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This chapter presents the introduction, objective of the study, statement of the problem, research

hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and the definition of terms used in the

study by the researchers.


In a society there are situations that triggers the feeling a desire to fit in. Moments when the mind

needs to agree on the decision of the majority. Most of the people accept social influence to get along

with others. They do not intend to agree but afraid to make a mistake because they have the least

answer. This kind of social influence is called conformity.

Based on the conducted experiment of Solomon Eliot Asch, a Polish gestalt psychologist and

pioneer in social psychology in United States, a majority influence can affect an individual to conform.

There were fifty male students who participate in Asch Experiment which is “Vision Test “, seven of

them confederates and was instructed to have same answer. In the result on average, 32% got along with

the majority decision and for the twelve experiments 75% of the male students conformed and 25%

never conformed. After that, participants were interviewed and were asked why most of them

conformed. Solomon Asch found out that when an individual is around a group, it will most likely to

conform to the majority’s ideas.

As of now, the youth has a disturbing increase in conformity. Most likely of the youth who could put

aside what they are and their beliefs especially if they don’t have a trust or confidence to what they have

and can do. One of the examples is: when student who are lacking of confidence and got grouped by the

clever students, that student will definitely agree to the ideas of those students. She will disregard her

own values and own ideas/opinions. In our society now, youth conforms to avoid being seen as odd,

weird and out of this world, as a result they are agreeing to the majority’s influence and think that is the

solution to be fit in.

The goal of the study is to experiment about Mystery Box: Testing the Effect of Compliance

Conformity to the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University (Quezon

City Campus). To inform the students, parents, and professors how conformity can be a factor when a

youth makes a decision about particular things about life and joining or being included within a group or

society. This research aims to show if students will mostly follow or conform to the majority’s idea or

decision, or go with own decision

Objectives of the study

● The objective of this study is to know how the students will react to conformity through a

mystery box.

● To test the students with their own body language on how they're going to take the act of

conformity from other people, whether they would make their own choice or it depends to their

decisions from the other participants.

● To give us knowledge regarding a student's behavior from questioning their own beliefs over

the others. It will give us some facts on how does a conformity affect us with how can it make

a person follow from another.

● To give us some vivid understanding as to why does a student would rather change his own

belief and have the same alike as the others, or why does the other would rather mind its own

decision and see for itself the truth behind the mystery box.

● To determine the contents of a ‘mystery’ box by making observations but without opening it,

we discuss additional ways in which people influence others. The topics of conformity, social

influence, obedience, and group processes demonstrate the power of the social situation to

changes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to discover the complex system of conformity and to measure it’s frequency through

an experiment and will be centralized on, ‘The effect of compliance conformity to Grade 12 students of

Our Lady of Fatima University.’

The researchers sought to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Section

1.4 Strand

2. How did the participants react towards the situation?

3. What are the factors that influenced the decision of the participant?

4. Can compliance conformity be observed based on the participant’s decision?

5. What are the positive and negative effects of compliance conformity as perceived by the

Hypothesis of the study

The hypothesis of this study is based on the following assumptions:

1. The participant would be influenced by the actions of the accomplices that we recruited and the act of

compliance will be observed through the participant’s reaction to the social experiment that we


2. The factors that would influence the participant’s decision are, first, the presence of our accomplices

that will drive the participant to comply to their predetermined actions and the participant’s desire to be


3. We presume that, yes, compliance conformity will be observed with the way the participant reacts

toward the social experiment.

4. As we imagine, the positive or negative effect that the participant would perceive towards the topic of

compliance would be subjective and would differ per situation. If the purpose of the situation is geared

towards the good then the act of compliance would affect the subject positively, vice versa.

Significance of the study

This qualitative research will venture on Mystery Box: Testing the Effect of Conformity

to the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University – Quezon City

Campus. The study could contribute new data or information to know what is the effect of

conformity. The study may also help:

To predict what will be the response of the students to the social experiment using the

mystery box.
To interpret the students reaction and perspective why they got conformed using mystery


To describe the students reasons why they got conformed and also the purpose of this

social experiment to them.

To understand the point of view of the students ab``out on why they let themself


To manipulate the reasons and to do feasible ways that may benefit them and make them

grow as a person.

Scope and delimitation

The intent of the study is to test what is the effect of compliance conformity by the 20 respondents

of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City Campus.

This study could be also encourage the readers to open their eyes and widened their minds on this topic

that people should trust their self even if they have different beliefs to other people.

This can also tackle the reasons why people allowed themselves to agree and not to stand by their

own belief because they are different to other people.

This study will be limited to the Grade 12 Senior High School Plus Students in Our Lady of Fatima

University – Quezon City Campus. The researchers proposed to use Descriptive Research Design,

Purposive Sampling Technique, and Survey Questionnaires as part of the methodology.

Definition of terms

Compliance – the act or process of doing what you have been asked or ordered to do

- The specific topic of our research

Conformity – behavior that is the same as the person of the most other people in a society, group, etc.

- The general topic of our research

Students – a person who attends a school, college, or university

- Respondents

Mystery box – a mystery thing is one whose identity or nature is not known.

- Experiment tool


Foreign Literature

“The term social influence refers to the way social situations can influence our behavior and beliefs.

This essay will focus particularly on the reasons and the extent to which people conform to group

pressure or majority influence and obey the orders of authority figures. David Myers (1999 cited in

Cardwell et al. 2004, p.155) described conformity as “a change in behavior or belief as a result of real

or imagined group pressure” this is something most people can identify with; the feeling that we are

under pressure to act a certain way so that we are accepted or do not stand out of the group. There are

two main reasons why people conform; Normative Social Influence – wanting to be liked or accepted by

the group and Informational Social influence – not wanting to be wrong or seem out of place.

These key studies give us an insight into the way social situations affect the individuals’ behavior.

The change in culture since these studies were conducted has been quite significant, we are a much

more liberal and individualist society meaning these studies are not as relevant as they once were.

However it is interesting to see that this research is still very significant, especially that of Zimbardo et

al (1971). Recent events such as Abu Ghraib show individuals can and indeed are influenced by the

situation and those in authority. As a society our respect for authority figures is not as great as it was in

the 1950s and 1960s but perhaps our desire to be accepted by both our peers and those in authority has

not changed as much as we might think.”

People tend to revise their own answer or plan because of the thought “I want to be one of them so

they could accept me”; they wanted to be accepted within a group or in a society. Change the mind of

thought or a behavior of one person because he doesn’t have the same answer to the group where he
belongs is conformity. Especially, when the person who has a power or an authority are in a group

everyone in that group will agree rather choose to have the same exact answer to that authoritative and

powerful person even if they are deeply against because they would rather trust someone and be

doubtful to their self.

Pressure is felt or happens whether it is really made or not. There is the urge of being a part, being

accepted, or fitting in especially when it comes to peers.

“Social influence refers to the ways people influence the beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of others.

Each day we are bombarded by countless attempts by others to influence us, and as such, the study of

social influence has long been a central topic of inquiry for social psychologists and researchers in

many other social sciences (e.g., marketing, organizational behavior, political science). Theorists have

typically distinguished between four types of social influence. Compliance is when an individual

changes his or her behavior in response to an explicit or implicit request made by another person.

Compliance is often referred to as an active form of social influence in that it is usually intentionally

initiated by a person. It is also conceptualized as an external form of social influence in that its focus is

a change in overt behavior. Although compliance may sometimes occur as a result of changes in

people’s internal beliefs and/or feelings, such internal changes are not the primary goal of compliance,

nor are they necessarily required for the request to be successful. “

(Fabrigar, L. & Norris, M) (2012) Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience. Retrieved from


The influence of social pertains to the how people impact to the beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of

others. In our everyday lives, all of the things we encounter are bound to influence us, either directly or
indirectly. We, too, have the ability to influence the people around us with our decisions, and acts

towards them. Theorists have distinguished that there are four types of social influence and one of it is

called as Compliance. Compliance is when an individual person changes his or her behavior in response

to the request, either directly or indirectly asked by another person. To comply simply and follows the

order or guideline of someone. It is considered as a social influence because the influence made initiated

or controlled by another person. An example of this is when your teacher asks you to attend the class

more often, the request is done directly in which he/she will expect you to comply to his/her words. An

example scenario where indirect compliance can be observed is when you obey the rules on using the

escalator; you walk on the left and stand on the right. Social influence can be seen even in the smallest

interactions we do with the world.

“In today’s youth there is an alarming rise in conformity, compared to the previous generations. Just

like in every society, conformity and obedience are required to prevent chaos, but when the people of the

society, especially the youth, forget who they are, there becomes a certain mindset. In this mindset the

youth begins to over value other people’s opinions, this mindset allows the media to control what they

look like, and this mindset discourages being unique. Without individuals acting individually, society

becomes boring, bland, and basic.

Social or peer pressure is a major conforming tool that all teens and children use all over the world.

There have been numerous research studies done on social pressures and how they affect the people

who conform to the pressures of society. Gabriel Tarde said, “Social man is a somnambulist” (Asch

352). Tarde explains that people are sleepwalkers, just going through the motions. These ‘sleepwalkers’

follow their leaders and do what they are told, sometimes without any question. That is the scary part of

society, the fact that the majority of people are under the control of a single person. Solomon Asch found

that when an individual is around a group, the individual will most likely conform to the majority’s

ideas. Asch performed a study that had three lines on a piece of paper, and each line was a different
size. In a group of seven there would be six actors and one subject. When the actors would select the line

that was not the right answer the subject would announce his answer and be embarrassed about it

because all the others had given a different one. After so many cards and lines, the subject begins to

conform to what the group is saying, “Their submission to the majority was just about as frequent as

when the minority subject was opposed by an unanimous majority throughout” (Asch 355). Put together

these results and the overwhelming need to fit in as a teenager and you get a completely malleable

teenager who will go along with almost anything. When are these teens going to wake up and realize

that they are perfect the way they are and that there is no need to conform to others and their ideas?

Why do these teens conform? “Afterwards I often wondered whether anyone understood that I had done

it solely to avoid looking a fool” (Orwell 4). This is the answer, teens conform because they want to fit

in. Being different is no longer a positive attribute. This is why the youth is conforming, because if a

person is different they are seen as weird, freakish, and most of all not cool, “When the consensus

comes under the dominance of conformity, the social process is polluted and the individual at the same

time surrenders the powers on which his functioning as a feeling and thinking being depends” (Asch

357). Teens need and crave the attention of their peers, it is not enough for a parent to say, “You are

beautiful,” they need someone they see as their equal to say that beloved line.

Conformity is a major problem in today’s youth. The younger generations are beginning to value other

people and their ideas more than their own. Society has the power to change these ideas and pressures,

but society has to do it as a whole. Because if just one person steps out, they will be considered weird,

freakish, and most of all ‘not cool”

Conformity Attacking Today’s Youth

When actions occur at the same time, an individual has the tendency to conform. Conforming

happens at a stressed situation. On the contrary, having too much attention on the doer can give an idea

not to do the same act.

Local Literature

“Togetherness or "kapwa" is the core construct of Filipino psychology. We value conformity,

empathy and social relationships, a common trait among Asian countries. The sense of togetherness

remains strong within us despite the years of colonization and globalization. But sometimes, the

compliance within us hinders our growth through rejection of the new and the odd. Compliance makes

us settle for the less instead of imploring other ideas and options, it makes us close our minds for

betterment. For example, intellectually stimulating conversations may end up with a popular tag-line

“Edi wow” a product of conformity made through media, and promotes anti-intellectualism.

Compliance can also be observed in a Filipino family setting wherein patriarchy can be observed; the

potential and talent of the family members could go to waste merely because of the set of decisions made

for us to comply. As much as togetherness and belonging is a valued aspect in the lives of Filipinos,

balance and respect for each other opinion should also be observed and cultivated.

(Sta. Romana, Julia) (2015) Smart-shaming and our Pinoy culture of anti-intellectualism. Retrieved



With compliance, it has made the Filipinos be dependent on their decisions. They would settle for

what they were used to and reject anything that is uncommon to their sight. In able to fit in, they are

willing to disregard their own opinions and decisions just to follow what was ahead of them. They

become closeminded with the new opportunies because of the fear from being out of their comfort zone.

Especially with some of the citizens who became fond with smart-shaming, these people knew what was
right and wrong yet still choose to shame people who are intellectually involved. Filipinos have made

such remarks where can be used when it comes to shaming someone verbally like "edi wow" and "ikaw

na!". This only proves how petty can people be just to look cool and fit in from the other groups. Some

people would stoop down on their level just for the betterment of their status.

“Attitude and Compliance to Newborn Screening among Mothers in Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur,


Newborn screening is a public health program designed to screen infants shortly after birth for a list of

conditions that are treatable, but not clinically evident in the newborn period. The study determined the

level of awareness, attitude and compliance to newborn screening among mothers in Sto. Domingo,

Ilocos Sur. Respondents of the study were the 95 mothers who had normal deliveries at the Rural Health

Unit from January to December 2011. Descriptive correlational method of research was used, and the

questionnaire–checklist was the primary tool in data gathering. The data gathered were analyzed and

interpreted through the use of statistical tools. The study revealed a “high” level of awareness on NBS

among the respondents. Among the socio-demographic profile, occupation was significantly related to

the level of awareness, attitude and compliance to NBS. On obstetric history, gravidity and parity were

found to be significantly related to the level of awareness, attitude and compliance. Source of

information did not significantly influence the level of awareness, attitude and compliance to NBS. On

the other hand, the level of awareness of the respondents significantly influenced their attitude and

compliance to NBS.”

The Newborn Screening is important to test the conditions of the infants that are treatable, but not

clinically evident in the newborn period. Regarding this, the level of Awareness, Attitude and

Compliance of Mothers was determined through a study. The study’s scope was in Sto. Domingo, Ilocos

Sur, Philippines and the respondents were 95 mothers who had normal deliveries at the Rural Health

Unit from January to December 2011. The method of the research used was Descriptive Correlational
and the primary tool in data gathering was a checklist questionnaire. “High” level of awareness on NBS

was revealed from the study and among the socio-demographic profile, occupation was significantly

related. Also, the level of awareness of the respondents significantly influenced their attitude and

compliance to NBS. Awareness is very important since it influenced both the attitude and compliance of

the respondents. Same as compliance towards an important matter just like Newborn Screening

Support all of the assumptions with articles from chapter 2.

Make chapter 3

Make questions
Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

Conceptual Framework

Grade 12 Senior High School


Independent Variable

Mystery Box

Dependent Variable

Testing the effect of conformity


Students will go with Students have their

the majority influence own decision and will
of which box should not listen to the
they choose. majority.

Research Methodology

The procedures or the methods of the data we gathered can be seen in this chapter. The area where

the study was conducted and the population and sample are presented. It includes the instrument we

used to collect the data research design and the sources of the data we have gathered.

Research Design

Research Locale and Respondents

The participants of this study will be the grade 12 senior high school students of Our Lady of Fatima

University - Quezon City Campus and the time frame will be on the second semester of school year

2018. This will focus on the effects of compliance conformity to the grade 12 students of Our Lady of

Fatima University referring to the student's compliance and obedience.

Research Setting

Our lady of Fatima University formerly known as Fatima medical Science foundation incorporated. It is

a private university in the Philippines. Since was established in 1967 and it has become one of the most

respected and admired education institution in the country today particularly in the field of paramedical


As of now a school for students starting from pre-school to college student and recently they added up a

senior high school for one of their basic education. So coming from this institution we had selected our

respondents and using this location in conducting our research on testing the effects of compliance

conformity of the grade 12 students.

Sources of Data

The sources of data came from the different dissertations in the online articles and journals. There are

also some web-based references that served as a justification in the study.

Key Informant Selection

The researchers used a Purposive Sampling Technique in which the respondents are being selected

based on the set of criteria that is relevant under the study. Therefore, the research is limited only to

those people who possess the set of criteria that is stated. Also, this is a non-probability sampling where

there is a specific trait in which the findings are dependent.

The researchers based their selection of respondents to those persons who met the following criteria: the

informant is a Senior High School Student in Our Lady of Fatima University.

Research Instruments

The researchers used survey questionnaires and individual interview as an instrument for gathering data

to recognize the different views and knowledge of selected students about the compliance conformity.

Data Gathering Procedure

As for the beginning of our preparation for the gathering of data, the researchers have yet to ask for

consent to find some respondents outside the school grounds from the adviser. Firstly, the researchers

have made 3 boxes which have different kinds of things inside the each box, one can be fury and one

can be slimy etc.

Secondly, the researchers have two persons who would disguise as "respondents" to join along the

activity with the other respondents. The researchers would choose one respondent per experiment along

with the other researchers who disguised as "respondents".

Lastly, the first two disguised "respondents" would choose the same box and try to observe how the

respondent would react whether she will be a conformist and depend her opinion from the majority or

decide on her own without affecting her perceptions.

Data Collection

The sources of data came from the different dissertations in the online articles and journals. There are

also some web-based references that served as a justification in the study.

Data Analysis

The data collected in the questionnaires and interview feedbacks will be stated in narrative form with the

supporting statistics report in percentage technique (f/n x 100 wherein; f= respondents’ answer, n=

overall population). The researchers used the tabular form of analyzing the data in the questionnaires

that have been distributed to the students – in order to present a clear and objective data in the sheet to

observe patently the origin of this proposal. Also, the analysis of interview feedbacks – which will

determine the aftermaths of this proposal, whether it be good or bad – will be stated in the form of a

chart. In this process, the data will be synthesized efficiently, organized and clear.

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