  is heavily colored by the
the thrust of the human race into space. They technical possibilities outlined in this book.
usually boil down to two. Why go to space? We can clearly foresee the placing of a few
And  what do we do when we get there? men on the Moon and also on such near plan
The first question, I believe, is the wrong ques ets as Mars. Beyond that, vast technical con
tion to ask. Obviously, the human race is going troversies exist as to what future possibilities
to space. The history of man predicts this  in space may be. This book makes clear the
wherever it has been possible to go, humans point that there is no fundamental reason why
have gone. Their reasons have not always been we should not be able to open up the whole
logical, and most of the time, they’ve been solar system for human transportation, and pay
wrong. Christopher Columbus set out to solve roughly the same price for such a transport
the problem of trade between Spain and system as we have become accustomed to pay
China. Today, the problem is still unsolved. ing on this planet. The feasibility of such eco
Whether or not we have good reasons, we are nomical space transportation greatly colors our
on our way. Thoughtful, intellectual people will future in space.
question and decry the large expenditure but it Unless we falter, we will produce spaceships
was ever thus. Not a shred of evidence exists, and we will expand the basic operations of the
however, to show that the thoughtful people of human race throughout the entire solar sys
today can predict the future any more accu tem. This could well create a new Renaissance
rately than those of the past. Unless history is aecting all areas of human life, not merely the
completely wrong, mankind will proceed into rocket engineers or space scientists. Geolo
space. gists, after examining various planets in the so
The United States may or may not be the lar system, will undoubtedly find vast store
leader in this eort, but that is another ques houses of new materials and knowledge. The
tion. same will be true for biological scientists. It is
easily conceivable that one day the planet Mars
If one must ask a question related to the why will be the subject of most books on botany.
of our going to space, it seems to me the
proper question should be, why has the human

Thrust Into Space 109

Space is the one place where we can obtain The stars are a dierent matter, though. We
natural resources without damaging either the can foresee ways of getting to the nearer stars
earth’s ecological balance or its natural beauty. without invoking grotesque human experiences
It is easily conceivable that some day special such as 1000year travel times. Even such
ized refining industries, using processes based times may some day appear normal if hiberna
on the almost unlimited vacuum of space, will tion techniques become common on earth and
spring up, perhaps in the asteroid belt as well in space. But more than mere engineering
as on planets or natural satellites. The concept cleverness is involved in building the propul
of developing space resources in the future is sion equipment. We do not know how to han
no more a dream or less scientifically noble, dle the energies involved. We may well be as
than attempts to create terrestrial power from close to starships as Goddard was to Sputnik,
fusion reactions or to move into the sea for but it is hard to predict the rate of progress.
food supply purposes.
Clearly, the only real limitation on the future,
The cultural aspects of life will be greatly en as is foreseeable in this book, is Einstein’s ap
riched out there. No terrestrial artist has seen parent proof that we will not be able to drive
a sunset on Mars or watched Saturn and its starships faster than the velocity of light. His
rings set from the vantage point of a moon tory may repeat itself, however. One can dream
such as Titan. The plunge of high performance that, when the first sublight starships are pre
spaceships deep into unknown territories, pared for their voyages from a base system
where even their tremendous control of energy which covers the entire solar system, perhaps
may not always be adequate, should supply a the most intriguing question among the engi
new basis for drama, music and art far beyond neers and scientists of that decade will be the
mere terrestrial achievements. Some day there desirability of an assault on the light barrier. It
may even be a cathedral on the Moon. At one is not prudent, however, to ask this question
sixth gravity and with no atmospheric wind today; it is not considered the right question.
loads as design conditions, a lunar cathedral
should be far grander than anything possible to
construct on Earth, even if eroded somewhat
by meteoroids. In fact, there are no limits to
the side eects. Rather, they will be the pri
mary heritage in the centuries to come, creat
ing a new dimension of emotional, spiritual,
social, and mental stimulants beyond anything
man has yet experienced.
The outlook, then, is for an exploitation of the
solar system in typical human fashion. It may
take decades or centuries. It will not start,
though, until enough of our currently awkward
first steps into space have been achieved so
that we overcome our excitement and settle
down to the hardheaded engineering of space
ships. It should be clearly understood that it is
only such engineering which stands between us
and the convenient exploration of the solar
system. No new scientific discoveries are re
quired because, basically, the price of the en
ergy involved is reasonable.

Thrust Into Space 110

P Power
List of Symbols Ppu Pump power
a Semimajor axis of orbit P Power
a Acceleration Equations 12. 29, 56 Ppu Pump power
A Area Pr Power radiated
AU Astronomical unit 92.96 million miles P Orbital period Equations 33, 34, 313,
and 44
c Velocity of light 983 million fps
Ps Synodic period
D Drag force
PE Potential energy
E Energy
PEMAX Maximum potential energy of gravita
EA Airplane energy
tional field
F Force
r Radius from center of gravitational
f Fraction of nuclear energy release field
which is thermally eective
r Radius of sphere Equation 47 and 4
g Acceleration of gravity 8
gef Eective acceleration of gravity R Standard radius of Earth correspond
g0 Standard acceleration of gravity 32.174 ing to g0 20.86 million feet
ft/sec2 s Horizontal range
h Altitude  Wall thickness
h Enthalpy heat content per unit b Power plant operating time
weight Equation 112
EA Earth time
Isp Specific impulse
f Time of flight
Isps Specific impulse of propellant at tem
s Ship time
perature of solid material
T Thrust force
J Mechanical equivalent of heat energy
778 ftlb/BTU T Absolute temperature Equations 113,
114, and 57
 Ratio of specific heat of a gas at con
stant pressure to that at constant vol  Exhaust velocity
ume V Flight velocity
KE Kinetic energy Vc0 Circular velocity at R
KE0 Kinetic energy if initial velocity were
Vch Characteristic velocity
V Hyperbolic excess velocity
L/D Ratio of lift force to drag force
pr Weight of propellant
M Molecular weight
  Weight of power supply
p Pressure
w  Propellant flow rte
pa Local atmospheric pressure
 Power plant specific weight

Thrust Into Space 111

 Flight path angle V Vehicle
 Ratio of structural to propellant
p Pressure rise
V Velocity increment
VD Drag loss
Vg Gravity loss
VEN Velocity equivalent of energy expendi
 Nozzle area ratio
 Fraction of mass converted to radia
tion Equations 64 and 65
’ Ratio of propellant to total propulsion
system weight
ρ Fluid density

 Material stress

a Apogee
ac Acceleration
B Bullet
c Circular
co Combustion chamber
 Nozzle exit
E Escape
ef Eective exhaust
F Final
G Gun
i Inner
I Initial
o Outer
p Perigee
P Planet
 Nozzle throat
UL Useful load

Thrust Into Space 112

Howard Seifert; editor, Space Technology. New
Bibliography York: John Wiley and Sons, 1959.

Robert W. Buchheim editor; Space Handboo. Walter Sullivan; We Are Not Alon. New York:
New York: Random House Modern Library McGrawHill Book Company, 1964.
Paperbacks, 1959. George P. Sutton; Rocket Propulsion Elements.
Cyril Ponnamperuma and A. G. W. Cameron; New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1963.
editors, Interstear Communication: Scientific Konstantin E. Tsiolkovskiy; Exploration of th
Perspectives. Houghton Miin Harcourt, 1974. Universe with Reaction Flying Machines, Russia,
ISBN 0395178096 1903. Technical translation, F237, Coected
Armin J. Deutsch and Wolfgang B. Klemperer Works of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy, Washington, D.C.,
editors; Space Age Astronomy. New York: Aca National Aeronautics and Space Administra
demic Press, Inc., 1962. tion, 1965.

Walter Dornberger; V2: The Nazi Rocket

Weapon. New York: Bantam Books, 1979,
ISBN 0553126601
Frank B. Gibney and George J. Feldman, Th
Reluctant SpaceFarers. New York: The New
American Library, 1965.
Robert H. Goddard; “A Method of Reaching
Extreme Altitudes,” Smithsonian Misceaneous
Coections, LXXI, Washington, D.C., 1919.
Robert H. Goddard; “Liquid Propellant
Rocket Development,” Smithsonian Miscean
ous Coections, XCV, Washington, D.C., 1936.
Harold Leland Goodwin; Space: Frontier Unli
ited. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1962.
Walter Hohmann; The Attainability of Heavenly
Bodies. MunichBerlin, 1925 Technical Transla
tion F44, Washington, D.C., National Aero
nautics and Space Administration, 1960.
Susanne K. Langer; Philosophy in a New Key.
New York: Mentor, The New American Li
brary, 1948.
Donald P. LeGalley and John W. McKee edi
tors, Space Exploratio. New York: McGraw
Hill Book Company, 1964.
Willy Ley; Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel.
New York, The Viking Press, 1961.
Carl Sagan; “Direct Contact Among Galactric
Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Space
flight,” Planetary and Space Scienc, Volume 2,

Thrust Into Space 113

Cavity reactor. Nuclear reactor with all fis
Glossary sioning material in gaseous form. Gaseous core
Ablating material. Material which dissipates
heat by vaporizing or melting. Centrifugal acceleration. Lateral accelera
tion experienced by a body moving on a circu
Absolute temperature. Temperature value lar path.
relative to absolute zero. Acceleration. Rate of
change of velocity. Circular velocity. Velocity necessary for
maintaining a circular orbit.
Angular momentum. That momentum
which causes rotation of a trajectory. Conic section. Curve formed by the intersec
tion of a plane and a right circular cone. Usu
Antimatter. Matter with nucleus of antipar ally called “conic.” There are three types  el
ticles surrounded by positrons. lipse, parabola, and hyperbola.
Antiparticle. Particle with opposite electrical Critical mass. Minimum mass required for
charge from normal matter, e.g. the antiproton nuclear fission. Cryogenic. Pertaining to very
has a negative charge compared to the proton’s low temperature at which normal gases be
positive charge. come liquids or solids.
Aphelion. Point on the orbit of an object Density. Amount of matter per unit volume.
about the sun which is farthest from the sun.
Deuterium. Heavy hydrogen. Hydrogen at
Apoapsis. Point on the orbit of an object oms which have a neutron in the nucleus as
which is farthest from the source of gravita well as a proton.
Dilution ratio. Ratio of amount of propel
Apogee. Point on the orbit of an object about lant flowing through a nuclear reactor to the
the earth which is farthest from the earth. amount of nuclear fuel burned.
Arrival window. Time during which a celes Dissociation. The breaking of neutral mole
tial body is so located that it is possible to ar cules into free radicals and atoms.
rive at it for a given velocity expenditure.
Drag. Retarding force experienced by an ob
Astronomical unit. Unit of length defined as ject moving through a fluid or gas.
the average distance between earth and sun,
Drag loss. Velocity lost by a vehicle moving
about 92.96 million miles.
through an atmosphere due to the drag force.
Ballistic missile. Missile without wings
Earthstorable liquid propellants. Liquid
which achieves its range by generating velocity
propellants which can be easily stored at the
and then following a ballistic path like a gun
earth’s surface with little loss of propellant due
to the target.
to evaporation, etc.
Black body. A “body” which absorbs all of the
Earth time. In relativistic calculations, the
electromagnetic radiation striking it. One
time which passes on earth as opposed to the
which neither reflects nor transmits any of the
time which passes in a starship.
incident radiation.
Ecliptic plane. Plane of the earth’s orbit
British thermal unit BTU. Amount of
around the sun, inclined to the earth’s equator
heat required to raise one pound of water 10°F
by about 23°45’.
at 60°F. Equal to 252 gramcalories.
Electrical rocket. Rocket which uses some
Capture orbit. Orbit with energy only
form of electrical device such as an arc jet, ion
slightly less than escape energy.

Thrust Into Space 114

engine, or magnetohydrodynamic accelerator Fusion. Combining of two small atoms into a
to accelerate a propellant to achieve thrust. single larger one with release of large amounts
Ellipse. One of the conic sections. The elon of energy.
gated circular path followed by bodies with less Galaxy. Large cluster of stars. Our galaxy, the
than escape velocity. Milky Way, contains about 100 billion stars.
Energy. Ability to do work, measured in foot Gamma ray. Very highenergy xrays. Also
pounds. called gamma radiation. Gaseouscore rocket.
Enthalpy. Total heat content. Nuclear rocket with all nuclear fuel in gaseous
Escape velocity. Velocity which a particle or
larger body must attain in order to escape from Geocentric. Relative to the earth as a center.
the gravitational field of a planet or star. Measured from the center of the earth.

Exhaust velocity. Average velocity at which Gram. A measure of weight. 454 grams equals
the exhaust gases are expelled from the nozzle one pound.
of a rocket. Gravity. Force imparted by the earth to a
Expansion ratio. Ratio of the exit area of a mass on or close to the earth.
nozzle to its throat area. Gravity loss. Velocity lost due to part of the
Fast neutron. Neutron with relatively high thrust on a rocket being nullified by the force
velocity compared to other neutrons. of gravity.
Heliocentric. Relative to the sun as a center.
Fission. The splitting apart of a large atom
Measured from the center of the sun.
into two or more smaller pieces with release of
large amounts of energy. Hohmann transfer. Elliptical path between
two circular orbits which requires least energy
Fission products. Atoms or other particles,
frequently radioactive, produced by the fission
process. Horsepower. Rate of expenditure of energy.
One horsepower equals 550 footpounds per
Flightpath angle. Angle made by the tan
gent to the flight path or trajectory with the
horizontal. Hybrid propellant. Propellant system using
both a solid and a liquid propellant.
Flyby. Passing close to a planet as opposed to
orbiting or landing upon it. Hyperbola. One of the conic sections. The
open trajectory followed by a body with more
Force: That which changes the state of rest or
than escape velocity.
motion in matter. The rate of change of mo
mentum. Hyperbolic excess velocity. Velocity re
maining at an infinitely great distance from a
Footpound. Work done in moving a force of
gravitating body.
one pound parallel to itself through a distance
of one foot. Hypergolic. Combinations of chemical fuels
and oxidizers which spontaneously ignite when
Free radical. Electrically neutral atom or
brought together.
group of atoms with unstable electronic con
figuration. Impulsive velocity. Velocity attained by a
rocket in the absence of drag and gravity.
Fuel. Material which is used to release energy
in chemical reactions usually in combination Infinite staging. Continuous discarding of
with an oxidizer. tanks and engines as propellant is consumed.

Thrust Into Space 115

Inner solar system. Portion of the solar sys Milli. Prefix meaning divided by one thou
tem bounded by the planet Mars. sand.
Intergalactic space. Space between the gal Minor planets. The small planets of the solar
axies. system  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and
Isotopes. Particles of the same atomic num Pluto.
ber but with diering atomic masses. Moderator. Material which slows down neu
Kilo. Prefix meaning multiplied by one thou trons.
sand. Molecular weight. Weight of an individual
Kiloton. Energy release approximately equal molecule, usually given in multiples of the
to one thousand tons of high explosives. weight of a proton.

Kinematic. Pertaining to motion. Momentum thrust. Thrust due to the recoil

of the exhaust gases from a nozzle.
Kinetic energy. Energy which a body pos
sesses by virtue of its motion. Multiple star. Star system consisting of two
or more stars revolving around each other.
Launch window. Interval of time during
which a rocket can be launched to accomplish Natural satellite. Small bodies moons ro
a particular purpose. tating around larger bodies planets in the so
lar system.
Lift/Drag ratio L/D. Ratio of the lift force
on a body flying through the atmosphere to its Neutron. Subatomic particle with no electri
drag force. cal charge, and with a mass slightly more than
the mass of the proton.
Lightyear. Distance light travels in one year.
Equal to 5.9 x 1012 miles. Nozzle. That part of a rocket thrust unit in
which gases produced in the chamber are ac
Linear momentum. Momentum in the di celerated to high velocities.
rection of motion. Equal to the product of
mass and velocity. Orbit. Path of a body about a source of gravi
tation. Orbital velocity. Velocity of an object in
Liquidcore nuclear rocket. Nuclear rocket an orbit.
in which the nuclear fuel is in liquid form.
Outofecliptic. Region of space which does
Liquidpropellant rocket chemical. not include the ecliptic plane.
Rocket engine fueled with propellant or pro
Outer solar system. Portion of the solar sys
pellants in liquid form.
tem outside of the orbit of the planet Mars.
Major planets. The massive planets of the
Oxidizer. Material which is used to release
solar system  Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and
energy in chemical reactions in combination
with a fuel.
Mass. Measure of the amount of matter or
Parabola. One of the conic sections. Open
number of molecules in a material object or
trajectory followed by a body with escape ve
Mass annihilation. Release of energy by
Periapsis. Point on the orbit of an object
complete annihilation of mass.
which is closest to the source of gravitation.
Mega. Prefix meaning multiplied by one mil
Perigee. Point on the orbit of an object about
the earth which is closest to the earth.
Megaton. Energy release approximately equal
Perihelion. Point on the orbit of an object
to one million tons of high explosive.
about the sun which is closest to the sun.

Thrust Into Space 116

Period. Time required for an object on a Separation ratio. Amount of unburned fuel
closed orbit to complete one trip around the escaping in the exhaust of a nuclear rocket
source of gravitation. compared to the amount of propellant in the
Photon rocket. Rocket which derives its exhaust.
thrust from a beam of photons rather than ma Shielding. Material used to absorb or reflect
terial particles. harmful radiation or particles from vital por
Poison neutron. Material which absorbs tions of a vehicle.
neutrons readily. Ship time. In relativistic calculations, the
Positron. Particle similar to electron but with time which passes in a starship as opposed to
positive electrical charge. the time which passes on earth.

Potential energy. Energy of position in a Slug. Unit of mass weighing 32.174 pounds at
gravitational field, measured in footpounds. the earth’s surface. Solidcore nuclear rocket.
Nuclear rocket with all nuclear fuel in solid
Power. Time rate of expending energy or do form.
ing work, measured in footpounds per second,
horsepower, or watts. Solidpropellant rocket chemical.
Rocket engine using a solid propellant.
Power density. Power produced per unit vol
Space radiator. Hightemperature surface
ume. Pressure. Force exerted per unit area of a
used to radiate energy into space.
Spacestorable liquid propellants. Liquid
Pressure thrust. Thrust due to atmospheric
propellants which can be easily stored in space
pressure at the exit of a nozzle.
with little loss of propellant due to evapora
Propellant. In chemical rockets, fuel and tion, etc.
oxidizer used for propulsion. In nuclear rock
Stage rocket. Propulsion unit of a rocket,
ets, the working fluid heated by the nuclear
especially one unit of a multistage rocket, in
fuel and expelled for propulsion.
cluding its own fuel and tanks.
Radiation. Energy transmitted by electro
Swing around. Close flyby of a planet to
magnetic waves rather than by particles.
change vehicle trajectory.
Radioisotopes. Atomic particles which decay
Synodic period. Time interval between suc
by natural radioactivity.
cessive conjunctions of two planets.
Reactor nuclear. Assembly of nuclear fuel,
Thermal energy. Energy a body or gas pos
moderators, reflectors, etc., which creates and
sesses by virtue of its temperature.
controls a nuclear energy release.
Thermal neutrons. Neutrons at the same
Recombination. Process by which free radi
temperature as the material through which
cals and atoms join to form neutral molecules.
they move.
Reflector. Material which reflects neutrons in
Thermal reactor. Nuclear reactor which op
a nuclear reactor.
erates on thermal neutrons.
Rem. Roentgen equivalent man. A measure of
Thrust. Force exerted by the exhaust of a
biological damage causing ability of nuclear
rocket engine.
Time dilation. Slowing down of time which
Regenerative cooling. Cooling of a rocket
occurs at velocities close to the velocity of
combustion chamber or nozzle by circulating
fuel or oxidizer, or both, around the part to be

Thrust Into Space 117

Tripropellant. In chemical rockets, the use
of three propellant substances.
Undiluted specific impulse. Specific im
pulse of a nuclear reaction with no additional
propellant added to reduce the temperature.
Vacuum thrust. Thrust of a rocket in a vac
uum. Velocity. Rate at which distance is cov
Watt. Measure of power  746 watts equals
one horsepower.
Weight. Force exerted by a gravitational field
upon a mass, measured in pounds.
Work. Product of force and distance when the
force is moving a mass against a resistance,
measured in footpounds.

Thrust Into Space 118

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